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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Hf/Co Heterobimetallic Complexes Bearing N-Xylyl Phosphinoamide Ligands as a Comparison to Analogous Zr/Co Heterobimetallic Complexes

Morrison, Sean M. January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Komplikationen und Komplikationsrisiken bei der Versorgung kindlicher Femurschaftfrakturen / Statistische Analyse an den Traumazentren der Universitätsmedizin Göttingen und Magdeburg / Treatment of pediatric femoral shaft fractures: complications and risk factors

Klauser, Maria Rita 27 June 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Identifikace náročných životních situací a jejich zvládání u adolescentů /gymnasistů/. / The identification of difficult life situations and their overcoming by adolescents (grammer school students).

HANDLÍŘOVÁ, Ludmila January 2007 (has links)
This diploma work consists of theorethical and practical part. The theorethical part contains general characteristics of difficult life situations as stress, frustration and conflict. There are also mentioned techniques and factors for coping difficult life situations. The practical part contains a research, which deals perception difficult life situations by adolescents. The research was carried out by two questionnaires. At the end of the practical part there is a summary and an evaluation of results.

Možnosti použití hodnotové analýzy při výběru poskytovatele hypotečního úvěru / Possibilities of value analysis utilization by selection of mortgage lender

Pískatá, Petra January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this master’s thesis is to find the best type of mortgage loan for several kinds of borrowers. The first part describes personal housing financing, use of loans, use of mortgages in general. At the end of this theoretical part the value analysis is explained as a tool for mortgage lender (or the type of mortgage loan) selection and the way of reaching this goal is defined. Second part is a practical example of how to make decision and find the best choice. It selects the most important criteria and real cash flow is simulated to asset the price of each possibility. Using the discrimination method and efficiency rate the possibilities are ranked. Results are commented on and recommendations are set to every type of client. In conclusion, general method for selection before getting a mortgage is proposed.

Uberwindung der Milieufixierung in Freien evangelischen Gemeinden in Deutschland: ein vergleich aktueller ekklesiologischer Entwurfe / Breaking through the fixation of the social milieu of free evangelical churches in Germany: a comparison of current ecclesiological models

Endlich, Markus January 2020 (has links)
Text in German with summaries in German, English and Afrikaans / Bibliography (pages 133-140) / Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Milieufixierung der Gemeinden des Bundes Freier evangelischer Gemeinden in Deutschland, ihren möglichen inneren und äußeren Ursachen und deren Überwindung durch aktuelle oikodomische Entwürfe. Dazu werden zunächst die Auswirkungen der Milieufixierung anhand der Mitgliederentwicklung und des eingeschränkten Konversionswachstums sowie des Stagnierens und Eingehens von Gemeinden nachgezeichnet. In einem zweiten Schritt werden mögliche Ursachen anhand der Geschichte und der spezifischen Ekklesiologie und Organisationsstruktur Freier evangelischer Gemeinden diskutiert und die sozialen Veränderungen innerhalb der bundesdeutschen Gesellschaft der letzten Jahrzehnte, insbesondere die Herausbildung von Milieus, aufgezeigt. Der Hauptteil der Arbeit besteht in der systematischen Analyse und dem Vergleich von fünf oikodomischen Modellen, die innerhalb des Bundes Freier evangelischer Gemeinden Anwendung finden. Verglichen wird hier insbesondere die milieuüberwindende Potenz dieser Entwürfe. Abschließend werden in Form von sechs Thesen mögliche hilfreiche Schlussfolgerungen für den praktischen Gemeindebau im Bund Freier evangelischer Gemeinden gezogen. / The study discusses the milieu fixation found in the Free Evangelical Churches in Germany, the potential internal and external causes of it and asks how milieu fixation might be overcome by current oikodomic strategies. The effects of milieu fixation are evaluated by looking at membership development, slow congregation growth owing to lower levels of conversion, and the reasons for stagnation and decline in congregations. Thereafter the history of specific ecclesiological and organisational structures of Free Evangelical congregations (FeG), as well as the social changes in German society in recent decades, are examined and analysed. A specific focus is placed on identifying possible causes leading to the formation of milieus. The main part of the study consists of a systematic analysis and comparison of five oikodomic models applied in the Federation FeG, together with a comparison of potential models for reversing milieu fixation. Finally, six propositions are laid out to draw a possible conclusion for practically building up the church in the Federation of Free Evangelical Churches. / Hierdie studie bespreek milieufiksasie wat in die Vrye Evangeliese Kerke in Duitsland aangetref word, die potensiële interne en eksterne oorsake daarvan, en hoe milieufiksasie deur huidige oikodomiese strategieë te bowe gekom kan word. Eerstens word die uitwerking van milieufiksasie geëvalueer deur na lidmaatskapontwikkeling, lae gemeentegroei as gevolg van bekering, en redes vir stagnasie en afname in gemeentes te kyk. Daarna word die geskiedenis van spesifieke ekklesiologiese en organisatoriese strukture van Vrye Evangeliese gemeentes (VeG) en die maatskaplike veranderinge in die Duitse samelewing in onlangse dekades bestudeer en ontleed. ’n Spesifieke fokus word geplaas op die identifisering van moontlike oorsake wat tot die vorming van milieus aanleiding kon gegee het. Die belangrikste deel van die studie bestaan uit ’n sistematiese ontleding en vergelyking van vyf oikodomiese modelle wat in die Federasie van VeG toegepas word, ’n vergelyking van potensiële modelle om milieufiksasie om te keer. Ten slotte word ses stellings ontleed om tot ’n moontlike gevolgtrekking vir praktiese kerkbou in die Federasie van Vrye Evangeliese Kerke te kom. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Practical Theology)

