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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Physical properties of geomaterials with relevance to thermal energy geo-systems

Roshankhah, Shahrzad 27 May 2016 (has links)
Energy related geo-systems involve a wide range of engineering solutions from energy piles to energy geo-storage facilities and waste repositories (CO₂, nuclear). The analysis and design of these systems require proper understanding of geo-materials, their properties and their response to extreme temperature and high stress excitations, the implications of mixed-fluid conditions when contrasting fluid viscosities and densities are involved, the effect of static and cyclic coupled hydro-thermo-chemo-mechanical excitations, and rate effects on the response of long design-life facilities. This study places emphasis on thermal geo-systems and associated physical properties. Uncemented soils and rocks are considered. The research approach involves data compilation, experimental studies and analytical methods. Emphasis is also placed to engineer geomaterials in order to attain enhanced performance in energy geo-systems. The thermal conductivity and stiffness of most geomaterials decrease as temperature increases but increase with effective stress. This macroscale response is intimately related to contact-scale conduction and deformation processes at interparticle contacts. Pore-filling liquids play a critical role in heat conduction as liquids provide efficient conduction paths that can diminish the effects of thermal contact resistance. Conversely, grains and fluids can be selected to attain very low thermal conductivity in order to create mechanically sound thermal barriers. In the case of rock masses, heat (and gas) recovery can be enhanced by injecting fluids at high pressure to cause hydraulic fractures. Scaled experiments reveal the physical meaning of hydraulic fractures in pre-structured rocks (e.g., shale) and highlight the extensive self-propped dilational distortion the medium experiences. This result explains the higher production rate from shale gas and fractured geothermal reservoirs that is observed in the field, contrary to theoretical predictions.

Fourier Transform Spectroscopy of Selected Transient Species

Li, Gang January 2003 (has links)
The procedures and results of experimental and/or theoretical studies of four transient molecules, GeO, WO, BeH, and MgH are reported in the thesis. Two of them, GeO and WO, are diatomic molecules composed of relatively heavy atoms, and the other two are diatomic molecules with hydrogen as one of their component atoms. The GeO species was generated using a high temperature furnace. The rovibrational spectrum of five isotopomers were detected in emission using a Bruker IFS 120 HR Fourier transform spectrometer. Combined-isotopomer Dunham-type molecular constants have been derived for GeO using the DSParFit computer program. Analysis shows that the Born-Oppenheimer approximation is valid, as expected, for a molecule containing heavy atoms. The WO molecule was generated using a microwave discharge cell, and the spectra of electronic transitions of various systems were detected in emission using both the Bruker IFS 120 HR Fourier transform spectrometer at Waterloo and the McMath Pierce One-Meter Fourier transform spectrometer at the National Solar Observatory in Arizona. The ground electronic state has been confirmed to be X??&#931;<sup>-</sup> based on the analysis of seven 0-0 bands. BeH and MgH are typical molecules with hydrogen as one of their component atoms, and the effects of Born-Oppenheimer breakdown were expected. Both of these molecules have rotational perturbations in their excited electronic states. A 'new' method of data processing was used, i. e. , treating the electronic data as if they were from fluorescence series. Thus the harmful influence of the perturbed upper electronic states on the ground electronic state molecular constants is eliminated. By using the DSParFit computer program, accurate sets of combined-isotopomer Dunham-type molecular constants have been derived for the ground electronic states of the two molecules, and Born-Oppenheimer breakdown correction terms have been obtained.

