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Jahresbericht 2018 / Universitätsbibliothek ChemnitzMalz, Angela, Luther, Stephan 10 September 2019 (has links)
Jahresbericht der Universitätsbibliothek Chemnitz und des Universitätsarchivs- Berichtsjahr 2018 / Annual report of the University Library of Chemnitz and the University Archive in 2018
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Transitional criminal justice in SpainSalsench Linares, Samantha 31 January 2023 (has links)
Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit den Fällen von Repression, die während des Spanischen Bürgerkriegs 1936-1939 und der franquistischen Diktatur stattfanden und die seit den 2000er Jahren vor Gericht gebracht wurden. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit werden diese Fälle unter spanisches Strafrecht subsumiert. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit wird untersucht, ob das vom spanischen Parlament im Oktober 1977 verabschiedete Amnestiegesetz mit den internationalen Menschenrechtsnormen vereinbar ist. Schließlich werden im dritten Teil der Arbeit die Fälle aus der Zeit des Spanischen Bürgerkriegs 1936-1939 nach internationalem Strafrecht und humanitärem Recht analysiert. / This work deals with the cases of repression that occurred during the 1936-1939 Spanish Civil War and the Francoist dictatorship and that have been brought to court since the 2000s. A first part of the work has subsumed these cases under Spanish domestic criminal law. A second part of the work examines the compliance of the amnesty law enacted by the Spanish Parliament in October 1977 with International Human Rights Law. Finally, a third part of the work analyses the cases occurred during the 1936-1939 Spanish Civil War under international criminal and humanitarian law.
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Vliv druhu vlastnictví bytové jednotky na obvyklou cenu v Třinci / The Influence of the Type of Ownership of a Dwelling Unit on the Usual Price in TrinecKarch, Václav January 2017 (has links)
A real property, an apartment, an accommodation unit, an ownership, cooperative housing, supply, demand, a price, a worth, a current price, a valuation using price provision, method of a direct comparison, yield method, real estate market
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Modelování vývoje hodnoty středního stavebního závodu v reálné konkurenci ČR / The Modelling of The Development of The Middle-Size Building Enterprise Value in The Real Competition of The Czech RepublicKřížovská, Eliška January 2020 (has links)
The dissertation thesis is elaborated to the theme “The Modelling of The Development of The Middle-Size Building Enterprise Value in The Real Competition of The Czech Republic“. In the introduction of the dissertation thesis, a relation of the chosen theme to the branch of Forensic Engineering is defined and a survey about a contemporary state of the solved problems is elaborated. Further on, the objectives of the dissertation thesis are stated there namely including a formulation of a problem. The dissertation thesis contains the basic data about the examined middle-size building enterprise of a regional significance and its competitive building enterprises. At all enterprises, a property evaluation by an assessment of a substantial value and a returns’ evaluation by a method DCF Entity are carried out. The component of the dissertation thesis is a proposal of a simple expert standard containing methodical recommendations at an assessment of a value of a building enterprise of a regional significance. This is the essential contribution of the dissertation thesis for the branch Forensic Engineering whose starting ascertainments are practical pieces of knowledge and experience with the behaviours of the middle-size building enterprises in a period of a financial crisis.
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