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Estudo randomizado comparativo entre nutrição parenteral precoce e tardia em pacientes com câncer submetidos à cirurgia gastrointestinal eletiva: estudo clínico, randomizado e controlado / Randomized comparative study between early and late parenteral nutrition in cancer patients submitted to elective gastrointestinal surgery: a randomized controlled clinical studyMarques, Patricia Camargo 25 April 2018 (has links)
Objetivos: O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar comparativamente a incidência de complicações pós-operatórias em pacientes cirúrgicos submetidos a diferentes estratégias de nutrição parenteral: Precoce vs. Tardia. Desenho: Estudo fase IV de superioridade, unicêntrico, prospectivo e randomizado. Local: Instituto do Câncer do Estado de São Paulo, Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil. Participantes: Adultos, com idade maior ou igual a dezoito anos, portadores de neoplasia gastrointestinal (esôfago, estômago e/ou intestino), metastática ou não, submetidos à cirurgia oncológica eletiva não paliativa. Intervenção: Os pacientes foram randomizados em dois grupos para nutrição parenteral precoce ou tardia. No grupo Precoce, a nutrição parenteral total era iniciada no segundo dia de pós-operatório e, no grupo Tardio, os pacientes recebiam nutrição parenteral a partir do 7º dia de pós-operatório. Os pacientes e os analisadores de desfechos desconheciam o grupo de tratamento. A análise foi feita de acordo com intenção de tratar. Desfecho primário: Desfecho composto de complicações pós-operatórias em 30 dias incluindo complicações respiratórias, cardiovasculares, renais, neurológicas, infecciosas e cirúrgicas. Desfechos secundários: Os desfechos secundários foram mortalidade em 30 dias, necessidade de unidade de terapia intensiva, tempo total de internação na unidade de terapia intensiva e no hospital, readmissão na unidade de terapia intensiva, tempo de ventilação mecânica, tempo de uso de vasopressores, disfunção hepática e reinternação hospitalar. Resultados: No período de 08 de maio de 2013 a 07 de outubro de 2017, foram analisados para elegibilidade 658 pacientes, tendo sido randomizados 167 para o grupo nutrição parenteral Precoce e 168 pacientes para o grupo nutrição parenteral Tardia. Em 30 dias, o grupo Precoce apresentou 46 complicações (27,5%) e o grupo Tardio apresentou 68 complicações (40,5%) [Intervalo de confiança 95% da diferença entre os grupos - 12,9 (-22,7 a -2,8), p=0,013]. Em relação aos desfechos secundários, não houve diferenças entre os grupos. Conclusão: Em pacientes com câncer submetidos à cirurgia gastrointestinal eletiva, a estratégia nutricional parenteral Precoce foi superior à nutricional parenteral Tardia na prevenção de complicações pós-operatórias. Registro: www.clinicaltrials.gov: NCT0183 9617 / Objectives: The objective of this study was to compare the incidence of postoperative complications in surgical patients submitted to different parenteral nutrition strategies: Early vs. Late. Design: Phase IV study of superiority, unicentric, prospective and randomized. Location: Cancer Institute of the State of São Paulo, Faculty of Medicine, University of São Paulo, Brazil. Participants: Adults, age equal or higher than eighteen years, gastrointestinal neoplasia (esophagus, stomach and / or intestine), metastatic or not, submitted to non-palliative elective oncologic surgery. Intervention: Patients were randomized into two groups: Early parenteral nutrition or Late parenteral nutrition. In the Early group, total parenteral nutrition was started on the second postoperative day, and in the Late group, patients received parenteral nutrition on the 7th postoperative day. Patients and outcome assessors were blinded to the treatment group. The analysis was performed according to intent to treat. Primary outcome: A composite endpoint of postoperative complications in 30 days including respiratory, cardiovascular, renal, neurological, infectious and surgical complications. Secondary outcomes: Secondary outcomes were 30-day mortality, need for intensive care unit, total length of hospital and intensive care unit stay, intensive care unit readmission, duration of mechanical ventilation, duration of vasopressors, hepatic dysfunction and hospital readmission. Results: Between May 8, 2013 and October 7, 2017, 658 patients were assessed for eligibility, and 167 were randomized to the Early group and 168 patients to the Late group. At 30 days, the Early group had 46 complications (27.5%) and the Late group had 68 complications (40.5%) - [absolute difference, 95% Confidence Interval of the absolute difference -12.9 (-22.7 to -2.8), p = 0.013]. The secondary outcomes were not different between the groups. Conclusion: In patients with cancer undergoing elective gastrointestinal surgery, Early parenteral nutritional strategy was superior than the Late strategy in avoiding postoperative complications. Registration: www.clinicaltrials.gov: NCT01839617
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Estudo das expressões de marcadores imunoistoquímicos do sistema imune em felinos com linfoma gastrointestinal / Study of immune system markers by immunohistochemistry in cats with gastrointestinal lymphomaWinkel, Valter de Medeiros 14 October 2016 (has links)
Linfomas pertencem a um grupo de neoplasias que tem em comum a origem em células linforreticulares, sendo a forma anatômica gastrointestinal a mais prevalente na espécie felina. A maioria dos animais responde inicialmente ao tratamento, contudo, sabe-se que o desequilíbrio no sistema imune, de modo geral, pode facilitar a ocorrência e a disseminação das neoplasias. Para equilibrar a atividade do sistema imune, as células com função regulatória (Tregs) são fundamentais e por isso, alvo de diversas pesquisas isoladamente ou associadas a outros marcadores, como a IL-17A e o CD8, já que tanto as Tregs quanto os linfócitos Th17 originam-se de uma mesma célula T progenitora. Assim, alterações na relação Treg/Th17 podem levar à supressão na produção de linfócitos T CD8, invertendo a relação Tregs/CD8. Também há indícios de que as Tregs alterem a função efetora de células T contra neoplasias em seres humanos e em cães. Foram objetivos deste estudo avaliar as características do linfoma gastrointestinal em felinos, a proliferação celular por meio do índice mitótico e do marcador Ki-67, a expressão imunoistoquímica de CD4, CD8, CD25 (IL-2R), FOXP3 e IL-17A e correlacionar a expressão desses marcadores com o tipo celular, imunofenótipo, resposta ao tratamento e sobrevida global. Para análise estatística foram utilizados os testes de Mann-Whitney, Kruskal-Wallis, Quiquadrado de Pearson, de correlação de Spearman e a curva Kaplan-Meyer. Dos 47 gatos, 85% apresentaram a forma linfocítica de células T, com mediana de sobrevida de 24 meses; 15% apresentaram a forma linfoblástica de células B ou