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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Generative Design of TimberStructures According to Eurocode : Development of a Parametric Model in Grasshopper

The interest of timber structures has in recent years increased, primarily due tothe environmental benets of timber. This has created an increased demand forstructural engineers with timber expertise. At the same time the concept of structuralparametric design have become more popular. This new way of working withdesigns enables for architects and engineers to explore dierent geometries in earlystages of a project. However, the combination of a parametric workow and timberdesign have so far been limited due to the complexity of the material.This thesis aims to create an parametric workow within the visual programmingenvironment Grasshopper. This enables analysis of structural design simultaneouslywith a cross sectional and topological optimization of timber structures. The structuralanalysis is performed with Karamba which is a plug-in tool to the Grasshopperenvironment. The design verication based on Eurocode EN-1995 have been manuallyscripted in python components. The parametric model have been applied to acase where the main bearing bearing of a glass roof is to be designed. Three dierentgeometries have been evaluated with regard to cross sectional dimensions andgeometrical shape.The framework with a truss turned out to be a preferable design if only consideringweight, deection and utilization. The truss frame provides the lowest weight and thesecond smallest displacement. Furthermore, a comparison of the structural analysisand design have been performed with the FEM-program Robot. The compassionshow similar results, increasing the reliability of the Grasshopper model and theresults from this tool. It conrms it is possible to perform generative design oftimber structures within the same interface.The Grasshopper model is limited and can not handle all variations of 2D timberstructures. The complexity and variation of such calculations in conjunction with theEurocode have not been implemented during the time-span of this thesis. However,it is general within the limitations of the case study meaning a variety of framegeometries can be evaluated.

The interaction between predation and sound pollution on the internal and external microbiome of the grasshoppers Melanopus sanguinipes

Bond, Alanna 08 August 2023 (has links) (PDF)
Anthropogenic activities such as construction and agriculture directly affect its surrounding environments. Many studies have focused on how megafauna and flora are impacted by human activities, however, relatively little is known how new occupation of land affects smaller organisms such as insects and microbes. Additionally, other stressors such as predation can impact host physiology. The grasshopper species Melanopussanguinipes was chosen to be used in a study to measure how stress caused by artificial sound and predation can alter exoskeleton and gut microbiomes once exposed to these stressors.

Journey to Machu Picchu: Where History, Culture, and Imagination Intertwine

Edwards, Sarah Grace 24 July 2023 (has links)
This thesis began as an exploration of how to create an immersive design through an immersive design experience. The project I used to study this inquiry was the design of a new country pavilion at Epcot in Walt Disney World based on Peru. This project revealed that in architecture, the design process is integral to the outcome; they are interwoven and cannot be separated. Weaving has emerged throughout every level of this investigation, from the intertwining of the overarching ideas to the physical and metaphysical weaving within the project. The method in which I worked became a weaving of the study of artifacts with the use of traditional architectural techniques and the exploration of emerging design technologies. Traditional architectural design processes must be iterated on and adapted to better address more specialized sectors of the industry. For a themed entertainment project specifically, the design process must be catered to understanding and enhancing the user experience. I argue that a more immersive, multimedia design process is necessary to appropriately address these issues. / Master of Architecture / This thesis began as an exploration of how to create an immersive design through an immersive design experience. The project I used to study this inquiry was the design of a new country pavilion at Epcot in Walt Disney World based on Peru. This project revealed that in architecture, the design process is integral to the outcome; they are interwoven and cannot be separated. Weaving has emerged throughout every level of this investigation, from the intertwining of the overarching ideas to the physical and metaphysical weaving within the project. The method in which I worked became a weaving of the study of artifacts with the use of traditional architectural techniques and the exploration of emerging design technologies. Traditional architectural design processes must be iterated on and adapted to better address more specialized sectors of the industry. For a themed entertainment project specifically, the design process must be catered to understanding and enhancing the user experience. I argue that a more immersive, multimedia design process is necessary to appropriately address these issues.

