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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Psychological Contract Fulfilment and Innovative Work Behaviours of Employees in Sport-Based Sbes: The Mediating Role of Organisational Citizenship

Barnhill, Christopher R., Smith, Natalie L. 18 December 2018 (has links)
The current study explored the role of psychological contract fulfilment on innovative work behaviours of employees in sport-based small business enterprises (SBEs). Building on literature from sport and non-sport organisational contexts, a model positing a direct linear relationship between psychological contract fulfilment and innovative work behaviours was proposed. Affective commitment and organisational citizenship behaviours were included in the model as partial mediators. The model was tested using a sample of 216 employees from affiliated minor league baseball franchises. Results supported a model where organisational citizenship fully mediated the relationship between psychological contract fulfilments and innovate work behaviours. Affective commitment was predicted by psychological contract fulfilment but was not significantly related to the other variables in the model.


Dickson, Caroline, Lindblad, Linnéa, Matschy, Alexandra January 2009 (has links)
<p>Our purpose with this research has been to obtain a deeper insight and understanding for the phenomenon and term “weekday-luxury.”</p><p>Through our research, we have found a link between value, service, brands and consumer behaviour into a relationship that we termed “weekday-luxury.” This link of values is particularly interesting to us and we are curious about the underlying motivation to “weekday-luxury” and the driving forces underlying the phenomenon. We have noticed in society that people need something extra in their daily lives and we attempt to speculate where their perceived value lies through the concept of “weekday-luxury." Our goal is to determine a deeper understanding and insight into this phenomenon and how it meets our needs through an identifiable pattern. We also analyze the nature of “weekday-luxury” and its meaning. This essay further focuses on peoples effort to “treat ourselves” from which we have chosen a market-oriented perspective, as well as a quantitative method, from which we have performed eight personal interviews and three mail interviews.</p>


Dickson, Caroline, Lindblad, Linnéa, Matschy, Alexandra January 2009 (has links)
Our purpose with this research has been to obtain a deeper insight and understanding for the phenomenon and term “weekday-luxury.” Through our research, we have found a link between value, service, brands and consumer behaviour into a relationship that we termed “weekday-luxury.” This link of values is particularly interesting to us and we are curious about the underlying motivation to “weekday-luxury” and the driving forces underlying the phenomenon. We have noticed in society that people need something extra in their daily lives and we attempt to speculate where their perceived value lies through the concept of “weekday-luxury." Our goal is to determine a deeper understanding and insight into this phenomenon and how it meets our needs through an identifiable pattern. We also analyze the nature of “weekday-luxury” and its meaning. This essay further focuses on peoples effort to “treat ourselves” from which we have chosen a market-oriented perspective, as well as a quantitative method, from which we have performed eight personal interviews and three mail interviews.

Lietuvių liaudies sapnų aiškinimai ir pasakojimai apie sapnus : sandara, funkcionavimo specifika, reikšmės / Interpretation of Lithuanian folk dreams and narrations on dreams: composition, functional specification, meanings

