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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Quel(s) tropisme(s) atlantique(s) pour les cultures de la péninsule ibérique ? : le mobilier métallique du XIIIe au VIIIe a.C. : entre innovation et tradition / Which atlantic tropism for the cultures of the Iberian Peninsula ? : the study of the metallic artifacts from the XIIIth a.C. to the VIllth a.C.

Pérez, Claire 20 December 2013 (has links)
Dans l'historiographie de l'âge du Bronze final, le tiers ouest de la péninsule Ibérique est considéré comme une province atlantique, qui interagit avec les autres "membres" du complexe atlantique, c'est-à-dire, les territoires de la France, de la Grande-Bretagne et de l'Irlande principalement. Dans ce réseau, les populations échangeraient individus, objets, idées et savoir-faire ; elles créeraient ainsi un espace délimité par la présence d'un lot d'artefacts communs (des outils, des armes, de la parure...) et par des pratiques communes (le festin, la déposition d'objets métalliques, etc.). Il est à noter que pratiques funéraires, architecture de l'habitat et matériel céramique sont de nature différentes et ont très tôt été exclus de cette définition, empêchant de qualifier cet ensemble de culture homogène. Un premier constat concernant la dispersion du mobilier métallique, réputé de types atlantiques, démontre qu'il existe en péninsule Ibérique des réseaux d'échanges puissants entre l'Atlantique et la Méditerranée, qui amènent à questionner le rôle et la place du territoire au sein du "complexe atlantique" européen. Ces remarques naissent d'un regard nouveau porté au vestige archéologique et amènent à questionner l'existence d'un faciès atlantique en péninsule Ibérique, et peut-être même en Europe. L'analyse des correspondances multiples, qui consiste à confronter plusieurs paramètres, répond à ce besoin de considérer le vestige archéologique comme un objet fonctionnel, fabriqué et utilisé par des hommes de l'âge du Bronze final. Dans le cas des épées, des haches et des pointes de lance, il s'agit de relever des critères quantitatifs et qualitatifs qui seront comparés successivement les uns avec les autres. L'objectif est de répondre à une série de questions précises, déterminées par des hypothèses relatives à la fabrication, à la fonction et à l'usage de l'objet. Ce travail est développé en trois temps qui se veulent les reflets des différents questionnements mis en place dès l'introduction. Le premier chapitre présente les enjeux du débat et la question principale qui oriente l'argumentation : Existe-t-il un faciès atlantique ? Le deuxième chapitre est dédié à l'étude des objets, particulièrement les épées, les haches et les pointes de lance. Cette étude rend compte du traitement statistique effectué mais également de l'analyse technique et fonctionnelle des objets. Le troisième chapitre constitue la synthèse de ces différentes approches et propose plusieurs éléments de réponse à la question de départ : existe-t-il un faciès atlantique en péninsule Ibérique ? / In the MBA and LBA historiography, the west lands of Europe - Great-Britain, Ireland, France and Iberian Peninsula - are gathered under the name "Atlantic complex". In this network, populations trade artifacts, ideas and Knowledge. Thus, they create a territory delimited by a set of communal artifacts (tools, weapons, jewellery, etc.) and by communal practices like feasts and hoards. It should be noted that burial practices, domestic architecture or potteries are of different natures, which make it impossible to call it an homogeneous culture. Since a few years, we wonder about the existence of this complex and we try to identify its features. How can we define a culture? How can we identify economic, technical or cultural areas? Does the Atlantic complex really exist? In order to answer these questions, the study of the Iberian Peninsula proved very interesting. The discovery of metallics artifact known as atlantic types let us think that Peninsula was an atlantic territory. However, facing the differences between artifacts from Peninsula and GB or France, we are allowed to challenge the existence of this complex. I propose here another approach of the Atlantic world, based on metallic artifacts found in the Iberian Peninsula. This work will be held in three parts. In the first part, I will show the problems of this work by presenting a short historiography of the methodology and its limits. I will then propose a new approach, elaborated upon my PHD work. In the second part, i will present three examples of this new approach: swords, axes and spearheads from the Iberian Peninsula. Finally, I will try to answer the question at issue : Does the Atlantic complex exist in The Iberian peninsula and in Europe in general ?

Typologie et chronologie des objets métalliques du bronze Final IIIB à la fin du premier âge du Fer en France méridionale (900-450 av. n. è.) / Typology and chronology of metal objects from the Final Bronze Age IIIB to the end of the First Iron Age in Southern France (900 – 450 B.C.)

