Spelling suggestions: "subject:"fue"" "subject:"fuel""
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Berechnung von STM-Profilkurven und von Quantenbillards endlicher WandhoeheSbosny, Hartmut 09 September 1996 (has links) (PDF)
Die Arbeit befasst sich mit zweierleiZum einen wird der STM-Abbildungsprozess simuliert, indem Probe
und Spitze durch zweidimensionale Sommerfeld-Metalle frei
waehlbarer Geometrie beschrieben werden und der Tunnelstrom im
Transfer-Hamiltonian-Formalismus bestimmt wird. Die Berechnung der
Eigenzustaende der Elektroden erfolgt numerisch durch Diskretisierung
der Schroedingergleichung im Differenzenverfahren. Ueber die
geometrische Entfaltung der erhaltenen Konstantstromprofile mit
der Spitzengeometrie werden der Vergleich zum geometrischen
(mechanischen) Abtasten gezogen und Moeglichkeiten einer Vermessung
von Spitze und Probe diskutiert.
Zum anderen wird durch Berechnung von Eigenzustaenden in
grossen zweidimensionalen Potentialkaesten (Quantenbillards)
endlicher Wandhoehe der Frage nachgegangen, welchen Einfluss
klassisch verbotene Gebiete (Aussenraum, Tunnelbarriere) auf
Eigenfunktionen in semiklassisch grossen Systemen haben.
Betrachtet wird insbesondere ein Gesamtsystem bestehend aus zwei
Potentialkaesten, die ueber eine Tunnelbarriere koppeln
(¨Quantenbillards endlicher Wandhoehe im Tunnelkontakt¨).
Bei einer Reihe von Zustaenden zeigen sich Scars, die aus der
Barriere austreten und in diese zuruecklaufen. Das Gesamtsystem ist
in hohem Masse nichtintegrabel, ¨sichtbar¨ wird dieses aber nur fuer
Bahnen entweder des Kontinuums oder fuer komplexe Orbits. Eine
semiklassische Beschreibung dieses Phaenomens mit der gegenwaertigen,
auf klassischen Orbits fussenden Theorie periodischer Bahnen ist nicht
mehr moeglich. Die Einbeziehung komplexer Orbits oder Bahnen des
Kontinuums (¨ungebundener Orbits¨) wird durch diese Ergebnisse angemahnt.
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Reactions to Holocaust Memorials: The Denkmal fur die ermordeten Juden Europas and the StolpersteineLamb, Emily R. 16 June 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Jean Amérys Ethik der Erinnerung. Die Materialisierung des Geistes im Koerper.Weiler, Sylvia 19 December 2008 (has links)
In dieser Dissertation wird Jean Amérys Ethik der Erinnerung auf ihre philosophischen, politischen und literarischen Implikationen hin untersucht. Dabei wird sie als ein moegliches philosophisches Fundament fuer den westdeutschen Auschwitz-Diskurs und die westdeutsche Nachkriegsliteratur vorgestellt. Ihre Besonderheiten gewinnen auf der Grundlage eines Vergleichs von Amérys erinnerungspolitischen Positionen mit jenen Theodor W. Adornos Kontur, der allgemein als der philosophische Begruender der deutschen Literatur nach 1945 gilt. Beide Intellektuelle denken ausgehend von ihrer Verfolgungserfahrung als Juden deutscher (Adorno) bzw. oesterreichischer (Améry) Herkunft. Doch anders als Adorno, dem 1938 die Emigration nach Amerika gelang, wurde Améry als politischer Widerstandskaempfer gefoltert und nach Auschwitz deportiert. Vor diesem Hintergrund geht es um die Frage nach der erkenntnistheoretischen Bedeutung der koerperlichen Erfahrung der Vernichtung beim Versuch, ein der Zaesur Auschwitz angemessenes Denken zu begruenden. Hierzu werden erstmals Amérys Anleihen bei dem Phaenomenologen Maurice Merleau-Ponty systematisch analysiert. Wie er geht auch Améry davon aus, dass die koerperliche Wahrnehmung eines Menschen in entscheidender Form ueber sein Engagement in Kultur und Gesellschaft mitbestimmt.
Im Rahmen der Forschungsarbeit werden saemtliche Werke Amérys beruecksichtigt, inklusive seiner zum Teil noch unveroeffentlichten Nachlass-Arbeiten. Sie ist in drei Teile aufgegliedert, in denen jeweils eine der Werkepochen, die Améry auf seinem Werdegang als politischer Schriftsteller durchlaeuft, zentral steht: sein politisches Erwachen 1934/35 in Wien, seine ersten Schreibversuche nach der Befreiung aus dem Konzentrationslager Bergen-Belsen zwischen 1945 und 1949, und zuletzt die Ethik der Erinnerung des kanonischen Améry, die er in zwei Werkepochen erarbeitet hat, in denen er sich jeweils unterschiedlichen Fragestellungen widmet.(1966-1974 und 1974-1978).
