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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Uma análise da amizade sob perspectiva evolucionista: influência dos perfis cognitivos e das características pessoais na preferência por potenciais amigos / An analysis of friendship in an evolutionary perspective: the influence of cognitive styles and personal features in the preference for potential friends

Ornelas, César Oscar 07 October 2010 (has links)
A vida em grupo não apenas traz as vantagens da cooperação, mas carrega consigo as desvantagens da competição intra-grupal por recursos. Nas relações entre pessoas do mesmo sexo, consideram-se ainda aspectos relacionados à possível disputa por parceiros sexuais. No presente trabalho avaliamos como certas características e atributos pessoais influenciam na seleção de amigos para o começo de uma relação de amizade, e como as preferências na seleção podem variar intra e inter sexualmente. Selecionar amigos é uma situação que pode colocar o indivíduo no conflito entre a vantagem de ter um cooperador de alto status, porém, ao mesmo tempo, forte concorrente na competição por recursos e seleção sexual. As preferências na seleção de amizade foram analisadas em função das características pessoais do próprio participante, como sua propensão à tomada de atitudes imediatistas (Desconto de Futuro) e seu perfil cognitivo predominante (empático ou sistematizador). O Desconto de Futuro refere-se a um padrão comportamental de preferir correr riscos iminentes no presente a esperar por retornos maiores num futuro incerto, é o princípio do carpe diem: pensar no presente em detrimento de planos posteriores. O perfil cognitivo empático tem maior capacidade cognitiva na compreensão de habilidades sociais e lingüísticas, enquanto o sistematizador apresenta maior capacidade cognitiva em habilidades matemáticas, espaciais e lógicas. Em nosso estudo o desconto do futuro dos participantes inicialmente menos descontadores mostrou um aumento imediato após a visualização dos possíveis amigos, o que mostra que este processo cognitivo pode ser alterado pela avaliação de indivíduos do mesmo sexo. Mostramos também que indivíduos mais descontadores, por pensarem na competição iminente ao invés da cooperação futura, evitaram amizade com os modelos avaliados como mais atraentes. A empatia e sistematização dos participantes não se apresentaram relevantes na seleção de amigos. Estudamos também como as diferenças, em atributos pessoais (beleza, inteligência e poder aquisitivo) e em características inter pessoais (altruísmo, lealdade, compreensão), entre o selecionador e o selecionado, influenciam na preferência pela amizade. Os resultados mostraram que a preferência em se relacionar com pessoas parecidas com elas em atributos pessoais ocorrerá principalmente para os homens, devido a sua maior competitividade e busca por posição hierárquica intra-grupo, que faz com que eles evitem grandes discrepâncias de potencial competitivo, sendo a igualdade de importância secundária para mulheres. Ambos os sexos preferiram para amigos aqueles avaliados com as maiores características inter-pessoais positivas, resultado esperado em função das vantagens diretas em manter uma amizade com pessoas com indicativos de confiabilidade e bondade. O estudo mostrou também que quando a amizade passa da fase inicial da seleção e se torna uma relação mais íntima, homens apresentam um aumento na preferência por amigos atraentes, pois a estabilidade na amizade acarreta diminuição dos riscos de competição e traição / Group life not only brings the benefits of cooperation, but also carries the disadvantages of inter-group competition for resources. In relationships of people of the same sex, the possible dispute for sexual partners is also considered. This study evaluates how certain characteristics and attributes of others influences in the selection of a new friendship and how preferences in choice may vary intra and inter sexually. Choosing friends is a situation that may put an individual in conflict between the advantage of having a cooperator of high status, but also a strong rival in the competition for resources and sexual selection. Preferences in the selection of friendship were analyzed in function of the personal characteristics of each participant, such as the propensity in taking immediate attitudes (Discount of the Future) and the pre-dominate cognitive style (emphatic or systematic). The Discount of the Future refers to a standard behavior of preferring to take eminent risks in the present than wait for higher returns in an uncertain future. The cognitive emphatic style has a higher cognitive capability in the comprehension of social and linguistic abilities, while the systematic presents a greater cognitive capacity in mathematical, spatial and linguistic abilities. In this study, the discount of the future of the participants which was initially less discounted showed an immediate increase after the visualization of potential friends, which demonstrates that this cognitive process may be altered for the evaluation of individuals of the same sex. We also show that more discounter individuals, who think more on the imminent competition than the future cooperation, avoid friendship with the models evaluated as more attractive. The empathy and systematization of the participants did not present itself relevant in the selection of friends. We also studied how the differences in personal attributes (beauty intelligence and acquisitive power) and in inter-personal characteristics (altruism, loyalty, comprehension), between the chooser and the chosen in fluencies in the preference for friendship. The results demonstrate that the preference in relating with alike people of personal attributes will occur most frequently with men, due to a greater competition in the search for inter-group hierarchy position, which makes them avoid large discrepancies of competitive potential, while the same concept is secondary for women. Both sexes preferred creating friendship with those evaluated with the greatest inter-personal positive characteristics, an expected result with the direct advantages in maintaining a friendship with people with higher trustworthy and goodness indicators. The study also shows that when a friendship surpasses the initial stage of selection and turns into a more intimate one, men present an increase in preference for attractive friends, probably because a reduction in the risks of competition and betrayal as the friendship stabilizes

