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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les dynamiques spatio-temporelles d'un petit hydrosystème arctique : approche nivo-glaciologique dans un contexte de changement climatique contemporain (bassin du glacier Austre Lovén, Spitsberg, 79°N) / Spatio-temporal dynamics of a small arctic hydrosystem : nivo-glaciologic approaches in a climate change context (Austre Lovén glacier, Spitsberg, 79°N)

Bernard, Eric 02 December 2011 (has links)
S’appuyant sur de longues missions de terrain, ce travail offre le regard quantitatif et qualitatif d’ungéographe sur la dynamique nivo-glaciaire en région polaire dans un contexte de changement climatiqueactuel. Il s’inscrit dans le cadre du programme ANR Hydro-Sensor-FLOWS mis en oeuvre dansla mouvance de l’Année Polaire Internationale. En amont de ce programme pluridisciplinaire visant àcomprendre le fonctionnement hydrologique d’un petit hydrosystème polaire il fallait adjoindre uneétude plus spécifique concernant le rôle de la neige et de la glace dans l’équation hydrologique : c’estl’objet de cette thèse.Le bassin glaciaire de l’Austre Lovénbreen (10 km2, Spitsberg – 79°N) a servi de terrain d’étude dansune approche géographique à échelle locale. De nombreuses méthodes ont été testées tant sur leterrain (stations photo automatiques, carottages de la neige, DGPS et GPR) que pour l’exploitationdes données acquises.Au total, ce travail suit la dynamique nivo-glaciaire pendant trois années (2008, 2009 et 2010) à partirde 15 séries de carottages en 40 points du bassin, de mesures de densité, de profils nivologiques,de bilan de masse et de suivi continu, en 20 points, de la température de l’air. Outre l’image satellite,ce travail s’appuie également sur une collection de 3 clichés journaliers acquis en 10 points dubassin. Des méthodes ont été développées pour corriger géométriquement les photos afin d’en fairedes documents en projection verticale dont il est possible de tirer de l’information quantitative. Lesoutils de la géomatique ont permis de spatialiser l’information ponctuelle et d’établir à des pas detemps variables, par croisement des données acquises in situ, les diverses lames entrant dansl’équation hydrologique (précipitations, fonte potentielle de la neige et de la glace en relation avec leslames écoulées). Les trois années consécutives de suivi offrent des conditions très différentes quirévèlent le rôle constant et modérateur des températures et celui beaucoup plus impulsif des précipitations.Ce travail pose également le problème des mesures et de leur fiabilité dans un milieu aussi sévère etaussi impétueux que l’Arctique. / Leaning on long field campaigns, this thesis offer both qualitative and quantitative overview of polarregion nivo-glaciologic dynamics through a geographic approach, in context of climate change. Thiswork is part of the Hydro-sensor FlOWS program taking place during the International Polar Year.Upstream of this pluridisciplinary program aimed at understanding the hydrological processes of asmall polar hydrosystem, it was necessary to add a more specific study on the role of snow and icein the hydrological equation : this is the subject of this PhD.The glacial basin of Austre Lovénbreen (10 km2, Spitsberg – 79°N) served as a field of study in ageographical approach at local scale. Many methods have been tested both in the field (automaticphoto station, snow coring, DGPS and GPR) and for the data processing.Overall, this work follows the snow and ice dynamics for three years (2008, 2009 and 2010) from 15sets cores of 40 points of the basin, density measurements, nivologic profiles, mass balance and thecontinuous monitoring, on 20 points, of the air temperature. Besides the satellite images, this workalso leans on a collection of 3 daily photos acquired in 10 points of the basin. Methods were developedto geometrically correct photos in order to provide data wich could be used as a vertical projectioninto a GIS software to get quantitative informations. The geomatrical tools gave the possibility tohave accurate spatial representation at different time scale, by crossing data acquired in situ, lesdiverses lames entrant dans l’équation hydrologique (precipitation, potential melting of snow and icein relation to the lames passed).Three consecutive years of monitoring provide very different conditions that reveal temperatures’sconstant role of moderator, and the much more impulsive behavior of precipitations.This work also raises the problem of measurements and their reliability in a binding environment asthe Arctic

A GIS approach for improving transportation and mobility in Iqaluit, Nunavut Territory

