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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Der Einfluss einer vereinfachten Applikationstechnik auf das Randverhalten von Keramikinlays

Clotten, Stefan 09 January 2004 (has links)
Die adhäsive Befestigung von keramischen Inlays erfordert viele mühsa-me und zeitintensive Arbeitsschritte. Zudem werden die Dentin-Bonding-Materialien nicht nach den Herstellerangaben verarbeitet, was unter Um-ständen einen negativen Einfluss auf die Randqualität von keramischen Inlays deren Ränder sich im Dentin befinden können, haben kann. Ziel der Untersuchung: In dieser Studie wurde der Einfluss einer verein-fachten Applikationstechnik auf die Randqualität keramischer Inlays un-tersucht. Material und Methode: MOD-Inlaykavitäten mit Präparationsgrenze im Dentin wurden in 32 humane kariesfreie Prämolaren präpariert. Die Prä-molaren wurden zufällig in vier Gruppen geteilt (n=8). In dem Ver-suchsaufbau war ein Untersuchungsparameter das Inlaymaterial (Empress/Cerec) und der andere die Polymerisation des Dentin-Bonding-Materials vor Insertion des Inlays (P+) und nach Insertion des Inlays (P). Alle Inlays wurden mit einem Dualzement (Variolink II) in Kombination mit einem schmelz- und dentinkonditionierenden Universal-Bonding-Material (Etch & Prime 3.0) eingegliedert. Drei Parameter wurden verwandt, um die Qualität der Versorgung zu bestimmen: 1. Die Passung, gemessen durch die Differenz der Einsenktiefe in die Kavität zwischen der Anprobe und nach dem Zementieren, 2. die Randqualität, die mittels quantitativer Randanalyse im SEM bei einer 200fachen Vergrößerung vor und nach Temperaturlastwechsel (2000 mal zwischen 5° und 55° C) durch Replikas aus Epoxydharz bestimmt wurde und 3. die Randdichtheit, überprüft mit einem Farbstoffpenetrationstest (0,5% wässrige Lösung von basischem Fuchsin). Ergebnisse: Die statistische Analyse (ANOVA) ergab: In allen vier Gruppen waren die Inlays nach der Eingliederung > 5µm tiefer in der Kavität, als bei der Anprobe. Das Ergebnis war für die Gruppe Cerec-Inlays bei denen das Dentin-Bonding vor dem Eingliedern nicht polymerisiert wurde signifikant größer. Die statistische Auswertung der Randanalyse nach dem Friedman und Wilcoxon Test ergab für die zervikalen Bereiche für beide getesteten Kriterien keine statistisch signifikanten Unterschiede (p< 0,01). Die Median-werte für alle Gruppen zeigten 100 Prozent klinisch akzeptable Ränder und keine Randspalten. Der Farbstoffpenetrationstest ergab 71 Prozent dichte Ränder im Schmelz und 38 Prozent dichte Ränder im Dentin. Schlussfolgerung: Bei der Verwendung des universal Bonding-Materials ist es möglich, hohe Randqualitäten mit keramischen Inlays im Schmelz und Dentin selbst mit einer vereinfachten Applikationstechnik, zu erzielen. / The adhesive luting technique for ceramic inlays requires a sequence of multiple steps that are cumbersome and time consuming. Furthermore, modifications of dentin bonding procedures may negatively influence the margin quality of ce-ramic inlays with cervical dentin finishing lines. Purpose: The objective of this study was to test the effect of a new, sim-plified procedure for dentin bonding on the margin quality of ceramic inlays. Materials and Methods: Thirty-two MOD inlay cavities with cervical finish-ing lines in dentin were prepared into premolars. They were randomly di-vided into four groups (n = 8): In the balanced design, one parameter was the inlay material (Empress/Cerec) and the other the polymerization of the dentin bonding agent, before insertion of the inlay (P+) and after in-sertion of the inlay (P-). All inlays were inserted with dual cured cement (Variolink II) in combination with an enamel and dentin conditioning uni-versal bonding agent (Etch & Prime 3.0). Three parameters were used to determine the inlay margin quality: (1) the fit, measured by the difference of the insertion depth into the cavity between try-in and cementation, (2) a quantitative margin analysis in the SEM at a magnification of 200xs, be-fore and after thermocycling (2000 times between 5 and 55 degrees cen-tigrade), using epoxy replicas and (3) dye penetration. Results: Statistical analysis using the ANOVA test showed in all four groups the inlays were >5 µm deeper in the cavities than at the try-in ses-sion. This is explained by the substance loss from the etching. The measured difference for Cerec inlays inserted in cavities, where the bond-ing agent was not polymerized prior to insertion, was significantly larger. Statistical interpretation of the margin analysis of the cervical segment using the Friedman and Wilcoxon Test revealed no statistical differences (p< 0.01) for both criteria tested. The median values for all groups were 100% for clinical acceptable margin and 0% for marginal opening. The dye penetration test resulted in 71% of the enamel margins and 38% of the dentin margins. Conclusion: By using the universal bonding agent, high margin qualities on dentin and enamel are obtained with ceramic inlays even with the sim-plified approach.

