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Vliv slev na nákupní chování zákazníků / Influence of Discounts on Customer´s Shopping BehavorialHavelková, Simona January 2013 (has links)
The master's thesis deals with promotional discounts of retail chains focusing on a description of factors that affect customers in selection of a shopping place to purchase food and beverages and identifies the level of influence of promotional discounts on purchase decisions. This thesis is divided into two parts. The theoretical part contains fundamental resources, that are enriched by findings of foreign case studies. It focuses on consumers behavior and purchase decisions emphasizing the influence of prices and special offers. The practical part consists of secondary research of current trends in shopping behavior of Czech consumers, primary analysis of the action flyers and research focused on describing the attitudes of consumers towards the retail chains and identifying the impact of promotional discounts on purchasing food products. The recommendations for marketing activities of retail chains are formulated based on the results of the analysis.
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Využití magnetických nano- a mikro částic při izolaci DNA z vybraných druhů potravin / The application of magnetic nano- and microparticles for the isolation of DNA from selected foodsRáčková, Lucie January 2017 (has links)
In thesis was verified micromethod for isolation of plant DNA from different vegetable (onion and broccoli) and plant food products in quality for application in polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The micromethod allows isolation DNA using magnetic particles from crude lysates of cells obtained by direct homogenization of plant tissues. Various methods of processing homogenates were compared. Homogenization was performed by lysis buffer containing cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB). The effect of the organic extraction agents was tested (chloroform-octanol and isopropanol). DNA was purified from homogenates by reversible adsorption on magnetic particles (four different types of magnetic particles were tested). The quality of isolated DNA was verified by UV spectrophotometry. The amplificabilty of DNA was tested by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Specific primers for plant ribosomal DNA (rDNA) were used. PCR products of lenght 700 and 220 bp were detected by agarose gel electrophoresis. Differences in yield and quality of DNA were depended on the homogenate processing and magnetic particles used. The proposed procedure with two magnetic particles was tested for the isolation DNA from plan food products (spreads). DNA was amplified in PCR. Micromethod is suitable for DNA analysis of foods.
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Sustainable Consumption in Food Industry: In what stages do consumers implement sustainability in their decision making process?Zhang, Xinyu, Egbe Stacy, Besong Enow January 2019 (has links)
This paper examines the concept of sustainable development and sustainable consumption in the food industry and how consumers relate with the idea of organic food produce and their alternatives. The research was developed by using the Consumer Decision Making model and the Norm Activation Model to be able to understand what motivates consumers in their buying choices and why. These models break down the steps a consumer goes through before making a purchase and the emotional evaluation that occurs after that decision is made. With a total of 70 responses from a structured survey sent out, the results indicated that consumers are conscious about sustainable products, are aware of the environmental and social impact but 30.6% of consumers have never looked out for sustainable products.
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Advertising Skepticism : The influence of demographic factors, consumerism and green washing in the organic food industryVan Kenhove, Nathalie, Biro, Lotti January 2016 (has links)
In 2016, it is no longer possible to deny the existence of global warming and its harmful effects on our planet and the environment. Not only experts, but also consumers, have become increasingly concerned about the environment. This increased awareness and concern has increased consumers’ interest in purchasing environmentally friendly food products, and has caused companies to focus on programs intent on reducing their environmental impact and helping the environment. Companies have introduced more environmentally friendly food products, accessible on a large scale, and have changed their communication to focus more on green products and green product attributes. Scandinavian countries have some of the largest numbers of organic food consumers in Europe and the world, with the Swedish organic food industry measuring the highest growth rate in organic food sales in 2015. Therefore, this study focuses on the Swedish green food industry. A major way for companies to make consumers aware of their available environmentally friendly food products is through green advertising. An increasingly frequent problem, however, is that consumers tend to distrust these green ads. They have knowledge of green washing practices and misleading information in green advertising. In this thesis, the relationships between green consumerism, green washing and green advertising skepticism were investigated. The potential relationship between demographic factors such as gender, age, income and level and area of study, and green advertising skepticism were tested as well. A research model with three main hypotheses was used in this thesis. The results showed a significant relationship between green consumerism and green advertising skepticism when green washing was a moderator. There was also a significant negative relationship between attitude towards green products and green advertising skepticism and a positive relationship between environmental concern and green advertising skepticism. There existed no significant relationship between the tested demographic factors and green advertising skepticism in the Swedish green food industry.
