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A gradaÃÃo em narrativas infantisCamila Stephane Cardoso Sousa 20 June 2013 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento CientÃfico e TecnolÃgico / Este trabalho tem por objetivo analisar os diferentes usos da gradaÃÃo em dezenove narrativas orais produzidas por onze crianÃas entre 05 e 11 anos, sendo cinco do sexo feminino e seis do sexo masculino. Observamos, para isso, como as crianÃas manifestam a gradaÃÃo em seus diferentes textos e quais recursos lexicogramaticais elas utilizam para expressar cada subtipo de gradaÃÃo. A coleta dos relatos foi realizada durante 04 meses, de Fevereiro/2011 a Junho/2011, em um abrigo situado em Fortaleza-CE. Tomamos como base uma perspectiva funcional do processo de aquisiÃÃo da linguagem para mostrar como o desenvolvimento linguÃstico à pautado no uso que se faz da linguagem em um processo comunicativo. Embasamos nossa pesquisa nas concepÃÃes cognitivo-funcional de GivÃn e sistÃmico-funcional de Halliday para desenvolver a noÃÃo de protogramÃtica bem como para propiciar o arcabouÃo teÃrico que orientarà nossa anÃlise; na perspectiva da Teoria da Avaliatividade de Martin e White acerca do fenÃmeno da gradaÃÃo; e na orientaÃÃo das propostas acerca de AquisiÃÃo da Linguagem que tomam por base a concepÃÃo de que a aquisiÃÃo e o desenvolvimento da linguagem se dÃo mediante a inserÃÃo comunicativa da crianÃa em uma dada comunidade linguÃstica, orientando-se assim por fatores pragmÃticos e discursivos. Nossos resultados apontam que o uso da GradaÃÃo modifica, alÃm de categorias experienciais, elementos avaliativos, o que se manifesta prioritariamente pelo sistema de ForÃa. As crianÃas tambÃm utilizam a GradaÃÃo como forma de organizaÃÃo textual, acentuando ou atenuando determinadas informaÃÃes, conforme, dentre outros fatores, o Estatuto Informacional e o Grau de Empatia. Percebemos tambÃm que os diferentes tipos de GradaÃÃo ocorrem concomitantemente em grande parte dos casos e nÃo isoladamente. / This paper aims to analyze the different uses of Graduation in nineteen oral narratives produced by eleven children from 05 to 11 years, five females and six males. We observed how children manifest graduation in the different texts and which resources they use to express lexicogramatically each subtype of graduation. The collection of reports was performed during 04 months, from June/2011 to February/2011 in a shelter situated in Fortaleza. We have based this study in a functional perspective of the process of language acquisition to show how language development is grounded in the use made of language in a communicative process. We based our research in GivÃnâs cognitive and functional conceptions and Hallidayâs systemic-functional to develop the notion of protogrammatics well as to provide the theoretical framework to guide our analysis; from the perspective of Appraisal Theory of Martin and White on the phenomenon of Graduation; and orientation of the proposals about language Acquisition that are based on the idea that the acquisition and development of language are given by inserting child in a given speech community, guided so discursive and pragmatic factors. Our results indicate that the use of graduation changes, besides experiential categories, evaluative elements, which manifests primarily by system Force. Children also use the Graduation as a form of textual organization, accentuating or attenuating certain information as, among other factors, the Informational Statute and Degree of Empathy. We also realize that different types of gradation occur at the same time in most cases and not in isolation.