Copithorne, Dana 22 December 2011 (has links)
Planning for transportation within northern Canadian communities presents unique challenges, but new research tools offer opportunities for testing potentially innovative solutions that might help improve mobility within these communities. In particular, problem solving has been enriched in recent years by using the spatial modeling methods offered by Geographical Information Systems (GIS). This thesis first reviews various GIS methods before applying one method – the ‘Route Utility Theory’ – to a newly-developed set of metrics for determining the cost of alternate modes of intracommunity transportation. This set of metrics is applied to a data set that represents the trips or journeys made by non-car users in Iqaluit, the capital city of Nunavut Territory. GIS data on roads, walking trails, land contours, and public and residential neighbourhoods are analyzed. The results facilitate comparisons between road options and trail options for improving the movement of people within Iqaluit. Five bus routes were then custom designed and compared using the study’s metrics. The study found that increasing bus and trail options within Iqaluit would provide more efficient options for non-car users. It is argued that the study’s metrics can be adapted for application in other northern communities, and possibly in other isolated and rural communities in different world situations. / Graduate

Identités linguistiques perçues : quelques localités des "vallées vaudoises" du Piémont occidental (Italie). / Perceived linguistic identities : some localities in the Vaud Valleys of the Western Piedmont (Italy).

Gally, Silvia 27 October 2017 (has links)
Ce sujet de recherche propose une description de quelques variétés linguistiques à tradition orale du Piémont occidental italien, selon les approches de la dialectologie perceptuelle et de la géolinguistique descriptive. Les variétés choisies comme objet d’analyse se situent dans la province de Turin, en bordure et au sein même des vallées piémontaises étiquetées comme « valles vaudoises » : Val Cluson et Val Germanasca (Val Saint Martin). L’aire que nous considérons est caractérisée par un contact linguistique marqué par une forte identité culturelle entre les parlers gallo-romans (minorités linguistiques, de type occitan provençal) et italo-romans (de type pédémontans) : ces variétés ne bénéficient pas d’une position paritaire ni d’un point de vue politico-administratif, ni dans la conscience des locuteurs qui entretiennent avec les quatre types linguistiques, i.e. l’italien (régional et moyen), les variétés occitanes et pédémontanes, ainsi que le français, une relation complexe. Nous avons relevé les processus variationnels (phonétiques et lexicaux) qui semblent marquer l’identité linguistique des locuteurs dans cet espace plurilingue, en tenant compte des perspectives, objective et subjective (perception des locuteurs quant à la variation linguistique de l’aire), diachronique et synchronique, dans l’examen des systèmes linguistiques choisis, très peu pris en considération par la littérature dialectologique récente. Cette double perspective permet également de clarifier la trajectoire de processus de changement phonétique qui impactent la restructuration des systèmes de ces vallées. / The thesis focuses on a description of four dialectal varieties (gallo-italian and gallo-romance) of the Western Piedmont (Italy) by adopting several linguistic approches, perceptual dialectology's and geolinguistics' ones. The géographical area is caracterized by a linguistic variation and a language contact, marked by a high degree of linguistic identity between gallo-romance (occitan) and gallo-italian (pedemontans) dialects : these varieties do not benefit of the same position by political and social points of view, nor in the awareness of the speakers.

Criação de um atlas pedagógico do Município do Rio de Janeiro, dentro da arquitetura do sistema brasileiro de televisão digital terrestre. / Creation of a pedagogic atlas of the town Rio de Janeiro, inside the architecture of brazilian system of digital terrestrial tv.

