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Sobre a existência de infinitas geodésicas fechadas em good orbifolds riemannianos / On the existence of innitely many closed geodesics in good riemannian orbifoldsSepúlveda, Pablo Asdrúbal Díaz 06 April 2018 (has links)
Nesta tese demonstramos, entre outras coisas, a existência de innitas geodésicas fechadas em good orbifolds Riemannianos M/, onde é um grupo de isometrias virtualmente Abeliano. No caso particular onde é um produto semi-direto de um grupo nito por um grupo Abeliano, concluimos a existência de uma família de geodésicas fechadas com comprimentos tendendo a innito. / In this PhD theses we prove, among other things, the existence of innity many (geometric distinct) closed geodesics on good Riemannian compact orbifolds M/, where is a virtual abelian group of isometries. In the particular case where is a semi-direct product of a nite group with an abelian group, we also assure that there isa family of closed geodesics for which the lengths tend to innity.
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The Use of Behavior Specific Praise and the Caught Being Good Game to Improve Class-Wide BehaviorRhodes, Emily 19 June 2014 (has links)
This study evaluated the relative contributions of behavior specific praise statements (BSPS) and the Caught Being Good Game (CBGG) on class-wide appropriate behaviors and examined teacher use of BSPS and corrective feedback. It also evaluated if changes in class-wide behaviors are maintained during follow-up and generalized to non-target academic periods. Data on teacher use of BSPS were also collected during follow-up and generalization probes to examine if the teachers continued to use BSPS during follow-up and generalize their use of BSPS to non-target academic periods. A multiple-baseline design across classrooms with an ABC sequence was used to evaluate the outcomes of the interventions. The results indicated that BSPS was sufficient in two classrooms to increase class-wide on-task behavior for over 90% of students just by explicitly giving attention for appropriate behaviors while the third classroom required implementation of CBGG which provided external reinforcers. Some evidence of generalization and maintenance was observed in all classrooms. All teaching staff's use of BSPS increased during implementation of the BSPS phase, but BSPS use decreased in follow-up, and support for generalization is lacking.
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Striden om skolan : Den politiska debatten om friskolor i media 1996 och 2006Isling, Pär January 2009 (has links)
<p>Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur den politiska debatten kring friskolor fördes under åren 1996 och 2006 i Sveriges tre största dagstidningar. I studien undersöks även vilka argument de politiska agitatorerna använder sig av i ledar- och debattartiklar och vilka politiska skiljelinjer som kan åskådliggöras. Vidare vill uppsatsen undersöka hur den politiska diskursen påverkas av debattörernas avsikter och handlingsutrymme. Uppsatsen vilar på en kvalitativ grund där de artiklar som studerats valts ut utifrån en ämnesmässig relevans. Den hermeneutiska metoden har använts i studien för att kunna tolka det skriva på en objektiv grund. I uppsatsen beskrivs friskolornas historiska bakgrund och hur politiken har sett och ser på friskolorna. Uppsatsen visar att den politiska debatten kring friskolor i dagstidningarna handlar om vem som skall ha makten över utbildningen d.v.s. om huvudmannaskapet över skolan skall tillhöra staten eller familjen. I åren som uppsatsen undersöker märks hur den politiska debatten under 1996 mer kännetecknas av en övergripande ideologisk strid om skolan. Under 2006 finns denna konflikt kvar men utifrån andra förtecken där politiker kan agera på ett mer friare sätt i förhållande till sitt eget partis uppfattning i frågan.</p>
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The Effect of Product Recommendation in Personalized Advertisement: The Relationship Intimacy PerspectiveWang, I-Jen 01 August 2011 (has links)
How to build customer loyalty and retain customers are important issues for most businesses. Personalized services have been used as a strategy for such purposes. The advancement of information technology has enabled a business to keep track of customer preferences and provide personalized services accordingly.
Several theories have been proposed to explain the effect of positive customer attitude toward personalized services, such as reducing information overload and the Elaboration Likelihood Model. This study is focus on the perspective of intimate relationship with customers through personalized services, and proposes that the intimacy relationship induced from personalized advertising plays a major role in building customer loyalty.
An experiment was designed to test our hypotheses. An experimental website was developed to interact with the subjects for building relationship. Experimental advertisement was then sent to the subject for evaluation. The experiment results in 355 completed data, which were then analyzed using the SPSS and SmartPLS. The results reveal that (1)personalized content has a significant effect intimacy;(2) Personalized message doesn¡¦t influence intimacy;(3)customer intimacy has effects on the attitude toward advertising and customer¡¦s purchasing intention. We also find that the relationship between customer intimacy and the recommendation effect was not significantly different for different product categories.
