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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Étude de la biologie florale et de mécanismes de pollinisation d'Arisaema triphyllum

Barriault, Isabelle January 2007 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.

Vliv florální morfologie na percepci květů člověkem / The influence of floral morphology on the perception of the flowers by man

Hůla, Martin January 2015 (has links)
Human preference of flowers is a largely unexplored area of research. Although some authors mentioned this topic, it was usually a very brief comment. They typically stated that flowers are most likely preferred because of their coloration and symmetry. But flowers have many forms and colors and it is obvious that some of them are preferred more than others. The aim of this paper was to explore which morphological characteristics of flowers are important for human preference. We discuss how individual differences between people affected their rating of flower attractivity. The effect of flower color, symmetry, complexity, angularity and prototypicality on human preference was experimentally verified. It is described how the flower preference can be influenced by the sex, age, level of expertise and other characteristics of the raters. The results can provide a valuable source of information for experts in horticultural therapy, garden and interior designers, plant breeders, gardeners and other persons interested in the aesthetic value of flowers. There is a lack of relevant sources on this topic not only in the Czech Republic, but also worldwide.


Bryan, Casey J. 01 May 2019 (has links)
Increases in agricultural intensification over the past century have resulted in significant alterations to the rural landscape across the Midwest. Pollinators are essential to sustain natural and managed ecosystems. They are vital for food production and their declines have been linked, in part, to a rise in intensive agricultural practices. There is a recognized need among numerous stakeholders to build sustainability into the management of agroecosystems to protect both the biotic and abiotic resources of these systems. The use of cover crops is gaining interest among agricultural producers for benefits such as improving water quality and soil health. Cover cropping systems have the potential to provide floral resources to pollinators and suppress problematic driver weeds. The overall objective of this study was to quantify the effects of cover crops on plant and pollinator biodiversity within agricultural systems. This study aimed to characterize the pollinator diversity indicative of the patchwork mosaic forest-agroecosystem of Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge; evaluate the roles cover crop treatments play in supporting pollinator diversity and weed suppression benefits in a conventionally managed system; and provide the basis of recommendations for sustainable weed suppression tactics and for enhancing the quality of pollinator habitat within agricultural systems.

Influência do manejo da copa sbre o comportamento vegetativo e produtivo de kiwizeiros na serra gaúcha / Influence of kiwifruit canopy management on vegetative and productive behavior in serrra gaucha region

