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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Languaging and Social Positioning in Multilingual School Practices : Studies of Sweden Finnish Middle School Years

Gynne, Annaliina January 2016 (has links)
The overall aim of the thesis is to examine young people’s languaging, including literacy practices, and its relation to meaning-making and social positioning. Framed by sociocultural and dialogical perspectives, the thesis builds upon four studies that arise from (n)ethnographic fieldwork conducted in two different settings: an institutional educational setting where bilingualism and biculturalism are core values, and social media settings. In the empirical studies, micro-level interactions, practices mediated by languaging and literacies, social positionings and meso-level discourses as well as their intertwinedness have been explored and discussed. The data, analysed through adapted conversational and discourse analytical methods, include video and audio recordings, field notes, pedagogic materials, policy documents, photographs as well as (n)ethnographic data. Study I illuminates the doing of linguistic-cultural ideologies and policies in everyday pedagogical practices and focuses on situated and distributed social actions as nexuses of several practices where a number of locally and nationally relevant discourses circulate.  In Study II, the focus is on everyday communicative practices on the micro and meso levels and the interrelations of different linguistic varieties and modalities in the bilingual-bicultural educational setting. Study III highlights young people’s languaging, including literacies, in everyday learning practices that stretch across formal and informal learning spaces. Study IV examines social positioning and identity work in informal and heteroglossic literacy practices across the offline-online continuum. Consequently, the four studies map the kinds of languaging practices young people are engaged in both inside and outside of what are labelled as bilingual school settings. Furthermore, the studies highlight the kinds of social positions they perform and are oriented towards in the course of their everyday lives. Overall, the findings of the thesis highlight issues of bilingualism as pedagogy and practice, the (un)problematicity of multilingualism across space and time and multilingual-multimodal languaging as a premise for social positioning. Together, the studies and the thesis form a descriptive-analytical illustration of “multilingual” young people’s everyday lives in and out of school in late modern societies of the global North. Overall, the thesis provides insights concerning the education and lives of a large, yet sparsely documented minority group in Sweden, i.e. the Sweden Finns. / Denna avhandling fokuserar på ungdomars språkande, inklusive literacy-praktiker, och dess relation till deras meningsskapande och social positionering. Avhandlingen tar avstamp i sociokulturell och dialogisk teoribildning och bygger på fyra studier som blivit till genom (n)etnografiskt fältarbete i två olika sammanhang: inom en skola där tvåspråkighet och bikulturalitet är viktiga värderingar, och sociala medier. I de empiriska studierna undersöks hur interaktion, språkande och literacy-praktiker och sociala positioneringar görs på mikronivå. Dessa fenomen studeras vidare i anslutning till och som en del av diskurser som drivs på meso-nivå. Avhandlingens data har analyserats med tillämpade samtals- och diskursanalytiska metoder och inkluderar video- och audioinspelningar, fältanteckningar, pedagogiska material, policy-dokumentation, fotografier samt (n)etnografiskt skapad data. I Studie I undersöks hur lingvistisk-kulturella ideologier och policys görs i vardagliga pedagogiska praktiker. Den fokuserar på situerade och distribuerade sociala handlingar som praktiknexus där flera lokalt och nationellt relevanta diskurser cirkulerar. Studie II intresserar sig för vardagliga kommunikativa praktiker på mikro- och meso-nivåer samt för samspelet av språkliga varieteter och modaliteter i den tvåspråkiga-bikulturella skolan. I Studie III studeras ungdomars språkande, inklusive literacies, i vardagliga lärandepraktiker som sträcker sig över tid och rum i formella och informella lärandemiljöer. Studie IV fokuserar på social positionering och identitetsarbete i informella och heteroglossiska literacy-praktiker både offline och online. Tillsammans kartlägger de fyra studierna olika slags språkandepraktiker som ungdomarna deltar i och bidrar till både inom och utanför vad som kallas för tvåspråkiga skolsammanhang. Vidare illustrerar studierna vardagslivets görande av olika slags sociala positioneringar och identitetsperformanser. Resultaten visar på hur tvåspråkigheten i skolans värld kan ses som både pedagogik och praktik, att flerspråkigheten är (o)problematisk för ungdomarna och för skolan och att språkandets karaktär som flerspråkig och multimodal är central för social positionering. Studierna och avhandlingen bildar tillsammans en deskriptiv-analytisk illustration av ”flerspråkiga” ungdomars vardag i och utanför skolan i ett senmodernt nordiskt samhälle. Vidare bidrar avhandlingen till kunskapsbasen gällande utbildningsfrågor och vardag för en av Sveriges nationella minoriteter, sverigefinländare. / LIMCUL / DIMuL

