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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Chatter vibrations in robotic milling considering structural nonlinearity

Mohammadi, Yaser 08 September 2022 (has links)
The application of robotic manipulators in machining systems has gained a great interest in manufacturing because of their lower prices, higher kinematic flexibility and larger workspace compared to conventional CNC machine tools. However, their performance is limited due to the much lower structural rigidity which makes them more susceptible to excessive and unstable vibrations, known as chatter, during the machining process. Highly effective chatter modeling and avoidance methods that have been developed for CNC machining in the past decades are now being used by the industry to design high-performance chatter-free machining operations. The available methods, however, face major difficulties when applied to robotic machining, mainly due to the high flexibility and pose-dependency of the vibration response in robots. High flexibility leads to high-amplitude vibrations which affect the process dynamics and excite structural nonlinearities. The existing approaches to modeling machining vibrations assume linearity of the structural dynamics of the robotic manipulator. This assumption, considering the inherent nonlinearities in the robot’s revolute joints, may cause considerable inaccuracies in predicting the stability of vibrations during the process. This thesis studies the high flexibility and nonlinearity of the robot’s structural dynamics and their effects on chatter vibrations. The research starts with investigating the effects of high flexibility of robot's structure in the process dyamics by considering the modulation of cutting forces by axial vibrations, which is normally ignored in CNC milling due to high rigidity of the machine in this direction. The results of chatter prediction considering this effect are shown and discussed. The rest of the thesis focuses on the structural nonlinearity. Firstly, an experimental study is presented to investigate the extent of nonlinearity in structural dynamics of the robot. The results confirm that structural nonlinearities in robotic machining systems can be effectively excited in the presence of high-amplitude vibrations due to milling forces, such that they cause remarkable differences in chatter prediction. The following step is modeling the structural nonlinearities. For this purpose, the variation of restoring forces with the dynamic response (displacement and velocity) are observed when the robot is subjected to harmonic excitation. Based on the experimental observations, the nonlinear effects are modeled by cubic stiffness and damping characteristics. Parameters of the nonlinear model are then identified using Higher-order Frequency Response Functions (HFRF) extracted from measurements. The identified model can predict the vibration behavior of the robotic machining system when subjected to periodic loads such as milling forces. The developed model of nonlinear structural dynamics is then coupled with the chatter model. Consequently, the system is described by nonlinear Delay Differential Equations (DDE) with periodic coefficients. Bifurcation diagrams for the forced vibrations in the described system are developed using the numerical continuation method. The effects of cutting parameters such as feedrate as well as the nonlinear parameters are studied. The thesis is concluded by proposing the use of in-process FRF in the linear model of chatter stability for quick prediction of stability limits. In this approach, the exact characteristics of the nonlinear mechanisms are not studied; instead, the measured FRF during the milling process are used, which are assumed to represent the nonlinear structural dynamics that are linearized about the applied operational conditions. Two methods of measuring in-process FRF are proposed and employed in the robotic milling system. The measured FRF are then used in the linear chatter model to develop the Stability Lobes Diagram (SLD) which shows the combination of cutting parameters that lead to stable or unstable vibrations. Experimental chatter tests show that better agreement with predictions can be achieved by using in-process FRF instead of FRF measured at the idle state of the system. The results of this thesis contribute to better characterization of vibrations in robotic machining with high-amplitude forces and selecting suitable strategies to enhance productivity of the operation. / Graduate

Estudo do ruído de rodagem estrutural através da análise dos caminhos de transferência de energia - TPA / Structure-borne road noise study using transfer path analysis, TPA