Tillämpning av set based dimensionering för optimering av påldäck : Vilken komplexitet och detaljnivå behövs

Jonzon, Axel, Alenbro, Viktor January 2023 (has links)
Behovet av att minska klimatpåverkan genom optimering av armerade betongkonstruktioner har på senaste årtiondet väckt stort intresse. I traditionell dimensionering av betongkonstruktioner övervägs endast ett fåtal utformningar. På senare tid har en metod där flera möjliga lösningar genereras och som möjliggör sena förändringar växt fram, metoden är en så kallad set-based design (SBD). För att utvärdera implementeringen av denna typ av designprocedur utvecklades ett beräkningsskript.  Det primära syftet med denna studie är att med hjälp av ett beräkningsscript, baserat på SBD och parametrisk optimering kunna identifiera den bästa utformningen för ett påldäck med hänsyn taget till kriterierna klimatpåverkan och viljan att standardisera konstruktionen och underlätta produktionen. En del av syftet i studien kommer också vara att på en detaljerad nivå undersöka hur man kan implementera armeringsutformningen i beräkningsscriptet och vilken effekt det ger på optimeringen mot det undersökta kriteriet. På grund av att beräkningsskriptet begränsas av ofullständiga funktioner hos programutvecklaren resulterade det i att en del av datagenereringen fick ske manuellt för att uppnå önskat resultat. Resultatet genererades genom en manuellt genomförd parametrisk studie där utvalda modeller med olika kombinationer av variabler analyserades. Parametrar av betydelse för konstruktionens armeringsutformning och utvärderingskriterier identifierades genom jämförelse av data för olika beräkningsfall. Dessutom jämfördes resultat från flera olika kombinationer av variabler för att se vilka som var av betydelse. De genomförda undersökningarna visade att god armeringsutformning uppnås genom att tillåta parametrar variera fritt. Att erbjuda en lösning där valmöjligheter på ingående parametrar definieras för varje studerad riktning och tillåta variationer i armeringsutformningen för konstruktion leder till en mer noggrann armeringsutformning utifrån önskat resultat. Med parametrisk optimering och dataanalys kan olika lösningar identifieras för effektiv användning av material och bidra till god byggbarhet. Genom studien har det konstaterats att det finns ett stort intresse hos programutvecklare att hjälpa dess användare med att ta fram de funktioner som efterfrågas, och ta åt sig av den input som kommer från dess användare. Detta tyder på en vilja att implementera nya funktioner i dimensioneringsprocessen och en vilja att föra utvecklingen av automatiserade beräkningar vidare.

Kodierung verhaltensrelevanter Gesangsparameter bei Chorthippus biguttulus

Kutzki, Olaf 29 May 2012 (has links)
Heuschrecken nutzen die akustische Kommunikation zum Auffinden eines geeigneten Paarungspartners. Sie produzieren artspezifische Gesänge, die aus Silben und Pausen festgelegter Dauer bestehen. Den Weibchen dienen diese Gesänge nicht nur zur Erken-nung der Artzugehörigkeit – und somit zur Vermeidung von Hybriden -, sondern dar-über hinaus als Informationsquelle über die Qualität der Männchen. Den Männchen hilft der weibliche Antwortgesang beim Auffinden der Weibchen. Die Attraktivität verschiedener artifizieller Gesangsattrappen für Männchen und Weib-chen wurde in Verhaltensexperimenten untersucht. Es zeigte sich ein starker Zusam-menhang zwischen der Attraktivität und den gewählten Parametern, insbesondere der Pausendauer. Die Reaktionen von auditorischen Neuronen des Metathorax und des Oberschlundganglions auf diese Stimuli wurden charakterisiert. Die durch diese Neuro-ne transportierte Informationsmenge bezüglich der variierten Parameter sowie ihr zeitli-cher Verlauf wurde bestimmt. Durch die Kombination von Verhaltensversuchen und elektrophysiologischen Untersu-chungen an denselben Tieren konnte ein Zusammenhang zwischen Verhalten und Spi-keantworten bei einer aufsteigenden Zelle hergestellt werden. Für diese Zelle wird ein Modell zur Pausendauerdetektion vorgestellt. Hierbei werden mittlere Pausendauern – die für Weibchen attraktiv sind – mit höheren Spikezahlen beantwortet als kurze und lange Pausen. Dies kommt durch unterschiedliche Zeitverläufe von Adap¬tation und Rückkehr aus der Adaptation bei den exzitatorischen und inhibitorischen Eingängen der Zelle zustande. / Grasshoppers use acoustic communication to find a sexual partner. They produce species-specific songs, which consist of syllables and pauses of a fixed duration. The male songs enable the females not only to recognize conspecifics – and thus to avoid hybridization – but also to obtain information about the quality of the males. Males take advantage of the females’ response songs in localizing the female. The attractiveness of various artificial stimuli for males and females was studied in behavioral experiments. A strong correlation between the attractiveness and the chosen parameters - especially the pause duration - could be found. The responseproperties of auditory neurons in the metathoracic ganglion and the supraoesophageal ganglion have been characterized. The transmitted information and its temporal course was determined. By performing behavioral and electrophysiological experiments with the same animals, I found a correlation between behaviour and spike responses in an ascending neuron (AN3). The tuning of this cell for pause duration was modelled as the result of different time courses of adaptation of the cells excitatory and inhibitory inputs. In this model pauses of intermediate duration – which are most attractive to females – generate more action potentials than shorter or longer pauses.