Hårdgörning av Asp / Densification of Aspen Wood

Johansson, Martin January 2008 (has links)
Hårdgörning av trä syftar till att göra materialet hårdare. Detta går att åstadkomma genom komprimering, det komprimerade materialet tenderar dock att återgå mot sin ursprungsform då materialet utsätts för fukt om ingen låsning sker. Låsningen kan ske mekaniskt i en treskiktskonstruktion som motverkar träets fuktrörelser. Dessa skivor har dock visat sig vara instabila och tidigare försök har uppvisat deformationer i form av kupning. Denna undersökning syftar till att utreda förutsättningarna för att använda komprimerad asp samt att ta fram underlag för framtagning av en kommersiell produkt. Praktiska tester har genomförts för att studera hårdhet, återfjädring och densitet hos det komprimerade virket. Vidare har treskiktsskivor tagits fram för att testa om det går att få en stabil konstruktion genom att variera tjockleken på spärrskiktet. Även skillnader i acklimatiseringstid och fuktkvotens inverkan för virkets återfjädring har studerats. Resultaten visar på att aspens hårdhet efter komprimering blir i samma nivå som bok och ask, en låg fuktkkvot vid komprimering av materialet ger en låg återfjädring, komprimerat material har en längre acklimatiseringstid till jämviktsfuktkvot och materialet går att låsa tvärs fiberriktningen i en treskiktskonstruktion. / To make wood harder it can be densified. This can be achieved by compression, the compressed material tends to return to the original shape when it is exposed to moisture fluxations and if no form of fixation occurs. The fixation can be done mechanically in a three-layer panel construction which reduce movements in the timber. These panels have been found to be unstable and previous attempts have shown deformations in form of cupping. This study aims to evaluate the conditions for using compressed aspen wood, and to provide a basis for development of a commercial product. Practical tests have been conducted to study hardness, springback and density of the compressed wood. In addition, three-layer panels have been developed to test whether it is possible to have a stable construction by varying the thickness of the buttom layer. Differences in acclimatisation time and the moisture contents effect on the springback has aslo been studied. The results show that the hardness of aspen wood after compression is in equal levels with beech and ashes, a low moisture contet provides a low springback, compressed timber have a longer time for acclimatisation and it is possible to fixate the material in the direction across the grain in a three-layer panel construction.

Hårdgörning av Asp / Densification of Aspen Wood

Johansson, Martin January 2008 (has links)
<p>Hårdgörning av trä syftar till att göra materialet hårdare. Detta går att åstadkomma genom komprimering, det komprimerade materialet tenderar dock att återgå mot sin ursprungsform då materialet utsätts för fukt om ingen låsning sker. Låsningen kan ske mekaniskt i en treskiktskonstruktion som motverkar träets fuktrörelser. Dessa skivor har dock visat sig vara instabila och tidigare försök har uppvisat deformationer i form av kupning. Denna undersökning syftar till att utreda förutsättningarna för att använda komprimerad asp samt att ta fram underlag för framtagning av en kommersiell produkt.</p><p>Praktiska tester har genomförts för att studera hårdhet, återfjädring och densitet hos det komprimerade virket. Vidare har treskiktsskivor tagits fram för att testa om det går att få en stabil konstruktion genom att variera tjockleken på spärrskiktet. Även skillnader i acklimatiseringstid och fuktkvotens inverkan för virkets återfjädring har studerats.</p><p>Resultaten visar på att aspens hårdhet efter komprimering blir i samma nivå som bok och ask, en låg fuktkkvot vid komprimering av materialet ger en låg återfjädring, komprimerat material har en längre acklimatiseringstid till jämviktsfuktkvot och materialet går att låsa tvärs fiberriktningen i en treskiktskonstruktion.</p> / <p>To make wood harder it can be densified. This can be achieved by compression, the compressed material tends to return to the original shape when it is exposed to moisture fluxations and if no form of fixation occurs. The fixation can be done mechanically in a three-layer panel construction which reduce movements in the timber. These panels have been found to be unstable and previous attempts have shown deformations in form of cupping. This study aims to evaluate the conditions for using compressed aspen wood, and to provide a basis for development of a commercial product.</p><p>Practical tests have been conducted to study hardness, springback and density of the compressed wood. In addition, three-layer panels have been developed to test whether it is possible to have a stable construction by varying the thickness of the buttom layer. Differences in acclimatisation time and the moisture contents effect on the springback has aslo been studied.</p><p>The results show that the hardness of aspen wood after compression is in equal levels with beech and ashes, a low moisture contet provides a low springback, compressed timber have a longer time for acclimatisation and it is possible to fixate the material in the direction across the grain in a three-layer panel construction.</p>

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