Amizade e psicanálise: o cuidado de si no encontro com a alteridade / Friendship and psychoanalysis the care of oneself in the meeting with alterity

Oliveira, Ana Paula Vedovato Marques de 23 June 2017 (has links)
O encontro com a alteridade na clínica psicanalítica é o motor dos processos de ressignificação do sofrimento psíquico. A presença do outro disponível engendra as trocas significativas, que permitem ao sujeito reordenações de sentido nos caminhos de sua existência, sentidos mais caros à sua experiência de pessoalidade. Nesse sentido, partirmos de amizades paradigmáticas, na psicanálise e na filosofia, para abrir o campo de reflexão para a condição premente no humano a necessidade do outro para encontrar e criar os sentidos da experiência singular. O psicanalista Freud e o pastor e psicanalista Oskar Pfister inauguram a reflexão, e ilustram a possibilidade de convivência e de estima da diferença. Abordamos, em seguida, o tema da agressividade constitutiva do humano. Em Freud, enaltecemos o caráter disruptivo da agressividade; adiante, pensamos na possibilidade de integrá-la de forma mais fluida à economia psíquica, remetendo-nos, para tanto, aos pressupostos de Winnicott. Refletimos sobre o laço social pautado pela solidariedade e sobre o entusiasmo promovido pelo humor junto à alteridade, e marcamos que ambos apontam e inspiram as novas versões de si mesmo. Na filosofia, partimos da amizade de Montaigne e La Boétie para falar da experiência de liberdade natural do humano, condição, inclusive, para a experiência de amor, insígnia da amizade. Resgatamos, junto à ética aristotélica, as noções caras à amizade na antiguidade, que apontam para uma disposição estabelecida e um senso de comunidade, afinados a construção e ao compartilhamento de sentido da experiência individual. Junto à Arendt, enaltecemos a condição primordial da humanidade - o convívio, a interação entre os pares - que atesta para determinado ser a sua própria realidade. Em Foucault, resgatamos a historicização do cuidado de si, vinculado, necessariamente, à presença do outro, o amigo e/ou o mestre. Finalizamos nossa pesquisa articulando a amizade à psicanálise, sobretudo através do fenômeno da transferência. Para tanto, percorremos o desenvolvimento teórico de Ferenczi sobre a técnica analítica. Ilustramos brevemente o círculo de amizades de Freud que, ainda que marcado por diversas rupturas, trilharam o caminho de expansão e de reconhecimento da psicanálise. Recorremos à metapsicologia freudiana para pensar a direção do tratamento proposta pelo autor, afinando a cura aos contornos da amizade trabalhados até então. Esmiuçamos os aspectos que poderiam se opor à cura no tratamento analítico, e localizamos o desejo do analista nesse contexto. Dialogamos com psicanalistas contemporâneos que refletem sobre a amizade e o tratamento analítico, desde o nível micro, a transferência analisando/analista, até a dimensão mais ampla do laço social. Apontamos, a partir dos aspectos aludidos, um horizonte social