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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Caracterização da reatividade das ligas de alumínio AA2024-T3E AA7475-T651 soldadas por fricção (FSW) / Caractérisation de la réactivité des alliages d'aluminium AA2024-T3 et AA7475-T651 soudé par friction (FSW) / Characterization of the reactivity of aluminum alloys AA2024-T3 and AA7475-T651 welded by friction stir welding (FSW)

Palumbo De Abreu, Caio 09 December 2016 (has links)
Le soudage par friction (Friction Stir Welding - FSW) est un processus efficace de se joindre des alliages d'aluminium à haute résistance en évitant les défauts que l'on trouve habituellement lorsque les techniques de soudage classiques sont utilisés. L'industrie de l'aviation a montré un grand intérêt pour cette méthode de soudage, tant pour l'union des alliages semblables comme pour dissemblables. Cependant, ce processus entraîne des changements de microstructure dépendantes des conditions de traitement thermique ou thermomécanique. Le contact électrique entre les différentes zones de microstructures, à son tour, peut conduire à un couplage galvanique entre les différentes zones. Dans la présente étude, le soudage FSW a été utilisé pour joindre deux alliages d'aluminium dissemblables,AA2024-T3 et AA7475-T651. La résistance à la corrosion des joints soudés a été évaluée par des tests électrochimiques, en particulier, les mesures de potentiel en circuit ouvert(OCP), les courbes de polarisation, et des mesures de spectroscopie d'impédance électrochimique, soit globale (EIS) ou local (LEIS) en solution de 0,1 M Na2SO4 ou 0,1MNa2SO4 + 1 mM NaCl. Les tests électrochimiques ont montré l'effet de couplage galvanique dans les joints soudés. La résistance à la corrosion intergranulaires et la résistance à corrosion par exfoliation des joints soudés ont également été évaluées et comparées à celles du AA2024-T3 et les alliages AA7475-T651 non soudées. Les résultats ont montré une réactivité accrue des joints soudés en comparaison avec les alliages non soudés en notant l'attaque plus intense sur l'alliage AA7475-T651. L'identification des zones cathodiques et anodiques dans les joints soudées ont été évaluée par un test consistant à déposer un gel(agar) avec l'indicateur universel et il a été observé que l'alliage AA2024-T3 a agi en tant que cathode, tandis que la AA7475- T651 comme anode. Par ailleurs, le dégagement d'hydrogène a été observée dans la région d'interface entre la zone affectée thermomécaniquement et l'alliage AA7475-T651 affectée par la chaleur. Les résultats des essais de LEIS effectuées dans différentes zones des deux alliages soudés par FSW ont montré l'engagement galvanique à l'interface entre eux pour de courtes durées d'analyse etde déplacement de la région la plus active dans le temps de test pour l'alliage AA7475-T651,plus précisément à l'interface entre la zone affectée thermomécaniquement et la thérmique affectée de cette alliage. / Friction Stir Welding (FSW) is an efficient process of joining high strength aluminum alloys avoiding defects that are usually created when conventional welding techniques are used. The aircraft industry has shown great interest in this welding method, both for welding of similar or dissimilar alloys. However, this process causes microstructural changes that are dependent on the thermal or thermomechanical conditions applied. Electrical contact between zones of different microstructures, in turn, can result in galvanic coupling. In the present study, FSW was used to join two dissimilar aluminum alloys, AA2024-T3 and AA7475-T651 and the effect of this processon the corrosion resistance of the welded joints and on the microstructure of the alloys was evaluated. For corrosion resistance evaluation, electrochemical tests were used, specifically,open circuit potential measurements (OCP) as a function of time of exposure time to the corrosive environment, polarization tests, and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, global (EIS) orlocal (LEIS), in two solutions, either 0.1 M Na2SO4 or 0.1M Na2SO4 + 1 mM NaCl. The electrochemical tests showed galvanic coupling effects in the welded joints. Microstructural characterization was carried out by optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy,transmission electron microscopy and differencial scanning calorimetry. The welded affected zones showed significant microstructural changes indicated by precipitation and dissolution of precipitates that affect the localized corrosion resistance. Intergranular and exfoliation corrosion resistance of the welded joints were also evaluated and compared to those of unwelded AA2024-T3 and AA7475-T651 alloys. The results showed increased susceptibility of welded joints to these forms of corrosion in comparison with the unwelded alloys with more severe attack associated tothe AA7475-T651 alloy. Identification of anodic and cathodic areas due to galvanic coupling in the welded joints was evaluated by a test consisting in depositing a gel layer (ágar-ágar) with universal indicator on the surface of the welded alloys. The AA2024-T3 alloy worked as cathode,while the AA7475-T651 as anode in the galvanic coupling. Furthermore, hydrogen evolution was observed at the interface region between the thermomechanically affected zone and the heat affected alloy AA7475-T651 showing that cathodic reactions also occurred on this last alloy. LEIS results obtained in different zones of the two FSW welded alloys showed galvanic coupling at the interface between them for short test times and displacement of the most active region to theAA7475-T651 alloy, at longer periods of test, specifically to the interface between the thermomechanically affected and the heat affected zones of this last alloy. / A soldagem por fricção (Friction Stir Welding - FSW) é um processo eficiente de unir ligas dealumínio de alta resistência evitando defeitos que são usualmente criados quando técnicasconvencionais de soldagem são utilizadas. A indústria aeronáutica tem mostrado grande interesseneste método de soldagem, tanto para a união de ligas similares como dissimilares. Entretanto,este processo causa modificações microestruturais dependentes das condições de tratamentotérmico ou termomecânico. Contato elétrico entre zonas de microestruturas diferentes, por sua vez,pode resultar em acoplamento galvânico. No presente estudo, a soldagem por FSW foi usada paraunir duas ligas de alumínio dissimilares, AA2024-T3 e AA7475-T651 e o efeito desta soldagem naresistência à corrosão das juntas soldadas e na microestrutura das ligas foi avaliada. Nainvestigação da resistência à corrosão foram utilizados ensaios eletroquímicos, especificamente,medidas de potencial de circuito aberto (OCP) em função do tempo de exposição ao meio corrosivo,ensaios de polarização e de espectroscopia de impedância eletroquímica, global (EIS) ou local(LEIS), em duas soluções, seja 0,1 M Na2SO4 ou 0,1 M Na2SO4 + 1 mM NaCl. Os ensaioseletroquímicos evidenciaram efeito de acoplamento galvânico nas juntas soldadas. Acaracterização microestrutural foi realizada por microscopia ótica, microscopia eletrônica devarredura, microscopia eletrônica de transmissão e por calorimetria diferencial. As zonas afetadaspela solda tiveram importantes modificações na microestrutura indicadas pela precipitação edissolução de precipitados que afetam a resistência à corrosão localizada. A resistência à corrosãointergranular e a resistência à esfoliação das juntas soldadas também foram avaliadas ecomparadas com as das ligas AA2024-T3 e AA7475-T651 não soldadas. Os resultados mostraramaumento da suscetibilidade das juntas soldadas a estas formas de corrosão em comparação comas ligas não soldadas sendo observado ataque mais severo na liga AA7475-T651. A identificaçãodas áreas anódicas e catódicas resultantes do acoplamento galvânico nas juntas soldadas foirealizada por teste que consistiu na deposição de camada de gel (ágar-ágar) com indicadoruniversal na superfície das ligas soldadas. A liga AA2024-T3 atuou como cátodo, enquanto aAA7475-T651, como ânodo no par galvânico. Além disso, evolução de hidrogênio foi observada naregião de interface entre a zona termomecanicamente afetada e a termicamente afetada da ligaAA7475-T651 mostrando que reações catódicas também ocorreram localmente nesta última liga.Resultados de LEIS obtidos nas diferentes zonas das duas ligas soldadas por FSW mostraramacoplamento galvânico na interface entre elas para tempos curtos de ensaio e deslocamento daregião mais ativa com o tempo de ensaio para a liga AA7475-T651, mais precisamente para ainterface entre a zona termomecanicamente afetada e a térmicamente afetada desta liga.