Rivalan, André 02 December 2011 (has links)
L’ambition de cet ouvrage est non seulement de mettre à disposition un inventaire raisonné, et relativement exhaustif, des objets métalliques issus des contextes funéraires et d’habitat de la fin de l’âge du Bronze et du premier âge du Fer (900-450 av. n è.), mais aussi et surtout de proposer une étude synthétique des nombreux types d’objets rencontrés au sein d’une région cohérente, d’un point de vue géographique, historique et historiographique ; à savoir la France méditerranéenne : Pyrénées-Orientales, Aude, Hérault, Gard, Bouches-du-Rhône, Var et Alpes-Maritimes. Cette démarche devrait par ailleurs permettre d’harmoniser, de regrouper et d’actualiser l’ensemble des études précédentes ayant trait à ce type de mobilier, tout en facilitant l’identification du matériel issu des fouilles à venir, et plus généralement les études portant sur cette frange spécifique de la culture matérielle. Au-delà de sa fonction encyclopédique, ce mémoire aborde également une série de thèmes annexes, comme l’analyse des divers réseaux d’échanges à partir du mobilier d’importation et leur évolution au cours du temps, ou encore la présence d’une approche « évolutionniste » des quelques grandes panoplies protohistoriques (outillage, armement, et parure). Ces quelques problématiques nous ont ainsi permis d’observer dans quelle mesure le Midi avait joué un important rôle d’intermédiaire entre les sphères méditerranéennes et le domaine celtique, mais aussi à quel point cette fonction d’interface eut un impact majeur sur l’évolution des panoplies indigènes et dans une moindre mesure de nombreux effets sur le développement technique et social des communautés indigènes. / The ambition of this book is not only to provide a reasoned and relatively complete inventory of the metal objects found in funerary contexts and habitats, dating from the end of the Bronze Age to the Early Iron Age (900 - 450 B.C.), but also to provide an overview of the many types of objects encountered in a coherent region from a geographical and historical point of view ; namely Mediterranean France : Pyrenees-Orientales, Aude, Herault, Gard, Bouches-du-Rhone, Var and Alpes-Maritimes. This should also help to harmonize, consolidate and update all previous studies dealing with these types of objects, while facilitating both the identification of the material found in future excavations, and the studies concerned by this particular area of the material culture. Beyond its encyclopaedic function, this work also investigates a whole series of sub-themes, such as the analysis of the various bartering networks, based on the imported objects and their evolution over time, or the presence of an "evolutionary" approach of some of the main protohistoric outfits (tools, weapons, and ornaments). These few issues have enabled us to observe to what extent the South of France had played an important intermediary role between the Mediterranean spheres and the Celtic area, but also how this interface function had a major impact on the evolution of the indigenous outfits and to a lesser extent, numerous effects on the technical and social development of the local communities.

Informe para la sustentación de expedientes: N° 258-2014/PS1 ARBITRAJE AD HOC S/N

Ganoza Luna, Roberto Antonio 20 April 2021 (has links)
Este trabajo de suficiencia profesional, busca sustentar dos expedientes pertenecientes a las dos principales ramas del derecho. Por un lado, un expediente de derecho público, correspondiente a una controversia de protección al consumidor y, por otro lado, un expediente derecho privado, que busca determinar la naturaleza de un acto jurídico celebrado en el marco del derecho civil. El primero de los expedientes, se trata de la controversia iniciada por la señora Denise Marissa Buckley Soto contra Lan Perú S.A. por la presunta infracción al deber de idoneidad del servicio, el cual habría sido afectado debido al retraso en el vuelo LA 2706 en la ruta Lima-Madrid. El segundo caso bajo análisis, es la controversia entre José Luna García y su cónyuge, y la empresa Organización Peruana de Exportaciones Industriales S.A. – OPIESA, sobre de la naturaleza del acto jurídico que celebraron de forma verbal durante el primer trimestre el año 1997. La posición de los señores Luna es que el acto jurídico celebrado fue un contrato de compraventa del Inmueble, mientras que la empresa Organización Peruana de Exportaciones Industriales S.A. – OPIESA, considera que se celebró un contrato de naturaleza asociativa, en el que los señores José Luna y su cónyuge, participaron en una asociación para el desarrollo de un proyecto inmobiliario. / This work of professional sufficiency seeks to support two files belonging to the two main branches of law. On one hand, a public law file, that corresponds to a consumer protection dispute and, on the other hand, a private law file, which seeks to determine the nature of a legal act executed within the framework of civil law. The first of the files is the controversy initiated by Mrs. Denise Marissa Buckley Soto against Lan Perú S.A. for the alleged violation of the duty of suitability of the service, which would have been affected due to the delay in flight LA 2706 on the Lima-Madrid route. The second case under analysis is the controversy between José Luna García and his spouse, and the company Organización Peruana de Exportaciones Industriales S.A. – OPIESA, about the nature of the legal act that they celebrated verbally during the first quarter of 1997. The position of Mr. Luna is that the legal act was a contract for the sale of the property, while the company Organización Peruana de Exportaciones Industriales S.A. – OPIESA, considers that an agreement of an associative nature was executed, in which Mr. José Luna and his spouse participated in an association for the development of a real estate project. / Trabajo de suficiencia profesional

