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The present research show a carefully study about the military presence in the Municipality of Santa Maria, Rio
Grande do Sul, since his origens until our days give special importance in the spatial organization of the
comunity along the times, as well the military unities here situated in the portuguese and brasizilian geopolitcs
during the Colonial, Imperial and Republicans times. The origins of the city of Santa Maria góes back to the
diplomatic treaty agreement of Saint Ildefonso, Spain, 1777 and then started a presence militarys unities in the
municipality and engagement in the military conflicts of the countries of the Rio of de la Plata that assured a
very important Geo-strategicaly presence of Santa Maria in the south of Brazil. For this studies was fetched
support in the Teoritical and Methodically based in the geo-historical method, that try to explain the origens and
the spacial organization of a specific view in the present with the restrict, conditionals of the historical times that gives a historic and political context that gives origens to the formation of this town. In this view study
aproaches the geopolitical, terrtory and borders context. As well the formation of the Rio Grande do Sul in the
way to understand the military presence in the geographic space of Santa Maria. The armed forces presence in
Santa Maria was due to a geopolitical determination, since its up coming through participation of the defense of
the brasilian borders and armed conflitcts wit the neighbourn countries, as example of the Oribe and Rosas wars and the of Paraguay. In this one were engaged the natives of Santa Maria, soldiers of the Seventh Cavalry
Infantary Regiment and the Mallets Regiment. Santa Maria is situated in the central área of Rio Grande do Sul
state, from these unities the city became a very importnt strategic-military pole, that concentrates a major
contigent of the Army ando Air Forces. The establishment of the Army and the Air Force in the city in the
present as in the past had a great importance for the spacial building and urban expansion. The military personnel here based gave a big support for the economic life. With the support of the military forces personnel and their families gives forces to the business activity, schools and colleges, social life, hospitals and filantropic societies and medical care services. / A presente pesquisa apresenta um estudo sobre a presença militar no município de Santa Maria, Rio Grande do
Sul, Brasil, desde sua origem até os dias atuais ressaltando a influência militar na organização espacial do
município ao longo do tempo, bem como o envolvimento das unidades militares aqui estabelecidas na
geopolítica portuguesa e brasileira durante os períodos Colonial, Imperial e Republicano. A origem da cidade de
Santa Maria remonta ao acordo diplomático do Tratado de Santo Idelfonso de 1777 e a partir daí, a presença de
unidades militares do município participaram nos conflitos militares com os países platinos, assegurando uma
importância geoestratégica de Santa Maria no sul do Brasil. Para o estudo buscou-se apoio teórico-metodológico
nos subsídios da geografia histórica, que procura explicar a origem e/ou organização espacial de uma dada
paisagem do presente, através de seus condicionantes históricos, reportando ao contexto político e econômico
que deu origem ao processo de formação do município. Nesta perspectiva, esta pesquisa abordou conceitos como
geopolítica, território e fronteira, bem como o processo de formação territorial do Rio Grande do Sul, para se
compreender a presença militar no atual espaço geográfico de Santa Maria. Verifica-se que a atual presença das
forças armadas em Santa Maria, obedeceu a uma determinação geopolítica desde o seu surgimento, através de
sua participação na defesa das fronteiras ao sul do Brasil e em conflitos armados com os países vizinhos do Prata
como, por exemplo, a Guerra contra Oribe e Rosas e a Guerra do Paraguai. Nesta última, participaram os
militares santa-marienses que formavam o 7º Corpo Provisório de Cavalaria da Guarda Nacional, assim como o
Regimento Mallet. Situada no centro do RS, Santa Maria, a partir destas unidades, torna-se um importante pólo
estratégico-militar que concentra um dos maiores contingentes operacionais do Exército e da Aeronáutica. O
estabelecimento das áreas militares na cidade, tanto no passado como no presente, influenciam na organização
espacial da mesma orientando a sua expansão urbana, assim como o contingente militar aqui estabelecido
contribui para a manutenção da atividade econômica. Baseado no contingente de militares e seus familiares
residentes na cidade, infere-se que a presença militar em Santa Maria movimenta outros setores como escolas do
ensino básico, instituições de nível superior, clubes sociais e recreativos, instituições filantrópicas, hospitais e
clínicas médicas, entre outros.