Studies on the Effect of Process Aspects on Material Mixing and Defect Formation in Friction Stir Welding

Malik, Vinayak January 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Friction Stir Welding (FSW) is a rapidly growing solid state welding process and has been a proven method for welding high strength aluminium alloys which were formerly not recommended for joining by conventional fusion welding methods. Based on the information acquired from previous studies, to obtain a defect free Friction Stir (FS) weld with suitable strength, three basic requirements need to be fulfilled (i) Filling of the cavity created behind the tool pin during its traverse and ensuring satisfactory contact of filled material with newly generated surface (on advancing side trailing edge of the pin) (ii) Disrupting and distributing the oxide layer at the initial weld interface (iii) Adequate level of mixing of both side material (Adjacent and Retreating side) in similar welding. In the case of dissimilar welding mixing is desired in controlled amount (to prevent or curtail formation of intermetallics) depending on material combination. Failure to achieve the first precondition results in void. Second and third precondition are interconnected for similar FSW as adequate mixing in weld helps in disruption and distribution of oxide layer at initial weld interface. Failure to achieve this, results in Joint Line Remnant (JLR). Metal to metal contact cannot be established due to the presence of JLR (aligned oxide particles) and subsequently initial interface is left unwelded which deteriorate the static and dynamic strength of friction stir welds. The problem aggravates while friction stir welding materials with tenacious contaminant layer. Therefore, appropriate stirring (which entails large deformation and mixing) of initial weld interface is essential for successful FS welds. Hence, process aspects assisting mixing of adjacent (Advancing and Retreating side) materials need to identified and studied, which are missing in former studies. Experiments are conducted with classical FS tool (possessing frustum shaped/tapered circular pin) to analyse the effect of welding parameters (tool rotation speed, traverse speed, plunge depth, tool tilt and tool position w.r.t initial interface) and tool runout by changing these parameters over a range. Tool rotation speed, traverse speed, plunge depth and tool position with initial interface are changed continuously and tool tilt and tool runout are changed in discrete steps. Tool geometry is considered to be a prime parameter controlling the magnitude of mixing, as interaction of rotating tool with initial abutting base metal interface makes the process mechanism complex, unlike other solid state welding process, namely forge welding, diffusion welding, friction welding, explosive welding, ultrasonic welding and roll bonding. Furthermore, due to asymmetric nature of material flow in FSW process, the material located in different locations with respect to the tool is subjected to different levels of deformation. For this purpose experiments have been carried out to analyse the effect of different tool geometrical aspects on level of mixing and material flow. On the other hand, visualizing flow and mixing in metals is debatable as insertion of marker material in the weld line can alter the nature of material flow in the weld due to different material flow characteristics of the base and marker materials and introduction of additional interfaces. Further, using dissimilar materials for flow studies cannot be considered for comparison with similar friction stir welds as their flow properties are different. Therefore, an alternate experimental strategy is devised in these studies using physical modelling approach which is effective and helps in identifying and quantifying mixing observed under different tooling and process conditions. In the present investigation, plasticine of primary colours is adopted and the hue attribute of colour is used to study and quantify intermixing. Yellow and Blue plasticine are placed on advancing and retreating sides respectively. The degree of mixing is indicated by the intensity of generated green. Digital images of the cross section in weld nugget region are taken. To obtain hue component of these digital images the RGB color-maps are converted to HSV color-maps. Overall, these studies help in formulating the guidelines which are useful during tool design, and administering the process to obtain a defect free well mixed welds. Based on the experimental results following conclusions are derived. 1. Following process aspects: tool geometry, interface offset, tool rotation and tool runout demonstrate a significant impact on material mixing and breaking and dispersion of initial interface in weld nugget. Tool tilt, plunge depth, tool traverse exhibit negligible effect on degree of mixing. 2. Increase in tool rotation speed (with other parameters fixed) improves mixing substantially but can be increased to a certain limit after which voids emerge due to loss of weld nugget material in the form of flash. 