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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cosmologia proveniente de uma teoria de calibre modificada para a gravidade

Sadovski, Guilherme Silva de Araújo 04 July 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Biblioteca do Instituto de Física (bif@ndc.uff.br) on 2017-07-04T18:29:04Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Guilherme Silva de Araújo Sadovski - Dissertação.pdf: 806650 bytes, checksum: 333998d8c772954dd2891f36903361eb (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-04T18:29:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Guilherme Silva de Araújo Sadovski - Dissertação.pdf: 806650 bytes, checksum: 333998d8c772954dd2891f36903361eb (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O objetivo principal desta dissertação é o de testarmos a consistência em larga-escala de um modelo de gravidade quântica. Este modelo consiste de uma teoria de YangMills para o grupo de calibre SO(m, n) escrita em um espaço-tempo euclidiano quadridimensional. Ao tomarmos o limite infravermelho, a álgebra do grupo SO(m, n) sofre uma contra¸c˜ao de Inönü-Wigner e é deformada na álgebra de Poincaré, quebrando, assim, a simetria de calibre. Como consequências, temos o surgimento das simetrias locais de Lorentz e a identificação dos campos de calibre com a vierbein, e(x), e a conexão de spin, ω(x). A gravidade resultante é uma teoria efetiva tipo-Einstein-Cartan que contém termos de correção ultravioleta e campo de torção propagante. Uma vantagem deste modelo de gravidade induzida é o surgimento natural de uma constante cosmológica gravitacional que, junto com a constante de Newton, G, pode ser calculada perturbativamente. Utilizamos a métrica FLRW e o ansatz de um espaço-tempo riemanniano para demonstramos que esta gravidade efetiva possui o Modelo Cosmológico Padrão como seu limite infravermelho. Além disso, o setor ultravioleta de teoria prevê uma fase de Sitter hiper-acelerada que pode vir a ser associada à inflação e prevê também a presença de matéria exótica no Universo primordial. / Our main go in this thesis is to test the large-scale consistency of a quantum gravity model. This model consists of a Yang-Mills theory with gauge group SO(m, n) written in a four-dimensional euclidean space-time. In the infrared limit, the SO(m, n) algebra undergoes an In¨on¨u-Wigner contraction to Poincaré algebra and the gauge symmetry is broken. As consequence, Lorentz local symmetries arise and the gauge fields can be identified with a vierbein field, e(x), and a spin connection field, ω(x). The resulting gravity is an effective Einstein-Cartan-like theory with ultraviolet correction terms and propagating torsion field. An advantage of this model is the natural appearance of a gravitational cosmological constant that, along with Newton’s gravitational constant, G, can be calculated perturbatively. Making use of the FLRW metric and the ansatz of a riemannian spacetime we demonstrate that this effective gravity has the Standard Cosmological Model in its infrared sector. Furthermore, the ultraviolet regime foresee a hyper-accelerated de Sitter phase that may prove to be inflationary and also foresee the presence of exotic matter in the early Universe.

