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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Zur pedologischen Relativdatierung glazialgeomorphologischer Befunde aus dem Dhaulagiri- und Annapurna-Himalaja im Einzugsgebiet des Kali Gandaki (Zentral-Nepal) / Pedological relative dating of glaciogeomorphological features from the Dhaulagiri and Annapurna Himalaya along the catchment of the Kali Gandaki (central Nepal)

Wagner, Markus 07 February 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Glacio-isostatic adjustment modelling of improved relative sea-level observations in southwestern British Columbia, Canada

Gowan, Evan James 06 December 2007 (has links)
In the late Pleistocene, most of British Columbia and northern Washington was covered by the Cordilleran ice sheet. The weight of the ice sheet caused up to several hundred metres of depression of the Earth’s crust. This caused relative sea level to be higher in southwestern British Columbia despite lower global eustatic sea level. After deglaciation, postglacial rebound of the crust caused sea level to quickly drop to below present levels. The rate of sea-level fall is used here to determine the rheology of the mantle in southwestern British Columbia. The first section of this study deals with determination of the postglacial sea-level history in the Victoria area. Constraints on sea-level position come from isolation basin cores collected in 2000 and 2001, as well as from previously published data from the past 45 years. The position of sea-level is well constrained at elevations greater than -4 m, and there are only loose constraints below that. The highstand position in the Victoria area is between 75-80 m. Sea level fell rapidly from the highstand position to below 0 m between 14.3 and 13.2 thousand calendar years before present (cal kyr BP). The magnitude of the lowstand position was between -11 and -40 m. Though there are few constraints on the lowstand position, analysis of the crustal response favours larger lowstand. Well constrained sea-level histories from Victoria, central Strait of Georgia and northern Strait of Georgia are used to model the rheology of the mantle in southwestern British Columbia. A new ice sheet model for the southwestern Cordillera was developed as older models systematically underpredicted the magnitude of sea level in late glacial times. Radiocarbon dates are compiled to provide constraints on ice sheet advance and retreat. The Cordillera ice sheet reached maximum extent between 17 and 15.4 cal kyr BP. After 15.4 cal kyr, the ice sheet retreated, and by 13.7 cal kyr BP Puget Sound, Juan de Fuca Strait and Strait of Georgia were ice free. By 10.7 cal kyr BP, ice was restricted to mountain glaciers at levels similar to present. With the new ice model, and using an Earth model with a 60 km lithosphere, asthenosphere with variable viscosity and thickness, and transitional and lower mantle viscosity based on the VM2 Earth model, predicted sea level matches the observed sea level constraints in southwestern British Columbia. Nearly identical predicted sea-level curves are found using asthenosphere thicknesses between 140-380 km with viscosity values between 3x10^18 and 4x10^19 Pa s. Predicted sea level is almost completely insensitive to the mantle below the asthenosphere. Modeled present day postglacial uplift rates are less than 0.5 mm yr^-1. Despite the tight fit of the predicted sea level to observed late-glacial sea level observations, the modelling was not able to fit the early Holocene rise of sea level to present levels in the central and northern Strait of Georgia.

Experimental and modeling study of heterogeneous ice nucleation on mineral aerosol particles and its impact on a convective cloud / Étude expérimentale et de modélisation de la nucléation hétérogène de la glace sur les particules d'aérosol minérales et son impact sur un nuage convectif

