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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La gestion patrimoniale et l'usage des chemins à l'ère du numérique / Dirt roads management and usage into the digital era

Merey, Melanie 10 November 2017 (has links)
Les chemins sont un support de travail et de loisir pour les agriculteurs, les sylviculteurs et maintes usagers qui souhaitent se ressourcer, se défouler ou partager un moment convivial. lis constituent un vecteur de rencontre et de lien entre l'homme et la nature.Cette multiplicité d'usages et d'usagers permet de faire vivre ce patrimoine qui a tôt fait de disparaitre sans intervention humaine. Cependant, la circulation des véhicules utilisés pour l'exploitation ou la randonnée, ainsi que la sur-fréquentation de certains sites touristiques accentuent l'érosion du sol de ces voies non revêtues. La plupart des plaintes transmises aux gestionnaires sont liées à ces dégradations ainsi qu'aux pratiques nuisant à la naturalité des milieux, à la sécurité du public et à [a tranquillité des riverains.Le laboratoire de géographie de l'Université Jean Monnet et le Parc Naturel Régional du Pilat ont souhaité mettre en place un dispositif d'analyse multicritère cartographique décisionnel dans le but d'objectiver et de traiter efficacement les problèmes d'entretien et de conflits signalés sur !es chemins. ·L'implication des acteurs du territoire dans la conception de ce dispositif a permis de formuler des solutions acceptables répondant aux situations concrètes insatisfaisantes localisées dans le cadre d'un diagnostic cartographique participatif sur Géo Web.Par ailleurs, des cartes de sensibilité ont été modélisées grâce à un logiciel d'analyse multicritère cartographique afin de mieux prendre en compte les risques liés à l'érosion des chemins et à la circulation des randonneurs motorisés.Le dispositif final repose sur !'utilisation de solutions Géo Web permettant d'assurer un suivi numérique et de communiquer sur l'état des sentiers. / Dirt roads constitute both a work and a !eisure support for farrners, foresters and a lot of users who wish to unwind, to spend their energy or to sharc a convivial moment. They represent a vector of encounter and link between man and nature.This multiplicity of dirt roads usages and users witling to use them make it possible to keep a live this heritage, which quickly disappears without anthropogenic interventions. However, the circulation of vehicle~ used for farming or hiking, as well a~ the overcrowdîng of certain tourist sites, accentuate the soil erosion of these unpaved roads.Most of the complaints submitted to road managers are linked to these degradations as well as to practices that harm the natural environrnent, public safety and the tranquilily of local residents. The University of Jean Monnet (Saint-Etienne) and the Regional Nature Park of Pilat decided to set-up a multi-criteria decision analysis {MCDA) system in order to objectify and deal effectively with maintenance problems and conflicts arising between users.The invo!vement of territorial actors in the design of this device has made it possible to formulate acceptable solutions that respond to the unsatisfactory local situations found during a participatory cartographie diagnosis on Geo Web. Furthermore, sensitivity maps were modeled using a multi~criteria mapping software to integrate the risks associated with road erosion and the traffic of motorized hikers.The final MCDA procedure uses Geo Web solutions to provide digital tracking and information on !rails' state.

Caracterização do uso da terra em periferias urbanas utilizando geotecnologias: bacia do Reservatório Guarapiranga / Land use characterization in urban peripheries using geo-technologies: Guarapiranga Reservoir basin

