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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Méthode d'analyse dans le miel de trois familles d'insecticides (nicotinoïdes, pyréthrinoïdes et pyrazoles) par chromatographies en phase gazeuse et en phase liquide couplées à la spectrométrie de masse en tandem. : application à l' étude de contamination de ruches. / Analytical method in honey for three insecticide families (nicotinoids, pyrethroids and pyrazoles) by gas and liquid chromatographies couplet tandem mass spectrometry. : application to study hives contamination.

Paradis, Delphine 19 October 2012 (has links)
Les différentes techniques d'extraction et d'analyse existant pour étudier les insecticides contenus dans le miel ne permettent pas toujours d'atteindre de faibles limites de détection. Or, pour évaluer la toxicité des pesticides, des valeurs de limites de détection de l'ordre du ng/g doivent être obtenues. L'objectif de ce travail a été de développer des méthodes d'extraction et d'analyse compatibles avec différents types de miels (miels de nectars et de miellats, monofloraux et multifloraux) et permettant de rechercher 25 insecticides d'intérêt appartenant à 3 familles (nicotinoïdes, pyréthrinoïdes et pyrazoles,), avec des limites de détection les plus faibles possibles et en éliminant au maximum les interférences liées à la matrice. Après comparaison de différentes méthodes d'extraction, la technique retenue est basée sur la méthode QuEChERS EN 15662, qui consiste en une extraction et une purification à l'aide de sels adaptés à la matrice et aux composés à extraire. Les analyses ont ensuite été effectuées en chromatographie en phase gazeuse couplée à la spectrométrie de masse en tandem (GC-MS²), pour les pyrazoles et les pyréthrinoïdes, et en chromatographie liquide haute performance couplée à la spectrométrie de masse en tandem (LC-MS²) pour les nicotinoïdes et un pyrazole, les réglages des appareils devant être optimisés pour permettre d'obtenir une limite de détection très basse. Les rendements d'extraction obtenus sont majoritairement compris entre 60 et 140%. Les méthodes développées sont spécifiques pour les miels testés. / Several extraction and analytical techniques existing to study insecticides in honey do not always allow reaching low limits of detection. However, to evaluate the toxicity of pesticides, values of limits of detection have to be close to 1 ng/g. The aim of this work was to develop extraction and analytical methods compatible with various types of honey (nectars and honeydews, monofloral and multifloral) and allowing to look for 25 insecticides belonging to 3 families (nicotinoids, pyrethroids and pyrazoles), with the lowest possible limits of detection and eliminating the maximum interference due to the matrix. After comparison of different extraction methods, the reserved technique is based on the QuEChERS EN 15662 method, which consists of an extraction and a purification with mixtures of salts adapted to the matrix and to the compounds to be extracted. Analysis were then performed using gas chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry (GC-MS²) for the pyrazoles and the pyrethroids, and using high performance liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS²) for the nicotinoids and one pyrazole. Device settings have to be optimized to obtain a very low limit of detection. The mean extraction yields were typically between 60 and 140%. The methods are specific for tested honeys. These methods are applicable to analyze commercial honeys and allow reaching limits of detection between 0.2 and 0.7 ng/g. In practice, the dosage of these 3 families in different types of honeys, at low concentrations can be made in routine in an analysis laboratory.

Metabolômica como ferramenta na análise quimiotaxonômica do gênero Catasetum (ORCHIDACEAE) / Metabolomics as a tool for chemotaxonomic analysis of the genus Catasetum (Orchidaceae)