Histogénesis del fruto de girasol (Helianthus annus L.) : su aplicación al análisis del efecto de la radiación incidente sobre el peso y la aptitud al descascarado de los frutos y sus variables subyacentes

Lindström, Lilia Ivone 21 December 2012 (has links)
Si bien se ha realizado una intensa selección genética a favor de frutos de girasol con mayor valor agronómico (mayor peso y contenido de materia grasa, resistencia a enfermedades, etc.) sorprende la escasez de información referida a los eventos anatómicos que controlan su crecimiento y madura-ción. La dinámica y el grado de superposición de los procesos de división y aumento de volumen celular y diferenciación de tejidos del ovario y pericarpo, y del óvulo, saco embrionario y semilla, que definen el peso y la estructura final que alcanza el fruto de girasol, no han sido estudiados. Delimitar temporal o fenológicamente dichos procesos resulta información indis-pensable para plantear y comparar trabajos en que se inves-tiguen las relaciones e interacciones entre factores genéticos y ambientales sobre el peso y la estructura final que alcanza el fruto de girasol. Estos parámetros inciden sobre el rendimiento del cultivo y la facilidad con que la cáscara se separa de la pepa, la que puede evaluarse determinando la aptitud al descascarado (AD) de los frutos, durante su indus-trialización. Los objetivos de esta tesis fueron: 1) establecer un modelo de desarrollo histogénico del fruto de girasol en una escala temporal y fenológica, en dos híbridos de similar base genética que diferían en su AD; 2) Analizar las modificaciones que se producen en el patrón de desarrollo de los frutos de tres posiciones del capítulo, al reducir la radiación incidente sobre el cultivo en un 80% mediante sombreado durante la preantesis (Pre-A) y postantesis temprana (Post-A) y 3) Eva-luar el efecto que el genotipo y las modificaciones generadas por los tratamientos de estrés lumínico tienen sobre la AD y parámetros subyacentes de los frutos. El modelo de desarrollo de los frutos fue similar entre híbridos. Entre los estadios reproductivos R2 y R4 se produjo la diferenciación del saco embrionario y de los granos de polen. La división celular en la pared del ovario (futuro pericarpo) fue disminuyendo a partir de R2, no observándose células en división en R4, momento en que quedó fijado el tamaño potencial del pericarpo. El ta-maño final del pericarpo se estableció al completarse la escle-rificación y acumulación de materia seca del mismo, entre 10 y 13 días después de la antesis (DDA). El tamaño potencial del embrión se fijó 18 DDA cuando ya había transcurrido la etapa inicial del período de rápida acumulación de materia seca del embrión. Este período se extendió desde 11 DDA hasta, aproximadamente, 29 a 32 DDA cuando se registró el máximo peso del embrión y la madurez fisiológica (MF) del fruto. El sombreado de Pre-A redujo el período de acumulación de materia seca del pericarpo de los frutos de la posición interna del capítulo. El sombreado de Post-A también modificó la dinámica de crecimiento del pericarpo. Así, el peso del pericarpo (PP) de los frutos medios e internos se mantuvo constante desde el inicio del tratamiento hasta 4-7 días después de finalizado el mismo. Luego de ello, el PP se incrementó durante 3 a 4 días. En MF, la reducción en el PP (18 a 52%) y en el espesor (20-33%) de la capa media (ECM) del mismo fue similar entre tratamientos de sombreado. El sombreado de Pre-A redujo el número de estratos (NTE) e incrementó el grosor de las paredes celulares de la CM del pericarpo en la posición media e interna del capítulo. Por el contrario, el tratamiento de Post-A redujo el número de estratos esclerificados de la CM (NEECM) y el espesor y el contenido de celulosa, hemicelulosa y lignina de las paredes celulares del pericarpo en las tres posiciones del capítulo. En MF, el peso de los embriones (PE) de los frutos del sombreado de Pre-A, fue inferior al tratamiento control (Con) y el de los frutos de Post-A fue igual al de los frutos del control. Ello estuvo asociado a la reducción del número de células de los cotiledones de los frutos en las tres posiciones del capítulo, la duración del periodo de llenado de los embriones (PLLE) de los frutos externos, la tasa de crecimiento de los embriones (TCE) de los frutos medios y la TCE y el PLLE de los frutos en la posición interna en el sombreado de Pre-A. El sombreado de Post-A solo prolongó la duración de la fase de lento crecimiento del embrión (fase lag) de los frutos medios e internos. La reducción en el rendimiento por planta fue similar en ambos tratamientos de sombreado, variando, con respecto al Con, los componentes del rendimiento a través de los cuales se realizó el ajuste. Las plantas sombreadas en Pre-A presentaron el mismo número de frutos llenos, pero el peso individual de los mismos fue inferior al Con. Por el contrario, en el sombreado de Post-A se redujo el número de frutos llenos por planta, mientras que su peso individual fue similar al Con. La heterogeneidad entre los frutos de las distintas posiciones del capítulo no fueron modi-ficadas por los tratamientos de sombreado, y estuvieron asociadas a diferencias, en el número de células de los cotile-dones, excepto entre los frutos medios e internos del trata-miento de Pre-A, y en la TCE, excepto entre los frutos externos y medios del tratamiento de Post-A. Las variaciones en la AD de los frutos resultaron tanto consecuencia de dife-rencias entre híbridos como de las condiciones de manejo del cultivo (sombreado). Así, la frecuencia de radios de parén-quima por mm de sección transversal de pericarpo, que determinó las diferencias en la AD entre híbridos, se mantuvo, salvo ligeras variantes, constante entre localidades. La menor AD observada en el sombreado de Post-A, con respecto al tratamiento Con y al sombreado de Pre-A, estuvo asociada a la reducción en el grosor de las paredes celulares del pericarpo. Los resultados de esta tesis permiten avanzar en el marco actual de conocimiento sobre los procesos involucrados en la determinación de la estructura y peso final que alcanza el fruto de girasol, componente