Silva, César Helou Teodoro da 31 May 2011 (has links)
Os ruídos, vibrações e asperezas de rodagem veicular (do acrônimo em inglês Road NVH), presentes de 20 Hz até 1000 Hz aproximadamente, originam-se das vibrações e propagações acústicas dos pneus ao interagir com as superfícies. Nestas fontes de ruído, ambas as vias de contribuições estruturais e aéreas, são relevantes para o refinamento veicular. Constantes são os esforços para estudar o veículo como um conjunto de caminhos de transferência entre a dinâmica dos pneus até o conforto dos passageiros. Sendo assim, o tratamento dos mecanismos que geram e propagam o ruído e vibração à cabine está avançando, graças aos testes e análises sistemáticas, fundamentadas na teoria de Análises dos Caminhos de Transferências de energia (TPA do inglês transfer path analysis). O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar um estudo de um caso de Road NVH utilizando o TPA em veículo protótipo. Neste tema, é investigado o nível de ruído de rodagem em torno de 180 Hz, semelhante ao efeito de roncar (rumble, na expressão em inglês). Este ruído permanece presente no protótipo, em diversos tipos de pista e velocidades, porém em apenas um modelo de pneu (batizado de modelo \"A\"), entre os diversos testados. Das avaliações subjetivas prévias, defini-se que o foco das investigações são as contribuições estruturais da suspensão dianteira. Usando o TPA para demonstrar os caminhos críticos na formação do rumble, aplicou-se o método da matriz inversa para o calculo das forcas, considerando os seguintes pontos: buchas do braço de controle do A-Arm e de ligação da carroceria com a parte superior da suspensão dianteira (fig. 4.6 - tipo Mc Pherson). Foram obtidas experimentalmente as vibrações dos lados ativos e passivos destes pontos, nas condições de rolagem e as funções de resposta vibracionais e acústica do ponto, no laboratório. Após a correlação do ruído interno calculado com o medido, concluiu-se que o rumble deste caso foi gerado pela baixa eficiência de isolação das vibrações radiais nas buchas anteriores e pela força lateral do pneu \"A\". Por fim, propostas de bucha e pneu são apresentadas em termos das novas forças e respostas acústicas transmitidas, para minimizar o rumble. / The road noise, vibration and harshness (Road NVH) present from 20 Hz to 1000 Hz approximately, begins from the tires vibration and acoustic propagation and their interactions with the road surfaces. In these noise sources, both structural-borne and air-borne noise contributions are relevant to vehicle refinement. The constant efforts to study the vehicle as a set of transfer paths from tires dynamic behavior to passenger comfort to the final passenger comfort perception. Thus the treatment of generation and propagation mechanisms, have being forward thanks to the systematic tests and proceedings based on the transfer path analysis theory (TPA). The purpose of this work is to present a case study of Road NVH, using TPA in prototype vehicle. On this theme, it is investigated a higher noise level around 180 Hz, on the rumble narrow band. This noise remains in the prototype during several types of tracks and speeds conditions, whenever only a tire model, named as sample A, is used, despites all tires tested. From the previous subjective evaluation, the focus of the investigation is defined to be structure-borne of the front suspension. Using TPA to demonstrate the critical paths to rumble, it was applied the matrix inversion method to force calculation, considering the follow points: A-Arm type lower control arm bushings and top mounts of front suspension (picture 4.6 - Mc Pherson type). The vibration in the active and passive side of these points during test conditions and the FRFs driving points and body sensitivity for a target microphone were obtained experimentally. After correlation between internal road noise calculated and the measured, it was concluded the Rumble of this case had been formed by low radial vibration isolation of the front bushings and due lateral forces of tire A. At last, the bushing and tire proposals are presented in terms of new transmitted forces and acoustical responses, to minimize the rumble.

Komponentansatsen : i nationell och internationell redovisning / Component depreciation : in national and international accounting

Öberg, Nathalie, Ljungviken, Mikaela January 2014 (has links)
Samhället står ständigt inför utveckling, en effekt av det är att redovisningen går mot att bli mer global. Som följd av att internationell redovisning står inför utveckling har en vilja att förändra redovisningen nationellt utvecklats. Ett resultat av utveckling och modernisering av svensk redovisning är införandet av fyra nya regelverk, däribland K3-regelverk som blir gällande år 2014. En förändring som införandet av K3-regelverket medför är krav på komponentansatsen för materiella anläggningstillgångar. Komponentansatsen innebär att en materiell anläggningstillgång ska delas upp i betydande komponenter för att sedan skriva av komponenterna med separata nyttjandeperioder. Införandet av komponentansatsen i svensk redovisning har varit ett omdiskuterat ämne. Flertalet problem med införandet har lyfts fram i tidigare forskning. Som följd av komponentansatsens införande syftar vår studie till att undersöka ansatsen nationellt och internationellt.Studiens första syfte är att undersöka vilka möjligheter och begränsningar fem erfarna revisorer ser vid införandet av komponentansatsen i K3-regelverket samt om de tillfrågade revisorerna anser att komponentansatsen kommer att medföra problem. Vidare har en komparativ studie genomförts som undersökt hur komponentansatsen behandlas internationellt, vilket besvarar studiens andra syfte. Den internationella jämförelsen innefattar följande standarder: IFRS, IFRS for SMEs, FRS 102, FRF for SMEs samt standarder som ger uttryck för US GAAP.Genom studien kan det konstateras att de tillfrågade revisorerna ser både möjligheter och begränsningar med komponentansatsen. Överlag har de en positiv attityd till komponentansatsen. Det kommer som följd av att de tillfrågade revisorerna anser att komponentansatsen kommer att bidra till en mer rättvisande bild av ett företags ekonomiska ställning, i jämförelse med tidigare normgivning. Komponentansatsen bidrar till ett mer verklighetstroget avskrivningsförfarande vilket är grunden till att ansatsen medför en mer rättvisande bild enligt respondenterna. De tillfrågade revisorerna anger även vissa begränsningar vid införandet av komponentansatsen. De framhåller att det främst är inledningsfasen som kommer medföra problem med anledning av att K3-regelverket är ett principbaserat regelverk. Problemen som respondenterna anger uppstår som följd av att tillämpningen av komponentansatsen bygger på egna bedömningar och tolkningar. Vidare kan det, genom den komparativa studien, konstateras att det finns stora likheter i hur komponentansatsen behandlas internationellt. De undersökta standarderna är i många avseenden lika. Alla de undersökta standarderna tillåter att komponentansatsen tillämpas för materiella anläggningstillgångar, det är endast ASC 360 som inte ställer det som ett krav. Vidare uttrycker samtliga standarder att företag ska särredovisa komponenter om de har ett betydande värde, medan utformningen skiljer sig beträffande användandet av ordet väsentlig. / Program: Civilekonomprogrammet