Bandeira, Karen Dayane de Oliveira 31 March 2017 (has links)
A família Orchidaceae é a maior família entre as monocotiledôneas e representa uma das maiores famílias de plantas floríferas com um número estimado de cerca de 30 mil espécies. A complexidade taxonômica de um dos gêneros dentro dessa família, o Catasetum, tem despertado muito interesse por parte dos cultivadores e pesquisadores em Orchidaceae, especialmente devido aos novos táxons que estão sendo descobertos no gênero. Visando aprimorar a classificação de espécies do gênero, uma ferramenta a ser utilizada é a análise dos constituintes químicos do metabolismo dessas plantas, onde fica evidenciada a necessidade de estudos utilizando métodos analíticos mais sensíveis, rápidas e seletivas, como a análise metabolômica. A obtenção da impressão digital metabólica é a obtenção detalhada dos metabólitos do organismo sob determinada condição, produzindo um cromatograma que é característico daquela planta, como uma impressão digital. Através disso, é possível determinar diferenças metabólicas em amostras, por meio de ferramentas estatísticas. Para o refinamento dos dados, é necessário o uso de softwares específicos que extraem as informações úteis para as análises. Foram analisadas 42 espécies distintas do gênero Catasetum e algumas duplicatas, totalizando 51 amostras por GC-MS e UHPLC-MS(ESI-Orbitrap). As \"impressões digitais\" metabólicas foram processadas nos softwares MetAlignTM e MSClust, e as matrizes geradas foram analisadas por análise de componentes principais (PCA), análise de cluster hierárquico (HCA) e análise discriminante ortogonal por mínimos quadrados parciais (OPLS-DA). Os métodos utilizados para as análises tanto por GC-MS quanto por UHPLC-MS resultaram em dados satisfatórios para análise metabolômica, gerando 57 substâncias voláteis identificadas a partir da fragrância das flores, sendo acetato de nerila, sabineno, ?-mirceno, ?-pineno e ?-pineno as mais frequentes. Os resultados das análises metabolômicas apresentaram proximidade com a filogenia, principalmente em níveis mais específicos. Os grupos gerados pelas análises, de modo geral, foram coerentes quanto à semelhança metabólica entre as espécies que os compõem, sugerindo a possibilidade do uso de impressões digitais metabólicas como uma boa ferramenta para análise quimiotaxonômica / The Orchidaceae family is the largest family among monocotyledons and represents one of the largest families of flowering plants with an estimated 30,000 species. The taxonomic complexity of one of the genera within this family, the Catasetum, has aroused much interest from growers and researchers in Orchidaceae, especially due to the new taxa being discovered in the genus. Aiming to improve the classification of species of the genus, a tool to be used is the analysis of the chemical constituents of the metabolism of these plants, where it is evidenced the need for studies using analytical methodologies more sensitive, fast and effective, such as the metabolomics analysis. Obtaining the metabolic fingerprint is the detailed obtaining of the metabolites of the organism under certain condition, producing a chromatogram that is characteristic of that plant, like a fingerprint. Through this, it is possible to determine metabolic differences in samples, through statistical tools. For the refinement of the data, it is necessary to use specific softwares that extract the useful information from analyzes data. The information generated can be used with different applications. A total of 51 samples were analyzed by GC-MS and UHPLC-MS (ESI-Orbitrap), 42 different species of the genus Catasetum and some duplicates. Metabolic \"fingerprints\" were processed in the MetAlignTM and MSClust softwares, and the generated matrices were analyzed by Principal Component Analysis (PCA), hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) and partial least squares orthogonal discriminant analysis (OPLS-DA). The methods used for analysis by both GC-MS and UHPLC-MS resulted in satisfactory data for metabolomics analysis, generating 57 volatile substances identified from the flower fragrance, being neryl acetate, sabinene, ?-myrcene, ?-pinene and ?-pinene the most frequent. The results of the metabolic analyzes showed proximity to the phylogeny, mainly in more specific levels. The groups generated by the analyzes, in general, were coherent regarding the metabolic similarity between the species that compose them, suggesting the possibility of the use of metabolic fingerprints as a good tool for chemotaxonomic analysis

Phénotype métabolique des tumeurs associées à des anomalies du cycle de Krebs / Metabolic phenotype of tumors related to Krebs cycle dysfunction