Resource, Data and Application Management for Cloud Federations and Multi-Clouds

Xhagjika, Vamis January 2017 (has links)
Distributed Real-Time Media Processing refers to classes of highly distributed, delay no-tolerant applications that account for the majority of the data traffic generated in the world today. Real-Time audio/video conferencing and live content streaming are of particular research interests as technology forecasts predict video traffic surpassing every other type of data traffic in the world in the near future. Live streaming refers to applications in which audio/video streams from a source need to be delivered to a set of geo-distributed destinations while maintaining low latency of stream delivery. Real-time conferencing platforms are application platforms that implement many-to-many audio/video real-time communications. Both of these categories exhibit high sensitivity to both network state (latency, jitter, packet loss, bit rate) as well as stream processing backend load profiles (latency and jitter introduced as Cloud processing of media packets). This thesis addresses enhancing real-time media processing both at the network level parameters as well as Cloud optimisations. We provide a novel, bandwidth management algorithm, for cloud services sharing the same network infrastructure, which provides a 2x improvement in system stability. Further examining network impact on cloud services, we provide a novel hybrid Cloud-Network distributed Cloud architecture to enable locality aware, application enhancements. This architecture led to a multi-cloud management overlay algorithm that maintains low management overhead on large scale cloud deployments. On the application level we provide a study of Media Quality parameters for a WebRTC enabled Media Cloud back-end, and provide patterns of quality metrics with respect to back-end stream load and network parameters. Additionally we empirically show that a "minimal load" algorithm for stream allocation, outperforms other Rotational, or Static Threshold based algorithms. / El procesamiento de medios en tiempo real distribuido se refiere a clases de aplicaciones altamente distribuidas,no tolerantes al retardo, que representan la mayoría del tráfico de datos generado en el mundo actual. Las conferenciasde audio y video en tiempo real y la transmisión de contenido en vivo tienen especial interés en investigación, ya quela prospectiva tecnológica estima que el tráfico de video supere a cualquier otro tipo de tráfico de datos en el futurocercano. La transmisión envivo se refiere a aplicaciones en las que flujos de audio/vídeo de una fuente se han de entregara un conjunto de destinos en lugares geográficos diferentes mientras se mantiene baja la latencia de entrega del flujo(como por ejemplo la cobertura de eventos en vivo). Las plataformas de conferencia en tiempo real son plataformasde  aplicación  que  implementan  comunicaciones  de  audio/video  en  tiempo  real  entre  muchos  participantes.  Ambascategorías presentan una alta sensibilidad tanto al estado de la red (latencia, jitter, pérdida de paquetes, velocidad debits) como a los perfiles de carga de la infraestructura de procesamiento de flujo (latencia y jitter introducidos duranteel procesamiento en la nube de paquetes de datos multimedia). Esta tesis trata de mejorar el procesamiento de datosmultimedia en tiempo real tanto en los parámetros de nivel de red como en las optimizaciones en la nube.En este contexto, investigamos si los recursos de la red se podían controlar a nivel de servicio para aumentar laeficiencia y el rendimiento de la red, así como cuantificar el impacto del recurso compartido de la red en la calidad delservicio. Los recursos de red compartidos afectan el rendimiento del servicio en la nube y, por lo tanto, optimizandoo intercambiando recursos de red pueden mejorar el rendimiento del servicio en la nube. Esta posible degradación delrendimiento se debe a la infraestructura de red compartida no regulada (la asignación de recursos de ancho de banda noes consciente de los objetivos del acuerdo de nivel de servicio (SLO) y de comportamiento). Gestionando el ancho debanda de la red a través de control predictivo, permitimos un mejor uso de los recursos de red disponibles y menoresviolaciones de SLO, logrando una mayor estabilidad del sistema por al menos un factor de 2.Las redes de acceso (AN) (extremo, red principal) de los ISP, transportistas y redes comunitarias no tienen unainfraestructura de nube de propósito general, mientras que los proveedores de recursos de Internet proporcionan bajodemanda recursos de la nube. Encontramos una oportunidad para la unificación de los recursos dentro de un AN y fueracon el fin de proporcionar una oferta de nube unificada a través de una federación de nubes y proporcionar movilidad delservicio hacia los usuarios para optimizar la localidad. Este trabajo de investigación proporciona una nueva arquitecturade red híbrida y nube federada que proporciona una infraestructura de red extendida con un despliegue en nube a granescala, incorporándolo directamente a la infraestructura de red. La nueva arquitectura multi-nube permite a los serviciosllegar a un compromiso entre localidad respecto al usuario o el rendimiento en tiempo de ejecución optimizando asípara latencia para conseguir la asignación óptima de recursos de aplicaciones en tiempo real. Para  optimizar  la  latencia  en  las  aplicaciones  de  transmisión  en  vivo  se  propuso  un  nuevo  algoritmo  desuperposición  de  multi-nube  autogestionado  basado  en  una  topología  de  gradiente  en  la  que  cada  nube  de  unaaplicación de transmisión de flujos optimiza la proximidad del cliente a la fuente. El modelo de aplicación se separa enun  diseño  de  dos  capas,  el  back-end  de  entrega  multi-nube  y  los  clientes  de  flujo.  El  backend  de  gradienteautorregulado minimiza la carga de tráfico creando un árbol de expansión mínimo a través de las nubes que se utilizapara  el  enrutamiento  de  cada  flujo.  