que incide sobre el rendi-miento del cultivo y la calidad de los subproductos obtenidos durante la industrialización de sus frutos. Además, constitu-yen el primer aporte que analiza los efectos del estrés lumínico (sombreado) sobre los cambios morfo-anatómicos asociados al crecimiento y desarrollo del pericarpo y/o embrión de girasol, así como, sobre las variaciones en la AD de sus frutos. Palabras clave: girasol, Helianthus annuus L., tamaño potencial del pericarpo, tamaño final del fruto, aptitud al descascarado, estrés lumínico. / In spite of the intense genetic selection to obtain sunflower fruits with a higher agronomic value (higher weight and oil content, resistance to diseases, etc.), there is a surprising lack of information on the developmental events that control their growth and maturity. No one has studied the dynamics and overlapping degree of the cell division and volume increase processes and the differentiation of ovary, pericarp, ovule, embryo sac and seed tissues which define the final weight and structure of the sunflower fruit. Understanding the timing and phenological definition of these processes is essential to proposing and comparing research on the relations and interactions between genetic and environmental factors determining final weight and structure (volume, weight and anatomic structure) of the sunflower fruit. These last variables have an impact on the crop yield and on the ability of the hull to separate from the seed, which can be assessed by establishing the dehulling ability (DA) of fruits during processing. The objectives of this thesis are: 1) to establish a histogenic development model, on both a time and a phenological scale, of the fruit of two sunflower hybrids with similar genetic background but with different fruit DA; 2) to analyze the modifications of the fruit development pattern, in three positions of the capitulum, with 80% reduction of incident radiation (shading) on the crop during preanthesis (Pre-A) and early postanthesis (Post-A); and 3) to assess the effect of genotype and light stress on the fruit DA and underlying parameters. The fruit development model was similar between hybrids. Differentiation of the embryo sac and the pollen grains took place between stages R2 and R4. The ovary wall (future pericarp) cell division decreased after R2, with no dividing cells found at R4, when the potential size of the pericarp was determined. The final size of the pericarp was established between 10 and 13 days after anthesis (DAA) upon completion of its sclerification and accumulation of dry matter. The embryo potential size was established by 18 DAA, when the initial stage of rapid dry matter accumulation of the embryo had already passed. The last stage lasted from the 11 DAA until about 29 to 32 DAA when the maximum weight of the embryo (MF) was recorded. Pre-A shading decreased the dry matter accumulation period of the pericarp in the capitulum central position. Post-A shading also modified the pericarp growth dynamics. In this way, the pericarp weight (PW) of the mid and central fruits remained constant during the treatment and for 4-7 days after it was completed. After that the PW increased during 3 to 4 days. At MF, the PW reduction (18 to 52%) and thickness (20-33%) of the middle layer (ML) of the pericarp was similar in both shading treatments. In the Pre-A treatment, the number of strata decreased and the thickness of the cell wall of the ML increased in the capitulum mid and central positions. On the contrary, the Post-A treatment decreased the number of sclerified strata of the ML, as well as the thickness and the content of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin of the pericarp cell wall of the fruits from the three positions on the capitulum. At PM, the weight of the embryos (EW) from the Pre-A shade was lower than the EW of the Con and Post-A treatment fruits. The EW reduction was associated with the reduction in the cotyledon cells number at the three capitulum positions, the duration of the embryo filling period (EFP) of the peripheral fruits, the embryo growth rate (EGR) of mid fruits and the EGR and the EEP of central fruits from Pre-A shading. The Post-A shading extended the slow growth phase duration of the embryo (lag phase) of the central and mid fruits only. The reduction of yield per plant, with respect to Con, was similar in both shading treatments. The yield components responsible for the adjustments depended on the treatment. Pre-A shaded plants produced the same number of filled fruits but with a lower weight per fruit. On the contrary, in Post-A shading the number of filled fruits decreased while their individual weight was similar to Con. The heterogeneity among fruits in the different capitulum positions was not modified by the shading treatments, and it was associated to differences in cotyledons cell number, except for the mid and central fruits of the Pre-A treatment, and to EGR, except between peripheral and mid fruits of the Post-A treatment. Variations in the DA were both a consequence of the differences between hybrids and the crop management conditions (shading). Thus the frequency of parenchyma radii by mm of cross section of the pericarp, that determined the DA differences among hybrids, remained the same, except for slight variants, throughout locations. The lowest EW/PW ratio observed in Post-A shading with respect to Con treatment and the Pre-A shading, resulted from the PW reduction and not from EW, which was associated with a reduction in cell wall thickness and in the DA.The results of this thesis are the first contribution that analyzed the effects of light stress (shading) on the morphological and anatomical changes associated to growth and development of the sunflower pericarp and embryo. They improve our understanding of the processes involved in the determination of the structure and finalweight of the sunflower fruit, a component that impacts crop yield and also the quality of the byproducts of fruit processing. Keywords: sunflower, Helianthus annuus L., pericarp potential size, fruit final size, dehulling ability, light stress.