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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The action of man over nature manifests itself in many forms depending on the means
adopted for the constant search for elements that allow for their presence in nature. Thus,
the present study aims, zoning and mapping Geoenvironmental in the municipality of Sorriso
- MT, in order to diagnose and assess the constraints and capabilities of the landscape
opposite the occupation. Based on this goal and linked to the topic of research,
geoenvironmental mapping comes assist in the study area because it allows jointly analyze
information for use and occupation of the land, from the interaction of thematic maps with the
support of Geographical Information System (GIS ), depicting more broadly triggering the
evolution and/or degradation in certain areas of the city. Methodologically, the work is
centered on the literature survey, the readings of subjects related to the central theme of the
proposed research being developed at the Masters and data extracted from the GIS and
fieldwork. The relevance of this issue is due to the very rapidity of the advance of agriculture
in the Midwest region of Brazil that brings numerous interventions in the Cerrado
environments linked to farming practices in agribusiness scale. Thus, from the perspective of
Geoenvironmental approach, the analysis of landscape elements and the impact of human
practices on these permits to understand how to establish social relationships with the
natural substrate as a stage, even assisting in the understanding of surface dynamics in the
many forms of use and occupation of the physical environment, especially in relation to
primary production sector, where we observe the form of management of agricultural soil . As
main results, this work shows that the sectors of greatest weaknesses are concentrated in
the Dissection systems with native vegetation (riparian and gallery) and dirty fields in
Quartzipsamments Cambisols and Hydromorphic, comprising an area with higher slopes,
where erosion may occur and inability to agricultural use, and on the top of the Dissected
Parecis Plateau where agricultural practice inserted this system, bringing a string of
environmental problems. The definition of geo-environmental characteristics is fundamental
for the development project planning and management that should involve society.
Furthermore, this study serves as a basis for work involving different themes on a larger
scale to the Plateau dissected Parecis, contributing information of a region with limited
studies in the state of Mato Grosso. / A ação do homem sobre a natureza se manifesta sob inúmeras formas conforme os meios
adotados para a busca constante de elementos que possibilitam a sua presença nesta
natureza. Sendo assim, o presente trabalho tem por objetivo, o mapeamento e zoneamento
Geoambiental do município de Sorriso-MT, com a finalidade de diagnosticar e avaliar as
restrições e aptidões da paisagem frente à ocupação. Baseado nesse objetivo e vinculado à
temática da pesquisa, o mapeamento geoambiental vem auxiliar o estudo na área, pois
permite analisar conjuntamente, informações de uso e ocupação da terra, a partir da
interação de mapas temáticos com o apoio do Sistema de Informação Geográfica (SIG),
retratando de forma mais abrangente o desencadeamento da evolução e/ou degradação em
determinadas áreas do município. Metodologicamente, o trabalho está centralizado no
levantamento bibliográfico, nas leituras de assuntos relacionados ao tema central da
proposta de pesquisa que está sendo desenvolvida no mestrado e em dados extraídos do
geoprocessamento e trabalho de campo. A relevância deste assunto se deve a própria
rapidez do avanço da agricultura na região Centro-Oeste do Brasil que traz consigo
inúmeras intervenções nos ambientes do Cerrado vinculadas as práticas agrícolas na escala
do agronegócio. Dessa forma, na perspectiva da abordagem Geoambiental, a análise dos
elementos da paisagem e a repercussão das práticas humana sobre estes possibilita
entender como se estabelecem as relações sociais tendo como palco o substrato natural,
auxiliando ainda, na compreensão da dinâmica superficial frente às diversas formas de uso
e ocupação do meio físico, especialmente em relação ao setor produtivo primário, onde se
encontra a forma de manejo do solo agrícola. Como resultados principais, o trabalho aponta
que os setores de maiores fragilidades estão concentrados nos Sistemas de Dissecação
com mata nativa (ciliares e galeria) e campos sujos em Neossolos Quartzarênicos,
Cambissolos e Hidromórficos, que comporta uma área com maiores declividades, onde
podem ocorrer erosão e impossibilidade de uso agrícola e, no Sistema de topo do Planalto
Dissecado dos Parecis onde a prática agrícola esta inserida, trazendo uma sequencia de
problemas ambientais. A definição das características geoambientais é fundamental para o
desenvolvimento de projetos de planejamento e gestão que devem envolver a sociedade.