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Por que ser licenciado em CiÃncias Sociais? Um estudo sobre os significados da escolha profissional / Why obtain a graduate degree in Social Science? A study about the significance of professional choice.PatrÃcia Silva Xavier 21 July 2016 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / O estudo busca compreender os significados da escolha, por parte dos egressos, pela modalidade Licenciatura no curso de CiÃncias Sociais na Universidade Federal do Cearà entre os anos de 2002 a 2008. Esse momento corresponde ao perÃodo em que a disciplina de Sociologia ainda nÃo fazia parte da grade curricular obrigatÃria do Ensino MÃdio, tendo sido incorporado somente em 2008, com a aprovaÃÃo da Lei Nacional n 11684/08 que assegurou o seu retorno. Pretende-se entender como os estudantes conduziram suas trajetÃrias em um perÃodo que nÃo se tinha um campo profissional institucionalizado, da mesma forma procura saber como o curso de CiÃncias Sociais na modalidade Licenciatura era organizado, se havia incentivos para a sua escolha ou discussÃes a respeito da profissÃo de professor, seus campos de atuaÃÃo e quais as perspectivas de formaÃÃo apresentadas nos Projetos PolÃticos PedagÃgicos da Licenciatura. O trabalho configura-se numa anÃlise dos discursos dos egressos, se utilizando de tÃcnicas de pesquisa qualitativa. As respostas foram obtidas por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas com egressos e na pesquisa documental com anÃlise de documentos (Projeto PolÃtico PedagÃgico, Ementas e conteÃdos das disciplinas, dentre outros). Foi utilizado autores que discutem a Licenciatura e a Sociologia no Ensino MÃdio. Os resultados da pesquisa identificam os percalÃos na construÃÃo desta formaÃÃo, pois naquele tempo nÃo havia polÃticas de incentivo. Conclui-se que os estudantes formados durante esse perÃodo na Licenciatura nÃo chegam à metade dos formandos no curso de CiÃncias Sociais. / The study seeks to understand the meanings of choice by the students, by
the Course mode in the course of Social Sciences at the Federal University of CearÃ
between the years 2002 to 2008. This time corresponds to the period in which
sociology discipline was not part the compulsory curriculum of high school, having
been built only in 2008, with the approval of the National Law No. 11684/08 which
ensured his return. I intend to understand how the students conducted their
trajectories in a period that was not an institutionalized professional field, I also seek
to understand how the course of Social Sciences in the mode degree was organized,
if there were incentives to choice or discussions concerning the teaching profession,
their areas of operation and what the prospects for training presented in politicalpedagogical
projects of degree course. The work sets up an analysis of the speeches
of the graduates, using qualitative research techniques.The answers will be sought
through semi-structured interviews with egresses and documentary research with
analysis of documents (political pedagogical project, syllabus and disciplines
content). It was used authors discussing Degree and sociology in high school. The
survey results identify the mishaps in building this career because at that time there
was no incentive policies. It was concluded that the students graduated during this
period the degree does not reach half of the trainees in the Social Sciences course.
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Gerenciamento de resultados em cursos de pós-graduação lato sensu através da metodologia do custeio alvo / Management of results in Post-graduation courses - latu sensu by means of target cost methodologyGabriel Modesto Bomfim 24 April 2006 (has links)
O foco desta pesquisa é verificar a viabilidade da utilização de uma ferramenta gerencial que forneça subsídios para a tomada de decisão dos gestores na atual realidade organizacional, momento em que a concorrência se tornou mais intensa. Mais especificamente, este trabalho trata da aplicação prática, através de um estudo de caso, da metodologia do custeio alvo em uma instituição de ensino que oferece cursos de pós-graduação lato sensu, localizada no interior do estado de São Paulo. Tem-se, assim, a possibilidade de testar, utilizando o ramo de prestação de serviços, uma metodologia sobre a qual há poucos estudos desenvolvidos no país, e cuja utilização tem sido muito reduzida mesmo em âmbito mundial. Neste estudo, faz-se, primeiramente, um levantamento dos antecedentes que definem o problema da pesquisa, traçando os objetivos e hipóteses do trabalho. Em seguida, faz-se um levantamento de toda bibliografia acerca do assunto, elaborando um estudo conceitual sobre a metodologia do custeio alvo, na qual está incluída a técnica da engenharia ou análise de valor. Por fim, realiza-se a aplicação prática da metodologia através de um estudo de caso. Inicia-se o desenvolvimento da metodologia do custeio alvo com uma abordagem histórica, relatando seu surgimento e evolução. Prossegue-se com sua