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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Essays on the value relevance of earnings measures

Mbagwu, Chima I 11 September 2007
This dissertation presents two studies on the value relevance and perceived credibility of pro forma earnings. In the first study, I investigate the value relevance of pro forma earnings relative to two alternative earnings measures GAAP earnings and analysts actual earnings. Value relevance is assessed using two approaches. The first approach examines whether the markets expectations (contemporaneous returns or price) is best reflected in future pro forma earnings, future GAAP earnings, or future analysts actual earnings. The second approach is to determine through pair-wise comparisons of the three earnings measures (e.g., pro forma earnings versus GAAP earnings), which has the greatest explanatory power (comparing adjusted R2s) in explaining price and returns. Across approaches and models, each of the three earnings measures tends to be value relevant. However, Pro forma is consistently the most value relevant, followed by analysts actuals, with GAAP earnings having the least value relevance. That is, pro forma earnings have the greatest information content. This finding is consistent with managers, in aggregate, using pro forma to inform rather than to manage expectations or to mislead. <p>In the second study, I examine the impact of credibility attributes board characteristics, auditor quality and overall information quality on the value relevance of pro forma earnings. It is hypothesized that the credibility attributes will have a statistically significant impact on investors reaction to pro forma earnings. Consistent with the predictions, I find that stronger board characteristics, higher auditor quality and higher overall information quality are positively associated with higher market reaction to the pro forma announcement. That is, credibility attributes increase the value relevance of pro forma earnings. This finding is consistent with some firms providing pro forma earnings that are perceived to be credible and others providing pro formas that are perceived as less credible and possibly provided to manage expectations or to mislead.

Forma urbana y mercado de trabajo. Accesibilidad al empleo, segregación residencial y paro