Effect of Phosphorus Starvation on Metabolism and Spatial Distribution of Phosphatidylcholine in Medicago truncatula Wild-Type and PDIL3 Genotypes

Dokwal, Dhiraj 08 1900 (has links)
Symbiotic nitrogen (N) fixation (SNF) occurs in specialized organs called nodules after successful interactions between legume hosts and rhizobia. Within nodule cells, N-fixing rhizobia are surrounded by plant-derived symbiosome membranes, through which the exchange of nutrients and ammonium occurs between bacteria and the host legume. Phosphorus (P) is an essential macronutrient, and N2-fixing legumes have a higher requirement for P than legumes grown on mineral N. First, I investigated the impact of P deprivation on wild-type Medicago truncatula plants. My observations that plants had impaired SNF activity, reduced growth, and accumulated less phosphate in P-deficient tissues (leaves, roots and nodules) is consistent with those of similar previous studies. Galactolipids decreased with increase in phospholipids in all P-starved organs. Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization–mass spectrometry imaging (MALDI-MSI) of phosphatidylcholine (PC) species in nodules showed that under low P environments distributions of some PC species changed, indicating that membrane lipid remodeling during P stress is not uniform across the nodule. Secondly, a metabolomics study was carried out to test the alterations in the metabolic profile of the nodules in P-stress. GC-MS based untargeted metabolomics showed increased levels of amino acids and sugars and decline in amounts of organic acids in P deprived nodules. Subsequently, LC-MS/MS was used to quantify these compounds including phosphorylated metabolites in whole plant. My findings showed strong drop in levels of organic acids and phosphorylated compounds in P deprived leaves with moderate reduction in P deprived roots and nodules. Moreover, sugars and amino acids were elevated in whole plant under P deprivation. Finally, the last project of my thesis involved studying the response of PDIL3 (Phosphate Deficiency-Induced LncRNA-3) a long non-coding RNA (lncRNA) mutant under severe P stress. PDIL3 is known to regulate Pi-deficiency signaling and transport in M. truncatula (Wang et al., 2017). My results confirmed that in P starvation, pdil3 plants showed better shoot growth, accumulated more phosphate in shoots, had impaired SNF and less rhizobial occupancy in nodules than WT. Subsequently, MALDI–MS imaging was used to spatially map and compare the distribution of phosphatidylcholine (PC) species in nodules of pdil3 and WT in P-replete and P-depleted conditions. Several PC species showed changes in distributions in pdil3 nodules compared to WT in both P sufficient and P deprived conditions. These data suggest that PDIL3's role is not just suppression of the Pi transporter, but it may also influence P partitioning between shoots and nodulated roots, meriting further investigation.

Visuo-spatial attention in reading / three approaches combining eye tracking and EEG