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Développement d'étiquettes RFID UHF pour la traçabilité et le contrôle de qualité des produits alimentaires, Application : production de fromage / Development of UHF RFID tags for traceability and quality control of food products, Application : Cheese productionAbdelnour, Abanob 25 October 2018 (has links)
Dans le secteur de l'agroalimentaire, l'utilisation de la RFID permet d'améliorer la sécurité des produits alimentaires tout en assurant une meilleure traçabilité et un meilleur suivi des produits. Le travail de cette thèse était principalement réalisé dans le cadre d’un projet en coopération avec plusieurs partenaires académiques et industriels dans le secteur fromager où l’objectif principal du projet était de maitriser l’ensemble des étapes de fabrication par un parfait suivi de la traçabilité des produits et un pilotage précis de l’affinage. Le travail réalisé dans cette thèse s'inscrit dans ce contexte et a comme objectif le développement de tags RFID UHF adaptés aux contraintes des produits alimentaires en assurant une double fonction: une fonction de traçabilité à identification unitaire, et ensuite une fonction de détection du degré de maturation de l'aliment par mesure indirecte de ses propriétés électromagnétiques et physico-chimiques.La première étape du projet était la caractérisation des paramètres électromagnétiques des produits alimentaires durant l’affinage afin de réaliser une conception appropriée de l'antenne du tag. En radiofréquences, c'est principalement le substrat qui dicte les propriétés électromagnétiques des composants, notamment la taille des antennes et leur diagramme de rayonnement. La connaissance de ces propriétés est indispensable afin de répondre aux exigences industrielles et d'intégrer dans de bonnes conditions les systèmes dans l'environnement applicatif. En plus, une étude de corrélation est réalisée entre la variation des propriétés diélectriques et celle des propriétés chimiques durant la période d’affinage des produits. Cette étude aide à comprendre la différence entre les différents produits et permet de déterminer les paramètres principaux à suivre durant l’affinage pour la conception du tag capteur.La deuxième étape était la conception des tags identifiants pour la traçabilité des produits alimentaires durant la procédure de fabrication. L’objectif principal est de réaliser un tag identifiant avec une performance qui répond aux besoins des fabricants dans le secteur fromager concernant la taille, la mémoire et la distance de lecture du tag tout en respectant les normes de santé au niveau d’emballage du tag ainsi que le substrat utilisé. Plusieurs configurations de tag RFID UHF étaient réalisées et testées dans un environnement industriel où les résultats obtenus montrent l’efficacité d’utiliser un système de RFID pour automatiser la traçabilité des produits dans le secteur fromager.La troisième étape concerne la conception des tags capteurs pour suivre le degré d’affinage des produits pendant la période de maturation. Une première solution, basée sur l’exploitation de l’effet de variation des propriétés diélectriques sur la distance de lecture de tag, montre un manque de performance due aux faibles variations ainsi qu’aux difficultés de mesure dans un environnement réel. Une deuxième solution basée sur la mesure de taux de dégagement des gaz durant l’affinage montre la possibilité d’estimer le degré d’affinage. Par contre, la puissance d’activation de capteur et le coût élevé ne permettent pas d’adopter cette solution. Finalement, deux solutions alternatives étaient réalisées pour mesurer l’augmentation du taux d’échapement des gaz d’une manière indirecte. La première configuration de tag capteur est basée sur le suivi du changement de dimensions du produit en utilisant un capteur résistif. D’autre part, la deuxième configuration de tag capteur est basée sur le suivi de changement de pression dans l’emballage du produit dû à la production de gaz. Les résultats obtenus montrent que ces deux configurations de tag RFID capteur peuvent offrir des solutions simples et efficaces pour le pilotage de l’affinage des produits alimentaires. / In the food sector, the use of RFID makes it possible to improve the safety of food while ensuring better traceability and better monitoring of products. The work of the thesis was mainly carried out within the framework of a project in cooperation with several academic and industrial partners in the cheese sector where the main objective of the project is to develop UHF RFID tags adapted to the constraints of food products by ensuring a dual function: a traceability function with unitary identification, and then a sensing function of cheese maturation by indirect measurement of its electromagnetic and physicochemical properties.The first step of the project was the characterization of the electromagnetic parameters of food products during ripening in order to achieve an appropriate design of the tag antenna. Knowledge of these properties is essential to meet industrial requirements and to integrate systems in right conditions. Also, a correlation study is carried out between the variation of the dielectric properties