Estudo do ruído de rodagem estrutural através da análise dos caminhos de transferência de energia - TPA / Structure-borne road noise study using transfer path analysis, TPA

César Helou Teodoro da Silva 31 May 2011 (has links)
Os ruídos, vibrações e asperezas de rodagem veicular (do acrônimo em inglês Road NVH), presentes de 20 Hz até 1000 Hz aproximadamente, originam-se das vibrações e propagações acústicas dos pneus ao interagir com as superfícies. Nestas fontes de ruído, ambas as vias de contribuições estruturais e aéreas, são relevantes para o refinamento veicular. Constantes são os esforços para estudar o veículo como um conjunto de caminhos de transferência entre a dinâmica dos pneus até o conforto dos passageiros. Sendo assim, o tratamento dos mecanismos que geram e propagam o ruído e vibração à cabine está avançando, graças aos testes e análises sistemáticas, fundamentadas na teoria de Análises dos Caminhos de Transferências de energia (TPA do inglês transfer path analysis). O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar um estudo de um caso de Road NVH utilizando o TPA em veículo protótipo. Neste tema, é investigado o nível de ruído de rodagem em torno de 180 Hz, semelhante ao efeito de roncar (rumble, na expressão em inglês). Este ruído permanece presente no protótipo, em diversos tipos de pista e velocidades, porém em apenas um modelo de pneu (batizado de modelo \"A\"), entre os diversos testados. Das avaliações subjetivas prévias, defini-se que o foco das investigações são as contribuições estruturais da suspensão dianteira. Usando o TPA para demonstrar os caminhos críticos na formação do rumble, aplicou-se o método da matriz inversa para o calculo das forcas, considerando os seguintes pontos: buchas do braço de controle do A-Arm e de ligação da carroceria com a parte superior da suspensão dianteira (fig. 4.6 - tipo Mc Pherson). Foram obtidas experimentalmente as vibrações dos lados ativos e passivos destes pontos, nas condições de rolagem e as funções de resposta vibracionais e acústica do ponto, no laboratório. Após a correlação do ruído interno calculado com o medido, concluiu-se que o rumble deste caso foi gerado pela baixa eficiência de isolação das vibrações radiais nas buchas anteriores e pela força lateral do pneu \"A\". Por fim, propostas de bucha e pneu são apresentadas em termos das novas forças e respostas acústicas transmitidas, para minimizar o rumble. / The road noise, vibration and harshness (Road NVH) present from 20 Hz to 1000 Hz approximately, begins from the tires vibration and acoustic propagation and their interactions with the road surfaces. In these noise sources, both structural-borne and air-borne noise contributions are relevant to vehicle refinement. The constant efforts to study the vehicle as a set of transfer paths from tires dynamic behavior to passenger comfort to the final passenger comfort perception. Thus the treatment of generation and propagation mechanisms, have being forward thanks to the systematic tests and proceedings based on the transfer path analysis theory (TPA). The purpose of this work is to present a case study of Road NVH, using TPA in prototype vehicle. On this theme, it is investigated a higher noise level around 180 Hz, on the rumble narrow band. This noise remains in the prototype during several types of tracks and speeds conditions, whenever only a tire model, named as sample A, is used, despites all tires tested. From the previous subjective evaluation, the focus of the investigation is defined to be structure-borne of the front suspension. Using TPA to demonstrate the critical paths to rumble, it was applied the matrix inversion method to force calculation, considering the follow points: A-Arm type lower control arm bushings and top mounts of front suspension (picture 4.6 - Mc Pherson type). The vibration in the active and passive side of these points during test conditions and the FRFs driving points and body sensitivity for a target microphone were obtained experimentally. After correlation between internal road noise calculated and the measured, it was concluded the Rumble of this case had been formed by low radial vibration isolation of the front bushings and due lateral forces of tire A. At last, the bushing and tire proposals are presented in terms of new transmitted forces and acoustical responses, to minimize the rumble.