Kornrumpf, Benthe 28 October 2016 (has links)
Visuell-räumliche Aufmerksamkeit spielt eine Schlüsselrolle in der Wortverarbeitung und der Augenbewegungskontrolle beim Lesen. Dennoch bleibt die räumliche und zeitliche Dynamik von Aufmerksamkeitsbereitstellung innerhalb einer Fixation ungeklärt. Die vorliegende Dissertation nutzt drei Ansätze in der Ko-Registrierung von Augenbewegungen und EEG um diese Forschungslücke zu untersuchen und direkte Einblicke in die Aufmerksamkeitsverteilung zwischen Fovea und Parafovea, ihre Anpassung an Verarbeitungsansprüche und Sakkaden sowie ihre Auswirkungen auf Wortverarbeitung zu liefern. In Studie 1 wurde das Probe Paradigma als Maß zur Abbildung räumlicher Aufmerksamkeit ohne Augenbewegungen implementiert. Die vergrößerte, Probe-bezogene N1 zwischen Wortpräsentationen deutet auf eine Bereitstellung und Umverteilung zusätzlicher Ressourcen zur simultanen fovealen und parafovealen Wortverarbeitung hin. Studie 2 untersuchte den Preview Benefit und seine Modulation durch Sakkaden und Verarbeitungsschwierigkeit und zielte darauf ab, das elektrophysiologische Korrelat als indirektes Maß für parafoveale Aufmerksamkeit in ERPs und FRPs zu etablieren. Es zeigte sich ein Effekt des orthographischen Previews auf die N1. Interaktionen mit Lesemodus und Verarbeitungsschwierigkeit implizieren, dass dem Preview Effekt Aufmerksamkeitseffekte zugrunde liegen. In Studie 3 wurden zwei Datensätze hinsichtlich der Lateralisierung von Oszillationen im Alpha-Band untersucht um die in Studie 2 generierten Hypothesen zu unterstützen. Alpha war im sakkadischen Lesen stärker rechts-lateralisiert als in RSVP und eine stärkere Lateralisierung sagte eine kürzere Fixationsdauer vorher, was die Rolle von parafovealer Aufmerksamkeit und ihre Verbindung zu Sakkaden betont. Trotz der Einschränkungen der drei Ansätze stellt die Kombination von Augenbewegungen, ERPs, FRPs und EEG-Oszillationen geeignete Maße für Aufmerksamkeitsprozesse in der Wortverarbeitung dar, die traditionelle Forschungsmethoden ergänzen. / Visuo-spatial attention is a key contributor to word processing and oculomotor control in reading. Yet, the spatial and temporal dynamics of attention allocation within a fixation remain unclear. The present dissertation uses three approaches in the co-registration of eye movements and EEG to investigate this gap and provide direct, online insights into attention distribution across fovea and parafovea, its adaptation to processing load and saccadic behavior, as well as its effects on word processing. In Study 1, the probe paradigm was implemented as a mapping tool of spatial attention adaptation in the absence of eye movements, yielding ERPs. The enhanced probe-related N1 in-between trials indicates a recruitment and redistribution of additional resources to achieve simultaneous foveal and parafoveal word-recognition. Study 2 tested the preview benefit and its modulation by saccades and foveal load, thereby aiming at establishing its electrophysiological correlate as an indirect index of parafoveal attention allocation in ERPs and FRPs. There was an effect of orthographic preview on the N1. Interactions with reading mode and foveal load indicate underlying attention effects. In Study 3, two datasets were reanalyzed with regard to the lateralization of oscillatory activity in the alpha-band in order to directly support the assumptions generated in Study 2. Alpha was more strongly right-lateralized in saccadic reading compared to RSVP, and moment-to-moment lateralization predicted shorter subsequent fixation duration, emphasizing the role of parafoveal attention allocation and its relation to saccades. Despite the limitations of the three approaches at this point, the combination of eye movements, ERPs, FRPs, and EEG oscillations provides suitable online markers of attention processes in word recognition that complement traditional research methods.

Une étude de l'arrière-scène de la fraude contemporaine et de l'expertise antifraude : jeux de coulisses, silences et esquives