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Influences of Type of Metaphor, Product Type, and Gender Differences on Metaphor AdvertisingWu, Yuan-Ciao 10 August 2012 (has links)
Nowadays, consumers are lack of interest for advertisement because they are flooded by advertising. Therefore, advertisers try to motivate consumers to process ads. From the advertising literature, rhetorical devices can be attention-getting, arousing, and affect inducing and memorable. Specifically, the use of metaphors expends dimensional thinking and enhances ad responses. This research proposes two types of metaphors: juxtaposition vs. replacement. It examines the moderating effects of product type and consumers¡¦ gender differences on metaphor advertising.
The present study uses experimental design with a 3(metaphor advertising: non-metaphor vs. juxtaposition vs. replacement) x2 (product type: search good vs. experience good) x2 (gender difference: male vs. female) factorial design. Six different scenarios are established through fictitious product ads, and the ad effects are measured by attitudes toward the ad, attitudes toward the brand, and purchase intention to observe the responses under different scenarios.
The results indicate that the metaphor advertising is more effective than the non-metaphor advertising. In promoting a search good, the replacement metaphor is more effective than the juxtaposition metaphor. On the contrary, the juxtaposition is more effective than replacement in promoting an experience good. When females face metaphor ads for promoting a search good, the replacement is more effective than the juxtaposition. However, no such differences are found in males.The findings suggest that marketers should consider not only the product type they promote but also the gender of their target consumers in order to enhance the advertising effects.
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A vindication of politics : political association and human flourishing / Political association and human flourishingWright, Matthew Davidson 30 January 2012 (has links)
Precipitated by important work in recent natural law political theory, this research revisits the relationship between political association and human flourishing. Does the political community itself realize some aspect of human sociability intrinsic to our full flourishing or is it simply an instrumental good? The inquiry begins with a thorough examination of the merits of John Finnis’s influential argument for an instrumental political common good, pointing to a significant lacuna in his inattention to the value of political activity, as opposed to the operation of government and law. In building an alternative positive account the argument relies upon both formal and substantive considerations, generally employing an Aristotelian methodology of understanding the whole via a consideration of its constitutive parts. First, drawing from Aquinas’s Aristotelian commentaries to unpack the basic structure of part/whole relationships within the “body politic,” I argue that political community is partially defined by the nature of its basic constitutive parts. The next chapter considers the substantive good of familial association, particularly in light of longstanding concerns with the family’s particularity and inequality. I argue that the intrinsically liberal and educative character of parental love rightly orients children to virtuous activity and invests familial association with an intrinsic rationality. The final two chapters bring direct focus onto the political common good: First, I argue that a normatively compelling account of the political common good must be both inclusivist, i.e., including within its purpose the irreducibly diverse goods of every individual and basic association within the community, and distinctive, i.e., including within the calculus of practical reason the good of the political association as such. Lastly, I argue that the political common good is intrinsically—though only partially—constitutive of the human social good. Aquinas makes a crucial shift away from Aristotle’s political primacy in his more pluralistic account of human sociability and emphasis on the extensiveness of the political good over the superiority of political activity per se. Nevertheless, there are essential human virtues—justice, love, generosity—that are uniquely, if not exclusively, fostered in political community and potentially realized in civic friendship. / text
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Sąžiningumo pareiga ikisutartiniuose santykiuose / Duty of Good Faith in Precontractual RelationsJakaitė, Agnė 04 March 2009 (has links)
Šio magistro darbo objektas – sąžiningumo pareigos turinys ikisutartiniuose santykiuose. 