T, com mediana de sobrevida de 5 meses. A expressão de Ki-67 foi mais evidente naqueles pacientes com linfoma linfoblástico de células B ou T se comparado ao linfocítico de células T, com mediana de 40,5% e 8,2%, respectivamente e p=0,002. Na análise dos marcadores do sistema imune, não foi observada marcação de IL-2R. Não houve diferença significante na expressão de IL-17 e FOXP3 entre os tipos celulares e imunofenótipo, bem como não houve correlação entre FOXP3 e IL-17 e entre FOXP3 e CD8. Considerando somente os casos de linfoma linfocítico de células T, na análise do padrão de remissão parcial (n=12) versus completa (n=27), constatou-se diferença significante quanto à sobrevida (p<0,0001) e CD8 (p=0,015). Na análise de sobrevida, o tratamento com L-asparaginase, clorambucil e prednisolona, os níveis de albumina sérica iguais ou maiores que 2,5g/dL e o ganho de peso no início do tratamento foram preditores de maior tempo de sobrevida. Pode-se concluir que o linfoma linfocítico de células T foi o mais prevalente na espécie felina, envolvendo principalmente o intestino delgado e com um tempo mediano de sobrevivência de 24 meses; a expressão de ki-67 foi melhor marcador para determinar a proliferação celular se comparada ao índice mitótico; a expressão de FOXP3 foi baixa e não se relacionou à resposta terapêutica e ao tempo de sobrevida. Na análise específica dos casos de linfoma linfocítico de células T, não houve correlação entre FOXP3/IL-17 e FOXP3/CD8, enquanto que a baixa expressão de CD8 correlacionou-se a maior sobrevida naqueles pacientes em remissão completa / Lymphomas belong to a group of neoplasia that have in common the origin in lymphoreticular cells, and gastrointestinal is the most prevalent anatomical form in feline species. Most animals initially respond to treatment, however, it is known that the imbalance in the immune system generally may facilitate the occurrence and spread of tumors. To balance the activity of immune system, cells with regulatory function (Treg) are essential and therefore the target of many researches, alone or in combination with other markers such as IL-17A and CD8, as well Tregs as Th17 lymphocytes originate from a same progenitor T-cell. Thus, the relation between Treg / Th17 is important since changes in this relation can lead to suppressed production of CD8+ T lymphocytes, inverting the relation Treg/CD8. There is also evidence that Tregs alter the effector function of T cells against tumors in human beings and dogs. The objectives of this study was to evaluate the characteristics of gastrointestinal (GI) lymphoma in cats, cell proliferation by mitotic index and Ki-67 marker, immunohistochemical expression of CD4, CD8, CD25 (IL-2R), FOXP3 and IL-17A and correlate the expression of these markers on the cell-type, immunophenotype, response to treatment and overall survival. Statistical analysis was performed by Mann-Whitney test, Kruskal-Wallis test, Pearson\'s Chi-squared test, Spearman correlation and Kaplan-Meier curve. Of the 47 cats, 85% showed lymphocytic T cells, with a median survival of 24 months; and 15% had lymphoblastic B or T cells, with a median survival of 5 months. Ki-67 expression was most evident in patients with lymphoblastic B- or T-cell lymphoma compared to lymphocytic T cell lymphoma, with a median of 40.5% and 8.2%, respectively and p = 0.002. In the analysis of immune system markers, immunostaing was not observed IL-2R. There was no significant difference in IL-17A and FOXP3 expression between cell-type and immunophenotypes, as well as no correlation between FOXP3 and IL-17A and between FOXP3 and CD8. Considering only the cases of lymphocytic T-cell lymphoma, there was a significant difference in survival time (p <0.0001) and CD8 expression (p = 0.015) considering partial (n = 12) versus complete remission (n = 27). In survival analysis, treatment A (L-asparaginase, chlorambucil and prednisolone), as well as serum albumin levels equal or higher than 2.5g/dL and weight gain after 30 days of treatment were predictive of increased survival time. As conclusion, lymphocytic T-cell lymphoma was more prevalent in feline species, mainly involving the small intestine and with a median survival of 24 months. Ki-67 expression was better marker to determine cell proliferation than mitotic index. FOXP3 expression was low and did not correlate to therapeutic response and survival time in GI lymphoma. In the specific analysis of lymphocytic T-cell lymphoma, there was no correlation between FOXP3/IL-17A and FOXP3/CD8, while low CD8 expression was correlated with increased survival in patients in complete remission
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Comparação da esclerose endoscópica com a ligadura elástica para o tratamento da fase aguda da hemorragia por ruptura de varizes de esôfago / Comparison of endoscopic sclerosis with endoscopic band ligation for hemostasis of acute hemorrhage elicited by rupture of esophageal varicesLuz, Gustavo de Oliveira 10 December 2008 (has links)
Embora esteja comprovada a superioridade da ligadura elástica sobre a esclerose endoscópica na profilaxia secundária da hemorragia varicosa, ainda há discussão se esta vantagem também é observada no tratamento da fase aguda do sangramento. O presente estudo tem como objetivo comparar os resultados da ligadura elástica com a esclerose endoscópica em pacientes admitidos no Pronto-Socorro (PS) do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (HCFMUSP) por hemorragia digestiva alta provocada por rotura de varizes de esôfago. Tratase de estudo unicêntrico, prospectivo, com alocação aleatória dos pacientes sem crossover. A fim de se detectar diferença de 20% entre a capacidade de hemostasia de cada um dos métodos, cada grupo deveria ser constituído por 260 pacientes, considerando poder estatístico de 80% e nível de significância inferior a 5%. Após diagnóstico endoscópico de rotura de varizes de esôfago, foi realizado sorteio para inclusão dos pacientes em dois grupos: esclerose endoscópica (EE) x ligadura elástica (LE). A esclerose foi realizada através da injeção intravasal de oleato de etanolamina a 3%, em alíquotas de 5ml, acima e abaixo do ponto de ruptura, respeitando o valor máximo por sessão de 20ml. No grupo LE, procurou-se ligar a variz sobre o ponto de ruptura. Se isto não foi possível, procurou-se ligar todo o tecido varicoso dos 3cm finais do esôfago. Foi utilizado o kit de ligadura MBL-6 e cateter VINF 23 (Cook, E. Tamusssino). As variáveis estudadas foram: a taxa de hemostasia inicial (até 5 dias), recidiva hemorrágica precoce (5 dias a 6 semanas), complicações e mortalidade. De maio de 2005 a maio de 2007, foram admitidos, no PS do HCFMUSP, 480 pacientes com hemorragia digestiva alta (HDA) provocada por hemorragia varicosa esofágica. Destes, 380 foram excluídos pelos seguintes motivos: mais de um tratamento prévio com ligadura ou esclerose (n=180), não randomização (n=85), uso