Aus der Literaturzeitschrift "Die Bruecke", die der 22jaehrige 1934 gemeinsam mit einem Freund herausgab, und Amérys Jugendroman "Die Schiffbruechigen" werden in den ersten beiden Kapiteln die fruehen philosophischen und aestetischen Urspruenge von Amérys Ethik eroertert. Im folgenden Kapitel rueckt die Vernichtungserfahrung des Autors in den Brennpunkt. Die Parameter ihrer ersten literarischen Verarbeitung in seinen Schriften aus der unmittelbaren Nachkriegszeit werden herausgestellt, die Améry in seinem Spaetwerk weitergedacht hat. Auf den vorangehenden Forschungsergebnissen aufbauend wird im letzten Kapitel Amérys Ethik der Erinnerung im Vergleich zu jener Theodor W. Adornos erarbeitet. Ihr phaenomenologisches Fundament wird dem geschichtsphilosophischen Fundament des Adornoschen Denkens gegenuebergestellt. Dabei wird gezeigt, dass nicht nur Amérys Denken, sondern auch seine Aesthetik phaenomenologisch ausgerichtet ist. Durch die Analysen in diesem Hauptteil der Dissertation, in dem erstmals alle Essay-Baende auf ihren erinnerungspolitischen Gehalt im Zusammenspiel untersucht wurden, wird Amérys Beitrag zur Begruendung einer postmodernen Ethik und der Gattung der Shoah-Literatur einsehbar.
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Mitteilungen des URZ 4/1997Gehring,, Lang,, Mueller,, Richter,, Schier,, Sontag,, Ziegler, 22 December 1997 (has links)
HBFG-ProjektMONARCH Version 1.2
Unerwuenschte Botschaften: E-Mail-Spams
Cross-Zertifizierung DFN -- IN e.V.
Campusnetzzugang in Hoersaelen
StarOffice fuer Linux
Freeware, Shareware und Public Domain (Softwarerecht)
Coverage{10}: 22.12.2017
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Berechnung von STM-Profilkurven und von Quantenbillards endlicher WandhoeheSbosny, Hartmut 20 October 1995 (has links)
Die Arbeit befasst sich mit zweierleiZum einen wird der STM-Abbildungsprozess simuliert, indem Probe
und Spitze durch zweidimensionale Sommerfeld-Metalle frei
waehlbarer Geometrie beschrieben werden und der Tunnelstrom im
Transfer-Hamiltonian-Formalismus bestimmt wird. Die Berechnung der
Eigenzustaende der Elektroden erfolgt numerisch durch Diskretisierung
der Schroedingergleichung im Differenzenverfahren. Ueber die
geometrische Entfaltung der erhaltenen Konstantstromprofile mit
der Spitzengeometrie werden der Vergleich zum geometrischen
(mechanischen) Abtasten gezogen und Moeglichkeiten einer Vermessung
von Spitze und Probe diskutiert.
Zum anderen wird durch Berechnung von Eigenzustaenden in
grossen zweidimensionalen Potentialkaesten (Quantenbillards)
endlicher Wandhoehe der Frage nachgegangen, welchen Einfluss
klassisch verbotene Gebiete (Aussenraum, Tunnelbarriere) auf
Eigenfunktionen in semiklassisch grossen Systemen haben.
Betrachtet wird insbesondere ein Gesamtsystem bestehend aus zwei
Potentialkaesten, die ueber eine Tunnelbarriere koppeln
(¨Quantenbillards endlicher Wandhoehe im Tunnelkontakt¨).
Bei einer Reihe von Zustaenden zeigen sich Scars, die aus der
Barriere austreten und in diese zuruecklaufen. Das Gesamtsystem ist
in hohem Masse nichtintegrabel, ¨sichtbar¨ wird dieses aber nur fuer
Bahnen entweder des Kontinuums oder fuer komplexe Orbits. Eine
semiklassische Beschreibung dieses Phaenomens mit der gegenwaertigen,
auf klassischen Orbits fussenden Theorie periodischer Bahnen ist nicht
mehr moeglich. Die Einbeziehung komplexer Orbits oder Bahnen des
Kontinuums (¨ungebundener Orbits¨) wird durch diese Ergebnisse angemahnt.
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The Framing of the Alternative für Deutschland’s Election Result in the German Print Media after the Federal Election 2017Rust, Lara-Tanita January 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Ecological Fiscal Transfers in IndonesiaMumbunan, Sonny 28 June 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Environmental positive externalities from public provision, such as the benefits yielded from the public measure of nature conservation, are often not internalized.