Janin, Maxime 25 September 2015 (has links)
Le cycle de Krebs occupe une place centrale dans le métabolisme cellulaire et est le point de jonction de nombreuses voies essentielles. Depuis le début des années 2000, un lien a été démontré entre l’apparition de certains cancers et des mutations affectant des gènes codant pour des enzymes du cycle de Krebs, i.e., la succinate déshydrogénase, la fumarase ou les iso-enzymes 1 et 2 de l'isocitrate déshydrogénase (IDH). Les mutations des gènes IDH sont présentes dans 15 à 20 % des leucémies myéloïdes aigues (LAM) et jusqu'à 80 % dans certains gliomes. Ces mutations affectent le site actif des enzymes et elles induisent une néo-fonction enzymatique qui se traduit par la production et l'accumulation d'un oncométabolite : le stéréoisomère D du 2-hydroxyglutarate (D-2-HG) responsable de dérégulations énergétiques et épigénétiques au sein de la cellule. Afin de mieux comprendre les mécanismes mis en jeu entre ces anomalies et la pathologie humaine, mon travail de thèse a impliqué le développement de différentes méthodes analytiques : - tout d'abord une méthode robuste de séparation et de quantification des stéréoisomères D et L par dérivation chirale du 2-HG, ceci en GC tandem MS, - également par GC tandem MS, des méthodes métabolomiques ciblées à haute spécificité pour l'analyse de plus de 120 composés d'intérêt clinique, - des méthodes analytiques à haute résolution et non-ciblées (masse exacte; n=360 composés) adaptées à l'étude de cellules, - et des méthodes d'étude de flux métaboliques sur culture cellulaire basées sur l'analyse des dérivés de traceurs marqués aux isotopes stables. Le développement de ces méthodes m'a permis d'obtenir les résultats suivants. J'ai démontré l'importance du D-2-HG comme marqueur de la présence de mutations IDH1/2 dans une large cohorte de patients leucémiques, à la fois pour le diagnostic et pour le suivi des patients sous traitement. Notre étude pilote a conduit à utiliser ce paramètre en pratique hospitalière courante dans le laboratoire de chimie analytique de l'institut Gustave Roussy (IGR; Villejuif). L'étude de profils métaboliques associés aux mutations affectant les enzymes IDH2 et succinate déshydrogénase nous a permis d'identifier des mécanismes compensatoires du dysfonctionnement du cycle de Krebs, par exemple la sur-activation de la pyruvate carboxylase. Nous avons par ailleurs montré que ces mécanismes ne sont que partiellement efficaces; ils pourraient ainsi servir de cibles thérapeutiques. Une mutation du gène IDH2 (R140Q) est retrouvée chez des patients atteint de LAM et chez des patients possédant une acidurie D-2-hydroxyglutarique, maladie héréditaire du métabolisme extrêmement rare. Un inhibiteur spécifique de l'enzyme IDH2 possédant la mutation R140Q est actuellement testé comme traitement dans un essai clinique à l'IGR pour les patients leucémiques. Nous avons étudié les effets de ce composé sur des fibroblastes de notre patient atteint d'acidurie D-2-hydroxyglutarique. Nous avons confirmé ses effets sur l'enzyme IDH et observé des effets secondaires sur le métabolisme des lipides et du cycle de Krebs, à la fois dans les fibroblastes témoin et du patient. Cet inhibiteur étant connu pour avoir des effets sur la différenciation cellulaire, nos résultats pourraient permettre d'expliquer les mécanismes impliqués. Ce travail a apporté de nouveaux outils pour l'exploration des maladies métaboliques traditionnelles ainsi que de certains types de cancers, et il met en avant de nouvelles illustrations de la puissance de l'approche métabolique pour identifier des points d'intervention et de surveillance thérapeutique personnalisée des patients ("théranostique"). / The Krebs cycle has a central role in cellular metabolism and is at the junction of many essential pathways. Since 2000, a link has been shown between the development of particular cancers and mutations affecting genes coding for several Krebs cycle enzymes, i.e., succinate dehydrogenase, fumarase or iso-enzymes 1 and 2 of the isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH). The IDH mutations are found in 15 to 20 % of acute myeloid leukemias and up to 80% of specific gliomas. These mutations affect the enzyme active site and are responsible for an neomorphic activity that is the production and accumulation of a putative oncometabolite : the D stereoisomer of the 2-hydroxyglutarate (D-2-HG) which is linked to energetic and epigenetic deregulations in the cell. To better understand the mechanisms between these abnormalities and human pathology, my PhD work involved the development of different analytical tools : - First of all, a robust method of separation and quantification of the stereoisomers D and L by chiral derivatization of the 2-HG, in tandem mass spectrometry, - GC tandem MS was also used to develop targeted metabolomic methods with high specificity for the analysis of more than 120 compounds of clinical interest, - An analytical non-targeted method using high mass resolution (exact mass; n=360 compounds) adapted to the study of fibroblast cells, - and finally, methods for the study of metabolic flux in culture cell based on derivatives of stable labeled tracers. The development of these methods led to the following results. I highlight the importance of the D-2-HG as a biomarker of the presence of IDH1/2 mutations in a large cohort of leukemic patients, for the diagnostic and the follow-up of patients under treatment. Our pilot study was the starting point for routine usage of this test in the clinical setting at the Institut Gustave Roussy (IGR; Villejuif). The study of metabolic profiles related to the mutations affecting IDH enzymes and succinate dehydrogenase allowed us to identify compensatory mechanisms of the dysfunction of the Krebs cycle, notably, the overactivation of pyruvate carboxylase. Moreover, we have shown that because these mechanisms are only partially efficient; they have potential to provide therapeutic targets. An IDH2(R140Q) mutation is shared between patients with AML and patients with D-2-hydroxyglutaric aciduria, a very rare hereditary disease of the metabolism. A specific inhibitor of the IDH2 enzyme mutant for R140Q is currently used in a clinical trial at the IGR institute. We studied the effects of this compound in fibroblasts of our aciduria patient. We confirmed the expected effect in the IDH enzyme and also observed moderate off-target effects concerning the lipid and the Krebs cycle metabolism, both in control and patient fibroblasts. Because this inhibitor is known to have effects in the cellular differentiation, our results could explain the underlying mechanisms. This work provides new tools for the exploration of traditional inherited metabolic diseases, as well as particular cancers, and illustrates the power of the metabolic approach to identify therapeutic targets and for the personalized monitoring of patients ("theranostics").