Fábio Brandão 19 September 2008 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Esta dissertação visa levantar as possibilidades de uso da Geomática no ambiente de interatividade do Sistema Brasileiro de TV Digital Terrestre (SBTVD), definido pelo Decreto Presidencial 5.820, de 29 de Junho de 2006. O produto desta dissertação compreende a implementação de um Atlas, que terá como seu maior objetivo, o auxílio ao processo pedagógico e de Educação à distância (EAD), democratizando o conhecimento da Cartografia. A metodologia de desenvolvimento terá como base o estudo do município do Rio de Janeiro e como público alvo, professores e jovens de 8 a 12 anos de idade. Entretanto, poderá ser facilmente adaptado para outras regiões e diferentes níveis educacionais. No estudo foram utilizados os fundamentos da Geomática, com suas origens estruturais baseadas em uma natureza multidisciplinar, que é ponto de convergência da Informática, de Geografia, do Planejamento Urbano, das Engenharias, das Estatísticas e das Ciências do Ambiente, focadas em fases de produção definidas e divididas em: Coleta, Análise, Distribuição e Uso. Nesse contexto estudaremos como a Cartografia e o SBTVD terrestre vão se incorporar tecnologicamente na distribuição desses dados. / This thesis aims to raise possibilities for use of Geomatics in the environment of interactivity of the Brazilian System of Digital TV Land, established by Presidential Decree 5820 of 29 JUNE 2006. The product of that dissertation includes the implementation of an Atlas, which has as its highest goal, to help the process of teaching and EAD (distance education), democratizing knowledge of Cartography. The development methodology will be based on the study of the city of Rio de Janeiro and target audience, teachers and young people from 8 to 12 years of age, however could be easily adapted to other regions and different levels of education. The study used the foundations of Geomatics, with its structural origins based on a multidisciplinary nature, which is point of convergence of Information Technology, Geography, Urban Planning, Engineering, Science and Environment Statistics, focused on stages of production defined and divided into: Collection, analysis, Distribution and Use In this context look like Cartography and SBTVD (Brazilian System of Digital TV) land will be incorporated technology in the distribution of such data.

Geomática aplicada às medidas preventivas e corretivas para combater danos ambientais: o caso dos incidentes rodoviários com produtos perigosos. / Application of geomatics in support to preventive and corrective actions of response to environmental emergencies: the case of incidents in transportation of dangerous goods on roadways.

Antonio José Rocha Luzardo 05 March 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho aborda a aplicação da Geomática no apoio às ações de rápida resposta às emergências ambientais passíveis de ocorrência, nas rodovias do País, por incidentes com produtos perigosos. A cadeia logística nacional de infraestrutura de transporte de carga está apoiada, principalmente, no modal rodoviário, que é responsável por cerca de 60% do volume total transportado. Seguindo essa tendência, a maioria dos produtos perigosos também é transportada através de estradas. Nessas operações, apesar de todas as medidas de segurança empregadas, tanto na embalagem quanto no manuseio, há sempre a possibilidade da ocorrência de incidentes com esse tipo de carga, no deslocamento entre o ponto de partida e o destino final. Diante dessas potenciais ameaças, ficam evidentes os riscos à integridade física e patrimonial das populações lindeiras, bem como ao meio ambiente, no tocante à qualidade das águas superficiais e subterrâneas, do solo e do ar. Este trabalho sugere, com base na integração dos recursos tecnológicos do Sensoriamento Remoto, do Sistema de Posicionamento Global-GPS e do Geoprocessamento, implantar um sistema de informações georreferenciadas que proporcione os elementos necessários às ações de rápida resposta a esses eventos. A estrutura proposta, denominada Bureau de Informações Territoriais, está moldada para proporcionar uma solução para os problemas relacionados com o posicionamento na superfície terrestre, e que engloba os conceitos da Geomática, através da aplicação das suas quatro etapas básicas: coleta de dados, análise de dados, distribuição da informação e uso da informação. Assim, atendendo ao princípio da mobilidade, o projeto visa, ainda, a disponibilizar na tela de um laptop as informações necessárias ao planejamento e à execução das ações, no menor tempo possível. Por outro lado, considerando que o Bureau também proporciona às organizações que participam das ações de combate aos incidentes rodoviários com produtos perigosos as informações necessárias, através de uma conexão à Internet, espera-se a maximização dos benefícios do planejamento das ações preventivas e corretivas de resposta aos sinistros, assim como a minimização dos efeitos desse tipo de evento sobre a população, as propriedades e o meio ambiente. / This work proposes the application of Geomatics in support to actions of fast response to environmental emergencies derived from incidents in transportation of dangerous goods on Brazilian roadways. The national cargo transportation network utilizes, mainly, the road modal, which responds for aproximately 60% of the total volume transported. Following this modal utilization, the majority of dangerous goods flows through the roads as well. Despite the use of all safety procedures in the packing and handling stages of dangerous goods transport operations, there is always the possibility of incidents, specially in trips from origins to final destinations. This possibility or, in other words, this potential threat, obviously gives rise to risks to the integrity of assets and health of communities located alongside the roads. In addition to that, environmental risks also arise in the form of contamination of the soil, the air and the surface and underground water. This work, by integrating technological resources, such as Remote Sensing, Global Positioning System (GPS), and Geoprocessing, suggests the implantation of a georreferenced information system, which provides the elements needed for actions of fast response to these events. The proposed system, termed the Territorial Information Bureau, has a structure built to solve problems related with the positioning of sites on the earth surface. It integrates the Geomatics concepts through the application of its four basic stages: data collection, data analysis, information distribution and information use. Thus, complying with the mobility principle, the system still aims at displaying on laptop screen the necessary information for the planning and the execution of actions of response to these events, at the shortest time possible. On the other hand, considering that the Bureau provides, through an Internet connection, the necessary information to those organizations involved in the actions of response to road incidents, it is expected a maximization of benefits of the planning of the preventive and corrective actions of response, as well as a minimization of the effects of such events on the population, assets and the environment.

