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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Shakespeare and the Earl of Essex

Reynolds, Florence Saradell, 1921- January 1943 (has links)
No description available.

Verklighetsflykt, ritual och nostalgi - om 80-talisters relation till komediserien Vänner

Zoubir, Leila January 2010 (has links)
Denna uppsats behandlar varför, hur och på vilket sätt fem personer - två kvinnor och tre män födda på 1980-talet - har sett på komediserien Friends; Vänner i svensk översättning. Materialet till uppsatsen utgörs av en transkriberad fokusgruppsintervju med de fem respondenterna, av vilken jag har gjort en tematisk analys. I uppsatsen söker jag även svar på vad serien har betytt för respondenterna, hur själva tittandet på serien har gått till samt huruvida detta kan ses som en medieritual såsom en sådan definieras av Nick Couldry i boken Media rituals – A critical approach (2003). Uppsatsen tar avstamp i begreppet mediatization; medialisering i min svenska översättning, som av Johan Fornäs definieras som den process där media fyller mer och mer av vardagslivet, kulturen (1995: 1). En följd av medialiseringen är att kulturella texter blir allt viktigare för människors identitetskonstruktion, hur vi relaterar till varandra och vår kunskap om världen omkring oss (ibid. 216). I kraft av att ha varit en ikon av sin tid (Sandell, Jillian: 1998) kan Vänner ses som en sådan betydelsebärande kulturell text och en del av medialiseringen. Den teoretiska ramen består förutom i Fornäs och Couldry också i cultural studies, och då främst Ien Angs studie Watching Dallas (1985). Även Donald Hortons och R. Richard Wohls teorier om så kallade parasociala relationer mellan tv-tittare och tv-karaktärer (1956) visade sig vara relevanta i sammanhanget. Resultaten av intervjun med respondenterna visade på en rad anledningar till att de tittat på Vänner samt hur de sett på serien. Sammanfattningsvis kan sägas att de fann njutning i hur serien erbjöd möjlighet till avkoppling samt på en och samma gång identifikation, parasociala relationer och en verklighetsflykt. Respondenterna uppfattade också serien som en idealiserad värld där större frågor som politik och religion var frånvarande i hög grad. Jag drog också slutsatsen att deras tittande på serien kan ses som olika typer av medieritualer, då serien fyllde funktionerna av en gemensam referenspunkt, en nostalgitripp, ett medieevenemang och en möjlighet att göra en så kallad pilgrimsfärd till en medierelaterad plats.

Aukštesniųjų klasių (XI - XII) moksleivių streso tyrimas / Stress study of the senior(11 - 12 forms) pupils

Bujevičiūtė, Rasa 10 June 2005 (has links)
Goal of the paper: examine and evaluate stress and stressors of the senior pupils (that attend the 11th-12th forms). Objectives: Identify stressors of the urban and regional pupils and evaluate possible territorial differences. Learn about pupils’ subjective evaluation of their health state. Set recommendations for the prophylaxis of pupils’ stress. Research material and methods: 521 senior pupils - 286 from Kaunas and 235 from Birzai - were selected at random and questioned. The stress-evaluating questionnaire covered two parts: scale of subjectively perceived stress (10 points) and stress-evaluating scale for the juvenile. The pupils were also questioned about the issues of smoking, use of strong drinks. They were asked to mark all the symptoms that bothered them through the past 12 months. The statistical data analysis was performed by means of a statistical package “SSPS 11.5”. Results: 29.9% out of 521 pupils that were questioned experience slight stress, 46.3 % - great stress, and 23.8%- enormous stress. The major stressors of the aforementioned pupils are lack of sleep (70.6%), arguments with family and friends (62.2%), problems at school (39.0%), use of alcohol and drugs (36.5%). Girls usually pinpoint arguments with family and friends, separation, alteration of living conditions. Boys distinguish more often the use of strong drinks and drugs or a misdemeanor. It has been noticed that the more pupils use strong drinks (starting with abstinence and continuing with... [to full text]

Green Products : A Study on Young & Native Swedish Consumers’ Purchase Intentions of Green Products

Rahman, Md. Minur January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this study to explore the green products purchases intentions of the young & native Swedish consumers. Many studies have done on the green products and consumers of green products. Researcher also focused on the consumers’ and their purchase intention based on the age. Some studies conducted only on the young consumers of a particular country. However, this study focused on the young consumers of Sweden. Attitude, knowledge and friends and family influences are considered as the three basic factors of this study. I tried to investigate the influence of these three factors on the green purchase intentions of young Swedish. The Theory of Planned Behavior is used to predict human behavior. The theory is on the basis of three factors, those factors are attitude to the behavior, subjective norms and perceived behavior control. As mentioned before that I have considered three factors for this study and theses three factors are related with the other three factors of the Theory of Planned Behavior. This research used quantitative method, and quantitative method requires large numbers of sample. To fulfill the quantitative method’s requirement on sample numbers, I have considered 190 young Swedish from different places of Umeå and Stockholm. Analysis of the consumers’ response showed me positive response of young consumers on green products. The TPB helped me to explain my three factors as these factors are related with the factors of TPB. All the factors I have considered are positively explained and supported by Theory of Planned Behaviors. Findings of this study describes that Swedish are environment conscious consumers. They have positive knowledge, attitude on green product and intention to buy green products. As this study was based on young Swedish and they have showed their positivity on the green products and indented to purchase green products in future.