de outra técnica hemostática como adesivo tissular de cianoacrilato (n=62) ou tratamento clínico incompleto no momento do exame endoscópico (n=53). Cem pacientes, 50 no grupo EE e 50 no LE foram incluídos no estudo. Destes, 72 eram homens e 28 mulheres, média de idade 52 anos. Os grupos se mostraram homogêneos quanto ao sexo, idade, Child-Pugh, hemoglobinemia à admissão, presença de choque hipovolêmico e calibre das varizes. Não foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre os grupos com relação ao controle inicial do sangramento (5 dias), ressangramento precoce (5 dias a 6 semanas), complicações e mortalidade (9 no grupo EE e 10 no grupo LE). Ao final de 6 semanas, 36 (80%) pacientes no grupo esclerose e 33 (77%) no grupo ligadura elástica estavam vivos e sem sinais de sangramento. Foi encontrada associação estatisticamente significante entre a classificação de Child-Pugh e mortalidade (p<0,001), que foi de 16% nos graus A ou B e 84% nos pacientes Child-Pugh C. Os resultados obtidos com esta casuística limitada sugerem que EE e a LE são igualmente eficazes no controle da hemorragia varicosa aguda. / Despite the superiority of banding over endoscopic sclerosis for secondary prophylaxis of variceal bleeding, there is still debate if this advantage is also observed for the acute bleeding setting. The study aims to compare band ligation (BL) with endoscopic sclerosis (SCL) in patients admitted to the emergency unit for rupture of esophageal varices. Prospective study carried out in a single center, with random allocation of the patients without crossover. In order to detect a 20% difference between the results of each method, each group should consist of 260 patients, considering an 80% statistical power and level of significance less than 5%. After an endoscopic diagnosis of rupture of esophageal varices, the patients were randomly allocated in two groups: SCL and BL. Sclerosis was performed by ethanolamine oleate intravascular injection, above and below the rupture point (maximum volume of 20 ml). In the BL group, banding was attempted at the point of rupture followed by ligation of the whole variceal tissue of the distal esophagus. Six-shooter® and VINF23® catheter (Cook, W. Salem, USA) were employed. Studied variables were initial failure in control bleeding (5 days), early rebleeding rates (5 days to 6 weeks), complications and mortality. From May 2005 to May 2007, 480 patients with an episode of variceal bleeding were admitted to the emergency room. From them, 380 were excluded because more than one previous treatment with SCL or BL (n=180), non-randomization (n=85), the use of another hemostatic technique such as cyanoacrylate tissular adhesive (n=62) and incomplete clinical treatment (n=53).One hundred patients, 50 in the SCL and 50 in the BL group were included in the study (72 male, 28 female, mean age 52 years). No differences between the groups were detected regarding gender, age, Child-Pugh status, the presence of shock at admission, mean hemoglobin levels and varices size. No statistically significant differences were found between the groups regarding control bleeding (5 days) and early rebleeding rates (5 days to 6 weeks), complications and mortality (9 in the SCL vs. 10 in the BL group). By the end of 6 weeks 36 (80%) patients in the SCL group and 33 (77%) in the EBL group were alive and free of bleeding. A statistically significant association was found between Child-Pugh status and mortality (p<0,001), which was 16% for A and B grades and 84% for grade C patients. The results obtained with this limited number of patients suggest that SCL and BL are equally efficient in the control of acute variceal bleeding.
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Avaliação da durabilidade dos diferentes modelos de sondas de troca de gastrostomia / Durability of five different percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) tubesVillela, Emanuele Lima 22 March 2013 (has links)
Introdução: No acompanhamento diário de pacientes que realizam troca de sonda de gastrostomia endoscópica percutânea (GEP), observa-se a preco- cidade com que ocorrem essas trocas devido à curta durabilidade da sonda, especialmente decorrente da ruptura do balão interno da sonda. Objetivo: Este estudo prospectivo visou à avaliação da durabilidade de cinco diferen- tes marcas de sondas de troca de GEP. Método: Cem procedimentos con- secutivos de troca de sonda de GEP (realizados em 65 pacientes) foram dis- tribuídos, a cada grupo de 20 procedimentos, em cinco grupos determinados pelas marcas de sondas avaliadas (Kangaroo®, Wilson Cook®, Silmag®, Fre- ka® e Bard®). Conforme o protocolo proposto, após a troca, os pacientes fo- ram seguidos ao longo de seis meses, e, nesse período, foram realizadas três avaliações para verificação de eventuais intercorrências. Para avaliação da durabilidade das sondas, foi considerado o período de permanência dos pacientes no protocolo, determinada pelo término do período de estudo ou pela necessidade de troca da sonda por ruptura do balão ou desgaste do tubo ou da tampa. As curvas de durabilidade das sondas foram determina- das pelo Método de Kaplan Meier e pelo Modelo de Regressão de Cox. Resultados: Houve variações importantes na durabilidade das sondas quando considerados os três motivos de troca da sonda associados. Essa diferença não foi observada quando se considerou apenas a ruptura do balão, cujas ocorrências se mostraram associadas com pacientes em uso de GEP por distúrbios neurológicos sem diagnóstico. A durabilidade das sondas foi tanto menor, quanto maior o número de trocas anteriores. Conclusões: A marca da sonda de troca de GEP não influenciou a sua durabilidade quando deter- minada pela ruptura do balão, mas, quando determinada também por des- gaste em tubo e tampa, as sondas Wilson Cook® apresentaram durabilidade significativamente maior do que as sondas Silmag® e Bard®. O número de trocas anteriores se mostrou fator determinante de menor durabilidade das sondas / Introduction: During the follow-up of patients after replacement of percuta- neous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) tubes, the early need of new replace- ments seems to be consequence of the short durability of the tubes, espe- cially due to the rupture of their internal balloon. Objectives: In this prospec- tive study, the durability of five different PEG tubes was estimated. Methods: One hundred consecutive procedures (in 65 patients) for replacing PEG tubes were divided into five groups determined by the tubes model: Kanga- roo®, Wilson Cook®, Silmag®, Freka® and Bard®. According to the protocol developed for the study, patients were followed up along six months, and three evaluations for verifying eventual outcomes were carried out during this period. Estimation of the tubes durability considered the time patients re- mained in the protocol, which was determined by the termination of the