Efeito do manejo agrícola, da sazonalidade e dos elementos traço na produção dos óleos voláteis de erva-cidreira (Melissa officinalis L.) / Agricultural management, season and trace elements effect on volatile oil production from lemon balm (Melissa officinalis L.)

Fabio Vitorio Sussa 19 January 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho é um estudo interdisciplinar envolvendo o cultivo de erva-cidreira (Melissa officinalis L.) e sua caracterização química. O objetivo deste estudo foi fornecer informação sobre a adubação orgânica e convencional, a sazonalidade e os efeitos dos elementos traço na produção dos óleos voláteis de Melissa officinalis. O modelo experimental utilizado foi em canteiros com delineamento inteiramente casualizados (DIC) com quatro repetições. Melissa officinalis foi submetida a diferentes sistemas de adubação e época de colheita. A concentração elementar foi determinada pela análise por ativação neutrônica instrumental (INAA), espectrometria de absorção atômica por forno de grafite (GF AAS) e espectrometria de emissão óptica com fonte de plasma indutivamente acoplado (ICP-OES) nas folhas de Melissa officinalis e nos solos de cultivo. Os óleos voláteis de Melissa officinalis foram extraídos pela técnica de hidrodestilação, utilizando-se o aparelho de Clevenger e os principais metabólitos secundários (citronelal, neral, geranial, citronelol, nerol e geraniol) foram determinados por cromatografia gasosa acoplada ao espectrômetro de massas (GC-MS). Primavera e verão apresentaram os óleos de melhor qualidade por possuírem menores teores de citronelol, nerol e geraniol. A formação de neral e geranial foi favorecida no manejo convencional correlacionado com a presença dos elementos Co, Cr, Mg e Ni presentes no solo, enquanto que a formação do citronelal foi favorecida no manejo orgânico correlacionado com o elemento Mn presente nas folhas de Melissa officinalis. / This work is an interdisciplinary study of Lemon balm cultivation (Melissa officinalis L.) and its chemical characterization. The objective of this study was to provide information about organic and mineral fertilization, season and trace elements effects on volatile oil production by the species Melissa officinalis. The experimental design was completely randomized with four replications. Melissa officinalis was under different fertilization and harvest season. Instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA), graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GF AAS) and inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) were applied to determine the elemental concentration in the soil and plant samples. The volatile oil was extracted by hydrodistillation and the compounds citronelal, neral, geranial, citronelol, nerol and geraniol were analyzed by gas chromatography coupled to a mass spectrometer (GC-MS). The best quality of the oil was obtained in spring and summer because the lower content of citronellol, nerol and geraniol. Neral and geranial formation was favored in the conventional management correlated with the presence of Co, Cr, Mg and Ni elements present in the soil, whereas citronellal formation was favored in organic management correlated with Mn element present in the Melissa officinalis leaves.


DANIELA RODITI LACHTER 20 February 2019 (has links)
[pt] O presente trabalho envolve a implementação e validação de metodologia analítica para determinação de resíduos de agrotóxicos em amostras de alimentos provenientes do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, cujos resultados servirão para um aumento de informações de um banco de dados sobre os mesmos, bem como para o aprimoramento do sistema nacional de saúde e promoção da saúde da população. Foram analisados os agrotóxicos das classes nitrogenados e piretróides. As amostras foram coletadas no CEASA da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, uma vez que este é o principal centro distribuidor de frutas e hortaliças da cidade. As culturas escolhidas para análise foram maçã, manga, morango, pepino e tomate de mesa. Após a otimização das condições cromatográficas, metodologia de extração e validação da metodologia pelos parâmetros de curva analítica e linearidade, seletividade (efeito matriz), repetibilidade, recuperação, homocedasticidade e limite de detecção do método, as amostras foram coletadas e analisadas no período de novembro de 2016 a fevereiro de 2017. A análise foi baseada no método QuEChERS e quantificação por cromatografia gasosa acoplada a espectrometria de massas tandem, no modo de Monitoramento de Múltiplas Reações. Obteve-se um método de curta duração, inferior a vinte minutos, capaz de quantificar 41 agrotóxicos com dois monitoramentos precursor-produto para cada um dos analitos, apresentando as seguintes vantagens: rápido, econômico, fácil, efetivo, robusto e seguro. O LDM variou de 1,34 a 10,22 ng g(-1). A concentração de agrotóxicos das amostras esteve abaixo desses valores para a maioria (78 porcento dos casos) dos 41 agrotóxicos analisados. Para as culturas de tomate e pepino, os agrotóxicos quantificados estiveram próximos aos seus respectivos limites de detecção. Para a manga, observaram-se alguns picos de maior concentração para o propargito e lambda-cialotrina. O primeiro de uso não autorizado pela ANVISA e o segundo, embora presente, abaixo do limite estabelecido por esta agência. As culturas de maçã e morango apresentaram a maior contaminação por agrotóxicos (38 e 44 porcento acima do LDM, respectivamente), muitos não autorizados pela ANVISA. Por ser um centro de grande distribuição de alimentos, a CEASA é suprida por diferentes fornecedores, sendo assim a variabilidade das fontes de alimentos coletados é muito grande e, portanto, a continuidade desta sistemática de avaliação torna-se necessária. / [en] The present work regards the implementation and validation of a method for analysis of pesticide residues in produce from the state of Rio de Janeiro for the improvement of the national health system. Pyrethroids and triazines class pesticides were analyzed for this research. The samples were collected at CEASA in the city of Rio de Janeiro, since it is the main fruit and vegetable distribution center in the city. The produce chosen for the analyses were apple, mango, strawberry, cucumber and tomato. After optimization of the chromatographic conditions, extraction methodology and evaluation of the parameters linearity, selectivity (matrix effect), repeatability, recovery, homocedasticity and limits of detection of the method, the samples were collected, from November 2016 to February 2017. The QuEChERS method was used for the extraction of pesticide residues and the PSA method was used for the purification of extracts, both in triplicates. The extracts were analyzed by gas chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry in Selected Reaction Monitoring mode (Multiple Reaction Monitoring). A short run method was achieved for the determination of 41 pesticides with two precursor-product for each analyte. The analitycal method showed several advantages - quick, cheap, easy, effective, rugged and safe. The detection limits were 1,34 ng/g and 10,22 ng/g. The majority of the pesticides analysed (78 per cent) were below this result. For tomato and cucumber, the only quantified compounds were close to their respective detection limits. For the analysis of mango pesticides, some peaks of higher concentration for propargite and lambda-cyhalothrin were observed. The first one is not authorized by ANVISA and the second, although present, was found below the limit established by this agency. The apple and strawberry crops showed the highest contamination by pesticides (38 and 444 per cent, respectively), many of which were not authorized by ANVISA. CEASA is a large food distribution center, so it is supplied by different distributers. The variability of the sources of food collected is very large. A more representative study on the quality of food would require a higher number of samples with a higher frequency of sampling.