conceituação, objetivos e procedimentos necessários para implantação, culminando com os benefícios obtidos com a metodologia, bem como com suas principais limitações e críticas. Esquematiza-se posteriormente, a estrutura conceitual da engenharia de valor, considerada a base de existência do custeio alvo, apresentando uma abordagem histórica e conceitual, desenvolvendo a técnica processual para obtenção do índice de valor, o que possibilita gerenciar os itens que devam ser substituídos, eliminados, reprojetados ou incentivados, alcançando uma administração de custos orientada para a otimização dos resultados. O estudo de caso, através da implantação da metodologia, permitiu identificar e, por conseqüência, administrar de forma pautada os componentes que formam os custos de um curso de pós-graduação, diminuindo custos ou alavancando atributos, baseado na plena satisfação dos consumidores. / The focus of this research is to verify the viability of the utilization of a managerial tool that gives subsidies for the decision making of the managers in the current organizational reality, a moment in which the competition became more intense. More specifically, this work cares for the practice application, through a case study, of the methodology of the target costing in an Educational Institution that offers latu sensu post graduation courses, located in the interior of São Paulo. There is, this way, the possibility to test, using the service branch, a methodology about which there are few studies developed in the country, and whose utilization has been very reduced even in world scope. In this study, first the antecedents that define the research problem are sought, tracing the goals and hypotheses of work. Soon after it, a bibliographical research is done concerning the subject, elaborating a conceptual study about the methodology of the target costing, in which the technique of the value analysis or engineering is included. Finally, the practice application of the methodology is accomplished through a case study. The development of the methodology of the target costing is initiated with a historical approach, telling about its appearance and evolution. We continue with its conceptualization, objectives and necessary procedures for implantation, culminating with the benefits obtained with the methodology, as well as with its main limitations and criticism. It is schematized afterwards, the conceptual structure of the value engineering, considered the base of the target costing existence, presenting a historical and conceptual approach, developing the procedural technique to obtain the value index, what enables the management of the items that should be replaced, eliminated, replanned or encouraged, obtaining a cost administration guided for the optimization of the results. The case study, through the implantation of the methodology, allowed identifying and, consequently, managing in a ruled way the components that form the costs of a post graduation course, decreasing costs or leveraging attributes, based on the full satisfaction of the consumers.
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AVALIAÇÃO DE UM CURSO DE GRADUAÇÃO EM ENFERMAGEM POR EGRESSOS, EMPREGADORES E DOCENTES / Evaluation of a nursing graduate program by graduates, employers, and teachersMaria Dyrce Dias Meira 04 October 2012 (has links)
Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo subsidiar a avaliação e, se necessárias, as transformações do currículo do curso de graduação em enfermagem de uma Instituição confessional. Estudo na vertente qualitativa utilizou como método a Pesquisa Ação. A coleta de dados foi realizada em dois momentos. No primeiro, foram entrevistados 19 egressos de uma turma de graduados em 2007 e 15 gestores, empregadores dos egressos, em cenários diversos para apreender a avaliação destes atores sobre o processo formativo vivenciado. No segundo adotou-se a técnica de Grupo Focal para possibilitar o debate, com docentes do Núcleo Docente Estruturante do curso, sobre os aspectos resgatados no primeiro momento. A análise dos discursos dos egressos e dos gestores gerou dois Relatórios Síntese que foram utilizados como temas disparadores para reflexão-ação nos encontros com os docentes e coordenadores. Os dados foram analisados segundo a técnica de análise temática de Bardin que possibilitou abstrair Unidades de Significado quanto à representação docente, relativas aos aspectos apontados por egressos e gestores distintamente. A análise permitiu a composição de quatro categorias semelhantes para os dois grupos: 1 - Perfil do Estudante do Curso de Enfermagem e Perfil dos Gestores na perspectiva dos Docentes. 2 - Avaliação do Currículo. 3 - Aspectos intervenientes no Processo Formativo. 