Spelling suggestions: "subject:"freestream"" "subject:"freestanding""
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The effect on HbA1c in patients with type 2diabetes who start with FreeStyle Libre– a retrospective study of medical records in Region Örebro County, 2019Wenell, Lydia January 2020 (has links)
IntroductionFreeStyle Libre (FSL) has mostly been used by patients with type 1 diabetes. In 2019, newrecommendations were announced regarding prescriptions to patients with type 2 diabetes(T2D) who have insulin treatment (basal/bolus), HbA1c > 70 mmol/mol and/or repeatedhypoglycemic events despite great effort to adjust insulin doses.AimTo evaluate if HbA1c improves with FSL compared with self-monitoring of blood glucose. Thesecondary aim was to investigate if patients with recurrent hypoglycemic events experiencedless hypoglycemic events.MethodsThis study was designed as a retrospective systematic review of medical records of patientswith T2D in Region Örebro County (RÖC) who have received an FSL 1st of January to 13th ofSeptember 2019. A control group (n = 142) was created from the National Diabetes Register tothe indication group HbA1c > 70 mmol/mol. A paired sample t-test was used to assess theprimary endpoint.ResultsHbA1c decreased significantly from 73 mmol/mol to 65 mmol/mol (p <0.001) in the wholestudy population (n = 58). Indication group HbA1c > 70 mmol/mol (n = 38) had the greatestchange, 80 mmol/mol to 68 mmol/mol (p <0.001). The mean HbA1c in the control group was82 mol/mol. There were 15 patients in the indication group with hypoglycemic events (n = 20)who experienced less hypoglycemic events.ConclusionFSL has a positive effect on the metabolic control in patients with T2D who have HbA1c > 70mmol/mol when starting with FSL in RÖC.
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An Examination of Relative Age Effects Among Junior Elite WrestlersKelly, Jayla 01 May 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this examination was to evaluate relative age effects among junior elite wrestlers across gender, weight class, and competitive rule sets. Using biographical data, this thesis explores trends representing an oversampling of athletes born earlier in the year, accompanied by potential effects for success in sport and an impact on retention rates. Currently, the use of chronological age is the most common form of classifying sports participants, though this type of classification may have potentially negative long- and short-term implications. Thus, the results may provide an evaluation of weight categorization as a less discriminatory competitive format in junior elite wrestlers.
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CAESS ProTop: Neuigkeiten in der Version 5.0Simmler, Urs 03 July 2018 (has links)
Der Software-Hersteller CAESS (PTC Partner Advantage, Silver) hat eine neue Version der Topopologie-Optimierungs-Lösung ProTOp auf den Markt gebracht.
Die Software zeichnet sich aus durch neue Elemente wie:
• Intuitive Benutzer-Oberfläche
• Verwendung von 'Shell-, Lattice-'Strukturen
• Nichtlinearitäten: Kontakte, Vorspannung, elastoplastisches Material
• Extrem schnelle Gleichungslösung
• Flächen-Glättung
• Flächen-Rückführung mit .obj-Daten (wavefront) ins CAD
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L’appropriation d’un lecteur de glucose connecté à mesure flash chez les personnes vivant avec un diabète en contexte d’éducation thérapeutiqueBouix, Julien 05 1900 (has links)
Cotutelle internationale avec le Laboratoire Éducations et Promotion de la Santé (Santé publique - UR 3412) de l'Université Sorbonne Paris Nord. / L'autosurveillance glycémique est essentielle pour les personnes vivant avec un diabète afin d'évaluer leur glycémie et adapter leurs traitements ou comportements. En France, depuis 2017, le glucomètre connecté à mesure flash FreeStyle Libre est proposé aux personnes vivant avec un diabète à la condition de suivre une éducation spécifique au sein de structures coutumières de l’éducation thérapeutique et du diabète. La littérature scientifique a montré l'efficacité de l'autosurveillance avec ce système, mais il existe peu d'études sur son appropriation et son impact. Cette recherche vise à décrire et comprendre le phénomène d’appropriation du FreeStyle Libre en identifiant comment elle s’est déroulée, comment elle s’opérationnalise, selon quelles interventions, chez qui cela fonctionne, dans quels contextes, et quels sont les mécanismes en jeu. Une évaluation réaliste a été menée en se basant sur une théorie de moyenne portée. Cette recherche a été réalisée au sein de quatre terrains en région parisienne auprès de 48 personnes vivant avec un diabète et professionnels de santé. Tout d’abord, les résultats montrent qu’au cours du temps, les programmes ont évolué dans leurs modalités et contenus, dans la façon dont ils s’organisaient, mais