Design přenosného veterinárního rentgenového přístroje / Design of the portable veterinary X-ray machine

Kalenský, Ondřej January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on the design of a product family of portable veterinary x-ray generators. The thesis deals with the possibilities of using parameterization when designing products which are part of a product series. The main body of the thesis lies in the design of a parametric script which generates variations of portable veterinary x-ray generators depending on the size and position of the inner components. The outer surfaces are defined by algorithms from the input parameters. It is possible to alter the individual attributes (e.g. the progresion of curves, the dimensions of component parts and the proportions between the individual parts). The output from the parametric script is three size-variations of the product.

Hand Sign Recognition based on Myographic Methods and Random K-Tournament Grasshopper Extreme Learner

Barioul, Rim 09 March 2022 (has links)
The recognition of hand signs is important for several applications. Myographic methods, such as surface electromyography (sEMG), force myography (FMG) and surface electrical impedance myography (sEIM) deliver interesting physiological signals, can build the basis for hand signs recognition and are subjected to investigation by a limited number of sensors at suitable positions and adequate signal processing algorithms for perspective implementation in wearable embedded systems. A database has been collected with measurements of American sign language (ASL) gestures at the forearm and wrist of more than 100 healthy persons in total. Novel classification methods have been developed based on Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) supported by a grasshopper optimization algorithm (GOA) as a core weight pruning process. A K-tournament selection strategy introduced to the GOA ensures its population’s diversity. The K-Tournament Grasshopper Optimization Algorithm (KTGOA) has been further improved for discrete optimization problems and implemented to select the ELM weights as a K-Tournament Grasshopper Extreme Learner (KTGEL). To improve the balance between exploration and exploitation, the balancing coefficients of the KTGEL are subjected to uniform randomization. The resulting Random K-Tournament Grasshopper Extreme Learner (RKTGEL) is a novel classifier with a simultaneously automated feature selection. In a first stage and based on the conventional ELM method, the number of sensors and their positions have been investigated. For FMG, it has been shown that 8 sensors are suitable, for sEMG, only 2 sensors are suitable and for sEIM, 4 equidistant electrodes are suitable for measurements in the frequency range from 1 kHz to 4 kHz. In a second step, different collections of hand signs having reduced ambiguity, middle ambiguity and great ambiguity have been defined and subjected to classification by the novel algorithms. Combinations between sEMG and FMG or between sEIM and FMG reach thereby an accuracy of 100% in the cases of small and medium ambiguous signs collection even with data collected from at least 20 subjects. However, for the case of a high ambiguity, a targeted reduction of ambiguity by excluding hand signs with a high similarity is necessary. From the set of 20 gestures with a high level of ambiguity and after excluding respectively one hand sign from 6 ambiguous gesture pairs and the ambiguous sign ’Z’, 13 signs remained including letters and numbers collected from 40 subjects with 2 