4 - Sugestões para aprimoramento do Currículo. Considerando a percepção dos sujeitos e os pressupostos das Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais para os cursos de Enfermagem, foi construído coletivamente um Plano de Ação que propõe sugestões para aprimoramento do currículo relacionadas à Flexibilização curricular; Redimensionamento dos Conteúdos; Educação Permanente; Valorização da Prática; Adoção de Metodologias Ativas e a Autonomia do Estudante. Considera-se que as propostas contidas no Plano de Ação reúnem aspectos que constituem núcleos de essencialidade no direcionamento de um processo formativo alinhado às Diretrizes Curriculares Nacional para os cursos de Enfermagem. Acredita-se que o ato avaliativo conjugado à metodologia da Pesquisa Ação possibilitou um processo reflexivo com base na realidade que revelou uma ação concreta no âmbito dos sujeitos envolvidos / This research aims at facilitating the evaluation and, if necessary, the curriculum transformations of the nursing college program (RN) at a parochial institution. This study on the qualitative analysis grid used the Action Research methodology. The data collection was accomplished in two stages. In the first, 19 graduates were interviewed out of a 2007 graduating class, and 15 nurse managers, employers of the graduates, in various scenarios in order to learn the evaluation of these individuals on the formative process experienced. In the second, we adopted the Focal Group technique to foster discussion with teachers from the programs academic directing body, regarding program aspects, as well as aspects recovered in the first stage. The analysis of the graduates feedback and the nurse managers generated two Report Summaries, which were utilized as guiding themes for reflection/action in these specific meetings with teachers and coordinators. The data was analyzed according to Bardins thematic analysis technique which made it possible to abstract Meaning Units regarding teaching representation related to the aspects pointed out by graduates and nurse managers distinctively. The analysis allowed the formation of four similar categories for both groups: 1- Nursing Students Profile and Nurse Managers Profile from the Teachers perspective. 2 Curriculum Evaluation. 3 Intervening Aspects in the Formative Process. 4 Suggestions for Curriculum improvement. Considering the subjects perception and the presuppositions of the National Curricular Guidelines for Nursing programs, an Action Plan was built collectively proposing suggestions for curriculum improvement related to: Curricular Flexibility Creation; Content Reassessment; Ongoing Education; Teaching and Practicum Prioritization; Adoption of Active Methodologies, and the Students Autonomy. It is considered that the proposals contained in the Action Plan combine aspects that represent essential orientation in the steering of a formative process aligned with the National Curricular Guidelines for Nursing programs. It is believed that the evaluating action together with the Action Research methodology enabled a reflexive process based on the reality that revealed a concrete action in the realm of the subjects involved.
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Proposed state legislation for high school graduation requirementsDahlbeck, Ronald 01 January 1988 (has links)
No description available.
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Correlating Personality Types and Educational AttainmentOrcutt, Nicole Marie 01 January 2019 (has links)
There was a gap in the current literature examining degree attainment, in that there was no research found on personality type and the highest degree level someone attains. The goal of this study was to understand if there was a correlation to an individual's personality classification as determined by their Myers Briggs Personality Inventory (MBTI) and the highest education level they achieve for the 225 people in the entire sample and 95 in the subsample (participants raised in poverty). The MBTI's theoretical foundation is based upon Dr. Carl Jung's personality typology and was later expounded upon by the tool's creators. Eight Mann-Whitney U tests were conducted to address each of the null hypotheses for each question. The 8 research questions asked if there were higher levels of degree attainment for those with a particular preference within the trait dichotomies as measured by the MBTI. The research questions asked if individuals classified as introverts (I), intuitive (N), judging (J) and thinking (T) within both groups would have higher levels of degree attainment than those classified as: extroverted (E), sensing (S), perceiving (P) and feeling (F). There was a statistically significant relationship between being extraverted (E) versus introverted (I) and the highest educational level achieved in the subsample. This result was opposite of the predicted relationship for this hypothesis. That is, individuals classified as extroverts (E) had higher degree attainment levels than those classified as introverts (I). None of the analysis for the other hypotheses were statistically significant. The social change implications may include strategies to develop marketing and recruitment programs that appeal to extraverts, to increase the likelihood that they will choose to attend their institutions.