3. Reducing the weld pitch (i.e. increasing tool rotation speed for a given tool traverse speed) reduces the size of the weld nugget and vice versa. Tool traverse speed largely affects advancing side material and rotation speed affects retreating side material. Therefore, for higher weld pitch advancing side material (yellow plasticine) dominates the weld nugget, whereas for lower weld pitch retreating side material (blue plasticine) dominates the weld nugget. 4. The extended macro-structural feature commonly observed in FS welds occurs under influence of plunge depth. Consequently, this macro-structural feature serves as the demarcation point between shoulder affected and pin induced material flow in FS weld. 5. The degree of mixing and subsequent elimination of JLR, improves, when original interface is offset on the advancing side w.r.t tool axis for all the tools investigated in the present study. Triangular and square pin generate larger pin induced mixing which intensifies further with interface on advancing side, indicating tools with such profiles to possess larger safe zone with better mixing characteristics 6. At zero interface offset with all the process parameters fixed, tapered triangular and square pin profile tools produce welds with maximum mixing. For pins with faces, material is transported in lumps around the pin. The size of lump increases with lesser number of faces on pin. Material in the vicinity of the pin experiences spinning/whirling movement. The volume of material experiencing spinning in a single tool revolution depends on (a) weld-pitch (lesser volume of material for smaller weld pitch and vice versa) and (b) number of faces on the pin (lesser volume of material for greater number of faces and vice versa). Therefore, circular pin which can be considered to be made of infinite faces, spinning of material occurs at micro level for relatively smaller weld pitch. 7. For classical FS tool (tapered circular/frustum shape), there exists an optimum ratio (shoulder diameter/pin diameter) situated between 2.7 to 3.6 to produce void free well mixed welds. Tools with ratio of 2.7 and below possess a tendency to produce welds with void but with better mixing in weld region. Tools with ratio of 3.6 and above possess a tendency to produce void free welds but with poor mixing in weld region. Voids appear and grow under following circumstances (a) with increase in pin diameter (for a fixed shoulder diameter), (b) with decrease in shoulder diameter (for a fixed pin diameter), (c) with decrease in pin taper (for a fixed shoulder diameter and top diameter of pin). Pin length has no effect on void formation. However, it is obvious, length of root defect increases with decrease in pin length. The tooling guidelines established in this study through plasticine work can be extended to metallic friction stir welds of various thickness plates by proportionately increasing or decreasing the tool dimensions as long as they fall in the recommended range. 8. Smaller pin diameter tools exhibit higher optimum weld pitch (but with lower degree of mixing) when compared to larger pins (but with higher degree of mixing). Optimum weld pitch represents weld pitch resulting in void free welds. Consequently, tools with higher optimum weld pitch help in welding at a better rate. 9. Tool runout is replicated through tools with eccentric pins. It is interesting to note that, all the tools with pin eccentricities do not assist in mixing but tools with only certain eccentricities (0.3 and 0.6mm assisted in mixing in the present investigation). It implies that tool runout of certain values facilitate mixing in weld. On the other hand density of void increases with eccentricity of pin/tool runout. 10. In dissimilar FSW investigated with plasticine A, B, C and D possessing different flow stresses (flow stresses ascending in the order of A, B, C and D) and strain rate sensitivity of 0.24, 0.22, 0.19 and 0.18 respectively, following inferences are drawn (i) For combination A and B, weldability improves when plasticine B is on Advancing Side (AS) and A is on Retreating Side (RS). The level of mixing also improves when interface is on AS (w.r.t tool axis) for this handedness. On the contrary, severe discontinuities emerge when plasticine B is on RS and A is on AS, especially when interface is closer to the tool pin axis. (ii) For combination A and C, weldability improves when C is on AS and A is on RS. The level of mixing also enhances when interface is on AS (w.r.t tool axis) for this handedness. (iii) For combination A and D, joining is poor for both the handedness. However, nature of defect is different in both the combinations. Cracks are observed when A is located on AS and voids emerge when D is located on AS. On the other hand, placing A on AS results in weld thinning. (iv) For combination B and C, there is no appreciable change in terms of weldability and level of mixing. Both the handedness in this combination yielded fairly similar results. (v) For combination B and D, though discontinuities do not emerge with change in handedness, mixing in weld improves when B is on AS unlike to its location on RS. (vi) For combination C and D, there is no appreciable change in terms of defect formation and level of mixing with change in handedness. Both the handedness in this combination yield fairly similar results.