Salim, Aline 02 September 2013 (has links)
O estudo das cidades requer um olhar amplo, capaz de identificar e relacionar os inúmeros processos que atuam na produção do espaço urbano. Geotecnologias comumente são utilizadas para adquirir informação detalhada da cobertura da terra do espaço urbano. Neste contexto, o objetivo desta pesquisa é a proposição de metodologia para geração de informações da ocupação urbana nas periferias, definindo procedimentos para análise urbana que gere informações sobre as características da ocupação urbana, a partir de imagens de satélite de alta resolução espacial. Para tanto, foi escolhida como área de estudo o distrito do Jardim São Luís compreendido na bacia do reservatório Guarapiranga, manancial que fornece água para a Região Metropolitana de São Paulo (RMSP) e cuja bacia é área de proteção e recuperação de mananciais, de acordo com a legislação estadual. Foram realizadas discussões de como se organiza o espaço urbano e dos processos que refletiram na ocupação urbana da periferia da RMSP. A metodologia desenvolvida nesta pesquisa articulou o uso de técnicas de Sensoriamento Remoto e Sistemas de Informação Geográfica com dados socioeconômicos do censo demográfico. Os resultados foram apresentados e discutidos e a metodologia proposta demonstrou-se promissora para ser aplicada na atualização de informação do espaço urbano para subsidiar o planejamento urbano e a gestão territorial e consequentemente, para a melhoria da qualidade de vida da população. / Studies from cities require a wide look to identify the amount of processes occurring in the production of the urban space. Geo-technologies are commonly used to acquire detailed information of land cover from the urban space. In this context, the objective of this study is to propose methodology for the generation of information from the occupation at the urban peripheries, defining procedures for the analysis of urban areas, to obtain information of the characteristics of this occupation, from high resolution satellite images. The area under study was the district Jardim São Luis, located at the Guarapiranga Reservoir basin, an important water supplier for the São Paulo Metropolitan Region (RMSP), an area of environmental protection and recuperation, according to State legislation. Discussions were made on how the urban space is organized and on the processes of urban occupation in the periphery of RMSP. The methodology developed in this study used remote sensing and GIS techniques and socio-economic data from the last demographic census. The results were presented and the methodology proposed is very promising to be used to update information of the urban space and land management and consequently to improve the quality of life from the population.

Using computer visualisations to educate and communicate volcanic hazards to at-risk communities

Mani, Lara January 2018 (has links)
With an increase in the number of people living in proximity to active volcanic centres worldwide, there is a greater need to provide effective and engaging education and outreach programmes to reduce vulnerability and prepare exposed communities for potential future volcanic eruptions. The finalisation of the Sendai Framework (UNISDR, 2015a) has also cemented the need for disaster risk managers to engage at-risk communities with education and outreach programmes, to reduce the number of deaths and injuries caused by volcanic eruptions worldwide. Education and outreach programmes are already commonplace for disaster risk reduction, with many taking the form of traditional presentations, maps, diagrams, TV and radio broadcasts. In recent years, there has been a shift towards the use of more creative media to communicate volcanic hazards and engage populations in outreach activities. These have included films, comic strips, puppet shows, board games and video games. However, to-date there is little empirical evidence for the use of these media with at-risk communities. This research seeks to address this issue by providing evidence for the effective use of creative media for volcanic hazard education by adopting the use of video games (or serious games). To assess how effective serious games could be as an education tool, a bespoke video game (St. Vincent’s Volcano) was developed collaborative with disaster risk agencies and communities on the Eastern Caribbean island of St. Vincent and then trialled with adults and students from across the island. A range of outreach sessions were adopted to compare and contrast the applications of the game and to identify the most effective method of its delivery. These sessions included a traditional outreach presentation used as a control, and a group of UK students for a cohort comparison. Data were collected through a mixed-methods approach. Overall the results of the study demonstrate how successful the game can be as an education tool, promoting knowledge improvement in players. The results also demonstrate how the role of the outreach instructor is important to encourage engagement and can result in higher levels of overall positive engagement exhibited by the students. The game was also successful at promoting knowledge gain and engagement with adult participants. The results also demonstrated promise for games in promoting longer-term knowledge retention and for improving awareness of existing outreach materials. This research provides a foundation for the increased integration of emerging technologies within traditional education sessions. The work also shares some of the challenges and lessons learnt throughout the development and testing processes and provides recommendations for researchers looking to pursue a similar study or to adopt the use of serious games.

Sistemas de informações geográficas : elementos para o desenvolvimento de bibliotecas digitais geográficas distribuídas /