marcado pela amizade, construído e sustentado pela ética da psicanálise / Meeting with alterity in the psychoanalytic clinic is the motor of the resignification process of psychic suffering. The presence of the other available generates meaningful exchanges, which allow the subject to rearrange sense in ways of his existence, more expensive senses to the experience of personality. In this sense, starting from paradigmatic friendships, in psychoanalysis and philosophy, to open the field of reflection to the pressing condition in the human - the need of the other to find and create the senses of the singular experience. The psychoanalyst Freud and the pastor and psychoanalyst Oskar Pfister inaugurate the reflection, and illustrate the possibility of cohabitation and esteem of difference. We then approach the theme of the constitutive aggressiveness of the human. In Freud, we extol the disruptive character of aggressiveness. We are thinking of the possibility of integrating it more fluidly into the psychic economy, thus referring to Winnicott\'s assumptions. We reflect on the social bond based on solidarity and on the enthusiasm promoted by humor alongside alterity, and we note that both point and inspire the new versions of itself. In philosophy, we start with the friendship of Montaigne and La Boétie to talk about the experience of the natural freedom of the human being, condition, also, for the experience of love, emblem of friendship. We have rescued, along with Aristotelian ethics, notions dear to friendship in antiquity, which point to an established disposition and a sense of community, attuned to the construction and sharing of meaning of individual experience. Together with Arendt, we extol the primordial condition of humanity - conviviality, the interaction between peers - which attests to its being its own reality. In Foucault, we rescued the historicization of care of oneself, necessarily linked to the presence of the other, the friend and / or the master. We finish our research articulating the friendship to the psychoanalysis, mainly through the phenomenon of the transference. For this, we go through the theoretical development of Ferenczi on analytical technique. We briefly illustrate Freud\'s circle of friendships, which, although marked by various ruptures, have traced the path of expansion and recognition of psychoanalysis. We have recourse to Freudian metapsychology to think the direction of the treatment proposed by the author, attuning the healing to the contours of the friendship worked up until then. We scrutinize the aspects that could oppose healing in analytic treatment, and we locate the analyst\'s desire in that context. We spoke with contemporary psychoanalysts who reflect on friendship and analytic treatment, from the micro level, the analyzed / analyst transfer, to the broader dimension of the social bond. From the aspects mentioned, we point out a social horizon marked by friendship, built and sustained by the ethics of psychoanalysis