and that of the chemical properties during the period of cheese ripening. This study helps to understand the difference between cheese types and allows determining the main parameters to follow during cheese maturation for the design of the sensor tag.The second step was the design of identification tags for the traceability of food products during the manufacturing process. The primary objective is to create a UHF RFID tag with a performance that meets the needs of manufacturers in the cheese sector regarding the size, memory and reading distance while respecting the health standards at the packaging level as well as the substrate used. Several UHF RFID tag configurations were realized and tested in an industrial environment where the results obtained show the effectiveness of using an RFID system to automate the traceability of products in the cheese sector.The third step is the design of sensor tags to track the degree of maturation of products during the ripening period. A first solution, based on the exploitation of the effect of variation of the dielectric properties on the tag reading distance, shows a lack of performance due to the small variations as well as the difficulties of measurement in a real environment. A second solution based on the analysis of gas evolution rate shows the possibility of estimating the degree of cheese maturation. However, the sensor activation power and the high cost represent significant challenges and thus it was difficult to adopt this solution. Finally, two alternative solutions to measure the effect of gas evolution were presented. The idea is based on monitoring other parameters varying due to the increase of gas release during cheese maturation. The first sensor tag configuration traces the variation of product dimension due to maturation using a resistive sensor. On the other hand, the second sensor tag configuration measures the change of pressure inside the product packaging due to gas production. The results obtained show that these two sensor RFID tag configurations can offer simple and practical solutions for controlling the cheese ripening process.
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Comment parents et grands-parents influencent l’apprentissage du "bien manger" chez l’enfant : contribution de la transmission intergénérationnelle dans le contexte de la consommation alimentaire / How parents and grandparents influence food consumption learning by children : the role of the intergenerational transmission in the context of food consumptionJosion-Portail, Margaret 03 December 2014 (has links)
La question de la transmission intergénérationnelle du « bien manger » se trouve aujourd’hui au cœur des préoccupations des pouvoirs publics, qui souhaitent promouvoir auprès des jeunes générations une conception de la « bonne » alimentation dépassant le cadre de l’équilibre alimentaire ; or, paradoxalement, la littérature sur le rôle des acteurs familiaux dans le développement des connaissances de l’enfant liées à cette conception élargie de la « bonne » alimentation est assez succincte. A l’appui d’études documentaire, qualitative et quantitative menées auprès de parents et de grands-parents, cette recherche analyse le rôle des grands-parents, et parents, dans l’apprentissage du « bien manger » chez l’enfant. Les contributions de ce travail se situent à plusieurs niveaux (1) définition et conceptualisation du construit du « bien manger » (2) identification du rôle spécifique des grands-parents dans la transmission du « bien manger » à l’enfant (3) comparaison entre les parents et les grands-parents des représentations sociales du « repas où les enfants ont bien mangé » et des pratiques de transmission (4) analyse des variables explicatives des pratiques de transmission intergénérationnelle du « bien manger » (représentations du « bien manger », générativité, centralité du rôle parental et grand-parental, reconnexion au passé personnel). / Recently, the question of how to develop the intergenerational transmission of “eating well“ practices, conceived more broadly than “eating healthy”, has received greater attention from public policy makers. However, quite surprisingly, the academic literature in this area is rather scarce. Adopting different methodological approaches – document content analysis, qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis - , this research sheds light on how the intergenerational transmission contributes to children’s learning of “eating well” within families, and on the particular role of grandparents, in comparison with parents, in this process. Theoretical contributions are provided at different levels (1) we define and conceptualize the “eating well” construct (2) we identify the specific role of grandparents in the intergenerational transfer of “eating well” (3) we compare the structure of social representations of “a meal where children have eaten well”, as well as transmission practices, between grandparents and parents; (4) we measure the influence of relevant variables (representations, generativity, parental and grandparental role centrality and reinvolvement with personal past) on intergenerational transmission of practices related to “eating well”.