Santana García, Joan Antoni 22 December 2003 (has links)
El objetivo de la tesis es el análisis de la incidencia de la estructura urbana, interpretada como la distribución residencial y del empleo, sobre la determinación de los siguientes aspectos: los patrones de segregación geográfica de los diferenciales intraurbanos de desempleo, las pautas de movilidad obligada y las probabilidades individuales de paro.Este ejercicio se ha realizado sobre la base de la evidencia empírica que se infiere del análisis de las dos principales regiones metropolitanas españolas, Barcelona y Madrid, caracterizadas por estructuras urbanas marcadamente diferenciadas. Los resultados muestran que la distribución geográfica del desempleo urbano es más segregada en áreas monocéntricas. Análogamente, se observa una mayor incidencia de la accesibilidad o del potencial de empleo en la determinación de los diferenciales zonales de paro de las mujeres con respecto a los de los hombres, en tanto que los diferenciales masculinos dependen en mayor medida de los niveles de segregación residencial.A partir de estos resultados se puede concluir que el beneficio marginal de mejoras en la accesibilidad zonal al empleo es más elevado en el sistema urbano de naturaleza no monocéntrica que en el de carácter monocéntrico y lo es en mayor medida cuando se consideran los diferenciales zonales de desempleo de aquellos colectivos que presentan mayores restricciones a la movilidad. Por otra parte, todos los resultados obtenidos han confirmado que la organización espacial de la Región Metropolitana de Barcelona (RMB), en términos de la localización relativa de empleos y residencias, no es neutral respecto a los resultados de mercado de trabajo y, concretamente, respecto a la determinación de las probabilidades individuales de paro. Concretamente, la localización incide mediante dos vías en el desempleo:La primera, y más obvia, es la accesibilidad relativa al empleo desde el lugar de residencia. Una mayor accesibilidad a la ocupación revierte en menores costes de búsqueda y/o de viaje al trabajo. A su vez, una mayor cantidad de puestos de trabajo en relación con la población del municipio, es decir, una mayor densidad de empleo, supone que el individuo tendrá mayor probabilidad de enfrentarse a vacantes aceptables de empleo a menores distancias, circunstancia que, a tenor de los resultados, deriva en una menor probabilidad de paro.La segunda vía a través de la cual la localización, y en consecuencia, la estructura urbana, incide sobre el desempleo se produce a través de los efectos negativos que se derivan de la segregación residencial.Los resultados señalan que la concentración espacial de los grupos de población desaventajados en los mercados de trabajo y de vivienda, tiene efectos negativos sobre los resultados individuales de paro en esas zonas.Desde este punto de vista, la significatividad del territorio sobre la probabilidad de desempleo es atribuible no tanto a la influencia directa que ejerce la composición socioeconómica del entorno residencial sobre las probabilidades de paro de los individuos del vecindario, como a la relevancia de la existencia de concentraciones territoriales de desaventajados en los mercados de trabajo y de vivienda y, por consiguiente, a la existencia de patrones geográficos de segregación residencial y de espacios urbanos vulnerables. / The objective of the thesis is the analysis of the incidence of the urban structure, interpreted like the residential distribution of employment and population, on the determination of the following aspects: the patterns of geographic segregation of the intraurban differentials of unemployment, the commuting patterns and the individual probabilities of unemployment. This exercise has been made on the base of the empirical evidence that is inferred of the analysis of the two main Spanish metropolitan regions, Barcelona and Madrid, characterized by urban structures noticeably differentiated. The results show that the geographic distribution of urban unemployment is more secreted in monocentric areas. Analogous, it is observed a greater incidence of employment accessibility in the determination of the zonal differentials of unemployment of the women with respect to those of the men, whereas the masculine differentials depend in greater measurement of the levels of residential segregation.From these results it is possible to be concluded that the marginal benefit of improvements in the zonal employment accessibility is more elevated in the urban systems of nonmonocentric nature that in the ones of monocentric character. This consideration is more important when we consider unemployment zonal differentials of people who present greater mobility restrictions. On the other hand, all the obtained results have confirmed that the space organization of the Metropolitan Region of Barcelona (RMB), in terms of the relative location of employments and residences, is not neutral with respect to the results of labour market and, concretely, with respect to the determination of the individual unemployment probabilities. Concretely, the location affects by means of two routes unemployment.The first, and most obvious one, is the relative accessibility to the employment from the residence place. A greater accessibility to the occupation reverts in lower search costs and/or in lower costs of trip to the work. As well, a greater amount of jobs in relation to the population of the municipality, that is to say, a greater employment density, supposes that the individual will have greater probability of facing acceptable employment vacancies to smaller distances, circumstance than, in accordance with the results, it derives in a smaller probability of unemployment. The second way through which the location, and consequently, the urban structure, affects unemployment is produced through the negative effects that are derived from the residential segregation.The results indicate that the space concentration of the disadvantaged groups of population in the house and in the labour markets has negative effects on the individual results of unemployment in those zones. From this point of view, the significance of the space on the unemployment probability is attributable not as much to the direct influence that it exerts the socioeconomic composition of the residential surroundings on the probabilities of unemployment of the individuals of the neighbourhood, like as the relevance of the existence of territorial concentrations of disadvantaged people in the house and in the labour markets and, therefore, to the existence of geographic patterns of residential segregation and vulnerable urban spaces.

Linear Combination of Multiresolution Descriptors: Application to Graphics Recognition

