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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pradinių klasių mokinių statistinių gebėjimų ugdymas / Education statistical skills of primary school pupils

Kazlauskienė, Aušra 05 September 2005 (has links)
The problem of the research is systematic approach and accessibility of the content of developing statistical skills for primary school pupils. The content of developing elements of statistical skills and probability theory integrates pupils’ mathematical skills, knowledge of the content of other subjects, general skills of cognition and their personal experience, therefore it is a general problem of primary education; A system of items intended for teaching elements of statistics and probability theory is valid and accessible for pupils provided it covers: - technical skills of statistics (an ability to read and represent data); - skills of mathematical operations (to calculate the mean, classify data, round off numbers, grasp elements of probability theory, determine percentage of a number); - cognitive skills of the level accessible to pupils (ability to word a problem, define a hypothesis, compile data to verify the hypothesis, analyse and interpret data, draw conclusions). The premises for successful development of primary school pupils’ statistical skills are as follows: - development of primary school teachers’ statistical skills in the framework of their academic and continued education; - establishment of the content of developing statistical skills corresponding to international standards in the general curricula of the primary school; - provision of teaching statistics and probability theory elements based in the skills acquired in the primary school in the... [to full text]

Vadybinių gebėjimų svarba bendrosios praktikos veterinarijos gydytojų veikloje / Importance of management abilities in private veterinary practice

Jankauskaitė, Genovaitė 16 March 2006 (has links)
Problem. Private veterinary practice differs from other services in its object. The service sector’s client generally is the service user as well. Veterinary’ sector’s service is designed for animals, but the client is the service customer. For education of management abilities in private veterinary practice there is designed too little attention. The subject of research. To identify the importance of management abilities in private veterinary practice. Results. 1. It was established, that on the average to 78.8% veterinaries, to whom this job is their main living source, the topics of the courses were urgent and to 20.6% only partly urgent. Among veterinary surgeons, to whom this job is secondary, the topics were urgent for 69.4% and 30.0% answered that they were urgent only partly. 2. 72.2% veterinary surgeons, who considered the topic of the courses as urgent, answered that the topic of management was very important, for 3.9% it was partly important and only 0.8% answered that it was quite unimportant. Among the veterinary surgeons, for whom the topic of the qualification perfection courses seemed partly urgent the management topic was very important for 41.8. For 12.1% this topic was partly important and for 5.7% it was quite unimportant. 3. Among the veterinary surgeons, to whom this job is their main living source, the management topic was very urgent for 66.6%; it was quite unimportant only for 1.6%. It was established that the management topic was urgent for 61.0%... [to full text]

Šeimos įtaka 2-3 metų amžiaus vaikų muzikinių gebėjimų plėtotei ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigoje / Family’s influence to the development of 2-3 year-old children musical skills in the preschool educational institutions

Povilaitienė, Eglė 13 June 2006 (has links)
Family’s influence to the development of 2-3 year-old children musical skills in the preschool educational institutions In the master’s degree paper, family’s influence to the development of 2-3 year-old children musical skills is analyzed. Not much attention is paid to the children early musical education in Lithuanian preschool educational institutions; it is also not really effective. How to organize the children early musical education in the preschool educational institutions, how to make it more effective, how to create appropriate conditions for 2-3 year-old children musical skills development, what approaches should be used to achieve unity in musical education in a nursery school and in a family - these are the questions that formulate the topical pedagogical problem. The subject of this study is the development of 2-3 year-old children musical skills; the objective of the study is to examine the development of 2-3 year-old children musical skills with their parents’ participation in the musical education classes. The goals of the study are to analyze pedagogical, psychological, musical literature that deals with this topic; to ascertain the parents and teachers’ attitude to music lessons together with 2-3 year-old children during the musical education classes in the preschool educational institution; to create a model for 2-3 year-old children musical skills development and to check the efficiency of this model during the experiment.. The hypothesis: the child... [to full text]

Individualios pažangos vertinimas,ugdant aukštesniųjų klasių mokinių vaidmens interpretavimo gebėjimus / Assessment of individual progress of high school students in role interpreting