Courtois, Cynthia 03 November 2024 (has links)
La fraude est aujourd’hui décrite comme étant le crime moderne par excellence. La médiatisation et la popularisation du phénomène ont entraîné le déferlement de plusieurs vagues d’études significatives portant sur le sujet. Or, bien que ces études aient permis de mettre en exergue certains résultats qui sont aujourd’hui à l’origine de théories parfois très popularisées telles que le triangle de la fraude, il en demeure néanmoins que celles-ci ont souvent abordé la question de la fraude en se limitant généralement à un seul angle d’analyse — que ce soit le fraudeur, le contexte organisationnel ou encore les méthodes d’intervention préconisées. En outre, peu d’études ont tenté d’analyser des constructions sociales sousjacentes à la fraude en mettant en relief simultanément divers angles d’analyse (individu/contexte par exemple), alors que le recours à un tel « bricolage analytique » aurait pu permettre la mise en évidence d’un portrait, non seulement plus complet du phénomène à l’étude, mais aussi souvent fort différent de ce qui était initialement attendu. Tentant de pallier cette faiblesse, dans chacun des articles de cette thèse, certains éléments associés à la fraude seront étudiés selon divers angles d’analyse qui seront ensuite opposés suivant ainsi une approche par analyse des dichotomies. Le recours à cette méthode d’analyse conduit parfois à des résultats forts différents de ce qui a été écrit préalablement dans la littérature. Le premier article de cette thèse tente de mieux comprendre le processus qui conduit un individu à adhérer à une culture déviante. Par une analyse du témoignage de deux acteurs impliqués dans un immense scandale de collusion mis au jour par la Commission d’enquête publique Charbonneau, cet article, qui propose une analyse simultanée de l’individu et du contexte, souhaite mettre en évidence l’idée que les mécanismes qui sont actuellement déployés par l’État pour contrer la fraude furtive sont limités parce qu’ils ne tiennent pas compte du caractère sociétal et culturel de la fraude. Le second article de cette thèse tente de mettre en perspective la quête de légitimation d’une association professionnelle antifraude. Par une étude concomitante de la représentation fournie par les dirigeants de cette association à l’avant-scène pour promouvoir leur légitimité et de la réception de cette représentation par les membres de cette organisation qui assistent au spectacle, cet article souhaite mettre en exergue l’idée que la légitimation des expertises professionnelles repose parfois sur le maintien du secret par les membres de l’audience qui, malgré un désenchantement évident face au processus de professionnalisation, tendent à taire les écarts ressentis afin de préserver la valeur allouée à leur titre professionnel sur le marché de l’emploi. Enfin, le dernier article de cette thèse tente de mieux comprendre comment sont socialisés les experts antifraude par une analyse simultanée du discours qui leur est livré dans le cadre de leur formation, mais aussi de la représentation cognitive qu’ils se font dudit discours qui doit nécessairement s’adapter à la « réalité » organisationnelle de ces experts. En outre, si le risque réputationnel est un enjeu majeur auquel les experts antifraude semblent être confrontés, leur réponse professionnelle face à cette problématique suscite, quant à elle, une réflexion significative relativement à leur éthique professionnelle. / Fraud is often perceived as the “modern crime par excellence”. Media coverage and growing interest in the public sphere regarding the phenomenon have generated a plethora of studies on the matter. Although these studies helped to produce general theories such as the fraud triangle theory, these studies nonetheless tend to view the question of fraud through a single angle of analysis – focusing either on the fraudster, the organizational context, or the advocated method of intervention. In addition, few studies have sought to analyze the social constructions underlying fraud by relying simultaneously on concepts excerpted from different analytical angles (e.g., individual / context) – whereas the use of such “analytical bricolage” could have produced a more complete picture of the phenomenon under study (and often a very different one from what was initially expected). Seeking to address this weakness, each article of this thesis relies on concepts associated with distinct analytical angles – which will be juxtaposed along a dichotomy analysis approach. The use of this method of analysis sometimes leads to results quite different from those already documented in the literature. The first article of this thesis aims to better understand the process leading to the adoption of deviant behavior. Through an analysis of the testimony of two key actors involved in an immense collusion scandal brought to light by the Charbonneau Commission, this article, which proposes a simultaneous analysis of the individual and the context, wishes to highlight the idea that the mechanisms currently deployed by the state to counter fraud are limited because they do not take into account the societal and cultural nature of the fraud. The aim of the second article of this thesis is to study how the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) sought to gain legitimacy as a group holding professional expertise in prevention and detection of economic fraud. Through a concomitant study of the frontstage representations provided by the leaders of this association to promote its legitimacy, and the reception of these representations by ACFE members who attend the “show”, this article wishes to argue that legitimization partly depends on the audience remaining silent about the discrepancies between the show put on by the Association and the audience’s perceptions of fraud-fighting’s backstage realities. This appears to be particularly true when the spectators enjoy recognition and other benefits as a result of their own involvement. Finally, the last article of this thesis examines how antifraud experts are socialized through discourse conveyed to them as part of their training, and through the cognitive representation they develop of the discourse, relying on their sense of organizational “reality”. Ultimately, my analysis indicates that while reputational risk is a major issue in the eyes of anti-fraud experts, their professional response in addressing this risk is questionable in light of professional ethics. / Résumé en anglais. Fraud is often perceived as the “modern crime par excellence”. Media coverage and growing interest in the public sphere regarding the phenomenon have generated a plethora of studies on the matter. Although these studies helped to produce general theories such as the fraud triangle theory, these studies nonetheless tend to view the question of fraud through a single angle of analysis – focusing either on the fraudster, the organizational context, or the advocated method of intervention. In addition, few studies have sought to analyze the social constructions underlying fraud by relying simultaneously on concepts excerpted from different analytical angles (e.g., individual / context) – whereas the use of such “analytical bricolage” could have produced a more complete picture of the phenomenon under study (and often a very different one from what was initially expected). Seeking to address this weakness, each article of this thesis relies on concepts associated with distinct analytical angles – which will be juxtaposed along a dichotomy analysis approach. The use of this method of analysis sometimes leads to results quite different from those already documented in the literature. The first article of this thesis aims to better understand the process leading to the adoption of deviant behavior. Through an analysis of the testimony of two key actors involved in an immense collusion scandal brought to light by the Charbonneau Commission, this article, which proposes a simultaneous analysis of the individual and the context, wishes to highlight the idea that the mechanisms currently deployed by the state to counter fraud are limited because they do not take into account the societal and cultural nature of the fraud. The aim of the second article of this thesis is to study how the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) sought to gain legitimacy as a group holding professional expertise in prevention and detection of economic fraud. Through a concomitant study of the frontstage representations provided by the leaders of this association to promote its legitimacy, and the reception of these representations by ACFE members who attend the “show”, this article wishes to argue that legitimization partly depends on the audience remaining silent about the discrepancies between the show put on by the Association and the audience’s perceptions of fraud-fighting’s backstage realities. This appears to be particularly true when the spectators enjoy recognition and other benefits as a result of their own involvement. Finally, the last article of this thesis examines how antifraud experts are socialized through discourse conveyed to them as part of their training, and through the cognitive representation they develop of the discourse, relying on their sense of organizational “reality”. Ultimately, my analysis indicates that while reputational risk is a major issue in the eyes of anti-fraud experts, their professional response in addressing this risk is questionable in light of professional ethics.