El  algoritmo  propuesto  tiene  una  tasa  de  convergencia  muy  rápida  en  losdespliegues de nube a gran escala, y no resulta afectado por la rotación de recursos de la nube, así como proporcionauna mayor estabilidad de la transmisión en vivo.En este trabajo ofrecemos un análisis de calidad de los medios de comunicación y mejoras de los emisores deflujo en la nube en tiempo real, así como estrategias de asignación para mejorar el rendimiento de nivel de serviciode las plataformas de comunicación de Web en tiempo real. Los patrones de calidad de los medios están fuertementeinfluenciados por el rendimiento del procesamiento en la nube, y por lo tanto, al ajustar este aspecto, podemos controlarla calidad de los medios. En particular, demostramos empíricamente que a medida que los tamaños de sesión aumentan,la difusión simultánea supera la codificación de capa única. Además, introducimos un algoritmo de asignación de flujopara minimizar los picos de carga en los retransmisores de flujos en la nube y comparamos el comportamiento devarias políticas de asignación de flujos. Con la mínima información y el requisito de asignación de sesión de un únicoservidor, la política de asignación de carga mínima se comporta bastante mejor que otros algoritmos basados en unumbral rotativo o estático. / Distribuerad realtidshantering av mediadata syftar på klasser av starkt distribuerade tillämpningar som inte tolererar fördröjningar, och som utgör majoriteten av datatrafiken som genereras i världen idag. Audio/video-konferenser i realtid och överföring av innehåll "live" är av speciellt intresse för forskningen eftersom teknikprognoser förutser att videotrafiken kommer att kraftigt dominera över all annan datatrafik i den nära framtiden. "Live streaming" syftar på tillämpningar i vilka audio/video strömmar från en källa och behöver distribueras till en mängd av geografisk distribuerade destinationer medan överföringen bibehåller låg latens i leveransen av det strömmade datat (som ett exempel kan nämnas "live"-täckning av händelser). Konferensplattformar för realtidsdata är tillämpningsplattformar som implementerar realtidskommunikation av audio/video-data av typen "många-till-många". Båda dessa kategorier uppvisar hög känslighet för såväl nätverkets tillstånd (latens, jitter, paketförluster, bithastighet) och lastprofiler av ström bearbetning "back-end" (latens och jitter introducerat som Cloud-hantering av mediadatapaket). Denna avhandling adresserar förbättringar inom realtidshantering av mediainnehåll både med avseende på nätverksnivåns parametrar och optimeraringar för molninfrastrukturen. I detta sammanhang har vi undersökt huruvida nätverksresurserna kan kontrolleras på servicenivån i syfte att öka nätverkets effektivitet och prestanda, och även att kvantifiera påverkan av den delade nätverksresursen på servicekvaliteten. Delade nätverksresurser påverkar molntjänstens prestanda och dessa kan genom en optimering eller handel med nätverksresurser förbättra molntjänstens prestanda. Denna potentiella prestandadegradering beror på en oreglerad delad nätverksinfrastruktur (allokeringen av bandbredd är inte medveten om prestanda och mål för servicenivån). Genom att mediera nätverkets bandbredd genom prediktiv kontroll, möjliggör vi ett bättre utnyttjande av de tillgängliga nätverksresurserna och en lägre grad av avvikelser mot SLO, vilket leder till en ökad stabilitet med åtminstone en faktor 2. Accessnätverken (AN) (edge, kärnnätverk) hos ISP, bärare och lokala nätverk har ingen generell molninfrastruktur, medan s.k. "Internet Resource Providers" erbjuder resurser för molntjänster "on demand". Vi ser en möjlighet till ensande av resurserna inuti ett AN och utanför i syfte att erbjuda ett samlat molntjänsterbjudande genom s.k. "Cloud Federation" och erbjuder tjänstemobilitet för användarna för att optimera lokaliteten. Denna forskningansats erbjuder ett nytt hybrid nätverk med Federated Cloud arkitektur vilken ger en utvidgad nätverksinfrastruktur med en storskalig användning av molntjänster, som direkt inkorporerar denna i nätverksinfrastrukturen. Den nyskapande "Multi-Cloud"-arkitekturen möjliggör för tjänster att balansera lokalitet för användaren mot run-time-prestanda och därigenom optimera för latens mot optimal resursallokering för realtidstillämpningar. För att optimera latensen i "live streaming"-tillämpningar föreslås en nyskapande självstyrd "multi-Cloud-overlay"-algorithm baserad på gradienttopologi i vilken varje moln för en tillämpning inom "stream broadcasting" optimerar klientens närhet till källan. Tillämpningsmodellen separeras i en tvålagersdesign, "multi-cloud delivery back-end" och "stream clients". Denna självreglerande gradientbaserade "back-end" minimerar trafiklasten genom att skapa ett minimalt spännande träd genom molnen som används för routing av strömmarna. Den föreslagna algoritmen har en mycket snabb konvergenshastighet vid större moln, och påverkas inte av "churn" hos molnresursen liksom att den erbjuder ökad motståndskraft hos "live"-strömmen. I detta arbete erbjuder vi mediakvalitetsanalys och förstärkning av realtidsmolnets "forwarders", liksom även allokeringsstrategier för att förstärka servicenivåprestanda hos "Web Real-Time Communication"-plattformar. Mediakvalitetsmönster påverkas kraftigt av molnets bearbetsningsprestanda, och således kan vi genom att påverka denna aspekt kontrollera mediakvaliteten. Specifikt demonstrerar vi empiriskt att efterhand som sessionsstorlekarna ökar, så utklassar simulcast enlagersinkodning. Dessutom introducerar vi en strömallokeringsalgoritm för att minimera "load spikes" hos "Cloud stream forwarders" och jämför beteendet hos olika strömallokeringspolicys. Med enbart minimal information och allokeringsbehoven hos en enskild serversession beter sig den minimala lastbalansallokeringspolicyn tydligt bättre än andra "rotational"- eller "static threshold"-baserade algoritmer. / <p>QC 20170425</p>