Silva, Marcel Santos. January 2006 (has links)
Orientador: Silvana Aparecida Borsetti Gregório Vidotti / Banca: Plácida Leopoldina Ventura Amorim da Costa Santos / Banca: Sérgio Antonio Rohm / Resumo: O desenvolvimento de tecnologias de informação e comunicação aplicadas às informações geográficas cresce de forma considerável e torna mais visível o aumento de Sistemas de Informações Geográficas, principalmente em ambientes governamentais, que buscam disponibilizar a informação geográfica a um número de pessoas cada vez maior. O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar uma arquitetura com elementos para a construção de uma Biblioteca Digital Geográfica Distribuída, utilizando os padrões e os conceitos da Ciência da Informação juntamente com o Geoprocessamento. Serão apresentados os conceitos de bibliotecas digitais, os padrões de metadados para informações geográficas, além de geo-ontologias que contribuem para melhor organização e recuperação da informação geográfica. Utilizou-se os SIGs e a teoria da Ciência da Informação, focadas em especial para o desenvolvimento de Biblioteca Digital Geográfica Distribuída. A proposta para construção de uma Biblioteca Digital Geográfica Distribuída baseia-se no princípio de cooperação entre sistemas e considera o acesso livre as informações geográficas, a interoperabilidade possibilitada pela padronização dos metadados e das geo-ontologias. A arquitetura proposta para o desenvolvimento de Bibliotecas Digitais Geográficas Distribuídas atende os requisitos de representação da informação, as formas de comunicação e o protocolo de coleta de metadados e objetos digitais, possibilitando assim, o compartilhamento dos acervos informacionais geográficos distribuídos em diferentes Bibliotecas Digitais Geográficas. Apontam-se os elos entre o Geoprocessamento e a Ciência da Informação em relação à estruturação de ambientes de informações geográficas, que possam ser acessadas via rede de computadores. / Abstract: The development of technologies of information and communication applied to the Geographical information grow in a considerable way and become more visible the increase of Geographic Information Systems, mainly in governments environments, that worry in supplying the geographic information for more and more people. The target of this work is to present an architecture with elements for the construction of a distributed geographical digital library, using patterns and concepts of the Information Science together with geoprocessing. The concepts of digital libraries and the patterns of metadata for geographical information will be presented, besides the geo-ontologies that contribute to better organization and recovery of geographical information. It was used the Geographic Information Systems and the theory of Information Science, focused mainly to the development of distributed geographical digital library.The proposal for construction of the distributed geographical digital library is on the principle of cooperation among systems and it considers the free access to geographical information, the interoperability facilitated by the standardization of the metadatas and geo-ontologies. The architecture proposed for the development of distributed geographical digital libraries assists the requirements of representations of the information, ways of communications and collection protocols for metadatas and digital objects, facilitating thus, the share of collections of geographical informations distributed at several Geographical Digital Libraries. The links between the geoprocessing and Information Science is pointed out with regard to the structuring of geographical information environment that can be accessed through computers network. / Mestre

A constituição do léxico norte mato-grossense na perspectiva geolinguística: abordagens sócio-semântico-lexicais / The constitution of the northern Mato Grosso lexicon: socio-semantic-lexical approaches

Neusa Ines Philippsen 05 July 2013 (has links)