Potential sub-optimal public service provision can be expected from such a condition, leading to inefficiency, if the benefits at a greater territorial scale are not acknowledged. This holds particularly true for intergovernmental fiscal relations in a decentralizing multi-tiered governmental system. Moreover, in developing countries the fiscal capacities to perform measures of ecological public functions are limited with their fiscal needs for these functions often appearing to outweigh their fiscal capacities.
Research at the interface of the economic theory of fiscal federalism, the
sustainability concept, and policies related to conservation and the environment is
relatively new. Furthermore, in the literature on environmental federalism the emphasis tends to be comparatively less on the benefits of positive environmental externalities. The essential contribution of this study is an extension of this research field that is still in its infancy by applying the specific case of Indonesia as the context, on account of this tropical country‟s ecological significance as well as its recent developments during the fiscal decentralization process. The overall aim of this study is to assess the possibilities of ecological fiscal transfers as a set of instruments in the public sector to internalize environmental externalities. To this end, the study traces the development as well as the current state of intergovernmental fiscal transfers in Indonesia in terms of ecological purposes. On the basis of this knowledge, the study offers new policy perspectives by proposing a number of policy options for ecological fiscal transfers in the context of the functioning fiscal transfer system and institutions between the national and the subnational (province and local) governments as well as among jurisdictions at the same governmental level. The incorporation of an explicit ecological indicator into general-purpose transfers is the first option. The second option is derived from a revenue-sharing arrangement. In this arrangement, two sub-options are proposed: first, shared revenues from taxes are distributed on the basis of the ecological indicator and, second, shared revenues from natural resources are earmarked for environmental purposes. Finally, the third option suggests an extension of existing specific-purpose transfers for the environment. The potential and limitations of the respective options are addressed. Additionally, a short treatment is given to the discourse on the possible mobilization of fiscal resources in the context of tropical deforestation and global climate change.
The research concentrates mainly on the first option, namely the incorporation of
an ecological indicator into the structure of general-purpose transfer allocation. In order to substantiate an explicit ecological dimension in the transfer, it extends the present area-based approach by introducing a protected area indicator while maintaining the remaining socio-economic indicators in the fiscal need calculation. The parameter values of area-related indicators are adjusted and subject to the properties of the existing formula. The simulation at the provincial level yields the following results. First, more provinces lose rather than gain from the introduced ecological fiscal transfer when compared to the fiscal transfer that they received in the reference fiscal year. Second, on average the winning provinces obtain a higher level of transfer from the introduction of an ecological indicator in the fiscal need calculation. The extent of the average decreases for the losing provinces, however, it is lower compared to the extent of the average gain by their winning counterparts. In terms of spatial configurations of the general-purpose transfer with an ecological indicator, provinces in Papua would benefit most from the new fiscal regime whereas provinces in Java and Sulawesi, with a few exceptions, would suffer a transfer reduction. Kalimantan and Sumatera show a mixed pattern of winning and losing provinces. The analysis on the equalization effects of the general-purpose transfers makes the following important contributions. It suggests that, first, the transfers are equalizing and, second, the introduction of the protected area indicator into the structure of these transfers plays a significant role in the equalizing effect, particularly in the presence of provinces with a very high fiscal capacity and when the area variable is also controlled. All of these new insights are imperative in the design of fiscal policy which intends to integrate explicit ecological aspects into the instruments of intergovernmental fiscal transfers.
Since a formula-based fiscal transfer distribution is intrinsically zero-sum, the
aforementioned configuration of winning and losing jurisdictions is conceivable. Among other future perspectives, it is the task of further research to explore ecological fiscal transfer instruments and associated measures that on the one hand seek to induce the losing provinces to join their winning counterparts and, on the other hand, are still subject to the requirements of the rational fiscal transfer mechanism.
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Mitteilungen des URZ 4/1997Gehring, Lang, Mueller, Richter, Schier, Sontag, Ziegler 22 December 1997 (has links)
HBFG-ProjektMONARCH Version 1.2
Unerwuenschte Botschaften: E-Mail-Spams
Cross-Zertifizierung DFN -- IN e.V.