Ramos Terrades, Oriol 17 October 2006 (has links)
En el camp de l'Anàlisi de Documents voldríem ser capaços de processar automàticament qualsevol tipus de document digital i d'extreure la informació rellevant. és a dir, voldríem conËixer la configuració del document, identificar cadascuna de les seves parts i reconËixer els seus continguts; per a poder fer cerques entre les components del document, però també, per fer cerques entre documents diferents. Aquest és un problema difícil que ha motivat diferents línies de recerca a diferents nivells. S'ha desenvolupat tot una sèrie de tècniques destinades a pre-processar la imatge per augmentar la seva qualitat, reduint el soroll dels sistemes d'adquisició i minimitzant els efectes de la degradació dels documents. També trobem molts treballs en la segmentació destinats a separar les àrees d'interès de la resta del document. Finalment, des de finals dels anys 60 fins a l'actualitat s'han proposat molts tipus descriptors que pretenen representar i identificar aquestes àrees d'interès.En aquesta tesis ens hem centrat en el darrer d'aquests problemes, la descripció de formes però també en la fusió de classificadors per a aplicar-los a una de les apliacions de l'Anàlisi de Documents, el reconeixement de símbols gràfics. En el reconeixement de formes, moltes aplicacions han de fer front al problema de descriure un conjunt gran i complex de formes per a reconèixer-les, o per a recuperar-les de gran bases de dades. En alguns casos, a més del gran nombre de formes, podem trobar altres dificultats com són la semblança entre formes o la variabilitat de classes de símbols. En aquest casos, un punt clau en el procés de reconeixement de formes és la definició de descriptors de gran capacitat de discriminació. Malauradament, un sol tipus de descriptors no sol ser suficient per aconseguir resultats satisfactoris i per tant, hem de combinar la informació provinent de diferents fonts per a millorar el comportament global del sistema de reconeixement. Aquesta combinació de la informació la hem realitzat a travÈs de la fusió de classificadors.En relació a la descripció de formes, tradicionalment els símbols gràfics s'han representat mitjançant descriptors estructurals, construïts a partir d'una representació vectorial. Els mètodes de vectorització són sensibles al soroll i a les distorsions dels símbols esboçats. Podem intentar evitar aquest problema definint gramàtiques o construint models deformables dels símbols. Una altra possibilitat, la que hem seguit en aquest treball, és fer servir descriptors que no necessiten d'una representació vectorial. En el context de la descripció de formes hem proposat un descriptor basat en la transformada de crestetes -en anglès "ridgelets"- que, gràcies a que hem unificat la terminologia i hem introduït un vocabulari per explicar i classificar els descriptors, podem definir com: multiresolució, polar, 2D, que conserva la informació i invariant a les similituds. D'altre banda, la propietat de multiresolució de la transformada de crestetes fa que obtinguem una representació en diferents nivells de resolució que ens permet dividir-la en grups de coeficients de crestetes que es poden considerar com a descriptors. D'aquesta manera, hem entrenat un classificador per a cada descriptor, i hem proposat unes regles de combinació lineals, IN i DN, que minimitzen l'error de classificació per aquells classificadors que compleixin un conjunt de restriccions, relatives a la distribució i dependËncia dels classificadors.Aquests enfocs teòrics han estat avaluats a partir d'un conjunt d'experiments que ens han donat els següents resultats: Els descriptors de crestetes descriuen millor els símbols que altres descriptors més genèrics. Els mètodes IN i DN redueixen l'error de classificació en relació a d'altres mètodes de referència. Per últim, el mètode IN aplicat als descriptors de crestetes, en combinació amb classificadors de tipus "boosting" aconsegueix uns encerts de reconeixement propers als 100% en les proves definides per a la base de dades de símbols gràfics del GREC'03. / In the field of Document Analysis we would like to be able to automatically process any kind of digital document. We mean extracting the document layout and identifying each of its parts, recognising its contents and organising them in order to make searches of its components, through the document itself, but also through different documents. This is a challenger problem that has motivated different lines of research in the field of Document Analysis at different levels: Pre-processing techniques have been developed to upgrade the quality of the document image, reducing noise from the input devices and minimizing the effects of the degradation of documents. A deep study in segmentation has been carried out in order to separate the regions of interest from the document background. Finally, many descriptors have been proposed for representing and identifying these regions of interest since the end of 60s until now.In this thesis, we have focused on, this last problem, the shape description description and also on classifier fusion, to apply them to one of the application fields in the Document Analysis: the graphics recognition. In shape recognition, many applications have to face the problem of describing a large number of complex shapes for recognition or retrieval in large databases. Besides the large number of shapes, we can find other challenges for shape description, such as the similarity among some of the shapes or the variability of the shape classes. In these cases, one of the key issues is the design of highly discriminant shape descriptors. Unfortunately, one kind of descriptor is not usually enough to achieve satisfactory results and hence, we have to combine the information from different sources to improve the global performance of the recognition system. We have carried out this combination of information using classifier fusion. Concerning shape description, traditionally graphics have been represented using structural descriptors, which are based on a vectorial representation of the shape. Vectorization is quite sensitive to noise and to distortions of sketched symbols. We can try to overcome this problem using grammar descriptors or deformable models of shapes. Another possibility, which is the followed in this dissertation, is to propose descriptors that do not need a vectorial representation of the symbol. Thereby, in the context of shape description, we have proposed a descriptor based on the ridgelets transform which, thanks to we have unified the terminology used in shape description and the introduced vocabulary, we can define as: 2D, polar and multi-resolution descriptor information preserving and invariant to similarities. On the other hand, although ridgelets descriptor can be considered as a single descriptor, it offers a shape representation divided into groups of coefficients, which permit us to consider them as single descriptors. Thus, for each descriptor, we have trained a classifier and we have proposed two linear combination rules, IN and DN, that minimize the classification error of classifiers verifying a set of constraints concerning the dependence and the distribtuion of classifers.These theoretical approaches have been evaluated through an experimental evaluation in ridgelets descriptors, classifier fusion and applying the classifier fusion methods to ridge lets descriptors, obtaining the following results: Ridgelets descriptors have proven to represent graphics symbols better than general purpose descriptors. IN and DN methods reduce the misclassification rates regarding other reference fusion methods. Finally, the IN method applied to ridgelets descriptor, in combination of boosting algorithms, has reached recognition rates near to 100% in the test defined for the GREC'03 database.

