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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Generation Z - en investering för framtiden? : En kvantitativ studie om påverkansfaktorerna för hållbarhet inom generation Z

Ljungwald, Tilda, Persson Rasic, Oscar January 2022 (has links)
Samhället står idag inför utmaningar kopplat till hållbarhet och hållbar utveckling. Samtidigt som individer förbättrar sin kunskap kring ämnet hållbarhet ökar pressen för företag att agera på ett mer hållbart vis i sin verksamhet. Det handlar om interna och externa påtryckningar som går i linje med den hållbarhetsutveckling som individerna i samhället utvecklat. Den generationen av individer som enligt tidigare forskning revolutionerat sin hållbarhetsmedvetenhet är generation Z. Generation Z är individer födda mellan 1995 och 2010 vilket i dag presenterar individer mellan 12-27 år. En framstående klimataktivist från generation Z är Greta Thunberg som genom sociala medier spridit sitt budskap på ett mer kraftfullt och lättillgängligt sätt än vad som tidigare skådats.  Studiens tar sin grund i att studera generation Z:s hållbarhetsmedvetenhet mer specifikt än tidigare. Genom att anta att tidigare forskning överensstämmer med verkligheten angående att generation Z är en hållbar generation undersöka och analysera vilka faktorer som kan påverka en individs hållbarhetsmedvetenhet samt intresse för att investera hållbart. De faktorer som användes som oberoende variabler var kön, utbildning och inkomst. Utifrån de oberoende variablerna skapades fem stycken olika hypoteser med grunden i hur kön, utbildning och inkomst kan komma att påverka de beroende variablerna hållbarhetsmedvetenhet samt intresse för hållbara investeringar.  I studien användes en kvantitativ metod som grundade sig i en enkätundersökning utskickad via sociala medier. Urvalet var slumpmässigt då respondenternas svar skulle vara representativt för hela generation Z. Enkäten utgår från frågor om hållbarhet samt investeringar. Svaren som inkom från studien tolkades sedan i programmet SPSS. Utifrån svaren studien presenterade framkom att det enbart var en faktor som påverkar en individs hållbarhetsmedvetenhet, vilket var utbildning. Det visade sig att en högre utbildningsnivå återspeglade en högre medvetenhet och kunskap inom ämnet hållbarhet. / Our society today is facing different challenges regarding the subject sustainability and sustainable development. Different corporations are under pressure from stakeholders who are expecting the companies to take responsibility for their actions. Both internal and external stakeholders are pressuring companies in line with the growing knowledge about sustainability. Generation Z is described as a special generation regarding sustainability. The generation are individuals born between 1995 and 2010 which means they are 12-27 years old. Greta Thunberg is a well-known environmentalist from generation Z who is spreading her words and messages through social media platforms.  This study is main focus is to investigate the sustainability knowledge regarding generation Z on a deeper way. By assuming that the previous research regarding generation Z and sustainability is trustworthy this study investigates and analyze which factors that is influencing an individual’s knowledge about sustainability and their interest in socially responsible investments. The factors that are being handled in the study are gender, education and income. Out of these three factors five different hypotheses were created to represent how gender, education and income affect the knowledge about sustainability and interest in socially responsible investment. The study is based on a quantitative method in the form of a survey. The survey was available on social media for the responders to answer. The sample was random to enable the sample to represent the whole population of generation Z. The answers from the survey were later on analyzed in the program SPSS. From the answer presented there could be seen that education was the only factor that presented a significant difference between the responders. It was clear to see that a higher education were connected to a better knowledge regarding sustainability.