follow up period or by the need for replacing the tubes due to the balloon rupture or to the loss of use of tube or cover. Curves of tubes durability were estab- lished by applying the Kaplan-Meier Method and the Cox Regression Model. Results: Important variations of the tubes durability were observed when the three causes for replacement were considered all together. Differences were not observed when considered only the balloon rupture, which was associated with patients using PEG in virtue of not specified neurologic disorders. Shorter tubes durability was associated with more previous replacements. Spontaneous opening of the cover and slipping of the external protection were significantly less frequent in the Freka® tubes, although such outcomes did not determined the tubes durability. Conclusion: The model of PEG re- placement tubes did not influence their durability regarding the balloon rup- ture alone. Considering such occurrence associated with problems in tubes or covers, the longest durability was observed in Wilson Cook®, followed by Freka, ® Kangaroo®, Silmag® and Bard® tubes. The number of previous re- placements showed to be determining factor for the tubes durability
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Avaliação comparativa do epitélio do esôfago de Barrett atráves da cápsula endoscópica do esôfago e endoscopia digestiva alta associada a cromoscopia com azul de metileno / Comparative evaluation of the epithelium of Barrett\'s esophagus through the esophageal capsule endoscopy and methylene blue chromoendoscopyDomingos, Thiago Alonso 29 March 2011 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: O esôfago de Barrett (EB) é uma patologia que aumenta substancialmente o risco de adenocarcinoma esofágico. Os pacientes portadores de EB devem ser seguidos ao longo de toda a vida na tentativa da detecção de neoplasia em estágio precoce. A endoscopia digestiva alta (EDA) é, atualmente, o método de eleição. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a eficácia da cápsula endoscópica do esôfago (CEE) comparada à EDA com cromoscopia com azul de metileno para detecção de lesões suspeitas de neoplasia esofágica, avaliação da extensão e padrão do EB, e identificação da presença de hérnia de hiato; além de comparar a segurança e grau de desconforto dos dois métodos. MÉTODOS: Estudo de casos transversal, realizado em 22 pacientes sabidamente portadores de EB que foram submetidos à fundoplicatura à Nissen há mais de 5 anos. Os pacientes realizaram os exames de CEE e EDA com cromoscopia esofágica por médicos diferentes e desconhecedores dos achados do outro exame. Após a realização dos exames, foi aplicado um questionário onde foi anotado o grau de desconforto do paciente em cada exame e eventuais complicações. Foi avaliado o índice de concordância (kappa) entre os dois métodos para pesquisa de lesões suspeitas de neoplasia esofágica, características do EB e detecção de hérnia hiatal. RESULTADOS: Dezenove pacientes completaram o estudo. A CEE apresentou sensibilidade e valor preditivo negativo de 100% e acurácia de 79% para detecção de lesão suspeita de neoplasia esofágica e concordância razoável com EDA (kappa = 0,27). A acurácia da CEE para avaliação da extensão do EB foi de 89% e concordância moderada (kappa = 0,60) com EDA. A acurácia da CEE para avaliação de EB digitiforme, circunferencial e misto foram, respectivamente, 74%, 79% e 74% com concordância moderada nos casos de EB circunferencial e misto e não significante no EB digitiforme. Quanto à detecção de hérnia de hiato a CEE apresentou sensibilidade de 43% e acurácia de 74%, com concordância razoável (kappa = 0,38) com EDA. Não houve diferença estatística de desconforto entre os exames e não houve complicação em ambos os métodos endoscópicos. CONCLUSÕES: A CEE mostrou-se um bom método de detecção de lesões suspeitas de neoplasia esofágica. Quanto a avaliação da extensão e padrão do EB, a CEE apresentou resultados razoáveis, quando comparada à EDA com cromoscopia esofágica. A CEE apresentou resultados insatisfatórios quanto à detecção de hérnia hiatal. Não houve diferença significativa de desconforto entre CEE e EDA. Os dois métodos mostraram-se seguros / INTRODUCTION: Barrett\'s esophagus (BE) is a condition that substantially increases the risk of esophageal adenocarcinoma. Patients with BE should be followed throughout life in an attempt to detect cancer at an early stage. Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy (GIE) is currently the method of choice. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the efficacy of esophageal capsule endoscopy (ECE) compared to methylene blue (MB) chromoendoscopy for detection of suspicious lesions of esophageal cancer, evaluation of extent and pattern of BE, and identifying the presence of hiatal hernia, in addition to compare the safety and patients discomfort of the two methods. METHODS: Transverse study, conducted on 22 Barretts patients submitted to Nissen fundoplication with more than five years follow-up. Patients underwent examinations of ECE and MB chromoendoscopy by different physicians blinds to each procedures. After the exams, patients discomfort and possible complications that occurred in each method were recorded. It was evaluated the concordance index between the two methods for detection of suspicious lesions of esophageal cancer, extent and pattern of BE and hiatal hernia detection. RESULTS: Nineteen patients completed the study. The ECE sensitivity, negative predictive value and accuracy were, respectively, 100%, 100% and 79% for detecting suspicious lesion of esophageal cancer and had reasonable agreement with MB chromoendoscopy (kappa = 0.27). The ECE accuracy for assessing the extent of BE was 89% and had moderate agreement (kappa = 0.60) with MB chromoendoscopy. The accuracy of the ECE for evaluation of finger-like, circumferential, and mixed BE were respectively 74%, 79% and 74%, and moderate agreement in cases of circumferencial and mixed BE and not significant agreement for finger-like BE. ECE sensitivity and accuracy for detecting hiatal hernia were, respectively, 43 % and 74%, and fair agreement (kappa = 0.38) with MB chromoendoscopy. There was no statistical difference between the discomfort of examinations and there was no complication in both endoscopic methods. CONCLUSIONS: The ECE has proved to be a good method for detecting suspicious lesions of esophageal cancer. As the evaluation of the extent and pattern of BE, the ECE had reasonable results, when compared to MB chromoendoscopy. The ECE had unsatisfactory results regarding the detection of hiatal hernia. There was no significant difference in discomfort between the ECE and GIE. Both methods proved to be safe
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Tratamento de varizes gástricas: mola e cianoacrilato versus cianoacrilato-estudo prospectivo randomizado / Treatment of gastric varices: coil plus cyanoacrylate versus cyanoacrylate alone. A randomized and prospective studyLôbo, Maíra Ribeiro de Almeida 24 March 2017 (has links)