Esta tese, que se fundamenta nos princípios da Geolinguística contemporânea e da Sociolinguística Variacionista, se propôs a refletir sobre a língua portuguesa falada em quatro cidades do norte mato-grossense (Vera, Santa Carmem, Sinop e Cláudia), e apresenta como resultados a transcrição, catalogação, registros e análises de variantes lexicais em uso pelos sujeitos moradores dessas cidades. Para tanto, utilizou-se de recursos teórico-metodológicos que permitiram a documentação da diversidade linguística lexical desses espaços geográficos no presente e, por conseguinte, descrever um recorte da linguagem efetivamente usada pela comunidade para representar o mundo que a cerca. Dentre eles, a pesquisa de campo para o recolhimento do corpus oral. Essa recolha se fez em dois momentos distintos, primeiramente colheram-se narrativas livres tomadas junto a vinte pioneiros dos quatro pontos de inquérito. Em seguida aplicaramse 210 questões a quarenta sujeitos de ambos os gêneros, e divididos entre vinte migrantes, todos acima de 50 anos, e vinte descendentes nascidos na região (filhos ou netos), de 18 a 40 anos. As questões foram elaboradas a partir dos relatos de experiência pessoal recolhidos e amparadas, fundamentalmente, na versão final do questionário linguístico direcionado ao aspecto semântico-lexical (QSL) aprovada pelo Comitê Nacional do Projeto ALiB (2001). Com as respostas obtidas nestas entrevistas, organizou-se um banco de dados semântico-lexical, transcritos e registrados, posteriormente, em Tabelas Lexicais e Cartogramas. Desses registros de itens lexicais, selecionaram-se 36, aos quais foram tecidas observações de natureza geográfica e sociocultural. O olhar analítico dado permitiu que se apreendessem as influências étnicas e regionais que constituíram e ainda constituem o português falado no norte de Mato Grosso. Essas influências podem se resumidas na junção de todos os idioletos trazidos pelos migrantes de seus Estados de origem. Ressalta-se, ainda, que, para se chegar aos resultados alcançados e apresentados nesta pesquisa, foram utilizados 10 referenciais teóricos que se fundamentaram na teoria da variação de Labov, na concepção de norma de Coseriu e nas noções de estatística lexical de Muller, ainda que devidamente adaptadas à especificidade deste estudo. Assim sendo, compreende-se que esta pesquisa descritiva, interpretativa e reflexiva do caráter multidialetal existente na região em foco, pode contribuir com o acervo científico já existente de estudos geosócio- linguísticos, que visam a registrar e a documentar os diferentes falares e marcas dialetais existentes no território brasileiro. / This thesis, which is based both on the contemporary Geo-linguistic principles and on the variationist socio-linguistics, aims to mull over the Portuguese language spoken in four towns in the North of Mato Grosso (Vera, Santa Carmem, Sinop and Cláudia) and, it presents the transcription cataloguing, records and analyses of lexical variations used by the dwellers of those towns. In order to do so, theoretical-methodological resources have been used, which allowed the documentation of the lexical linguistic diversity of the referred geographical spaces at the present time. Consequently we could describe a snippet of the language effectively used by the community to represent their surrounding world. Among them, the field research which helped us gather the oral corpus. This collection took place in two distinct moments, first the free narratives were gathered involving twenty pioneers from the four towns. Next a 210-item-questionnaire was applied to forty both male and female individuals, divided in 20 migrants all above 50 of age, and 20 descendents born in the region (children or grandchildren), between 18 to 40 years of age. The questions were worked out based on the reports of their personal experience gathered and fundamentally supported on the final version of the linguistic questionnaire aiming the semantic-lexical aspect (QSL), approved by the National Committee of the ALIB Project (2001). With the answers obtained through these interviews we have organized a semantic-lexical data bank, transcribed and registered later on in Lexical Tables and Cartograms. From these registries of lexical items, 36 words were selected, on which we have made remarks both of geographical and socio-cultural nature. The analytical regard allowed us to apprehend the regional and ethical influences that have constituted, and still do, the Portuguese spoken in the North of Mato Grosso. Such influences may be summed up in the junction of all idiolects brought by immigrants from their original states. It is worth pointing out that in order to get to the results gathered and presented in this research, the theoretical 12 references have been used, which were based on the variation theory by Labov; on the conception of precept by Coseriu, as well as on the lexical statistic notions by Muller, although properly adapted to the specificity of this study. Therefore, this descriptive interpretative and reflective research of the multi-dialectal aspect existent in the region in focus may contribute to the existing scientific patrimony of geo-socio-linguistic studies that aim to register and document the different ways of speaking and dialectal marks existing in the Brazilian territory.

