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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Hill, David Richard 16 August 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Chemical Modification of Hyaluronan and Their Biomedical Applications

Hintze, Vera, Schnabelrauch, Matthias, Rother, Sandra 16 May 2024 (has links)
Hyaluronan, the extracellular matrix glycosaminoglycan, is an important structural component of many tissues playing a critical role in a variety of biological contexts. This makes hyaluronan, which can be biotechnologically produced in large scale, an attractive starting polymer for chemical modifications. This review provides a broad overview of different synthesis strategies used for modulating the biological as well as material properties of this polysaccharide. We discuss current advances and challenges of derivatization reactions targeting the primary and secondary hydroxyl groups or carboxylic acid groups and the N-acetyl groups after deamidation. In addition, we give examples for approaches using hyaluronan as biomedical polymer matrix and consequences of chemical modifications on the interaction of hyaluronan with cells via receptormediated signaling. Collectively, hyaluronan derivatives play a significant role in biomedical research and applications indicating the great promise for future innovative therapies.

Glycosaminoglycan Monosaccharide Blocks Analysis by Quantum Mechanics, Molecular Dynamics, and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

Samsonov, Sergey A., Theisgen, Stephan, Riemer, Thomas, Huster, Daniel, Pisabarro, M. Teresa 09 July 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) play an important role in many biological processes in the extracellular matrix. In a theoretical approach, structures of monosaccharide building blocks of natural GAGs and their sulfated derivatives were optimized by a B3LYP6311ppdd//B3LYP/ 6-31+G(d) method. The dependence of the observed conformational properties on the applied methodology is described. NMR chemical shifts and proton-proton spin-spin coupling constants were calculated using the GIAO approach and analyzed in terms of the method's accuracy and sensitivity towards the influence of sulfation, O1-methylation, conformations of sugar ring, and ω dihedral angle. The net sulfation of the monosaccharides was found to be correlated with the 1H chemical shifts in the methyl group of the N-acetylated saccharides both theoretically and experimentally. The ω dihedral angle conformation populations of free monosaccharides and monosaccharide blocks within polymeric GAG molecules were calculated by a molecular dynamics approach using the GLYCAM06 force field and compared with the available NMR and quantum mechanical data. Qualitative trends for the impact of sulfation and ring conformation on the chemical shifts and proton-proton spin-spin coupling constants were obtained and discussed in terms of the potential and limitations of the computational methodology used to be complementary to NMR experiments and to assist in experimental data assignment.

Le réseau d'interactions de l'endostatine, une matricryptine du collagène XVIII / The interaction network of endostatin, a matricryptin of collagen XVIII