Approche cognitive pour l'intégration des outils de la géomatique en sciences de l'environnement modélisation et évaluation / Cognitive approach to the integration of GIS tools and analysis in environmental sciences : modeling and assessment.

Balzarini, Raffaella 27 November 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse s'est intéressée à l'intégration des Systèmes d'Information Géographique, dans les domaines de la formation en géosciences appliquées et sciences de l'environnement. L'étude de cette intégration et des difficultés qui l'accompagnent, s'est articulée autour de trois dimensions : 1. une dimension cognitive, pour explorer les approches et les méthodes qui permettent d'étudier la façon de raisonner d'utilisateurs expérimentés ou novices, face à la résolution de problèmes spatiaux avec les SIG ; 2. une dimension didactique pour, à partir des différences entre les raisonnements des experts et des novices, identifier et intégrer les démarches expertes utilisables dans les stratégies de résolution des apprenants ; 3. une dimension pédagogique, pour concevoir, en s'appuyant sur les acquis cognitifs et didactiques, des dispositifs de formation innovateurs, en adéquation avec les demandes du monde professionnel. Afin de limiter notre champ d'étude, il a été nécessaire d'effectuer une analyse des pratiques de cartographie et SIG dans les domaines des Géosciences et de l'Ingénierie de l'Environnement et effecteur des choix pertinentes dans une perspective pédagogique, professionnelle et sociétale. Nous nous sommes intéressés à une activité de cartographie particulière : la cartographie d'aptitude réalisée avec des méthodes d'analyses spatiales multicritères pour la localisation de site(s) apte(s) à répondre à une problématique environnementale. En effet, cette méthode implique, d'un point de vue pédagogique, une approche progressive et complète à l'usage des SIG. Elle a un caractère professionnalisant, car elle est d'usage dans les projets environnementaux et, enfin, elle appuie le débat sur les choix territoriaux qui impliquent des prises de décisions. C'est lors de la réalisation de cette activité de cartographie d'aptitude que différents types d'utilisateurs ont été observés : des experts et des étudiants issus de notre entourage académique et professionnel. Nous avons élaboré un protocole expérimental exploratoire qui a permis de recueillir des données écrites et orales. Les analyses des données issues de la phase expérimentale ont été guidées par les cadres qui relèvent des sciences cognitives : sur le plan théorique, pour la définition des mécanismes visuo-cognitifs impliqués dans les raisonnements, et sur le plan méthodologique pour l'approche qualitative et quantitative d'analyse de données verbales. En termes de résultats, des composants des processus de raisonnement qui interviennent dans la réalisation et perception de la carte d'aptitude, ont été identifiés. De plus, les différences d'occurrences d'actions, d'opérations et de concepts mobilisés par les experts et les novices dans le même contexte, ont pu être mesurées. La comparaison des différentes stratégies adoptées par les expertes et par les étudiants a permis ensuite de ré-penser les dispositifs de formation, avec des aides didactiques qui ciblent les lacunes des étudiants. Le vrai défi de cette thèse a été l'apport pluridisciplinaire à la cartographie et aux SIG dans les Sciences de l'Information Géographique. En apportant des connaissances de la psychologie cognitive, de la didactique des sciences et des sciences de l'éducation, cette thèse a contribué à une meilleure compréhension de certains processus de représentations et d'appropriation des SIG, lors de la production cartographique et de son interprétation. Cette compréhension peut contribuer à améliorer les représentations ou à en proposer de nouvelles, favorisant ainsi la construction de la connaissance spatiale. / This thesis concerns the integration of GIS mapping tools and analysis in training curricula of applied geosciences and environmental sciences. This study focuses on three dimensions: 1. a cognitive dimension, in order to explore the way of thinking of experienced and novice users when solving spatial problems with GIS; 2. an instructional dimension, in order to identify and integrate the expert methods in the resolution strategies of learners; 3. an educational dimension in order to design, based on cognitive achievement, innovative training tools in line with the demands of the working world. To limit the scope of our study, it was necessary to perform an analysis of the practices of mapping and GIS in the areas of Geosciences and Environmental Engineering. It was also necessary to make relevant choices in a professional, educational and societal perspective. We were interested in a particular kind of mapping: GIS-bases land-use suitability mapping, with multi criteria spatial analysis methods. Indeed, this method involves, from a pedagogical point of view, a progressive and comprehensive approach to the use of GIS. It has a professionalizing nature, as it is common practice in environmental projects. Finally, it supports the debate on territorial choices that involve decision making. Different types of users have been observed: experts and students from our academic and professional environment. We performed an exploratory experimental protocol that allowed collecting written and verbal data. Data analyses were supported by theoretical frameworks that fall within the cognitive sciences, especially on visual-cognitive processes involved in reasoning. In terms of methodology, we used the quantitative-based qualitative approach for verbal data analysis. Regarding the results, some components of reasoning involved in the production and perception of the suitability map have been identified. Moreover, differences of instances of actions, operations and concepts used by experts and novices could be measured. Comparing the different strategies adopted by the expert and the students enabled us to re-think the training tools, with instructional aids that target gaps in students' abilities. The real challenge of this thesis was the multidisciplinary contribution to mapping and GIS in Geographic Information Science. Providing knowledge of cognitive psychology and science education, this thesis has contributed to a better understanding of some processes in GIS representation and appropriation. This understanding can improve performances on representations, or propose new ones, thus fostering spatial knowledge.


