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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Skogsfinnarna i arkiven : En undersökning om spåren av skogsfinnarna i de digitaliserade arkiven

Ekman, Sarah January 2023 (has links)
Since the year of 1580 until about the year of 1680 Forest Finns have immigrated to a large part of middle Sweden working mainly with burn-beating but also with cattle raising, hunting and fishing. There have been studies made for quite some time about the Forest Finns family names, last names and location names and also about their food culture, craftsmanship and building constructions. Still there hasn´t seen to be any research about how you can use the digitized archives for further research about Forest Finns and this is where I’ve found an interesting research gap to explore further. This essay has been delimited to the areas of Dalby, Norra Ny and Gräsmark based on Carl Axel Gottlund´s notes on the forest Finnish family names that he recorded in the household records in 1821 within the given area. After this study, it has become clear that the vast majority of sites with forest Finnish settlements contain both Finnish family names and Finnish place names. The vast majority of the sites also had croft remains and stone wall cairns. It has also become clear during this study that the remains of farm buildings can be found at several of these sites. Remains of mills have also been found at several sites while only a few of the sites investigated had a sauna or ria. Barns are also less common on the sites, as are carvings and natural formations. To summarise, the house interrogation lists in the church books that Carl Axel Gottlund has recorded can provide information about the Forest Finnish family names the families have had, and which Forest Finnish place names exist in the area. But the information can also be used to calculate how much of the population in these areas had Forest Finnish roots and how they chose to settle in the areas. the traces of the Forest Finns in the material remains or other cultural heritage remains can give us more information about the building skills of the Forest Finns but also more information about their cultural heritage and living conditions.

Skogsfinnen som studieobjekt : En kulturarvskritisk studie av Gottlunds och Segerstedts bidrag till skapandet av det skogsfinska kulturarvet / The Forest Finns as a Field of Study : A Critical Heritage Study of two Researchers’ Contributions to the Creation of the Cultural Heritage of the Forest Finns

Björkqvist, Josefin January 2023 (has links)
The aim of this study is to illuminate how the 19th century’s researchers Carl Axel Gottlund and Albrekt Segerstedt contributed to the design of the cultural heritage of the Forest Finns in northern Värmland. One book from each author was analyzed: Dagbok öfver mina vandringar på Wermlands och Solörs Finnskogar 1821 (1821/2021) by Gottlund, and Segerstedts samling: skogsfinnarna i Skandinavien: en kommenterad och illustrerad källutgåva (1888/2006) by Segerstedt. Theories from the ethnographic field, the critical heritage field and from the field of scientific theories were all utilized. This study shows that the construction of a cultural heritage can be affected by multiple different factors, and that the researchers’ and their different practices often have a central role.

S:t Petersburg och Finland migration och influens 1703-1917 /

Engman, Max. January 1983 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--University of Helsinki, 1983. / Leaf with thesis statement and English abstract inserted. Summary in English. Includes bibliographical references (p. [410]-437).

Sexpectations : Gender perspectives on language proficiencyin English among Swedes and Sweden Finns

Philp, Rebecca January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this comparative study is to investigate language proficiency in English among Swedes and the Finnish-speaking population living in Sweden, henceforth referred to as Sweden Finns. The main issue is to discover to what extent Sweden Finns show similarity and how they differ from Swedes regarding their proficiency in English, concerning grammar and vocabulary. Through a proficiency test, this essay intends to compare and discover any possible tendencies among male and female monolingual and bilingual participants.      Gender issues are rather unexplored in research on bilingualism. Sex, or gender, as a variable has received a limited amount of attention compared with other factors of individual variation, such as age or language learning strategies in the field of SLA.      The results of the statistical analysis of the data indicate that results are varied, and therefore confirm previous results. Sweden Finns score higher as a group on the test than Swedes, but male Swedish participants gave the most correct answers on all questions, followed by female Sweden Finns, then male Sweden Finns and ultimately female Swedes. Interesting, but not statistically significant, findings suggest that the students participating in this study have a good vocabulary size and are acquainted with high-frequency words and pronouns. Most errors were found in the parts concerning irregular verbs and synonyms. Multiple-choice questions received a higher frequency of right answers than open questions.      As the results are varied since this type of study has not been carried out before, it shows that there is a need for nuanced quantitative research in this field of study.