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Political Economy Of Development Banking After World War Ii: Analysis Of The Industrial Development Bank Of Turkey During The 1950-53 PeriodManzak, Gulcin 01 September 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Institutions are crucial in reflecting the economic and political conditions of their time. This thesis analyses the features of establishment process of the Industrial Development Bank of Turkey (TSKB) in close relation with the World Bank and the activities of the TSKB in its first four years between 1950 and 1953. The arguments of Development economics and the dependency theory are utilized in the discussion. The main objective of the study is to bring out the link between the establishment of a privately owned development bank in Turkey, aiming to promote private industry, and the economic environment at the time, including the Cold War atmosphere affecting internal and external politics of Turkey. Moreover, it is put forward that the sectors chosen for credit allocation are compatible with the international division of labor of the time. That is, the TSKB has channeled international funds in a way aiming at Turkey&rsquo / s integration to the world markets as a supplier of agro-industrial goods.
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Ekologiškų maisto produktų rinkodaros sprendimų pagrindimas vartotojų elgsenos veiksniais / Grounding the decisions of the ecological food products marketing on consumer behavior factorsMockutė-Čiukienė, Aušra 25 May 2006 (has links)
SUMMARY Research object – consumers of ecological food products. Research subject – consumer behavior of ecological food products Research aim – to present marketing decisions stimulating purchase of ecological products. Tasks: 1.To analyze outward and inward factors impact on consumer behavior. 2.To identify marketing tools influence on consumer behavior. 3.To prepare the research methodic of ecological products consumer behavior. 4.To conduct a sample survey and to identify factors impact of purchase of ecological food products. 5.To recommend marketing decisions stimulating purchase of ecological products. Research methods - Lithuanian and foreign authors scientific literature analysis and synthesis, logical abstracts, sample survey, data grouping, method of statistical analysis, graphic presentation. Marketing decisions recommended stimulating purchase of organic products are based on Lithuanian and foreign authors theoretical principles of outward, inward and marketing factors impact on consumer behavior, sample survey, identified consumers motives of purchase and usage of ecological food products, investigated marketing tools influence to ecological food products consumer behavior.
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Phylogeny and molecular identification of Cronobacter strains isolated from south African food productsStrydom, Amy 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc Food Sc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The genus Cronobacter (Enterobacter sakazakii) contains opportunistic pathogens that can
cause a severe form of neonatal meningitis, necrotising enterocolitis and septicaemia.
Cronobacter infections have been reported in all age groups, however, immunocompromised
infants are more susceptible to these infections. Furthermore, Cronobacter
strains have been reported to show differences in sensitivity to antibiotics and virulence.
These differences led to the reclassification of Cronobacter and currently the genus
contains five distinct species, namely Cronobacter sakazakii, Cronobacter malonaticus,
Cronobacter turicensis, Cronobacter dublinensis and Cronobacter muytjensii. As this
reclassification was only accepted recently, there are not many typing methods optimised
for differentiation between the five Cronobacter species. Typing of Cronobacter strains are
important as the species may be diverse regarding their virulence.
Cronobacter strains have been isolated from infant formula milk (IFM), the
environment of an IFM processing facility and fresh produce in South Africa. However,
little is known about the phylogeny and prevalence of these strains. The aim of this study
was to classify 24 South African Cronobacter strains (previously identified as E. sakazakii)
and to evaluate the phylogeny of the isolates based on the 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and
rpoA genes. All 24 South African strains were identified as Cr. sakazakii despite a wide
variety of isolation sources. Other studies have also found that irrespective of the isolation
source, the majority of Cronobacter strains are identified as Cr. sakazakii. The South
African strains were found to be phylogenetically closely related. However, two distinct
clusters separated at a 93 % confidence level were observed in the Cr. sakazakii group
based on the 16S rRNA gene analysis.
Strains of Cr. sakazakii, Cr. dublinensis, Cr. turicensis and Cr. muytjensii were
differentiated from each other with sequence data of the 16S rRNA and rpoA genes, but it
was not possible to differentiate between Cr. sakazakii and Cr. malonaticus. The
phylogram based on the rpoA gene sequences did separate Cr. malonaticus and Cr.
sakazakii strains, however, the clusters were separated with a low bootstrap value of 70 %.
Phylogenetic analysis based on the rpoA and 16S rRNA genes were, therefore, not
sufficient to distinguish between all the Cronobacter species. The sequence data of these
two genes can be used to differentiate between the Cronobacter strains when used in
combination with malonate utilisation analysis.
