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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effects of Tai Chi Exercise on Fine and Gross Motor Function in Older Adults Residing in Independent Living

Talwar, Saira 04 May 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of Tai Chi exercise on motor skills in older adults residing in independent living. Twenty-eight self-ambulatory older adults (age: 77 8.92; male: N = 1, female: N = 27) with no serious or restrictive health conditions, MMSE score 21, or recent surgery, completed this study. Participants engaged in one-hour biweekly Tai Chi exercise or BINGO sessions for eight weeks. Fine and gross motor skills were tested at four time-points throughout the study. Repeated measures 2x4 [2(Tai Chi exercise x BINGO) x 4(Baseline x Intraintervention x Post x Retention)] RM ANOVA was used with alpha of 0.05. Significant differences noted in fine motor function tasks (nondominant > dominant hand), and for the 6MWT, suggesting that Tai Chi exercise or BINGO may help older adults to perform activities of daily living, maintain independency, and gain a better quality of life.

Handwriting success for school: a professional development program for early childhood educators by occupational therapists

Siok Kwan, Gloria Ng 26 September 2020 (has links)
Early childhood is a time to build the foundational skills that are needed to be a successful learner in primary school. Preschool students in Singapore are expected to be able to write their name and the letters of the alphabet with appropriate speed by the end of kindergarten. However, there is a gap in common standards and handwriting instruction practices among early childhood educators. Teaching handwriting explicitly improves handwriting legibility and fluency, and direct handwriting instruction is especially important for children who are at-risk of challenges in writing and reading. A student’s handwriting fluency and legibility is predicted by teacher competence in providing handwriting instruction. Evidence shows that teachers feel they are insufficiently prepared in teaching handwriting to their students, are not equipped to identify fine-motor delay in children and lack the knowledge to help the children in their class who are struggling to learn to write. The proposed professional development program entitled Handwriting Success for School is a professional development program by occupational therapists for early childhood educators. The program aims to increase the knowledge, confidence and competence of early childhood educators in Singapore to teach handwriting and support children who show difficulties mastering handwriting skills. The content and design of the program is developed following a thorough literature review on effective professional development for teachers. Principles of Adult Learning Theory and Collaborative Consultation model guide the development of the design of the program. When teachers collaborate with occupational therapists in addressing handwriting acquisition and intervention for their preschool students, teachers feel supported to help struggling students. Occupational therapists, with their knowledge and expertise in neurodevelopment and sensory-motor development makes them key professionals in training teachers to teach handwriting. By increasing early childhood educators' understanding of the importance to practice the evidence-based principles of handwriting instruction, it will lead to better student outcomes in their handwriting development at the preschool level.

Att utveckla handstilsförmågan hos elever med finmotoriska skrivsvårigheter : En intervjustudie med speciallärare

Berglund, Susanne, Viklund, Irja January 2024 (has links)
I Lgr 22 under kunskapskravet i svenska för åk 3 uttrycks det att eleverna ska kunna skriva med en läslig handstil men det framkommer inte vad en läslig handstil innebär samt på vilket sätt en sådan undervisning ska bedrivas. Studiens syfte är därför att studera hur speciallärare arbetar för att stödja elever med finmotoriska skrivsvårigheter när det gäller handstil och om de upplever något samband mellan finmotoriska svårigheter och dyslexi. Studien har en kvalitativ ansats och utgår från det sociokulturella perspektivet. Åtta speciallärare deltog i semistrukturerade intervjuer som sedan analyserades tematiskt. Studiens resultat visar att enligt de intervjuade speciallärarna ökar en varierad undervisning med olika material elevernas motivation till att skriva. Vidare lyfter speciallärarna fram hur rätt ergonomi påverkar eleven positivt, både gällande handstil och uthållighet i skrivandet. I resultatet framför speciallärarna att de saknar tid till särskilt stöd i att stödja elevernas handstilsutveckling. Det saknas därför även dokumentation i åtgärdsprogram av elevers finmotoriska handstilssvårigheter.