Les microplastiques et leurs additifs dans les produits de la pêche : développements méthodologiques et prévalence / Microplastics and their additives in seafood products : methodological developments and prevalence

Hermabessiere, Ludovic 12 November 2018 (has links)
L'augmentation de la production de matière plastique depuis les années 1950 combinée à une mauvaise gestion des déchets plastiques ainsi qu'aux mauvais comportements des citoyens conduit à la contamination des écosystèmes terrestres comme marins. L'ingestion par des organismes marins de particules plastiques mesurant moins de 5 mm, appelées microplastiques, a été décrite. L'objectif de ces travaux de thèse était d'évaluer le danger "microplastique" pour le consommateur de produits de la pêche. Afin de répondre à cet objectif, la sélection et la caractérisation d'une méthode permettant de digérer les tissus des produits de la pêche a été. En parallèle, une méthode de Pyrolyse-GC/MS a été optimisée afin d'identifier les microplastiques les plus petits possibles. Ses limites d'applications ont été calculées puis la méthode a été appliquée sur des microplastiques provenant de différents produits de la pêche. Ces deux méthodes ont été appliquées dans la recherche de microplastiques dans deux espèces de bivalves et trois espèces de poissons. Pour les bivalves, la contamination aux microplastiques était comprise entre 0.15 et 0.74 MP/g de chair humide alors que pour les poissons la contamination était assez faible : 0,01 MP/g de tractus gastro-intestinal et 0,001 MP/g de filet. Pour finir, une étude exploratoire de la lixiviation d'un additif plastique en utilisant un modèle de digestion in vitro a été entreprise. Globalement, ces travaux de thèse permettent de proposer des voies d'harmonisation des méthodes pour l'étude des microplastiques dans les produits de la pêche pour, in fine, évaluer le danger pour le consommateur. / Increase in plastic production since the 1950's in combination with plastic waste mismanagement lead to the presence of plastic particle in terrestrial and marine environment. Plastic particles measuring less than 5 mm, called microplastics, are ingested by a wide range of organisms. The goal of this PhD thesis was to evaluate the microplastic hazard for seafood consumers. firstly, method for digesting seafood tissue without degrading plastic polymer was selected and applications limits were determined for digestion of fish digestive tracts. Concurrently, a Pyrolysis-GC/MS method was optimized, limit of detection were determined and this method was applied on environmental samples. Both methods were used to study microplastics contamination in bivalve and fish species used for human consumption. Bivalve contamination was between 0.15 and 0.74 MP/g of tissue wet weight whereas contaminations in fish were low. Indeed, digestive tracts were contaminated by in mean 0.01 MP/g of tissue wet weight and muscles were contaminated by in mean 0.001 MP/g of tissue wet weight. Lately, leaching of a plastic additive was studied using an in vitro enzymatic model of digestion. However, such phenomenon was not highlighted. Overall, these results will help to standardize the study of microplastics in seafood products.