Ferrari, Renata 01 December 2008 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The matter about the changes in land use and coverage patterns, connected to present time concerns on development sustainability and the adequate balance between social, economic and environmental questions involved in it, stimulate the research in the field of scenery simulation at several different regions of the world. In this context, the present research intends to simulate the land use and coverage evolution tendency at Quarta Colônia, RS, for the year 2018, from physical variables, analyzing the change on the land use and coverage in the period of 1988 to 2002 and 2008, spacing and quantifying them. To do so, the land use and coverage patterns were classified using images from the satellites LANDSAT 5 and LANDSAT 7 relative to the years 1988, 2002 and 2008, being the last two maps used for modeling. After performing the crossing of land use and coverage patterns (forest, field, agricultural soil and water) between each other, in a LEGAL analysis, we created maps containing the specific evolutionary changes of each class, including the individual tendencies from the simulation made for the year 2018. It was observe that there wasn t any big change. The maps of land use and coverage from 2002 and 2008 processed in the Dinamica EGO modeling platform enabled the definition of the Markov model global transition probabilities and, local transition probabilities were defined using the empiric probabilistic method weight of evidence, based on Bayes conditional probability theorem. The change probabilities to land use and coverage obtained allowed the formation of a cell automata model based on stochastic transition algorithm where the physical variables demonstrated to be collaborator in this process of land use and coverage changes over time. The simulation results were validated specially due to a knowledge of the statistical procedure, the fuzzy method, demonstrating satisfactory results of the simulation. / As questões de mudanças nos padrões de uso e cobertura da terra, ligadas às preocupações atuais da sustentabilidade do desenvolvimento e ao balanço adequado entre as questões sociais, econômicas e ambientais envolvidas, motivam pesquisas no campo da simulação de cenários em diversas regiões do mundo. Nesse contexto, a presente pesquisa pretende simular as tendências de evolução do uso e cobertura da terra da Quarta Colônia/RS, para o ano de 2018, a partir de variáveis físicas; analisando as mudanças nos padrões de uso e cobertura da terra de 1988 a 2002 e de 2002 a 2008, espacializando-as e quantificando-as. Para tanto, foram classificados os padrões de uso e cobertura da terra em imagens dos satélites LANDSAT 5 e LANDSAT 7, referentes aos anos de 1988, 2002 e 2008, sendo os dois últimos mapas utilizados para a modelagem. A partir do cruzamento dos padrões de uso e cobertura da terra (floresta, campo, solo agrícola e água) entre si, em análise LEGAL, foram gerados mapas contendo as informações das mudanças evolutivas específicas de cada classe, inclusive das tendências individuais da simulação gerada para 2018, observando-se que não houve grandes mudanças. Os mapas de uso e cobertura da terra de 2002 e 2008 no Dinamica EGO possibilitaram a definição das probabilidades globais de transição do modelo markoviano, e as probabilidades locais de transição foram definidas pelo método probabilístico empírico pesos de evidência, baseado no teorema da probabilidade condicional de Bayes. As probabilidades de mudança de uso e cobertura da terra obtida permitiram a constituição de um modelo de autômatos celulares, baseado em algoritmos de transição estocásticos, sendo que as variáveis físicas se mostraram ser colaboradoras desse processo de mudança de uso e cobertura da terra ao longo do tempo. Os resultados da simulação foram validados espacialmente em função de um embasamento do procedimento estatístico, baseado em lógica fuzzy, apresentando resultados satisfatórios da simulação.

