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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Attributes of Tool Development : Proceduralism for the Environment Artist

Andersson, Karl January 2023 (has links)
This paper explores what attributes are important for the creation of environment art tools. The purpose of this is to make sure that when a tool is to be developed, it will be done properly within a given time frame. This is important since the cost of tool development is high in both time and capital spent. Being able to make sure that when those resources are spent, that the resulting tool is of high quality and solving the problem which the development team set out to do. Through interviews, forms and the creation of our own tool I hope to find these attributes and to be able to provide insights into how a studio or team might apply them for their own purposes.

How an AI colleague affect the experiance of content creation

Larsson, Gustaf, Lindecrantz, Valter January 2023 (has links)
The consumers of today have become used to a constant flow of new content. Whether the content being music, film and series, games or other forms of media. This has created a strain on the developers and creators, to create new and original content for an ever demanding audience. Creating original content can be a costly and time consuming process. Today there are tools to help in this process, many that build on the idea of procedurally generated content. But with these tools alone it can be hard for the creator to leave their mark on the content, since most of it will look all the same from the same tool.  We propose CLAPPY, or Collaborative Learning Algorithm for Predicting Personal Yield. The AI colleague that will learn the patterns of the creator, and help them express themselves in their content, regardless of the tool.  Controlled experiments were conducted where subjects were given a content creation tool in the form of a terrain generator for games. The thesis then compares the results of the content creation tool when the subjects used it on their own and with an AI-collaborator.

Improve game performance tracking tools : Heatmap as a tool / Förbättra prestandaspårningsverktyg : Färgdiagram för visualisering av prestanda

Wessman, Niklas January 2022 (has links)
Software testing is a crucial development technique to capture defects and slow code. When testing 3D graphics, it is hard to create automatic tests that detect errors or slow performance. Finding performance issues in game maps is a complex task that requires much manual work. Gaming companies such as EA DICE could benefit from automating the process of finding these performance issues in their game maps. This thesis tries to solve the problem by creating automatic tests where the camera is placed in a top-down perspective and flies over the in-game map, recording the time it takes to create render and client simulation frames for each map segment. The resulting trace is then visualised as a heatmap, where the mean frame creation times are rendered with pseudo colouring techniques to help pinpoint possible issues for the test engineers. The key findings of this thesis are that a heatmap visualisation of frame creation times saves much time for the developers trying to find these issues; it also lowers the amount of knowledge needed to find performance issues. This tool automates a process that formerly needed considerable manual work to get the same result. Now, artists with low coding experience can find performance issues without the technical knowledge of a Quality Assurance engineer. The thesis also highlights the drawbacks of a top-down perspective of camera trace since this is not how EA DICE games are usually rendered for the player in runtime. With this thesis as a base, other tests could be made with other ways of moving the camera and visualising the trace. / Mjukvarutestning är en viktig programvaruutvecklings teknik för att fånga felaktig eller långsam kod. Det är svårt att skapa automatiska tester för 3D grafik som hittar fel eller dålig prestanda i koden. Att hitta prestandaproblem i spelkartor är en komplex uppgift som kräver mycket manuellt arbete. Spelföretag såsom EA DICE skulle dra fördel av att automatisera processen att hitta dessa prestandaproblem i spelkartor. Denna uppsats försöker lösa detta genom att skapa automatiska tester där kameran placeras i ett uppifrån-och-ned-perspektiv och sedan flyger genom banan i spelet samtidigt som den samlar in data på hur lång tid det tar för renderings-bildrutor och klient-simulerings-bildrutor att skapas för varje ban-segment. Den resulterande datan är därefter visualiserade som ett färgdiagram, där medelvärdet på tiden för att skapa varje bildruta ritas upp med en psuedofärgningsteknik för att markera möjliga problemområden för testingenjörerna. Nyckelupptäckter för denna uppsats är att färgdiagramsvisualiseringen av bildruta-skapande-tider sparar mycket tid för utvecklare som försöker hitta prestandaproblem. Det minskar också kunskapströskeln som behövs för att lokalisera prestandaproblem. Detta verktyg automatiserar en process som tidigare krävde omfattande manuellt arbete för att få samma resultat. Numera kan game artists med låg koderfarenhet hitta dessa prestandaproblem utan den tekniska kunskapen hos en kvalitetskontroll-ingenjör. Den här uppsatsen visar också nackdelar med ett uppifrån-och-ned-perspektiv för kameran då det inte är så EA DICE spel normalt renderas för spelarna. Den här uppsatsen kan användas som utgångspunkt för andra som vill utveckla testverktyg och med fördel ta i beaktning de utvecklingspunkter denna uppsats belyser.