Remeikienė, Audronė 25 May 2005 (has links)
The Master’s Thesis “Assessment Of Individual Progress Of High School Students In Role Interpreting” analyses the forms of individual progress assessment, which encourage deeper expression of role interpretation of a literary piece. Only a few years ago theater was included in the 11th and 12th grade high school curriculum. It is based on the basic curriculum and educational standards of high school. They formulate the aims, tasks, structure, content and expected results of theater as a school subject. The curriculum for 11th grade foresees the practice of interpretation, which gives the student the opportunity to understand theater as an overall subject. The assessment of the educational progress of students is in the process of development and change. When thinking about the progress of students in the subject of theater education there should be a consideration of the relation between individual progress and the assessment criteria. The aim of the thesis is to measure the influence of the assessment forms for individual progress in the area of role interpretation among the students of higher grades at school. The research has shown that it is very important to integrate the assessment of the student’s progress into the educational process. Individual assessment forms encourage the constant development of interpretational abilities. Individual assessment in theater lessons is important because it develops an overall integrated personality, regards a wide range of individual... [to full text]

Vežimėlių krepšinio žaidėjų specialiųjų fizinių gebėjimų, aerobinio pajėgumo ir žaidimo rodiklių kaita amžiaus, žaidimo stažo ir negalios aspektais / Values of special physical abilities, aerobic performance and playing skills of wheelchair basketball palyers according to disability, age, palying experience

Skučas, Vytautas 18 June 2008 (has links)
Dėl diskusijos tarp tyrėjų ir dėl darbų trūkumo apie vežimėlių krepšinio specialiuosius fizinius gebėjimus, aerobinį pajėgumą ir žaidimo įgūdžius. Aktualūs ir reikšmingi moksliniai tyrimai analizuojantys šių rodiklių kaitą negalios sunkumo laipsnio, amžiaus, žaidimo stažo aspektais. Tyrimo tikslas: nustatyti ir įvertinti vežimėlių krepšinio žaidėjų fizinių ypatybių, aerobinio pajėgumo ir žaidimo įgūdžių rodiklių kaitą pažeidimo laipsnio, amžiaus, žaidimo stažo aspektais. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Nustatyti ir įvertinti ve��imėlių krepšinio žaidėjų specialiųjų fizinių gebėjimų rodiklių priklausomybę nuo negalios sunkumo laipsnio, amžiaus, žaidimo stažo. 2. Nustatyti ir įvertinti kokią įtaką vežimėlių krepšinio žaidėjų žaidimo rodikliams turi negalios sunkumo laipsnis, amžius, žaidimo stažas. 3. Nustatyti ir įvertinti vežimėlių krepšinio žaidėjų aerobinio pajėgumo rodiklių priklausomybę nuo negalios sunkumo laipsnio, amžiaus, žaidimo stažo. Specialiųjų fizinių gebėjimų ir žaidimo rodiklių testais buvo ištirti 42 vežimėlių krepšinio žaidėjai. Visi tiriamieji buvo suskirstyti i tris grupes pagal pažeidimo laipsnį, pagal amžių ir pagal žaidimo stažą. Atliekant nenutrūkstamą nuosekliai didinamą fizinį krūvį rankų ergometru „Monark“, dujų analizatoriumi „Oxycon Mobile“ buvo ištirtas 21 vežimėlių krepšinio žaidėjas. Jie taip pat buvo suskirstyti i tris grupes pagal pažeidimo laipsnį, pagal amžių ir pagal žaidimo stažą. Buvo nustatyti fizinio darbingumo, kvėpavimo, dujų apykaitos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Because of discussion among researchers and shortage of research works in respect of special physical abilities, aerobic performance and playing skills of wheelchair basketball players. There are actual and relevant scientific research analyzing these problems in aspects of players age, disability and time playing wheelchair basketball. Aim of the research was to determine and evaluate special physical abilities, the aerobic performance and playing skills of weelchair basketball players according to playing experience, age and disability. Goals of research : 1. To determine and evaluate physical features of weelchair basketball players according to playing experience, age and disability. 2. To determine and evaluate playing skills of weelchair basketball players according to playing experience, age and disability. 3. To determine and evaluate the aerobic performance and of weelchair basketball players according to playing experience, age and disability. By methods of testing and pedagogical observation 42 wheelchair basketball players participating in wheelchair basketball competitions were under research. Participants of the research were divided into different groups according to their age, disability and time playing wheelchair basketball. The following wheelchair basketball players participating in the research according to the International wheelchair basketball classification system were divided: eight 1-1,5 point players, fifteen 2-2,5 points players, 8– 3-3,5... [to full text]