Extração com dióxido de carbono supercrítico e estudo da composição dos extratos de sementes de Pitanga (Eugenia uniflora L.) / Supercritical extraction with carbon dioxide and study of Pitanga seeds (Eugenia uniflora L.) extracts composition

Santos, Débora Nascimento e 02 March 2012 (has links)
A semente de Pitanga é resíduo do processamento da polpa e suco da fruta e os poucos trabalhos existentes sobre sua composição denotam grande valor nutricional. A extração com fluido supercrítico, pelos benefícios que apresenta, constitui uma excelente ferramenta para a obtenção e estudo de extratos. Assim, os objetivos deste trabalho foram obter extratos de sementes de Pitanga utilizando CO2 supercrítico (SC-CO2), caracterizá-los e avaliar possíveis atividades biológicas in vitro. As sementes lavadas, secas e trituradas foram caracterizadas e apresentaram umidade de 12,73%, granulometria de 0,48mm e extrato etéreo de 0,52%. As sementes foram colocadas em contato com o SC-CO2 em diferentes condições de pressão (P) e temperatura (T), conforme um Delineamento Composto Central Rotacional com P e T como variáveis independentes. A condição operacional de rendimento mais elevado foi repetida com etanol como co-solvente (SCEtOH). Para todos os extratos determinou-se o perfil de voláteis por cromatografia gasosa com espectrômetro de massas (CG/EM), a concentração de compostos fenólicos totais (CFT), a atividade antioxidante pela inativação dos radicais DPPH e ABTS, e a presença de terpenos por cromatografia em camada delgada (CCD). Nos extratos, obtidos via SC-CO2, Soxhlet e SC-EtOH, além de sua fração purificada, foram determinadas a concentração inibitória mínima (CIM) com S. aureus, E. coli, B. subtilis e P. aeruginosa, e a inibição da enzima arginase de Leishmania e de rato. O rendimento dos extratos variou de 0,16 a 0,48%, sendo P a única variável que influenciou no processo (p<0,05). Na análise de superfície de resposta constatou-se que os melhores rendimentos foram obtidos a altas pressões, indicando que baixas temperaturas podem ser usadas para não degradar as substâncias termossensíveis. CFT variaram de 17,95 a 73,89 ppm em ácido gálico equivalente (GAE) nos extratos e P e T, no intervalo estudado, não influenciaram (p<0,05) na concentração destes compostos. A presença de terpenos com atividade antioxidante foi detectada preliminarmente, nas análises de CCD. O perfil de voláteis obtidos por CG/EM indicou como componentes majoritários os sesquiterpenos - γ-elemeno (12,54-37,76 ppm equivalente ao limoneno - EqLim) e germacrone (8,44-36,41 ppm EqLim), ambos com reconhecida atividade biológica. A concentração destes sesquiterpenos foi influenciada pela interação entre P e T. A atividade antibacteriana para os quatro extratos foi elevada apresentando uma CIM de 125 ppm para todos os micro-organismos testados. A inibição da enzima arginase foi baixa para o extrato supercrítico, Soxhlet e a fração purificada, porém o extrato SC-EtOH inibiu em até 48% o que indica forte ação contra o desenvolvimento da Leishmania. Ainda, a inibição da arginase em mamíferos tem função vasodilatadora. O extrato SC-EtOH possui compostos diferentes dos demais devido à modificação da polaridade pelo co-solvente (EtOH). Esta hipótese é também constatada pela atividade antioxidante, que foi menor para os extratos supercríticos que para aqueles obtidos com SCEtOH que apresentou maior concentração em equivalente de Trolox e inibição do radical DPPH de 94%. Os resultados mostram extratos de semente de Pitanga altamente promissores para aplicações contra enfermidades devido à ação antimicrobiana e inibitória da arginase. / The Pitanga seed is a waste of the fruit pulp and juice processing, and the few existing studies on its composition denote a high nutritional value. Due to its benefits, the supercritical fluid extraction is an excellent tool to obtain and study extracts. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to obtain extracts of Pitanga seeds using supercritical CO2 (SC-CO2), characterize them and evaluate potential biological activities in vitro. The washed, dried and crushed seeds were characterized and presented 12.73% moisture, particle size of 0.48 mm and 0.52% ether extract. The seeds were placed in contact with the SC-CO2 under different conditions of pressure (P) and temperature (T), according to a Central Composite Design with P and T as independent variables. The operational condition of higher yield was repeated with ethanol as co-solvent (SC-EtOH). For all extracts were determined: the profile of volatiles by gas chromatography with mass spectrometer (CG/ EM), the concentration of total phenolics compound (CFT), the inactivation of antioxidant activity by DPPH and ABTS radicals and the presence of terpenes by layer chromatography (CCD). In the extracts obtained by SC-CO2, Soxhlet and SC-EtOH and its purified fraction, the minimum inhibitory concentration (CIM) with S. aureus, E. coli, B. subtilis and P. aeruginosa were determined, as well as the inhibition of the enzyme arginase of Leishmania and rat. The yield of extracts ranged from 0.16 to 0.48%, being P the only variable that influenced the process (p<0.05). In response surface analysis it was found that the best yields were obtained at high pressures, indicating that low temperatures can be used not to degrade the thermo-sensitive substances. CFT ranged from 17.95 to 73.89 ppm gallic acid equivalent (GAE) in extracts and P and T, over the range studied, did not influence (p<0.05) the concentration of these compounds. The presence of terpene with antioxidant activity was detected preliminary, in the analysis of CCD. The volatile profile obtained by CG/ EM indicated the sesquiterpenes as major components - γ-elemeno (12.54 to 37.76 equivalent to ppm limonene - EqLim) and germacrone (8.44 to 36.41 ppm EqLim), both with recognized biological activity. The concentration of these sesquiterpenes was influenced by the interaction between P and T. The antibacterial activity for the four extracts presented a high CIM of 125 ppm for all microorganisms tested. The inhibition of the enzyme arginase was low for the supercritical extract, Soxhlet and purified fraction, but the SC-EtOH extract inhibited up to 48% indicating strong action against the development of Leishmania. Furthermore, the inhibition of arginase in mammals has a vasodilator function. The SC-EtOH extract possesses different compounds due to the modification of their polarity with the co-solvent (EtOH). This hypothesis is also confirmed by the antioxidant activity, which was lower for the supercritical extracts compared with the extracts obtained with SC-EtOH, with the highest equivalent concentration of Trolox and DPPH radical inhibition of 94%. The results show that extracts of Pitanga seeds are highly promising for applications against diseases, due to antimicrobial activity and inhibition of arginase.