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The interplay between structure and agency: How academic development programme students 'make their way' through their undergraduate studies in engineeringMogashana, Disaapele Gleopadra January 2015 (has links)
Includes bibliographical references / The interplay between structure and agency: How Academic Development Programme students 'make their way' through their undergraduate studies in engineering. This study explores and seeks to explain the ways in which a group of Academic Development Programme (ADP) students 'made their way' through their studies in engineering at the University of Cape Town. Underpinned by Bhaskar's realist philosophy of social science, the study uses Margaret Archer's morphogenetic realist social theory to explore the interaction between the university (social and cultural relations) and the students (agential relations). Data was generated through a series of three interviews with each of 12students in the fourth year of their studies and through an analysis of selected university documents. Margaret Archer's morphogenetic approach, which allows for the temporal analytical separation of structure, culture and agency, provides methodological and analytical tools to investigate interactions between their respective emergent properties. It posits that structure and culture predate the actions of agents who transform it. As such, structural and cultural emergent properties condition the situations in which agents find themselves. Furthermore, agents' personal emergent properties, such as corporate agency and reflexivity, allow them to deliberate on their courses of actions. Key to this theoretical approach is the notion that structure and culture do not act in a deterministic way; their properties can only become powers when they are activated by agents' projects. With regard to structure, it was found that the combination of a fragmented curriculum, a shortened examination period, and unfavourable examination timetables all served as potential constraints to students' projects. With regard to culture, it was found that the ideas of mainstream students and lecturers about ADP students exacerbated such ADP students' experiences of marginalisation and exception. Moreover, the study found that the mainly black student enrolment of the Academic Support Programme for Engineering in Cape Town (ASPECT) was experienced by students as racial prejudice. While the findings suggest that students thus found themselves in extremely constrained circumstances, they were also found to have exercised corporate agency and different modes of reflexivity to overcome some of their constraining circumstances. Following an analytical process of retroduction, the study suggests that the ADP, although it facilitated students' entry into the university, simultaneously positioned them within a situational logic of constraining contradiction and as such exacerbated their experiences of exception. Moreover, it is argued that, although the university has made major structural changes to accommodate students from disadvantaged educational backgrounds, the ideas that shape the ADP space perpetuate the view that these students have an educational' deficit'. In conclusion, the study suggests that higher education should reconsider the idea of separate programmes, as their inherent situational logic appears to work against some of their fundamental goals, which are to facilitate redress and to widen participation.
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Ethnic-Racial Identity and Student Departure in African American UndergraduatesEllzey, Delilah 23 July 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Gender and Graduation Demographics for EdD StudentsFoley, Virginia P. 03 November 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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University Budget Models, Institutional Size, and Student OutcomesBatchelder, James P 01 December 2020 (has links)
The purpose of the non-experimental quantitative research study was to identify if there is a significant difference between the types of budget model an institution utilizes, institutional size, and student enrollment, retention, and graduation rates. This study was to identify if there is significant difference between institutional size and the type budget model utilized.
Member institutions of the American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU) were selected to participate in this study due to their similarities of mission and admissions policy. AASCU institutions share a common mission that focuses on access, innovation, regional support, and inclusion. AASCU institutions are all public regional institutions.
Larger institutions within the study presented significantly higher retention and graduation rates compared to medium size institutions. I used the Carnegie classification of size as institutions that have enrollments less than 3,000 as small, institutions that have enrollments less than 10,000 as medium, and institutions with enrollments greater than 10,000 as large. I study found no significant difference in the types of budget model utilized and the student outcomes related to enrollment, retention, or graduation rates. I did indicate that institutions that utilized a more decentralized budgeting approach had higher enrollment percentages and higher retention and graduation rates than institutions that utilized a centralized budget model. I also did not identify any significant difference in the size of an institution and the type of budget model utilized.
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