Além disso, este estudo serve como base para trabalhos, envolvendo diferentes temáticas,
em escala maior para o Planalto dissecado dos Parecis, contribuindo com informações de
uma região que apresenta estudos limitados no estado de Mato Grosso.
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Etude mécanique des déformations des chaînes plissées d'avant-pays et rôle des argiles roches-mères durant leur maturation / Mechanical study of the fold-and-thrust belts deformation and role of the source-rock during their maturationBerthelon, Josselin 11 December 2015 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, les changements de propriétés mécaniques des argiles riches en matière organique sont étudiés afin d'en déduire si leur enfouissement peut déclencher l'écaillage tectonique. Ce travail multidisciplinaire s'organise selon trois axes : une étude de terrain, une étude en laboratoire et une étude de modélisation numérique. L'étude de coupes géologiques équilibrées à travers les chaînes plissées Méditérranéennes montre l'importance de l'interprétation mécanique pour les thématiques de restaurations et pour valider les scénarios d'évolution structurale. Sur les Posidonia Schist Albanais, une caractérisation en laboratoire et à haute résolution de la formation roche-mère permet d'observer l'évolution verticale des paramètres minéralogiques, géochimiques et mécaniques qui contrôle le comportement rhéologique des roches-mères. En utilisant les modèles de bassin TEMISFlow, j'analyse les conditions pour créer des surpressions au sein d'un niveau de décollement roche-mère localisé sous un chevauchement. Au travers de modélisations géo-mécaniques FLAMAR, j'étudie les conditions mécaniques nécessaires pour développer des géométries de plis idéales au sein d'une stratigraphie mécanique. Une hiérarchisation des paramètres qui permettent d'activer un décollement au sein d'une roche-mère intégrée dans une stratigraphie mécanique est proposée. Au travers d'une analyse couplant ces deux aspects géo-mécanique et hydro-mécanique, ce travail est une contribution à la recherche d'une loi de comportement rhéologique permettant de prendre en compte l'adoucissement mécanique thermo-dépendant des argiles et des roches-mères dans les modélisations géo-mécaniques. / In this thesis, changes in the mechanical properties of organic-rich shales, when they mature, are studied in order to deduce if burial may mechanically activate tectonic imbrication and control the folding style. This multidisciplinary work is organized according to three axes: a field study, a laboratory study and a thermo-mechanical modeling study. In the first part, the study balanced geological cross-sections through the Mediterranean fold-and-thrust belts shows the importance of the mechanical interpretation for structural restorations and to validate structural evolution scenarios. The Albanian Posidonia Schist laboratory characterization allows discussing the vertical evolution of mineralogical, geochemical and mechanical parameters in a source-rock formation that control the rheological behavior of source rocks. Both geological cases serve as input data for modeling designed to simulate the evolution of a source rock during its burial. Two aspects are examined: Using TEMISFlow Arctem basin models, I analyze the conditions necessary to create overpressure in a source-rock detachment located in the footwall of a thrust. Through geo-mechanical modeling, I study the mechanical conditions necessary to develop ideal fold geometries within a mechanical stratigraphy. A hierarchy of parameters to activate a detachment within source rocks embedded in a mechanical stratigraphy is thus proposed. Through an analysis of the coupling between these two aspects, geo-mechanical and hydro-mechanical, this thesis is a contribution to the search of a rheological law that takes into account the thermo-dependent softening of shale and source rocks in geo-mechanical modeling.
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Wildfire Management in the Southside Region of Canada’s Montane Cordillera - A Systems Modelling Application on Firebreak StrategiesKessels, Henricus January 2016 (has links)
There is growing recognition of the importance of preserving Canada’s forests. Canada’s 348 million hectares of forest land cover 35% of its land area, representing 9% of the world’s forests and 24% of the world’s boreal forests. As a renewable resource, forests offer significant environmental, economic and recreational benefits and innumerable services contributing to the quality of life.
Canada has recently entered an era of increased frequency and severity of natural disasters. Ecosystems and communities especially in western Canada have recently undergone a trend of increasing pressures from natural disturbances. These disturbances include wildfires associated with increased fuel load levels from past fire suppression regimes and a widely spread infestation of the mountain pine beetle in addition to changes in weather patterns. Wildfire activity has reached extreme levels in many of the recent years.