Upplevelsebaserade fritidsaktiviteter för generation Z : En konceptutveckling för ungas delaktighet i Allhuset, Piteå

Lindberg, Britt-Marie, Sibelius, Malin January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to examine adolescents associated to generation Zs needs and desires of leisure in Piteå and then develop a concept for the design of how it can be done. This is due to an expressed need in Piteå Municipality of leisure activities for young people in parts of Allhuset. To create activities that attract generation Z, it is important to understand the generation Zs characteristics and have an understanding of today's experience society. We made use of action research and the learning process in order to identify the problem and talks have been held with three focus groups with participants in the generation Z. A concept for how the design of the activities can be done have been created. / <p>Validerat; 20140902 (global_studentproject_submitter)</p>

<b>Pragmatic Analysis of Compliment Responses by Gen-Z: Focusing on differences between Japanese and American women and the gender of the complimenter</b>

Hitomi Kurita (18556990) 15 May 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">In many Japanese language textbooks and classes, instruction often advocates for responding to compliments with modesty, typically through a negative response. However, previous research by Tatsumi (2013), Shimizu (2007), Terao (1996), and Hirata (1999) suggests that Japanese individuals do not exclusively rely on negative responses when receiving compliments. Moreover, prior studies have predominantly examined the gender of the recipient of the compliment, overlooking the significance of the gender of the person giving compliments. With respect to the topic of compliment responses, previous research has found the following two points. First, Holmes (1988), Herbert (1990), and Matsuura (2004) found that compliment exchanges frequently occur among the younger generation. Second, Itoi (1999), Shimizu (2017) Takamiya (2022) and, Ang (2023) found that the compliments among younger generations are likely to be accepted.</p><p dir="ltr">This study aims to investigate potential differences in compliment responses between Japanese and American women who fall into Generation Z, while also considering the influence of both the gender of the person giving the compliments and the topic of the compliments. A survey was conducted involving 30 Japanese women residing in Japan and 32 American females living in the U.S. Participants submitted their responses online, using either Japanese or English, their native languages. These responses were elicited as reactions to scenarios wherein they received compliments, accompanied by written explanations for their responses.</p><p dir="ltr">The compliments were given by classmates with a relationship of acquaintance who were not yet close, with variations in the gender of the complimenter (male vs. female) and the type of compliment (appearance vs. skill), totaling four distinct scenarios. Their responses were recorded both orally and through written response to share intention. On top of these records, analysis required taking into account the tone of voice and nonverbal cues such as pauses, and hesitations when analyzing and discussing the impact of the complimenter’s gender and the topic of the compliment on the response. Study results show that almost all the compliments were accepted with appreciation by both American and Japanese participants with no difference observed in macro strategies and minimal differences observed in micro strategies. However, this lack of difference is discussed as evident of global influences on pragmatics of different cultures. The findings of this study have implications for communication strategies related to compliments and for pragmatic instruction in teaching Japanese as a second/foreign language.</p>

Generation Z’s perceptions of public sector culture moderate their aspirations towards public service

Rendon, Andrew S. 10 May 2024 (has links) (PDF)
Within the next 15 years, a significantly large percentage of adults will exit the U.S. public sector workforce, taking their experience and knowledge with them. This considerable number of departures from the public sector workforce is expected to create a crisis of sorts for society as it grapples with how to ensure the public sector is not without its most important feature – public servants. The immediate crisis relates to how we, in record time, recruit and retain a new and highly qualified workforce that can quickly fill the gaps left by the exodus. Recently coming into their adult age, our youngest and quickly becoming our largest cohort of workforce-eligible adults, commonly referred to as “Gen Z,” are alarmingly underrepresented in the public sector. Underrepresentation is forecasted to continue and may grow. Nascent literature on Generation Z describes them as valuing the importance of public service and so the current lack of representation is puzzling and potentially points to an issue in motivation to serve in the public sector – or factors related to those motives. With permission to use Public Service Motivation (PSM) scholar Sangmook Kim’s revised public service motivation instrument, this study sets out to measure the public service motivation in a stratified random sample of Generation Z adults (Kim, 2012). Hypothesizing that Generation Z has a high level of public service motivation but is dissuaded from serving due to their perception of public sector culture, the study will introduce and examine other variables associated with organizational culture. The idea is that organizational culture – specifically the public sector’s culture – may play a role in Gen Z’s current underrepresentation. With a new generation of young adults showing signs of motivation to serve in the public sector, realizing the possibility that public sector organizational culture is getting in the way should influence a significant drive towards scholarship and practice related to public sector cultural transformation.