Faye, Clément 23 October 2009 (has links)
L’endostatine est le fragment C-terminal du collagène XVIII libéré dans la matrice extracellulaire par clivage enzymatique. C'est un inhibiteur endogène de l’angiogenèse et de la croissance tumorale. L'endostatine inhibe la prolifération et la migration des cellules endothéliales induite par le Fibroblast Growth Factor-2 ou le Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor et elle inhibe la croissance de 65 types de cellules tumorales. L’endostatine fait actuellement l’objet d’essais cliniques pour le traitement de différents cancers son mécanisme d’action est encore mal connu. Nous avons caractérisé par résonance plasmonique de surface (SPR) les interactions établies par l'endostatine avec les intégrines αvβ3 et α5β1 qui sont surexprimées à la surface des cellules endothéliales activée. Nous avons identifié le site de fixation l'endostatine sur les intégrines, proposé un modèle de structure du complexe formé par l'endostatine et l'intégrine αvβ3 et montré que l'endostatine ne peut pas se lier simultanément aux intégrines et aux chaînes d'héparane sulfate présentes à la surface cellulaire. Pour identifier des partenaires supplémentaires de l'endostatine, nous avons développé des puces à protéines et à glycosaminoglycanes basées sur la SPR et capables de suivre jusqu'à 400 interactions simultanément. Nous avons identifié neuf partenaires de l'endostatine (le dermatane sulfate, la transglutaminase-2, les collagènes I, IV et VI, le peptide amyloïde β1-42, et des protéines matricellulaires dont SPARC et thrombospondine-1). Nous avons montré que l’endostatine se fixe avec une forte affinité (KD ~ 6 nM) sur la transglutaminase-2 et que cette interaction nécessite la présence de calcium mais que l'endostatine n'est pas un substrat donneur d'acyle de l'enzyme. Nous avons montré que le réseau d'interactions de l'endostatine est enrichi en protéines contenant des modules EGF (Epidermal Growth Factor). Cela offre de nouvelles perspectives pour l'identification d'autres partenaires et donc de nouvelles fonctions de l'endostatine. Des protéines contenant des modules EGF comme la fibrilline-1, composant des fibres élastiques, et des protéines de l'immunité innée par exemple sont des partenaires potentiels de l'endostatine / Endostatin is the carboxyl-terminal fragment of collagen XVIII released in the extracellular matrix by proteolytic cleavage. It inhibits angiogenesis and tumor growth. Endostatin inhibits the proliferation and migration of endothelial cells induced by Fibroblast Growth Factor-2 and Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor and it inhibits 65 different tumor types. Endostatin is currently under clinical trials for several tumors. We have used surface plasmon resonance (SPR) binding assays to characterize interactions between endostatin and α5β1 or αvβ3 integrins which are over-expressed at cell surface of actived endothelial cell. We have identified the binding site of endostatin on those integrins, and we have built a molecular modeling of the endostatin/integrin αvβ3 complex. We have shown that endostatin can not bind simultaneously to integrins and to heparan sulfate. In order to identify new partners of endostatin we have developed glycosaminoglycan and protein arrays based on SPR detection. We have found nine new partners of endostatin include glycosaminoglycans (chondroitin and dermatan sulfate), matricellular proteins (thrombospondin-1 and SPARC), collagens (I, IV and VI), the amyloid peptide Aβ(1-42), and transglutaminase-2 (TG-2). We have shown that endostatin binds to transglutaminase-2 with an high affinity (KD ~ 6 nM) in a calcium-dependent manner. Enzymatic assays indicated that, in contrast to other extracellular matrix proteins, endostatin is not a glutaminyl substrate of TG-2, but would rather be an acyl acceptor. The endostatin network comprises a number of extracellular proteins containing EGF domains (Epidermal Growth Factor), and able to bind calcium. Depending on the trigger event, and on the availability of its members in a given tissue at a given time, the endostatin network might be involved either in the control of angiogenesis, and tumor growth, or in neurogenesis and neurodegenerative diseases

The development of glycosaminoglycan-based materials to promote chondrogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells

Lim, Jeremy James 03 July 2012 (has links)
Tissue engineering strategies represent exciting potential therapies to repair cartilage injuries; however, difficulty regenerating the complex extracellular matrix (ECM) organization of native cartilage remains a significant challenge. Cartilaginous ECM molecules, specifically chondroitin sulfate (CS) glycosaminoglycan, may possess the ability to promote and direct MSC differentiation down a chondrogenic lineage. CS may interact with the stem cell microenvironment through its highly negative charge, generation of osmotic pressure, and sequestration of growth factors; however, the role of CS in directing differentiation down a chondrogenic lineage remains unclear. The overall goal of this dissertation was to develop versatile biomaterial platforms to control CS presentation to mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in order to improve understanding of the interactions with CS that promote chondrogenic differentiation. To investigate chondrogenic response to a diverse set of CS materials, progenitor cells were cultured in the presence of CS proteoglycans and CS chains in a variety of 2D and 3D material systems. Surfaces were coated with aggrecan proteoglycan to alter cell morphology, CS-based nano- and microspheres were developed as small particle carriers for growth factor delivery, and desulfated chondroitin hydrogels were synthesized to examine electrostatic interactions with growth factors and the role of sulfation in the chondrogenic differentiation of MSCs. Together these studies provided valuable insight into the unique ability of CS-based materials to control cellular microenvironments via morphological and material cues to promote chondrogenic differentiation in the development of tissue engineering strategies for cartilage regeneration and repair.