Mokymosi bendradarbiaujant reikšmė ugdant mokinių ankstyvosios anglų kalbos komunikacinius gebėjimus / Using co-operation methods importance for the development of English language communicative skills at early school age

Babušienė, Eglė 03 September 2008 (has links)
Lietuvos švietimo sistemoje vyksta ryškus poslinkis nuo tam tikrų dalykų mokymo link mokymosi; nuo mokymo proceso analizės į mokymosi proceso analizę; nuo centrinio mokytojo vaidmens mokymo procese į centrinį besimokančiojo vaidmenį mokymosi procese. Pradinėje mokykloje yra ugdomi ne tik gimtosios, bet ir užsienio kabos komunikaciniai gebėjimai. Pasinaudojant tinkamu kalbų mokymuisi amžiumi bei atsižvelgiant į uždavinius, kurie turi būti sprendžiami ankstyvąjame mokykliniame amžiuje, mokymosi procesą reikėtų organizuoti taip, kad mokymąsis palengvintų besimokančiųjų tapimą savarankiškais; jiems suteiktų mokymosi refleksijos galimybę bei ugdtytų gebėjimus, reikalingus šiuolaikiniame darbo pasaulyje – efektyvaus bendravimo įgūdžius, problemos sprendimo, bendradarbiavimo dirbant grupėje įgūdžius. Darbe yra analizuojama Kauno „Šilo“ pradinės mokyklos III klasės mokinių ankstyvosios anglų kalbos mokymasis bendradarbiaujant. Tyrimo problema. Mokantis ankstyvosios anglų kalbos ne visi mokiniai komunikuoja užsienio kalba, jaučia nepasitikėjimą savo jėgomis, bijo būti sukritikuoti draugų. Daugelis mokinių pamokoje tampa pasyviais dalyviais, stebėtojais, dėl to nepakankamai ugdomi mokinių kalbiniai gebėjimai bei nukenčia mokinių mokymosi rezultatai. Taigi šio darbo tikslas - nustatyti mokymosi bendradarbiaujant reikšmę ugdant mokinių komunikacinius anglų kalbos gebėjimus. Uždaviniai: 1) Aprašyti anglų kalbos mokymosi ypatumus jaunesniąjame mokykliniame amžiuje; 2) Aprašyti mokymosi... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The system of education is changing in Lithuania nowadays. The improvement of it is essential for the whole educational process. It‘s going over to advanced learning methods rather than to teaching methods. The education is turning away from the central role of the teacher towards the learner, who has the main role in the process of learning. It‘s changing from the results emphasising teaching paradigm into the paradigm emphasising the very process of learning. Students develop their foreign language communicative skills at primary school as well. Organising learning process and choosing learning methods we should take into consideration young learners age. Problem of the research. Traditional methods don‘t give enough opportunities to develop communicative skills. Learners train their skills but too little. Some students are shy and they are afraid to be laughed at, others are not like participating in the lessons, they become passive observes. The question of the research. Does the use of co-operation methods influence English language communicative skills at early school age and determine better learning results The aim. To establish the influence of cooperation methods on the development of English language communicative skills. Object of the research is application of methods in groups. Tasks of the research are: 1) to describe the main features of English language learning at early school age; 2) to describe the conception of cooperation; 3) to characterize... [to full text]

Sutuoktinių gebėjimai planuoti ir organizuoti šeimos laisvalaikį / Married couples’ abilities to plan and organize the leisure time of their family