Korpusavusteinen diskurssianalyysi japaninsuomalaisten kielipuheesta

Lehto, L.-M. (Liisa-Maria) 09 May 2018 (has links)
Abstract I study language discourses of Japan Finns: the ways they talk about languages. This research is a part of the language-in-motion studies. Informants are native Finns who are born in Finland and have moved to Japan. There are 14 informants in this study, and the recorded data consists of fourteen interviews and seven pair conversations. The amount of data is about 24 hours altogether. Firstly, the aim is to find out what kind of roles and meanings informants give to Finnish, Japanese and English respectively. In other words, what kind of language discourses they construct. Secondly, I study, whether corpus assisted discourse analysis is suitable for analyzing Finnish spoken data. In the context of globalization, languages are no longer tightly connected to time and space but they move along with people. Globalization changes views about languages and multilingualism, hence new concepts are needed to describe them. I observe language discourses in the context of globalization as well as in the social and language ideological context of Japan. Discourses construct reality and I understand them as social and shared entities. In the analysis, corpus methods and discourse analysis are combined: clusters and semantic preference help me to detect how discourses consist of linguistic features. Cluster analysis reveals different roles of languages. Finnish is a language of identity, Japanese is described as a skill and English as a tool. Clusters create contrasts, voices and estrangements, that tell about relations between languages and speakers’ relationship with a language. Semantic preference shows, how language choices and language identity are context bound. Possibility of change is seen in discourses, though self-expression and emotions and importance of language are preserved in migration. / Tiivistelmä Tutkin väitöskirjassani japaninsuomalaisten kielidiskursseja eli kielistä puhumisen tapoja. Työni on osa liikkuvuuden sosiolingvistiikkaa käsittelevää tutkimusta. Informanttini ovat Suomessa syntyneitä ja Japaniin muuttaneita suomalaisia. Aineistona on 14 haastattelua ja 7 parikeskustelua eli yhteensä noin 24 tuntia nauhoitetta. Selvitän ensinnäkin, millaisia tehtäviä ja merkityksiä informantit antavat kielille – suomelle, japanille ja englannille – eli millaisia kielidiskursseja he rakentavat. Toiseksi tarkastelen, miten puhutun suomenkielisen aineiston korpusavusteinen analyysi toimii ja millaisen kuvan se antaa kielidiskursseista. Kielet eivät globalisaation myötä ole aikaan ja paikkaan sidottuja vaan liikkuvat ihmisten mukana. Globalisaatio muuttaa käsitystä kielistä ja monikielisyydestä, joten nykyistä monikielisyyttä luonnehtimaan tarvitaan uusia käsitteitä. Tarkastelen informanttieni kielidiskursseja paitsi globalisaation näkökulmasta myös Japanin yhteiskunnallisessa ja kieli-ideologisessa kontekstissa. Diskurssinäkemykseni pohjautuu siihen näkökulmaan, että kieli rakentaa todellisuutta, ja näen diskurssit sosiaalisina ja jaettuina. Menetelmäni on diskursseja ja korpustutkimusta yhdistävä: klustereiden ja semanttisen preferenssin avulla hahmotan, mistä lingvistisistä osista diskurssit koostuvat. Klusterianalyysi paljastaa kielten työnjakoja. Suomi on identiteetin kieli, mutta japanista puhutaan kielitaidon ja englannista välineellisyyden kautta. Klustereissa luodaan kontrasteja, ääniä ja etäännytyksiä, jotka kertovat kielten välisistä suhteista sekä puhujan suhteesta kieliin. Semanttisen preferenssin analyysissa näkyy kielivalintojen ja -identiteettien kontekstisidonnaisuus. Diskursseissa on läsnä muutoksen mahdollisuus, mutta itseilmaisu, tunteet ja kielen merkitys säilyvät siirtolaisuudessa.