En bild säger mer än tusen ord, En studie om Generation Z:s konsumentbeteende på sociala medier / A picture is worth a thousand words, A study about the consumer behavior of Generation Z on social media

Wirstam, Madeleine January 2016 (has links)
Generation Z lever stora delar av sina liv på internet, främst via sociala medier. Där utvecklar de sina kontaktnät, söker efter inspiration och nöje, för att samtidigt värna om sina personliga varumärken. Då stora delar av Generation Z fortfarande är minderåriga har de ännu inte klivit ut på arbetsmarknaden. Ifall studier som finns om dem idag har rätt, kommer de att bli en oerhört köpstark kundgrupp. Det blir därför viktigt för företag att lära känna den nya generationen, veta vart de befinner sig och hur marknadsföring kan nå ut till dem för att få framgång hos Z.Syftet med min studie är att ta reda på Generation Z:s konsumentbeteende för att, med hjälp av marknadsföring på sociala medier, och på rätt sätt nå ut och möta dem där de är. Med ett synsätt baserat på Lauterborns teorier om marknadsföring, där kundfokus bör appliceras, är det viktigt att utgå från Generation Z:s åsikter. Därför har jag valt att studera just personer från Generation Z. För att avgöra vilka konsumentbeteenden som kommer att bli relevanta för företag i framtiden, har studien begränsats till de i generationen som är myndiga idag.Bristen på forskning om Generation Z, har gjort att jag valt att göra en kvalitativ tvärsnittsstudie med semistrukturerade intervjuer. Det har möjliggjort att intervjua respondenter från generationen på en djupare nivå, men fortfarande med tydliga ramar. Alla respondenterna har fått samma frågor, vilket har gett mig både en möjlighet att hitta mönster, samt få deras djupare åsikter.Utifrån empiriresultatet och analysen finns det tydliga egenskaper och handlande som karakteriserar Generation Z. På grund av deras frekventa sociala medieanvändning är det viktigt för företag att både anpassa och fokusera sin marknadsstrategi till sociala medier. Genom att attrahera Z:s visuella sinne skapas intresse, samtidigt som reklamen anses mindre påtvingad. Förutom att anpassa marknadsföringen till sociala medier, bör företag ha medvetenhet kring generationens krav på kvalitet, tillgänglighet och pris. Det är en generation som inte tycks luras av påkostade marknadsföringskampanjer, de kräver kongruens under alla steg fram till köp. Om företag anpassar sig till Z:s krav, och bibehåller det som utlovats, är det en generation som värderar lojalitet. / Generation Z are living large parts of their lives on the Internet, mainly on social media. On their social media sites they develop contacts, search for inspiration and entertainment, and at the same time protect their own personal brands. Since a large part of Generation Z are still minors, they have not yet started their carrers. If today’s studies are correct, they will become a customer group with a large purchasing power. Therefore it is important for companies to get to know this new generation, find out where on the Internet they can be found, and how companies marketing strategies can be used to reach them in order to be successful in reaching Generation Z.The purpose of this study is to ascertain the customer behaviour of Generation Z in order to, with social media marketing, reach out in a proper way and meet them where they are. With an outlook based on Lauterborns marketing theories, where a customer focus is applied, it is important to have a starting point based on the values of Generation Z. This is why I have decided to study people from that generation. To decide which consumer behaviors that will be relevant for companies in the future, I have decided to delimit the study to those of the generation who are of age.The lack of research regarding Generation Z has made me choose a qualitative cross-sectional study with semi-structured interviews. In this way I have thereby gained opportunities to interview respondents from the generation on a deeper level, but still with a clear framework. All of the respondents have been given the same questions, resulting in opportunities to find patterns and extract their deepseated opinions.The empirical results and the analysis show that they are qualities and actions that characterizes Generation Z. Because of their frequent use of social media, it is important for companies to both adapt and focus their marketing strategies to social media. By attracting the visual mind of Generation Z, companies can create interest, simultaneously as commercials are considered less forced. Besides adapting marketing towards social media, companies should have awarness regarding the generations demand for quality, avaliability and price. It is a generation that is not fooled by lavish marketing campaigns. They demand congruence during all steps until final purchase. If companies adapt to Z demands, and preserve what is promised, the generation will stay loyal.