A obliteração com cianoacrilato ainda é a técnica recomendada para tratamento das varizes gástricas, apesar do risco de embolia pulmonar. O tratamento ecoguiado com mola e cianoacrilato é uma alternativa recente, idealizado com o principal objetivo de diminuir a incidência de embolia. O presente estudo tem como objetivo comparar prospectivamente as duas técnicas quanto a incidência de complicações e a eficácia. Foram tratados pacientes com varizes gástricas pseudotumorais dos tipos GOV2 ou IGV1, em profilaxia primária ou secundária, sem tratamento endoscópico ou radiológico prévio. Os pacientes foram randomizados em dois grupos: grupo I - terapia ecoguiada com injeção de mola e cianoacrilato; grupo II - injeção não ecoguiada de cianoacrilato apenas. Tomografias computadorizadas para pesquisa de embolia foram realizadas em todos pacientes após o procedimento. Ecoendoscopia controle foi realizada com 1, 4 e 10 meses. O estudo foi realizado entre outubro de 2013 e novembro de 2016. O tempo médio de seguimento foi de 9,9 meses (1-26 meses). Foram avaliados 32 pacientes com idades entre 20 e 75 anos (média de 53,5 anos). Dezenove (59,4%) pacientes eram do sexo feminino. As etiologias da hipertensão portal mais encontradas foram a cirrose criptogênica, 7 (21,9%) e a hepatite C, 7 (21,9%). Vinte e cinco (78,1%) eram Child A e 7 (21,9%) Child B. Dezessete (53,1%) pacientes já tinham sangrado e 19 (59,4%) já haviam sido submetidos a tratamento endoscópico prévio de varizes esofágicas. Não houve diferença significante entre os dois grupos nas características acima citadas. Quanto aos achados endoscópicos e ecoendoscópicos, no grupo I, 13 (81,2%) pacientes apresentavam varizes gástricas do tipo GOV2 e 3 (18,8%) do tipo IGV1, números iguais aos achados no grupo II . O tamanho médio da variz gástrica foi de 3,62 cm ( ± 1,13) no grupo I e de 3,06 cm (± 0,88) no grupo II (p=0,131). A trombose imediata do vaso foi total em 6 (37,5%) pacientes no grupo I e em 8 (50%) pacientes no grupo II (p=0,476). No retorno em 30 dias, 11 (73,3%) pacientes no grupo I apresentavam ausência de fluxo no vaso tratado e 12 (75%) no grupo II (p=1). Quatro (26,7% e 25%) pacientes em cada grupo necessitaram de uma segunda sessão de tratamento em 30 dias (p=1). Após 4 meses, foi observada a trombose total do vaso tratado em 15 (100%) pacientes no grupo I e em 12 (80%) pacientes no grupo II (p=0,224). Dois (6,7%) pacientes foram a óbito no grupo II, sendo um decorrente de hemorragia digestiva alta e outro de sepse de foco indeterminado. No grupo I, 8 (50%) pacientes tiveram complicações precoces, sendo 4 (25%) casos de embolia pulmonar. No grupo II, 10 (62,5%) apresentaram complicações, com 8 (50%) casos de embolia . Não houve diferença significativa entre os dois grupos quanto ao índice de embolia pulmonar (p=0,144). Todos os pacientes que apresentaram embolia foram assintomáticos. Avaliando separadamente os pacientes com embolia pulmonar, não se observou diferença significante quanto ao grau de disfunção hepática, tipo da variz gástrica, número de sessões necessárias para a erradicação e a quantidade de ampolas de cianoacrilato utilizadas. Entretanto, o tamanho das varizes foi significativamente maior nos pacientes que tiveram embolia (3,85 cm ± 1,08) do que nos que não apresentaram essa complicação (3,04 cm ±0,9) (p=0,029). No grupo II, varizes maiores que 2,5 cm cursaram com maior incidência de embolia, com área sob a curva ROC de 0,836. O custo da injeção da mola com cianoacrilato foi significativamente maior que o do cianoacrilato (p < 0,001). Apesar da maior incidência de embolia no grupo I, não se observou significância estatística na comparação entre os dois grupos. A eficácia das duas técnicas se mostrou semelhante / In order to treat gastric varices, endoscopic obliteration using cyanoacrylate remains as the recommended technique, despite pulmonary embolism risk. EUS-guided coil treatment with cyanoacrylate is a recent alternative, designed with the main objective to decrease embolism incidence. This study aims at comparing these techniques regarding complication incidence and efficacy prospectively. Patients diagnosed with GOV2- or IGV1-pseudotumoral gastric varices were treated in primary or secondary prophylaxis, and no previous endoscopic or radiologic treatment. Patients were randomized into two groups: group I - EUS-guided coiling and cyanoacrylate injection treatment and group II - non EUS-guided cyanoacrylate injection alone treatment. Computed tomography was performed to identify embolism in all patients post-procedure. Control EUS examinations were performed at months 1, 4, and 10. This study was conducted from October 2013 to November 2016. Mean follow-up time was 9.9 months (1-26 months). Among the total of 32 patients aged 20 to 75 years old (mean age: 53.5 years) evaluated, 19 (59.4%) were female. Mostly found portal hypertension etiology was cryptogenic cirrhosis, in 7 (21.9%) patients, and hepatitis C virus, in 7 (21.9%). Twenty-five (78.1%) patients were categorized Child A and 7 (21.9%), Child B. Seventeen (53.1%) patients already presented with bleeding and 19 (59.4%) already underwent previous endoscopic esophageal variceal treatment. No significant difference between the two groups across the characteristics previously mentioned was found. Regarding endoscopic and ultrasound findings, in group I, 13 (81.2%) patients presented GOV2 gastric varices and 3 (18.8%), IGV1; whereas in group II, these same results were observed. Gastric variceal mean size was 3.62 cm (±1.13) in group I and 3.06 cm (±0.88) in group II (p=0.131). Immediate vessel thrombosis was found to be total in 6 (37.5%) patients from group I and in 8 (50%) from group II (p=0.476). At 30-day return visit, no flow in the treated vessel was verified in 11 (73.3%) patients from group I and 12 (75%) from group II (p=1). Four (26.7% and 25%) patients from both groups required second treatment session within 30 days (p=1). After 4 months, total thrombosis in the treated vessel was observed in 15 (100%) patients from group I and 12 (80%) from group II (p=0.224). Two (6.7%) group-II patients died: one from upper gastric hemorrhage and other from sepsis of undetermined focus. In group I, 8 (50%) patients presented early complications, 4 (25%) of them were cases of pulmonary embolism. In group II, 10 (62.5%) presented complications with 8 embolism cases. No significant difference between groups regarding pulmonary embolism index (p=0.144) was found. All embolism patients were asymptomatic. In a separate evaluation of pulmonary embolism patients, no significant difference was observed related to liver dysfunction degree, gastric varix type, number of sessions required for obliteration, and quantity of cyanoacrylate vials used. Nonetheless, variceal size was significantly higher in patients with embolism (3.85 cm ± 1.08) than in those with no such complication (3.04 cm ± 0.9) (p=0.029). In group II, varices larger than 2.5 cm evolved with higher incidence of embolism and the area under the ROC curve was found to be 0.836. Cost of coil injection with cyanoacrylate was significantly higher compared to cyanoacrylate alone (p < 0.001). Despite higher incidence of embolism in group I, no statistical significance in the comparison between groups was verified. Efficacy of both techniques was found to be similar