Stereotyper och Traditionell Könsrepresentation : En semiotisk analys angående final girl stereotypen i The Texas Chain Saw Massacre / Stereotypes and Traditional Gender Representation : A semiotic analysis regarding the final girl stereotype in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre

Söderholm Mogensen, Hugo January 2022 (has links)
Denna uppsats har skapats med syftet att undersöka och jämföra skildringen av stereotypen the final girl i filmerna The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974) och The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003), med utgångspunkt i teori om genusrepresentation och slasherfilmstereotyper. För detta använde undersökningen en komparativ metod i form av en filmsemiotisk analys. Metoden utformades också för att särskilt avläsa karaktärers beteende och agerande. För att stärka undersökningen har analys – och resultatdelen grundats på teori om stereotyper, slasherfilmer, och genusrepresentation, med särskild hänvisning till Carol J. Clovers uppsats: Her Body, Himself (1987). Undersökningens resultat påvisade att filmernas skildring och representation av stereotypen hanteras olika, där den senare nämna filmen skildras som mer stereotypisk enligt sin representation. Detta kan ha berott på det stora tidsspannet mellan filmerna, och de feministiska rörelser som har påverkat filmindustrin under denna tid. / The purpose of this essay was to examine and compare the portrayal of the final girl stereotype in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974) and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003), based on literature about gender representation and slasher movie stereotypes. To achieve the purpose of the study, a comparative method was used in the form of a film semiotic analysis. This method was also purposefully adjusted for analyzing the representation of a character’s manners and behavior. To strengthen the analysis, theoretical approaches about stereotypes, slasher movies, and gender representation was used, with special reference to Carol J. Clovers essay: Her Body, Himself (1978). The result proved that the stereotype was portrayed differently in both movies, and that the latter mentioned one included a stronger and more obvious stereotypical representation. This outcome may have been affected by the large time-gap between the two movies, as well as the feminist movements that had influence on the movie industry during the time of their respective productions.