Разработка игры «Симулятор Владельца Продукта» : магистерская диссертация / Development of the game “Product Owner Simulator”

Коростелев, Д. С., Korostelev, D. S. January 2023 (has links)
Цель командной работы – создание игры «Симулятор Владельца Продукта». Цель личной работы – разработка игры «Симулятор Владельца Продукта» с использованием современных инструментов разработки. Объект исследования – компьютерные игры. Методы исследования: анализ современных инструментов разработки игр, генерация идей для лучшей реализации игры, программная реализация игры, её тестирование на наличие ошибок, проведение апробации игры на 30 пользователях, сбор и систематизация обратной связи. В результате командной работы создан продукт «‎Симулятор Владельца Продукта» – это компьютерная игра, доступная в браузере. Результатом личной работы является разработанная игра, доступная в браузере, описание реализованных сцен и скриптов. Выпускная квалификационная работа выполнена в текстовом редакторе Microsoft Word. / The goal of teamwork is to create the game “Product Owner Simulator”. The goal of my personal work is to develop the game “Product Owner Simulator” using modern development tools. The object of research is computer games. Research methods: analysis of modern tools, game development, generating ideas for better implementation of games, software implementation of games, testing them for errors, testing the game on 30 users, assembling and systematizing feedback. As a result of the team’s work, the product “Product Owner Simulator” was created - this is a computer game available in the browser. The result of individual work is a developed game, available in the browser, a description of the implemented scenes and scripts. The final qualifying work was completed in the text editor Microsoft Word.

Определение игровой механики для игры «Симулятор Владельца Продукта» и организация командной работы : магистерская диссертация / Definition of game mechanics for the game “Product Owner Simulator” and organization of teamwork

Редькин, Д. Н., Redkin, D. N. January 2023 (has links)
Была выявлена проблема высокого порога вхождения в роль владельца продукта. Поставлена гипотеза, что если разработать механику игры, приближенную к задачам Владельца Продукта в реальной жизни, то в игре можно будет пройти практику в роли Владельца Продукта для приобретения опыта. Общей командной целью было создание игры «Симулятор Владельца Продукта», а цель личной работы – определение направления развития игры как продукта. Результатом личной работы является описание механики игры в виде схем, бэклог продукта в виде пользовательских историй и требований, и статистика обратной связи от пользователей по результатам проведенных опросов. По статистике всего было порядка тысячи игровых сессий и положительная обратная связь от игроков. / The problem of a high threshold for entering the role of product owner was identified. It is hypothesized that if we develop game mechanics that are close to the tasks of a Product Owner in real life, then in the game it will be possible to practice as a Product Owner to gain experience. The overall team goal was to create the “Product Owner Simulator” game, and the goal of personal work was to determine the direction of development of the game as a product. The result of personal work is a description of the game mechanics in the form of diagrams, a product backlog in the form of user stories and requirements, and statistics of feedback from users based on the results of surveys. According to statistics, there were about a thousand gaming sessions and positive feedback from players.

Insamling och användning av data för vidareutveckling av spel : Med fokus på multiplayer datorspel / Data Collection and its Application in Further Development of Online Games