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Efeitos da isquemia/reperfusão intestinal sobre o receptor P2X2 e neurônios entéricos do íleo de ratos. / Effects of intestinal ischemia/reperfusion on P2X2 receptor and enteric neurons of the rats ileum.Bobna, Aline Rosa Marosti 09 December 2011 (has links)
A isquemia aguda mesentérica é uma condição de grande emergência vascular, que é fatal na população mundial em 60% a 80% dos casos. O objetivo desse trabalho foi estudar, os efeitos da isquemia/reperfusão intestinal sobre o receptor P2X2 e diferentes classes neuronais no plexo mioentérico. Foram analisados o íleo de ratos: controle, Sham e isquemia/reperfusão intestinal (I/R-i) com de 24h e 1 semana de reperfusão. Foram realizadas colocalização do receptor P2X2 com a NOS, ChAT, Calb, Calr, S100 e anti-HuC/D. Os resultados mostraram diminuição de neurônios P2X2-ir colocalizados com a NOS, ChAT e Hu, e um aumento com S100 no grupo I/R-i 1 semana. A densidade apresentou um aumento de células P2X2-ir e S100 e diminuição de ChAT e Hu no grupo I/R-i de 1 semana. O perfil neuronal apresentou um aumento nos neurônios NOS-ir, ChAT, Calb (Dogiel Tipo II) e Calr. Conclui-se que a isquemia levou a alterações diferenciadas no receptor P2X2, células gliais e neurônios entéricos, que podem causar disfunções gastrintestinais, como por exemplo, problemas na motilidade intestinal. / The acute mesenteric ischemia is a vascular condition of extreme emergency, which is fatal in the world population by 60% to 80% of cases. The aim of this work was to study the effects of intestinal ischemia/reperfusion on the P2X2 receptor and different neuronal classes in the myenteric plexus. We analyzed the ileum of rats: control, Sham and ischemia/reperfusion (I/R-i) with 24 hours and 1 week of reperfusion. The colocalization were performed by P2X2 receptor with NOS, ChAT, Calb, Calr, S100 and anti-HUC/D. The results showed a decrease of P2X2-ir neurons colocalizated with ChAT and Hu, and an increase in the group with S100 in the I/R-i 1 week group. The density of cells showed an increase of P2X2-ir and S100 and a decrease of Hu and ChAT in I/R-i 1 week group. The profile area showed an increase in NOS-ir, ChAT-ir, Calb (Dogiel Type II) and Calr-ir neurons. We conclude that ischemia led to different changes in P2X2 receptor, enteric neurons and glial cells, which can cause gastrointestinal disorders, such as intestinal motility disorder.
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Prevalência de infecção pelo Helicobacter pylori associada às afecções diagnosticadas por endoscopia digestiva alta: análise retrospectiva de 1478 casos / Prevalence of H. pylori infection associated with clinical disorders diagnosed by upper gastrointestinal endoscopies, retrospective analysis of 1478 casesMarques, Sérgio Barbosa 23 September 2009 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A prevalência da úlcera péptica e outras afecções esofagogastroduodenais associadas à infecção pelo H. pylori foram alteradas em decorrência da erradicação desta infecção e uso de inibidores de secreção gástrica ácida. OBJETIVO: Determinar a prevalência da infecção pelo Helicobacter pylori associada às afecções diagnosticadas pela endoscopia digestiva alta e analisar fatores de risco. MÉTODOS: Foram analisados dados de 1478 pacientes, e as informações dos achados endoscópicos foram correlacionadas com resultado de teste de urease, faixa etária e gênero. Os pacientes com exame endoscópico normal foram considerados como grupo controle para análise estatística dos fatores de risco, perfazendo um total de 272 indivíduos. RESULTADOS: A prevalência da infecção por H. pylori foi de 53% (n=786), e maior na faixa etária entre 31 e 40 anos. Os achados endoscópicos mais frequentes foram gastrites (n=810; 54,8%), úlceras pépticas duodenais e gástricas (n=494; 33,4%), duodenites (n=287; 19,4%) e esofagites (n=217; 14,7%). Apenas a gastrite nodular e úlcera péptica foram associadas com infecção por H. pylori (p<0,05). Gastrite erosiva no antro (n=644, 78,5%) predominou em relação à pangastrite (n=166; 20,2%) e aquelas no corpo (n=19; 2,3%). Entre os casos de úlcera péptica, 103 (7%) foram gástricas, 343 (23,2%) foram duodenais e 48 (3,2%) foram gástrica e duodenal. A esofagite geralmente foi leve (grau A; 63,1%), 23,5% foram moderada (grau B) e 13,3% foram intensa (graus C e D). Infecção por H. pylori aumentou o risco de úlceras gástrica e duodenal em 1,9 e 1,6 vezes, respectivamente. Gênero masculino e maior idade foram riscos de todas as outras afecções. CONCLUSÃO: Infecção pelo H. pylori associada com maior idade e gênero masculino foram determinantes importantes para evolução de afecções gastrintestinais / Introduction: Peptic ulcer prevalence and other esophageal and gastroduodenal disorders associated with H. pylori infection changed as a consequence of its eradication and the use of gastric acid secretor inhibitors. Purpose: To establish H. pylori infection prevalence associated with clinical disorders diagnosed by upper gastrointestinal endoscopy, and determine the risk factors. Methods: Data from 1478 patients were analyzed, and the endoscopic findings were correlated with the urease test results, age and gender. Patients with normal endoscopy were considered control group for statistical analysis of the risk factors, comprising a total of 272 individuals. Results: The overall prevalence of H. pylori infection was 53% (n=786), being higher between 31 and 40 years old. The most frequent endoscopic findings were gastritis (n=810, 54.8%), peptic ulcer (n=494, 33.4%), duodenitis (n=287, 19.4%) and esophagitis (n=217, 14.7%). Only nodular gastritis and peptic ulcer were associated with H. pylori infection (p<0.05). Erosive gastritis (70%) in the antrum (n=644; 78.5%) predominated in relation to pangastritis (n=166, 20.2%) and the ones in the corpus (n=19, 2.3%). Among peptic ulcer cases, 103 (7%) were gastric, 343 (23.2%) were duodenal and 48 (3.2%) were gastric and duodenal. Esophagitis usually was mild (grade A in 63.1%), 23.5% were moderate (grade B) and 13.3% were intense (grades C and D). H. pylori infection increased the risk of gastric and duodenal ulcers by 1.9 and 1.6-fold, respectively. Male gender and being older were risks of all the other conditions. Conclusion: H. pylori infection associated with older age and male gender were important determinants to gastrointestinal diseases outcome