Prospero: En idealtyp för Generation Z : En konstruktion av en framtida organisation / Prospero: An ideal type for Generation Z : The construction of a future organization

Hallqvist, Philip, Hedenmalm, Jon, Marante Ferreira, Pierre January 2016 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att genom tolkning och analys av värderingar och attityder hos Generation Z konstruera en idealtyp av en organisation, som kommer att kunna användas som ett redskap för förståelse för hur organisationer skulle kunna se ut i framtiden för att passa Generation Z.   Metod: En intervjustudie som behandlar generationsforskning ur ett organisationsperspektiv. Studien har genomförts med en induktiv metod och en kvalitativ strategi.   Slutsats: I Generation Z:s uttalade värderingar och attityder framträdde en paradox. Generation Z värdesatte motstridiga aspekter inom arbetslivet. Resultatet av studien är därför idealtypen ”Prospero”, baserad på Generation Z:s uttalade värderingar och attityder. En tvådelad organisationsstruktur som kombinerar hierarkisk ordning och struktur med adhocratisk kreativitet. Arbetsdagen är uppdelad mellan dessa båda delar, denna uppdelning regleras genom stämpelklockan ”Miranda”. / Purpose: The purpose of this study is to, through interpretation and analysis of values and attitudes of Generation Z, construct an ideal type of organization, which can be used as a tool for the understanding of how organizations could look like in the future to accommodate Generation Z.   Methodology: An interview study that addresses the topic of generational research from an organizational perspective. The study was conducted with an inductive approach and a qualitative method.   Conclusions: From Generation Z's spoken values and attitudes a paradox emerged. Generation Z valued conflicting aspects of working life. The result of the study is therefore the ideal type “Prospero”, which is based on Generation Z's spoken values and attitudes. A dual-sided organizational structure that combines hierarchical order and structure with an ad hoc creativity. The workday is divided between the two sides, this transition is controlled by the punch clock “Miranda”.

Generation Z : Den sökande generationen / Generation@ / Netgeneration

Sanhueza, Carolina, Falkevinge, Paula January 2014 (has links)
Andledningen till att vi valt att undersöka Generation Z är för att vi som blivande studie- och yrkesvägledare kommer arbeta med dessa ungdomar. Generation Z är fortfarande unga men det hindrar dem inte från att vara uppkopplade på olika sociala medier. Aldrig tidigare har en generation haft så enkelt att hitta vad de söker efter. Den här generationen ligger i vårt intresse eftersom vi som framtida studie- och yrkesvägledare ska mer försöka knyta ihop säcken med all information som ges. / The reason that we have chosen to examine Generation Z is that we as a future career counselors will work with these young people. Generation Z is still young but it does not prevent them from being online on various social media. Never before has a generation have so easy to find what they are looking for. This generation is in our interest because as future career counselor will we try to tie together all the information provided.

Världens bästa arbete : Attraktivt arbete enligt generation Z

Güclü, Arda, Alexandersson, Oscar January 2018 (has links)
Generation Z, is the next working generation that’s about to enter the labor market. What do they expect from today's corporations and business? What do they see as an attractive workplace and what motivates them? What do companies need to do to attract and keep them? These are some interesting questions we wanted to analyze and examine. To answer these questions, we carried out seven semi-structured interviews with students from the Stockholm School of Economics. We wanted to ask students from Generation Z to examine people with many options when it comes to choosing a work. In conclusion we could see that our participants want a workplace where the organization worked with social and environmental questions. The company needs to have good morals and values for the participants to be willing to work there. This was seen as a demand from our students from the study. Other things they evaluated was relations with colleagues and bosses. The salary needed to be equal to the effort put into the work. The workers don’t want to be underpaid. The work also need to be meaningful and interesting, where the students feel valuable for the company or that they contribute to the welfare of society or the world as a whole.