2000 m. liepos 18 d. priimtas naujasis Lietuvos Respublikos civilinis kodeksas įtvirtino, kad pagrindinė abipusė šalių pareiga ikisutartiniuose santykiuose yra pareiga elgtis sąžiningai. Kadangi sąžiningumo pareigos ikisutartinių santykių etape taikymo praktika Lietuvoje yra besiformuojanti, o kilus ginčui tarp šalių šios pareigos turinys dažnai nevienodai suprantamas, pripažįstama, kad yra svarbu užtikrinti nuoseklų sąžiningumo pareigos aiškinimą ir jos taikymo mechanizmą. Siekiant išanalizuoti pagrindinius sąžiningumo pareigos ikisutartiniuose santykiuose elementus, magistro darbe nagrinėjami bendrieji ikisutartinių santykių ir sąžiningumo klausimai. Pabrėžiama, kad šiandien tarp šalių susiklosčiusių santykių dėl sandorio sudarymo sudėtingumas lemia, jog klasikinį sutarties sudarymo modelį „oferta ir akceptas“ dažnai papildo ilgesnė ar trumpesnė derybų stadija. Naudojant lyginamąjį, sisteminį, istorinį ir ekonominį tyrimo metodus, pagrindinėje magistro darbo dalyje analizuojami teisės normose nustatyti ir teismų praktikos bei doktrinos suformuoti pagrindiniai sąžiningumo pareigos ikisutartiniuose santykiuose elementai: reikalavimas derėtis tik turint tikslą sudaryti sutartį, reikalavimas nenutraukti toli pažengusių derybų be objektyvių priežasčių, reikalavimas vykdyti preliminarius susitarimus, reikalavimas vesti tik sąžiningas lygiagrečias derybas, pareiga atskleisti informaciją ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The object of this master thesis is the content of the duty of good faith in precontractual relations. The new Civil Code of the Republic of Lithuania, adopted on 18th July 2000, established that the duty of good faith is the main mutual duty of the parties in precontractual relations. Taking into account that in Lithuania the application of the duty of good faith in precontractual stage is developing and parties usually understand the content of this duty differently in litigation process, the importance to ensure the consistent interpretation and application of the duty of good faith is emphasized. In order to analyze the principal elements of the content of the duty of good faith in precontractual relations, the main issues of precontractual relations and good faith are examined in this master thesis. A great attention is paid to the conclusion that nowadays the complex process of formation of contracts determines that the classic rule of “offer and acceptance” is usually supplemented with negotiations stage. On the basis of comparative, systematic, historic and economic methods, the following principal elements of the duty of good faith in precontractual relations, established by the laws or determined by jurisprudence and case law, are analyzed in the main part of this master thesis: requirement to enter into negotiations and continue them only with intention to reach an agreement, requirement not to break off advanced negotiations without unjustified reasons... [to full text]
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Educational value is not private! : defending the concept of public educationBonic, Stephanie Alexis 11 1900 (has links)
The privatization of K-12 education in Canada is not new. The public and private sectors feel like natural elements of the Canadian education system because they have existed side by side since confederation. However, this thesis challenges that tradition and argues that private education undermines collective responsibility for education as a shared, public good by catering to private interests and isolating students from the public realm. Not only does private education reinforce the likelihood of socio-economic stratification, but the concept of a “public good” is increasingly destabilized as social services like education are privatized. Why, then, does the privatization of K-12 education continue to be an insignificant political issue in Canada?
This question is particularly pertinent at a time when neoliberalism is in full swing in the United States, and all the time more apparent in Canada. Neoliberalism’s emphasis on the precedence of economic ideals over concerns for social welfare and democratic participation has transformed the way that we understand “value”. Drawing on a broad range of scholars including Charles Taylor, Richard Pildes, Janice Gross Stein, Henry Giroux, Francois-Lyotard and Michel Foucault, this thesis argues that the values involved in the very concept of private education reinforce, and are reinforced by, neoliberal views about the place of the individual within society, and that these values are detrimental to the concern for education as shared, public good.
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Sin, self and society : a theological investigation into structural evil, drawing especially on the works of Thomas Aquinas, Heinz Kohut and Anthony Giddens.Connor, Bernard Francis. 29 October 2014 (has links)
Abstract available in pdf file.
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Värdegrund och likabehandling i en konfessionell skola : En fallstudie av Livets Ords Kristna Skola.Shabandari, Gajane January 2014 (has links)
Denna uppsats syftar till att analysera på vilka grunder en konfessionell skola utformar sin värdegrund och arbete mot kränkande behandling, utifrån en fallstudie av Livets Ords Kristna Skola. Dessa frågeställningar är grunden till uppsatsens syfte: På vilka argument grundar skolan sin målsättning och likabehandlingsplan? Hur präglas skolans värdegrundsarbete av den religiösa profilen? Vilka texter hänvisar skolan till i sina dokument? Är innehållet i dokumenten förenligt med den aktuella läroplanens värdegrund? Hur framträder konsekvenserna av föräldrars rätt till att välja utbildning i dokumenten? Den metod som har använts är en systematiserande kvalitativ textanalys med målet att klargöra tankestrukturen i texterna. Detta för att belysa och förstå det viktigaste i texternas innehåll. Resultatet visar att dokumenten är präglade av kristna värderingar men även demokratiska värderingar som är förenliga med den aktuella läroplanen. Olika styrdokument ger olika intryck vad gäller konfessionella skolors legitimitet. Innehållet i de analyserade dokumenten pekar mot att föräldrarätten är dominerande och en förutsättning för konfessionella skolors existens med hjälp av rättigheter som finns skrivna i FN:s allmänna deklaration och Europakonventionen.
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