aussi que les interventions éducatives réellement mises en œuvre diffèrent au regard des interventions qui sont censées avoir cours. Ensuite, pour expliquer l’appropriation du FreeStyle Libre, 114 chaînes de contexte-mécanismes et effets ont été construites et éclairent sur l’acceptation du FreeStyle Libre, les conditions et modalités d’utilisation et sur les effets produits grâce à celle-ci. Les chaînes de contextes-mécanismes-effets mettent en évidence des contextes plus favorables à l’appropriation (littératie numérique élevée, empowerment préexistant, engagement dans la démarche d’autogestion…) et des contextes moins favorables (trait de personnalité compulsive, littératie générale ou numérique faible, absence d’éducation et d’accompagnement…). Les mécanismes qui sont générés font appel aux connaissances, à l’absence de crainte sur la confidentialité et l’immixtion dans la vie privée, à la motivation, et aux normes personnelles. L’acceptation du FSL est forte et fait intervenir la perception que la technologie peut contribuer à la performance de l’autosurveillance glycémique et qu’elle est facile à utiliser. Ensuite, l’analyse a permis de discriminer plusieurs modalités d’utilisation suivant des indicateurs quantitatifs et qualitatifs de l’usage. Des effets de l’appropriation sont identifiés dans l’amélioration de la qualité de vie dans le diabète, l’amélioration de la relation interpersonnelle entre soignants et personnes soignées, dans la diminution d’une anxiété liée au diabète, dans l’adaptation des traitements et des comportements et enfin dans la connaissance de la maladie et le raisonnement des personnes. La théorie de moyenne portée finale constituée sur la base de ces résultats adresse un modèle global de l’appropriation du FreeStyle Libre. Cette étude montre qu’il existe de nombreuses variations de l’appropriation. Elle situe que l’éducation à l’utilisation du FreeStyle Libre est nécessaire pour en tirer davantage parti et identifie un manque d’intégration de la technologie connectée dans les programmes d’éducation thérapeutique, ce qui constitue un enjeu particulier pour l’avenir. / Self-monitoring of blood glucose is essential for people living with diabetes to assess their blood glucose levels and adapt their treatment or behaviour. In France, since 2017, the FreeStyle Libre (FSL) flash glucose meter has been offered to people living with diabetes on the condition that they attend a specific education program within facilities accustomed to diabetes and therapeutic education. The scientific literature has shown the efficacy of self-monitoring with this system, but there are few studies on its appropriation and impact. This research aims to describe and understand the phenomenon of appropriation of FreeStyle Libre by identifying how it has been implemented, how it is operationalized, according to which interventions, in whom it works, in which contexts, and what mechanisms are at work. A realist evaluation was carried out based on a middle-range theory. This research was conducted in four settings in the Paris area involving 48 people living with diabetes and healthcare professionals. First of all, the results show that over time, the programmes have evolved in their modalities and contents, in the way they were organized, but also that the implemented educational interventions differed from those that were supposed to take place. Next, to explain the appropriation of FreeStyle Libre, 114 context-mechanism-effect chains were constructed that shed light on the acceptance of FreeStyle Libre, the conditions and modalities of its use, and the effects produced through it. The context-mechanism-effect chains highlight contexts that are more favourable to appropriation (high digital literacy, pre-existing empowerment, commitment to self-management, etc.) and less favourable contexts (compulsive personality trait, low general or digital literacy, lack of education and support, etc.). The mechanisms that are generated involve knowledge, lack of fear about confidentiality and privacy, motivation, and personal norms. Acceptance of the FSL is strong and involves the perception that the technology can contribute to the performance of self-monitoring of blood glucose and that it is easy to use. Then, the analysis allowed us to distinguish several modalities of use according to quantitative and qualitative indicators of use. The effects of appropriation are identified in the improvement of the quality of life in diabetes, the improvement of the interpersonal relationship between caregivers and cared-for persons, the reduction of anxiety related to diabetes, the adaptation of treatments and behaviours, and finally in the knowledge of the disease and the reasoning of the persons. The final middle-range theory built on these results addresses a global model of the appropriation of FreeStyle Libre.