sEMG and 8 FMG sensors. After reduction of ambiguity, the RKTGEL reached an overall accuracy of 97%.:1 Introduction 2 Hand Gesture Recognition based on Myography 3 Extreme Learning Machine 4 Random K-Tournament Grasshopper Extreme Learner 5 Data Collection and Pre-Processing 6 Implementation of the Random K-Tournament Grasshopper Extreme Learner 7 Summary and Outlook / Die Handzeichenerkennung ist für verschiedene Anwendungen wichtig. Myographische Methoden, wie die Oberflächen-Elektromyographie (sEMG), die Kraft-Myographie (FMG) und die Oberflächen-Elektrische-Impedanz-Myographie (sEIM) liefern interessante physiologische Signale, die die Grundlage für die Erkennung von Handzeichen bilden können und mit einer begrenzten Anzahl von Sensoren an geeigneten Positionen und geeigneten Signalverarbeitungsalgorithmen für eine perspektivische Implementierung in tragbare eingebettete Systeme untersucht werden müssen. Eine Datenbank mit Messungen von Gesten der amerikanischen Gebärdensprache (ASL) am Unterarm und Handgelenk von insgesamt mehr als 100 gesunden Personen wurde erhoben. Neuartige Klassifizierungsmethoden wurden entwickelt, die auf einer Extreme Lernmaschine (ELM) basieren, unterstützt durch einen Grashüpfer-Optimierungsalgorithmus (GOA) als zentralen Prozess für das Verbindungspruning. Eine K-Tournament-Auswahlstrategie, die in den GOA eingeführt wurde, gewährleistet die Diversität seiner Population. Der K-Tournament-Grashüpfer-Optimierungsalgorithmus (KT-GOA) wurde für diskrete Optimierungsprobleme weiter verbessert und zur Auswahl der ELM-Gewichte als K-Tournament-Grashüpfer-Extrem-Lerner (KTGEL) implementiert. Um das Gleichgewicht zwischen Exploration und Exploitation zu verbessern, werden die Ausgleichskoeffizienten des KTGEL einer gleichmäßigen Randomisierung unterzogen. Der resultierende 'Random K-Tournament Grasshopper Extreme Learner (RKTGEL)' ist ein neuartiger Klassifikator mit einer gleichzeitig automatisierten Merkmalsselektion. In einem ersten Schritt und basierend auf der konventionellen ELM-Methode wurden die Anzahl der Sensoren und deren Positionen untersucht. Für FMG hat sich gezeigt, dass 8 Sensoren geeignet sind, für sEMG sind nur 2 Sensoren geeignet und für sEIM sind 4 äquidistante Elektroden für Messungen im Frequenzbereich von 1 kHz bis 4 kHz geeignet. In einem zweiten Schritt wurden verschiedene Kollektionen von Handzeichen mit reduzierter Mehrdeutigkeit, mittlerer Mehrdeutigkeit und großer Mehrdeutigkeit definiert und durch die neuartigen Algorithmen einer Klassifizierung unterzogen. Kombinationen zwischen sEMG und FMG bzw. zwischen sEIM und FMG erreichen dabei in den Fällen der klein- und mittelmehrdeutigen Zeichensammlung selbst bei Daten von mindestens 20 Probanden eine Genauigkeit von insgesamt 100%. Für den Fall einer hohen Mehrdeutigkeit ist jedoch eine gezielte Reduktion der Mehrdeutigkeit durch Ausschluss von Handzeichen mit hoher Ähnlichkeit notwendig. Aus der Menge von 20 Gesten mit hoher Mehrdeutigkeit und nach Ausschluss von jeweils einem Handzeichen aus 6 mehrdeutigen Gestenpaaren und dem mehrdeutigen Zeichen ’Z’ blieben 13 Zeichen, darunter Buchstaben und Zahlen, die von 40 Probanden mit 2 sEMG- und 8 FMG-Sensoren erhoben wurden. Nach der Reduzierung der Mehrdeutigkeit erreichte das RKTGEL eine Gesamtgenauigkeit von 97%.:1 Introduction 2 Hand Gesture Recognition based on Myography 3 Extreme Learning Machine 4 Random K-Tournament Grasshopper Extreme Learner 5 Data Collection and Pre-Processing 6 Implementation of the Random K-Tournament Grasshopper Extreme Learner 7 Summary and Outlook