Hiron, Thibault 29 September 2017 (has links)
L’un des enjeux principaux dans l’appréhension de l’évolution du climat planétaire réside dans la compréhension du rôle des processus de formation de la glace ainsi que leur rôle dans la formation et l’évolution des nuages troposphériques. Un cold stage nouvellement construit permet l’observation simultanée de jusqu’à 200 gouttes monodispersées de suspensions contenant des particules de K–feldspath, connues comme étant des particules glaçogènes très actives. Les propriétés glaçogènes des particules résiduelles de chaque goutte sont ensuite comparées pour les différents modes de glaciation et le lien entre noyau glaçogène en immersion et en déposition est étudié. Les premiers résultats ont montré que les mêmes sites actifs étaient impliqué dans la glaciation par immersion et par déposition. Les implications atmosphériques des résultats expérimentaux sont discutés à l’aide de Descam (Flossmann et al., 1985), un modèle 1.5–d à microphysique détaillée dans une étude de cas visant à rendre compte du rôle des différents mécanismes de glaciation dans l’évolution dynamique du nuage convective CCOPE (Dye et al., 1986). Quatre types d’aérosol minéraux (K–feldspath, kaolinite, illite et quartz) sont utilisés pour la glaciation en immersion, par contact et par déposition, à l’aide de paramétrisations sur la densité de sites glaçogènes actifs. Des études de sensibilité, où les différents types d’aérosols et modes de glaciation sont considérés séparément et en compétition, permettent de rendre compte de leurs importances relatives. La glaciation en immersion sur les particules de K–feldspath s’est révélée comme ayant le plus d’impact sur l’évolution dynamique et sur les précipications pour un nuage convectif. / One of the main challenges in understanding the evolution of Earth's climate resides in the understanding the ice formation processes and their role in the formation of tropospheric clouds as well as their evolution. A newly built humidity-controlled cold stage allows the simultaneous observation of up to 200 monodispersed droplets of suspensions containing K-feldspar particles, known to be very active ice nucleating particles. The ice nucleation efficiencies of the individual residual particles were compared for the different freezing modes and the relationship between immersion ice nuclei and deposition ice nuclei were investigated. The results showed that the same ice active sites are responsible for nucleation of ice in immersion and deposition modes.The atmospheric implications of the experimental results are discussed, using Descam (Flossmann et al., 1985), a 1.5-d bin-resolved microphysics model in a case study aiming to assess the role of the different ice nucleation pathways in the dynamical evolution of the CCOPE convective cloud (Dye et al., 1986). Four mineral aerosol types (K-feldspar, kaolinite, illite and quartz) were considered for immersion and contact freezing and deposition nucleation, with explicit Ice Nucleation Active Site density parameterizations.In sensitivity studies, the different aerosol types and nucleation modes were treated seperately and in competition to assess their relative importance. Immersion freezing on K-feldspar was found to have the most pronounced impact on the dynamical evolution and precipitation for a convective cloud.

Der glazifluviale Formenschatz im Gletschervorfeld des Himalaya und der Versuch einer relativ-zeitlichen Einordnung / Glaciofluvial sequence of forms in the glacier foreland of the Himalayas and their chronological classification

Tombrink, Gerrit 23 November 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Kritische Analyse der Rekonstruktionen der letztglazialen Vergletscherung im Nepal-Himalaja (Himalaja Südabdachung) / Critical analysis of the reconstructions of the last glacial glaciation in the Nepal-Himalayas (Himalayan south slope)

Spitzer, Elisabeth 07 February 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Demography of Birch Populations across Scandinavia

Sendrowski, Janek January 2022 (has links)
Boreal forests are particularly vulnerable to climate change, experiencing a much more drastic increase in temperatures and having a limited amount of more northern refugia. The trees making up these vast and important ecosystems already had to adapt previously to environmental pressures brought about by the repeated glaciations during past ice ages. Studying the patterns of adaption of these trees can thus provide valuable insights on how to mitigate future damage. This thesis presents and analyses population structure, demo- graphic history and the distribution of fitness effects (DFE) of the diploid Betula pendula and tetraploid B. pubescens across Scandinavia. Birches–being widespread in boreal forests as well as having great economical importance–constitute superb model species. The analyses of this work confirm the expectations on postglacial population expansion and diploid-tetraploid introgression. They furthermore ascertain the presence of two genetic clusters and a remarkably similar DFE for the species. This work also contributes with a transparent, reproducible and reusable pipeline which facilitates running similar analyses for related species.

Methodological investigations on vegetation typology and phytogeography of rain forests of tropical Africa