This thesis profiles an area of western Canada within the Montane Cordillera covering the Nechako Lakes Electoral District in central British Columbia and assesses its vulnerability to the specific hazard of wildfires caused by natural and man-made sources. The objectives of this research are to review, simulate and assess the impact of various fuel management strategies in a sub-section of the Nechako Lakes Electoral District called the Southside. Values at risk include private property and old growth forest in respectively timber supply areas, provincial parks, woodlots and community forests.
Simulation results show that firebreaks are effective in significantly reducing the area burned in different parts of the landscape. The performance of different strategies shows large variation. Although this has not been investigated further, such variation has likely been caused by topographic aspects and the positioning of firebreaks in the landscape in relation to climatic parameters. These results can therefore not be extrapolated beyond the simulated area, but do give an indication of the performance variation that may be expected when similar firebreaks are applied elsewhere. The results also show that model performance of all firebreak strategies is heavily and fairly consistently influenced by weather stream parameters. Sensitivity analyses of weather stream parameters show that although the reduction in total area burned varies, the ranking between strategies in their overall performance is consistent regardless of the weather pattern. Combined dry, warm and windy weather conditions lead to a 3.44-fold increase in total area burned as compared to the scenario with average weather conditions. In favourable weather conditions represented by wet, cold and nearly windless conditions, the model shows an 85% reduction in total burned area as compared to the average scenario. These results illustrate the significant impact of uncontrollable variables on the overall result.
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Extragenic Accumulation of RNA Polymerase II Enhances Transcription by RNA Polymerase IIINeugebauer, Karla M., Grishina, Inna, Bledau, Anita S., Listerman, Imke 25 November 2015 (has links)
Recent genomic data indicate that RNA polymerase II (Pol II) function extends beyond conventional transcription of primarily protein-coding genes. Among the five snRNAs required for pre-mRNA splicing, only the U6 snRNA is synthesized by RNA polymerase III (Pol III). Here we address the question of how Pol II coordinates the expression of spliceosome components, including U6. We used chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) and high-resolution mapping by PCR to localize both Pol II and Pol III to snRNA gene regions. We report the surprising finding that Pol II is highly concentrated ∼300 bp upstream of all five active human U6 genes in vivo. The U6 snRNA, an essential component of the spliceosome, is synthesized by Pol III, whereas all other spliceosomal snRNAs are Pol II transcripts. Accordingly, U6 transcripts were terminated in a Pol III-specific manner, and Pol III localized to the transcribed gene regions. However, synthesis of both U6 and U2 snRNAs was α-amanitin-sensitive, indicating a requirement for Pol II activity in the expression of both snRNAs. Moreover, both Pol II and histone tail acetylation marks were lost from U6 promoters upon α-amanitin treatment. The results indicate that Pol II is concentrated at specific genomic regions from which it can regulate Pol III activity by a general mechanism. Consequently, Pol II coordinates expression of all RNA and protein components of the spliceosome.
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Egenskap och precision av GNSS BeiDou, Navstar (GPS), GLONASS samt kombinationen av GPS/GLONASSMahdere, Yafet January 2021 (has links)
Eftersom att både GNSS GPS och GLONASS har många likheter så finns möjlighet att utnyttja systemen i kombination. Dock föreligger olikheter vilket gör att systemen inte är fullkomlig kompatibla med varandra. Diskrepans i koordinater och tidsram utgör ett stort hinder för att kombinera dessa system. Men lösningar för koordinatstransformering har tagits fram för att eliminera dessa divergenser (Roßbach, 2001) BeiDou GNSS system till skillnad från GNSS GPS/GLONASS är ett av det senaste etablerade navigationssystem, vilket ställer frågor för användare om systemets kvalitéer och brister. Denna studie behandlar väldigt översiktligt om hur BeiDou systemet tillkom och bakgrunden, karaktärer samt ambitionen som är framlagt för systemet. BeiDou som ursprungligen kallades för COMPASS hade