Criação de um atlas pedagógico do Município do Rio de Janeiro, dentro da arquitetura do sistema brasileiro de televisão digital terrestre. / Creation of a pedagogic atlas of the town Rio de Janeiro, inside the architecture of brazilian system of digital terrestrial tv.

Fábio Brandão 19 September 2008 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Esta dissertação visa levantar as possibilidades de uso da Geomática no ambiente de interatividade do Sistema Brasileiro de TV Digital Terrestre (SBTVD), definido pelo Decreto Presidencial 5.820, de 29 de Junho de 2006. O produto desta dissertação compreende a implementação de um Atlas, que terá como seu maior objetivo, o auxílio ao processo pedagógico e de Educação à distância (EAD), democratizando o conhecimento da Cartografia. A metodologia de desenvolvimento terá como base o estudo do município do Rio de Janeiro e como público alvo, professores e jovens de 8 a 12 anos de idade. Entretanto, poderá ser facilmente adaptado para outras regiões e diferentes níveis educacionais. No estudo foram utilizados os fundamentos da Geomática, com suas origens estruturais baseadas em uma natureza multidisciplinar, que é ponto de convergência da Informática, de Geografia, do Planejamento Urbano, das Engenharias, das Estatísticas e das Ciências do Ambiente, focadas em fases de produção definidas e divididas em: Coleta, Análise, Distribuição e Uso. Nesse contexto estudaremos como a Cartografia e o SBTVD terrestre vão se incorporar tecnologicamente na distribuição desses dados. / This thesis aims to raise possibilities for use of Geomatics in the environment of interactivity of the Brazilian System of Digital TV Land, established by Presidential Decree 5820 of 29 JUNE 2006. The product of that dissertation includes the implementation of an Atlas, which has as its highest goal, to help the process of teaching and EAD (distance education), democratizing knowledge of Cartography. The development methodology will be based on the study of the city of Rio de Janeiro and target audience, teachers and young people from 8 to 12 years of age, however could be easily adapted to other regions and different levels of education. The study used the foundations of Geomatics, with its structural origins based on a multidisciplinary nature, which is point of convergence of Information Technology, Geography, Urban Planning, Engineering, Science and Environment Statistics, focused on stages of production defined and divided into: Collection, analysis, Distribution and Use In this context look like Cartography and SBTVD (Brazilian System of Digital TV) land will be incorporated technology in the distribution of such data.

Geomática aplicada às medidas preventivas e corretivas para combater danos ambientais: o caso dos incidentes rodoviários com produtos perigosos. / Application of geomatics in support to preventive and corrective actions of response to environmental emergencies: the case of incidents in transportation of dangerous goods on roadways.