Višinskaitė, Asta 28 December 2007 (has links)
Darbe tyrinėti sakytiniu būdu ir populiarių leidinėlių pavidalu plintantys sapnų aiškinimai, teiginiai apie sapnų pildymąsi ir individualūs pasakojimai apie sapnus. Analizuoti sapnai, kurių vaizdai suprantami perkeltine prasme ir reikalauja aiškinimo. Išsikeltas tikslas – remiantis archyviniais, paskelbtais spaudoje ir autorės surinktais duomenimis ištirti tekstų apie sapnus savitumus bei atskleisti žmonių požiūrį į sapnus ir jų interpretavimą. Buvo nustatyta, kad sapnų aiškinimai priskirtini tikėjimų kategorijai. Sapno vaizdas su konkrečiomis reikšmėmis siejamas analogijos, priešpriešos, tapatumo, žodžių panašumo principais. Žmonės išskiria konkrečius regėtus objektus iš viso sapno ir juos aiškina: 1) atpažįsta tam tikroje kultūros aplinkoje pripažintus sapnų vaizdus, kuriems yra priskirti konkretūs mitiniai įprasminimai, 2) regėtus vaizdus susieja su kokiu nors numatomu arba jau buvusiu įvykiu remdamiesi intuicija ir / ar asmeniniu patyrimu. Sapnų aiškinimuose ir pasakojimuose apie sapnus nusakomas sapno vaizdas ir jo reikšmė. Tarp aiškinimo ir pasakojimo dalių egzistuoja „ženklo – įvykio / numanomo įvykio“ ryšys. Susapnuotas reginys nesukelia tam tikros pasekmės, bet žmogų apie ją informuoja. Požiūris į sapnus nevienodas. Dalis žmonių juos vertina racionalistiškai, o dalis tiki prognozine galia. Kai kurie sapnai paveikia sapnuotoją: jis siekia išvengti negatyvaus įvykio ir atidžiau kontroliuoja savo poelgius, laukia pozityvių permainų ar skuba įsitikinti sapne regėtų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In this work estimation and interpretation of dreams in traditional Lithuanian culture were investigated. The object of the work is dream interpretations, statements on the fulfilment of dreams and individual narrations about them, spreading orally and with the help of popular publications. In the work, dreams are investigated images of which are understood in the figurative sense and need some explanation. It was set out that dream interpretations can be ascribed to category of beliefs. A dream image is related to specific meanings according to the principles of analogy, antithesis, identity and similarity of words. People single out concrete objects from the whole dream and interpret them: 1) identify dream images recognized in certain cultural environment, with specific mythical implications ascribed; 2) link images to some event supposed or already happened on the ground of intuition and /or personal experience. In dream interpretations and narratives on dreams, a dream image and its meaning are defined. Between the parts of interpretation and narration there exists a connection “sign - event / implied event”. An image seen in a dream does not cause a certain result but only inform a person about it. There is no one-sided approach to dreams. Some people estimate them rationally and some do belief in their prognostic power. Certain dreams have an effect on a dreamer: a person seeks to avoid a negative event and is more attentive while controlling his behaviour, looks for... [to full text]

Interpretation of Lithuanian folk dreams and narrations on dreams: composition, functional specification, meanings / Lietuvių liaudies sapnų aiškinimai ir pasakojimai apie sapnus:sandara, funkcionavimo specifika, reikšmės

Višinskaitė, Asta 28 December 2007 (has links)
In this work estimation and interpretation of dreams in traditional Lithuanian culture were investigated. The object of the work is dream interpretations, statements on the fulfilment of dreams and individual narrations about them, spreading orally and with the help of popular publications. In the work, dreams are investigated images of which are understood in the figurative sense and need some explanation. It was set out that dream interpretations can be ascribed to category of beliefs. A dream image is related to specific meanings according to the principles of analogy, antithesis, identity and similarity of words. People single out concrete objects from the whole dream and interpret them: 1) identify dream images recognized in certain cultural environment, with specific mythical implications ascribed; 2) link images to some event supposed or already happened on the ground of intuition and /or personal experience. In dream interpretations and narratives on dreams, a dream image and its meaning are defined. Between the parts of interpretation and narration there exists a connection “sign - event / implied event”. An image seen in a dream does not cause a certain result but only inform a person about it. There is no one-sided approach to dreams. Some people estimate them rationally and some do belief in their prognostic power. Certain dreams have an effect on a dreamer: a person seeks to avoid a negative event and is more attentive while controlling his behaviour, looks for... [to full text] / Darbe tyrinėti sakytiniu būdu ir populiarių leidinėlių pavidalu plintantys sapnų aiškinimai, teiginiai apie sapnų pildymąsi ir individualūs pasakojimai apie sapnus. Analizuoti sapnai, kurių vaizdai suprantami perkeltine prasme ir reikalauja aiškinimo. Išsikeltas tikslas – remiantis archyviniais, paskelbtais spaudoje ir autorės surinktais duomenimis ištirti tekstų apie sapnus savitumus bei atskleisti žmonių požiūrį į sapnus ir jų interpretavimą. Buvo nustatyta, kad sapnų aiškinimai priskirtini tikėjimų kategorijai. Sapno vaizdas su konkrečiomis reikšmėmis siejamas analogijos, priešpriešos, tapatumo, žodžių panašumo principais. Žmonės išskiria konkrečius regėtus objektus iš viso sapno ir juos aiškina: 1) atpažįsta tam tikroje kultūros aplinkoje pripažintus sapnų vaizdus, kuriems yra priskirti konkretūs mitiniai įprasminimai, 2) regėtus vaizdus susieja su kokiu nors numatomu arba jau buvusiu įvykiu remdamiesi intuicija ir / ar asmeniniu patyrimu. Sapnų aiškinimuose ir pasakojimuose apie sapnus nusakomas sapno vaizdas ir jo reikšmė. Tarp aiškinimo ir pasakojimo dalių egzistuoja „ženklo – įvykio / numanomo įvykio“ ryšys. Susapnuotas reginys nesukelia tam tikros pasekmės, bet žmogų apie ją informuoja. Požiūris į sapnus nevienodas. Dalis žmonių juos vertina racionalistiškai, o dalis tiki prognozine galia. Kai kurie sapnai paveikia sapnuotoją: jis siekia išvengti negatyvaus įvykio ir atidžiau kontroliuoja savo poelgius, laukia pozityvių permainų ar skuba įsitikinti sapne regėtų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