Implicações políticas das relações de amizades mediadas pela internet / Political implications of the friendship relations Internet-mediated

Azevedo, Lívia Godinho Nery Gomes 05 February 2010 (has links)
A amizade é concebida neste estudo como tendo um sentido político pois uma condição necessária do exercício político é aquela de considerar a opinião do outro.Em seu sentido político, a amizade favorece o questionamento de pontos de vista fixos e a irrupção de ações inovadoras. A experimentação política da amizade constitui uma relação agonística, de abertura ao outro na qual os corpos estão dispostos a afetar e serem afetados, implicados em contribuir com o aumento da capacidade de reflexão e ação do amigo. A experiência intersubjetiva encontra-se no centro da compreensão contemporânea dos processos de constituição de subjetividade, configurando uma ética da imprescindibilidade do outro para a produção do si mesmo. Este trabalho busca investigar as semânticas da amizade intrínsecas à atual mediação das relações pela internet, e busca discutir se os vínculos de amizade mediados pela internet possibilitam ou não a experimentação da qualidade política da amizade. A experimentação política da amizade na internet é lida à luz da teoria dos afetos de Baruch Espinosa. A concepção do corpo em Espinosa, sustentada pela unidade corpo-alma e capacidade de afeto constitui um elemento precioso para a compreensão da presença e das intensidades afetivas em jogo nas relações de amizades na internet, as quais excluem contato físico. A experimentação política da amizade é também compreendida a partir de um outro elemento da Filosofia de Espinosa: o corpo é essencialmente relacional e é na relação com seus outros, na maneira como afeta e é afetado por eles que se dá a condição de possibilidade da resistência à tristeza e afirmação da alegria - compreendida como aumento da potência de pensar e agir. Adultos foram entrevistados sobre suas histórias de amizades mediadas pela internet. Os afetos nas relações mediadas pela internet presentes nas narrativas revelam uma nova maneira de estar junto. Nela, os amigos não só estimulam o aumento da capacidade de reflexão uns dos outros como também incentivam o engajamento em novas atividades e a mobilização para realização de ações práticas no cotidiano para além do contexto das conversas online. As narrativas mostram que os vínculos de amizades travados na internet configuram relações de enriquecedoras trocas de opiniões e aprendizagens - inclusive de caráter transcultural, que propiciam a reflexão e relativização do pensamento. Os resultados da pesquisa demonstram que os vínculos de amizades mediados pela internet podem compor encontros alegres na medida em que se expressam como relações solidárias onde os amigos favorecem o aumento da potência de refletir e de ação dos corpos. Os vínculos entre amigos na internet não só se expressaram como viabilizadores da experimentação da qualidade política da amizade naquilo que concerne à possibilidade de deslocamento e relativização do pensamento, mas também porque engendraram gestos com o vigor da solidariedade que mobilizam os corpos a agir em defesa da afirmação de sua potência. / Friendship is conceived in this study as having a political meaning, since a necessary condition of political engagement is to consider the views of others. In its political meaning, friendship can change fixed points of view and can foster the emergence of innovative actions. The political experimentation of friendship is an agonistic relationship, an opened relationship to others where bodies are prepared to affect and to be affected, and where each one is engaged in contributing to the increased capacity for reflection and action of his friend. The intersubjective experience is at the center of the contemporary understanding of the processes of formation of subjectivity, setting up an ethics of the other as indispensable for the production of oneself. This study investigates the friendship´s semantic within the current mediation of the Internet, and looks forward to discussing if the bonds of friendship mediated by the Internet enable or not the experimentation of political quality of friendship. The political experimentation of friendship by the Internet is read in the light of Baruch Spinoza´s theory of affects. His conception of body states a mind-body unity and a capacity for affection which is a precious tool in the understanding of the modality of presence and the affective intensities at stake in the relations of friendship on the Internet, which preclude the physical contact. The political experimentation of friendship is also understood with another element of Spinoza´s Philosophy: the body is essentially relational and it is in its relationship to others and in how it affects and is affected by them that it gives the condition of possibility of resistance against sorrow and affirmation of joy - which are respectively understood as a decreasing and an increasing power to think and act. We interviewed adults over their stories of friendships Internet-mediated.The affects present in Internet-mediated relationships unveiled by the narratives reveal a new way of being together. Friends not only show an increased ability to reflect each other but also encourage engagement in new activities and mobilization for implementation of practical actions in everyday life far beyond the context of online conversations. The accounts show that the bonds of friendship caught on the internet relationships shape an enriching exchange of views and learning - including cross-cultural characters, which provide matter for reflection and foster relativistic thinking. The survey results show that the bonds of friendship mediated by the Internet can make up joyful meetings as it is expressed in supportive relationships where friends help to increase the power of thinking and the action of the bodies. The bonds between friends by the Internet not only reveal themselves as ways of experimentation of a political quality of friendship, understood as the possibility of a shifting and a relativistic thinking, but also engendered gestures with the strength of solidarity which mobilize the bodies to act in defense of affirmation of its power.

Atticus et ses amis : étude sur une politique de l'ombre au dernier siècle de la République / Titus Pomponius Atticus and his Friends : a study on a politics of Shadows in the last century of the Republic.