This study shows that there are many variations of appropriation. It identifies that education in the use of FreeStyle Libre is needed to get more out of it, and identifies a lack of integration of connected technology into health education programmes, which is a particular challenge for the future.
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Upper- & lower body strength and its correlation to performance in swimmingBjörk, Julia January 2018 (has links)
Background: To learn how to swim with proper technique takes fairly large amount of time and practice to learn and anelite swimmer spends 6-7 days training for improving aerobic capacity, anaerobic capacity and strength training for energy saving technique. Freestyle is the fastest swimming style and is performed in many different distances, 50m is classified as a sprint and the 400m as a middle-distance. The research is inconclusive if there is a correlation in the lower body and the time in 50m and 400m and mostly in the middle distance which gives this study the importance reducing these uncertainties. Aim: The aim of this study was to determine the strength of the correlation between the upper- and lower body muscle strengthwith time in 50m and 400m freestyle and to analyze which of the variables of height, sex, upper- and lower body strength contribute to velocity in sprint and middle distance in competitive swimmers. Method:A total of 14 participants (3 men and 11 women) participated in the study. The participants were tested at three occasions. The first was to determine their three-repetition maximum (3RM) in the squat and lat-pulldown. The second occasion was the collection the time in 50m freestyle and the third was to collect the time in 400m freestyle. Relative strength (kg/kg BW; %) and absolute strength (kg) in 1RM was calculated and correlated with the time in 50m and 400m freestyle. Analysis was done to see which variables of height, sex, relative strength in the squat and lat-pulldown contribute the most to the time in freestyle. Result: The result show that there was a high correlation between the absolute strength in the squat and the time in 50m (r=-0.769) a moderate correlation in the absolute strength in lat-pulldown and the 50m freestyle sprint (r=-0.513). There was also a moderate correlation for the relative strength in the lat-pulldown and 50m freestyle (r=-0.599). The 400m correlate with the relative strength in both lat-pulldown(r=-0.563) and the squat (r=-0.555). The lat-pulldown contributed most to the time in 50m freestyle as well as the male sex. Conclusions: The absolute strength in the squat had a high correlation to the time in 50m freestyle swim. The 400m there was a moderate correlation to the relative strength in the squat and lat-pulldown showing that for the overall performance in middle-distance the relative strength has the advantage over absolute strength. The relative and absolute strength in upper body correlated to both 50m and 400m freestyle and could therefore strengthen the importance of upper body strength in sprint and middle distance as previous researchers has stated. The upper body strength is the best predictor of time in 50m.
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La expansión de The Urban Roosters en los medios de streaming en los últimos 3 años / The expansion of The Urban Roosters in streaming media in the past 3 yearsCordova Cruz, Bryan Alberto 01 August 2020 (has links)
El objetivo de este estudio realizado es para que el público tenga más en cuenta lo que un movimiento urbano o una cultura urbana puede llegar a crecer y evolucionar con el paso de tiempo. El freestyle es un movimiento que empezó por los ochenta en Brooklyn, Estados Unidos, desde ese entonces ha sido catalogado por varios calificativos negativos por el mismo hecho que iniciado en la calle, por ejemplo, la violencia, la delincuencia, etc. Con el paso del tiempo, el freestyle ha evolucionado de manera increíble. antes del 2010, solo había un evento por año, hoy en día hay más de dos eventos por mes. Esto se ha debido por varios factores, tanto como los mismos freestylers, la comunidad de freestyle, el live streaming, etc. Por ello, la pregunta de investigación es: ¿Cómo el live stream ha beneficiado el crecimiento de The Urban Roosters en los últimos 3 años? En este contexto, la investigación ha ayudado explorar esos beneficios que se ha ido otorgando con el pasar de los años y los motivos también. La pregunta de investigación se responde a través de los estudios que se ha realizado en transcurso de todo este periodo. se ha indagado por fuentes confiables que han aportado con datos importantes, de esa manera se pueda entender todo el tema a más profundidad. Si bien es cierto, ha habido varios factores importantes para el tema, se han