A PCR-RFLP method was subsequently developed to facilitate the simultaneous
differentiation between all five Cronobacter species. The PCR-RFLP assay was based on
the amplification of the rpoB gene followed by the combined digestion with restriction
endonucleases Csp6I and HinP1I. Unique profiles for each of the five Cronobacter species
were obtained and it was also possible to differentiate between Enterobacteriaceae and
Cronobacter strains. Furthermore, two strains which were identified as Cr. sakazakii with
sequencing based on the 16S rRNA and rpoA genes had PCR-RFLP profiles identical to
that of Cr. malonaticus. Sequencing based on the rpoB gene and additional biochemical
analysis with malonate broth confirmed the identities of these two strains as Cr.
malonaticus. This PCR-RFLP assay is, therefore, an accurate typing method that ensures
rapid differentiation between the five species of Cronobacter. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Cronobacter genus (Enterobacter sakazakii) bevat opportunistiese patogene wat 'n
ernstige vorm van neonatale meningitis, enterokolitis en septisemie kan veroorsaak.
Cronobacter infeksies is al in alle ouderdomsgroepe aangemeld, maar
immuungekompromitteerde babas is die meeste vatbaar vir hierdie infeksies. Verder toon
Cronobacter spesies verskille in virulensie en sensitiwiteit vir antibiotika. Hierdie verskille
het gelei tot die herklassifikasie van Cronobacter en tans bestaan die genus uit vyf
afsonderlike spesies, naamlik Cronobacter sakazakii, Cronobacter malonaticus,
Cronobacter turicensis, Cronobacter dublinensis en Cronobacter muytjensii. Aangesien
hierdie herklassifikasie slegs onlangs aanvaar is, is daar nie baie metodes wat geskik is vir
onderskeiding tussen die vyf Cronobacter spesies nie. Onderskeiding tussen Cronobacter
spesies is belangrik omdat die spesies verskillend kan wees met betrekking tot hulle
Cronobacter is geisoleer uit baba formule melk (BFM), die omgewing van 'n BFM
fabriek en vars produkte in Suid-Afrika. Daar is egter nie baie bekend oor die filogenie en
voorkoms van hierdie isolate nie. Die doel van hierdie studie was om 24 Suid-Afrikaanse
Cronobacter stamme (voorheen geïdentifiseer as E. sakazakii) te klassifiseer en die
filogenie van die isolate te evalueer gebaseer op die 16S ribosomale RNS (rRNS) en rpoA
gene. Al 24 Suid-Afrikaanse stamme is geïdentifiseer as Cr. sakazakii ten spyte van 'n
wye verskeidenheid isolasie bronne. Ander studies het ook gevind dat, ongeag die isolasie
bron, die meerderheid van Cronobacter stamme as Cr. sakazakii geïdentifiseer word. In
hierdie studie is gevind dat die Suid-Afrikaanse stamme filogeneties nou verwant is. Op
grond van die 16S rRNA geen analise is die Cr. sakazakii stamme egter in twee
afsonderlike groepe gedeel met 'n 93% vertrouens vlak.
Dit was moontlik om stamme van Cr. sakazakii, Cr. dublinensis, Cr. turicensis en Cr.
muytjensii van mekaar te onderskei met die DNS volgorde data van die 16S rRNA en rpoA
gene, maar geen onderskeid tussen Cr. sakazakii en Cr. malonaticus stamme was
moontlik nie. Die filogram gebaseer op die rpoA DNS volgorde data het aparte takke vir Cr.
malonaticus en Cr. sakazakii stamme getoon, maar die twee takke is met ‘n lae vertrouens
waarde van slegs 70 % geskei. Filogenetiese analise gebaseer op die rpoA en 16S rRNA
gene is dus nie voldoende om te onderskei tussen al die Cronobacter spesies nie. Die
DNS volgorde data van hierdie twee gene sou egter gebruik kon word om te onderskei
tussen die Cronobacter spesies wanneer dit gebruik word in kombinasie met
'n Polimerase ketting reaksie (PKR) beperkings fragment lengte polimorfisme
(BFLP) metode is ontwikkel om die gelyktydige onderskeiding tussen al vyf Cronobacter
spesies te fasiliteer. Die PKR-BFLP metode is gebaseer op die vermeerdering van die
rpoB geen gevolg deur die gesamentlike vertering met die beperkingsensieme, Csp6I en
HinP1I. Unieke profiele vir elk van die vyf Cronobacter spesies is verkry en dit was ook
moontlik om tussen Enterobacteriaceae en Cronobacter spesies te onderskei. Verder het
twee stamme wat as Cr. sakazakii geïdentifiseer is met DNS volgordebepaling van die 16S
rRNA en rpoA gene, PKR-BFLP profiele identies aan dié van Cr. malonaticus getoon.