The Scottish courtiers in the reign of King James I 1603-1625 /

Williams, Susan Anne. January 1978 (has links)
No description available.

Gimnazistų muzikos poreikiai ir jų pedagoginė korekcija / The need of music and pedagogical correction of gimnasysts

Mingailienė, Rima 07 June 2005 (has links)
In this work are analyzed the problems of how music demands are revealed in pedagogical and psychological literature as well as the problem of genesis, motivation, the influence of valuable orientation to music demands and their adjustment. The problem of how music demands are classified, what musical needs are among students in different age groups and what influence education can have to satisfy students‘ needs are trying to be solved out in this work. The research carried out in Juozas Balčikonis gymnasium and Vytautas Žemkalnis gymnasium among 9-12th formers helped to purify family influence to meet students music needs. It allowed to form a set of recommendations on how students can increase the satifaction of their music needs in families. The research also showed the necessity to satisfy their needs while communicating with friends. It is found out that learning music at school has a positive influence to students‘ music needs. The fact of a small number of students playing music was established. The most interesting musical activity among students is found out, which should encourage teachers to pay more attention to it. A part of students‘ free time devoted to attending concerts is defined. According to the research, professional perfomances should be organized in gymnasiums. The tendency that students spend most of their free time in entertainment centers was exposed. It should induce teachers to increase the culture of entertainment and change students‘ attitude... [to full text]

Vi tysta kväkare pratar så gärna. : En studie om svenska kväkares tystnad och tal / We silent Quakers like to talk : A study on Swedish Quakers silence and speech

Wictorsson, Malin January 2015 (has links)
This qualitative research study aims to investigate how eight members of the Society of Friends (also known as Quakers) experience a divine presence in their Meeting for Worship. The purpose is also to find out how their identity as Quakers has been created, and to see how they look at their Meeting of Worship when it comes to ritual as a concept. The method used in this study is individual, semi-structured interviews and observations of Meeting of Worship. The results show a relatively homogeneous group of individuals from a secular upbringing who as adults sought out a community where silence is appreciated and used to achieve an experience of a divine presence. Berger and Luckmann's theories of socialization have been applied to the results and the discussion reveals how the secondary socialization has been essential in the process of forming the individual into being a Quaker. There is however one exception, in the form of one participant who grew up in the Society of Friends. Catherine Bell’s ritual theory, that no ritual can be defined without its context, can be applied to the Quaker’s view of a ritual. The view Bell has on rituals can be used to understand the views shared by the participants in the study.

Erbjud ungdomarna trygghet och kunskap, de kommer att tacka ja! : en studie om hälsoinformation gällande den sexuella hälsan bland gymnasieungdomar

Rösler, Sandra January 2014 (has links)
Children and youth are one of the most important main target groups in terms of public health work because of the habits that are established at an early age often affect the rest of their lives. Habits regarding sexual health may, with lack of knowledge, provide both physical and mental health consequences for the individual, but also for future public health in general. In Sweden, the number of chlamydia cases since 1995 has been tripled among young people, with a behavior change regarding sexuality as a possible cause. The purpose of this study is to describe how young people perceive information about sexual health and where they choose to seek information, to clarify the need of information for young people. A quantitative web-based survey was conducted on high school students (n = 98) and as a complement, a qualitative study in the form of interviews (n = 5) as well. The results showed that young people are looking for safe and informative sources for information regarding sexual health. The source that reaches most of all young people, i.e. school, was not experienced as sufficient by the young people that it should, for them to not be exposed to risks that could affect their sexual health. The conclusion reveals that youths need to be offered guidance in their search for information, which good knowledge of the subject and in various educational methods, could contribute with, and at the same time offer the youth safe and secure sources based on the needs of the individual's. / Barn och unga tillhör de viktigaste målgrupperna när det gäller folkhälsoarbete eftersom de vanor som grundläggs i tidig ålder ofta påverkar individen resten av livet. Vanor när det gäller den sexuella hälsan, kan i brist på kunskap ge såväl fysiska som psykiska hälsokonsekvenser livet ut för individen, men även påverka folkhälsan generellt framöver. I Sverige har t.ex. antalet klamydiafall sedan 1995 tredubblats bland unga, med beteendeförändringar kring sexualitet som en trolig orsak. Syftet med denna studie är dels att beskriva hur ungdomar upplever information om sexuell hälsa, dels var de väljer att söka informationen, men också att tydliggöra ungdomars behov av informationsmöjligheter. En kvantitativ webbaserad enkätstudie genomfördes bland gymnasieungdomar (n=98) och som ett komplement till den genomfördes även en kvalitativ studie i form av individuella intervjuer (n=5). Resultatet visade att ungdomar söker trygga och informativa källor när det gäller information om sexuell hälsa. Den källan som når merparten av alla ungdomar, d.v.s. skolan, upplevs inte som tillräcklig av ungdomarna för att de inte ska utsättas för risker som påverkar deras sexuella hälsa. Slutsatsen blir att ungdomar behöver bli erbjudna vägledning i sitt sökande efter information, vilket god kunskap i ämnet och i olika pedagogiska metoder skulle kunna bidra med, och samtidigt erbjuda dem trygga och säkra källor utifrån individens behov