Final state effects in neutron Compton scattering measurements

Fielding, Andrew L. January 1997 (has links)
No description available.

"Putting your house in order" - an exploration of the idea of a good death among people dying in mid-life

Charlton, Diana Eleanor Marjorie 16 November 2006 (has links)
Student Number : 7916069 - MA research report - School of Human and Community Development - Faculty of Humanities / This qualitative study set out to explore the idea of a good death through in-depth interviews with six terminally ill patients with cancer aged between thirty-seven and fifty-two, in other words in mid-life. Thematic content analysis was used to examine overt and covert themes revealed in semi-structured interviews that had been transcribed verbatim. Significant fear of dying was revealed and although respondents did not seem to have a conscious idea of a good death, they had a clear concept of good dying. Two key components of good dying were not being in pain or distress from physical symptoms, and wanting to drift off into a final “sleep” rather than being fully alert until the end. It was noticeable that, whether or not patients had religious convictions, relatively little attention appeared to be paid directly to what might or might not follow the moment of death itself, for example an afterlife. Preparation for good dying included completing a will, sorting out financial affairs and, for some patients, planning a funeral. At times this preparation also included trying to mend conflicted relationships and make plans for the ongoing care of family members. It is postulated that these preparations helped re-constitute a sense of order that had been shattered by the chaos of being declared terminally ill at a time of life when this was non-normative. Moreover, taking care of practical needs re-established a sense of agency, helped achieve some sense of closure and symbolised a measure of acceptance of their dying status. Respondents did not seem to experience external pressure from others to die in a certain way, although two people were particularly aware of their influence on how others in the family felt and thus tended to pretend to feel better than they did.

Elastografia hepática em pacientes com carcinoma hepatocelular em triagem para transplante de fígado / Liver elastography in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma in screening for liver transplantation