Análise microestrutural e avaliação mecânica de juntas soldadas por fricção e mistura mecânica (FSW) da liga de alumínio 5182-O

Almeida, Diego Tolotti de January 2015 (has links)
A procura cada vez mais intensa por redução de peso e consequente diminuição do consumo de combustível dos veículos automotores e aeronaves, tem proporcionado um crescimento constante na utilização do alumínio e suas ligas nos diversos setores da indústria de manufatura. No entanto, a dificuldade de união em juntas de alumínio que atendam requisitos de alta resistência à fratura e à fadiga, tem intensificado as pesquisas por novas tecnologias em seu processo de soldagem. Neste contexto, o processo de soldagem denominado Friction Stir Welding (FSW), vem ganhando espaço nas pesquisas e também na indústria. Neste processo, uma ferramenta não consumível é projetada especialmente para ser introduzida nas juntas das chapas a serem soldadas, gerando calor e misturando mecanicamente o material da junta, consolidando a solda. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar os efeitos dos parâmetros de soldagem FSW, na consolidação das propriedades mecânicas das soldas produzidas, na microestrutura, além de buscar a otimização do processo para a liga em estudo. Para tanto, a geometria da ferramenta foi projetada, fabricada e testada, de forma a definir os parâmetros ideais para obtenção de juntas soldadas sem defeitos. Uma máquina fresadora CNC foi utilizada para a execução dos testes. As soldas foram produzidas em chapas de alumínio da liga Al 5182-O com espessura de 3,25mm, com velocidade rotacional da ferramenta mantida constante em 500 rpm e velocidades de soldagem de 50, 100, 150, 200 e 250 mm/min. A ferramenta foi inclinada em um ângulo de 1º, todas as soldas foram realizadas com sentido horário de rotação, após a realização dos testes as juntas soldadas foram submetidas a uma série de ensaios destrutivos e não destrutivos caracterizando cada teste realizado. Juntas de topo com penetração completa e livre de defeitos foram produzidas com velocidades de soldagem de 100, 150, 200 e 250 mm/min, enquanto com a velocidade de soldagem de 50 mm/min resultou em defeito do tipo vazio na zona da mistura no lado do avanço, defeito este caracterizado através de inspeção por microtomografia, o que fez com que as soldas produzidas com esta velocidade de soldagem rompessem na junta soldada. Em todas as velocidades de soldagem a caracterização através de microscopia óptica na seção transversal das soldas revelou um refino microestrutural, obtido pelo fenômeno de recristalização dinâmica, que resultou em um aumento nos valores de dureza na zona da mistura. Os resultados obtidos demostram que soldas de boa qualidade podem ser produzidas com este processo. Além disso, foi estabelecida uma correlação entre a história térmica associada ao processo de FSW, a microestrutura produzida e o desempenho mecânico das juntas soldadas. / The increasingly intense demand for weight reduction and consequent reduction of the fuel consumption of motor vehicles and aircraft , has provided a steady growth in the use of aluminum and its alloys in various sectors of the manufacturing industry , but the difficulty in joining together aluminum that meet high fracture resistance and fatigue , has intensified the research for new technologies in the process of welding. In this context , the welding process called Friction Stir Welding ( FSW ) has been gaining ground in research and also in industry . In this process , non-consumable tool is specially designed to be inserted in the joints of the plates to be welded, generating heat and mechanically mixing the gasket material, consolidating the weld. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of welding parameters FSW , the consolidation of the mechanical properties of the welds produced, microstructure, and seek to optimize the process for the alloy under study. For this, the geometry of the tool is designed, manufactured and tested in order to define the optimal parameters for obtaining welded joints without defects. A milling machine CNC was used for the tests. The welds were produced in sheets of aluminum alloy Al 5182-O with a thickness of 3,25mm with rotational speed of the tool maintained constant at 500 rpm and welding speeds of 50, 100, 150, 200 and 250 mm / min, the tool was tilted at an angle of 1°, all welds were performed with clockwise direction of rotation, after the tests the welded joints were subjected to a series of destructive testing and nondestructive characterizing each test performed. Butt welding with full penetration and free defects were produced with welding speeds of 100, 150, 200 and 250 mm / min, while with the welding speed 50 mm / min resulted in failure of the void type in the zone of the mixture side of the advance, this defect characterized by inspection by microtomography, which has meant that the welds produced with this welding speed would break the joint weld. In all welding speeds characterization by optical microscopy in cross section of welds revealed a microstructure refining, obtained by dynamic recrystallization phenomenon, for which resulted in an increase in the hardness values in the mixing zone. The results demonstrate that good quality welds can be produced with this process. Moreover, a correlation between the thermal history associated with the process produced the microstructure and mechanical performance of welded joints was established.