Variaciones sobre la regularidad: el proyecto de el Vedado en la formación de la Habana metropolitana

Crosas Armengol, Carles 12 November 2009 (has links)
La tesis resalta los valores de El Vedado de La Habana: particular retícula del siglo XIX para una singular ciudad jardín extensa, gradualmente transformada y progresivamente central. Las variaciones que enriquecen su perfecta regularidad son descubiertas a través del análisis de su constitución formal y de la interpretación de los procesos de su transformación urbana. Tres aproximaciones: I. Se presenta el interés de El Vedado como tejido urbano singular, descubriendo sus características y lógicas de forma y uso, resaltando valores y potenciales. Principal herramienta es aquí el dibujo, más seguro cuando identifica morfologías, más errático cuando ilustra otras tantas relaciones, menos materiales, igualmente características de la urbanidad. La forma del Vedado se dibuja desde la mirada a su orden superior, un esqueleto físico caracterizado por tres rasgos distintivos: la geografía (disposición topográfica y límites), la isotropía (geometría cuadriculada) y la jerarquía (estructura general). Sin embargo no puede reducirse el interés de El Vedado actual a la comprensibilidad de su esqueleto. Interesa además, superponer a la lectura general del todo, una mirada poliédrica sobre lo concreto: descubrir un entresijo de relaciones múltiples, menos aparentes pero más intensas y fluidas: son las “variaciones de la regularidad” que generan un orden complejo, un equilibrio disonante y una composición flexible. II. Se resalta el proceso complejo de gestación de El Vedado: un proyecto fragmentado, construido por adición mimética de sus partes, pero guiado por una idea unitaria, una suerte de proyecto implícito. Su nebulosa autoría y su propio fracaso inicial, se contraponen al valor de su propuesta urbanística mínima como gran lección disciplinar. Aportación principal de la tesis es la contextualización en el marco de la urbanística decimonónica y su significación en la formación de La Habana Metropolitana. La construcción del Vedado es factor urbanístico determinante en el salto significativo des de la ciudad colonial hasta la ciudad contemporánea. El Vedado es aquí proyecto modelo, nueva forma urbana y patrón, cuyas “variaciones” acabarán por definir el territorio de la metrópolis (diversidad de retículas). Más allá de su significación local, el Vedado es también un proyecto notable en el panorama urbanístico del siglo XIX. Forma parte de un grupo de experiencias contemporáneas que se dan en algunas de las grandes ciudades iberoamericanas. Son la expresión de un nuevo tipo de ciudad, en la que el deseo de la naturaleza (el verde) se superpone al orden reticular tradicional, como expresión clásica de lo urbano. Son “proto-ciudades-jardín” décadas antes de las teorías de Howard; “ensanches-jardín” producto del mestizaje entre la herencia hispánica y las influencias del suburbio anglosajón. III. El conjunto del Vedado es presentado como éxito de su propia transformación, resultado de más de un siglo de ideas y episodios yuxtapuestos sobre un mismo soporte reticular. La identificación de las distintas huellas urbanas heredadas, guía la última parte de la tesis, en la que se presentan las lógicas, los factores y los agentes característicos de su transformación. En la piel curtida de la ciudad, la reconstrucción de sus episodios permite descubrir lo profundo y lo superficial de su forma. Una manera de entender la ciudad y sus arquitecturas como un gran organismo en continua mutación, capaz de repensarse una y otra vez sobre sí mismo. Son ideas urbanas proyectadas sobre la imagen abstracta del damero, pero también sobre la base de una ciudad construida que anhela transformarse. Las huellas son el reducto de una urbanidad cambiante, rica por superposición de intenciones, verdaderas “variaciones de la regularidad”. Al final un epílogo, casi a modo de excursus, es ocasión para enunciar algunos temas útiles para la discusión del porvenir de El Vedado. / The thesis highlights the values of El Vedado of La Habana: a particular nineteenth century grid for a vast garden city, gradually transformed and increasingly central. Many variations which enrich its perfect regularity are discovered trough the analysis of its formal constitution and the interpretation of the urban transformation processes. Three approaches: I. The interest of El Vedado as a singular urban fabric is presented by describing its characteristics and logics of form and use, and stressing values and potentials. Being the drawing the main tool for it, it is more reliable when identifying morphologies, and more erratic when illustrating other less material relations which are also characteristics of the urbanity. The shape of El Vedado is drawn with regard to its superior order - a physical framework characterised by three distinctive features: the geography (topographical layout and boundaries), the isotropy, (quadrilateral geometry), and the hierarchy (general structure). However, it would be inappropriate to minimize the interest of El Vedado to the understanding of its framework. Moreover, we are interested in superimposing to the general reading a polyhedral look on the specific: to find out the intricate details of multiple relations which are less obvious but more intensive and fluent. They are the “variations on the regularity” that generate a complex order, a harsh balance, and a flexible composition. II. The complex process of development of El Vedado is stressed: a fragmented project, built by the mimetic addition of its parts but guided by a unitary idea - a kind of implicit project. Its vague authorship and its initial failure are contrasted with the value of its minimal city-planning proposal as a great disciplinary lesson. The main contribution of the thesis is the contextualization within the nineteenth-century city-planning and its significance in the formation of the Metropolitan Habana. The development of El Vedado is the deciding factor for city-planning to leap from the colonial to the contemporary city. El Vedado is interpreted here as a model project - a new urban form and pattern - the “variations” of which will finally define the territory of the metropolis (diversity of grids). Apart from its local significance, El Vedado is also a remarkable project in the city planning panorama of the XIX century. It belongs to a group of peer experiences which take place in the great iberoamerican cities. They are the expression of a new type of city in which the wish for nature (the green) is superimposed to the traditional reticular order, which represents a classical expression of the urban. They are “proto-garden-cities” designed some years before Howard’s theories; “ensanches-jardín” that result of the mixture of the Hispanic heritage and the influences of the Anglo-Saxon suburbs. III. El Vedado is presented as a successful result of its own transformation throughout a century of ideas and episodes juxtaposed on a same reticular support. The identification of the different inherited urban prints, leads the last part of the thesis, where the logics, the factors and the characteristic agents of transformation are presented. In the hardened skin of the city, the reconstruction of its episodes allows to find out the deep and the superficial of its form. It is a way of understanding the city and its architectures as a huge organism in continuous mutation, able to re-think itself time and again. They are urban ideas projected on the abstract image of a chessboard, but also on the base of a built city that whishes to be transformed. The prints are the redoubt of a changing urbanity, rich on the superposition of intentions, true “variations on the regularity”. At the end, an epilogue, almost as an excursus, is used to state some useful issues to be discussed for El Vedado future.