Vad betyder n-ordet för unga läsare? : Reaktioner på rasistiska tendenser i Mark Twains The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Sundholm, Mårten January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Mellan varat och intet : En analys av Levinas begrepp "det finns" och dess relation till Heideggers "vara"

Ståhl, Isabelle January 2011 (has links)
Avsikten med min uppsats är att analysera Levinas begrepp Il y a, det finns, som han utvecklar som en del av sin kritik mot Heideggers fundamentalontologi. Levinas diskussion om det finns är riktad mot Heideggers idé att ångesten utsätter oss för intet, något som Levinas motsätter sig eftersom han menar att man aldrig kan nå intet i livet. Den centrala frågeställningen i denna uppsats är varför det finns är ett nödvändigt begrepp, vi har ju redan Heideggers begrepp varat? I min uppsats jämför jag även Levinas idé om det finns med Heideggers idé om långtråkigheten, ångesten och kastadheten. I sitt letande efter varat utforskar Heidegger två sinnestillstånd: det ena, långtråkigheten, uppenbarar varat. För Heidegger är långtråkigheten en stämning bland andra möjliga, där varat som sådant framträder för oss just för att det varande drar sig tillbaka, på ett liknande sätt som i ångesten, den motsatta sidan av samma mynt. I den uppenbaras intet. Mot detta ställer Levinas en annan upplevelse: sömnlösheten, som synliggör det han kallar det finns.

Ethnic heterogeneity of the North-Swedish population : its origin and medical consequences

Nylander, Per-Olof January 1992 (has links)
Northern Sweden shows a unique population structure with remarkable geographical variations in the distribution of genetic disorders as well as genetic markers like blood groups, serum groups and red cell enzyme types. The present-day population of northern Sweden is a mixture of people of Finnish, Saamish (Lappish) and Central-Swedish origin. In this thesis the ethnic heterogeneity of the North-Swedish population (counties of Västerbotten and Norrbotten) was studied using genetic blood markers, and the epidemiological impact of the ethnic heterogeneity was exemplified by studying the geographical correlation between Finnish admixture and risk factors for cardiovascular diseases. The following results were found: 1 Two new ethnic marker genes were discovered: the GC*1F allele (GC serum groups) for Saamish influence and the TF*C3 allele (transferrin serum groups) for Finnish influence. 2 Regional gene frequency variations in the A1A2B0 blood groups, 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (6-PGD) types and transferrin and GC serum groups were studied in a sample of 4100-5600 individuals from northern Sweden distributed according to birth place into 23 subpopulations. A significant regional heterogeneity was found in all systems. The ethnic marker genes (AB0*A2, GC*1F, TF*C3, PGD*C) showed clineal variations consistent with the expected patterns of Finnish and Saamish admixture. 3 Finnish and Saamish admixture was estimated in the 23 subpopulations using AB0*A2, GC*1F and PGD*C as Saamish markers and TF*C3, TF*DCHI, TF*B0-1 and SODI*2 as Finnish markers. The Saamish admixture varied between 0 and 34% and was strongest in the northern and northwestern parts of northern Sweden. The Finnish influence varied between 0 and 84% and was strongest in the northern and northeastern parts of the area. The ethnic marker genes showed significant geographical intercorrelations. 4 Hypercholesterolemia showed a significant heterogeneity between the 23 subpopulations, and there was a significant geographical covariation with the degree of Finnish admixture. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that Finnish genetic influence may contribute to the development of hypercholesterolemia and thereby to the increased rate of cardiovascular diseases found in northern Sweden. The results of this study suggest that in addition to the founder effect ethnic heterogeneity is an important determinant of the structure of the North-Swedish population. / <p>Diss. (sammanfattning) Umeå : Umeå universitet, 1992, härtill 7 uppsatser.</p> / digitalisering@umu.se