Usages géographiques du cyberespace : nouvelle appropriation de l'espace et l'essor d'une "néogéographie" / Uses geographical cyberspace : new appropriation of space and the rise of a "neogeography"

Valentin, Jérémie 09 December 2010 (has links)
Cette recherche propose d’analyser les impacts et les enjeux géographiques d’un cyberespace omni présent. Sous l’impulsion du web 2.0 et celle des globes virtuels (Google Earth, Virtual Earth, World Wind), la production et la diffusion du savoir géographique subissent d’amples transformations. Les espaces virtuels et autres services de géolocalisation (LBS) remplacent peu à peu la carte papier et le guide touristique. Ces usages participent à l’émergence d’un espace complexe où viennent se mêler des usages dans l’espace réel et des usages dans l’espace virtuel. Parallèlement, une production d’intérêt géographique en résulte, hors des milieux qui, jusqu’à ces dernières années, en étaient les initiateurs et les utilisateurs obligés : universités, organismes de recherche, géographes professionnels, Etats, ONG, militaires … Cette thèse éclairera donc le lecteur sur la réalité géographique des (nouveaux) usages du cyberespace, qu’ils soient liés à la production « amateur » de contenus géographiques (néogéographie) ou à la consommation « augmentée » de l’espace géographique. / This research proposes to analyze the impacts and challenges of an omnipresent geographical cyberspace. Spurred on by web 2.0 and that of virtual globes (Google Earth, Virtual Earth, World Wind), the production and diffusion of geographical knowledge undergo further transformations. Virtual spaces and other location-based services (LBS) are gradually replacing the paper map and tourist guide. These uses contribute to the emergence of a complex space where uses in real space and uses in the virtual space mingle. Meanwhile, production of geographical interest results outside areas which, until recently, were the initiators and traditional users: universities, research organizations, professional geographers, states, NGOs, military ... This thesis will enlighten the reader on the geographical reality of the (new) uses of cyberspace, whether related to the production of "amateur" geographical content (neogeography) or to consumption "augmented" of geographical space.

Religious Resurgence and Religious Terrorism: a Study of the Actions of the Shiʹa Sectarian Movements in Lebanon

Schbley, Ayla Hammond 12 1900 (has links)
The purpose for undertaking this case study of the Shi'a in Lebanon is threefold. First, as a hypothesis-generating case study, its objective is to formulate relevant hypotheses about religious resurgence and religious terrorism. This study achieves this objective by formulating 14 general and nine special hypotheses, and testing and confirming the latter. Second, the purpose of this study is also to explore the trajectory of the Lebanese Shi'a's sectarian mobilization. This exploration permits the conceptualization of geocultural immobility and its effect upon a religious minority. It deduces that the Lebanese Shiga's geo-cultural immobility is directly related to their active religious resurgence. The third purpose is to study the changes in the objectives and tactics of a religious minority, that of the Muslim Shi'a in Lebanon. This research is able, via its primary and secondary data, to show a relationship between the Lebanese Shiga's religious resurgence and their use of religious terrorism. This study introduces the concept of geo-cultural immobility. A minority's geo-cultural immobility is identified as an imposed low geographic mobility within a nation with low cultural pluralism. It establishes the Lebanese Shi'a's geo-cultural immobility, to which it attributes their religious resurgence. This Lebanese Shi'a religious resurgence is proven in this research to produce zealots needed by religious terrorist organizations. This study also introduces and defines religious terrorism as violent acts performed by elements of a religious organization or sect, growing out of a commitment to communicate a divine message. It distinguishes between religious terrorism, secular terrorism, and fighters for religious freedom, which are based on the actors' motives, affinities, and consciousness of the maliciousness of their acts. The primary and secondary data and the quasi-experiment in this research support its special hypotheses. They indicate a statistical correlation between eight Lebanese Shi'a cultural and religious attributes: (1) age, (2) marital status, (3) extent of Shi'a Imam's militancy, (4) personal religious commitment and religious resurgence, (5) zealotry, (6) geo-cultural immobility, (7) imprisonment of family members, and (8) willingness to commit terrorism.