Campusnetzzugang in Hoersaelen
StarOffice fuer Linux
Freeware, Shareware und Public Domain (Softwarerecht)
Coverage{10}: 22.12.2017
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A Transnational Study: Young Adult Literature Exchanged Between the US and GermanyMiskin, Kristana 12 November 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Both young adult literature and transnational literature occupy transitional spaces and defy simple classifications. Their commonalities naturally suit the two sets of literature for concurrent study. However, the field is underdeveloped, particularly in the United States. With a concentration on the exchanges taking place between the U.S. and Germany, this thesis addresses the need to assemble primary materials and pertinent critical commentary into a single place available to educators, scholars, and researchers to acquire background on transnational YAL themes. The thesis delineates methods used in conducting and compiling research on U.S.-German YAL exchange and highlights the translation and publication concerns associated with this process. It examines how prizes for translations are granted in each nation, identifying organizations that facilitate the process of exchange and describing transnational trends rising out of these circumstances. The concluding chapter visits concerns and complications raised during the investigation, posing questions for further study of the U.S.-German young adult literature relationship and advocating the pursuit of similar research in other world regions. The appendices provide sites for continued examination. They include lists of award-winning translations available in the U.S., novels by American authors that have been translated and published in Germany, and novels by German-language authors that have been translated and published in the U.S.
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Ecological Fiscal Transfers in IndonesiaMumbunan, Sonny 28 June 2011 (has links)
Environmental positive externalities from public provision, such as the benefits yielded from the public measure of nature conservation, are often not internalized.
Potential sub-optimal public service provision can be expected from such a condition, leading to inefficiency, if the benefits at a greater territorial scale are not acknowledged. This holds particularly true for intergovernmental fiscal relations in a decentralizing multi-tiered governmental system. Moreover, in developing countries the fiscal capacities to perform measures of ecological public functions are limited with their fiscal needs for these functions often appearing to outweigh their fiscal capacities.
Research at the interface of the economic theory of fiscal federalism, the sustainability concept, and policies related to conservation and the environment is relatively new. Furthermore, in the literature on environmental federalism the emphasis tends to be comparatively less on the benefits of positive environmental externalities. The essential contribution of this study is an extension of this research field that is still in its infancy by applying the specific case of Indonesia as the context, on account of this tropical country‟s ecological significance as well as its recent developments during the fiscal decentralization process. The overall aim of this study is to assess the possibilities of ecological fiscal transfers as a set of instruments in the public sector to internalize environmental externalities. To this end, the study traces the development as well as the current state of intergovernmental fiscal transfers in Indonesia in terms of ecological purposes. On the basis of this knowledge, the study offers new policy perspectives by proposing a number of policy options for ecological fiscal transfers in the context of the functioning fiscal transfer system and institutions between the national and the subnational (province and local) governments as well as among jurisdictions at the same governmental level. The incorporation of an explicit ecological indicator into general-purpose transfers is the first option. The second option is derived from a revenue-sharing arrangement. In this arrangement, two sub-options are proposed: first, shared revenues from taxes are distributed on the basis of the ecological indicator and, second, shared revenues from natural resources are earmarked for environmental purposes. Finally, the third option suggests an extension of existing specific-purpose transfers for the environment. The potential and limitations of the respective options are addressed. Additionally, a short treatment is given to the discourse on the possible mobilization of fiscal resources in the context of tropical deforestation and global climate change.
The research concentrates mainly on the first option, namely the incorporation of
an ecological indicator into the structure of general-purpose transfer allocation. In order to substantiate an explicit ecological dimension in the transfer, it extends the present area-based approach by introducing a protected area indicator while maintaining the remaining socio-economic indicators in the fiscal need calculation. The parameter values of area-related indicators are adjusted and subject to the properties of the existing formula. The simulation at the provincial level yields the following results. First, more provinces lose rather than gain from the introduced ecological fiscal transfer when compared to the fiscal transfer that they received in the reference fiscal year. Second, on average the winning provinces obtain a higher level of transfer from the introduction of an ecological indicator in the fiscal need calculation. The extent of the average decreases for the losing provinces, however, it is lower compared to the extent of the average gain by their winning counterparts. In terms of spatial configurations of the general-purpose transfer with an ecological indicator, provinces in Papua would benefit most from the new fiscal regime whereas provinces in Java and Sulawesi, with a few exceptions, would suffer a transfer reduction. Kalimantan and Sumatera show a mixed pattern of winning and losing provinces. The analysis on the equalization effects of the general-purpose transfers makes the following important contributions. It suggests that, first, the transfers are equalizing and, second, the introduction of the protected area indicator into the structure of these transfers plays a significant role in the equalizing effect, particularly in the presence of provinces with a very high fiscal capacity and when the area variable is also controlled. All of these new insights are imperative in the design of fiscal policy which intends to integrate explicit ecological aspects into the instruments of intergovernmental fiscal transfers.
Since a formula-based fiscal transfer distribution is intrinsically zero-sum, the aforementioned configuration of winning and losing jurisdictions is conceivable. Among other future perspectives, it is the task of further research to explore ecological fiscal transfer instruments and associated measures that on the one hand seek to induce the losing provinces to join their winning counterparts and, on the other hand, are still subject to the requirements of the rational fiscal transfer mechanism.
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