Slaugytojų motyvacijos ir jų požiūrio į motyvavimo sistemos elementus VŠĮ Kauno Medicinos Universiteto Klinikose įvertinimas / Evaluation of nurses' motivation and their approach to the elements of motivation system at the hospital of Kaunas University of Medicine

Petkevičiūtė, Dalia 10 June 2005 (has links)
The aim of the study : to evaluate nurses' motivation and their approach to the elements of motivation system at the Hospital of Kaunas University of Medicine. Methodology of the study : The object of the study – motivation of the nurses' at the Hospital of Kaunas University of Medicine, their fulfilment with their work, the role of self – realization in the motivation, potentials in career planning, nurses' approach to the elements of motivation system . Methods of the study - Questionnaire for the nurses at the Hospital of Kaunas University of Medicine. Scope - 65 pages . Methods of statistic analysis – data of the study are accomplished and analysis of statistic data is obtained having used statistic package SPSS for Windows 12.0. Statistic reliability of the differences of responses was controlled according to Chi (χ²) criterium. Checking statistic hypotheses, 0,05 importance level was chosen Man – Withney test was applied to determine the differences between two separate groups. Results and conclusions - forms of material stimulation has the greatest significance in the motivation of nurses at the Hospital of Kaunas University of Medicine. Self – realization and career potentials stimulate the nurses least. Less than a half of the nurses staff is satisfied with their job. The essential reasons are inadequate pay and depreciatian of this occupation. Most nurses are paid extra money from incentive fund, and it has some motivating significance, but majority of nurses... [to full text]

Narrative accounts of parenthood following the death of a child to muscular dystrophy

Randall-James, James January 2017 (has links)
Rationale and Aims: Research into the lived experience of parenting children with muscular dystrophy has typically addressed key transitions along the disease trajectory, such as diagnosis or end-of-life care. Families reportedly face continuous challenges as their child's health deteriorates. No research has considered accounts of parenting across the lifespan that look at adaptation following their child's death. This research was conducted in the context of a wish-fulfilment charity that offer experiences for children to be supported in activities that are usually deemed inaccessible. In this context, the study asked how do parents who have lost a child to muscular dystrophy story their experiences of parenting. Methods: This research used a qualitative approach that explored the accounts of eight parents interviewed in couples, all of who had experienced the death of their child to muscular dystrophy. The study used a semi-structured interview, lasting from 100-150 minutes each. Interviews were video-recorded, transcribed, and analysed using narrative analysis to explore what and how the parents narrated their experiences. Consideration was given to the social and cultural contexts that shaped these. Analysis: Multiple readings of the transcripts allowed me to develop individual summaries and then construct an analysis across all of the accounts. Three main stories of change, survival and creating change emerged through my analysis. These three stories represented six sub-stories in total: waking up to different futures; being so close, you don't see the deterioration; humour through the struggle; storytelling together; creating a legacy; and living the dream. Findings: Couples narrated the loss of parental dreams, leading to the need for identity (re)formation. Humour and storytelling together were often used to regulate emotions during the storying telling, and a means of surviving their loss. Parents shared narratives of building legacies and the memories created through 'living the dream', which alluded to an impact that surpassed death itself. Implications: These findings suggest the need for greater consideration of sense-making, changing identities, and benefit-finding in clinical consultations, at key transitions during the parenting journey and particularly following the death of a child to muscular dystrophy. Accounts suggest that wish-fulfilment events can sustain hope for parents, a proposition that will need further investigation in the future.