La dynamique actorielle dans la construction des espaces périurbains : les cas de Montpellier (France) et de Montréal (Québec)

Doyon, Mélanie January 2009 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

Apport des modèles géo-métallurgiques et de la catégorisation des ressources à la définition de la fosse ultime d'une mine à ciel ouvert : Application à la mine de cuivre de Mantos de la Luna au Chili / Contribution of geo-metallurgical model and resource categorization to the definition of the ultimate open pit mine : Application to Mantos de la Luna copper mine in Chile

Delgado Vega, José Manuel 20 December 2012 (has links)
La nécessité de maximiser la récupération d'une ou plusieurs espèces utiles d'un gisement du cuivre, l´optimisation des consommations d'additifs dans le processus de traitement métallurgique, savoir où laisser les matériaux qui dans le futur pourraient être valorisés par une série de nouvelles opérations etc., conduit à adapter la planification minière aux caractéristiques géologiques et métallurgiques du gisement.Les unités géo-métallurgiques sont déterminées par une combinaison des principaux paramètres géologiques, type de roche, altération, minéralisation, etc. Chaque unité présente un comportement différent au processus de traitement métallurgiques avec des caractéristiques de récupération et de consommation d'acide bien spécifiques.D´une façon générale, on peut définir la planification de la mine comme un outil permettant de faire la liaison entre la géologie et la métallurgie, non seulement selon des paramètres économiques et de teneurs, mais aussi selon des paramètres géologiques et métallurgiques.Pour pouvoir construire le modèle géo-métallurgique ou géo-minier métallurgique (G.M.M) ainsi que mettre en oeuvre la catégorisation des ressources, nous avons utilisé des outils géostatistiquesLe fait de disposer d´un modèle G.M.M est d'une grande aide pour la définition de la fosse finale et la planification à long terme, soit simplement comme une première approche de la réponse du gisement au processus de traitement métallurgique, mais surtout pour optimiser les coûts et définir différentes alternatives pour maximiser la récupération du métal.Cette étude a été appliquée au cas du gisement stratiforme de Cu et Ag de Mantos de la Luna situé dans le Nord du Chili. Il comporte en particulier une comparaison entre l'approche traditionnelle et l'approche qui intègre le concept du modèle G.M.M. qui porte principalement sur les teneurs de coupure. Le concept G.M.M. peut donc influencer les décisions stratégiques comme les décisions opérationnelles. / The present research work concerns the general field of mining project set-up and is aimed at developing a new approach in long term mine planning. The main objective of this work is to incorporate the geo-metallurgical concept to mine planning which is traditionally based only on economic criteria.The need to maximize the recovery of one or more useful elements of a copper deposit, the optimization of reagents consumption in the metallurgical process, to know where to leave the materials which may be valorise in the future by a series of new operations, etc.. lead to fit mine planning and metallurgical geological features of the deposit. The geo-metallurgical units are determined by a combination of the main geological parameters, rock type, weathering, mineralization, etc... Each unit has a different behaviour in metallurgical process with specific values of recovery and acid consumption.The set-up of the geo-metallurgical mining model (GMM) and the resources categorization were made using geostatistical tools.Having a GMM model is a great help for the definition of the ultimate pit and long-term planning, as well as in a first approach of the response of the deposit to metallurgical process, but also to optimize costs and establish alternatives to maximize metal recovery.This work is based on the practical case of the Mantos de la Luna stratabound Cu and Ag deposit located in northern Chile. It proposes a methodology for resources classification of this type of deposit and includes a comparison between the traditional approach and the approach that integrates the concept of the GMM model.