Marodin, Francisco Antonello January 2018 (has links)
O kiwizeiro pertence ao gênero Actinidia e família Actinidiaceae. Todas as espécies deste gênero são trepadeiras perenes que se comportam de forma desordenada quando não manejadas e caracterizam-se por crescimento extremamente vigoroso. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o comportamento vegetativo e produtivo de kiwizeiros das cultivares ‘Elmwood’ (Actinidia deliciosa) e ‘MG06’ (Actinidia chinensis), enxertados sobre plantas oriundas de sementes de frutos da cultivar ‘Bruno’ (Actinidia deliciosa), conduzidos em sistema latada e submetidos a diferentes intensidades de poda de inverno, além de testar a possibilidade de utilização da técnica de ‘tip squeezing’ (“compressão do meristema apical” - CMA) para redução do vigor e do crescimento de parte aérea de kiwizeiros ‘MG06’, na região da Serra Gaúcha, RS, Brasil. O primeiro estudo foi realizado de junho de 2016 a abril de 2017 com a cultivar ‘Elmwood’. Nesse, três tratamentos com nove repetições foram utilizados no delineamento inteiramente casualizado. Os tratamentos consistiram na manutenção de diferentes níveis de cargas de gemas em cada vara: 10, 15 e 20 gemas vara-1. Avaliou-se o índice de fertilidade das gemas; o número, percentual e posição de gemas não brotadas, brotações vegetativas e brotações mistas; área, massa seca e área específica das folhas; diâmetro e comprimento de ramos; rendimento e número de frutos; e diâmetros transversal e longitudinal, massa fresca, firmeza, teor de sólidos solúveis (SS), pH, acidez total titulável (ATT) e relação SS/ATT de frutos. O segundo estudo foi realizado entre julho e dezembro de 2017 com a cultivar ‘MG06’, testando-se diferentes cargas de gemas em cada vara: 10, 15 e 20 gemas vara-1, com e sem a utilização da CMA, representando 6 diferentes tratamentos. Cada tratamento era composto de nove repetições (cada repetição correspondia a uma planta) em delineamento inteiramente casualizado. Avaliou-se o índice de fertilidade das gemas; o número, percentual e posição de gemas não brotadas, brotações vegetativas e brotações mistas; área e massa seca das folhas; diâmetro e comprimento de ramos e de entrenós; diâmetros transversal e longitudinal, massa fresca, firmeza, teor de sólidos solúveis, acidez total titulável e relação SS/ATT de frutos. A poda com diferentes cargas de gemas não influencia o índice de fertilidade real das gemas de kiwizeiros ‘Elmwood’ e ‘MG06’ em um mesmo ciclo, porém afeta o tamanho das folhas e dos ramos. A poda de kiwizeiros ‘Elmwood’ mantendo varas com 10 gemas favorece o aumento da massa de fruto e não reduz produtividade. A CMA reduz o vigor das brotações de kiwizeiros ‘MG06’ sem influir na qualidade dos frutos. / The kiwifruit belongs to Actinidia Genus and Actinidiaceae Family. All species from this kind are perennial bindweeds which behave in desordered way when not managed and are characterized by extremely vigourous growth. The objective of this work is to evaluate vegetative and productive behavior of kiwifruit trees from ‘Elmwood’ (Actinidia deliciosa) and ‘MG06’ (Actinidia chinensis) cultivars, grafted over plants originating from seeds of fruits of the ‘Bruno’ cultivar (Actinidia deliciosa), conduced in trellis system and submitted to different intensities of winter pruning, besides testing the possibility of usage of ‘tip squeezing’ technique for vigor and growth reduction of the vegetative part of ‘MG06’ kiwifruit trees, in Serra Gaucha region, RS, Brazil. The first study has been made from june of 2016 to april of 2017 with ‘Elmwood’ cultivar. In this one, three treatments with nine repetitions (each repetition corresponded to a plant) were used in the completely randomized design. The treatments consisted in maintenance of different bud loading levels in each cane: 10, 15 and 20 buds cane-1. It was evaluated the index of fertility of the buds; the number, percentage and position of not sprouted buds, vegetative buds and mixed buds; area, dry mass and specific area of the leaves; diameter and length of the branches; productivity and number of fruits; and transversal and longitudinal diameters, dry mass, firmness, soluble solids content (SS), pH, titratable total acidity, (TTA) and relation SS/TTA of the fruits. The second study has been made between july and december of 2017 with ‘MG06’ cultivar, being tested different loads of buds in each cane: 10, 15 and 20 buds cane-1, with and without the usage of the “squeezing”, representing 6 different treatments. Each treatment was compound of nine repetitions in completely randomized design. It was evaluated the index of fertility of the buds; number, percentage and position of the not sprouted buds, vegetative buds and mixed buds, area and dry mass of the leaves; diameter and length of branches and internodes; transversal and longitudinal diameters, fresh mass, firmness, SS, TTA and relation SS/TTA of the fruits. The pruning with different loads of buds doesn’t influence the index of real fertility of the buds from ‘Elmwood’ and ‘MG06’ kiwifruit trees in a same season, however it affects the size of leaves and branches. The pruning of ‘Elmwood’ kiwifruit trees maintaining canes with 10 gems favors the increase of fruit mass and it doesn’t reduce productivity. The “tip squeezing” reduces the vigor of kiwifruit trees ‘MG06’ without influencing fruits quality.