Property inference decision-making and decision switching of undergraduate engineers : implications for ideational diversity & fluency through movements in a Cartesian concept design space

Shah, Raza January 2017 (has links)
Design fixation is a phenomenon experienced by professional designers and engineering design students that stifles creativity and innovation through discouraging ideational productivity, fluency and diversity. During the design idea and concept generation phase of the design process, a reliance on perceptual surface feature similarities between design artefacts increases the likelihood of design fixation leading to design duplication. Psychologists, educators and designers have become increasingly interested in creative idea generation processes that encourage innovation and entrepreneurial outcomes. However, there is a notable lack of collaborative research between psychology, education and engineering design particularly on inductive reasoning of undergraduate engineering students in higher education. The data gathered and analysed for this study provides an insight into property inference decision-making preferences and decision switching (SWITCH) patterns of engineering undergraduates under similarity-based inductive judgements [SIM] and category-based inductive judgements [CAT]. For this psychology experiment, property induction tasks were devised using abstract shapes in a triad configuration. Participants (N = 180), on an undergraduate engineering programme in London, observed a triad of shapes with a target shape more similar-looking to one of two given shapes. Factors manipulated for this experiment included category alignment, category group, property type and target shape. Despite the cognitive development and maturation stage of undergraduate engineers (adults) in higher education, this study identified similarity-based inductive judgements [SIM] to play a significant role during inductive reasoning relative to the strength of category-based inductive judgements [CAT]. In addition to revealing the property inference decision-making preferences of a sample of undergraduate engineers (N = 180), two types of switch classification and two types of non-switch classification (SWITCH) were found and named SIM_NCC, SIM-Salient, Reverse_CAT and CAT_Switching. These different classifications for property inference switching and non-switching presented a more complex pattern of decision-making driven by the relative strength between similarity-based inductive judgements [SIM] and category-based inductive judgements [CAT]. The conditions that encouraged CAT_Switching is of particular interest to design because it corresponds to inference decision switching that affirms the sharing of properties between dissimilar-looking shapes designated as category members, i.e., in a conflicting category alignment condition (CoC). For CAT_Switching, this study found a significant interaction between a particular set of conditions that significantly increased the likelihood of property inference decisions switching to affirm the sharing of properties between dissimilar-looking shapes. Stimuli conditions that combined a conflicting category alignment condition (where dissimilar-looking shapes belong to the same category) with category specificity, a causal property and a target shape with merged (or blended) perceptual surface features significantly increased the likelihood of a property inference decision switching. CAT_Switching has important implications for greater ideational productivity, fluency and diversity to discourage design fixation within the conceptual design space. CAT_Switching conditions could encourage more creative design transformations with alternative design functions through inductive inferences that generalise between dissimilar artefact designs. The findings from this study led to proposing a Cartesian view of the concept design space to represent the possibilities for greater movements through flexible and expanding category boundaries to encourage conceptual combinations, greater ideational fluency and greater ideational diversity within a configuration design space. This study has also created a platform for further research into property inference decision-making, ideational diversity and category boundary flexibility under stimuli conditions that encourage designers and design students to make inductive generalisations between dissimilar domains of knowledge through a greater emphasis on causal relations and semantic networks.