Arbetsterapeutiska interventioner för att främja finmotorisk utveckling hos barn i yngre skolåldern / Occupational therapy interventions to promote fine motor development in younger school-aged children

Vallin, Mona January 2024 (has links)
Sammanfattning Syftet med denna sammanställning var att sammanföra och beskriva arbetsterapeutiska interventioner som syftar till att främja finmotorisk utveckling hos barn i yngre skolåldern.   Datainsamlingen utfördes genom systematisk litteratursökning i tre databaser. Inklusionskriterier och kvalitetsgranskningen resulterade i att tio kvantitativa artiklar inkluderades. Resultatet resulterade i två delar. Del ett illustrerar tre kategorier som samlade undersökta artiklar i tre olika fokus för interventionerna. Dessa blev: Lekaktivitet som intervention, Skrivaktivitet som intervention samt Dataaktivitet som intervention. I del två beskrivs interventionernas effekt och evidens. Resultatet av denna sammanställning visade att arbetsterapeutiska interventioner baserade på lek och pysselaktiviteter föreföll bidra till goda resultat hos yngre barn och uppfattades oftast som roliga och lekfulla. För barnen i den äldre gruppen fokuserade interventionerna på skapandet av en god läsbar handstil genom korrekt inarbetat handlingsmönster. Användandet av teknik och applikationer gav möjlighet att anpassa uppgiften efter enskilda barns behov. Det framkom att användandet av teknik behöver kompletteras med uppgifter med papper och penna, för att skapa den viktiga memoreringen av tecken och bokstäver som bidrar till framtida utveckling hos barn och unga. I interventionerna bland de äldre barnen återfanns även självutvärdering och kamratrespons som ett positivt resultat, vilket tycktes öka deras engagemang och självkänsla. Samarbete mellan arbetsterapeut och pedagog och samverkansundervisning i klassrummet bidrog till skapandet av en gynnsam miljö för barnet att utvecklas i. Det undersökta området är ännu relativt outforskat men denna sammanställning visar att arbetsterapeutiska interventioner som syftade till att främja yngre barns finmotoriska utveckling kan bidra till förbättrad finmotorisk förmåga och ökad skriftberedskap hos barn 3–6 år samt ökad skrivkunskap hos barn 5–8 år samt förbättrat självförtroende vid handskrift. Trots goda resultat i studierna så är området relativt outforskat och ytterligare studier behövs för att fastställa arbetsterapeutiska interventioners effekt. Författaren till denna litteratursammanställning ser ett behov av vidare forskning inom området i en svensk kontext.

Objektivizace poruch jemné motoriky horních končetin u pacientů s vrozenými neuropatiemi / Objectification of disorders fine motor skills of the upper extremities in patients with hereditary neuropathies

Nývltová, Marcela January 2010 (has links)
In the first part of the thesis Objectification of disorders of the fine motor skills of the upper extremities in the patients with hereditary neuropathies there are mentioned some brief informations about characteristics, classifications, clinical symptoms, deformities and testing of upper extremities, rehabilitation and treatment of CMT neuropathy. The practical part of this thesis is concerned with testing and evaluating of strength, fine motor skills and sensation of the upper extremities in the patients with CMT. For the measurement of the hand strenght the dynamometry and the functional muscle test are used. The Jebsen-Taylor test, the Nine-Hole Peg Test and the examination of static and dynamic handgrip rating are used. For the examination of the sensation the Nottingham Sensory Assessment is used. CMT neuropathy score and Overall Neuropathy Disability Scaleare are used for the classification of disability. The aim of this thesis is the comparison of the muscle strength and the function of the dominant and non-dominant hand. Partial aim of thesis is detection of the correlations between tests. According to the results CMT disease leads to the muscle strenght weakness and to worsening of the fine motor skills mainly of the dominant upper extremity. This may be the result of overwork weakness. For...

Rozvíjení jemné motoriky dětí pomocí vybraných technik práce s textilními materiály / Development of fine motor skills of children with selected techniques work with textile materials

Jedličková, Milena January 2011 (has links)
Soft motoric skill of a pre-school child and its development is an important part of an educational process in a nursery school. The soft motoric skill is very significant for a further succes in a school and there is more or less attention devoted to this topic in educational programs as well. The aim of my thesis is to determine the effect of selected hand works to the motoric skill. I have divided this thesis into theoretical and research part. The theoretical part is aimed at traditional textile techniques and their development from history to present, specificities of pre-school children, a development of soft motoric skill, upper limbs, a skeleton and muscles. Research section contains the results of a survey of contemporary interest in traditional manual works and identifies what impact has the manual works on the soft motoric skill of an early child. I have created an experimental and control group of children of around the same age and abilities. The experimental group participated a course of hand works. In post-tests I've found that there is a significant difference between the experimental and control group. The research has confirmed the positive impact of the activities that support the soft motoric skill by using the selected techniques of work.