A integralidade na terapia floral e sua possibilidade de inserção no Sistema Único de Saúde

Neves, Luciana Cohen Persiano 10 December 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-05T20:05:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 10 / Nenhuma / Este estudo teve por objetivo discutir a inclusão da Terapia Floral nas práticas terapêuticas do SUS, como estratégia na concretização do princípio da integralidade na atenção à saúde do usuário. Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo e exploratório, que utilizou como categorias norteadoras “emocional/físico”, a “singularidade”, a “resolutividade” e a “inserção no SUS”. Os dados foram coletados a partir de entrevistas com usuários da Terapia Floral e com profissionais do Centro de Saúde Modelo (CSM), uma unidade básica do SUS em Porto Alegre (RS). Os resultados indicaram que a Terapia Floral, ao tratar os sujeitos como seres singulares e na sua totalidade, permite uma atenção diferenciada. Na busca pela concretização da integralidade, os profissionais do CSM apontam como limitações: a formação dos profissionais, baseada em um paradigma cartesiano; as sub-especializações; e a falta de recursos, principalmente financeiros. Em contrapartida, esta pesquisa constatou o baixo custo das práticas não alopáticas, incluind

Manejo agronômico do abacaxizeiro CV. Vitória visando otimizar a produtividade e qualidade dos frutos

KLEM, D. L. B. 28 July 2017 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-01T23:26:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 tese_11221_Dayane Littig Barker Klem.pdf: 1619104 bytes, checksum: ae36cb2fa20ce1419c99fd1d9b76455f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-07-28 / Na cultura do abacaxizeiro diferentes estratégias de manejo podem ser utilizadas para otimizar a produção e qualidade dos frutos visando atender as exigências da cadeia produtiva. Dentre as estratégias recomendadas estão a indução artificial da floração, contudo, o sucesso desta tecnologia é altamente dependente do estádio de desenvolvimento vegetativo da cultura, que depende principalmente do tamanho, tipo da muda e época de plantio. Sendo assim, objetivou-se com este trabalho estabelecer uma estratégia de manejo do florescimento para otimizar a produção e qualidade dos frutos, utilizando diferentes tipos de mudas e idades de indução floral. O genótipo estudado foi a cultivar Vitória, por ser resistente à Fusariose, ausência de espinhos, excelente produtividade e qualidade dos frutos. Nesse contexto, dois trabalhos foram desenvolvidos. O primeiro, intitulado Desempenho do abacaxizeiro Vitória em resposta aos tipos de mudas e idades de indução floral e o segundo, intitulado Qualidade pós-colheita do abacaxizeiro Vitória obtida pelos diferentes tipos de mudas e idades de indução floral. O experimento foi conduzido na área da Fazenda Experimental do Instituto Capixaba de Pesquisa, Assistência Técnica e Extensão Rural, no município de Sooretama-ES. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos casualizados em parcelas subdivididas no tempo, com quatro repetições, sendo cada parcela constituída por mudas do tipo filhote de 100 a 200 g e rebentão de 201 a 300 viii g. As subparcelas foram as idades de indução floral artificial (8, 10 e 12 meses após o plantio) e indução natural. Foram avaliadas diversas características referente ao desenvolvimento vegetativo, fenologia, produtividade e qualidade físico-químicas dos frutos. Foi observada interação significativa entre os fatores estudados para as variáveis de largura da folha D e área foliar total, número de rebentos produzidos, bem como, para as variáveis químicas dos frutos. O florescimento natural ocorreu entre os 16 e 18 meses após o plantio alongando o ciclo da cultura, no entanto, obteve maior produção de mudas filhotes e elevada produtividade. A indução artificial do florescimento realizada aos oito meses após o plantio antecipa a colheita em até 167 dias comparado com as demais induções artificiais. A biomassa dos frutos com coroa, foi superior no florescimento natural, com 58% de ganho de biomassa comparada com a indução aos oito meses. As induções artificiais resultaram em frutos de menor circunferência, diâmetro e espessura de polpa. As plantas induzidas artificialmente aos 12 meses e natural produziram frutos com qualidade físico-química superiores, para ambos os tipos de mudas utilizadas. Pode-se concluir que o manejo do florescimento através da indução floral é uma importante estratégia para obtenção de frutos com características variadas que atendam às exigências dos diferentes tipos de mercados interno e externo. Portanto, para indústrias de sucos ou doces, a indução pode ser realizada em todos os períodos avaliados a depender apenas, da época de demanda de frutos. Para mercados de frutos in natura e/ou exportação, recomenda-se efetuar a indução artificial a partir dos 12 meses para obter colheita mais uniforme ou induzir naturalmente, caso necessite prolongar o período de colheita.