Uso de comunicação V2V para o descarregamento de dados em redes celulares: uma estratégia baseada em clusterização geográca para apoiar o sensoriamento veicular colaborativo / On the use of V2V communication for cellular data offloading: a geographic clustering-based strategy to support vehicular crowdsensing

Nunes, Douglas Fabiano de Sousa 20 December 2018 (has links)
A incorporação das tecnologias de computação e de comunicação nos veículos modernos está viabilizando uma nova geração de automóveis conectados. Com a capacidade de se organizarem em rede, nas chamadas redes veiculares ad hoc (VANETs), eles poderão, num futuro próximo, (i) tornar o trânsito mais seguro para os motoristas, passageiros e pedestres e/ou (ii) promover uma experiência de transporte mais agradável, com maior conforto. É neste contexto que se destaca o Sensoriamento Veicular Colaborativo (VCS), um paradigma emergente e promissor que explora as tecnologias já embarcados nos próprios veículos para a obtenção de dados in loco. O VCS tem demonstrado ser um modelo auspicioso para o desenvolvimento e implantação dos Sistemas Inteligentes de Transporte (ITSs). Ocorre, todavia, que, em grandes centros urbanos, dependendo do fenômeno a ser monitorado, as aplicações de VCS podem gerar um tráfego de dados colossal entre os veículos e o centro de monitoramento. Considerando que as informações dos automóveis são geralmente enviadas para um servidor remoto usando as infraestruturas das redes móveis, o número massivo de transmissões geradas durante as atividades de sensoriamento pode sobrecarregá-las e degradar consideravelmente a Qualidade de Serviço (QoS) que elas oferecem. Este documento de tese descreve e analisa uma abordagem de clusterização geográfica que se apoia no uso de comunicações Veículo-para-Veículo (V2V) para promover o descarregamento de dados do VCS em redes celulares, de forma a minimizar os impactos supracitados. Os resultados experimentais obtidos mostraram que o uso das comunicações V2V como método complementar de aquisição de dados in loco foi capaz de diminuir consideravelmente a quantidade transmissões realizadas sobre as redes móveis, sem a necessidade de implantação de novas infraestruturas de comunicação no ambiente, e com um reduzido atraso médio adicional fim a fim na obtenção das informações. A abordagem desenvolvida também se apresenta como uma plataforma de software flexível sobre a qual podem ser incorporadas técnicas de agregação de dados, o que possibilitaria aumentar ainda mais a preservação dos recursos de uplink das redes celulares. Considerando que a era da Internet das Coisas (IoT) e das cidades inteligentes está apenas começando, soluções para o descarregamento de dados, tal como a tratada nesta pesquisa, são consideradas imprescindíveis para continuar mantendo a rede móvel de acesso à Internet operacional e capaz de suportar uma demanda de comunicação cada vez maior por parte das aplicações. / The incorporation of computing and communication technologies into modern vehicles is enabling a new generation of connected cars. With the ability to get into a network formation, in the so-called ad hoc networks (VANETs), these vehicles might, in the near future, (i) make the traffic safer for drivers, passengers and pedestrians and/or (ii) promote a more pleasant transportation experience, with greater comfort. It is in this context that emerges the Vehicle CrowdSensing (VCS), a novel and promising paradigm for performing in loco data collection from the vehicles embedded technologies. VCS has proved to be an auspicious scheme for the development and deployment of the Intelligent Transport Systems (ITSs). However, in large urban areas, depending on the phenomenon to be monitored, the VCS applications can generate a colossal data traffic between vehicles and the monitoring center. Considering that all the vehicles information is generally sent to the remote server by using mobile network infrastructures, this massive amount of transmissions generated during the sensing activities can overload them and degrade the Quality of Service (QoS) they offer. This thesis document describes and analyzes a geographic clustering approach that relies on the use of Vehicle-to- Vehicle (V2V) communications to promote the VCS data offloading in cellular networks, in order to minimize the above impacts. The experimental results obtained showed that the use of V2V communications as a complementary data acquisition method was able to considerably reduce the number of transmissions carried out on mobile networks, without the need for deploying new communication infrastructures in the environment, and with a reduced additional delay. The created approach also stands itself as a flexible software platform on which data aggregation techniques can be incorporated, in order to maximize the network resources preservation already provided by the proposal. Considering that we are just entering in the Internet of Things (IoT) and smart cities era, creating data offloading solutions, such as that treated in this research, is considered an essential task to keep the Internet access network operational and able to support the growing demand for mobile communications.

Modelo de integración de datos, metadatos y conocimiento geográficos

Olivia Santos, Rafael 22 February 2013 (has links)
La interoperabilidad semántica entre datos y servicios geográficos es una de las principales líneas de investigación en la actualidad dado el vertiginoso desarrollo de las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones. El logro de una verdadera integración entre los datos geográficos, los metadatos correspondientes y el conocimiento vinculado con ambos, así como las relaciones entre ellos, es una meta a alcanzar dentro de los esfuerzos por lograr la interoperabilidad semántica. En la presente investigación se propone un Modelo de Integración de Datos, Metadatos y Conocimiento Geográficos que hemos denominado MIGeo. A partir del estado del arte se establece un marco teórico general y se concibe un modelo abstracto que tiene su base semántica formal en el modelo ontológico. Asimismo, se propone una metodología para efectuar la integración basándose en el modelo abstracto, así como un modelo computacional que asegura la viabilidad del modelo abstracto y los requisitos no funcionales. La base semántica formal del modelo de integración garantiza la persistencia de los datos, los metadatos y el conocimiento geográficos y sus vínculos a un mismo nivel en ontologías. El modelo MIGeo incorpora ontologías de definición de relaciones topológicas y ontologías para la representación semántica de estructuras de datos, las cuales permiten el indexado de los objetos geográficos representados en los datos geográficos favoreciendo así la recuperación de los objetos a partir de criterios espaciales y la explicitación de los elementos necesarios para la comprobación de la consistencia de las relaciones topológicas. La metodología propuesta lleva a cabo el proceso de integración de los datos, los metadatos y el conocimiento geográficos mediante su enriquecimiento semántico. El modelo computacional se sustenta en el componente ontológico que garantiza la instrumentación de la base semántica formal del modelo de integración y en el componente de gestión que agrupa un conjunto de funcionalidades para la gestión del componente ontológico. El componente de gestión incluye una propuesta de razonador espacial que toma en consideración las relaciones topológicas entre los objetos geográficos. Los principales resultados de esta investigación consisten en la formalización del modelo MIGeo, la concepción de su base semántica formal y del modelo abstracto como fundamento teórico-conceptual y metodológico del modelo de integración, la metodología para efectuar la integración y el modelo computacional, así como la instrumentación de un prototipo funcional. Los experimentos efectuados utilizando el prototipo han permitido validar las hipótesis de partida. Los resultados de esta investigación tienen aplicación en las infraestructuras de datos espaciales y la Web Semántica Geoespacial puesto que MIGeo permite representar semánticamente los datos, los metadatos y el conocimiento geográficos, así como los vínculos entre ellos, mediante ontologías. Estos resultados han permitido abrir nuevas líneas de investigación como la extensión de MIGeo a la integración de abstracciones más complejas y el aumento de la eficiencia de los procesos de razonamiento espacial, las que serán objeto de nuestras futuras investigaciones.