Nacif, Lucas Souto 15 December 2014 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A cirrose é a oitava causa de mortalidade no mundo, e sua progressão e estadiamento são de extrema importância nos pacientes com doença terminal do fígado. A presença de cirrose é reconhecida como risco aumentado de carcinoma hepatocelular (CHC) e o seu aparecimento está diretamente relacionado ao grau de fibrose do fígado. Na última década, notou-se o desenvolvimento e aperfeiçoamento dos métodos de predição do grau de fibrose e cirrose, através de métodos não-invasivos, com o objetivo de substituir a biópsia hepática. A população em lista de espera para transplante de fígado apresenta graus diferentes de fibrose hepática, que pode não estar diretamente relacionada ao MELD. Além disso, esses pacientes apresentam CHC no momento da triagem para transplante de fígado. Não existe avaliação desta população por elastografia. OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os pacientes em triagem para transplante de fígado, com e sem carcinoma hepatocelular, pela elastografia hepática com Fibroscan® e ARFI. MÉTODO: Foram estudados 103 pacientes adultos do ambulatório de triagem da Disciplina de Transplante de Órgãos do Aparelho Digestivo HC/FMUSP, no período de outubro de 2012 à dezembro de 2013. A amostragem foi por conveniência e foram avaliados dados clínicos, epidemiográficos, laboratoriais, imagem, elastográficos e o desfecho. Análise de elastografia transitória (ET) foi feita pelo Fibroscan® TM (Echosens, França) e força impulso por radiação acústica (ARFI) (Siemens Acuson S2000, Alemanha) nos grupos com e sem CHC comprovados de acordo com orientação de diagnóstico pelas diretrizes européias (EASL) e americanas (AASLD). Para a análise estatística foi realizado o teste de Mann-Whitney, teste não paramétrico aplicado para duas amostras independentes; o teste de Fisher e o método ANOVA através do teste de Kruskal-Wallis ou teste de Tukey para comparações múltiplas. Foi realizado também a curva ROC para avaliação dos testes diagnósticos e ponto de corte. O valor considerado de p significativo foi <0,05. RESULTADOS: Entre os pacientes avaliados, a maioria foi de homens (68%), com idade média de 53 ± 11,5 anos. A etiologia mais comum foi o vírus da hepatite C (VHC) em 34,9%. A classificação pelo escore Child-Turcotte-Pugh (CTP) mostrou: pacientes classe A em 38,4%, classe B em 47,2% e classe C em 14,2%. O valor do MELD médio dos pacientes foi de 14,75 (± 6,45) e a mediana de 14 (variando, 6 - 32). Na população estudada de 103 pacientes, a ET (Fibroscan®) foi realizada com sucesso em 75 de 103 pacientes e ARFI em 78 de 78 pacientes. A etiologia VHC e elevados valores de alfa-feto proteína foram fatores de risco para a presença de CHC. Os valores de MELD mais elevados foram significativos nos pacientes que evoluíram a óbito. A curva ROC mostrou respectivamente sensibilidade e especificidade para a AFP de 50% e 86% (valor de corte 9,1); ET (valor de corte 9 kPa) 92% e 17%; e ARFI 21% e 92% (valor de corte 2,56 m/s). O valor médio da ET nos pacientes com CHC foi de 30,4 ± 21,0 kPa, do ARFI do parênquima hepático foi de 1,97 ± 0,64 e ARFI do nódulo hepático foi de 1,89 ± 0,74. CONCLUSÃO: Os pacientes em triagem para transplante de fígado com carcinoma hepatocelular apresentam valores elevados de elastografia tanto pelo Fibroscan® quanto pelo ARFI®. A elastografia apresenta-se como uma importante ferramenta não invasiva para o acompanhamento de cirróticos graves podendo ajudar no manejo do carcinoma hepatocelular / INTRODUCTION: Cirrhosis is the eighth leading cause of mortality worldwide and its progression and staging are extremely important in patients with end liver disease. The presence of cirrhosis is recognized as an increased risk of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and its incidence is directly related to the degree of liver fibrosis. In the last decade, was noted the development and improvement of methods for predicting the degree of fibrosis and cirrhosis using non-invasive methods, aiming to replace the liver biopsy. The population on the liver transplant waiting list presents different degrees of liver fibrosis, which may not be directly related to MELD. In addition, these patients have HCC at the time of screening for liver transplantation. There is no evaluation of this population by elastography. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate patients on screened to the list for liver transplantation, with and without hepatocellular carcinoma, by liver elastography with Fibroscan and ARFI. METHOD: Were studied 103 adult patients from the screening for liver transplantation waiting list on the Liver and Gastrointestinal Transplant Division HC/FMUSP from October 2012 to December 2013. Sampling for convenience and evaluation clinical data, epidemiological, laboratory, imaging, elastography findings and outcome. Analysis of transient elastography (TE) by Fibroscan TM (Echosens, France) and Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse (ARFI) by (Siemens Acuson S2000, Germany) in patients with and without HCC proven in accordance with guidelines of diagnosis EASL/AASLD. Fisher\'s ANOVA or Kruskal-Wallis tests Whitney-Mann Test were performed. Tukey and define cut-of for examinations with ROC curves. The p value considered was < 0.05. RESULTS: Among the patients, the majority were men (68%), mean age 53 ± 11.5 years. This is the most common cause of hepatitis C virus (HCV) 34.9%. The classification by Child-Turcotte-Pugh score (CTP) showed: class A patients in 38.4%, 47.2% in class B and class C in 14.2%. The average value of MELD patients was 14.75 (± 6.45) and a median of 14 (range, 6-32). In the study population of 103 patients, the ET (Fibroscan) was successfully performed in 75 of 103 patients and ARFI in 78 of 78 patients. The HCV etiology and high levels of alpha-fetoprotein were risk factors for the presence of HCC. MELD values were significant higher in patients who died. The ROC curve shown respectively sensitivity and specificity for AFP of 50% and 86% (cutoff 9.1); ET (9 cutoff kPa) 92% to 17%; and ARFI 21% and 92% (cut-off 2.56 m / s). The average value of ET in HCC patients was 30.4 ± 21.0 kPa, the ARFI parenchymal liver was 1.97 ± 0.64 and ARFI liver nodules was 1.89 ± 0.74. CONCLUSION: Patients in screening for liver transplantation with hepatocellular carcinoma have elevated values of both elastography by Fibroscan as the ARFI®. Elastography is presented as an important non-invasive tool for monitoring severe cirrhosis may help in management of hepatocellular carcinoma

Desafios estético-formais na peça Blasted, de Sarah Kane / Formal-aesthetic challenges in Blasted by Sarah Kane