Improvement of the Digestibility of Sulfated Hyaluronans by Bovine Testicular Hyaluronidase: a UV Spectroscopic and Mass Spectrometric Study

Lemnitzer, Katharina, Schiller, Jürgen, Becher, Jana, Möller, Stephanie, Schnabelrauch, Matthias January 2014 (has links)
Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) such as hyaluronan (HA) and chondroitin sulfate (CS) are important, natural polysaccharides which occur in biological (connective) tissues and have various biotechnological and medical applications. Additionally, there is increasing evidence that chemically (over)sulfated GAGs possess promising properties and are useful as implant coatings. Unfortunately, a detailed characterization of these GAGs is challenging: although mass spectrometry (MS) is one of the most powerful tools to elucidate the structures of (poly)saccharides, MS is not applicable to high mass polysaccharides, but characteristic oligosaccharides are needed. These oligosaccharides are normally generated by enzymatic digestion. However, chemically modified (particularly sulfated) GAGs are extremely refractive to enzymatic digestion. This study focuses on the investigation of the digestibility of GAGs with different degrees of sulfation by bovine testicular hyaluronidase (BTH). It will be shown by using an adapted spectrophotometric assay that all investigated GAGs can be basically digested if the reaction conditions are carefully adjusted. However, the oligosaccharide yield correlates reciprocally with the number of sulfate residues per polymer repeating unit. Finally, matrix-laser desorption and ionization (MALDI) MS will be used to study the released oligosaccharides and their sulfation patterns.

Basic Residues of β-Sheet A Contribute to Heparin Binding and Activation of Vaspin (Serpin A12)

Ulbricht, David, Oertwig, Kathrin, Arnsburg, Kristin, Saalbach, Anja, Pippel, Jan, Sträter, Norbert, Heiker, John T. 06 March 2019 (has links)
Many members of the serine protease inhibitor (serpin) family are activated by glycosaminoglycans (GAGs). Visceral adipose tissue-derived serpin (vaspin), serpin A12 of the serpin family, and its target protease kallikrein 7 (KLK7) are heparin-binding proteins, and inhibition of KLK7 by vaspin is accelerated by heparin. However, the nature of GAG binding to vaspin is not known. Here, we measured vaspin binding of various glycosaminoglycans and low molecular weight heparins by microscale thermophoresis and analyzed acceleration of protease inhibition by these molecules. In addition, basic residues contributing to heparin binding and heparin activation were identified by a selective labeling approach. Together, these data show that vaspin binds heparin with high affinity (KD = 21 ± 2 nm) and that binding takes place at a basic patch on top of β-sheet A and is different from other heparin-binding serpins. Mutation of basic residues decreased heparin binding and activation of vaspin. Similarly, reactive center loop insertion into sheet A decreased heparin binding because it disturbs the basic cluster. Finally, using vaspin-overexpressing keratinocyte cells, we show that a significant part of secreted vaspin is bound in the extracellular matrix on the cell surface. Together, basic residues of central β-sheet A contribute to heparin binding and activation of vaspin. Thus, binding to GAGs in the extracellular matrix can direct and regulate vaspin interaction with target proteases or other proteins and may play an important role in the various beneficial functions of vaspin in different tissues.