inte samma ändamål som GLONASS och GPS att tillfredsställa sina användare med globalt navigationssystem, intentionen med systemet var mestadels för positioneringssystem som skulle användas regionalt och för militära ändamål, men med tiden ökade ambitionen hos tillverkaren och en ny plan alstrades. planen var att satsa på att bli en av världsledande positionering och navigationssystem, och det skulle etableras och utnyttjas världen över. GLONASS och NAVSTARs GPS vilka är stora konkurrenter av produktutveckling inom rymd teknologi, har framställt världens mest noggranna och effektiva satellitsystemen. Även om ändamålen för dessa systemen hade sin utgångspunkt för applikation inom det militära avseende, har de gjort tillgängliga för diverse civil användning. GNSS GPS/GLONASS kan i vissa fall visa brister på uppkopplingshastighet men också mätningsprecision vid användning på egen hand, detta p.g.a. att antalet synliga och uppnåbara satelliter är begränsande. Detta har gett upphov till vidare studier inom systemens karaktärer samt implementering av kombination GNSS GPS/GLONASS. Emedan både systemen tillsammans består av 48 satelliter, att hitta tillfredställande antal satelliter under alla omständigheter underlättas. Systemen innehöll implikationer i sina grundinställningar som försvårar tillämpning av dessa i kombination. Satelliterna skickar information om sina positioner på två olika metoder, PZ-90 för GLONASS och WGS-84 för GPS. Metoderna är väldigt lika varandra med skiljer sig någorlunda i sättet de utför sina beräkningar. Denna skiljaktighet skapades då systemen ej hade som avsikt att samarbeta och eventuellt integrera med varandra vilket gjorde att utvecklingen av båda GNSS gick isär. Detta innebär att transformation av satellitinformation är nödvändigt för att uppnå tillförlitliga lösningar, då GNSS ska sammanställas och användas integrerat.
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Les meules rotatives de la fin de l'Âge du Fer au haut Moyen Âge entre la Seine et le Rhin / Rotary querns and millstones from the Late Iron Age to early Middle Age, between the rivers Seine and RhinePicavet, Paul 14 February 2019 (has links)
Les meules, pièces maîtresses et les mieux conservées des moulins, sont emblématiques des questions relatives à l’histoire de l’économie et des techniques.De l’économie, parce que l’analyse des roches meulières révèle une chaîne complexe de recherche des ressources, d’extraction, de mise en forme, de distribution et d’utilisation qui dépend d’une série de facteurs qui ne concernent pas seulement les meules mais peuvent s’appliquer à toutes sortes de productions artisanales répondant à des besoins primaires de subsistance.Des techniques, parce que l’amélioration des procédés de mouture est le fruit d’une transmission des savoir-faire techniques alliée à une recherche constante de la meilleure réponse possible à des besoins alimentaires qui eux-mêmes évoluent. Cette notion de progrès technique, que l’on observe à la fois sur le temps long (ici plus d’un millénaire) et à l’occasion de brèves transitions politico-culturelles (la conquête romaine de la Gaule puis les migrations germaniques), est à l’origine de profonds changements socio-économiques.Sur la base de travaux de terrain (prospections thématiques), d’analyses d’objets (les meules) et d’un tour d’horizon bibliographique, cette thèse présente une synthèse régionale sur un type de mobilier modeste mais structurant des sociétés et des économies anciennes. / Millstones, as the centerpieces and the best preserved elements of mills, are characteristic of the questions relating to the history of techniques and economics.Of economics, because analysis of the rocks from which they are made reveal a complex chain including their research, extraction, shaping, distribution and use. The factors on which this chain depends don’t only concern querns and millstones but can be applied to all types of craft production that answer to primary needs of subsistence.Of techniques because the improving of milling processes is due to a transmission of technical savoir-faire, mixed with a constant research for the best solution to evolving food needs. This notion of technical progress is observed both over a long time scale (1000 years) and during brief political and cultural transitions (the Roman conquest of Gaul, and the Germanic migrations). This evolution is the basis of deep social and economic changes.Based on field surveys, artifact analysis (querns and millstones) and a literature survey, this thesis presents a regional synthesis on a modest but structuring element of ancient societies and their economies.