Essays on the value relevance of earnings measures

Mbagwu, Chima I 11 September 2007 (has links)
This dissertation presents two studies on the value relevance and perceived credibility of pro forma earnings. In the first study, I investigate the value relevance of pro forma earnings relative to two alternative earnings measures GAAP earnings and analysts actual earnings. Value relevance is assessed using two approaches. The first approach examines whether the markets expectations (contemporaneous returns or price) is best reflected in future pro forma earnings, future GAAP earnings, or future analysts actual earnings. The second approach is to determine through pair-wise comparisons of the three earnings measures (e.g., pro forma earnings versus GAAP earnings), which has the greatest explanatory power (comparing adjusted R2s) in explaining price and returns. Across approaches and models, each of the three earnings measures tends to be value relevant. However, Pro forma is consistently the most value relevant, followed by analysts actuals, with GAAP earnings having the least value relevance. That is, pro forma earnings have the greatest information content. This finding is consistent with managers, in aggregate, using pro forma to inform rather than to manage expectations or to mislead. <p>In the second study, I examine the impact of credibility attributes board characteristics, auditor quality and overall information quality on the value relevance of pro forma earnings. It is hypothesized that the credibility attributes will have a statistically significant impact on investors reaction to pro forma earnings. Consistent with the predictions, I find that stronger board characteristics, higher auditor quality and higher overall information quality are positively associated with higher market reaction to the pro forma announcement. That is, credibility attributes increase the value relevance of pro forma earnings. This finding is consistent with some firms providing pro forma earnings that are perceived to be credible and others providing pro formas that are perceived as less credible and possibly provided to manage expectations or to mislead.