Bianay, Marita 12 December 2014 (has links)
Titus Pomponius Atticus fut l'un des personnages les plus controversés du dernier siècle de la République romaine. Son nom s'inscrivit dans la postérité grâce à la relation d'amicitia qu'il partagea toute sa vie avec le grand orateur Cicéron. Ami des plus hauts dignitaires de son temps, quelles que soient leurs tendances politiques, il se constitua un réseau de relations amicales, qui lui permit de préserver « sa tranquillité » dans un monde marqué par le sceau de guerres civiles impitoyables. Pratiquant un épicurisme modéré, ce romain s'adonna aux plaisirs de l'otium, et tenta d'opérer une symbiose entre les impératifs de sa « condition » et les « exigences » de sa morale. En tant que financier de l'aristocratie, informateur, conseiller politique et libraire-éditeur, cet homme, tel un caméléon, possédait de nombreux talents, qui lui attirèrent la faveur et l'estime de « tous » ses contemporains. Dans un contexte politique aussi troublé et dangereux que celui du premier siècle de la République, menacé à plusieurs reprises, il est ressorti grandi durant chacune de ces guerres qui auraient dû le perdre. En effet, pendant que ses proches étaient précipités dans le malheur, chaque changement de régime consolidait sa position et sa fortune. Véritable exemple de sociabilité, il a joui d'un indéniable pouvoir d'action politique par le biais de ses amitiés. Là où certains se sont obstinés à vouloir changer seulement le présent, il fit preuve d'une habileté et d'une ingéniosité hors du commun. Tel un visionnaire en avance sur son temps, il se contenta d'observer, d'analyser, d'entrevoir l'avenir et de mener, à l'abri des regards indiscrets, une « politique d'action » capable de faire face à la Révolution qui donnerait naissance à l'empire romain. Bien qu'acteur et témoin privilégiés de la destinée de Rome, il afficha une farouche volonté de se maintenir dans l'ombre du pouvoir. Conscient des réalités de son temps et désireux de « rester libre », il était déterminé à « vivre » et à « survivre » selon ses aspirations, à une époque où cela semblait impossible. Cet « homme de l'ombre », même s'il protège encore aujourd'hui le mystère autour de sa personne, se présente comme l'archétype du romain, ayant réussi le parfait syncrétisme entre le « politique » et le « sage », en devenant un des exemples les plus significatifs de la réussite romaine. / Titus Pomponius Atticus was one of the most controversial characters during the last century of the Roman Republic. His name went down in History thanks to his lifelong amicitia, his friendship, with famous roman orator: Cicero. Friend with the highest dignitaries of his time, regardless of their political affiliations, he succeeded in constituting a network of friendly relations which allowed him to preserve his “tranquility”, in a time marked by many ruthless civil wars. Practicing a moderate form of Epicureanism, this Roman man devoted himself to the pleasures of Otium while attempting to make a symbiosis between the duties of his “condition,” and the “demands” of his morality. As a aristocratic financier, an informant, a political adviser, a bookseller and a publisher, this man, like a chameleon, possessed many talents which attracted the favor and esteem of « all » of his contemporaries. In a political context as troubled and dangerous as the First century of the Republic, threatened many times, Atticus managed to come out of each of these wars with an increase stature. Indeed, during that time, while his closest relatives were struck by misfortune with each regime change, Atticus' position and fortune grew stronger and bigger. As a true example of sociability, he enjoyed a real political power through his friendships. Where some insisted on changing only the present, Atticus showed great ability and ingenuity. Like a visionary ahead of this time, he chose to observe, analyze, foresee the future, and to lead a « political action » capable of dealing with the revolution that will give birth to the Roman Empire. Although a privileged actor and witness of the roman fate, he displayed a fierce desire to remain behind the scenes. He was aware of the realities of his time and was eager to « remain free ». He was also determined to “live” and “survive” according to his desires, at a time when this seemed impossible. This « man of the shadows », who until now still remains a mystery for most of us, appears like the perfect roman archetype, having succeeded in creating the ideal fusion between the “ politic” and the “sage”, and in becoming one of the finest and most significant examples of Roman accomplishment.

A Longitudinal Latent Profile Analysis of Adolescent Popularity: A Test of the Bistrategic Hypothesis