Efeito do manejo agrícola, da sazonalidade e dos elementos traço na produção dos óleos voláteis de erva-cidreira (Melissa officinalis L.) / Agricultural management, season and trace elements effect on volatile oil production from lemon balm (Melissa officinalis L.)

Sussa, Fabio Vitorio 19 January 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho é um estudo interdisciplinar envolvendo o cultivo de erva-cidreira (Melissa officinalis L.) e sua caracterização química. O objetivo deste estudo foi fornecer informação sobre a adubação orgânica e convencional, a sazonalidade e os efeitos dos elementos traço na produção dos óleos voláteis de Melissa officinalis. O modelo experimental utilizado foi em canteiros com delineamento inteiramente casualizados (DIC) com quatro repetições. Melissa officinalis foi submetida a diferentes sistemas de adubação e época de colheita. A concentração elementar foi determinada pela análise por ativação neutrônica instrumental (INAA), espectrometria de absorção atômica por forno de grafite (GF AAS) e espectrometria de emissão óptica com fonte de plasma indutivamente acoplado (ICP-OES) nas folhas de Melissa officinalis e nos solos de cultivo. Os óleos voláteis de Melissa officinalis foram extraídos pela técnica de hidrodestilação, utilizando-se o aparelho de Clevenger e os principais metabólitos secundários (citronelal, neral, geranial, citronelol, nerol e geraniol) foram determinados por cromatografia gasosa acoplada ao espectrômetro de massas (GC-MS). Primavera e verão apresentaram os óleos de melhor qualidade por possuírem menores teores de citronelol, nerol e geraniol. A formação de neral e geranial foi favorecida no manejo convencional correlacionado com a presença dos elementos Co, Cr, Mg e Ni presentes no solo, enquanto que a formação do citronelal foi favorecida no manejo orgânico correlacionado com o elemento Mn presente nas folhas de Melissa officinalis. / This work is an interdisciplinary study of Lemon balm cultivation (Melissa officinalis L.) and its chemical characterization. The objective of this study was to provide information about organic and mineral fertilization, season and trace elements effects on volatile oil production by the species Melissa officinalis. The experimental design was completely randomized with four replications. Melissa officinalis was under different fertilization and harvest season. Instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA), graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GF AAS) and inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) were applied to determine the elemental concentration in the soil and plant samples. The volatile oil was extracted by hydrodistillation and the compounds citronelal, neral, geranial, citronelol, nerol and geraniol were analyzed by gas chromatography coupled to a mass spectrometer (GC-MS). The best quality of the oil was obtained in spring and summer because the lower content of citronellol, nerol and geraniol. Neral and geranial formation was favored in the conventional management correlated with the presence of Co, Cr, Mg and Ni elements present in the soil, whereas citronellal formation was favored in organic management correlated with Mn element present in the Melissa officinalis leaves.