Senterre, Bruno B.M.L. 17 June 2005 (has links)
I. An original methodological discussion is proposed on the problem of the typology of tropical rain forest’s plant communities, based on the study of forest types across gradients of continentality and elevation, within Atlantic central Africa. These investigations were based on the statement that the main problems in forest typology are related to the non-zonal or zonal character of the different vegetation types and to non considering the relations and differences between forest strata. II. Field data consisted in phytosociological homogeneous sample plots localized within different recognized phytogeographical entities, in a region of tropical Africa where these entities are known to be well conserved. A total of 37 such plots were inventoried in the region extending from the littoral forests of Ndoté, Equatorial Guinea, which are wet evergreen forests, to the continental forests of the Dja, Cameroon, known as evergreen seasonal forests. The studied region also included the oriental Atlantic forests of Equatorial Guinea, known as moist evergreen forests or caesalp forests. In various parts of this continentality gradient, some plots were localized within climax non-zonal formations, namely the submontane rain forests. The emphasis was put on the vegetation of the Monte Alén National Park. The sampling methodology was willing to be as "complete ", including all strata, "quantitative ", enumerating all individuals, and "representative ", within each stratum, as possible. These multi-layers plots were realised using nested sub-plots, with a sampling size of 100 individuals for every ligneous stratum recognized (dominant trees, dominated trees and shrubs) and a sampling size of 200m² for the herbaceous and suffrutex stratum. Forest types were defined independently for each stratum and the differences were analysed. A method was proposed for the simultaneous analysis of all floristic data, converting and standardizing the values from ligneous strata, on the one hand, and from understorey strata, on the other hand. III. Ten forest types were described using IndVal and discussed in the general context of the guineo-congolian region, from a syntaxonomic view point (agglomerative classification) and from a phytogeographical view point (divisive classification). Homologies between these two approaches are described. The proposed phytogeographical system is based on an "open " conception of hierarchical classifications, combining advantages of agglomerative and divisive classifications. In concrete terms, the non-zonal criteria, for example the submontane variants, are categorised separately and in analogy with the zonal criteria, related to the usual phytochoria. Analysis of ecological relationships for the 10 communities showed that the main variables related to the floristic variability in our mainland rain forests are elevation, rainfall, hygrometry (estimated using bryophytes cover levels) and distance to the ocean. The two extremes on the vertical microclimatic gradient, dominant trees stratum and herbaceous stratum, give similar typologies, however canonical analysis showed that for the herbaceous layer, non-zonal variables (hygrometry and elevation) were gaining more importance when the influence of the two zonal variables was attenuated. In every case, spatial autocorrelation was less important than the environment in explaining floristic variability but its role increased in the spatial arrangement of understorey species, whose dispersal capacity is generally lower than canopy trees. The phytosociological, phytogeographical and ecological description of forest types is accompanied by a physiognomical description using biological types spectrum, as well as architectural models, leaf sizes, etc. With regard to diversity, we have demonstrated that species richness was higher from upper to lower strata because of the accumulation in lower strata of species from various strata. On the other hand, the proper stratum diversity, i.e. the structural set, decreased from dominant trees to shrubs. The proper diversity of the herb layer showed relatively high figures mainly due to the higher individual density in relation to the existence of microstrata. Within the 37 sample plots, 1,050 taxa have been identified to species or morpho-species levels, for a total of 25,750 individuals. These taxa represent 442 genus among 104 families. The richest forest type is found on the foothills of the Niefang range, on the windward side. This forest type is also characterised by a high number of oligotypic genus and by species belonging to functional types indicators of glacial refuges. These functional types are defined on the basis of the dispersal capacity and on kind of stand needed for effective germination. We formulated the hypothesis that this kind of "foothills refuge ", characterised by his zonal nature, could have been one of the rare refuges for species from mainland rain forests, while montane and fluvial refuges would mainly have preserved species from non-zonal forest types: (sub)montane and riverine. Based on indicator species of submontane forests, a potential distribution map of this forest type has been realised at the Atlantic central African scale. More than 400 submontane forest localities have been mapped. These forests begin at 400m of altitude near the ocean, and progressively at higher altitude for increasing distance to the ocean. Many lowland localities also comprised submontane species, which could indicate the existence of ecological transgressions. These transgressions would allow migratory tracks for submontane species between isolated mountain ranges, not only during glacial periods, through heights at the northern and southern borders of the congo basin, but also contemporarily through the lowland riverine forest network, in the centre of this basin. Finally, a special attention has been attributed to littoral forests and to some cases of choroecological transgressions, coupled to the ecological equalization phenomenon.