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Role of the gastrointestinal tract in postprandial blood pressure regulationGentilcore, Diana January 2006 (has links)
This thesis presents studies relating to the role of the gastrointestinal tract in postprandial blood pressure regulation. The areas that have been addressed include : ( i ) the methodological approaches to the evaluation of gastric emptying, blood pressure, splanchnic blood flow, intraluminal manometry and gut hormones and ( ii ) the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying postprandial hypotension, with a particular focus on ' gastric ' and ' small intestinal ' mechanisms and their potential therapeutic relevance. All of the studies have been either published or manuscripts have been prepared for publication. While scintigraphy represents the ' gold standard ' for the measurement of gastric emptying, recent studies suggest that three - dimensional ( 3D ) ultrasonography may also allow a precise measure of gastric emptying. Concurrent scintigraphic and ultrasonographic measurements of gastric emptying of liquids were performed in healthy young volunteers. There was a good correlation and agreement between scintigraphic measurements of gastric emptying and 3D ultrasonography after ingestion of both low - and high - nutrient drinks, indicating that 3D ultrasonography, provides a valid measure of gastric emptying of liquid meals in normal subjects. Postprandial hypotension, defined as a fall in systolic blood pressure of ≥ 20mmHg,occurring within two hours of a meal is now recognised as an important clinical problem, particularly in the elderly and in patients with type 2 diabetes. The mechanisms mediating postprandial hypotension are poorly understood. The effects of variations in concentration of intraduodenal glucose on the magnitude of the fall in blood pressure were evaluated in healthy elderly subjects. Blood pressure fell, and heart rate and blood glucose increased over time during infusions, however, there was no difference in blood pressure, heart rate or blood glucose concentrations between the study days. These observations suggest that glucose induced postprandial hypotension is a load rather, than concentration, dependent phenomenon. The effect of meal composition has been reported to influence the hypotensive response to a meal and information relating to the effects of triglyceride and protein on blood pressure is inconsistent. The comparative effects of isocaloric and isovolaemic intraduodenal infusions of glucose, triglyceride and protein on the magnitude of the postprandial fall in blood pressure and rise in heart rate and superior mesenteric artery blood flow were evaluated in healthy elderly subjects. There were comparable falls in systolic blood pressure and rises in heart rate, however, the maximum fall in systolic blood pressure occurred later after triglyceride and protein and the stimulation of superior mesenteric artery blood flow was less after protein. These observations suggest that the relatively slower systolic blood pressure response after triglyceride and protein may potentially reflect the time taken for digestion of triglyceride to free fatty acids and protein to amino acids. Acarbose is an antidiabetic drug that slows both gastric emptying and small intestinal glucose absorption. The effects of acarbose, on blood pressure, heart rate, gastric emptying of, and the glycaemic, insulin, glucagon - like peptide - 1 ( GLP - 1 ) and glucosedependent insulinotropic - polypeptide ( GIP ) responses to, an oral sucrose load were evaluated in healthy elderly subjects. Acarbose attenuated the fall in blood pressure and increase in heart rate induced by oral sucrose. Acarbose slowed gastric emptying and was associated with increased retention in the distal stomach. Stimulation of GLP - 1 may contribute to the slowing of gastric emptying and suppression of postprandial glycaemia by acarbose. These findings suggest that acarbose may represent a therapeutic option for the treatment of patients with postprandial hypotension. Recent studies indicate that gastric distension attenuates the postprandial fall in blood pressure. The effects of gastric distension on blood pressure and heart rate during intraduodenal infusion of glucose at a constant load and concentration were evaluated in healthy elderly subjects. Intragastric administration of water markedly attenuated the falls in systolic and diastolic blood pressure induced by intraduodenal glucose. Heart rate increased, with and without gastric distension, in response to intraduodenal glucose infusion but not after intraduodenal saline infusion. This study suggests that gastric distension may potentially be used as a simple adjunctive treatment in the management of postprandial hypotension. Studies employing nitric oxide synthase blockers have established, in animals, that nitric oxide mechanisms are important in the regulation of splanchnic blood flow and, hence, may effect postprandial blood pressure. The role of the nitric oxide synthase inhibitor, NG - nitro - L - arginine - methyl - ester ( L - NAME ), on gastric emptying, postprandial blood pressure, plasma insulin concentration and incretin hormone ( ie GIP and GLP - 1 ) release, following an oral glucose load, were evaluated in healthy elderly subjects. L - NAME attenuated the postprandial fall in blood pressure and increase in heart rate but had no effect on gastric emptying of glucose. L - NAME attenuated the glucose - induced rise in plasma insulin but had no effect on the incretin ( GIP and GLP - 1 ) hormone response to oral glucose. The study indicates that the magnitude of the fall in blood pressure and increase in heart rate and stimulation of insulin secretion induced by oral glucose in healthy elderly subjects are mediated by nitric oxide mechanisms by an effect unrelated to changes in gastric emptying, or the secretion of GIP and GLP - 1. Studies utilising 5 - hydroxytryptamine ( 5 - HT ) infusions in animals have demonstrated regional variations in intestinal blood flow suggesting a role for 5 - HT in postprandial haemodynamic responses. The effects of the 5 - hydroxytryptamine 3 ( 5 - HT3 ) antagonist, granisetron, on the blood pressure, heart rate, antropyloroduodenal motility and glycaemic responses to intraduodenal glucose infusion were assessed in healthy elderly subjects. Granisetron had no effect on blood pressure, heart rate or antral and pyloric motor responses but modulated the duodenal motor response, to intraduodenal glucose. This study indicates that while the cardiovascular response to intraduodenal glucose does not appear to be influenced by the stimulation of 5 - HT3 receptors, this receptor may be involved in the modulation of the duodenal motor activity. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--School of Medicine, 2006.