Generation Z kliver in på arbetsmarknaden : Hur bör dagens ledarskap anpassas till den nya generationen? / Generation Z enters the labor market : How should the leadership of today be adapted to the new generation?

Winroth, William, Wennerström, Linnea January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Generation Z har precis börjat göra sitt intåg på arbetsmarknaden, en generation som bryter normer när det kommer till motivationsfaktorer och traditionella livsmönster. Generationstypiska drag är ett väletablerat fenomen som formar både individers identitet och värderingar utifrån samhället de lever i. När det sker ett generationsskifte på arbetsmarknaden är det viktigt att ledare ser över sitt ledarskap för att hitta strategier för att hantera de generationsskiften som komma skall. Tidigare forskning visar att det i stora drag finns likheter i de olika generationernas ledarskapspreferenser men att det också existerar fundamentala skillnader som kan komma att skapa stora problem när Generation Z nu kliver in på arbetsmarknaden. I dagsläget finns det ingen forskning som berör ledarskap ur både perspektivet som anställd från Generation Z och från perspektivet som ledare. Det fattas även kvalitativa studier som mer djupgående fokuserar på Generation Z i relation till ledarskap. Genom att inkludera och jämföra dessa två perspektiv i en och samma undersökning har studien för avsikt att bidra med ny kunskap inom området för att visa hur ledare rent praktiskt bör leda den nya arbetskraften. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att bidra med en djupare förståelse för hur dagens ledarskap bör anpassas till den nya arbetskraften, Generation Z. Detta genom att studera Generation Zs och ledares preferenser och erfarenheter av ledarskap för att vidare sätta dessa perspektiv i relation till varandra. Metod: Studien är kvalitativ karaktär med en tvärsnittsdesign och ett abduktivt angreppssätt. Undersökningens empiriska material består av sammanlagt 8 semistrukturerade intervjuer, 4 intervjuer från perspektivet av Generation Z och 4 intervjuer från perspektivet av ledare med erfarenhet av att leda generationen. Slutsats: Studiens resultat visar tydligt att det ledarskap som undersökningens respondenter tillhörande Generation Z efterfrågar liknar det transformativa ledarskapet av Bass (1985). Det transformativa ledarskapet är även i linje med den syn vi tolkat att undersökningens respondenter från ledarnas perspektiv har på ledarskap. Däremot visar studiens resultat att den tranformativa ledarskapsteorin är för trubbig för att direkt applicera på Generation Z. Det krävs därför ytterligare teori som tillägg för djupare förståelse som komplement till de komponenter som Bass (1985) menar att det transformativa ledarskapet består av. Detta presenteras slutligen i studiens egenutformande ramverk. / Introduction: Generation Z has just begun to enter the labor market, a generation that breaks the standards of traditional life patterns and previous motivational factors. Generational patterns are not a new phenomenon, it shapes both individuals' identity and values based on the society in which they live. During a generational shift in the labor market, it is important for leaders to review their leadership in order to find strategies for managing the next generation. Previous research indicates that there are broadly similarities in the different generations' leadership preferences, but also some fundamental differences that can create major problems when Generation Z now enters the labor market. In present time, there are no research that have explored leadership from both the perspective of Generation Z and from the perspective of leaders. There are also no qualitative studies that have focused more in depth on Generation Z in relation to leadership. By including and comparing these two perspectives in the same study, the study intends to contribute with new knowledge in the area in order to show how leaders practically should lead the new workforce. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to gain a deeper understanding of how leadership should be adapted to the new generation, Generation Z. This by studying the preferences and experiences of leadership from Generation Z and leaders to further compare these two perspectives in relation to each other. Method: The study is of a qualitative nature with a cross-sectional design and an abductive approach. The survey's empirical data consists of a total of 8 semi-structured interviews, 4 interviews from the perspective of Generation Z and 4 interviews from the perspective of leaders with experience of leading Generation Z. Conclusion: The result of the study shows that the leadership demanded by the respondents belonging to Generation Z is similar to the transformational leadership presented by Bass (1985). The transformational leadership is also in line with the view that we have interpreted that the respondents from the leaders’ perspective have of leadership. However, the results also show that the transformational leadership theory is too narrow to be directly applied to the Generation Z workforce. Therefore, additional theory is needed as an addition to reach a deeper understanding that can be used to complements to the components that Bass (1985) believes that the transformational leadership consists of. This is presented in the study’s self-designed framework.