The effect of electric fields on hyaline cartilage: an in vitro and in silico study

Vaca González, Juan Jairo 02 May 2019 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] El cartílago hialino es un tejido conectivo denso con poca capacidad de auto regeneración cuando es afectado por patologías degenerativas. Por lo tanto, la estimulación eléctrica se ha propuesto como una terapia alternativa no invasiva para mejorar la reparación del cartílago hialino. De acuerdo con esto, este trabajo presenta un enfoque computacional y experimental combinado para entender mejor la biología del cartílago hialino y su respuesta a la estimulación eléctrica usando diferentes modelos in vitro. En primer lugar, se ha desarrollado un modelo mecanobiológico para simular el proceso de osificación endocondral. Por otro lado, se ha evaluado el efecto de la estimulación eléctrica sobre el cartílago hialino en tres escenarios diferentes. Inicialmente se ha analizado la proliferación celular y la síntesis de glicosaminoglicanos de condrocitos cultivados en monocapa y estimulados con campos eléctricos. Luego, se ha realizado un análisis histomorfométrico a explantes de condroepífisis que fueron estimulados eléctricamente. Por último, se ha evaluado el efecto de los campos eléctricos sobre la diferenciación condrogénica de células madre mesenquimales cultivadas en hidrogeles. Los resultados indican que la estimulación eléctrica es un estímulo biofísico prometedor, ya que este tipo de estimulación mejora la viabilidad y la proliferación celular, induce cambios morfológicos en los condrocitos, y estimula la síntesis de las principales moléculas que componen el cartílago hialino, tales como SOX-9, glicosaminoglicanos y agrecan. Además, este proyecto es el primer paso hacia la implementación de un estímulo biofísico alternativo que modifica la dinámica celular de los condrocitos de la placa de crecimiento en condiciones ex vivo. Adicionalmente, este estudio resalta el efecto potencial de los campos eléctricos para inducir el proceso de condrogénesis de células madre mesenquimales cultivadas en condiciones basales. En general, la evaluación de la estimulación eléctrica sobre condrocitos, tejidos y andamios es una herramienta útil que puede contribuir al conocimiento actual de las terapias regenerativas enfocadas en la regeneración del cartílago hialino. / [CA] El cartílag hialí és un teixit connectiu dens amb poca capacitat d'auto regeneració quan es veu afectat per patologies degeneratives. Per tant, l'estimulació elèctrica s'ha proposat com una teràpia alternativa no invasiva per millorar la reparació del cartílag articular. D'acord amb això, aquest treball presenta un enfoc computacional i experimental combinat per entendre millor la biologia del cartílag hialí i la seva resposta a l'estimulació elèctrica usant diferents models in vitro. En primer lloc, s'ha desenvolupat un model mecanobiològic per simular el procés d'ossificació endocondral. D'altra banda, s'ha avaluat l'efecte de l'estimulació elèctrica sobre el cartílag hialí en tres escenaris diferents. Inicialment s'ha analitzat la proliferació cel·lular i la síntesi de glicosaminoglicans de condròcits cultivats en monocapa i estimulats amb camps elèctrics. Després, s'ha realitzat una anàlisi histomorfomètrica a explants de condroepífisis que van ser estimulats elèctricament. Finalment, s'ha avaluat l'efecte dels camps elèctrics sobre la diferenciació condrogénica de cèl·lules mare mesenquimals cultivades en hidrogels. Els resultats indiquen que l'estimulació elèctrica és un estímul biofîsic prometedor, ja que aquest tipus d'estimulació millora la viabilitat i la proliferació cel·lular, indueix canvis morfològics en els condròcits, i estimula la síntesi de les principals molècules que componen el cartílag hialí, com ara SOX-9, glicosaminoglicans i agrecan. A més, aquest projecte és el primer pas cap a la implementació d'un estímul biofísic alternatiu que modifica la dinàmica cel·lular dels condròcits de la placa de creixement en condicions ex vivo. Addicionalment, aquest estudi ressalta l'efecte potencial dels camps elèctrics per induir el procés de condrogènesi de cèl·lules mare mesenquimals cultivades en condicions basals. En general, l'avaluació de l'estimulació elèctrica sobre condròcits, teixits i scaffolds és una eina útil que pot contribuir al coneixement actual de les teràpies regeneratives enfocades a la regeneració del cartílag hialí. / [EN] Hyaline cartilage is a dense connective tissue with low self-healing capacity when is affected by degenerative pathologies. Therefore, electrical stimulation has been proposed as a possible non-invasive alternative therapy to enhance the restoration of the cartilaginous tissue. Accordingly, this work presents a combined computational and experimental approach to understand better the hyaline cartilage biology and its response to electrical stimulation using different in vitro models. On the one hand, a mechanobiological model was developed to simulate the endochondral ossification process. On the other hand, the electrical stimulation on hyaline cartilage was evaluated in three different scenarios. Initially, cell proliferation and glycosaminoglycans synthesis of chondrocytes, cultured in monolayer and stimulated with electric fields, was analyzed. Then, a histomorphometric analysis was performed to chondroepiphysis explants that were electrically stimulated. Finally, the effects of the electric fields on chondrogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells cultured in hydrogels was assessed. The results indicated that electrical stimulation is a promising biophysical stimulus, due to the fact that this type of stimulation enhances the viability and the proliferation of cells, induces morphological changes in the chondrocytes, and stimulates the synthesis of the main molecules that compose the hyaline cartilage, such as SOX-9, glycosaminoglycans and aggrecan. Moreover, this project is the first step towards the implementation of an alternative biophysical stimulus that modifies the cellular dynamics of growth plate chondrocytes in ex vivo conditions. Additionally, this study highlights the potential effect of electric fields to induce the chondrogenesis process of mesenchymal stem cells cultured in basal conditions. Overall, the assessment of electrical stimulation on chondrocytes, tissues and scaffolds is a useful tool that may contribute to the current knowledge of regenerative therapies focused on hyaline cartilage healing. / To the financial support from COLCIENCIAS – COLFUTURO through the fellowship No. 647 for national doctorates. To the financial support from COLCIENCIAS through the research grant 712-2015 No. 50457. To the financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through the MAT2016-76039-C4-1-R project. / Vaca González, JJ. (2019). The effect of electric fields on hyaline cartilage: an in vitro and in silico study [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/120023 / Compendio