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Stabiliserande betongskiva med elastisk grundläggning på friktionsjord : En analys av rotationsstyvheter i friktionsjord / Stabilizing concrete wall with elastic foundation on friction soil : Analysis of the rotational stiffness of the soilHolst Nywertz, Daniel, Livfors, Mattias January 2016 (has links)
Vid grundläggning av medelhöga hus på friktionsjord kan i många fall grundläggningen genomföras med betongfundament. I dessa fall är jordens kompressionsegenskaper av mycket stor betydelse. Jordars materialkurvor visar att elasticitetsmodulen för avlastning är större än den för pålastning. För ett momentbelastat fundament kommer ena sidan utsättas för pålastning och den andra för avlastning. Vanligen beräknas dock grundens rotationsstyvhet endast med hjälp av modulen för pålastning vilket leder till att rotationsstyvheten underskattas. Ytterligare antas även ofta att ett fundaments rotationsstyvhet kan beräknas med hjälp av jordens bäddmodul av centrisk last. Denna beräkning är baserad på en lastspridning i djupet och underskattar rotationsstyvheten jämfört med en beräkning baserad på plattans vinkeländring och tröghetsmoment. Denna underskattning beror på att spänningar i jorden avtar långsammare vid centrisk belastning än vid momentbelastning. En ökning av grundens rotationsstyvhet medför en ökning av byggnadens globala knäcklast. Momentbelastade fundament riskerar att lätta från marken då momentets dragspänningar når upp till normalspänningarna av byggnadens tyngd. Då fundamentet lättar från marken kan inte längre hela fundamentets yta utnyttjas. Risken för att detta sker kan minskas genom att använda sig av en platta med elastiskt mellanlägg i dess centrala delar I denna studie visas hur grundläggningens rotationsstyvhet förändras dels beroende på beräkningsmetod samt om hänsyn tas till skillnaden mellan jordens på- och avlastningsmodul. Det visas även hur rotationsstyvheten förändras beroende på hur stor skillnaden mellan på- och avlastningsmodul är. Rotationsstyvheter har framtagits för fem olika plattor varav två är kvadratiska och två rektangulära med konstant tjocklek samt en rektangulär med elastiskt mellanlägg. För att utföra studien har såväl handberäkning som finita element beräkningar genomförts. De mjukvaror som använts är Mathcad för handberäkningen samt Plaxis 2D och Ansys APDL för den finita element beräkningen. Den fullständiga analysen är dock genomförd i Ansys APDL och Plaxis 2D har endast använts för att verifiera att den modell som skapats är tillförlitlig. Resultaten av denna studie visar att rotationsstyvheten blir mycket bättre om beräkningen baseras på plattans vinkeländring till följd av momentbelastning istället för den bäddmodul som avser fundamentets egenskaper vid centrisk belastning. Resultaten visar också att rotationsstyvheten blir bättre ju större avlastningsmodulen är i förhållande till pålastningsmodulen. Den finita elementberäkningen ger en ökning av rotationsstyvheten med en faktor 1.75 – 3.85 för det fall med en relativ styvhetsfaktor 4. Motsvarande handberäkning ger en ökning med en faktor 1.45 – 2.85. Resultaten visar också att rotationsstyvheten för en grundplatta som förses med elastiskt mellanlägg endast blir något lägre än motsvarande grundplatta utan elastiskt mellanlägg. Samtidigt visade sig grundplattan med elastiskt mellanlägg klara ett väsentligt högre moment innan den lättar från jordytan på avlastad sida av fundamentet. Resultaten från knäckningsberäkningen visar att antalet våningar för en byggnad grundlagt med betongfundament på friktionsjord kan höjas från 8 till som mest 12 för det fallet då en relativ styvhetsfaktor är 4 och då skivans längd är 8 meter. Antalet våningar för en stabiliserande skiva med längden 4 meter kan höjas som mest till 9. / When founding medium high buildings on friction soil, the foundation is often carried out as a concrete footing. In these cases the earth compression characteristics are of very great importance. The material curve for soils shows that the elastic modulus of unloading is greater than that of loading. In a moment-loaded foundation, one side will be subjected to loading and the other to unloading. The rotational stiffness is however usually calculated only based on the elastic modulus of loading which result in an underestimation of the rotational stiffness. The rotational stiffness is also often calculated based on the bedding modulus due to centric loading. This calculation is based on an increasing area of the stress distribution by the depth and is underestimating the rotational stiffness compared to a calculation based on the angular change of the slab and its moment of inertia. This underestimation is due to that the stresses caused by centric loading decreases less rapidly than those caused by moment loading. An increase of the foundations rotational stiffness leads to an increase of the buildings global buckling load. Moment-loaded foundations are likely to ease off the ground at high moments. This occurs when the tensile stress caused by the moment reaches the normal stress due to the building's weight. When the foundation is lifted from the ground, the entire foundation surface can no longer be utilized. The risk for this to occur can be reduced by using a slab with elastic inserts. In this thesis, it is shown how the rotational stiffness of the foundation changes depending on the calculation method as well as if the difference in loading and unloading modulus is taken into account. It is also shown how the rotational stiffness changes depending on the relation between the loading and unloading modulus. Rotational stiffness has been evaluated for five different slabs of which two are square and two rectangular with constant thickness and one rectangular with elastic inserts. In order to perform the study, both hand calculation as well as finite element calculations are carried out. The used software are Mathcad for the hand calculation and Plaxis 2D as well as Ansys APDL for the finite element calculation. The full analysis is, however, performed in Ansys APDL and Plaxis 2D has only been used to verify that the model created is reliable. The results shows that the rotational stiffness of the foundation with the elastic inserts only reduces a small amount compared with the corresponding foundation without elastic inserts. The results also shows that the foundation with the elastic inserts resists a substantially higher moment-load before it eases off the ground on the unloaded side of the foundation.