An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of the impact of professional background on role fulfilment : a study of approved mental health practice

Vicary, Sarah January 2017 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with the impact of professional background on role fulfilment. In the United Kingdom current policy in health and social care in mental health is underpinned by integration; the idea that responsibilities can be accomplished irrespective of profession. Approved mental health practice is one example of a psychiatric statutory role and function, until recently carried out by the profession of social work, which is now extended to other, non-medical, mental health professions. This thesis aims to explore the role and experiences of current practitioners in order to understand the impact, if any, of professional background on the fulfilment of approved mental health practice and the way in which it is experienced. Qualitative data are generated through semi-structured individual interviews with twelve approved mental health practitioners: five nurses, two occupational therapists and five social workers and the use of rich pictures to supplement the interview discussions. Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis was applied to the verbatim transcripts. Key findings were that approved mental health practice can be accomplished irrespective of professional background. Its practitioners require particular shared attributes, specifically a cognitive and affective capacity to deal with and use discord and to manage the disparate emotions that occur. Conceptualised in this thesis as "pull," this finding constitutes a different understanding of the use of emotion in the workplace and provides evidence of a new emotional dimension; the active use of dissonance. Professional identity is also found to be influenced by approved mental health practice thereby turning on its head the original hypothesis of this thesis. Last, personhood is found to be an additional aspect of the moral framework for approved mental health practice and is being practiced in a different circumstance than previously considered. The implications of this work are that it challenges the perception that approved mental health practice is synonymous with the profession of social work. It also revives the theory that its normative moral framework is inherently contradictory. The present study appears to be the first to associate personhood with approved mental health practice and shows role fulfilment as sophisticated emotion management, primarily the active use of dissonance. Both provide new insights into the enactment of approved mental health practice and are important issues for the future training and development of practitioners. The influence on role of professional identity may also help policy makers better understand the impact that new ways of working in mental health might have on traditional professional roles and boundaries in integrated services.

Synliggörande av lagerfyllnadsgrad vid djuplagring : En fallstudie med fokus på klämgods i distributionslager / Visualizing stock fulfilment in warehouse storage : A case study on blockstacking within a warehouse

Jonsson, Johan, Cederblom, Martin January 2018 (has links)
Syfte – Studien syftar på att identifiera en användbar metod för att beräkna fyllnadsgrad i distributionslager samt undersöka hur visualisering av lagerfyllnadsgraden påverkar lagerplaneringens operativa arbete. För att uppnå studiens syfte har fyra frågeställningar formulerats: Vilka parametrar behövs för att beräkna fyllnadsgraden för klämgods i ett distributionslager? Vilken praktiskt användbar metod kan användas för att beräkna fyllnadsgraden för klämgods i ett distributionslager? Hur kan de framtagna parametrarna sammanställas för att kunna visualisera aktuell fyllnadsgrad? Hur kan en visualisering av lagerfyllnadsgrad påverka planeringsavdelningen i det operativa arbetet? Metod – Förstudien visar att en metod för att beräkna lagerfyllnadsgrad vid djupstapling saknas. Studien har med sin abduktiva ansats undersökt hur verksamheter arbetar med lagerfyllnadsgrad. Därefter har litteraturstudien analyserats och med stöd från insamlad empiri har författarna skapat en illustration av metoden. Resultat – Studien resulterade i en metod som beräknar lagerfyllnadsgrad och kan användas som ett analysunderlag vid optimering av lagerutrymmet. Metoden beräknar en plats- och en produktspecifik lagerfyllnadsgrad. Studien presenterar ett konkret exempel på hur metoden kan visualiseras och hur den är den är tänkt att användas. Implikationer – Metoden ämnar sig åt att inspirera till en ökad kontroll på hur mycket gods som finns på lagret. Den är specifikt inriktad på staplingsbart gods inom djuplagring för att hjälpa till vid en visualisering och beräkning av lagerfyllnadsgrad. Vid en implementering av metoden är det viktigt att förstå hur lagret fungerar och godsets parametrar för beräkning. Begränsningar – Metoden som tagits fram bygger på klämgods vid standardkvantiteter. Studien är en enfallsstudie vilket innebär att metoden troligen inte kan appliceras direkt på andra företag utan att granskas och justeras efter deras förutsättningar. / Purpose – The purpose of the study is to identify a usable method to calculate stock fulfilment rate in a distribution warehouse and investigate how a visualization of the stock fulfilment rate affects the operative planning organisation. To fulfil the purpose of this study four research questions were formulated: 1. Which factors is needed to calculate the stock fulfilment rate for block stacking inventory in a distribution warehouse? What method could be used to calculate the stock fulfilment rate for block stacking inventory in a distribution warehouse? How could you summarize these factors to visualize the stock fulfillment rate? How can a visualization of the stock fulfillment rate affect the operative planning organisation? Method – The pre-study shows that the theory lacks a method for calculating the stock fulfilment rate with block stacking. The study has with its abductive approach investigated how businesses works with stock fulfilment rate. From this, the literature study has been analysed with support from the result and the authors has created an illustration of the method. Findings – The study resulted in a method which calculates stock fulfilment rate and can be used as an analytical information when optimizing the storage area. The method calculates a location- and product specific stock fulfilment rate. The study then presents an example on how the method could be visualized and used. Implications – The method aims at inspiring to an increased control of the warehouse storage capabilities. It is focused on block stacking and to help at a visualization and calculation of stock fulfilment rate. At an implementation stage is it important to understand that the storage and block stacking factors when doing the calculations. Limitations – The purposed method builds on block stacking and handling units. The study carried out is a case study which means that the result is not applicable directly without further examination of other businesses and their preconditions.