Unknown Date (has links)
As children enter adolescence, social status within the peer hierarchy gains importance. Variable-oriented research has linked adolescent popularity with both positive and negative adjustment outcomes. Popularity may be better understood with reference to types or subgroups of similar individuals, identified through person-oriented approaches. Resource Control Theory (RCT: Hawley, 1999) posits three distinct types of popular adolescents: coercive, prosocial, and bistrategic. The existence and adjustment correlates of the prosocial and coercive groups have been well-established, but little evidence supports the existence of a bistrategic popular group of adolescents, and even less is known about their adjustment correlates. The present study aims to confirm the existence of the popularity groups hypothesized by RCT and to identify group differences in social adjustment and problem behaviors. A sample of 568 adolescents (n = 288 girls, 280 boys; M age = 12.50) completed peer nomination procedures and self-report questionnaires in the Fall and Spring of the 7th and 8th grades. Longitudinal latent profile analyses classified adolescents into profile groups on the basis of initial physical aggression, relational aggression, and prosocial behavior, and four time points of popularity spanning the 7th and 8th grades. Repeated measures ANOVAs examined profile group differences in social adjustment (peer acceptance, peer rejection, physical victimization, relational victimization, and preference for solitude) and problem behaviors (disruptiveness and delinquency) across the 7th and 8th grades. Results indicate that adolescents fall into one of four distinct groups: aggressive popular, prosocial popular, bistrategic popular, and average. Bistrategic popular adolescents evinced positive social adjustment, exhibiting the highest levels of popularity and peer acceptance and the lowest levels of peer rejection, victimization, and preference for solitude. Despite their social skill advantages, bistrategic popular adolescents were also at risk for problem behaviors. Bistrategic popular adolescents scored above average on problem behaviors, including physical and relational aggression, disruptiveness, and delinquency. Bistrategic popular adolescents successfully navigate the social world in a manner that both offers hope for positive long-term adjustment and concern for the same. / Includes bibliography. / Dissertation (Ph.D.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2016. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection

Age-related differences in friend similarity of delinquent behavior

Unknown Date (has links)
During a period of increased independence from parents, youth turn to peers for support, and consequently become more vulnerable to peer pressure (Steinberg & Silverberg, 1986). During middle adolescence, vulnerability to peer influence begins to decline (Steinberg & Monahan, 2007). Empirical research has documented this trend in vulnerability to peer pressure across adolescence, but less attention has been afforded to the age-related changes in similarity. To address this, age-related changes in peer similarity in delinquency across the adolescent years were examinded using intraclass correlations. Moderating variables, including gender, reciprocity, and closeness, and control variables, including friendship stability and romantic partner status, were examined. Results indicated an increase in friend similarity in delinquency from 5th to 7th grade and a decrease in similarity from 7th to 9th grade. Implications of this study are discussed in terms of contribution to the field and implementation of the findings. / by Ashley D. Richmond. / Thesis (M.A.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2012. / Includes bibliography. / Electronic reproduction. Boca Raton, Fla., 2012. Mode of access: World Wide Web.

Best friend influence over adolescent problem behaviors: the role of perceived friendship quality

Unknown Date (has links)
Close friends have been shown to influence adolescent problem behaviors, especially alcohol abuse (Urberg, Degirmencioglu, and Pilgrim, 1997). The degree of influence, however varies as a function of individual characteristics such as peer acceptance (Laursen, Hafen, Kerr, and Stattin, 2012) and age (Popp et al., 2008). The present study examines whether differences in influence extend to perceptions of friendship quality. Using a sample of 764 Swedish adolescents involved in stable samesex reciprocal best friend relationships that lasted at least one year, analyses used distinguishable dyad actor-partner interdependence model (APIM) analyses (Kenny, Kashy, & Cook, 2006) to track influence over two years of the friendship. More satisfied friends were more influential than less satisfied friends on intoxication frequency and truancy. The findings of this study indicate that influence accompanies perceptions of quality. Those with higher perceptions of quality exhibit more influence on friends who perceive relatively lower quality. / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (M.A.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2013.

A survival analysis of adolescent friendships: the downside of dissimilarity

Unknown Date (has links)
Adolescent friendships are critical for adjustment but are extremely unstable. Dyadic characteristics may put friendships at risk for dissolution, whereas individual characteristics may put individuals at risk for participating in unstable friendships. The present study examines whether dyadic or individual school-related characteristics predict rates of adolescent friendship dissolution. A sample of 410 adolescents (n=201 males, 209 females; M age=13.20 years) participated in 573 reciprocated friendships originating in the 7th grade which were followed from 8th-12th grade. Discrete-time survival analyses evaluated grade 7 dyadic and individual characteristics (sex, age, ethnicity, number of friends, peer acceptance, peer rejection, leadership, and school competence) as predictors of the occurrence and timing of friendship dissolution. Dissimilarity in sex, peer acceptance, and school competence and similarity in leadership predicted higher rates of friendship dissolution; individual characteristics were not significant predictors. Adolescents seeking friendships with more skilled individuals risk suffering the downside of dissimilarity, namely dissolution. / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (M.A.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2014. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection

Um olhar junguiano sobre as relações de amizade masculinas na atualidade

Souza, Carolina Luz de 19 November 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T20:37:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Carolina Luz de Souza.pdf: 1095522 bytes, checksum: 4f3df90604b2d5d327eca685915e754c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-11-19 / The main goal of this paper was to understand the place of male friendship in Brazilian young men s lives. To do so, interviews were held with five participants between 20 and 30 years old, heterosexuals, graduated or graduating from college, from São Paulo s middle class. The analysis of the interviews was qualitative, based on Analytical Psychology theory. Trough the interviews, we realized that friendship is an important relation to these men. Friendship, according to the participants, offers help and protection, company, positive emotional experiences (such as acceptance, intimacy and proximity) and selfaffirmative experiences (such as loyalty, security and mutual validation). It s a symmetric relationship that has a lot in common with the fraternal bond but, different from the late, it s voluntary. It is experienced in some way throughout every person s life since it s an archetypical experience. The interviewed men describe friendship as a relationship that provides a real encounter beyond stereotyped life views and behaviors and promotes an environment of cooperation that allows the friends to go beyond the persona and reach for their totality. We understand that the participants are searching for the other, external (friend) or internal. A greater contact with the field of emotions, that was for such a long time banned from the conscious experience of masculinity, is possible because of theses relations. It seems that friendship, due to all the reasons exposed, is a way to individuation / O objetivo deste trabalho foi o de compreender o lugar que a amizade masculina ocupa na vida de jovens adultos brasileiros. Para tanto, foram realizadas entrevistas semi estruturadas com cinco indivíduos entre 20 e 30 anos, heterossexuais, formados ou cursando o ensino superior, pertencentes à camada média paulistana. A análise das entrevistas foi qualitativa, baseada na Psicologia Analítica. Por meio das entrevistas, percebemos que a amizade é um relacionamento importante e valorizado por esses homens. A amizade, segundo os participantes, oferece ajuda e proteção, companhia, experiências emocionais positivas (como aceitação, intimidade e proximidade) e experiências auto afirmadoras (como lealdade, segurança e validação mútua). É uma relação simétrica muito parecida com o vínculo fraterno, mas que pressupõe uma voluntariedade que não é encontrada neste último. Por ser uma vivência arquetípica, é experienciada de uma forma ou de outra ao longo da vida de todos os indivíduos. A amizade é descrita pelos homens entrevistados como um relacionamento que privilegia um encontro verdadeiro, para além de visões de mundo e comportamentos estereotipados, que promove um ambiente de cooperação e acolhimento propício para que a interação ultrapasse o nível da persona e compreenda a totalidade do indivíduo. Vemos um movimento claro por parte de todos os participantes em busca do outro, seja esse outro exterior (o amigo) ou interior. Um contato maior com o mundo das emoções, por tanto tempo banido da vivência consciente da masculinidade, é possibilitado por essas relações. A amizade, pelos motivos expostos, parece estar a serviço da individuação

Amizade e psicanálise: o cuidado de si no encontro com a alteridade / Friendship and psychoanalysis the care of oneself in the meeting with alterity