A constituição do léxico norte mato-grossense na perspectiva geolinguística: abordagens sócio-semântico-lexicais / The constitution of the northern Mato Grosso lexicon: socio-semantic-lexical approaches

Philippsen, Neusa Ines 05 July 2013 (has links)
Esta tese, que se fundamenta nos princípios da Geolinguística contemporânea e da Sociolinguística Variacionista, se propôs a refletir sobre a língua portuguesa falada em quatro cidades do norte mato-grossense (Vera, Santa Carmem, Sinop e Cláudia), e apresenta como resultados a transcrição, catalogação, registros e análises de variantes lexicais em uso pelos sujeitos moradores dessas cidades. Para tanto, utilizou-se de recursos teórico-metodológicos que permitiram a documentação da diversidade linguística lexical desses espaços geográficos no presente e, por conseguinte, descrever um recorte da linguagem efetivamente usada pela comunidade para representar o mundo que a cerca. Dentre eles, a pesquisa de campo para o recolhimento do corpus oral. Essa recolha se fez em dois momentos distintos, primeiramente colheram-se narrativas livres tomadas junto a vinte pioneiros dos quatro pontos de inquérito. Em seguida aplicaramse 210 questões a quarenta sujeitos de ambos os gêneros, e divididos entre vinte migrantes, todos acima de 50 anos, e vinte descendentes nascidos na região (filhos ou netos), de 18 a 40 anos. As questões foram elaboradas a partir dos relatos de experiência pessoal recolhidos e amparadas, fundamentalmente, na versão final do questionário linguístico direcionado ao aspecto semântico-lexical (QSL) aprovada pelo Comitê Nacional do Projeto ALiB (2001). Com as respostas obtidas nestas entrevistas, organizou-se um banco de dados semântico-lexical, transcritos e registrados, posteriormente, em Tabelas Lexicais e Cartogramas. Desses registros de itens lexicais, selecionaram-se 36, aos quais foram tecidas observações de natureza geográfica e sociocultural. O olhar analítico dado permitiu que se apreendessem as influências étnicas e regionais que constituíram e ainda constituem o português falado no norte de Mato Grosso. Essas influências podem se resumidas na junção de todos os idioletos trazidos pelos migrantes de seus Estados de origem. Ressalta-se, ainda, que, para se chegar aos resultados alcançados e apresentados nesta pesquisa, foram utilizados 10 referenciais teóricos que se fundamentaram na teoria da variação de Labov, na concepção de norma de Coseriu e nas noções de estatística lexical de Muller, ainda que devidamente adaptadas à especificidade deste estudo. Assim sendo, compreende-se que esta pesquisa descritiva, interpretativa e reflexiva do caráter multidialetal existente na região em foco, pode contribuir com o acervo científico já existente de estudos geosócio- linguísticos, que visam a registrar e a documentar os diferentes falares e marcas dialetais existentes no território brasileiro. / This thesis, which is based both on the contemporary Geo-linguistic principles and on the variationist socio-linguistics, aims to mull over the Portuguese language spoken in four towns in the North of Mato Grosso (Vera, Santa Carmem, Sinop and Cláudia) and, it presents the transcription cataloguing, records and analyses of lexical variations used by the dwellers of those towns. In order to do so, theoretical-methodological resources have been used, which allowed the documentation of the lexical linguistic diversity of the referred geographical spaces at the present time. Consequently we could describe a snippet of the language effectively used by the community to represent their surrounding world. Among them, the field research which helped us gather the oral corpus. This collection took place in two distinct moments, first the free narratives were gathered involving twenty pioneers from the four towns. Next a 210-item-questionnaire was applied to forty both male and female individuals, divided in 20 migrants all above 50 of age, and 20 descendents born in the region (children or grandchildren), between 18 to 40 years of age. The questions were worked out based on the reports of their personal experience gathered and fundamentally supported on the final version of the linguistic questionnaire aiming the semantic-lexical aspect (QSL), approved by the National Committee of the ALIB Project (2001). With the answers obtained through these interviews we have organized a semantic-lexical data bank, transcribed and registered later on in Lexical Tables and Cartograms. From these registries of lexical items, 36 words were selected, on which we have made remarks both of geographical and socio-cultural nature. The analytical regard allowed us to apprehend the regional and ethical influences that have constituted, and still do, the Portuguese spoken in the North of Mato Grosso. Such influences may be summed up in the junction of all idiolects brought by immigrants from their original states. It is worth pointing out that in order to get to the results gathered and presented in this research, the theoretical 12 references have been used, which were based on the variation theory by Labov; on the conception of precept by Coseriu, as well as on the lexical statistic notions by Muller, although properly adapted to the specificity of this study. Therefore, this descriptive interpretative and reflective research of the multi-dialectal aspect existent in the region in focus may contribute to the existing scientific patrimony of geo-socio-linguistic studies that aim to register and document the different ways of speaking and dialectal marks existing in the Brazilian territory.