Experimental Dynamic Substructuring of an Ampair 600 Wind Turbine Hub together with Two Blades : A Study of the Transmission Simulator Method

Johansson, Tim, Cwenarkiewicz, Magdalena January 2016 (has links)
In this work, the feasibility to perform substructuring technique with experimental data is demonstrated. This investigation examines two structures with different additional mass‑loads, i.e. transmission simulators (TSs). The two structures are a single blade and the hub together with two blades from an Ampair 600 wind turbine. Simulation data from finite element models of the TSs are numerically decoupled from each of the two structures. The resulting two structures are coupled to each other. The calculations are made exclusively in the frequency domain. A comparison between the predicted behavior from this assembled structure and measurements on the full hub with all three blades is carried out. The result is discouraging for the implemented method. It shows major problems, even though the measurements were performed in a laboratory environment.

Regel- eller principbaserade standarder? En komparativ studie / Rules- or principles-based accounting standards? A comparative study

Andersson, Sara, Rüngas, Sofia January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka BFNs uttalande att K3 är ett principbaserat regelverk, genom att visa hur princip- eller regelbaserat regelverket är i förhållande till IFRS for SMEs, FRS 102, FRF for SMEs och K2. För att uppfylla syftet har vi utfört en komparativ studie där vi klassificerar redovisningsregelverken utifrån ett princip- och regelperspektiv. Studien har utförts på regelverkens klassificeringar av tillgångar, skulder samt omsättnings- och anläggningstillgångar. Undersökningen är relevant då de senaste redovisningsskandalerna medfört en debatt kring regel och principbaserade standarder. Enligt vår vetskap har inget liknande klassificeringsförsök gjorts tidigare där en bedömning av varje enskild bestämmelse görs huruvida den är regel- eller principbaserad och där omfattningen av regel- eller principbasering av enskilda normer sätts i relation till andra regelverk. Vårt bidrag till forskningen blir därför att försöka beskriva hur verkligheten ser ut. Vi vill även bidra till att diskussionen kring regel- och principbaserade standarder blir mer nyanserad.För att kunna avgöra om K3 är ett principbaserat regelverk eller ej har vi studerat både ekonomisk och juridisk litteratur. Vi har på så sätt hittat olika definitioner och tecken som indikerar om en norm är regelbaserad eller principbaserad. Utifrån denna information presenterar vi argument för varje undersökt paragraf i de olika regelverken gällande dess nivå av princip eller regelbasering. Med hjälp av dimensionsteorin visar vi sedan hur regelbaserade de olika studerade standarderna är i relation till varandra. Dessutom förs en diskussion angående relevansen av att diskutera harmoniseringsarbetet i termer av princip och regelbaserade standarder.Vår slutsats är att K3 är det minst regelbaserade och mest principbaserade regelverket av de undersökta bestämmelserna och regelverken. Men samtliga studerade regelverk innehåller dock aspekter som kan anses vara både regel- och principbaserade vilket medför att vår slutsats därför är att BFNs uttalande, att K3 regelverket är principbaserat, är felaktigt och för generellt.Vi tror inte att det är givande att fortsätta föra en diskussion angående regler och principer i de allmänna och generella ordalag som är vanligt i dagens vetenskapliga litteratur. Vi anser därför att det är mer utvecklande att istället bedöma hur en bestämmelse bör vara utformad i varje enskilt fall och då göra avvägningar mellan omfattningen av regler och principer i varje bestämmelse. Utformningen måste även vägas mot de övergripande mål och krav som ställs på de finansiella rapporterna, såsom jämförbarhet, relevans och andra kvalitativa egenskaper. Vi anser även att ett regelverk behöver ha både regler och principer för att vara effektivt och ändamålsenligt. / Program: Civilekonomprogrammet

A New Multiple Input Random Excitation Technique Utilizing Pneumatic Cylinders

Sharma, Akhil 12 September 2016 (has links)
No description available.