tomado en cuento los que han sido más relevantes e importantes en transcurso de los años. / The main reason of this investigation is to make the public more aware of what an urban movement or urban culture can grow and evolve over the pass of time. Freestyle is a movement that began in the eighties in Brooklyn, United States, since then it has been classified by several negative labels for the same fact that it started on the street, for example, violence, crime, etc. Over time, freestyle has grown and evolved in an incredible way. Before 2010, there was only one event per year, nowadays there are more than two events per month. This has been due to several factors, as well as the freestylers themselves, the freestyle community, live streaming, etc. So, the research question is: How has live streaming benefited The Urban Roosters' growth in the past 3 years? In this context, the research that I´ve been looking for has helped explore those benefits that have been granted over the years and the reasons as well. The research question is answered through the studies that have been carried out throughout this period. It has been investigated by reliable sources that have provided important data, so that the whole topic can be understood in more depth. Although it is true, there have been several important factors for the subject, those that have been most relevant and important over the years have been taken into account. / Trabajo de investigación
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Einfluss von Atemverhalten und Training auf die Energiebereitstellung am Beispiel des FreistilschwimmensMatthaei, Anna-Britta Marie 09 April 2018 (has links)
Die Schwimmer des Deutschen Schwimmverbands verlieren zunehmend den Anschluss an die Weltspitze, was sich in einer sinkenden Anzahl von Medaillen bei internationalen Großereignissen äußert. Als Ursache wurden Mängel im langfristigen Leistungsaufbau identifiziert; in Folge dessen wurden spezifischere Inhalte für das Grundlagenausdauertraining gefordert, um die wettkampfspezifischen Kraftvoraussetzungen besser vorzubereiten. Da gezeigt werden konnte, dass die Atmung im Freistilschwimmen leistungsbegrenzend wirkt, sollte untersucht werden, wie sich durch ein gezieltes Training der Atemmuskulatur bislang ungenutzte Leistungsreserven erschließen lassen. Darüber hinaus sollte die Reaktion auf Hypoventilation unter Belastung getestet werden, da eine Analyse der Atemrhythmen international erfolgreicher Schwimmer ergeben hatte, dass sich niederfrequente Atmung im Wettkampf vorteilhaft auf die Leistung auswirkt. Dazu wurde eine Interventionsstudie mit 15 Nachwuchsschwimmern im Crossover-Design durchgeführt. Während des ersten und des zweiten Makrozyklus des Trainings- und Wettkampfjahres (TWJ) führten je sechs Sportler ein achtwöchiges Atemtraining mit einem POWERbreathe-Gerät durch. Zur Quantifizierung der Leistungsfähigkeit und der Veränderung physiologischer Parameter durch Training wurden vor und nach jeder Intervention Stufentests im Strömungskanal durchgeführt, wobei drei verschiedene Intensitäten und zwei Atemfrequenzen ausgewertet wurden. Das Hauptergebnis der Studie bestand in einer verbesserten Kraftfähigkeit und Ökonomie der Atemmuskulatur, was sich bei isolierter Belastung in Form einer Vergrößerung des maximalen Minutenvolumens zeigte und beim Schwimmen zu verringerten Laktatwerten und niedrigerer Zyklusfrequenz bei gleichbleibender Belastung führte. Die Trainingswirkung wird dabei auf eine weniger starke Ausprägung des inspiratorischen Metaboreflexes und eine Optimierung der Vortriebsphasen in Folge einer schnelleren Inspiration zurückgeführt. Durch das Atemtraining konnte die respiratorische Muskulatur in Trainingsphasen niedrigerer Intensität auf die höheren Belastungen im späteren Verlauf des TWJ vorbereitet werden. Der Einsatz eines solchen Trainings hat daher das Potential, die Leistungsfähigkeit von Freistilschwimmern zu steigern.:Einleitung
Anforderungen an die Atmung im Schwimmen
Bewegungsstruktur und Atemverhalten im Wettkampf
Atemphysiologie unter Belastung
Arbeitsschwerpunkte und Lösungsweg
Pilotstudie im Strömungskanal
Ergebnisse der Voruntersuchungen
Auswertung des Atemtrainings
Leistungsphysiologische Veränderungen durch Training
Einfluss der Intensität auf leistungsphysiologische Parameter
Einfluss der Atemfrequenz auf leistungsphysiologische Parameter
Zusammenhänge zwischen leistungsphysiologischen Parametern und den Ergebnissen des POWERbreathe-Trainings
Wirkung eines lokalen Krafttrainingsreizes auf die Atemmuskulatur und auf pulmonale Parameter
Systemische Effekte eines Atemtrainings auf leistungsphysiologische Parameter
Konsequenzen einer Atmungseinschränkung für die Energiebereitstellung
Wirkung des Atemtrainings auf die Bewegungsstruktur
Trainingswissenschaftliche Aspekte