Svecismer i sverigefinskan : En kvantitativ undersökning om ett urval av svenska ord som används i finska språket i Sverige / Swedishisms in Sweden Finnish : A quantitative study of a selection of Swedish words used in Finnish language spoken in Sweden

Hakopuro, Janina January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate how people of varying ages, generations and genders use a selection of Swedish words that occurs in the Finnish language that is spoken in Sweden. The informants examined are originated from Finland or has at least one parent from Finland and speaks Finnish. In order to answer the aim and research questions for this study a quantitative method has been used and a survey with 277 replies has been accomplished. The result of the study shows that the Sweden Finns are using the investigated Sweden Finnish words. Some variations occurred due to age, generation and gender but despite these variations the words are overall used to a greater degree in relative to the investigated aspects.

Femonationalism in a Nordic context : An analysis of the Finns Party and the Sweden Democrats

Selroos, Ellen January 2022 (has links)
In the past decade, scholars have discovered how European populist radical right parties have increasingly resorted to instrumentalizing issues of gender equality within broader anti-immigration and anti-Islam campaigns. This phenomenon has been coined as femonationalism by sociologist Sara R. Farris; building on her theorization, this thesis aims to investigate thisfurther in a Nordic context by examining whether and how femonationalism can be traced within the politics of the Finns Party (FP) and the Sweden Democrats (SD). This has been achieved by conducting an ideational analysis of the parties’ official election material and policy documents provided on their respective party websites. The analytical framework applied is political scientist Mats Lindberg’s VDP-triad, in which the central task is to capture the proposed value, descriptive, and prescriptive statements in a text. The thesis’ main findings indicate that for the FP, femonationalism could most closely be linked to their policy implications. Here, the FP advocates for extensive anti-immigration and anti-Islam policies, while also promoting policies that uphold a traditional gender order amongst Finns. For the SD, femonationalism was mostly found in their expressed value statements concerning the supremacy of western values in relation to gender equality, which migrants are supposed to internalize and respect. Implications for future research are to examine the phenomenon of femonationalism further in different country settings in order to gain a more comprehensive understanding of how it presents itself.

Kritická sémiotická studie finských, lotyšských a českých mýtů / A Critical Semiotic Study of Finnish, Latvian and Czech Myths

Pintāne, Inese January 2021 (has links)
This Master's thesis invites its readers into the realm of myths where various deities and mythical creatures dwell and spend their days creating the human world and different cultural artefacts. To find out more about this realm and its possible variations, the author of this Master's thesis has chosen to study myths of relatively distinct nations. Since the author is familiar with the local language and customs of Finns, Latvians and Czechs, the author's choice fell on the myths of the given nations. Since everything in the realm of myths is in constant flux, the only way to detect what was considered valuable in it by its inhabitants at some point in time was to pause this process. To do it, the author approached the myths through the method called transvaluation developed by James Jakób Liszka in his book "The Semiotic of Myth: A Critical Study of the Symbol" (1989). Although still not very familiar among folklore scholars, this method enabled the author to view myths as trilevel entities and detect in them various social constructs passed from generation to generation. As the readers will later see, the author was able, by approaching myths from the perspective of transvaluation, to reveal various norms encoded in them. Keywords: Finns, Latvians, Czechs, myths, Liszka, transvaluation,...