Där killräckligt aldrig kommer vara tillräckligt : En kvalitativ studie om unga kvinnors upplevelser av den nyliberala arbetsmarknaden / A qualitative study of young women's experiences of the neoliberal labor market

Karlsson, Matilda, Lindersson, Rosanna January 2017 (has links)
This is a qualitative study that aims to understand how young women experience the neoliberal labor market through a structural perspective. The study is concerning how women relate to the demands and expectations in work life. The empirics is composed by interviews with young women who’s working within the staffing and recruitment industry. Through the schematisation of the empirical basis we have identified how the women are forced to deal with the positions that has been given, due to the inequality that characterizes our society. The analysis enhances four main themes that together gives us an understanding for how the women are forced to use different strategies to handle the demands and expectations. The results reveal how women through internalisation of the characteristics that are requested consider themselves able to control and influence their future. Thus to be “duktig” (good, capable and efficient) becomes a tool for the women to affect their fate and possibilities. The statements from our participants brings us to the conclusion were we claim that beeing “duktig” has a downside. We suppose that beeing “duktig” may restrict women and allow them to be exploited rather than to help them move forward in their career. / Detta är en kvalitativ studie som syftar till att utifrån ett strukturellt perspektiv försöka förstå hur det är att som ung kvinna befinna sig inom ramarna för dagens nyliberala arbetsmarknad. Således handlar studien om hur kvinnor förhåller sig till och hanterar de krav och förväntningar som ställs på dem inom arbetslivet. Detta har undersökts i form av kvalitativa intervjuer med unga kvinnor som arbetar inom bemanningsbranschen. Genom en tematisering av det empiriska underlaget har vi identifierat hur kvinnorna tvingas hantera de begränsande positioner som de tilldelats till följd av den ojämlikhet som präglar dagens samhälle. Analysen lyfter fyra huvudsakliga teman som tillsammans förser oss med en bild av hur kvinnorna tvingas använda sig av olika strategier för att hantera krav och förväntningar. Resultatet visar hur kvinnorna genom att internalisera de egenskaper som efterfrågas anser sig kunna kontrollera och påverka sin framtid i en önskvärd riktning. Duktighet blir således till ett slags verktyg för kvinnorna att styra och påverka sina karriärmöjligheter. Vidare leder våra informanters utsagor oss till en slutsats där vi belyser duktighetens baksida. Vi menar att duktigheten kan komma att begränsa kvinnorna och möjliggöra att de eventuellt kan bli utnyttjade och exploaterade, snarare än att hjälpa dem ta sig framåt.

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