Bunea, Robert, Ivarsson, Kajsa January 2021 (has links)
Digitala spel har blivit ett allt vanligare sätt för underhållning, där industrin har sett en stor ökning av användare, vilket har stor sannolikhet att fortsätta även i framtiden. Dessa spel har ökat i komplexitet i takt med den teknologiska utvecklingen från 90-talet tills idag, där Internet har haft stor påverkan och introducerat nya möjligheter. En utav dessa möjligheter är insamlingen av olika datatyper med olika syften och olika användningsområden inom ett spelutvecklingsföretag. Industrin har lockat mycket forskning angående processer och metoder som berör skapandet av dessa komplexa produkter, där förarbetet och själva skapandet av digitala spel tar upp majoriteten av forskning i jämförelse med vidareutvecklingen av dessa digitala spel efter lansering. Syftet med denna rapport är därmed att bidra med kunskap till det mindre utforskade området kring utvecklingsprocessen efter lansering av online multiplayerspel, samt undersökning och insamling av data och dess integrering i vidareutvecklingsprocessen. Första viktiga delen av rapporten är ett teoriavsnitt, skapad genom en litteraturstudie där denna bestod av att identifiera och hitta vetenskapliga artiklar med kunskap kring ämnet, där dessa var viktiga för att skapa en teoretisk grund för denna studie. Detta gjordes huvudsakligen genom vetenskapliga databaser och söktjänster, med hjälp av nyckelord relaterade till viktiga teorier. Den andra viktiga delen är empiriska studier i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer utifrån en intervjuguide med respondenter från olika spelutvecklingsföretag. Företagen som respondenterna jobbade för var Ghost Ship Games, Jagex, samt Bohemia Interactive. Dessa intervjuer har sedan analyserats och viktiga teman har identifierats utifrån respondenternas svar. Respondenterna har nämnt olika datatyper som kan täcka olika delar av företaget, men när det gäller vidareutveckling av spel har tre typer nämnts att ha störst påverkan. Dessa typer var datapunkter över hur spelet används av individer, kvalitetsdata av spelets prestanda samt feedback från användare. Metoderna för att samla in de förenämnda datatyperna består framförallt av enkäter som alla respondenter har nämnt att respektive företag använder för att samla in feedback, rapportering av bugs eller förslag på förbättringsområden. Utöver detta samlas även mer övergripande information genom digitala verktyg eller spelklienten för respektive spel. Där dessa verktyg är skapade inom företaget eller hanteras genom ett separat företag. Ghost Ship Games har nämnt en egen idealbild över hur spelet ska vara balanserat som företaget strävar efter, vilket tas i åtanke vid beslut som tas av utvecklarna som täcker respektive problem. Inom Jagex är det hela team som bestämmer tillsammans angående förändringar eller tillägg i spelet. En intressant aspekt var att för Jagex så är användarna en del av beslutsfattandet genom opinionsundersökningar. Beslutsfattandet inom Bohemia Interactive nämndes att ske huvudsakligen genom avdelningen för kvalitetssäkring, där dessa filtrerar insamlad information och sedan delegerar identifierade problem till rätt utvecklare inom företaget. Vidareutvecklingen inom företagen gjordes framförallt genom balansering med hjälp av spelmotorn för respektive spel. Ghost Ship Games fokuserar även på vidareutveckling av befintliga funktioner, system och verktyg, genom att omarbeta några av föregående delar. Inom Bohemia Interactive angående Arma 3 användes till exempel hotfixes eller helt nytt spelinnehåll genom DLC, liknande sker även inom Jagex i form av hotpatches. Övergripande så är vidareutvecklingsprocessen lik mellan företagen, genom de olika steg som har identifierats i denna rapport. Dessa kan beskrivas som en iterativ process där företag identifierar problem eller förslag för vidareutveckling, samlar in eller undersöker befintlig data för att bekräfta problem eller stödja förslag, implementerar lösning eller förslag, samt samlar in feedback och agerar utifrån feedback. / Digital games have become an increasingly common means of entertainment where the industry has seen a huge increase in users, something that is likely to continue in the future. These games have increased in complexity in line with technological developments from the 1990s to the present day, where the Internet has had a major impact and introduced new possibilities. One of these opportunities is the collection of different types of data with different purposes and different uses within a game development company. The industry has thus attracted a lot of research regarding processes and methods involved in the creation of these complex products, where the pre-processing and actual creation of digital games is in the vast majority of studies compared to the further development of these digital games after launch. The aim of this paper is therefore to contribute knowledge to the less explored area of the post-launch development process of online multiplayer games, as well as the investigation of data collection and its integration into the further development process. The first important part of the report is a theory section, created through literature review where this consisted of identifying and finding scientific articles with knowledge on the topic, where these were important to create a theoretical basis for this study. This was mainly done through scientific databases and search services, using keywords related to important theories. The second important part is empirical studies in the form of semi-structured interviews based on an interview guide with respondents from different game development companies. The companies the respondents worked for were Ghost Ship Games, Jagex, and Bohemia Interactive. These interviews were then analysed and important themes were identified based on the respondents’ answers. Respondents mentioned different types of data that could cover different parts of the company, but when it comes to further game development, three types were mentioned to have the most impact. These types were data points on how the game is used by individuals, quality data of the game's performance, and feedback from users. The methods for collecting the aforementioned data types consist mainly of surveys, which all respondents mentioned that the respective companies use to collect feedback, report bugs or suggest areas for improvement. In addition, more general information is also collected through digital tools or the game client for the respective game. Where these tools are created within the company or managed by a separate company. Ghost Ship Games has an ideal image of how the game should be balanced that the company strives for, which is taken into account when decisions are made by the developers themselves that cover the respective issues. Within Jagex, the whole team decides together on changes or additions to the game. An interesting aspect is that within Jagex, users are a part of the decision making process through opinion polls. Decision-making within Bohemia Interactive is mainly done through the Quality Assurance department, where they filter collected information and then delegate identified problems to the appropriate developers within the company. Further development within the companies is mainly done through balancing using the game engine for each game. Ghost Ship Games may also focus on further development of existing features, systems and tools, by reworking some of the previously mentioned elements. In Bohemia Interactive regarding Arma 3, are hotfixes or completely new game content through DLC used for example. Similar is also done in Jagex in the form of hotpatches. Overall, the further development process is similar between the companies, through the different steps identified in this report. These can be described as an iterative process in which companies identify problems or proposals for further development, collect data or investigate existing data, implement the solution or proposal, collect feedback and act on the feedback.