Indicadores geoambientais como instrumento de avaliação e monitoramento aos projetos de zoneamento ecológico-econômico no Brasil / Geo-environmental indicators as assessment tools and monitoring the Ecologic-Economic Zoning (EEZ) projects in Brazil

Melo, Marcos Antônio de 07 December 2015 (has links)
O Zoneamento Ecológico-Econômico (ZEE) corresponde a instrumento da Política Nacional do Meio Ambiente (PNMA) regulamentado pelo Decreto nº 4.297 de 10 de julho de 2002, busca integrar e promover sinergias entre variados aspectos de políticas de ordenamento territorial e está entre aquelas que mais possibilitam impactar as formas de uso e ocupação do território e uso dos recursos naturais, destinando-se a subsidiar a formulação e implementação de programas, planos, políticas e projetos, públicos e privados. As diretrizes e recomendações do ZEE são resultantes da leitura e interação entre potencialidades, vulnerabilidades e dinâmicas territoriais. Compete à União executar os projetos em escala nacional e regional, complementarmente os estados da federação também possuem a prerrogativa em executá-lo com o objetivo de efetivar ações de planejamento, gestão e ordenamento territorial. De maneira geral, o ZEE possui o objetivo de viabilizar o desenvolvimento sustentável a partir da compatibilização do crescimento econômico, avanços sociais e conservação ambiental, partindo da caracterização e o diagnóstico dos componentes dos meios físico e biótico, socioeconômico e aspectos jurídicos e institucionais, além de estabelecer cenários exploratórios para a proposição de estratégias e diretrizes para cada unidade territorial delimitada (zonas), denotando, particularidades ambientais, sociais, econômicas e culturais existentes, além de vulnerabilidades e potencialidades distintas sobre território. As diretrizes metodológicas e a regulamentação legal que estabelecem critérios para a elaboração do ZEE apresentam uma lacuna ao não definir diretamente em seu arcabouço metodológico indicadores de avaliação e monitoramento tanto das etapas de construção, quanto dos diagnósticos executados. Assim, propõem-se a adoção de indicadores geoambientais para compor o escopo do ZEE, os quais serão inseridos no âmbito das etapas de desenvolvimento dos projetos. Os indicadores de avaliação atuam desde a fase de planejamento até a de implementação do ZEE, ponderando as transições entre as etapas e aferindo resultados das normatizações de diretrizes. Os indicadores de monitoramento permitem o acompanhamento de mudanças e alterações sazonais ou pontuais a partir de um marco ordenador, permitindo a mensuração das transformações quanto à dinâmica socioespacial em relação às alternâncias nas categorias de uso e ocupação das terras (atividades produtivas, conservação, expansão urbana, etc.) e avanços sociais. Deste modo, fundamentou-se a proposta de dezoito indicadores geoambientais de monitoramento e sete indicadores geoambientais de avaliação ao escopo metodológico e institucional do ZEE no país, indicadores classificados de acordo com as áreas temáticas ambiental, econômica, social e normativa. / The Ecologic-Economic Zoning (EEZ) is a policy instrument of the National Policy for the Environment (NPE), regulated by the Decreto (Decree) nº 4.297 from July 10th, 2002. It aims to integrate and promote synergy between several aspects of territorial planning policies. It is among the most efficient tools for land use and occupation planning, as well as managing natural resources, seeking to provide a mutual ground for both the planning and implementation of public and private policies, programs and plans. The evaluation and recommendations from the EEZ are a result of understanding and visualizing potentials, vulnerabilities and territorial dynamics. It is a federal responsibility to execute projects in national and regional scales, however, states are also eligible to execute them towards effective actions in territorial planning, management and ordering. Overall, the EEZ aims to promote sustainable economic development through economic growth, social advance and environmental conservation. By the study and diagnosis of the physical, biological and socioeconomic environment, as well as juridical and institutional aspects, it establishes potential scenarios for the proposition of strategies and guidelines for each defined territorial unit (zones). In this process, environmental, social, economic and cultural characteristics will be considered, as well as potentials and vulnerabilities. The methodological guidelines and legal regulations which set the criteria for the preparation of the EEZ present a gap when not directly defining indicators for the evaluation and monitoring during the many stages of the intended diagnosis. In this context, the use of geo-environmental indicators is proposed in the EEZ objectives, which will be inserted during the different stages of project development. They are valuable tools in all EEZ stages, from planning to implementation, better defining transitions between project stages and evaluating results from guidelines. These indicators allow monitoring of seasonal and smaller-scale changes from a regulating date, improving the monitoring of socio-spatial dynamics in the transitions between land use and land cover categories (productive activities, conservation, urban expansion, etc.) and social advances. Eighteen geo-environmental indicators and seven evaluation indicators have been proposed as part of the methodological set of the EEZ in Brazil, classified in environmental, economic, social and normative areas.