Análise microestrutural e avaliação mecânica de juntas soldadas por fricção e mistura mecânica (FSW) da liga de alumínio 5182-O

Almeida, Diego Tolotti de January 2015 (has links)
A procura cada vez mais intensa por redução de peso e consequente diminuição do consumo de combustível dos veículos automotores e aeronaves, tem proporcionado um crescimento constante na utilização do alumínio e suas ligas nos diversos setores da indústria de manufatura. No entanto, a dificuldade de união em juntas de alumínio que atendam requisitos de alta resistência à fratura e à fadiga, tem intensificado as pesquisas por novas tecnologias em seu processo de soldagem. Neste contexto, o processo de soldagem denominado Friction Stir Welding (FSW), vem ganhando espaço nas pesquisas e também na indústria. Neste processo, uma ferramenta não consumível é projetada especialmente para ser introduzida nas juntas das chapas a serem soldadas, gerando calor e misturando mecanicamente o material da junta, consolidando a solda. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar os efeitos dos parâmetros de soldagem FSW, na consolidação das propriedades mecânicas das soldas produzidas, na microestrutura, além de buscar a otimização do processo para a liga em estudo. Para tanto, a geometria da ferramenta foi projetada, fabricada e testada, de forma a definir os parâmetros ideais para obtenção de juntas soldadas sem defeitos. Uma máquina fresadora CNC foi utilizada para a execução dos testes. As soldas foram produzidas em chapas de alumínio da liga Al 5182-O com espessura de 3,25mm, com velocidade rotacional da ferramenta mantida constante em 500 rpm e velocidades de soldagem de 50, 100, 150, 200 e 250 mm/min. A ferramenta foi inclinada em um ângulo de 1º, todas as soldas foram realizadas com sentido horário de rotação, após a realização dos testes as juntas soldadas foram submetidas a uma série de ensaios destrutivos e não destrutivos caracterizando cada teste realizado. Juntas de topo com penetração completa e livre de defeitos foram produzidas com velocidades de soldagem de 100, 150, 200 e 250 mm/min, enquanto com a velocidade de soldagem de 50 mm/min resultou em defeito do tipo vazio na zona da mistura no lado do avanço, defeito este caracterizado através de inspeção por microtomografia, o que fez com que as soldas produzidas com esta velocidade de soldagem rompessem na junta soldada. Em todas as velocidades de soldagem a caracterização através de microscopia óptica na seção transversal das soldas revelou um refino microestrutural, obtido pelo fenômeno de recristalização dinâmica, que resultou em um aumento nos valores de dureza na zona da mistura. Os resultados obtidos demostram que soldas de boa qualidade podem ser produzidas com este processo. Além disso, foi estabelecida uma correlação entre a história térmica associada ao processo de FSW, a microestrutura produzida e o desempenho mecânico das juntas soldadas. / The increasingly intense demand for weight reduction and consequent reduction of the fuel consumption of motor vehicles and aircraft , has provided a steady growth in the use of aluminum and its alloys in various sectors of the manufacturing industry , but the difficulty in joining together aluminum that meet high fracture resistance and fatigue , has intensified the research for new technologies in the process of welding. In this context , the welding process called Friction Stir Welding ( FSW ) has been gaining ground in research and also in industry . In this process , non-consumable tool is specially designed to be inserted in the joints of the plates to be welded, generating heat and mechanically mixing the gasket material, consolidating the weld. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of welding parameters FSW , the consolidation of the mechanical properties of the welds produced, microstructure, and seek to optimize the process for the alloy under study. For this, the geometry of the tool is designed, manufactured and tested in order to define the optimal parameters for obtaining welded joints without defects. A milling machine CNC was used for the tests. The welds were produced in sheets of aluminum alloy Al 5182-O with a thickness of 3,25mm with rotational speed of the tool maintained constant at 500 rpm and welding speeds of 50, 100, 150, 200 and 250 mm / min, the tool was tilted at an angle of 1°, all welds were performed with clockwise direction of rotation, after the tests the welded joints were subjected to a series of destructive testing and nondestructive characterizing each test performed. Butt welding with full penetration and free defects were produced with welding speeds of 100, 150, 200 and 250 mm / min, while with the welding speed 50 mm / min resulted in failure of the void type in the zone of the mixture side of the advance, this defect characterized by inspection by microtomography, which has meant that the welds produced with this welding speed would break the joint weld. In all welding speeds characterization by optical microscopy in cross section of welds revealed a microstructure refining, obtained by dynamic recrystallization phenomenon, for which resulted in an increase in the hardness values in the mixing zone. The results demonstrate that good quality welds can be produced with this process. Moreover, a correlation between the thermal history associated with the process produced the microstructure and mechanical performance of welded joints was established.