藉由遊戲設計以產出具信賴驗證的行動地理標籤系統 / GWAP design for a mobile geo-tagging system with confident verification

楊泰榮, Yang, Tai Rong Unknown Date (has links)
人智運算(Human Computation)是近年來最熱門的研究領域之一,而適地性服務(Location-based service)也因此衍生出許多研究議題。由於傳統上在搜集資訊時往往會浪費過多的人力資源,所以我們希望使用者藉由玩遊戲的方式背後完成我們想要的事情。在此篇論文中,我們利用GWAP(Games with a Purpose)的概念設計一套行動地理標籤系統,系統採用玩家分享自身附近景點資訊再透過其他玩家來到相同地點做驗證的方式,讓玩家在一邊玩遊戲的過程中搜集相關地理資訊,另一方面達到景點資訊是可信賴的目的。 然而,對系統而言要如何選題給玩家驗證才能提升整體效能,為了解決這些問題,我們在選題策略上提出三種不同的任務分配演算法,再透過一連串的實驗模擬來證明我們所設計的系統確實能夠在選題上達到好的效能,最後我們考慮到現實生活中可能的情形後將此系統實作在智慧型手機上(Android Phone)。 / Human Computation is popular recently and have become one of the hottest research topics, therefore Location-based service also drives a lot of issues. Due to collect information always cause too many manpower- wasted in tradition , so we hoped that the users to complete the things which we want by play game’s way .In this thesis, we based on the concept of ‘Games with a Purpose’(GWAP) to develop a mobile geospatial tagging system, system adopt player share self nearby scenic spots information and then through another players come the same place do the verification, allowing the player to play the game in the side of the process of collecting the relevant geographic information, on the other hand to achieve the purpose of scenic spots information is reliable. However, how to choose topics for player verification can effectively evaluate the system performance, to solve these problems we propose three different selection strategies on the task assignment algorithms, then through a series of simulation experiments designed to prove that our system can indeed achieve good performance on the topics, finally we take into account real life situations and implement in the smart phone (Android Phone).

Abstrakt konst idag : En studie av Ann Edholm och Jacob Dahlgrens förhållande till modernismen

Krispinsson, Charlotta January 2007 (has links)
<p>This paper presents an approach in contemporary, abstract art for a new way of experiencing modernist abstraction. This has not been possible until now, about 40 years after the postmodern turn against modernism in art, and the closely connected formalism. This new approach is represented in this paper by the Swedish contemporary artists Ann Edholm and Jacob Dahlgren. Modernist artists such as Kasimir Malevich and Piet Mondrian receives a new relevance to contemporary abstract art. This opens up for a new, more complex and more dialectical understanding and re-evaluation of modernism and its abstract art.This is shown by a historical and chronological investigation which highlights modernist abstract art, formalism, and the critical and post-modern Neo-geometric ‘abstraction’ of the eighties. This background has been a way of proving how modernist abstraction still can possess a validity for contemporary art today, and even vitalize a continuation for abstract art as a contemporary practice.</p>

ALiCE: A Java-based Grid Computing System

Teo, Yong Meng 01 1900 (has links)
A computational grid is a hardware and software infrastructure that provides dependable, consistent, pervasive, and inexpensive access to high-end computational capabilities. This talk is divided into three parts. Firstly, we give an overview of the main issues in grid computing. Next, we introduce ALiCE (Adaptive and Scalable Internet-based Computing Engine), a platform independent and lightweight grid. ALiCE exploits object-level parallelism using our Object Network Transport Architecture (ONTA). Grid applications are written using ALiCE Object Programming Template that hides the complexities of the underlying grid fabric. Lastly, we present some performance results of ALiCE applications including the geo-rectification of satellite images and the progressive multiple sequence alignments problem. / Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA)

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