Estimativa do stress hídrico da vegetação e análise de suas condicionantes geoambientais no Vale do Rio dos Sinos: uma aplicação de sensoriamento remoto

Pertovt, Luis Ernesto 28 February 2008 (has links)
Submitted by Mariana Dornelles Vargas (marianadv) on 2015-03-18T11:55:37Z No. of bitstreams: 1 estimativa_stress.pdf: 6383745 bytes, checksum: b75cefd5d9b805b18bd9e34bd4e507b6 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-18T11:55:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 estimativa_stress.pdf: 6383745 bytes, checksum: b75cefd5d9b805b18bd9e34bd4e507b6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A evapotranspiração compreende trocas hídricas no sistema solo - planta - atmosfera, as quais ocorrem como resposta à demanda evaporativa atmosférica. Neste processo, o solo atua como fonte de abastecimento de água, a vegetação corresponde ao compartimento intermediário, enquanto a atmosfera é o destino final da umidade liberada na forma de vapor. A eventual escassez hídrica do solo reflete-se nos processos ecofisiológicos das plantas, cuja resposta é o fechamento dos estômatos como forma de evitar o ressecamento e a morte do tecido vegetal. Não havendo transpiração foliar, parte da energia absorvida do sol é convertida para a forma de calor, elevando-se a temperatura das folhas. Este fenômeno permite detectar o stress hídrico (SH) através das variações de temperatura da vegetação (Tv), aqui utilizando-se para isto imagens AVHRR - NOAA (espectro termal) e sua correlação com a cobertura vegetal (espectro visível e infra-vermelho próximo). Foram gerados um total de 10 mapas regionais de SH nos anos 2003 e 2005, nos quais cinco deles do ano 2005 estão vinculados e validados com dados de 5 estações meteorológicas da rede do Centro de Previsão do Tempo e Estudos Climáticos do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (CPTEC - INPE). Além disso se geraram 10 mapas de SH da Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio dos Sinos (BHRS), relacionados com dados de precipitação da Estação Meteorológica Campo Bom do Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia (INMET). Os resultados mostraram uma disparidade na distribuição do SH tanto a nível regional (Rio Grande do Sul (RS)) como na BHRS, com zonas de stress hídrico permanentemente alto o baixo independente dos valores de precipitação (PPT), e umbrais de máximos e mínimos SH, o que indicaria a presença de condicionantes ambientais naturais na área de estudo. / The evapotranspiration includes hydrous interchanges between ground-plant-atmosphere, which is possible as a reply from a evaporative atmospheric demand. In this process, the ground is like a spring of water providing, the vegetation is an intermediate compartment, and the atmosphere is the place where an unit is liberated like vapor. The eventual scarcity of ground water is reflected in plant's physiologic process, which close its stomas to avoid getting dirty and the eventually vegetation tissue decease. Without foliage transpiration, some of the sun ´s energy is absorbed becoming heat, increasing the leaf´ s temperature. This phenomenon allows to detect the hydro stress through change of vegetation ´s temperature using AVHRR-NOAA satellite images (thermal spectrum) and its correlation with the vegetation cover (nearly visible and infrared spectrum). Between 2003 and 2005 10 hydro stress regional maps were made, which five ones were in 2005 and are entailed and validated with dates from five meteorological stations of Weather ´s Foresight Center & Climates Studies of Brazilian Space Investigation National Institute (CPTEC-INPE). Also, from the Hydrographic dos Sinos Basin 10 hydro stress maps were made relating to rain fall dates from Campo Bon Meteorological Station of Meteorology National Institute (INMET). Results show disparity on hydro stress distribution as many on regional level (Rio Grande do Sul (RS)) as on Hydrographic dos Sinos Basin, which permanent high or low levels zones of hydric stress, independent from rain fall values, and minimum and maximum hydro stress threshold, which indicate natural environment conditioning in the study area.

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