Ana Paula Vedovato Marques de Oliveira 23 June 2017 (has links)
O encontro com a alteridade na clínica psicanalítica é o motor dos processos de ressignificação do sofrimento psíquico. A presença do outro disponível engendra as trocas significativas, que permitem ao sujeito reordenações de sentido nos caminhos de sua existência, sentidos mais caros à sua experiência de pessoalidade. Nesse sentido, partirmos de amizades paradigmáticas, na psicanálise e na filosofia, para abrir o campo de reflexão para a condição premente no humano a necessidade do outro para encontrar e criar os sentidos da experiência singular. O psicanalista Freud e o pastor e psicanalista Oskar Pfister inauguram a reflexão, e ilustram a possibilidade de convivência e de estima da diferença. Abordamos, em seguida, o tema da agressividade constitutiva do humano. Em Freud, enaltecemos o caráter disruptivo da agressividade; adiante, pensamos na possibilidade de integrá-la de forma mais fluida à economia psíquica, remetendo-nos, para tanto, aos pressupostos de Winnicott. Refletimos sobre o laço social pautado pela solidariedade e sobre o entusiasmo promovido pelo humor junto à alteridade, e marcamos que ambos apontam e inspiram as novas versões de si mesmo. Na filosofia, partimos da amizade de Montaigne e La Boétie para falar da experiência de liberdade natural do humano, condição, inclusive, para a experiência de amor, insígnia da amizade. Resgatamos, junto à ética aristotélica, as noções caras à amizade na antiguidade, que apontam para uma disposição estabelecida e um senso de comunidade, afinados a construção e ao compartilhamento de sentido da experiência individual. Junto à Arendt, enaltecemos a condição primordial da humanidade - o convívio, a interação entre os pares - que atesta para determinado ser a sua própria realidade. Em Foucault, resgatamos a historicização do cuidado de si, vinculado, necessariamente, à presença do outro, o amigo e/ou o mestre. Finalizamos nossa pesquisa articulando a amizade à psicanálise, sobretudo através do fenômeno da transferência. Para tanto, percorremos o desenvolvimento teórico de Ferenczi sobre a técnica analítica. Ilustramos brevemente o círculo de amizades de Freud que, ainda que marcado por diversas rupturas, trilharam o caminho de expansão e de reconhecimento da psicanálise. Recorremos à metapsicologia freudiana para pensar a direção do tratamento proposta pelo autor, afinando a cura aos contornos da amizade trabalhados até então. Esmiuçamos os aspectos que poderiam se opor à cura no tratamento analítico, e localizamos o desejo do analista nesse contexto. Dialogamos com psicanalistas contemporâneos que refletem sobre a amizade e o tratamento analítico, desde o nível micro, a transferência analisando/analista, até a dimensão mais ampla do laço social. Apontamos, a partir dos aspectos aludidos, um horizonte social marcado pela amizade, construído e sustentado pela ética da psicanálise / Meeting with alterity in the psychoanalytic clinic is the motor of the resignification process of psychic suffering. The presence of the other available generates meaningful exchanges, which allow the subject to rearrange sense in ways of his existence, more expensive senses to the experience of personality. In this sense, starting from paradigmatic friendships, in psychoanalysis and philosophy, to open the field of reflection to the pressing condition in the human - the need of the other to find and create the senses of the singular experience. The psychoanalyst Freud and the pastor and psychoanalyst Oskar Pfister inaugurate the reflection, and illustrate the possibility of cohabitation and esteem of difference. We then approach the theme of the constitutive aggressiveness of the human. In Freud, we extol the disruptive character of aggressiveness. We are thinking of the possibility of integrating it more fluidly into the psychic economy, thus referring to Winnicott\'s assumptions. We reflect on the social bond based on solidarity and on the enthusiasm promoted by humor alongside alterity, and we note that both point and inspire the new versions of itself. In philosophy, we start with the friendship of Montaigne and La Boétie to talk about the experience of the natural freedom of the human being, condition, also, for the experience of love, emblem of friendship. We have rescued, along with Aristotelian ethics, notions dear to friendship in antiquity, which point to an established disposition and a sense of community, attuned to the construction and sharing of meaning of individual experience. Together with Arendt, we extol the primordial condition of humanity - conviviality, the interaction between peers - which attests to its being its own reality. In Foucault, we rescued the historicization of care of oneself, necessarily linked to the presence of the other, the friend and / or the master. We finish our research articulating the friendship to the psychoanalysis, mainly through the phenomenon of the transference. For this, we go through the theoretical development of Ferenczi on analytical technique. We briefly illustrate Freud\'s circle of friendships, which, although marked by various ruptures, have traced the path of expansion and recognition of psychoanalysis. We have recourse to Freudian metapsychology to think the direction of the treatment proposed by the author, attuning the healing to the contours of the friendship worked up until then. We scrutinize the aspects that could oppose healing in analytic treatment, and we locate the analyst\'s desire in that context. We spoke with contemporary psychoanalysts who reflect on friendship and analytic treatment, from the micro level, the analyzed / analyst transfer, to the broader dimension of the social bond. From the aspects mentioned, we point out a social horizon marked by friendship, built and sustained by the ethics of psychoanalysis

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