Evolution of cooperation in evolutionary games with the opting-out strategy and under random environmental noise

Li, Cong 07 1900 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous étudions les effets d'un environnement stochastique et de l'utilisation d'une stratégie d'opting-out sur l'évolution de la coopération dans les jeux évolutionnaires. La thèse contient 8 articles, dont 6 sont déjà publiés dans des revues avec comité de lecture. Outre l'introduction, la thèse est divisée en deux parties, la partie 1 composée de 5 articles et la partie 2 de 3 articles. La partie 1 étudie l'impact de gains randomisés dans les jeux évolutionnaires. L'article 1 introduit les concepts de stabilité pour les jeux avec matrice de paiement aléatoire 2x2 dans des populations infinies avec des générations discrètes sans chevauchement dans un environnement stochastique. On y donne les conditions pour qu'un équilibre, sur la frontière ou à l'intérieur du simplexe des fréquences des stratégies, soit stochastiquement localement stable ou instable. L'article 2 étend les résultats de l'article 1 au cas où la valeur sélective est une fonction exponentielle du gain attendu suite à des interactions aléatoires par paires et montre que, de manière inattendue, le bruit aléatoire environnemental peut rompre un cycle périodique et favoriser la stabilité d'un équilibre intérieur. L'article 3 discute des effets de la sélection faible. Alors que les conditions de stabilité dans un environnement aléatoire reviennent aux conditions du cas déterministe lorsque l'intensité de la sélection diminue, les fluctuations aléatoires des gains peuvent accélérer la vitesse de convergence vers un équilibre stable sous une sélection plus faible. L'article 4 applique la théorie de la stabilité évolutive stochastique à un jeu randomisé de dilemme du prisonnier. On y montre que l'augmentation de la variance des gains de défection est propice à l'évolution de la coopération. L'article 5 étudie les jeux matriciels randomisés dans des populations finies et donne les conditions pour que la sélection favorise l'évolution de la coopération dans le contexte du jeu randomisé de dilemme du prisonnier. La partie 2 considère un jeu répété de dilemme du prisonnier dans le cas où un comportement d'opting-out est adopté par chaque joueur dans les interactions par paires. L'article 6 étudie la dynamique évolutive de la coopération et de la défection dans ce contexte et montre une possible coexistence à long terme, en supposant une population infinie et un équilibre rapide (en fait, instantané) dans les fréquences des paires. L'article 7 rapporte des résultats expérimentaux avec 264 étudiants universitaires utilisant la stratégie d'opting-out qui soutiennent la prédiction théorique d'une coexistence à long terme de coopération et de défection. L'article 8 étend l'analyse du modèle avec la stratégie d'opting-out au cas d'une population finie et fournit une preuve rigoureuse des deux échelles de temps pour les fréquences de coopération et de défection d'une part et les fréquences de paires de stratégies d'autre part. / In this thesis, we study the effects of a stochastic environment and the use of an opting-out strategy on the evolution of cooperation in evolutionary games. The thesis contains 8 articles, among which 6 are already published in peer-reviewed journals. Apart from the introduction, the thesis is divided into two parts, Part 1 made with 5 articles and Part 2 with 3 articles. Part 1 studies randomized payoffs in evolutionary games. Article 1 introduces stability concepts for 2x2 matrix games in infinite populations undergoing discrete, non-overlapping generations in a stochastic environment and gives conditions for an equilibrium, either on the boundary or in the interior of the simplex of all strategy frequencies, to be stochastically locally stable or unstable. Article 2 extends the results of Article 1 to the case where fitness is an exponential function of expected payoff in random pairwise interactions and shows that, unexpectedly, environmental random noise can break a periodic cycle and promote stability of an interior equilibrium. Article 3 discusses the effects of weak selection. While stability conditions in a random environment return to conditions in the deterministic case as selection intensity diminishes, random fluctuations in payoffs can accelerate the speed of convergence toward a stable equilibrium under weaker selection. Article 4 applies stochastic evolutionary stability theory to a randomized Prisoner's dilemma game and shows that increasing the variance in payoffs for defection is conducive to the evolution of cooperation. Article 5 studies randomized matrix games in finite populations and gives conditions for selection to favor the evolution of cooperation in the context of a randomized Prisoner's dilemma. Part 2 considers a repeated Prisoner's dilemma game with an opting-out behavior adopted by every player in pairwise interactions. Article 6 studies the evolutionary dynamics of cooperation and defection in this context and shows possible long-term coexistence, assuming an infinite population and fast (actually, instantaneous) equilibrium in the pair frequencies. Article 7 reports experimental results with 264 university students using the opting-out strategy that support the theoretical prediction of a long-term coexistence of cooperation and defection. Article 8 extends the analysis of the model with the opting-out strategy to the case of a finite population and provides a rigorous proof of the two-time scales for the frequencies of cooperation and defection on one hand and the frequencies of strategy pairs on the other.