Ališauskienė, Kristina 27 February 2012 (has links)
Darbe nagrinėjama aktuali sritis – šeimos kaip pagrindinės visuomenės ląstelės ir tautos variklio tobulinimas, jos gyvavimo ir gyvenimo kokybės esmė. To pagrindas yra turiningas, kūrybingas bei atpalaiduojantis laisvalaikis. Retai kada susimąstoma, kad ne tik vaikams, jaunimui reikia kokybiško laisvalaikio, prasmingo bendravimo ir paprasčiausio laimės pilnatvės jausmo. Norint visa tai pasiekti, reikia daug, nuosekliai ir planingai dirbti su savimi ir šalia esančiais žmonėmis. Kokybiškas laikas kartu – tai brendimas, tobulėjimas santykyje su savimi ir kitais. Įvairūs žmogaus įgūdžiai geriausiai susiformuoja tada, kai su malonumu tyrinėjama ir atrandama kas nors naujo, panaudojamos naujos idėjos ar daiktai. Kadangi šeima vaikams yra saugi aplinka, todėl tėvai, skirdami laiką žaisti su vaikais ar pramogauti, gali stiprinti tarpusavio santykius, emocinius santykius, savo ir vaikų asmenybes. Per bendrą veiklą šeima tampa maža bendruomene, siekiančia bendro tikslo. Sutuoktiniai, planuodami veiklą, turi atsižvelgti į kelis esminius kriterijus: savo ir vaikų amžių, gyvenamąją vietą, sveikatą, ekonominę situaciją, o svarbiausia – į savo šeimos narių poreikius. Šeimos laisvalaikio veikla turi įjungti visus šeimos narius ir taip suteikti šeimos gyvenimo pasitenkinimą. Suaugusiųjų pareiga vaiką mokyti ir pratinti kultūringai ir produktyviai leisti laisvalaikį, kuris duotų materialinės ir dvasinės naudos pačiam vaikui, artimiesiems ir visuomenei. Tai pavyksta tuomet, kai pačių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / This paper is focused on a significant topic, namely, organization of a purposeful, creative and relaxing leisure time of a family. This topic is considered to be of high importance as it is closely related to the development and quality of life of a family, which in turn is often called to be the first cell and the leading force of society. Unfortunately, few people understand that children and youth are not the only ones in need of quality leisure time, meaningful communication and simply the feeling of happiness. In order to achieve this, one has to put a lot of time and efforts and to work consistently together with other family members. Quality leisure time spent together is a way of personal growth and development of relationships with others. As scholars has proved, various skills can best be formed when a person is involved in a pleasurable activity of exploring and discovering something new, using new ideas and things. Therefore, as children usually regard their family as a safe environment, it is important that parents would spend time playing or having fun with their children because it helps to strengthen their relationship, emotional ties and personalities of both adults and children. Joint activities help the family to become a small community united by a common goal. When a married couple plans leisure time activities for their family, they have to regard several crucial criteria: age of themselves and their children, place of residence, health condition... [to full text]

Vyresnių klasių berniukų fizinio pajėgumo pokytis per vienerius metus / The change of high school boys physical fitness within one year

Čižinauskas, Edgaras 06 September 2013 (has links)
Darbo objektas – vyresnių klasių berniukų fizinis pajėgumas. Darbo tikslas – nustatyti vyrersnių klasių berniukų fizinio pajėgumo kitimą per vienerius metus. Darbo uždaviniai: 1) Nustatyti vyresnių klasių berniukų su sveikata susijusį (lankstumas,pilvo raumenų ištvermė) ir su judėjimo galimybėmis susijusį (kojų staigioji jėga, pusiausvyra ) fizinį pajėgumą 2011 metais ir palyginti klasės aspektu. 2) Nustatyti vyresnių klasių berniukų su sveikata susijusį (lankstumas,pilvo raumenų ištvermė) ir su judėjimo galimybėmis susijusį (kojų staigioji jėga, pusiausvyra) fizinį pajėgumą 2012 metais ir palyginti klasės aspektu. 3) Nustatyti vyresnių klasių berniukų su sveikata susijusio (lankstumas,pilvo raumenų ištvermė) ir su judėjimo galimybėmis susijusio (kojų staigioji jėga, pusiausvyra) fizinio pajėgumo rezultatų pokyčius nuo 2011 iki 2012 metų. Išvados: 1. 2011 metais vyresnių 10-11 klasių berniukų su sveikata susijusio fizinio pajėgumo lankstumo rezultatai buvo silpni, pilvo raumenų ištvermės rezultatai atitiko vidutinį lygį. Su judėjimo galimybėmis susijusio fizinio pajėgumo kojų staigiosios jėgos rezultatai buvo mažesni už vidutinį lygį, pusiausvyros rezultatai geresni nei vidutinis lygis. 2. 2012 metais vyresnių 11-12 klasių berniukų su sveikata susijusio fizinio pajėgumo lankstumo rezultatai buvo silpni, pilvo raumenų ištvermės rezultatai atitiko geresnį nei vidutinis lygis, o pas jaunesniuosius vaikinus jie per metus pakilo 1 balu pagal Eurofito vertinimo skales. Su... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The object - the high classes of boys' physical fitness. The aim - to high class boys physical fitness changes in one year. The goals: 1) Set the high class boys with health-related (flexibility, abdominal muscle endurance) and mobility-related (leg explosive power, balance) of physical fitness in 2011, and compare the end point. 2) Set the high class boys with health-related (flexibility, abdominal muscle endurance) and mobility-related (leg explosive power, balance) of physical fitness in 2012, and compare the end point. 3) Set the high class boys with health-related (flexibility, abdominal muscle endurance) and mobility-related (leg explosive power, balance) of the results of physical fitness changes from 2011 to 2012. Conclusion: 1. In 2011, boys aged 10-11 classes of health-related physical fitness flexibility were weak abdominal muscle endurance results were consistent with the average level. The mobility-related physical fitness leg explosive strength results were less than the average level of the equilibrium results are better than the average level. 2. In 2012, boys aged 11-12 with health-related physical fitness flexibility were weak abdominal muscle endurance results were better than the average level, and with the younger guys, they rose by 1 point from Eurofit assessment scales. The mobility-related physical fitness leg explosive strength results were less than the average level of the equilibrium results are better than the average level.