Normkritisk litteraturundervisning : Normer, identitet och sexualitet i Jeanette Wintersons Det finns annan frukt än apelsiner / Normcritical literature teaching : Norms, identity and sexuality in Jeanette Wintersons ”Oranges are not the only fruit”

Svensson, Sara January 2021 (has links)
Ungdomar spenderar mycket tid i skolan där de ingår i olika sociala sammanhang. I dessa speciella kontexter har det länge existerat normer för vad som anses vara rätt och fel beteende, utifrån både grupp- och könstillhörighet. Hur lärare och övrig skolpersonal väljer att synliggöra och diskutera dessa normer har betydelse för hur öppna och accepterande ungdomar är gentemot dem som anses avvika från normen. Utifrån ett queerteoretiskt perspektiv och med hjälp av Jeanette Wintersons debutroman Det finns annan frukt än apelsiner (1985) syftar denna text till att lyfta fram hur lärare kan undervisa i normkritisk litteraturläsning. Genom att välja litteratur med omsorg kan lärare hjälpa eleverna att ifrågasätta sina egna normföreställningar men också öppna upp tolknings- och diskussionsutrymmen som synliggör olika normer, identiteter och sexualiteter. Dagens läromedel har ett bristande fokus på normkritik, vilket resulterar i att lärare som vill undervisa normkritiskt behöver hitta eget undervisningsmaterial. Lärarens litteraturval blir därför avgörande för att kunna skapa ett öppet och tryggt klassrum där eleverna vågar uttrycka sig och samtidigt visar respekt och acceptans gentemot andras olikheter. Wintersons roman kan i undervisningssyfte användas för att åstadkomma just detta och öppna upp diskussioner som kan förankras i den värdegrund som skolan vilar på.

Praví Finové. Etablování pravicového populismu ve Finsku? / True Finns. Establishment of right-wing populism in Finland?

Hudec, Pavel January 2014 (has links)
The master thesis "True Finns. Establishment of right-wing populism in Finland?" deals with political party True Finns (The Finns, PS), its historical development and current position in Finnish party system. The master thesis is devided into three chapters. The first chapter deals with populist radical right political parties (PRR), which have established themselves in a lot of Western Europe party systém (inluding Scandinavia). Finland represented a state which had been immune of PRR. The aim of the first chapter is to answer an question, which are the main reasons of PRR emergence, respectively which were the reasons which delayed the Finnish PRR. The second chapter is concerned with political party True Finns (The Finns, PS), its historical development and ideological profile. The chapter reffers to ideological and personal roots in Finnish Rural Party. A part of the chapter is ideological core used by Cas Mudde (nativism, authoritarianism, populism) which is supplemented by an economical programme. The final part deals with the parliamentary election 2012. The final chapter concerns with current PS position in Finnish party systém and with impact on finnish politics. The chapter is closed with positive and negative factors for the future development.

En annorlunda svensk kvinna : En kvalitativ studie om sverigefinska 1970-talskvinnors socialisation och sociala identitet i det svenska samhället. / A different kind of Swedish woman : The socialization and social identity of female Swedish Finns of the 1970’s in Swedish society.

Gellert, Maria January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this study has been to investigate how female Swedish Finns reflect upon their socialization and their social identity in the Swedish society. The main theoretical framework for this study originates from sociologists such as Goffman and Tajfel. Goffman describes social interaction in terms of theatrical performance and deviant role with the concept of stigma. Tajfel explains how social identity can be understood as the part of the individual's self-concept, which derives from their knowledge and pride of their membership of a social group. A web survey (n=78) and semi-structured interviews (n=7) were conducted with female Swedish Finns, who were born in the 1970’s. They were asked to reflect upon their socialization in the Swedish society, the term Swedish Finns and their current social identity. I found out that the women of this study felt their social identity as being mostly Finns. They showed pride of their origin and of being bilingual. The Finnish language keeps them tied to Finnish traditions, family and friends, which inhibits the socialization to the Swedish society. As time goes by these women gradually move away from other Finns to socializing more with the Swedes. The stories of the seven Swedish Finns implicate that normification takes place and the stigmatized Finn strives to appear as an ordinary Swede in social situations. However, these women recognize themselves mostly as Finns at heart, but also as Swedes depending on the social context. They can best be described as different kind of Swedish women.