Produktutvecklingav friktionssvetshuvuden genom K-FMEA och DFA2 / Productdevelopment of friction welding heads through K-FMEA and DFA2

Wikdahl, Alexander, Eriksson, Andreas January 2017 (has links)
I och med ökad konkurrens och ökade kundkrav behöver företag bedriva produktutveckling med en rapid approach. ESAB:s sätt att svara upp mot dessa krav har resulterat i ett brett produktsortiment av friktionssvetshuvuden. Deras långsiktiga mål är därför att inrätta en ny standard för att reducera kostnader. Planen är därför att aktivt bedriva produktutveckling tillsammans med universitet och högskolor runt om i landet. Detta produktutvecklingsprojekt kan beskrivas som en första etapp i ett hållbart produktutvecklingsarbete på ESAB mot ett långsiktigt mål om att sätta en ny standard inom FSW. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att analysera två friktionssvetshuvuden: FSW LEGIO 4UT och FSW LEGIO 5UT genom K-FMEA och DFA2. Därigenom kartlägga vilka potentiella brister som finns i de befintliga konstruktionerna och belysa var bristerna finns. Analysresultatet ska tillsammans med produktutvecklingsteori, forma ett informationsunderlag för bedrivande av fortsatt produktutvecklingsarbete. Tillvägagångssättet har bedrivits genom tre faser: 1) uppstart/förarbete, 2) genomförande och 3) avslut/presentation. Vetenskapssynen har präglats av positivism med vissa inslag av hermeneutik. Forskningsmetoden har både vad gäller datainsamling, analysmetodik och utvärderingsmetodik varit kvalitativ. Undersökningsansatsen har varit av abduktiv art medan undersökningsinriktningen har varit kombinerad explorativ och deskriptiv. Först analyserades ritningsunderlag, komponentlistor, STEP-filer och produktspecifikationer för sammanlagt åtta svetshuvuden. Ett strategiskt urval av tre gjordes för att sedan ytterligare exkludera ett av dessa. En djupdykning gjordes i det empiriska underlaget som gav upphov till två hypoteser: 1) komponenter som under drift är i rörelse torde vara högst belägna att utsättas för fel, 2) svetshuvudena kan möjligen komprimeras volymmässigt och komponenter reduceras till antalet. En semi-strukturerad fokusgruppintervju genomfördes för fyra respondenter med teknisk expertis på området. Resultatet av denna gjorde att hypoteserna kunde bekräftas. Detta empiriska datamaterial ställdes mot befintlig teori rörande K-FMEA och DFA2. Vidare utfördes K-FMEA enligt teorin i sju steg på såväl systemnivå som komponentnivå. Sedan gjordes detsamma för DFA2 vars arbetssätt sker i fyra steg. Resultatet av denna studie påvisar att de allra mest kritiska komponenterna rör spindeln, spindelhuset och lager. Påfrestningar finns också i hydrauliken som har tilldelats höga kriticitetstal. Det finns även feltyper med hög risk relaterat till tillverkning och montering. Vad gäller DFA2 visade resultatet att de befintliga konstruktionerna har låg grad av monteringsvänlighet. Detta då flera monteringsriktningar används, flera komponenter är stora, tunga och svårhanterade. En del komponenter har svåråtkomlig monteringsplats. Vidare behövs för vissa komponenter extra hjälpmedel och verktyg för att kunna genomföra monteringen. Rekommendationen till ESAB i en potentiell andra etapp av detta produktutvecklingsarbete, vore att komplettera denna studie med andra produktutvecklingsverktyg och kostnadskalkyler. Detta för att se till att göra rätt från början och eliminera risker för eventuella efterföljande kostsamma justeringar. / With increased competition and increased customer requirements, companies need to pursue product development with a rapid approach. ESAB’s way of responding to these demands has resulted in a wide product range of friction welding heads. Their long-term goal is therefore to set a new standard to reduce costs. The plan is to actively conduct product development together with universities in Sweden. This product development project can be described as a first step in sustainable product development work at ESAB towards a long-term goal of setting a new standard within FSW. The purpose of this thesis is to analyze two friction welding heads: FSW LEGIO 4UT and FSW LEGIO 5UT through K-FMEA and DFA2. Thereby, identify the potential shortcomings found in the existing constructions and highlight where the shortcomings exist. The analysis results, together with product development theory, will form an information base for the pursuit of continued product development. The approach has been conducted through three phases: 1) start-up/pre-work, 2) implementation, and 3) completion/presentation. The science view has been characterized by a positivistic nature with elements of hermeneutic in some respects. The research method has been qualitative in terms of data collection, analysis methodology and evaluation methodology. The research effort has been abductive, while the research focus has been a combination of exploratory and descriptive. First, drawing documents, component lists, STEP files and product specifications were analyzed for a total of eight friction welding heads. A strategic selection of three was made to further exclude one more. An in-depth dive into the empirical evidence was made which gave rise to two hypotheses: 1) Components that move relative to others in welding operation, are most likely to be subject to errors; 2) These friction welding heads may possibly be compressed in terms of volume, and the components reduced to the number. A semi-structured focus group interview was conducted with a total of four respondents who have technical expertise in the field. The result of the interview allowed the hypothesis to be confirmed. The empirical data was put against the existing theory regarding K-FMEA and DFA2. Furthermore, K-FMEA was performed according to the theory in seven stages at both system level and component level. Then the same was done for DFA2, whose mode of operation takes place in four stages. The result of this thesis shows that the most critical components relate to the spider, spider house and the bearings. There are also stains in hydraulics that have been awarded high risk priority numbers. Along with that, failure modes with high risk frequencies related to manufacturing and assembly are identified. When it comes to DFA2, the result shows that the existing designs has low degree of assembly ease. This is because several mounting directions are used, several components are large, heavy and difficult to handle. Some components also have difficult access point. In addition, external equipment such as fixtures and tools, are needed to install some components. The recommendation to ESAB in a potential second step of their product development work, would be to complement this study with other product development tools and cost calculations. This to make sure to do right from the start and eliminate risks for any subsequent costly adjustments.