Vyresniųjų klasių mokinių tekstilės vartojimo kompetencijos / Elder class student’s competence of textile usage

Meškelė, Melita 08 June 2005 (has links)
The concept competence (lot – competentia dependence / according law) in international dictionary (2001) is explaining like the functional faculty to do certain activity in an adequacy, to have for it enough news, skills, and energy. Students, with pedagogical help, educating its common faculties, valuables attitudes during the training process and get technological competences in these usage ranges: in information, finances, security of products, laws and ecological. That’s why in primary school a lot of attention has to be paid to each student in education of use orientated topical life in public. The aim the work – is to investigate and to value elder class student’s competence of textile usage. The tasks of the investigation: 1. To create the investigation states and model for textile usage competence, according analyzed scientific and methodical literature in chosen theme. 2. To investigate the competence of textile usage among elder classes in three aspects: · realization of textile consumer news about strands, cloths, and products. · frequency of textile usage in practice of capability. · importance of value attitudes valuating itself like consumer. 3. To set factors, making influence on textile usage competence of elder class students. The research was done in January 2005, Antano Vienuolio and Mykolo Biržiškos gymnasiums, Simono Daukanto, “Versmės” and Trakų Vokės secondary schools in Vilnius, “Gabija” gymnasium in Mažeikiai, “Ryto” secondary school in Varėna, and... [to full text]

Matematinių gebėjimų diagnostikos instrumentų kūrimas ir taikymo rezultatų vertinimo optimizavimas / Creation of the mathematical abilities diagnostical instruments and aplicability of the rezults evaluation optimization

Raišutytė, Laima 12 June 2006 (has links)
The school is in the social, cultural and political contest which is complexical and changeable. Our society’s democratization and education reforms obligate us to look at the education aspects newly. One of them is the students abilities’ diagnostic. There are talking about mathematical abilities in this work. But, of course, such diagnostic principles can be used in other subjects, too. The main education’s mission is to develop the person’s forces, to formulate a human for the life in the society which is changing very fast in the sociocultural condition. The training is becoming orientated into the process but not into the results. But it’s very important to reach positive changes in each student’s studies. So, it’s very important to know every pupil, to understand his/her person’s features, addictions and faculties. The primary school had refused to value students’ knowledge and abilities in marks. But after some time there had risen necessity to create a new estimation system, which can mach purposes and goals in the training. The teachers need objective and reliable estimation’s instrument. Such instrument can be the standardized learning gains’ tests. There are talking about the tests’ information (which is necessary), perfection, administration, the forthcoming results’ interpretation in this work. The subject of the research is primary class pupils’ mathematical abilities as the diagnostic construct. The aim of the research is to open methodological, theoretical... [to full text]

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