Faktūra, forma erdvinėje kompozicijoje / Facture, form in flat composition

Politikaitė, Sandra 09 June 2005 (has links)
Beginning to creste composition(of spatial or flat form) the artist first of all stars from its shape. Form - the most expensive part of spatial composition. In later stage it is contemplated how to infuse even more emotionality, more graten impression to express idea of composition. To achieve that purpose - facture as auchiliary means of expression amply is used. Deeper cognition of facture and form analysis wasnt done in the couse of studies, conseouently in the final diploma paper just arose an apportunity to deepen and unclose mind. This cognition of a problem is necessary in pedagogical as well as in creative activities. Objectives of this final paper are:to reveal peculiarities and role of artistic means of expression (facture,form) and their reciprocity in spatial compositions, as well as to work up methodic recommendations for training and application of these artistic means of expression in creative works.

Ar skirtingi nusikalstamos veikos padariniai bylose žmogaus gyvybei ir sveikatai, įtakoja kaltės formos nustatymą Lietuvos Respublikos teismuose, esant panašioms nusikalstamų veikų aplinkybėms? / Whether the different consequences of the offence in human life and health cases influence the determination of the fault form in the Republic of Lithuania courts, under similar circumstances of the offences?

Ambrozaitis, Evaldas 19 June 2012 (has links)
Šiame darbe analizuojamas kaltės formos nustatymas Lietuvos Respublikos teismuose esant panašioms nusikalstamų veikų aplinkybėms, tačiau kilus skirtingiems padariniams bylose žmogaus gyvybei ir sveikatai. Darbe analizuojami kaltės turinio kriterijai, kuriais remiantis yra nustatoma kaltės forma ir rūšis. Taipogi darbe bandoma ištirti kokie turėtų būti universalūs bei objektyvūs kaltės turinio kriterijai, kuriais remiantis būtų galima nešališkai ir objektyviai nustatyti tikslią kaltės formą bylose žmogaus gyvybei ir sveikatai. Galiausiai bandoma išsiaiškinti, ar nusikalstamos veikos padariniai neįtakoja kaltės formos nustatymo. Pirmoje dalyje analizuojami ir nustatomi kaltės turinio kriterijai, kurie lemia kaltės formos nustatymą. Antroje dalyje analizuojama Lietuvos Respublikos teismų praktika siekiant nustatyti kokią reikšmę šie kriterijai turi nustatant kaltės formą bylose žmogaus gyvybei ir sveikatai, taip pat aiškinamasi, ar nusikalstamos veikos padariniai neįtakoja kaltės formos nustatymo. / This work analyzes the determination of culpability of the Republic of Lithuania courts in similar circumstances of the offenses, but in case of different consequences of the offense in cases of human life and health. The work analyzes the criterions of the fault content, which determines fault’s form and type. Also, the work attempts to explore what criterions of the fault content should be universal and objective, which impartially and objectively would allow determining the exact form of fault in human life and health cases. Finally, there is an attempt to find out whether the consequences of the offense do not affect the form of the determination of fault. Culpability in matters of human life and health recently raises a number of debates not only on the academic level, but also in the courts of the Republic of Lithuania, since the determination of culpability is very important in criminal law for the legal process. Incorrect determination of culpability adversely affects not only the fate of the accused, but the whole society, as society is interested that the criminals would be respectively punished and would respect society’s protected values such as human health or life. Thus if the fault is determined incorrectly, then it will not pursue justice. Eventually, legislature formed harsh penalties for the offenses that are committed with intent, as a deliberate offense is always regarded as more dangerous and more serious than negligent homicide. A person who acts... [to full text]