Recherches méthodologiques pour la typologie de la végétation et la phytogéographie des forêts denses d'Afrique tropicale

Senterre, Bruno 17 June 2005 (has links)
I. An original methodological discussion is proposed on the problem of the typology of tropical rain forest’s plant communities, based on the study of forest types across gradients of continentality and elevation, within Atlantic central Africa. These investigations were based on the statement that the main problems in forest typology are related to the non-zonal or zonal character of the different vegetation types and to non considering the relations and differences between forest strata.<p><p>II. Field data consisted in phytosociological homogeneous sample plots localized within different recognized phytogeographical entities, in a region of tropical Africa where these entities are known to be well conserved. A total of 37 such plots were inventoried in the region extending from the littoral forests of Ndoté, Equatorial Guinea, which are wet evergreen forests, to the continental forests of the Dja, Cameroon, known as evergreen seasonal forests. The studied region also included the oriental Atlantic forests of Equatorial Guinea, known as moist evergreen forests or caesalp forests. In various parts of this continentality gradient, some plots were localized within climax non-zonal formations, namely the submontane rain forests. The emphasis was put on the vegetation of the Monte Alén National Park.<p><p>The sampling methodology was willing to be as "complete ", including all strata, "quantitative ", enumerating all individuals, and "representative ", within each stratum, as possible. These multi-layers plots were realised using nested sub-plots, with a sampling size of 100 individuals for every ligneous stratum recognized (dominant trees, dominated trees and shrubs) and a sampling size of 200m² for the herbaceous and suffrutex stratum.<p><p>Forest types were defined independently for each stratum and the differences were analysed. A method was proposed for the simultaneous analysis of all floristic data, converting and standardizing the values from ligneous strata, on the one hand, and from understorey strata, on the other hand.<p><p>III. Ten forest types were described using IndVal and discussed in the general context of the guineo-congolian region, from a syntaxonomic view point (agglomerative classification) and from a phytogeographical view point (divisive classification). Homologies between these two approaches are described. The proposed phytogeographical system is based on an "open " conception of hierarchical classifications, combining advantages of agglomerative and divisive classifications. In concrete terms, the non-zonal criteria, for example the submontane variants, are categorised separately and in analogy with the zonal criteria, related to the usual phytochoria.<p><p>Analysis of ecological relationships for the 10 communities showed that the main variables related to the floristic variability in our mainland rain forests are elevation, rainfall, hygrometry (estimated using bryophytes cover levels) and distance to the ocean. The two extremes on the vertical microclimatic gradient, dominant trees stratum and herbaceous stratum, give similar typologies, however canonical analysis showed that for the herbaceous layer, non-zonal variables (hygrometry and elevation) were gaining more importance when the influence of the two zonal variables was attenuated. In every case, spatial autocorrelation was less important than the environment in explaining floristic variability but its role increased in the spatial arrangement of understorey species, whose dispersal capacity is generally lower than canopy trees. The phytosociological, phytogeographical and ecological description of forest types is accompanied by a physiognomical description using biological types spectrum, as well as architectural models, leaf sizes, etc.<p><p>With regard to diversity, we have demonstrated that species richness was higher from upper to lower strata because of the accumulation in lower strata of species from various strata. On the other hand, the proper stratum diversity, i.e. the structural set, decreased from dominant trees to shrubs. The proper diversity of the herb layer showed relatively high figures mainly due to the higher individual density in relation to the existence of microstrata. Within the 37 sample plots, 1,050 taxa have been identified to species or morpho-species levels, for a total of 25,750 individuals. These taxa represent 442 genus among 104 families. The richest forest type is found on the foothills of the Niefang range, on the windward side. This forest type is also characterised by a high number of oligotypic genus and by species belonging to functional types indicators of glacial refuges. These functional types are defined on the basis of the dispersal capacity and on kind of stand needed for effective germination. We formulated the hypothesis that this kind of "foothills refuge ", characterised by his zonal nature, could have been one of the rare refuges for species from mainland rain forests, while montane and fluvial refuges would mainly have preserved species from non-zonal forest types: (sub)montane and riverine.<p><p>Based on indicator species of submontane forests, a potential distribution map of this forest type has been realised at the Atlantic central African scale. More than 400 submontane forest localities have been mapped. These forests begin at 400m of altitude near the ocean, and progressively at higher altitude for increasing distance to the ocean. Many lowland localities also comprised submontane species, which could indicate the existence of ecological transgressions. These transgressions would allow migratory tracks for submontane species between isolated mountain ranges, not only during glacial periods, through heights at the northern and southern borders of the congo basin, but also contemporarily through the lowland riverine forest network, in the centre of this basin. Finally, a special attention has been attributed to littoral forests and to some cases of choroecological transgressions, coupled to the ecological equalization phenomenon.<p> / Doctorat en sciences agronomiques et ingénierie biologique / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

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