Centrální koordinační porucha - literární rešerše / Developmental coordination disorder - literature review

Kosová, Blanka January 2015 (has links)
Title: Developmental coordination disorder - literature review Objectives: The theoretical part talks about developmental coordination disorder, its diagnosis, investigations, etiology and division during the different ages of the child. The practical part compares the studies relating to atypical development of motor skills in children with developmental coordination disorder. In diploma thesis was often used shortcut CKP and DCD, depending on the source from which it was drawn. DCD is the English equivalent of the shortcut CKP. Methods: This diploma thesis has both descriptively - analytical character. It will be treated as a literature review. Results: On the basis of the researched literary sources, this thesis provides a comprehensive picture on the topic of developmental coordination disorder. This thesis evaluated the atypical motor skills in school and preschool age children with developmental coordination disorder from the perspective of different authors. It has been found, which diagnostic procedures are used and which difficulties are most limiting for the children. Keywords: developmental coordination disorder, fine motor skills, hand function, gross motor skills

Ovlivnění hrubé a jemné motoriky jedince po požití alkoholu / The Impact of Alcohol Consumption on Gross and Fine Motor Skills of Individuals

Purchartová, Dana January 2015 (has links)
Title: The Impact of Alcohol Consumption on Gross and Fine Motor Skills of Individuals Objectives of the thesis: The main objective of my thesis is to assess an immediate effect of alcohol on selected tasks from the area of fine and gross motor skills. First identified were the average values for selected tests in sober individuals, and then the values with an increasing level of alcohol in blood. The second objective is to differentiate whether or not are fine and gross motor skills affected upon the same alcohol level in blood. Methods: The required data were obtained on the basis of experimental measurements on 12 probands (6 women and 6 men) who were tested for fine motor skills using three non- standardized tests modified or created for the purpose of this experiment: threading beads on a string, unlocking locks and dropping coins to a moneybox. Gross motor skills were tested using stabilometric platform in a standing position with legs together and with open eyes for 30 seconds. The observed parameter in the fine motor skills test was the time, while in the stability test it was the track of COP; each fine motor skills test was performed three times in each round. In the second and in each subsequent round every proband was administered 0.3 g of alcohol per kg of weight. The total number of...

Smulkiosios motorikos sutrikimų bei skausmo sąsajos su kasdienės veiklos aktyvumu bei gyvenimo kokybe, esant trauminiam rankos sužalojimui / Fine motor disorders and pain relation with daily activity and quality of life, of patients with traumatic hand injury

Gudžiūnaitė, Rosita 18 June 2014 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas: Nustatyti smulkiosios motorikos sutrikimų bei skausmo įtaką kasdienės veiklos aktyvumui bei gyvenimo kokybei, esant trauminiam rankos sužalojimui. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Įvertinti smulkiosios motorikos dinamiką reabilitacijos laikotarpiu, esant trauminiam rankos sužalojimui. 2. Įvertinti kasdienės veiklos aktyvumo pokyčius reabilitacijos laikotarpiu, esant trauminiam rankos sužalojimui. 3. Įvertinti gyvenimo kokybės ir skausmo pokyčius reabilitacijos laikotarpiu, esant trauminiam rankos sužalojimui. 4. Nustatyti smulkiosios motorikos sutrikimų bei skausmo sąsajas su kasdienės veiklos aktyvumu bei gyvenimo kokybe reabilitacijos laikotarpiu, esant trauminiam rankos sužalojimui. Tyrimo metodai ir kontingentas. Tyrimas vyko VšĮ Raseinių ligoninės Fizinės medicinos ir reabilitacijos skyriaus ergoterapijos kabinete 2013m. gruodžio – 2014m. balandžio mėnesiais. Iš viso dalyvavo 30 pacientų, patyrusių dilbio lūžį. Tiriamiesiems buvo atlikta 10 ergoterapijos procedūrų po 30 min. kiekvieną darbo dieną. Užsiėmimų metu buvo taikoma aktyvi rankos mankšta, darbas ergoterapinėmis priemonėmis. Tyrimui naudota tiriamojo anketa, dinamometrija, goniometrija, nestandartinis smulkiosios motorikos vertinimo testas, kasdienės veiklos vertinimo testas ir gyvenimo kokybės vertinimo testas SF – 36 Išvados. 1. Ergoterapijos taikymas po trauminio rankos sužalojimo pagerina smulkiosios motorikos užduočių atlikimą, plaštakos raumenų jėgą ir riešo aktyvių judesių amplitudę (p<0,05). 2. Po... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim : To identify small movement disorders and pain impact on daily business activity and quality of life in traumatic hand injuries. Study objectives: first to evaluate the dynamics of fine motor rehabilitation period in traumatic hand injuries. Second to evaluate changes in the activities of daily living activity during rehabilitation , if traumatic hand injuries. 3rd Rate the quality of life and changes in pain during rehabilitation , if traumatic hand injuries. 4th Set of fine motor dysfunction and pain links to daily activities and quality of life and activity during rehabilitation , if traumatic hand injuries. The methods and contingent . The study took place in PI Raseinių Hospital Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Department of Occupational Therapy office 2013 . December - 2014m . April. A total of 30 patients experienced fractures of the forearm . The trial was carried out in 10 occupational therapy treatment for 30 min . every working day . Lessons were applied with a hand exercise, work ergoterapinėmis means. The study used the test form , dynamometry , goniometrija , unconventional fine motor assessment test , daily activity assessment test ( ADL) and quality of life assessment test SF - 36 Conclusions . First application of occupational therapy after traumatic hand injury improves fine motor tasks, hand muscle strength and wrist active range of motion ( p < 0.05). Second after traumatic hand injury using occupational therapy procedures , daily activity... [to full text]