FRF Based Experimental – Analytical Dynamic Substructuring Using Transmission Simulator

Konjerla, Krishna Chaitanya January 2016 (has links)
In dynamic substructuring, a complex structure is divided into multiple substructures that can be analysed individually and these individual component responses are coupled together to obtain the global response of the whole structure. Dynamic substructuring can be performed on substructure models that are identified either experimentally or analytically. For dynamic substructuring to be successful, it is very essential to have the precise information of the connection points or the interfaces between the substructures. The method has been extensively used with analytical models in most of the available standard finite element software packages where the information about all degrees of freedom is known. However, it is difficult to get the information about all connection degrees of freedom from the measurements and experimental substructuring is thus limited in its use compared to analytical substructuring. In order to overcome these difficulties, the Transmission Simulator method commonly also known as Modal Constraints for Fixture and Subsystem method can be used. In this method, an additional fixture called Transmission Simulator which is available both physically and analytically, is attached to the substructures at the interfaces and their respective responses are measured. The substructures could be analytical as well as experimental. The coupling is done by constraining the transmission simulator on the substructures to have the same motion and the effect of the transmission simulator is later removed from the coupled structure by subtracting the analytical transmission simulator model. This method has been successfully implemented for Component Mode Synthesis and Frequency Based Substructuring for structures with multiple connection points at a single location. In this thesis work, frequency response function based experimental–analytical dynamic substructuring using the transmission simulator is performed on a rear subframe and rear differential unit assembly of a Volvo XC90 car where the differential unit is connected to the subframe at three locations. The aim of this work is to verify the Transmission Simulator Method for multiple location connection points using the frequency response functions and build confidence on the methodology in order to be used for future work at Volvo Car Corporation.

Experimental substructuring of an A600 wind turbine blade  : A study of the influence of interface loading

Santos, Judas, Al-Mahdi, Nidaa January 2016 (has links)
Dynamic Substructuring is a powerful tool for simplification of the analysis of complex structures and it has been well established along the years in analytical calculations by means of the Craig-Bampton technique. Recently, a new branch of substructuring, the Experimental Dynamic Substrucuring, appeared as a promising field of research for the engineering community. This area presents several intrinsic difficulties, evincing a need to develop the traditional substructuring methods towards obtaining better results using the experimental approach. In this scenery, the Transmission Simulator technique emerges as an instrument for potential improvement of the achieved results. This work represents a study on the use of the Transmission Simulator technique in the analysis of an Ampair A600 wind turbine blade subjected to loads at the interface to the hub, and it is a part of the benchmarking studies of SEM (Society of Experimental Mechanics). The work consisted of collecting experimental data via vibration tests of a single blade connected to different sizes of transmission simulators. After that, a mathematical representation of the blade was obtained via subtraction of the effect of the transmission simulators via substructuring technique. The computed model was subsequently coupled to a model of the remainder of the wind turbine (the hub plus two blades), and the results were compared to data acquired in tests of the whole assembly. The final findings did not reflect the theory prospects and further investigation is necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of the used methodology.

Finite Element Structural Model Updating By Using Experimental Frequency Response Functions

Ozturk, Murat 01 May 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Initial forms of analytical models created to simulate real engineering structures may generally yield dynamic response predictions different than those obtained from experimental tests. Since testing a real structure under every possible excitation is not practical, it is essential to transform the initial mathematical model to a model which reflects the characteristics of the actual structure in a better way. By using structural model updating techniques, the initial mathematical model is adjusted so that it simulates the experimental measurements more closely. In this study, a sensitivity-based finite element (FE) model updating method using experimental frequency response (FRF) data is presented. This study bases on a technique developed in an earlier study on the computation of the so-called Mis-correlation Index (MCI) used for identifying the system matrices which require updating. MCI values are calculated for each required coordinate, and non-zero numerical values indicate coordinates carrying error. In this work a new model updating procedure based on the minimization of this index is developed. The method uses sensitivity approach. FE models are iteratively updated by minimizing MCI values using sensitivities. The validation of the method is realized through some case studies. In order to demonstrate the application of the method for real systems, a real test data obtained from the modal test of a scaled aircraft model (GARTEUR SM-AG19) is used. In the application, the FE model of the scaled aircraft is updated. In the case studies the generic software developed in this study is used along with some commercial programs.

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