Sustainable Game Development : Mapping the climate impact and the negative impact reduction actions in the Swedish gaming industry

Lönnqvist, Oliver January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to map the current state of the Swedish gaming industry with regards to its climate impact and negative impact reduction actions. With the organization and the game development pipeline in focus this study set out to explore how game development activities have an impact on the climate, where the industry is focusing its actions to reduce this impact, and how the issue is perceived and handled by industry practitioners. Game development and the gaming industry in general is not commonly recognized for its climate impact because of it being digital in nature. As gaming is becoming more accessible, game devices more powerful, and the world more reliant on data centers and networks, the climate impact of digital products and services must be acknowledged. To understand the full scope of the impact of the gaming industry, it is imperative to identify that there is a problem and to what extent. To do so, there is a need to know where the industry’s climate footprints lie and how to calculate them. Then, strategic actions to reduce the climate impact from the Swedish gaming industry can be taken. This study presents a framework that outlines the product life cycle of a game and its relation to the organization's greenhouse gas emissions. The framework presented in the study can help researchers and practitioners identify where emissions occur and simplify the calculations of their climate footprint. Furthermore, reports and guides presented by some of the active climate initiatives were interpreted and analyzed in relation to the framework to map what emissions the reduction actions are targeting. To understand the Swedish aspect, and the organizational aspect, primary data was collected from sustainability reports published by Swedish gaming companies. These reports were used to identify how they are conducting their climate work, what their climate footprint is, and what actions they are taking to reduce their negative impact. Finally interviews with practitioners in the Swedish gaming industry were conducted to understand how climate change and climate actions affect their day-to-day activities. By triangulating the data collected from initiatives, sustainability reports and interviews, the intersection between initiatives and the industry was identified. The findings in this triangulation in combination with previous research and the presented framework can then be used to map the current state of the Swedish gaming industry with regards to its climate impact and its negative impact reduction action.

A study on 2D advertisementsin mobile versus VR experiences

Beverskog, Simon, Larsson, Fredrik January 2020 (has links)
Virtual reality tech is new, exciting and full of opportunities.Despite this the gaming section of virtual reality does not grow asfast as it was predicted it would be. Headsets and games areexpensive and perhaps a market model similar to the mobile gamingmarket would do the new tech good. A model that is heavily reliant onadvertisements and low prices.The purpose of this thesis is to show that virtual reality games areas viable an advertising target as mobile games that are a popularadvertisement medium. The study uses 2D billboard advertisements asthey are a non-intrusive advertisement format that can be implementedin a similar fashion on a mobile game and VR game.For this study two games were developed, one that runs on a OculusQuest VR headset and one for mobile Android devices. The games are asclose to each other as possible in terms of objective and settingwith the same advertisements implemented in them, each game featurestwo levels, one level contains advertisements and one does not.Surveys are used to find data regarding how the advertisementsaffected the game experience on both platforms. Interviews were thenconducted to find more qualitative information and to explain theresults as well as to find out what makes an advertisement good ortolerable.