Anatomia floral e aspectos reprodutivos de espécies de Poales (Monocotiledôneas)

Oriani, Aline [UNESP] 31 May 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:30:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2011-05-31Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T19:40:35Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 oriani_a_dr_rcla.pdf: 4103793 bytes, checksum: 452f18e41d4e409cc24ff10a6401a452 (MD5) / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) / A anatomia floral de espécies de Poales incluídas em Rapateaceae, Juncaceae, Xyridaceae, Eriocaulaceae e Mayacaceae e a biologia reprodutiva de espécies de Abolboda (Xyridaceae) foram estudadas visando contribuir com a taxonomia do grupo e elucidar relações inter e intrafamiliares. Em Rapateaceae, tricomas secretores de mucilagem presentes na base de todas as peças florais; sépalas, pétalas, anteras e estilete recobertos por cera de ornamentação estriada; pétalas com células epidérmicas curtas, de paredes sinuosas na face abaxial; anteras tetrasporangiadas, com células epidérmicas contendo compostos fenólicos; endotécio com espessamento em espiral; ovário tricarpelar, com septos incompletos; óvulos anátropos e bitegumentados; e o mesmo padrão de vascularização floral caracterizam a família. Cephalostemon e Rapatea apresentam grande similaridade, corroborando análises filogenéticas que os apontam como grupos-irmãos. Stegolepis apresenta muitas características distintivas, refletindo maior diversidade do gênero. Juncaceae caracteriza-se por apresentar tépalas com epiderme abaxial formada por células alongadas, de paredes sinuosas, e margens formadas pelo prolongamento da epiderme; endotécio com espessamento em espiral; grãos de pólen em tétrade; epiderme externa do ovário com invaginações nas regiões dos feixes dorsais dos carpelos; e presença de ginóforo. Juncus distingue-se por apresentar estômatos na face abaxial das tépalas e vários óvulos com placentação parietal, enquanto Luzula diferencia-se pela presença de compostos fenólicos nas tépalas, intumescimento da base das tépalas e dos filetes, androceu diplostêmone e presença de obturador no ovário, além de apresentar três óvulos com placentação basal. Nas xyrídeas, apêndices nectaríferos do estilete estão presentes em Xyridaceae e Eriocaulaceae e são estruturas homólogas... / The floral anatomy of Rapateaceae, Juncaceae, Xyridaceae, Eriocaulaceae and Mayacaceae, and the reproductive biology of Xyridaceae species were investigated in order to contribute to the taxonomy and to the better understanding of inter and infrafamilial relationships. In Rapateaceae, mucilage-secreting trichomes between the floral parts; sepals, petals, anthers and style covered by an ornamented cuticle; short epidermal cells, with sinuous walls in the abaxial surface of the petals; tetrasporangiate anthers with phenolic idioblasts in the epidermis; endothecium with spiral thickenings; tricarpelar ovary, with incomplete septa; anatropous, bitegmic ovules; and the same floral vascularization pattern characterize the family. Cephalostemon and Rapatea show a great number of similarities, corroborating the phylogenetic analyses that identify these genera as closely related. Stegolepis shows several distinctive characters, probably related to the greater diversity found in the genera. Juncaceae is characterized by tepals with sinuous-walled cells in the abaxial surface and with margins composed only of epidermis; endothecium with spiral thickenings; pollen in tetrad; invaginations in the ovary epidermis facing the carpel dorsal bundles; and gynophore. Juncus is distinguished by the presence of stomata in the abaxial epidermis of the tepals, and several ovules with parietal placentation, while Luzula differs by the occurrence of phenolic compounds in the tepals; intumescence of the basal region of tepals and filaments; diplostemonous androecium; ovarian obturator; and three ovules with basal placentation. In the xyrid clade, the stylar appengades of Xyridaceae and Eriocaulaceae are homologous structures, supporting the phylogenetic proximity of these two families. Eriocaulaceae and Xyridaceae also share the presence of elongate epidermal cells with straight walls in the petals; epipetalous ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)