Antonio José Rocha Luzardo 05 March 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho aborda a aplicação da Geomática no apoio às ações de rápida resposta às emergências ambientais passíveis de ocorrência, nas rodovias do País, por incidentes com produtos perigosos. A cadeia logística nacional de infraestrutura de transporte de carga está apoiada, principalmente, no modal rodoviário, que é responsável por cerca de 60% do volume total transportado. Seguindo essa tendência, a maioria dos produtos perigosos também é transportada através de estradas. Nessas operações, apesar de todas as medidas de segurança empregadas, tanto na embalagem quanto no manuseio, há sempre a possibilidade da ocorrência de incidentes com esse tipo de carga, no deslocamento entre o ponto de partida e o destino final. Diante dessas potenciais ameaças, ficam evidentes os riscos à integridade física e patrimonial das populações lindeiras, bem como ao meio ambiente, no tocante à qualidade das águas superficiais e subterrâneas, do solo e do ar. Este trabalho sugere, com base na integração dos recursos tecnológicos do Sensoriamento Remoto, do Sistema de Posicionamento Global-GPS e do Geoprocessamento, implantar um sistema de informações georreferenciadas que proporcione os elementos necessários às ações de rápida resposta a esses eventos. A estrutura proposta, denominada Bureau de Informações Territoriais, está moldada para proporcionar uma solução para os problemas relacionados com o posicionamento na superfície terrestre, e que engloba os conceitos da Geomática, através da aplicação das suas quatro etapas básicas: coleta de dados, análise de dados, distribuição da informação e uso da informação. Assim, atendendo ao princípio da mobilidade, o projeto visa, ainda, a disponibilizar na tela de um laptop as informações necessárias ao planejamento e à execução das ações, no menor tempo possível. Por outro lado, considerando que o Bureau também proporciona às organizações que participam das ações de combate aos incidentes rodoviários com produtos perigosos as informações necessárias, através de uma conexão à Internet, espera-se a maximização dos benefícios do planejamento das ações preventivas e corretivas de resposta aos sinistros, assim como a minimização dos efeitos desse tipo de evento sobre a população, as propriedades e o meio ambiente. / This work proposes the application of Geomatics in support to actions of fast response to environmental emergencies derived from incidents in transportation of dangerous goods on Brazilian roadways. The national cargo transportation network utilizes, mainly, the road modal, which responds for aproximately 60% of the total volume transported. Following this modal utilization, the majority of dangerous goods flows through the roads as well. Despite the use of all safety procedures in the packing and handling stages of dangerous goods transport operations, there is always the possibility of incidents, specially in trips from origins to final destinations. This possibility or, in other words, this potential threat, obviously gives rise to risks to the integrity of assets and health of communities located alongside the roads. In addition to that, environmental risks also arise in the form of contamination of the soil, the air and the surface and underground water. This work, by integrating technological resources, such as Remote Sensing, Global Positioning System (GPS), and Geoprocessing, suggests the implantation of a georreferenced information system, which provides the elements needed for actions of fast response to these events. The proposed system, termed the Territorial Information Bureau, has a structure built to solve problems related with the positioning of sites on the earth surface. It integrates the Geomatics concepts through the application of its four basic stages: data collection, data analysis, information distribution and information use. Thus, complying with the mobility principle, the system still aims at displaying on laptop screen the necessary information for the planning and the execution of actions of response to these events, at the shortest time possible. On the other hand, considering that the Bureau provides, through an Internet connection, the necessary information to those organizations involved in the actions of response to road incidents, it is expected a maximization of benefits of the planning of the preventive and corrective actions of response, as well as a minimization of the effects of such events on the population, assets and the environment.

Evaluating Multitemporal Sentinel-2 data for Forest Mapping using Random Forest

Nelson, Marc January 2017 (has links)
The mapping of land cover using remotely sensed data is most effective when a robust classification method is employed. Random forest is a modern machine learning algorithm that has recently gained interest in the field of remote sensing due to its non-parametric nature, which may be better suited to handle complex, high-dimensional data than conventional techniques. In this study, the random forest method is applied to remote sensing data from the European Space Agency’s new Sentinel-2 satellite program, which was launched in 2015 yet remains relatively untested in scientific literature using non-simulated data. In a study site of boreo-nemoral forest in Ekerö mulicipality, Sweden, a classification is performed for six forest classes based on CadasterENV Sweden, a multi-purpose land covermapping and change monitoring program. The performance of Sentinel-2’s Multi-SpectralImager is investigated in the context of time series to capture phenological conditions, optimal band combinations, as well as the influence of sample size and ancillary inputs.Using two images from spring and summer of 2016, an overall map accuracy of 86.0% was achieved. The red edge, short wave infrared, and visible red bands were confirmed to be of high value. Important factors contributing to the result include the timing of image acquisition, use of a feature reduction approach to decrease the correlation between spectral channels, and the addition of ancillary data that combines topographic and edaphic information. The results suggest that random forest is an effective classification technique that is particularly well suited to high-dimensional remote sensing data.

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