Induction d’anticorps anti-idiotypiques contre les protéoglycanes de la matrice extracellulaire dans la réduction des lésions athérosclérotiques

Giroux Portelance, Simon 06 1900 (has links)
L’athérosclérose est caractérisée par l’accumulation de lipoprotéines de basse densité (LDL) liées aux protéoglycanes de la paroi artérielle. Des anticorps chimériques (ch) qui se lient aux glycosaminoglycanes (GAG) ont été générés. L'hypothèse est que la vaccination avec le chP3R99, un anticorps chimérique mutant de l'hybridome P3, pouvait interférer avec la rétention des LDL par l’induction d’une cascade d’anticorps anti-idiotypiques dirigés contre les GAG. Des souris mâles déficientes en apolipoprotéine E ont été soumises à une diète hypercholestérolémique et ont reçu 5 injections sous-cutanées de 50 μg de vaccin chP3R99 ou de vaccin chP3S98 (un mutant de faible réactivité). Les injections ont été effectuées à chaque semaine ou aux 2 semaines. Au moment du sacrifice, l'aorte perfusée avec du PBS a été excisée et analysée après coloration au Oil Red-O. Les résultats ont été exprimés en pourcentage de lésions sur la superficie totale de l'aorte. La réactivité contre le chP3R99, chP3S98, l’héparine, le sulfate de dermatane et de chondroïtine des sérums de souris immunisées a été mesurée par ELISA. De plus, la liaison de l'anticorps chP3R99 aux GAG dans la lésion d'athérosclérose a été observée par un appareil de visualisation in vivo.Nos résultats montrent que l’immunogénicité des anticorps chP3R99 est supérieure à celle des anticorps chP3S98 et que le sérum des souris immunisées avec le chP3R99 présente des anticorps anti-idiotypiques dirigés contre les GAG. Cet effet est associé à une réduction de 42 % (p < 0.01) du pourcentage de lésions athérosclérotiques chez les souris vaccinées. L'utilisation d’une immunisation active avec l’anticorps chP3R99 pourrait constituer une approche thérapeutique pour le traitement de l'athérosclérose. / Atherosclerosis is characterized by the accumulation of low density lipoprotein (LDL) associated with the proteoglycans of the arterial wall. Chimeric (ch) antibodies that react against glycosaminoglycans (GAG) were generated. We tested the hypothesis that vaccination with chP3R99, a mutant chimeric antibody of the P3 hybridoma, could interfere with the retention of LDL by inducing a cascade of anti-idiotypic antibodies directed against the GAG.Male mice deficient in apolipoprotein E fed with a hypercholesterolemic diet were given five subcutaneous injections of 50 μg of chP3R99 or chP3S98 (a mutant with low reactivity) vaccine. The injections were performed every week or every two weeks. After sacrifice, the aorta was perfused with PBS, excised and analyzed after staining with Oil Red-O. The results were expressed as a percentage of lesions areas on the total area of the aorta. The reactivity of the sera obtained was tested against the chP3R99, chP3S98, heparin, dermatan and chondroïtin sulfate from obtained immunized mice by ELISA. The anti-idiotypic response was measured by blocking the anti-isotypic reactivity by a nonspecific IgG, hR3. In addition, the antibody chP3R99 binding to GAG in the atherosclerotic lesion was shown by an in vivo molecular imaging device. Our results show that the immunogenicity of the antibodies chP3R99 is higher than chP3S98 and that sera from mice immunized with chP3R99 present anti-idiotypic antibodies directed against the GAG. This effect is associated with a 42 % reduction (p <0.01) of atherosclerotic lesions in vaccinated mice. The use of active immunization with antibodies chP3R99 may constitute a new therapeutic approach for the treatment of atherosclerosis.