Vergleich der Stabilität von Schanzschrauben im Knochen im externen Fixateurverbund zu ausgewählten Zeitpunkten am Schafmodell

Reuther, Theresa Maria 21 June 2006 (has links)
Externe Fixateure werden häufig für die Stabilisierung und Behandlung schwerer Frakturen genutzt. Schraubenkanalinfektionen können dabei zu Komplikationen, wie Osteomyelitis und Stabilitätsverlusten führen. Es ist unklar, ob Schraubenkanalinfektionen zu Schraubenlockerungen führen, oder aber ob der Stabilitätsverlust von Schrauben in Schraubenkanalinfektionen resultiert. Das Ziel dieser Studie ist es, einen Zusammenhang zwischen der mechanischen Stabilität, dem Auftreten von Infektionen und der osseären Verankerung darzustellen. An 27 Schafen wurde eine standardisierte Osteotomie (3mm weiter Frakturspalt) der rechten Tibia durchgeführt und mit einem monolateralem Fixateur externe stabilisiert. Während der täglichen Pinpflege wurde die Haut um die Schraubeneintrittsstellen begutachtet. Radiologische Verlaufskontrollen erfolgten in wöchentlichen Abständen. Nach 3, 6 und 9 Wochen wurden die Tiere getötet, die Ausdrehmomente der Schrauben gemessen und mikrobiologische Abstriche genommen. Knochenschnitte durch die Schraubenkanäle wurden für histologische, histochemische und histomorphometrische Analysen genommen. In dieser Studie scheint es zu einer Zunahme der Stabilisierung der osseären Verankerung während des Heilungsverlaufes zu kommen. Da die kortikale Knochendichte über die Zeit abnimmt, kann die zunehmend stabilere Verankerung der Schrauben einzig über eine gleichzeitige periostale Kallusdichtezunahme erklärt werden. Die größten Ausdrehmomente des neugebildeten periostalen Kallus wurden zum Sechswochenzeitpunkt gemessen. Danach nimmt die periostale Kallusfläche ab, wohingegen die Kallusdichte zunimmt. Die mikrobiologische Besiedelungsrate (15%) war dreifach höher als die klinisch bestätigten Infektionen. Hingegen war die Osteolyserate (28%) doppelt so hoch wie die mikrobiologisch bestätigte Infektionsrate. Eine Korrelation zwischen Infektion, Osteolyse und Pinlockerung konnte nicht gefunden werden. / External fixators are frequently used for the stabilization and the treatment of problematic fractures. Pin track infections have been shown to cause complications such as osteomyelitis and loss of stability of osteosynthesis. It remains unclear, whether pin track infection provokes pin loosening, or loss of the pin stability results in pin track infections. The aim of this study was to investigate the correlation between the mechanical stability of pins, the incidence of pin track infections and the osseus anchorage of pins. 27 sheep underwent a standardized osteotomy (3 mm gap) of the right tibia. The tibiae were stabilized by a monolateral external fixator. Within the daily pin care routine, the skin around the pin entries was scored. Radiographs were taken at weekly intervals. After 3, 6 and 9 weeks, the animals were sacrificed, the extraction torque of all pins was determined and microbiological analyses were taken. Bone sections through the pintracks were taken for histological, histochemical and histomorphometrical analysis. This study reveals an increasing stability of osseous pinanchorage over the course of healing. As the cortical bone density decreased over time, the increased anchorage-stability of the pins can only be explained by the simultaneous increase of the periosteal callus bone density. The magnitude of the extraction force is determined by the newbuilt periosteal callus, which is at its biggest value at six weeks. Afterwards, the periosteal callus area abates, while the callus bone density accumulates. The microbiologically affirmed infection rate (15%) was three times higher than the one clinical ascertained. In contrast the evidence of osteolysis (28%) was twice as high as the microbiologically diagnosed infection-rate. Despite the low infection rate, evidence of cortical lysis coud not be prevented. No correlation could be found between infection, osteolysis and pin loosening.