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Role of the gastrointestinal tract in postprandial blood pressure regulationGentilcore, Diana January 2006 (has links)
This thesis presents studies relating to the role of the gastrointestinal tract in postprandial blood pressure regulation. The areas that have been addressed include : ( i ) the methodological approaches to the evaluation of gastric emptying, blood pressure, splanchnic blood flow, intraluminal manometry and gut hormones and ( ii ) the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying postprandial hypotension, with a particular focus on ' gastric ' and ' small intestinal ' mechanisms and their potential therapeutic relevance. All of the studies have been either published or manuscripts have been prepared for publication. While scintigraphy represents the ' gold standard ' for the measurement of gastric emptying, recent studies suggest that three - dimensional ( 3D ) ultrasonography may also allow a precise measure of gastric emptying. Concurrent scintigraphic and ultrasonographic measurements of gastric emptying of liquids were performed in healthy young volunteers. There was a good correlation and agreement between scintigraphic measurements of gastric emptying and 3D ultrasonography after ingestion of both low - and high - nutrient drinks, indicating that 3D ultrasonography, provides a valid measure of gastric emptying of liquid meals in normal subjects. Postprandial hypotension, defined as a fall in systolic blood pressure of ≥ 20mmHg,occurring within two hours of a meal is now recognised as an important clinical problem, particularly in the elderly and in patients with type 2 diabetes. The mechanisms mediating postprandial hypotension are poorly understood. The effects of variations in concentration of intraduodenal glucose on the magnitude of the fall in blood pressure were evaluated in healthy elderly subjects. Blood pressure fell, and heart rate and blood glucose increased over time during infusions, however, there was no difference in blood pressure, heart rate or blood glucose concentrations between the study days. These observations suggest that glucose induced postprandial hypotension is a load rather, than concentration, dependent phenomenon. The effect of meal composition has been reported to influence the hypotensive response to a meal and information relating to the effects of triglyceride and protein on blood pressure is inconsistent. The comparative effects of isocaloric and isovolaemic intraduodenal infusions of glucose, triglyceride and protein on the magnitude of the postprandial fall in blood pressure and rise in heart rate and superior mesenteric artery blood flow were evaluated in healthy elderly subjects. There were comparable falls in systolic blood pressure and rises in heart rate, however, the maximum fall in systolic blood pressure occurred later after triglyceride and protein and the stimulation of superior mesenteric artery blood flow was less after protein. These observations suggest that the relatively slower systolic blood pressure response after triglyceride and protein may potentially reflect the time taken for digestion of triglyceride to free fatty acids and protein to amino acids. Acarbose is an antidiabetic drug that slows both gastric emptying and small intestinal glucose absorption. The effects of acarbose, on blood pressure, heart rate, gastric emptying of, and the glycaemic, insulin, glucagon - like peptide - 1 ( GLP - 1 ) and glucosedependent insulinotropic - polypeptide ( GIP ) responses to, an oral sucrose load were evaluated in healthy elderly subjects. Acarbose attenuated the fall in blood pressure and increase in heart rate induced by oral sucrose. Acarbose slowed gastric emptying and was associated with increased retention in the distal stomach. Stimulation of GLP - 1 may contribute to the slowing of gastric emptying and suppression of postprandial glycaemia by acarbose. These findings suggest that acarbose may represent a therapeutic option for the treatment of patients with postprandial hypotension. Recent studies indicate that gastric distension attenuates the postprandial fall in blood pressure. The effects of gastric distension on blood pressure and heart rate during intraduodenal infusion of glucose at a constant load and concentration were evaluated in healthy elderly subjects. Intragastric administration of water markedly attenuated the falls in systolic and diastolic blood pressure induced by intraduodenal glucose. Heart rate increased, with and without gastric distension, in response to intraduodenal glucose infusion but not after intraduodenal saline infusion. This study suggests that gastric distension may potentially be used as a simple adjunctive treatment in the management of postprandial hypotension. Studies employing nitric oxide synthase blockers have established, in animals, that nitric oxide mechanisms are important in the regulation of splanchnic blood flow and, hence, may effect postprandial blood pressure. The role of the nitric oxide synthase inhibitor, NG - nitro - L - arginine - methyl - ester ( L - NAME ), on gastric emptying, postprandial blood pressure, plasma insulin concentration and incretin hormone ( ie GIP and GLP - 1 ) release, following an oral glucose load, were evaluated in healthy elderly subjects. L - NAME attenuated the postprandial fall in blood pressure and increase in heart rate but had no effect on gastric emptying of glucose. L - NAME attenuated the glucose - induced rise in plasma insulin but had no effect on the incretin ( GIP and GLP - 1 ) hormone response to oral glucose. The study indicates that the magnitude of the fall in blood pressure and increase in heart rate and stimulation of insulin secretion induced by oral glucose in healthy elderly subjects are mediated by nitric oxide mechanisms by an effect unrelated to changes in gastric emptying, or the secretion of GIP and GLP - 1. Studies utilising 5 - hydroxytryptamine ( 5 - HT ) infusions in animals have demonstrated regional variations in intestinal blood flow suggesting a role for 5 - HT in postprandial haemodynamic responses. The effects of the 5 - hydroxytryptamine 3 ( 5 - HT3 ) antagonist, granisetron, on the blood pressure, heart rate, antropyloroduodenal motility and glycaemic responses to intraduodenal glucose infusion were assessed in healthy elderly subjects. Granisetron had no effect on blood pressure, heart rate or antral and pyloric motor responses but modulated the duodenal motor response, to intraduodenal glucose. This study indicates that while the cardiovascular response to intraduodenal glucose does not appear to be influenced by the stimulation of 5 - HT3 receptors, this receptor may be involved in the modulation of the duodenal motor activity. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--School of Medicine, 2006.
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