Jack London's real and fictional women : a study of attributes

Hensley, Dennis E. January 1981 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to determine what effect six real women in Jack London's life had upon the development of fictional women found in thirty-eight of London's short stories. The six women were Flora Wellman London, Bess Maddern London, Charmian Kittredge London, Anna Strunsky, Mabel Applegarth, and Ina Coolbrith. The study will reveal previously unpublished information about these women based on letters, interviews with people who knew them, and previously uncited newspaper and magazine articles. It will also offer, in most cases, the first chronologically organized in-depth biographical profiles ever recorded of these women. The major attributes of these women were scrutinized, their behavior patterns and physical appearances were chronicled, and their relations both with and independent of Jack London were analyzed. The effect the above mentioned six women had on Jack London was that they significantly helped cause him to portray women in a particular (and unusual) way.Thirty-eight of London's short stories which feature female protagonists were analyzed. These fictional females were studied for attributes, behavior patterns, and appearances. The final step was to correlate the attributes and characteristics of the fictional women to those of the real women.An overview of the entire study reveals three key points: (1) although usually portrayed as very masculine and independent, Jack London was a person whose philosophies, educational development, and political viewpoints were greatly influenced by the six women focused upon in this study; (2) strong evidence suggests that twenty-eight of the fictional women in the thirty-eight short stories which featured major female protagonists were modeled upon either the six real women focused upon in this study or upon other real women (Freda Moloof, Mrs. Hans Nelson whom London knew during his lifetime; and (3) although the general critical opinion regarding London's failure to create a series of believable fictional women is still valid, it is not absolute; some of the women whom London created in his short stories were modeled upon real women in his life, and their reflected real characteristics are vivid enough to make them powerful, three-dimensional, believable characters.

Newport, Indiana : a study of Quaker ante-bellum reform

Holtzclaw, Louis Ray, January 1975 (has links)
This study is an attempt to uncover the considerable contribution to antebellum reform made by a small unassuming frontier community in Indiana, That this community has been largely neglected in social histories of the United States is probably because the region did not produce any nationally outstanding figure as well-'known as William Lloyd Garrison., Elijah Love joy,, Theodore Weld, James Birney or Elizabeth Cady Stanton. This dissertation is an in-depth look at a group of so-called ordinary men and women who were really rather extraordinary in the enlightened positions they took.The two decades, 1826-1846, were the major years of Newport's ascendancy as a leading community in antebellum reform, Newport was made up largely of members of the Society of Friends, many of whom had migrated to the area from the Carolinas and other parts of the South to escape the spreading institution of slavery. Their opposition to slavery, then, was part of their religious tradition, and included aiding runaways to reach free soil. I t was only, however # among the more activist Friends, centered mainly in Newport that organized efforts to manage more efficiently antislavery activities resulted in that community being dubbed the "Grand Central Station" in the Underground Railroad.The outstanding individual in these efforts was Levi Coffin, reputed "President of the Underground Railroad," His coming to Newport in 1826 marked the beginning of organized, wisely managed efforts to oppose slavery. This included such activities as an antislavery tract society, an antislavery library, antislavery newspapers, antislavery societies (including also a young men's antislavery society and a female antislavery society), schools for free blacks and fugitives, as well as the free Produce Movement, an attempt to encourage abstension from the purchase of goods produced by slave labor.In this, Coffin and the Newport reform leaders were opposed by many, a vast majority at first, who felt their direct action methods were too revolutionary and disruptive and as a result were counterproductive, So severe was the disagreement that a rupture of eleven years took place in the Indiana Yearly Meeting of the Society of Friends. By 1846, public toleration of abolition was such that Newport leaders felt little imperative to continue agitation for antislavery causes, instead, they centered their efforts in the political solution offered by the formation of the Liberty Party.The Newport community led in other popular contemporary reform movements including temperance, women's rights, education, and the peace movement. This comprehensiveness of 2lewport antebellum reform was consistent with antebellum reform in general. All the reforms were interrelated, all part of a larger pattern of moral planning. The cause of human rights embraced not only the freeing of slaves from bondage, but also the liberating of women from the bonds of less than equal status with men, the freeing, of the uneducated from the restrictions imposed by ignorance, the prohibition of the abuse of alcohol which shackled man's reason and will, and tie lifting from man of the curse of war.The Newport reformers believed in racial equality as tenaciously as did the Garrisonians or the Weld abolitionists. They seemed to have recognized that rhetoric, as ennobling and inspiriting as it can be, can also grow shrill and tiresome in its self-righteousness. Their reform was the kind of responsible reform directed at those around them--their family, friends, and neighbors--rather than at the faraway "demon" at whom shots can be taken with relative assurance he cannot immediate retaliate.

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