Parametrisk Design / Parametric Design

Zakhoy, Solin, Safeen Butros, Diana January 2019 (has links)
I samband med digitaliseringens intåg har nya förbättrade BIM-verktyg börjat användas för att effektivisera konstruktörens arbete. Med hjälp av implementering av grafiska tredjepartsprogram kan BIM verktygen bidra med ökat funktionalitet. Ett exempel på ett sådant program är tredjepartsprogrammet Grasshopper kopplat till BIM-verktygen Tekla Structures som skapar parameterstyrning, vilket innebär att modellens data styrs och nås av de externa programmen. På Rambolls Bro- och Tunnelavdelning vill man idag, som många andra konsultföretag bli mer BIMorienterade. Dock saknas en uppskattning av den totala tidsbesparingen och nyttjande av tredjepartsprogrammen. Syftet med detta examensarbete har varit att komma fram till en slutsats som ger stöd i beslutsfattande kring vilka typer av projekt som parameterstyrda modeller kan vara lämpliga för. Genom uppbyggnad av ett automatiserat skript för en stödmur har denna studie visat kopplingen mellan programvarorna Microsoft Excel, Rhinoceros-Grasshopper och Tekla Structures. Med denna tillämpning har man lyckats skapa ett lätthanterligt användargränssnitt. Vidare har man jämfört det färdiga skriptet i Grasshopper med en modellering i Civil 3D där man har kommit fram till att man kan vinna tid på att ha ett optimalt skript. Man har även kunnat dra slutsatser under vilka förhållanden det lämpar sig att använda parametrisk modellering och automatisering som pekar mot tidiga skeden i projektering och standardkonstruktioner. / In connection with the digitalization's entry, the companies has begun to apply new improved BIMtools to streamline the constructor's work. With the help of the implementation of graphical thirdparty applications, the BIM-tools can achieve increased functionality. An example of such a program is the third party applications Grasshopper linked to the Tekla Structure, which creates so called computational design, which means that the model's data is controlled and accessed by the external programs. The Bridge and Tunnel department at Ramboll wants to become, like many other consulting firms, more BIM oriented. However, there is no estimate of total timesaving and utilization of the implementation today. The purpose of this thesis project has been to come at a conclusion that provides support in decision-making regarding which types of projects that parameter-controlled models may be suitable for. By building an automated script for a retaining wall, this study has shown the connection between the software Microsoft Excel, Rhinoceros-Grasshopper and Tekla Structures. With this application, one has succeeded in creating an easy-to-use interface. Furthermore, one has compared the finished script in Grasshopper with a model in Civil 3D where the assumption that one can gain time by having a finished script. It has also been possible to draw conclusions under which conditions it is suitable to use parametric modeling and automation that points to early stages in design and standard constructions.