Motricidade fina na criança: um estudo bibliométrico da literatura nacional e internacional

Coppede, Aline Cirelli 16 February 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T20:44:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 4306.pdf: 1162248 bytes, checksum: 83bb6612e573291134755d22485fc9d9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-02-16 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / Fine motor coordination is essential to the intellectual and psychomotor development of a child. The use fine motor skills to manipulate objects and perform functional needs plays a vital role in child development and participation in activities of daily living. Therefore, difficulties in fine motor skills affect school performance and undermine the child s self-esteem and the sense of competence. The objective of this study was to describe how is configured the scientific field of fine motor skills in children national and international databases. In addition, aimed at specifics to analyze the scientific parameters in bibliometric, mapping scientific production within the fine motor components related to body function, participation in activities and environmental factors. The methodology used was bibliometric analysis of the studies recovered on the databases national and international, Banco de teses da CAPES, BVS, ScienceDirect and Scopus. The methodological procedures of the study were divided into the following steps: Step 1 - Review of the literature on Human development, Child Development Motor, Occupational Therapy and Information Science, Step 2 - Data collection and systematization of data; Step 3 - Bibliometric analysis: organization and processing of bibliometric studies collected using the Vantage Point software for bibliometric analysis and MS Excel for graphing and tables for data presentation; Step 4 - Description and analysis of results, recovering the concepts exposed in the theoretical framework on which to base analysis and interpretation of data obtained. At the end of the tudy produced the following bibliometric indicators: the Banco de Teses da Capes the year of greatest production was 2002; the gender of the authors and supervisors who emphasize was the female; the formation of the majority of authors in the field of Physical Education and Physiotherapy; most studies are at Master's level; The University has more studies in the area is UDESC, in the program graduate of Human Movement Science; the funding agency that funds most work is the CAPES; majority of studies are descriptive; the scale is the most used is EDM (Rosa Neto, 2002), the theme more approached is Motor Development; and the studies perspectives have focused functions and structures of the body. Regarding the databases BVS, ScienceDirect and Scopus, the publications have grown over the years, especially 2010; with most records are of collective authorship; the formation of the authors is in Occupational Therapy (33%), Physiotherapy ( 19%) and Physical Education (15%); the predominant language is English; in BVS in the country that indexes articles is Brazil; ScienceDirect and Scopus is in the U.S.; Periodicals that stood out in the BVS was Journal Themes About the Developing; ScienceDirect was Human Movement Science, and the Scopus were Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology (8%), American Journal of OccupationalTherapy (7%) and Physical and Occupational Therapy Pediatrics (5%); and the perspectives of studies have recovered the subject of fine motor anchored in the concepts of structure and functions of the body in three bases (56% - BVS, 69% - ScienceDirect, 71% Scopus); most studies are crosssectional nature (94%) and descriptive (81%); the topics most discussed were: fine motor skills (75%), motor development (35%) children (28%), preschool (27 %) and rating scales (21%); the data collection instruments more used in the articles were tests of fine motor skills not standardized (22%), followed by Scale Peabody (12%), test of motor proficiency of Bruininks-Oseretsky (7%) and M-ABC (7 %); identifies the subject of fine motor related especially with motor development (7%), autism (5%), prematurity (5%) and school context (5%). / A coordenação motora fina é essencial para o desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor e intelectual da criança. Usar a motricidade fina para manipular objetos e realizar necessidades funcionais desempenha papel vital no desenvolvimento infantil e na participação das atividades de vida diária, assim dificuldades na motricidade fina afetam o desempenho escolar, influenciando negativamente a auto-estima e o senso de competência da criança. O objetivo geral deste estudo foi descrever como se configura o campo científico da Motricidade Fina em crianças nas bases de dados nacionais e internacionais. Além disso, teve como objetivos específicos analisar a produção científica sob parâmetros bibliométricos, mapeando a produção científica da motricidade fina dentro dos componentes relacionados à função do corpo, a participação em atividades e aos fatores ambientais. A metodologia utilizada foi a análise bibliométrica dos trabalhos recuperados nas bases de dados nacionais e internacionais, Banco de Teses da CAPES, BVS, ScienceDirect e Scopus. Os procedimentos metodológicos da pesquisa foram divididos nas seguintes em etapas: Etapa 1 Revisão de literatura sobre Desenvolvimento Humano, Desenvolvimento Motor Infantil, Terapia Ocupacional e Ciência da Informação; Etapa 2 Coleta de dados e sistematização dos dados; Etapa 3 - Análise bibliométrica: organização e tratamento bibliométrico dos registros coletados utilizando os softwares Vantage Point para análise bibliométrica e MS Excel para elaboração de gráficos e tabelas para apresentação dos dados; Etapa 4 - Descrição e analise dos resultados, recuperando-se os conceitos expostos no referencial teórico para fundamentar as análises e interpretações dos dados obtidos. Ao final da pesquisa produziram-se os seguintes indicadores bibliométricos: no Banco de Teses da Capes o ano de maior produção foi 2002; o gênero dos autores e orientadores que se destacou foi o feminino; a formação da maioria dos autores é na área de Educação Física e Fisioterapia; a maioria dos trabalhos são de nível de mestrado; a Universidade que mais tem trabalhos na área é a UDESC, no programa de pós-graduação de Ciência do Movimento Humano; a agência de fomento que mais financia os trabalhos é a CAPES; grande parte dos trabalhos são descritivos; a escala mais utilizada é a EDM (Rosa Neto, 2002); a temática mais abordada é sobre Desenvolvimento Motor e os trabalhos apresentam perspectivas direcionadas as funções e estruturas do corpo. Com relação as bases de dados da BVS, ScienceDirect e Scopus, as publicações cresceram ao longo dos anos, com destaque para 2010; a maioria dos registros são de autoria coletiva; a formação dos autores é em Terapia Ocupacional (33%), Fisioterapia (19%) e Educação Física (15%); o idioma predominante é o inglês; na BVS o país que mais indexa artigos é o Brasil; na ScienceDirect e Scopus é os EUA; os periódicos que mais se destacaram na BVS foi a Revista Temas Sobre desenvolvimento; na ScienceDirect foi a Human Movement Science; e na Scopus foram os periódicos Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology (8%), American Journal of Occupational Therapy (7%) e o Physical and Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics (5%); as perspectivas dos estudos recuperados apresentam o tema da motricidade fina ancorado nas concepções de estrutura e funções do corpo nas três bases (56% - BVS; 69% - ScienceDirect; 71% - Scopus); a maioria dos estudos são de caráter transversal (94%), e descritivo (81%); as temáticas mais abordadas foram: coordenação motora fina (75%), desenvolvimento motor (35%), crianças (28%), pré-escolares (27%) e escalas de avaliação (21%); os instrumentos de coleta de dados mais utilizados nos artigos recuperados foram testes de habilidade motoras finas não padronizados (22%), seguido da Escala Peabody (12%), teste de Proficiência Motora de Bruininks-Oseretsky (7%) e a M-ABC (7%); identifica-se o tema da motricidade fina relacionado principalmente com o desenvolvimento motor (7%), autismo (5%), prematuridade (5%) e contexto escolar (5%).

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