Modelling of friction stir spot welding

Reilly, Aidan January 2013 (has links)
Friction stir spot welding (FSSW) is a solid-state welding process which is especially useful for joining precipitation-hardened aluminium alloys that undergo adverse property changes during fusion welding. It also has potential as an effective method for solid-state joining of dissimilar alloys. In FSSW, heat generation and plastic flow are strongly linked, and the scale of the process in time and space is such that it is difficult to separate and control the influence of all the relevant input parameters. The use of modelling is well-established in the field of welding research, and this thesis presents an analysis of the thermal and mechanical aspects of FSSW, principally using the finite element (FE) technique. Firstly, a thermal FE model is shown, which is subsequently validated by reference to experimental temperature data in both aluminium-to-aluminium and aluminium-to-steel welds. Correlations between high-quality welds and temperature fields are established, and predictions are made for peak temperatures reached under novel welding conditions. Deformation and heating are strongly linked in FSSW, but existing modelling tools are poorly suited to modelling flow processes in the conditions extant in FSSW. This thesis discusses the development and optimisation of two novel techniques to overcome the limitations of current approaches. The first of these uses greatly simplified constitutive behaviour to convert the problem into one defined purely by kinematics. In doing so, the boundary conditions reduce to a small number of assumptions about the contact conditions between weld material and tool, and the model calculation time is very rapid. This model is used to investigate changes in the slip condition at the tool to workpiece interface without an explicit statement of the friction law. Marker experiments are presented which use dissimilar composition but similar strength alloys to visualise flow patterns. The layering behaviour and surface patterns observed in the model agree well with observations from these experiments. The second approach extends the FE method to include deformation behaviour without the need for a fully-coupled approach, guided by the kinematic model. This is achieved using an innovative sequential small-strain analysis method in which thermal and deformation analyses alternate, with each running at a very different timescale. This technique avoids the requirement to either remesh the model domain at high strains or to use an explicit integration scheme, both of which impose penalties in calculation time and model complexity. The method is used to relate the purely thermal analysis developed in the work on thermal modelling to welding parameters such as tool speed. The model enables predictions of the spatial and temporal evolution of heat generation to be made directly from the constitutive behaviour of the alloy and the assumed velocity profile at the tool-workpiece interface. Predictions of the resulting temperature history are matched to experimental data and novel conditions are simulated, and these predictions correlate accurately with experimental results. Hence, the model is used to predict welding outcomes for situations for which no experimental data exists, and process charts are produced to describe optimum welding parameters. The methods and results presented in this thesis have significant implications for modelling friction stir spot welding, from optimising process conditions, to integration with microstructural models (to predict softening in the heat-affected zone, or the formation of intermetallics at the interface in dissimilar welds). The technique developed for sequential small strain finite element analysis could also be investigated for use in other kinematically constrained solid-state friction joining processes.

Groupes à Haut Risque du VIH en République Centrafricaine : Classification et interventions précoces / Group High Risk of HIV in Central African Republic : Classification and arly Intervention