400 m barjerinio bėgimo taktika / 400 m hurdles running tactic

Jasinskaitė, Kristina 10 September 2013 (has links)
Norint pasiekti gerą barjerinio bėgimo rezultatą, būtinas geras sprinterinis sportininkių pasirengimas ir puiki speciali greitumo ištvermė (Karoblis ir Ambrazienė, 1985). Šis darbas paaiškina kaip kintant sportiniam meistriškumui keičiasi bėgimo taktika, barjerų įveikimo technika ir fizinis parsirengimas sezono eigoje. Keliame hipotezę, kad gerėjant sportinei formai pagerės paskutinės 100 metrų atkarpos įveikimo greitis, o pasirinkta 400 m barjerinio bėgimo taktika Lietuvos ir pasaulio bėgikių nesiskirs. Tyrimo tikslas: Išanalizuoti 400 m barjerinio bėgimo taktiką. Uždaviniai: 1) Išanalizuoti K. J. 400 m b/b rezultatų ir barjerų tarpų įveikimo kaitą varžybiniame periode. 2) Nustatyti Lietuvos ir pasaulio 400 m b/b atstovių nuotolio įveikimo taktiką. Tyrimo metodika ir organizavimas. Tiriamieji: Lietuvos 400 m b/b atstovė Kristina Jasinskaitė (amžius – 21 m; ūgis – 174 cm; svoris – 62 kg: geriausias asmeninis rezultatas – 60,50 s) ir šešios pasaulio elito barjerininkės (amžius – 27,83 ± 3,37 m; ūgis – 173 ± 6,63 cm; svoris – 63,67 ± 7,63 kg; geriausias asmeninis rezultatas – 52,98 ± 0,68 s). Buvo analizuojama varžybų filmuota medžiaga: nustatomas barjerų tarpų įveikimo laikas ir atliktų žingsnių skaičius. Tyrimo aktualumas: Sportinio rengimo, sporto treniruotės valdymas prasideda informacijos apie valdymo objektą rinkimu bei jos sisteminimu. Valdymas ir informacija yra du neatsiejami vyksmai, kurie yra reikalingi siekiant pačių geriausių rezultatų. Informacija, tai duomenų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In order to achieve a good running result, it is needed great barrier running athletes preparation for a special and good speed endurance (Karoblis Ambrazienė, 1985). This work goal is, how the changes of sporty craftsmanship changes running tactics, technique for overcoming barriers and as physical preparation during season progresses. Our hypothesis is, that improving the sporting shape, the last 100 metres speed will improve, but the choosen tactic of 400 m running will be the same by Lithuanian and world hurdles runners. The aim of the research: Analyze 400 m hurdles running tactic. Tasks: 1) Analyze K. J. 400 m hurdles results and overcoming barriers spaces changes during the season. 2) Set Lithuanian and world 400 m hurdles range overcoming tactic. The methology and organization of research: Lithuania 400 m hurdles representative Kristina Jasinskaitė (age – 21; height – 174 cm; weight – 62 kg; personal best result – 60,50 s) and six of the world's elite hurdles runners (age – 27,83 ± 3,37 m; height – 173 ± 6,63 cm; weight – 63,67 ± 7,63 kg; personal best result – 52,98 ± 0,68 s). It was analyzed competition footage: time of overcoming the barriers and counting number of steps. Research relevance: The sports preparation and training managment beggins from collecting the information about managing an object and information systemization. Managment and information are two inseparable operations, which are necessary in order to achieve the best results. Information is data... [to full text]