Fängsla oss annars Zzzz... : En kvalitativ studie om hur generation Z föredrar att arbetsgivare arbetar med intern employer branding / Capture us, otherwise Zzzz.... : A qualitative study of how Generation Z prefers employers to work with internal employer brand

Andersson, Ida, Lindéen, Nellie January 2020 (has links)
Titel: Fängsla oss annars Zzzz… Författare: Nellie Lindéen och Ida Andersson Institution: Linnéuniversitetet, Ekonomihögskolan  Program: Human Resource Management  Kurs: Företagsekonomi III – Organisation, Examensarbete  Handledare: Jasmina Beharic  Examinator: Mikael Lundgren Problemformulering: Hur föredrar medarbetare tillhörande generation Z att arbetsgivare arbetar med intern employer branding för att generationen ska vilja stanna i en organisation?                     Syfte: Syftet med studien är att öka förståelsen för hur arbetsgivare kan arbeta med intern employer branding för att få medarbetare tillhörande generation Z att vilja stanna i organisationen. Vår förhoppning är att arbetsgivare med hjälp av studien ska kunna öka sina teoretiska kunskaper om alternativa sätt att arbeta med generation Z för att senare kunna applicera dessa kunskaper i praktiken. Metod: En kvalitativ studie med induktiv ansats. Empirin samlades in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med nio respondenter tillhörande generation Z. Slutsats: Studiens resultat visar att generation Z söker utvecklingsmöjligheter och trivsel i form av starka kollegiala band för att vilja stanna i en organisation. Om än något mindre viktiga framställs även miljöarbete och digitaliserade processer som viktiga faktorer. Arbetsgivaren kan tillmötesgå dessa behov genom att inkludera development-, application-, social- , management- samt interest value i arbetet med intern employer branding.  Nyckelord: Generation Z, Employer branding, Intern employer branding / Title: Capture us, otherwise Zzzz… Authors: Nellie Lindéen and Ida Andersson  Institution: Linnaeus University, School of Business and Econmics Program: Human Resource Management  Course  Business Administration III - Organization, Bachelor Thesis Supervisor: Jasmina Beharic  Examiner: Mikael Lundgren Statement of problem: How do employees of generation Z prefer an employer to work with internal employer branding to make sure the generation stays in the organization? Purpose: The purpose of this study is to increase the understanding of how employers can work with internal employer branding to make employees within generation Z, stay in the organization. Our hope is that with the help of this study, employers will be able to increase their theoretical knowledge of alternative ways of working with generation Z in order to be able to apply these skills in their daily practice later on. Method: A qualitative method with an inductive approach. The empirical material was collected with semi-structured interviews with nine respondents within generation Z.  Conclusion: The results of this study shows that generation Z seek opportunities to develop but also well-being in shapes of strong collegial bonds to stay within an organization. Although, slightly less important, environmental work and digitized processes are also presented as important factors. The employer can meet these needs by including development, application, social, management and interest value in their work with internal employer branding. Keywords:Generation Z, Employer branding, Intern employer branding

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