Alabbas, Alhumaidi B 01 January 2018 (has links)
Glycosaminoglycans are heterogeneous polysaccharides that mediate important biological functions. There has been considerable interest in deciphering the precise GAG sequences that are responsible for protein interactions. In fact, several GAG oligosaccharides have been discovered to date as targeting proteins with higher level of specificity. Yet, it has been difficult to develop GAG oligosaccharides as drugs. One of the key reasons for this state of art is that GAG synthesis is extremely challenging and is highly structure-specific. Thus, much of the biology and pharmacology of GAG remains unknown and unexploited to date. An alternative approach is to prepare GAG oligosaccharides using enzymatic depolymerization of polymeric GAGs. GAG lyases, including heparinases and chondritinases represent powerful tools that can theoretically generate multiple oligosaccharides in parallel. However, it is difficult to implement such procedures with high consistency. Moreover, GAG lyases can digest GAGs down to disaccharides. A priori, non-polymeric GAGs, or alternatively GAG oligosaccharides containing 4 to 10 residues, would be expected to function better as therapeutic agents because they would be more homogeneous and less non-specific than their polymeric precursors. Thus, we reasoned that immobilization of these enzymes may engineer altered biopolymer processing, which may afford longer oligosaccharides in higher proportions and greater consistency. Heparinase-I and chondroitinase ABC were immobilized on CNBr-activated Sepharose and compared with the free form of the enzyme. Immobilized GAG lyases retained high efficiency of depolymerization over a wide range of pH, temperature and reusability. Most importantly, the immobilized enzyme was found to produce larger proportions of oligosaccharides longer than di- and tetra-saccharides as compared to lyases in the free form. A two dimensional separation involves size exclusion chromatography followed by reversed phase ion-pairing ultra performance liquid chromatography coupled to electrospray ionization mass spectrometry was employed to separate and characterize oligosaccharide structures. We have identified 40 heparin oligosaccharides, including regular and rare structures ranging from dp4 to dp10 and 39 chondroitin sulfate oligosaccharides in high homogeneity and significant yields. Overall, this technology is likely to offer a simple and cost effective route to preparation of larger amounts of sequences that can be expected to bind and modulate protein function.

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