Nuosprendžio priėmimas ir paskelbimas / Sentence passing an pronouncing

Bilotienė-Motiejūnienė, Aušra 23 December 2014 (has links)
Nuosprendžio priėmimas ir paskelbimas Baudžiamųjų bylų nagrinėjimas užbaigiamas teismo nuosprendžio priėmimu, todėl logiška teigti, kad nuosprendis yra teisingumo vykdymo aktas, o teisingumas- valstybės pagrindas. Vykdant teismams teisingumą pagrindinė teismo pareiga – išspręsti teisinį konfliktą, objektyviai ištirti ir įvertinti visas bylos aplinkybes ir byloje priimti teisėtą ir pagrįstą nuosprendį. Magistro darbo tikslas – atskleisti teismo nuosprendžio priėmimo ypatumus, pateikti svarbiausias ir aktualiausias su tuo susijusias problemas, jas išanalizuoti ir pasiūlyti sprendimo būdus. Magistro darbe išanalizuota nuosprendžio teisinė charakteristika, apimanti: nuosprendžio sampratą ir reikšmę; priėmimo tvarkos ir sąlygų specifiką; dokumento surašymo tvarką ir formą; nuosprendžio paskelbimą, kaip sukeliančio tam tikrus teisinius padarinius. Pateikiama sukauptos medžiagos analizė bei patirtis ir suvokimas nagrinėjamais klausimais. Nagrinėti teoriniai ir praktiniai aspektai šia tema. Darbe ypač daug dėmesio skiriama nuosprendžio kaip ypatingo dokumento, surašymo tvarkai, formai ir turiniui. Pateikiamos konkrečios rekomendacijos nuosprendžio priėmimo ir paskelbimo klausimu. Magistro baigiamasis darbas susideda iš įžangos, trijų pagrindinių skyrių. Įvadiniame skyriuje aprašomas darbo aktualumas, darbo tikslas ir uždaviniai, bei metodai. Pirmajame darbo skyriuje nagrinėta nuosprendžio samprata ir reikšmė, nuosprendžio teisėtumo ir pagrįstumo reikalavimai. Antrajame darbo skyriuje... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Sentence passing and pronouncing Investigation of the criminal cases are being closed with the sentence of the court admission, so it is logical to affirm that the sentence is the act of justice and justice is the base of the state. The main responsibility of the court while implementing justice is to solve the legal conflict, unprejudiced investigate and estimate all the circumstances and pass legitimate and reasoned sentence. The purpose of the Master’s work is to reveal singularities of the acceptance of the adjudgement, introduce significant and actual problems, analyse them and suggest the ways of solution. In this Master’s final work the sentence’s legal characteristics are analysed, that involves the conception and meaning of the verdict, the specifics of order and conditions of submission the sentence, the order and form of filling the document, the publication of sentence, as raising particular legal consequences. The analysis of cumulative information and the experience on the issues raised is presented. Theoretical and practical aspects of the topic are researched. Particularly much attention to census order, form and content of the verdict as an extreme document is paid. The concrete recommendations about the passing and announcing the sentence are proposed. Final Master’s work decompounds of preface and three main chapters. The actuality of this work, the purpose, goals and methods are described in the preface. The conception and meaning of the sentence, the... [to full text]

Jornalismo literário em pulsação social : cidade partida de Zuenir Ventura /

Oliveira, Ivonete Cabral de. January 2010 (has links)
Orientador: Marcelo Magalhães Bulhões / Banca: Mauro de Souza Ventura / Banca: Dulcilia Helena Schroeder Buitoni / Resumo: O objetivo desta dissertação é estudar as relações entre o jornalismo e a literatura na confecção do romance-reportagem. Para tanto, tomamos como corpus de estudo a obra Cidade Partida do jornalista e escritor Zuenir Ventura. Para tal estudo nos utilizamo-nos do método comparativo procurando demonstrar como alguns autores como João do Rio, por exemplo, já se servia de uma linguagem mesclada de factual e ficcional, a fim de produzir suas obras. Desse modo, verificamos o ofício do jornalista em sua atividade de investigação e captação dos fatos, e o trabalho da composição linguística desses fatos dão forma a esse complexo do hibridismo nesse tipo de romance. São estudados também como narrador de Cidade Partida, criado por Ventura se apropria de alguns recursos da literatura para tornar esses elementos factuais atraentes aos olhos do leitor que, numa posição de voyeur (pessoa que assiste algo por curiosidade) afeito a acontecimentos reais, mas com um quê de ficção. Pretendemos entender também a posição de flâneur do Jornalista Zuenir Ventura comparando-o a João do Rio e João Antonio, que, ao seu tempo e de sua maneira própria, desempenharam características singulares e, ao mesmo tempo comuns, de fazer reportagem / Abstract: The objective of this thesis is to study the relationship between journalism and literature in making the novel-report. So, we as a corpus to study the work of the Departure City of the journalism and writer Zuenir Ventura. For this study we use the comparative method of us trying to demonstrate how some authors as John River, for example, has already served as a language of mingled fact and fiction in order to produce their works. Thus, the craft of the journalist in his research activity and uptake of facts, and the work of linguistic composition of these facts form the complex hybridity in that kind of romance. Are studied as well as the narrator of City Match, created by Ventura takes some literature resources to make these facts attractive to the reader in a position of voyeur (person watching something out of curiosity) accustomed to real events, but whith that of fiction. We intend to also understand the position of the flâuner Zuenir Ventura journalist comparing him to John and John Antonio River, which, in his own time and way, played and unique characteristics, while common, making the entry / Mestre

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