Diversidade cromossômica e molecular de gafanhotos neotropicais

SOUZA, Tyago Eufrásio de 10 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Natalia de Souza Gonçalves (natalia.goncalves@ufpe.br) on 2016-09-23T13:21:33Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) Diversidade cromossômica e molecular de gafanhotos neotropicais_Tese_Tyago Eufrásio de Souza_2016.pdf: 5140522 bytes, checksum: a3f59c2f3fae3b977e8e585c0f3ff493 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-09-23T13:21:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) Diversidade cromossômica e molecular de gafanhotos neotropicais_Tese_Tyago Eufrásio de Souza_2016.pdf: 5140522 bytes, checksum: a3f59c2f3fae3b977e8e585c0f3ff493 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-03-03 / CAPES / Nos últimos anos, alguns estudos de mapeamento cromossômico foram realizados em gafanhotos do grupo Acridomorpha, preferencialmente através do uso de sondas de sequências repetitivas. Este trabalho tem como objetivo contribuir para uma melhor compreensão dos aspectos cromossômicos evolutivos em gafanhotos acridomorfos e da diversidade genética de Ommexecha virens. Os genes de cópia única Hsp83, Hsp70, Hsp27, Ubi, Lys foram localizados nos cromossomos meióticos de Ommexecha virens, Xyleus discoideus angulatus, Tropidacris collaris e Stiphra robusta e Lys em Schistocerca pallens através de Hibridização in situ permanente (PISH). Sequências repetitivas de rDNA 45S, rDNA 5S e Histona H3 foram localizadas em O virens através de Hibridização in situ fluorescente (FISH). Em O. virens também foi analisado o cromossomo B por técnicas convencionais, diferenciais e moleculares, bem como a estrutura genética de oito populações naturais (seis de Pernambuco, uma da Bahia e uma do Ceará) do Nordeste brasileiro com o marcador ISSR (regiões entre sequências de repetições simples). Os genes de cópia única apresentaram um padrão conservado de localização em pares cromossômicos grandes, preferencialmente o L1, exceto para Hsp70 e Ubi, localizados no L2. Sinais secundários foram observados em cromossomos médios. A conservação apresentada deve-se a ausência ou pequena ocorrência de rearranjos nos cromossomos destes cariótipos, o que reduz o risco de eventos deletérios, bem como pela localização coincidente com regiões ricas em heterocromatina constitutiva. A conservação da localização destes genes indicou os cromossomos portadores dos locus gênicos ancestrais para os genes mapeados. O estudo do cromossomo B em O. virens revelou similaridade de tamanho e marcação CMA3 positiva com o cromossomo 9, sugerindo a possível origem deste cromossomo. Contudo, a presença de sítios de rDNA 45S e Histona H3 no cromossomo 9 e ausência no B, provavelmente pela deleção dessas sequências neste cromossomo, não permitem descartar a possibilidade do B ter se originado de outro cromossomo. A análise genética populacional em O. virens mostrou três cluster, os quais exibiram relação com aspectos da biologia da espécie, a paisagem dos ambientes amostrados e com as modificações geológicas ocorridas no Nordeste brasileiro, em particular a formação do complexo da Borborema e a Chapada do Araripe. / In recent years, some chromosomal mapping studies were performed in Acridomorpha group grasshoppers, preferably through the use of repetitive sequence probes. In this work in order to contribute to a better understanding of evolutionary chromosomal aspects of acridomorphs and genetic diversity of Ommexecha virens. The single copy genes Hsp83, Hsp70, Hsp27, Ubi, Lys were located in meiotic chromosomes of Ommexecha virens, Xyleus discoideus angulatus, Tropidacris collaris and Stiphra robusta, and Lys in Schistocerca pallens through permanent situ hybridization (PISH). Repetitive sequences of 45S rDNA, 5S rDNA and H3 histone were located in the O. virens via fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH). In O. virens was also analyzed the B chromosome by conventional, differential and molecular techniques and genetic structure of eight natural populations (six of Pernambuco, one of Bahia and one of Ceará) of the Northeast of Brazil with ISSR marker (inter simple sequence repeat). Single copy genes showed a conserved pattern of location in large chromosomal pairs, preferably L1, except for Hsp70 and Ubi, located in L2. Secondary signals were observed on medium chromosomes. The presented conservation due to absence or occurrence of small rearrangements in these karyotypes, which reduces the risk of deleterious events as well as for matching location with regions rich in heterochromatin. The conservation of the location of these genes indicated the chromosomes carrying the genic locus ancestors to the mapped genes. The study of B chromosome of O. virens revealed similarity in size and CMA3 positive marking to chromosome 9, suggesting the possible origin of this chromosome. However, the presence of 45S rDNA sites and H3 histone on chromosome 9 and the absence on B, probably due to deletion of these sequences in this chromosome, do not allow to rule out the possibility of B have originated from another chromosome. Population genetic analysis O. virens showed three clusters, which exhibited relationship with aspects of the biology of the species, the landscape of the study sites and the geological changes occurred in northeastern of Brazil, in particular the formation of the Borborema and Araripe plateaus.

Dealing with Data

Lundberg, Agnes January 2021 (has links)
Being an architect means dealing with data. All architectural thinking—whether it is done with pen and paper or the most advanced modeling softwares—starts with data, conveying information about the world, and ultimately outputs data, in the form of drawings or models. Reality is neither the input nor the output. All architectural work is abstractions of reality, mediated by data. What if data, the abstractions of reality that are crucial for our work as architects, was to be used more literally? Could data actually be turned into architecture? Could data be turned into, for example, a volume, a texture, or an aperture? What qualities would such an architecture have?  These questions form the basis of this thesis project. The topic was investigated first by developing a simple design method for generating architectural forms from data, through an iterative series of tests. Then, the design method was applied to create a speculative design proposal for a combined data center and museum, located in Södermalm, Stockholm.

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