Values in life and literature : a comparative reading of the depiction of disintegration, insecurity and uncertainty in selected novels by Thomas Mann, William Faulkner and Thomas Pynchon

Wilke, Magdalena Friedericke 06 1900 (has links)
The reading of selected literary texts in this thesis traces the changes from a divinely ordered world of stability (Thomas Mann's Bud<lenbrooks) to surroundings characterized by insecurity (William Faulkner's The Sound and the Fury) to an unstable environment giving rise to largely futile attempts at finding answers to seemingly illogical questions (Thomas Pynchon's The Crying of Lot 49). As a product of the accelerated speed of technological progression and the information revolution in the twentieth century, man is more often than not incapable of adjusting to changed circumstances in a seemingly hostile environment. Indeed, instability and unpredictability are external factors determining the sense of insecurity and uncertainty characterising the 'world' depicted in the literary texts under consideration. For this reason judicious use will be made of philosophical and psychoanalytical concepts, based, amongst others, on Nietzschean and Freudian theories, to explain the disintegration of families, the anguish experienced by individuals or, indeed, the shifting identities informing the portrayal of character in selected literary texts. / Afrikaans and Theory of Literature / D.Litt. et Phil. (Theory of Literature)

Regulation of nitrogen fixation in <i>Klebsiella pneumoniae</i>: Nitrogen and oxygen signal perception by the negative regulator NifL / Regulation der Stickstofffixierung in <i>Klebsiella pneumoniae</i>: Stickstoff- und Sauserstoff-Signalaufnahme durch den negativen Regulator NifL

Thummer, Robert 31 October 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Estudo comparativo entre dois métodos de tratamento da lesão do ligamento cruzado posterior por avulsão óssea na tíbia : amarrilho artroscópico e fixação com parafuso por via posterior aberta / Comparative study between two methods of treatment of tibial posterior cruciate ligament bony avulsion: arthroscopic suture and screw fixation using open posterior approach.

Sasaki, Sandra Umeda 15 December 2003 (has links)
Atualmente, os bons resultados na lesão do ligamento cruzado posterior por avulsão óssea na tíbia associam-se ao tratamento cirúrgico e precoce. A técnica convencional é a fixação com parafuso pela via de acesso posterior do joelho, com abordagem direta das estruturas vasculares e nervosas da região. Neste estudo experimental em 20 joelhos de cadáveres, buscamos apresentar uma alternativa com amarrilho por via artroscópica, comparando-o com a técnica convencional, através da inspeção direta e de testes biomecânicos. Houve falha na fixação de apenas um exemplar de cada método e medidas de deslocamento tibial posterior (p=0,23) e rigidez média (p=0,28) sem diferenças significativas entre as duas técnicas. Concluímos ser o amarrilho artroscópico viável e uma alternativa no tratamento desta lesão. / Nowadays, good results on the management of posterior cruciate ligament bony avulsion of the tibia are associated with early surgical repair. The usual method of treatment is the open posterior approach with screw fixation, wich requires popliteal neurovascular bundle direct manipulation. This study presents a new arthroscopic suture and compares it with the conventional technique, using biomechanical tests and direct inspection in cadaveric specimens (20 knees). On both methods there was a fixation fail in one knee. The analisys of tibial posterior displacement (p=0,23) and stiffness (p=0,20) were similar for the two methods. The Arthroscopic suture presented is an effective reattachment method for this fracture pattern.

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