Amaral, Camila Aparecida Viana 26 October 2016 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo estudar pontuais questões estéticas e formais na peça da dramaturga inglesa Sarah Kane: Blasted (1995), de modo a entender a forma e sua respectiva correspondência com o contexto sócio-histórico. Em linhas gerais, o estudo objetiva investigar os procedimentos formais utilizados por Kane e as relações entre tema e forma, partindo do pressuposto de Peter Szondi que compreende a forma como conteúdo precipitado. Nesse sentido, analisaremos de que maneira elementos temáticos, tais como a violência (psicológica, verbal, física), a guerra, o abuso sexual e tabus, tais como, cenas de intercurso hetero e homossexual, canibalismo, entre outros, são amplamente utilizados pela dramaturga e como se engendram estruturalmente no enredo da peça. Para tanto, procuramos fazer uma breve introdução histórico teatral ao contexto político, econômico e social da Inglaterra nos anos noventa, à peça, à dramaturga e à estética teatral do In-yer-face theatre. Em seguida, focamos na apresentação cena-a-cena da peça, dedicada à análise pormenorizada de Blasted e ao levantamento das temáticas relevantes expressas na peça. Finalmente, nos dedicamos às relações formais e escolhas estéticas presentes em Blasted, relacionadas aos eventos histórico-sociais a que a peça remete. / The present work aims to study specific formal-aesthetic issues in the 1995 play Blasted by British playwright Sarah Kane in order to understand the play´s form as related to its socio-historical context. In general terms, this study aims to investigate the formal procedures used by Kane and the plays relations between theme and form, according to Peter Szondi´s assumptions which comprehend that form could be conceived of as precipitated content. In this sense, we will analyze how themes such as psychological, verbal and physical violence, war, sexual abuse and taboo scenes of heterosexual and homosexual intercourse, for example, or cannibalism, among others, are widely used by the playwright and how they are structurally embedded in the plot of the play. The study starts with a brief historical introduction to the political, economic and social context of England in the nineties, followed by an introduction to the play and its theatrical context, to the playwright and to the aesthetic principles of In-yer-face theatre. Then, we focus on the detailed analysis of each scene of the play, stressing its relevant issues. Lastly, we proceed to analyze the formal relations and the aesthetic choices present in Blasted, as related to the social-historical events that the play refers to.

Uma imagem entre dois mundos: um estudo sobre o mosaico do Juízo Final de Torcello (Veneza - século XI) / An image between two worlds: a study on the Torcellos mosaic of the Last Judgment (Venice 11th century)

Souza, Mariana Pincinato Quadros de 17 January 2017 (has links)
A Basílica de Santa Maria Assunta, localizada em Torcello, uma das ilhas que compõem a Laguna de Veneza, abriga um programa iconográfico de três painéis em mosaico, caracterizados como bizantinos. Em um deles, na contrafachada, está figurado o painel do Juízo Final, nosso objeto de estudo. Produzido na segunda metade do século XI, ele inaugura (juntamente com o afresco de SantAngelo in Formis, na cidade de Cápua) a tradição de representação monumental desse tema iconográfico na Itália, aproximando-se do chamado modelo bizantino clássico, encontrado em Constantinopla a partir do século XI. Há, porém, algumas diferenças em relação aos exemplares conhecidos desse modelo bizantino, como o suporte e a localização em uma contrafachada de uma igreja. Assim, nossa preocupação nesta dissertação foi dupla: por um lado, analisar tais diferenças e, por outro, discutir o que levou à escolha deste tema ainda pouquíssimo comum para ornamentar uma igreja, buscando entender seus modos de funcionamento e as funções que desempenhava, tanto na igreja e em seu programa iconográfico quanto na própria sociedade veneziana da época de sua confecção. / The Basilica of Santa Maria Assunta, located in Torcello, one of the islands in the Venetian Lagoon, houses an iconographic program of three mosaic panels, characterized as Byzantine. In one of them, on the counter-façade, is figured the panel of the Last Judgment, our object of study. Produced on the second half of the eleventh century, it inaugurates (together with the fresco of Sant\'Angelo in Formis, in the city of Capua) the tradition of monumental representation of this iconographic theme in Italy, approaching the so-called \"classical Byzantine model\", found in Constantinople from the 11th century. There are, however, some differences from the known examples of this Byzantine model, such as the support and the location on a churchs counter-façade. Thus, our concern in this dissertation was twofold: on the one hand, to analyze such differences and, on the other hand, to discuss what led to the choice of this very uncommon subject to decorate a church, trying to understand its modes of functioning and the functions it performed, both in the church and in its iconographic program, as well as in Venetian society itself at the time of its confection.

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