Synthesis, fractionation, characterisation and toxicity of naphthenic acids from complex mixtures

Jones, David January 2013 (has links)
Amongst the polar organic compounds occurring in unrefined and refined crude oils and the associated polluted production waters, complex mixtures of acids, known historically as naphthenic acids (NAs), have achieved prominence. This is particularly because NAs have been designated a toxicant class of concern in the oil sands process-affected water (OSPW) that has accumulated in vast quantities following exploitation of the oil sands of Northern Alberta, Canada in recent years. However, though there have been calls for NAs to be added to pollutant inventories, at the initiation of the current study, little knowledge existed of the exact composition of refined or unrefined NAs. The overall aim of the current study was therefore to identify individual NAs in refined (commercial) and unrefined (e.g. oil sands process-derived) complex mixtures of acids and then to assess the toxicity of any identified NAs. Individual NAs were tentatively identified by interpretation of the electron ionisation mass spectra of methyl ester derivatives, following comprehensive multidimensional gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GCxGC-MS). Reference acids were then either purchased, or more commonly, where they were not commercially-available, synthesised, mainly by micro-hydrogenation methods, for co-chromatography and comparison of mass spectra of methyl esters with those of unknowns. The synthetic NAs, purified to >97% were then subjected to toxicological assessments using the Microtox™ assay. In all, 34 compounds were obtained pure enough for testing. Microtox results revealed that the toxicity endpoint (50% Inhibition Concentration, IC50) was between 0.004 and 0.7 mM. Exponential and other correlations were noted between carbon number and toxicity in several of the structural groups of acids assayed, which may be beneficial for predictions of toxicity of non-synthesised acids. Although n-hexanoic acid (IC50 0.7 mM) had the lowest toxicity, adamantane-type acids were the least toxic as a group overall. Conversely, the decahydronaphthalene (decalin)-type acids had the largest range of toxicities (IC50 0.004 to 0.3 mM) and the most toxic acid assayed was 3-decalin-1-yl-propanoic acid. According to USEPA guidelines many individual acids can be said to show low to medium toxicity. Since the acids in commercial and unrefined NAs occur in complex mixtures, an attempt was also made to assess mixture toxicity. Mixtures of individual structural groups of acids (e.g. acyclic isoprenoid acids, n-acids) and a mixture of all 34 acids were assessed. Apart from the adamantane sub-group of acids, all of the mixtures showed toxicities lower than the sum of the parts when calculated using equations for Concentration Addition and Model Deviation Ratios (simply the predicted IC50/Observed IC50). A hypothesis that achievement of a critical micelle concentration is required to produce toxicity was proposed to explain the lower than expected results. Some of the mass spectra of NA present in the commercial and unrefined mixtures were inconsistent with those of any of the alicyclic acids synthesised or purchased. These were hypothesised to be aromatic acids. Fractionation experiments of the NA mixtures using silver ion thin layer chromatography and solid phase extraction (Ag+TLC and Ag+SPE) were carried out in order to provide further evidence for aromatic acids. Ag+TLC allowed separation of a methylated NA mixture from OSPW into three distinct fractions; Ag+SPE resulted in eleven fractions, through the use of a wider range of solvents and differential solvent ratios. Analysis of the fractions by GC-MS revealed that each fraction was largely still made up of unresolved acids (as esters), although one or two fractions revealed some resolved acids. Use of averaged mass spectra and mass chromatography on each fraction revealed further resolved chromatographic peaks and associated interpretable mass spectra. Each of eight of the eleven sub-fractions were examined by GC-MS, in some cases by GCxGC-MS, and all by infrared spectroscopy, ultraviolet visible spectrophotometry and elemental analysis. A number of structures were proposed for the aromatic acids, including those with sulphur-containing moieties. It was noted that far from being minor components, aromatic acids comprised ca.25-40% of the OSPW acid extracts.

Jakten på den rituella måltiden : Lipidanalyser med GC-MS på cypriotisk järnålderskeramik från kultplatsen Ayia Irini

Eriksson, Caroline January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this paper was to study fourteen pottery sherds found at the site of Ayia Irini in northern Cyprus using Gas chromatography- Mass spectrometry. Ayia Irini has by the archaeologists of the Swedish Cyprus Expedition been interpreted as a sanctuary, with activity spanning from the Late Bronze Age throughout the Cypriot Iron Age. The results showed traces of vegetable lipids in almost all samples, and traces of lipids from terrestrial animals in all but two. One sample showed traces of resin. Several samples were contaminated by different components found in plastics, such as plasticizers. No obvious common denominators were found for samples of similar pottery type or similar dating. The analysis yielded results of differing quality in all samples. However, usable data was collected from all except one sample, which was too heavily contaminated to glean any clear traces of organic residue from the time of deposit.

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