DNS volgordebepaling van die rpoB geen en ‘n addisionele biochemiese toets met
malonaat sop het die identiteit van hierdie twee stamme as Cr. malonaticus bevestig.
Hierdie PKR-BFLP is dus 'n akkurate metode wat vinnige onderskeid tussen die vyf
spesies van Cronobacter kan verseker.
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Le rôle des représentations sociales dans l'évaluation d'attributs socialement responsables : le cas de la gouvernance des coopératives agroalimentaires / The role of social representations in socially responsible attributes evaluation : the case of food co-operativeFerlet, Axelle 09 December 2016 (has links)
Jacquet, d’aucy, Béghin-Say ou Labeyrie… ces marques font partie du quotidien des consommateurs français sans pour autant qu’ils sachent, dans leur grande majorité, qu’elles sont détenues par des coopératives agricoles. Si ces marques communiquaient leur statut coopératif, ceci constituerait-il une valeur ajoutée pour les consommateurs ? Ce travail doctoral s’intéresse au rôle joué par la représentation sociale des consommateurs au sujet du mode de gouvernance de l’entreprise productrice dans le cadre de l’évaluation des produits. Cette problématique de recherche est abordée selon trois questions de recherche. La première s’intéresse au contenu et à la structure de la représentation sociale des consommateurs français au sujet des coopératives. La seconde question étudie l’influence de cette représentation sociale sur la catégorisation et l’évaluation des offres coopératives, en considérant le rôle médiateur du niveau de congruence de l’offre avec cette représentation. La troisième aborde l’effet d’une mention et des arguments coopératifs sur les attitudes et intentions de comportement des consommateurs. Elle traite en particulier le niveau de congruence et de centralité des arguments par rapport à la représentation considérée. La représentation sociale des coopératives et son influence sont ainsi étudiées et discutées au moyen de sept études selon une approche multi-méthode. D’un point de vue théorique, cette recherche souligne, que la représentation sociale des coopératives fait écho aux préoccupations CSR des consommateurs ce qui explique l’effet bénéfique d’un label ou d’une mention sur ce statut. D’un point de vue méthodologique, cette recherche mobilise des méthodes d’investigations originales (méthodes hybrides et implicites) en complément des méthodes traditionnellement utilisées en marketing. D’un point de vue managérial, ce travail apporte des réponses aux managers et aux institutionnels qui s’interrogent sur le recours à une mention coopérative et les aiguille dans le choix d’arguments de communication efficaces pour accompagner cet affichage. / Jacquet, d’aucy, Béghin-Say or Labeyrie... What do these brands have in common? These brands are part of the everyday life of French consumers, though not many actually know they are owned by agricultural cooperatives. If these brands communicated their cooperative status on the market, would this be considered by consumers to be an added value? This doctoral dissertation focuses on the role played by consumers’ social representation in relation to the producer’s governance mode, as part of the product evaluation. This work aims to answer this central research question according to three sub-questions. The first one focuses on the content and structure of the social representation of French consumers regarding cooperatives. The second question analyzes the influence of this social representation on the categorization and evaluation of cooperatives’ offerings, taking into account the mediating role of the level of congruence between the offer and this social representation. The third question addresses the effect of cooperative labelling and arguments on the attitudes and behavioral intentions of consumers. In particular, this sub-question evaluates the levels of congruence and centrality of the arguments with the considered social representation. Therefore, the social representation of cooperatives and its influence are studied and discussed in seven studies, though a multi-method approach. From a theoretical point of view, this research highlights that the social representation of cooperatives echoes consumers’ CSR concerns; this explains the beneficial effect of a label or a mention on this governance status. From a methodological point of view, this research uses original methods (hybrid and implicit methods) in addition to those that are traditionally used in marketing. From a managerial point of view, this work provides managers and institutional entities with answers on the potential of a cooperative mention and helps them choose arguments that will lead to effective marketing communications.
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