Empfehlungen für die Durchführung eines Atemtrainings
Zukünftige Fragestellungen
Zusammenfassung und Ausblick / At present the athletes of the German swimming association are unable to keep up with the performance of the world’s leading swimmers. Thus, the number of medals achieved within international competitions decreases. Analyses could trace back this trend to deficits regarding the long-term athlete development. As a result, there are growing demands on increasing the specificity of the basic endurance training in terms of a more adequate preparation of race-specific strength capacities. Since studies showed that the efficiency of the respiratory system can limit exercise performance, the aim of this dissertation was to analyze the potential of a specific training of the breathing muscles to access reserve capacities in freestyle swimming. An evaluation of the breathing patterns of successful athletes showed that a low-frequency breathing pattern has a positive impact on freestyle performance, hence another goal of this study was to investigate the effect of hypoventilation during high intensity swimming. A crossover intervention study was conducted with 15 adolescent swimmers. During the first and the second macro cycle of the swimming season an eight week POWERbreathe training was performed by six swimmers each. Before and after each intervention incremental tests were conducted in a swimming flume to assess exercise capacity and the change of exercise physiological parameters in response to the training stimulus. Within this test protocol three graded exercise intensities and two different breathing frequencies were taken into account. The main result of the study was an improved strength and enhanced economy of the breathing muscles which resulted in an increased maximum voluntary ventilation (MVV), decreasing levels of lactate and lower cycle frequencies during freestyle swimming at a given velocity. The training effect is based on the attenuation of the inspiratory metaboreflex and optimization of the propulsion phases due to a more rapid inspiration. Because of the breathing training the respiratory muscles were exposed to a high training stimulus within low-intensity swimming training periods which resulted in an improved preparation of higher swimming intensities in the later stages of the swimming season. Thus, the POWERbreathe training has the potential to enhance exercise performance of freestyle swimmers.:Einleitung
Anforderungen an die Atmung im Schwimmen
Bewegungsstruktur und Atemverhalten im Wettkampf
Atemphysiologie unter Belastung
Arbeitsschwerpunkte und Lösungsweg
Pilotstudie im Strömungskanal
Ergebnisse der Voruntersuchungen
Auswertung des Atemtrainings
Leistungsphysiologische Veränderungen durch Training
Einfluss der Intensität auf leistungsphysiologische Parameter
Einfluss der Atemfrequenz auf leistungsphysiologische Parameter
Zusammenhänge zwischen leistungsphysiologischen Parametern und den Ergebnissen des POWERbreathe-Trainings
Wirkung eines lokalen Krafttrainingsreizes auf die Atemmuskulatur und auf pulmonale Parameter
Systemische Effekte eines Atemtrainings auf leistungsphysiologische Parameter
Konsequenzen einer Atmungseinschränkung für die Energiebereitstellung
Wirkung des Atemtrainings auf die Bewegungsstruktur
Trainingswissenschaftliche Aspekte
Empfehlungen für die Durchführung eines Atemtrainings
Zukünftige Fragestellungen
Zusammenfassung und Ausblick
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Upper body strength and endurance and its relationship with freestyle swim performance in elite swimmersStorck, Natalie January 2017 (has links)
Background: Strength is considered an important part in swimming and is usually included in training programs for swimmers. However, studies assessing the relationship between muscle strength, muscle endurance and swim performance are not many and have showed different results. Aim: The aim of this study was to assess the correlation between bench press, pull-up and 400 meter freestyle swim performance in elite swimmers. Method: The subjects (n=15, age 16-20) performed a one repetition maximum (1RM) bench press test to measure maximal muscle strength and to measure muscle endurance the subjects performed as many pull-up repetitions as possible during 30 seconds. A velocity four (V4) speed test was performed to assess swim performance by measuring time over covered distance and blood lactate levels. Results: The results of this study showed a moderate correlation (r=-0.54) between one repetition maximum in bench press and 400 meter freestyle swim performance. It showed a strong correlation (r=-0.63) between number of pull-ups repetitions during 30 seconds and 400 meter freestyle swim performance. Conclusion: These results suggest that upper body strength contributes to swim performance over 400 meter. The stronger correlation between pull-ups and swimming may indicate that muscle endurance of m. latissimus dorsi and the back muscles may be important to incorporate in a training program since it has shown to have a strong correlation with swim performance at 400 meters. / Bakgrund: Styrka anses vara en viktig del i simning och är ofta inkluderat i träningsprogram för simmare. Dock har endast ett mindre antal studier undersökt relationen mellan muskelstyrka, muskel uthållighet och simprestation och de som har gjort det visar olika resultat. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att utvärdera korrelationen mellan bänkpress, pull-ups och 400m simprestation hos elitsimmare. Metod: Deltagarna (n=15, ålder 16-20) utförde ett en repetition maximum (1RM) i bänkpress för att mäta maximal muskel styrka och för att mäta muskeluthållighet utförde deltagarna så många pull-ups repetitioner som möjligt under 30 sekunder. Ett velocity four (V4) hastighets test utfördes för att utvärdera simprestation genom att mäta tid över simmad distans och blod laktat värden. Resultat: Resultatet i denna studie visade på en moderat korrelation (r=-0,54) mellan en repetition maximum i bänkpress och 400 meter fristil simprestation. Den visade på en stark korrelation (r=-0,63) mellan antalet pull-ups repetitioner under 30 sekunder och 400 meter fristil simprestation. Konklusion: Dessa resultat tyder på att överkroppsstyrka bidrar till simprestation över 400 meter. Den starkare korrelationen mellan pull-ups och simning kan indikera att muskeluthållighet hos m. latisimus dorsi och ryggmusklerna kan vara viktigt att lägga in i ett träningsprogram då det visat på en stark korrelation till simprestation på distansen 400 meter.
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Formy a metody výuky snowboardingu na základních a středních školách na Táborsku / Forms and methods of snowboarding at primary and secondary schools in the region TaborZamrzlová, Alena January 2015 (has links)
This master thesis deals with the issues of snowboard teaching of children at older school age. The master thesis is divided into theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part describes the ride techniques and two fundamental but very different snowboard styles - freestyle and alpine. This part also presents the methodology of teaching and single elements of snowboarding methodical streak, that are acquired by motor learning. The motor abilities, skills and other factors that are related to snowboarding are explained here, too. Because this thesis is aimed at the snowboard teaching at elementary schools, the theoretical part is focused on integration of snowboarding into School Education Programme and on qualifications of teachers. The method of questioning used in the practical part tries to find out, if the snowboarding lessons for children at older school age are part of the school education in the region Tabor and what are the conditions of such an education. This part also deals with its technical and material provision. On winter training courses of one elementary school a research was done using the observational method and experiment. This research is aimed at snowboard teaching of pupils - beginners, who had different type and level of equipment and observes, how quickly are they...
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Freestyle BMX a letní olympijské hry / Freestyle BMX and olympic gamesČermák, Daniel January 2018 (has links)
Tittle: Freestyle BMX and Summer Olympic Games Objectives: The main aim of this thesis is the analysis process of Freestyle BMX acceptance to the Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympics with evalution. In addition, this thesis defines the historical movement of the Freestyle BMX candacy and evaluate the conditions (criteria) setted by the International Olympic Committee for the adoption of new sports into the Olympic Games program. Methods: This thesis is a theoretical work that has a descriptive and analytical character so the main method is an analysis and study of documents, literature and web sources. The information was analyzed and comprehensively processed. Results: Results indicate that Freestyle BMX didn't satisfy all the criteria for acceptance of a new sport into the Olympic Games program. Freestyle BMX should not be accepted according to the criteria set into the Olympic Games program. Freestyle BMX was accepted on the basis of other facts according to this information. Probably this has been achieved on the basis of an evaluation of the popularity sport. Keywords: Sport, Cyclist, Cyclist discipline, Freestyle BMX, Olympics, Summer Olympic Games, Tokyo 2020
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