"Den finska erfarenheten värker" : En studie om hur samhälleliga faktorer påverkar sverigefinnars relation till sin etniska identitet / "The Finnish Experience Aches" : A study of how social factors affect the Sweden-Finns' attitudes towards their ethnic identity

Kujanpää, Ellen January 2022 (has links)
Sverigefinnar är en av Sveriges nationella minoritetsgrupper. Under en lång historisk period har de varit föremål för diskriminering och assimilering, men de senaste åren har deras status höjts och de har idag särskilda lagstadgade rättigheter. Syftet med uppsatsen var att undersöka hur samhälleliga faktorer påverkar sverigefinnars relation till sin etniska bakgrund och hur det har påverkat deras identitetsprocess. För att analysera detta användes Goffmans teorier om stigma. Metoden som valts för denna uppsats är en tematisk innehållsanalys av tre delvis självbiografiska böcker. En av böckerna är en antologi och totalt har tio texter skrivna av sverigefinnar analyserats. Studiens resultat visar att Sverigefinnarna betraktades som avvikande grupp under deras barndom. Det medförde att de kände skam över sin sverigefinska identitet och bidrog till en upplevelse av att deras etniska identitet är mindre värd. Det var även vanligt att många försökt att dölja sin finska bakgrund för att kunna passera som svensk och betraktas som normal. Resultatet visar även att klasstillhörigheten och det finska språket påverkat deras relation till sin etniska identitet. Idag, när de samhälleliga faktorerna och synen på sverigefinnar förändrats, hade skamkänslorna över den sverigefinska identiteten i större utsträckning bytts ut mot stolthet. Men erfarenheterna från barndomen hade trots det en stor påverkan på deras relation till sin etniska identitet, och en komplicerad relation till den etniska identiteten var fortfarande närvarande. / The Sweden-Finns is one of the national minority groups. Sweden-Finns have been subjected to discrimination and assimilation in Sweden for a long period, but during the latest years their status have been raised and today they have statutory rights. The aim of this essay was, by using Goffmans theories about Stigma, to examine how social factors have affected the Sweden-Finns attitude towards their ethnic identity and which influence these factors had on their identity process. The method chosen for this study was a qualitative approach and a thematic analysis of three partly autobiographical books written by Sweden-Finns. Since one of the books is an anthology, a total of ten authors texts have been used. The result showed that the Sweden-Finns have been viewed as strangers during their childhood. It led to shame over their ethnic identity, and it was common to try to hide the Swedish-Finnish identity so that they would be viewed as normal. The social factors also led to a feeling that they had less dignity because of their ethnic identity. Their economical class identity and the Finnish language was also linked to feeling about being different. Today, when the status of Sweden-Finns has improved, the feeling of shame over the ethnic identity was lower and feelings of pride were more common. But the social factors during their childhood have had a big impact of their identity process, and an ambivalent feeling towards their ethnic identity was still present.

Gängkriminalitet som jackpott : En kritisk diskursanalys över hur Sannfinländarnaoch Sverigedemokraterna användergängkriminalitet för att legitimera främlingsfientlighet / Gang Violence as a Jackpot : - A critical discourse analysis of how the True Finns and the Sweden Democrats use gang violence to legitimize xenophobia

Åkers, Gabriella January 2023 (has links)
Following thesis investigates the intertwined relationship between the rise of gang-violenceand right-wing populist parties, more specifically the True Finns and the Sweden Democrats. The purpose of this essay being, how the True Finns and the Sweden Democrats usegang-violence to legitimize xenophobia. Analysis are done by using a CDA-approach, the threedimensional model by Norman Fairclough. Materials used in this discourse analysis are material from the parliament, material from the parties websites and public media prior to the general elections in 2022 and 2023. The theoretical tools for analyses in this thesis rely oncombined theories from previous studies in Trygghet as issue ownership and discourses used by the Swedish Democrats and True Finns to legitimize their ideological standpoints. Through combining the theoretical framework and Fairclough’s threedimensional analysis,the empirical findings were analyzed to find which discourses are used when referring to gang violence to legitimize xenophobia. Main results of the analysis found that the parties use similar discourses when talking about gang violence, related to safety, a promised fullness to come and a feared doomsday to legitimize xenophobia. However there were also some culturally bound differences in how the parties legitimized xenophobia when discussing gangviolence. The main conclusion of the study was that some of the findings matched the theoretical framework, while some did not.

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