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A study on the use of ARKit toextract and geo-reference oorplans / En studie på användingen av ARKit för att extrahera och georeferera planlösningarLarsson, Niklas, Runesson, Hampus January 2021 (has links)
Indoor positioning systems (IPS) has seen an increase in demand because of the needto locate users in environments where Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) lacksaccuracy. The current way of implementing an IPS is often tedious and time consuming.However, with the improvements of position estimation and object detection on phones,a lightweight and low-cost solution could become the standard for the implementationphase of an IPS. Apple recently included a Light Detection And Ranging (LiDAR) sensorin their phones, greatly improving the phones depth measurements and depth understanding.This allows for a more accurate virtual representation of an environment. This thesisstudies the accuracy of ARKit’s reconstructed world and how different environments impactthe accuracy. The thesis also investigates the use of reference points as a tool to map thereconstructed environment to a geo-referenced map, such as Google Maps and Open StreetMap. The results show that ARKit can create virtual representations with centimetre levelaccuracy for small to medium sized environments. For larger or vertical environments,such as corridors or staircases, ARKit’s SLAM algorithm no longer recognizes previouslyvisited areas, causing both duplicated virtual environments and large drift errors. With theuse of multiple reference points, we showed that ARKit can and should be considered asa viable tool for scanning and mapping small scale environments to geo-referenced floorplans.
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Optimal use of routinely collected data among pregnant women to improve malaria surveillance in Burkina Faso: Contribution of Bayesian spatiotemporal modellingRouamba, Toussaint 13 November 2020 (has links) (PDF)
Background: The control of malaria in pregnancy remains a large challenge in Burkina Faso, despite the adoption of control measures known to be effective. Known effective programs include individual measures, such as intermittent preventive treatment during pregnancy, and the use of long lasting insecticide nets and daily supplementation of ferrous sulphate (200 mg) along with folic acid. Besides these measures, health programs that aim at enhancing the well-being of the population and improve maternal and child health have emerged, including results-based financing (in 2014), a project promoting health in 130 communities (implemented in 2015), and free health care (implemented in 2016). This thesis attempts to assess the effects of health programs on the space–time patterns of malaria (morbidity and mortality) through routinely collected data in pregnancy and explore the various prediction approaches to address challenges in routine health data reporting. Methods: We utilized a substantial range of data and applied advanced quantitative approaches while considering the specific distribution of the data. Our thesis is based on the valorization (analyses) of malaria surveillance data (aggregated by space and time units) recorded in the health information system of Burkina Faso between 2011 and 2019. These analyses also integrate environmental remote sensing data, data from periodic surveys, and data from other sources. These data were coupled into a database. After performing appropriate descriptive analyses considering the complexity of the data design, we performed spatio-temporal Bayesian modeling to determine areas with high risk and assess the effect of health programs on the space–time patterns of malaria incidence among pregnant women at the community-level; to explore an approach to estimate health facility readiness from survey data designed to be regionally representative (and then quantify the effect of this readiness on severe-malaria cases and case fatality); and to explore the prediction approaches used to address challenges in routine health data reporting, thereby supporting a malaria early warning system. Results: Our results show spatial and temporal heterogeneity and indicate that the annual incidence of malaria increased between 2013 and 2018, while the mortality rate decreased significantly. Some communities with a high malaria burden experienced a reduction in their risk through the deployment of the health programs mentioned above. The risk of a pregnant woman dying from severe malaria was 2.5 times higher in districts with low operational capacity. Finally, our thesis proposed an approach to respond to crisis