Longo, Jean de Dieu 15 September 2016 (has links)
Mots clés : Groupe à Haut risque - Typologie - TS - HSH –VIH -IST- Afrique CentraleProblématique : Les femmes travailleuses du sexe (TS) et les hommes qui ont des rapports sexuels avec des hommes (HSH) constituent les populations les plus à risque d’infection au VIH dans différents pays d’Afrique subsaharienne. A ce jour, très peu d’interventions sont menées pour réduire le risque d’infection en influant sur les facteurs de risque dans ces deux populations en Afrique Centrale et particulièrement en République Centrafricaine. Les objectifs de cette thèse étaient d’établir une typologie documentée des transactions sexuelles féminines à Bangui et de mesurer la prévalence du VIH et des comorbidités associées dans ces deux populations.Méthodologie : D’abord de 1384 femmes volontaires sensibilisées ont été recrutées sur les lieux de leurs activités et orientées au niveau du site de l’enquête. Parmi lesquelles 345 ont été identifiées comme travailleuses du sexe. Et, par effet « boule de neige », 131 Hommes ayant des rapports sexuels avec des Hommes (HSH) ont été recrutés pour constitués la deuxième population de l’étude. Des analyses biologiques ont été effectuées. Un volet d’entretien est réalisé auprès de 20 TS.Résultats : Les résultats en ce qui concerne les TS montrent que cette pratique est très hétérogène et que la prévalence du VIH varie selon les catégories. Ainsi, la prévalence du VIH était de 6 fois plus élevé chez les "katas" que chez les "pupulenge" (39,1% contre 6,3%). Parmi les TS non professionnel, les «élèves/étudiants», «fonctionnaires ou salariées » et «femmes au foyer» étaient moins infectées par le VIH (6,1%, 9,8%, 13,0%, respectivement), tandis que les «vendeuses ambulantes», constituait la catégorie la plus touchées par le VIH (31,9%). Et, l'infection à VIH était fortement associée à la pratique du sexe anal avec les clients (OR ajusté, 4.3), à l'utilisation ou non du préservatif avec les clients (OR ajusté, 24.9), à la consommation d'alcool avant le travail du sexe (OR ajusté, 2.8) et à la notion d’antécédents d'IST (OR ajusté, 4.2).La population de HSH à Bangui est identifiée pour la première fois comme un groupe à haut risque pour l’infection à VIH, étant 5 fois plus infectées par le VIH que la population générale d'adultes hétérosexuels. Parmi eux 20 % étaient infectés par le virus de l'hépatite B (VHB) (Ag HBs), dont 6 cas étaient co- infectés par le VIH et le VHB et dans 3,8 % cas la sérologie positive pour la syphilis. Les HSH à Bangui ont donc besoin d'interventions d'urgence spécifiques de prévention et de soins de santé.Conclusion : Les résultats de ce travail permis de mieux caractérisés et documentés les populations des femmes TS et les HSH à Bangui. Deux groupes de populations « originales » pour la République Centrafricaine, vulnérables et à haut risque d’infection à VIH. / Keywords : high risk group- typology - FSW - MSM –HIV -STD- Central AfricanBackground: The population of female sex workers (FSW) and the group of men who have sex with men (MSM) constitutes a priori an important core group of HIV transmission. In the context of the Central African Republic the situation of FSW and MSM is yet unknown. The objectives of this thesis were to establish a documented typology of female sexual transactions in Bangui and to measure the prevalence of HIV and associated comorbidities in these two populations.Materials and Methods: First 1384 sensitized female volunteers were recruited to the site of their activities and oriented at the survey site. Finally, 345 FSW questionnaires were selected for study analysis. MSM were recruited on a voluntary basis by the way of local network of nonprofit organizations working in the field of HIV infection. Included MSM were referred to the National STD center of Bangui for social, behavioral and medical evaluation. After collection of social and behavioral characteristics, each participant received a physical examination and a blood sample was taken for HIV and STD testing.Main results: Female prostitution in the CAR is remarkably heterogeneous. Risk-taking regarding HIV infection is very different between each category of female prostitution. HIV varied according to FSW categories, Thus, HIV prevalence was 6-fold higher among « kata » than « pupulenge » (39.1% versus 6.3%).Among non professionnal FSW, « students », « civil servants » and « housewifes » were the less infected (6.1%, 9.8%, 13.0%, respectively), whereas « sellers » constituted the category of highest HIV prevalence (31.9%).HIV infection in the whole study FSW population was strongly associated with anal sex practice with last clients (adjusted OR, 4.3), condom use in last 3 months (adjusted OR, 24.9), alcohol consumption before sex (adjusted OR, 2.8) and past history of STIs (adjusted OR, 4.2). The population of MSM in Bangui is identified for the first time as a yet unexpected high-risk group for HIV, being 5-fold higher HIV-infected than the general adult heterosexual population. The 131 (100%) MSM accepted blood sampling: 24 % were HIV-1-infected; 20% were infected by hepatitis B virus (HBV) (Ag HBs), including 6 cases of co-infection by HIV and HBV; 3,8 % showed positive syphilis serology. The MSM in Bangui, needing urgently specific interventions for prevention and heath care.Conclusion: The results of this work led to better characterized and documented populations of women and TS MSM in Bangui. Two groups population "original" for the Central African Republic, vulnerable and at high risk of HIV infection.

Friction Stir Welding of Armor Grade Steels

Hawkes, Stanton Brett January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Advancements in Joining Armor Grade Steels

Evans, William Charles January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Friction Stir Welding of High-Strength Automotive Steel

Olsen, Eric Michael 05 July 2007 (has links) (PDF)
The following thesis is a study on the ability to create acceptable welds in thin-plate, ultra-high-strength steels (UHSS) by way of friction stir welding (FSW). Steels are welded together to create tailor-welded blanks (TWB) for use in the automotive industry. Dual Phase (DP) 590, 780, and 980 steel as well as Transformation-Induced Plasticity (TRIP) 590 steel with thicknesses ranging from 1.2 mm to 1.8 mm were welded using friction stir welding under a variety of processing conditions, including experiments with dissimilar thicknesses. Samples were tested under tensile loads for initial determination if an acceptable weld had been created. Acceptable welds were created in both TRIP 590 and DP 590 at speeds up to 102 centimeters-per-minute. No acceptable welds were created in the DP 780 and DP 980 materials. A series of microhardness measurements were taken across weld samples to gain understanding as to the causes of failure. These data indicate that softening, caused by both excessive heat and insufficient heat can result in weld failure. Not enough heat causes the high concentration of martensite in these materials to temper while too much heat can cause excessive hardening in the weld, through the formation of even more martensite, which tends to promote failure mode during forming operations. Laser welding is one of the leading methods for creating tailor-welded blank. Therefore, laser welded samples of each material were tested and compared to Friction Stir Welded samples. Lower strength and elongation are measured in weld failure while the failure location itself determines the success of a weld. In short, an acceptable weld is one that breaks outside the weld nugget and Heat Affected Zone (HAZ) and where the tensile strength (both yield and ultimate) along with the elongation are comparable to the base material. In unacceptable welds, the sample broke in the weld nugget or HAZ while strength and elongations were well below those of the base material samples.

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