Nordic immigrants in Portland, 1870-1920 : the first fifty years

Baisinger, Janet Lynn 01 January 1981 (has links)
Portland, Oregon had the potential in the 1870s to become the center of Nordic immigration to the Pacific Northwest. It was the primary urban center of the area, and the headquarters for Scandinavian mission work. In the 1870s, Nordics began to establish churches, clubs, lodges and newspapers. After the first fifty years, however, Portland's Nordic ethnicity was not as evident in the city's character as mere numbers might warrant.

Minoritetsrättigheter i en lokal kontext : Sverigefinnars upplevelser av hur deras minoritetsrättigheter tillgodoses i Örebro kommun

Svensson, Tim January 2023 (has links)
This study investigates the experiences of a minority group regarding the fulfilment and implementation of their minority rights within a local context. It explores the impact of this implementation on the affected minority group's trust in the political institution responsible for its execution. The research specifically focuses on examining the minority rights of Swede-Finns residing in Örebro municipality, which is an administrative area with extended minority rights for this group. The study employed qualitative interviews conducted with Swede-Finns living in Örebro municipality, followed by transcription and thematic text analysis of the interview data. In terms of theoretical perspectives, an institutional micro-perspective was adopted to interpret and analyze the results related to trust. Lipsky's theory of street-level bureaucracy and Lundqvist's theory of implementation were utilized to interpret and analyze the minority group's experiences with implementation. The findings reveal significant deficiencies in the implementation of minority rights across various areas as perceived by the minority group. Furthermore, the results suggest that the group's trust in the political institution responsible for implementation has been undermined due to the perceived long-standing failure to deliver and the perception that minority rights are not taken seriously within the local context. / <p>2023-06-01</p>

Vit men inte svensk : Andra generationens sverigefinnar i den svenska vithetens marginal

Beckman, Stellan January 2018 (has links)
The following thesis explores the racialisation of second generation sweden finns in contemporary Sweden. This is done by applying a theoretical framework from critical race and whiteness studies on 8 interviews with second generation sweden finns. Especially the concept of the margins of whiteness has been of importance for the following study, which allows the analysis to consider both marginality and privilege.     The analysis focus on the intersection of the variables of ethnicity, class and race, which allows the racialised position of the 8 informants in the study to be outlined. While the themes of ethnicity and class have ocurred in previous research, the study of race and in particular whiteness, have yet to be applied on sweden finns.     As will be revealed through the analysis, there are good reasons to consider Sweden finns as belonging within the margin of swedish whiteness. While there are signs that sweden finns have a position of marginality within swedish society the informants in this study can pass for swedes thanks to being racialised as white in everyday contexts. / Följande masteruppsats undersöker andra generationens sverigefinnars rasifierade position i den svenska vitheten. Detta görs genom att applicera ett teoretiskt ramverk grundat i kritiska ras och vithetsstudier på 8 intervjuer med andra generationens sverigefinnar. Särskilt begreppet vithetens marginal är av betydelse för studiens analys eftersom det har gett analysen möjlighet att analysera privilegier och marginalitet samtidigt.   I analysen ligger främst fokus på tre variabler i form av etnicitet, klass och ras, vilket gör det möjligt att måla ut den rasifierade position som studiens 8 informanter har i den svenska vitheten. Emedan teman kring etnicitet och klass varit vanliga inom tidigare forskning kring sverigefinnar, har studiet av ras och med detta vithet, varit frånvarande inom forskningsfältet kring sverigefinnar.      Som vi kommer att se i analysen finns det mycket som talar för att sverigefinnar befinner sig i den svenska vithetens marginal. Även om sverigefinnar kan sägas ha en marginell position i det svenska samhället, har de informanter som återfinns i följande studie möjlighet att passera som svenskar eftersom de rasifieras som vita i vardagssammanhang.

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