situations that would affect data collection and could be used to set the target or provide early warnings for epidemics or other notifications. Conclusion: Our thesis provides useful tools for disease surveillance in developing countries to help optimize the scarce resources in malaria high burden areas. The results of our thesis could be used by the Ministry of Health to strengthen the capacity of existing surveillance tools and to develop rational strategies and/or new tools for monitoring malaria cases and associated deaths in communities. / Contexte :La lutte contre le paludisme pendant la grossesse reste un grand défi au Burkina Faso, malgré l'adoption de mesures de contrôle dont l'efficacité est reconnue. Les programmes dont l'efficacité est reconnue comprennent des mesures individuelles, telles que le traitement préventif intermittent pendant la grossesse, l'utilisation de moustiquaires imprégnées d'insecticide de longue durée et la supplémentation quotidienne en sulfate ferreux (200 mg) ainsi qu'en acide folique. Outre ces mesures, des programmes de santé visant à accroître le bien-être de la population et à améliorer la santé maternelle et infantile ont vu le jour, notamment le financement basé sur les résultats (en 2014), le projet de promotion de la santé dans 130 communes (mis en œuvre en 2015) et la gratuité des soins de santé (mise en œuvre en 2016). Cette thèse tente d'évaluer les effets des programmes de santé sur les caractéristiques spatio-temporelles du paludisme (morbidité et mortalité) par le biais de données de routine collectées pendant la grossesse et d'explorer les différentes approches de prévision pour relever les défis de la rapportage systématique des données de santé. Méthodes :Nous avons utilisé un large éventail de données et appliqué des approches quantitatives avancées tout en tenant compte de la distribution spécifique des données. Notre thèse est basée sur la valorisation (analyses) des données de surveillance du paludisme (agrégées par unités spatiales et temporelles) enregistrées dans le système d'information sanitaire du Burkina Faso entre 2011 et 2019. Ces analyses intègrent également des données de télédétection environnementale, des données issues d'enquêtes périodiques et des données provenant d'autres sources. Ces données ont été couplées pour constituer une base de données. Après avoir effectué des analyses descriptives appropriées en tenant compte de la complexité de la conception des données, nous avons procédé à une modélisation bayésienne spatio-temporelle pour déterminer les zones à haut risque et évaluer l'effet des programmes de santé sur les tendances spatio-temporelles de l'incidence du paludisme chez les femmes enceintes au niveau communautaire ;pour explorer une approche permettant d'estimer la capacité opérationnelle des établissements de santé à partir de données d'enquête conçues pour être représentatives au niveau régional (et ensuite quantifier l'effet de cette capacité opérationnelle sur les cas de paludisme grave et la mortalité) ;et pour explorer les approches de prévision utilisées pour relever les défis relatifs au rapportaga systématique des données de santé, pouvant aussi servir à un système d'alerte précoce du paludisme. Résultats :Nos résultats montrent une hétérogénéité spatiale et temporelle et indiquent que l'incidence annuelle du paludisme a augmenté entre 2013 et 2018, tandis que le taux de mortalité a diminué de manière significative. Certaines communes où la charge du paludisme est élevée ont connu une réduction de leur risque grâce au déploiement des programmes de santé mentionnés ci-dessus. Le risque qu'une femme enceinte meure d'un paludisme grave était 2,5 fois plus élevé dans les districts ayant une faible capacité opérationnelle. Enfin, notre thèse a proposé une approche pour répondre aux situations de crise qui affecterait la collecte de données et pourrait être utilisée pour fixer l'objectif ou fournir des alertes précoces pour les épidémies ou autres notifications. Conclusion :Notre thèse fournit des outils utiles pour la surveillance des maladies dans les pays en développement afin de contribuer à optimiser les ressources limitées dans les zones à forte incidence de paludisme. Les résultats de notre thèse pourraient être utilisés par le ministère de la santé pour renforcer la capacité des outils de surveillance existants et pour développer des stratégies rationnelles et/ou de nouveaux outils de surveillance des cas de paludisme et des décès associés dans les communautés. / Doctorat en Sciences de la santé Publique / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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