Identifying Lean Waste in the Development Pipeline of an In-game 2D Map / Identifiering av Lean Waste Inom Utvecklingspipelinen för en 2D Spelkarta

Budak, Ronya January 2024 (has links)
Lean software development is an approach that focuses on identifying and removing unnecessary processes that occur within a pipeline that add no value to the end product. It adapts ideas from lean manufacturing and the Toyota production system for use within the software space, and is ideal for streamlining pipelines. In this paper, the development pipeline of a two-dimensional in-game map is analyzed through the lens of the first principle of lean software development, ’eliminate waste’. Lean waste is identified and measured in order to identify problem areas within the pipeline that can be improved upon in order to streamline the pipeline and highlight issues. Additionally, value stream mapping is used to aid in the visualization of the pipeline and waste identification. The integration of in-game maps within video games serves as an integral component for navigation and gameplay enhancement, assisting the player with identifying their location and marking crucial locations. As the map functions as a relatively contained element of the gameplay, the development of video game maps parallels a small-scale version of the overall game development pipeline. The map development pipeline can be summarized with the following seven subtasks; add features to the prototype tool, export heightmap and watermask, generate map using the prototype tool, render map in game, connect map to UI, export road information, and add roads to map. Throughout development, three types of lean waste were identified: waiting, defects, and motion. Of these, defects proved to be the most significant, accounting for 48% of development time, while motion and waiting consumed 9% and 7% of pipeline time, respectively. The suggested solutions to decrease waste in this pipeline involve testing and improving important tools frequently, writing better and more coherent documentations, as well as removing documents of poor quality. / Lean software development är en metod som fokuserar på att identifiera och ta bort onödiga processer som sker inom en pipeline som inte tillför något värde till slutprodukten. Metoden anpassar ideer från lean manufacturing och Toyotas produktionssystem för användning inom mjukvaruområdet och är idealisk för att effektivisera pipelines. I detta arbete undersöks utvecklingsprocessen av en tvådimensionell karta i ett datorspel och analyseras baserat på den första principen av lean software development, ‘eliminera avfall’, och används för att effektivisera processen. Value stream mapping används för att visualisera utvecklingsprocessen och ta fram problem som kan uppstå. Integrationen av kartor inom datorspel utgör en väsentlig komponent för navigation och en bättre spelupplevelse, vilket hjälper spelaren att identifiera sin position och markera viktiga platser. Då kartan fungerar som ett relativt avgränsat element av spelupplevelsen, betyder det att utvecklingen av spelkartan kan ses som en parallell av en mindre skala till hela spelets utvecklingsprocess. Utvecklingsprocessen för kartan kan sammanfattas med dess sju deluppgifter; lägg till funktioner i prototyp verktyget, exportera höjd- och vattenkartan, generera kartan med prototyp verktyget, rendera kartan i spelet, anslut kartan till användargränssnittet, exportera väginformation, och lägg till vägar på kartan. Under utvecklingen identifierades tre typer av lean avfall: väntetid, defekter och rörelse. Av dessa visade det sig att defekter tog upp mest tid, med 48% av utvecklingstiden, medan rörelse och väntetid krävde 9% respektive 7% av utvecklingstiden. De föreslagna lösningarna för att minska på avfall i denna pipeline innefattar att testa och förbättra viktiga verktyg frekvent, skriva bättre och mer sammanhängande dokumentation, samt att ta bort dokument av dålig kvalitet.

Indie Game Development : An Interview Study on Game Development and the Free-to-Play Business Model

Engqvist, Pontus January 2024 (has links)
In a fast paced and ever evolving industry where video games have become an important partof consumers' everyday life, game development can be tricky. The process of developmentcontains challenges that can either make or break a game. This study aims to shed some lighton the indie game development process, what challenges it has, how an independent video gamedeveloper would approach this process and to give the reader a greater understanding of whatbusiness models are used within the video game industry.To gather data a semi-structured interview was conducted with indie game developers so thatthey could give their perspective on the process of developing games, the challenges andbusiness models within video game industry. The data was then analyzed using the thematicanalysis approach to find themes and relate the results to what literature had to say about thearea.The conclusion of this study show that indie development usually starts with an idea, which isthen created into an early protype for testing purposes as well as to gather feedback whetherthis idea could become a fully-fledged game. The conclusion also shows that one challengewith using the free-to-play business model is the fact that many game companies have startedusing this specific business model, because of this there is more competition amongst gamesutilizing the business model.

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