Genetic Study of Certain Spike and Floral Characters in Barley

Koonce, Dwight 01 May 1931 (has links)
Due to the commercial importance of barley many hybridization studies have been prosecuted in an effort to produce superior economic strains. While the economic breeding is still important, at present there is considerable scientific interest int he inheritance of the characters and in the location of the genes in the different linkage groups. Barley is rather favorable genetic material for such study. There is a great number of cultivated varieties and strains which differ widely in heritable characters. Barley can be grown under a wide range of climatic conditions and will produce rather large F2 families. The fact that it has only seven chromosomes makes linkage studies more feasible than in wheat or oats with their greater chromosome complements. The characters studied in this paper are: black versus white glume color, long haired versus short haired rachilla, rough versus smooth awns, and branched versus unbranched style.

Archetypal Creativity and Healing: An Empirical Study of Floral Design (Ikebana)

Sotirova-Kohli, Milena D. 2009 August 1900 (has links)
The theory of embodied cognition focuses on mechanisms of meaning beyond the traditional in western metaphysics dichotomy of body and mind. These mechanisms are considered to be the emerging aspects of meaning related to early infant experience of interaction with the environment. Image schema as the earliest form of representation in the mind corresponds to the notion of archetype from analytical psychology. Theory and research suggest that being in touch with the archetypal level of cognition is related to integration of parts of the personality and promotes well-being. Art and creativity are considered to facilitate this process and in this sense to promote healing. Active imagination is a method devised by C. G. Jung to relate to different aspects of the personality through creativity which results in a creative product. Active imagination bears similarity to art, however it focuses not only on the aesthetic outcome of the creative endeavor but also on the transformation of the personality in this process. Analytical psychology studies a number of creative expressions of the products of active imagination such as sand play, drawing, clay modeling, writing, dancing and psychodrama. However, there are no available empirical studies of the healing aspects of creative work with cut flowers. We hypothesized that being involved in creative work with cut flowers would promote well -being expressed in increase of hope, existential/spiritual meaning and humility and decrease of depression, anxiety and physiological symptoms. The participants in our study were undergraduate students from Texas A&M University either involved in a semester long course in Floral Design or in an Introductory Psychology Course. Participants were assessed at two time points on all variables of interest. They were also asked to draw mandalas and to write essays (floral condition). Although quantitative analysis did not find any significant differences between the groups over time as a result of the creative work with cut flowers, the qualitative analysis of the mandala-drawings and the essays showed statistically significant tendency to balance, centeredness and calmness over time in the floral group.

The customers¡¦ perceptions of service quality and continuative consuming behavior intention of floral farms

Lin, Chia-po 14 April 2004 (has links)
The purposes of this study are to investigate the customers¡¦ perception of the service quality and their continuative consuming behavior of leisure floral farms after their visit two farms of Taiwan Sugar Corporation. Based on the results of this study, suggestions are offered to managers of leisure floral farms. Survey research was conducted for this study. The subjects included 640 visitors from each area in two farms of Taiwan Sugar Corporation. And 498 acceptable questionnaire were collected. The acceptance rate was 80.76%. The questionnaire includes service quality volume and behavior intention volume proposed by PZB. The data are analyzed include analysis of association between background items and consumer experience items, t-test , one-way ANOVA, and stepwise multiple regression. The conclusions of this study are as follows: 1. There is positive correlation between service quality, royalty and pay-more intention, and irrelevancy to switch intention. 2. There is correlation between customer demand and floral information, price. 3. Most consumers who visit leisure floral farms are interested in flowers and plants. It indicates that leisure floral farms with potentiality to assimilate visitors into customers, particularly for diversified farms.

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