Testing gravity in the local universe

McManus, Ryan January 2018 (has links)
General relativity (GR) has stood as the most accurate description of gravity for the last 100 years, weathering a barrage of rigorous tests. However, attempts to derive GR from a more fundamental theory or to capture further physical principles at high energies has led to a vast number of alternative gravity theories. The individual examination of each gravity theory is infeasible and as such a systematic method of examining modified gravity theories is a necessity. Studying generic classes of gravity theories allows for general statements about observables to be made independent of explicit models. Take, for example, those models described by the Horndeski action, the most general class of scalar-tensor theory with at most second-order derivatives in the equations of motion, satisfying theoretical constraints. But these constraints alone are not enough for a given modified gravity model to be physically viable and hence worth studying. In particular, observations place incredibly tight constraints on the size of any deviation in the solar system. Hence, any modified gravity would have to mimic GR in such a situation. To accommodate this requirement, many models invoke screening mechanisms which suppress deviations from GR in regions of high density. But these mechanisms really upon non-linear effects and so studying them in complex models is mathematically complex. To constrain the space of actions of Horndeski type to those which pass solar-system tests, a set of conditions on the four free functions of the Horndeski action are derived which indicate whether a specific model embedded in the action possesses a GR limit. For this purpose, a new and surprisingly simple scaling method is developed, identifying dominant terms in the equations of motion by considering formal limits of the couplings that enter through the new terms in the modified gravity action. Solutions to the dominant terms identify regimes where nonlinear terms dominate and Einstein's field equations are recovered to leading order. Together with an efficient approximation of the scalar field profile, one can determine whether the recovery of Einstein's field equations can be attributed to a genuine screening effect. The parameterised post-Newtonian (PPN) formalism has enabled stringent tests of static weak-field gravity in a theory-independent manner. This is through parameterising common perturbations of the metric found when performing a post-Newtonian expansion. The framework is adapted by introducing an effective gravitational coupling and defining the PPN parameters as functions of position. Screening mechanisms of modified gravity theories can then be incorporated into the PPN framework through further developing the scaling method into a perturbative series. The PPN functions are found through a combination of the scaling method with a post-Newtonian expansion within a screened region. For illustration, we show that both a chameleon and cubic galileon model have a limit where they recover GR. Moreover, we find the effective gravitational constant and all PPN functions for these two theories in the screened limit. To examine how the adapted formalism compares to solar-system tests, we also analyse the Shapiro time delay effect for these two models and find no deviations from GR insofar as the signal path and the perturbing mass reside in a screened region of space. As such, tests based upon the path light rays such as those done by the Cassini mission do not constrain these theories. Finally, gravitational waves have opened up a new regime where gravity can be tested. To this end, we examine how the generation of gravitational waves are affected by theories of gravity with screening to second post-Newtonian (PN) order beyond the quadrupole. This is done for a model of gravity where the black hole binary lies in a screened region, while the space between the binary's neighbourhood and the detector is described by Brans-Dicke theory. We find deviations at both 1.5 and 2 PN order. Deviations of this size can be measured by the Advanced LIGO gravitational wave detector highlighting that our calculation may allow for constraints to be placed on these theories. We model idealised data from the black hole merger signal GW150914 and perform a best fit analysis. The most likely value for the un-screened Brans-Dicke parameter is found to be ω = -1:42, implying on large scales gravity is very modified, incompatible with cosmological results.

Strings, links between conformal field theory, gauge theory and gravity

Troost, Jan 20 May 2009 (has links) (PDF)
La théorie de cordes unifie de façon naturelle les théories de jauge, qui décrivent les interactions entre les particules élémentaires, avec une théorie quantique de la gravitation. Ces dernières années ont apporté de grands progrès dans la compréhension des états non-perturbatifs de la théorie, ses aspects holographiques, ainsi que la construction de modèles proches du Modèle Standard. Néanmoins, il reste des défis pour la théorie de cordes, qui incluent une définition non-perturbative, une meilleure compréhension de l'holographie, et le problème de la constante cosmologique. Ma recherche s'est concentrée sur des aspects formels des théories de gravitation quantique, qui incluent les trous noirs, la dépendance du temps, et l'holographie. Gr^ace à de nouveaux résultats dans le domaine de la théorie conforme avec spectre continu, mes collaborateurs et moi-m^eme avons avancé dans la compréhension de l'holographie dans des fonds avec dilaton linéaire, ainsi que dans le plongement de théories de jauge supersymétriques dans la théorie de cordes. En particulier, on a étudié des théories conformes supersymétriques avec spectre continu que l'on utilise pour construire des fonds de théories de cordes non-compacts et courbés. Les résultats obtenus nous ont permis de décrire des exemples explicites de symétrie miroir pour des fonds non-compacts. En introduisant des bords dans les théories conformes, on a analysé des états non-perturbatifs de la théorie de cordes, les D-branes. A basse énergie, les degrés de liberté sur les D-branes interagissent par des interactions de jauge. Avec ces outils, on a réussi à plonger une dualité infrarouge de théorie de jauge supersymétrique dans la théorie de cordes, et on a montré que la dualité correspond à une monodromie pour les états de bord dans l'espace de modules de la théorie conforme.<br><br> Dans cette thèse, on discute de nombreux autres liens entre la théorie conforme, la théorie de jauge et la gravitation. La plupart des contributions décrites étaient motivées par la théorie de cordes. Des exemples sont l'analyse d'états qui préservent la supersymétrie et leur lien avec les algèbres affines, la dépendance du temps et le dictionnaire holographique, l'analyse directe de la quantification de la gravité en présence d'un trou noir, la réalisation du scenario sans-bord pour la fonction d'onde de l'univers en théorie de cordes, une formule de Verlinde pour les théories conformes non-rationnelles et la construction de solutions non-géometriques à la supergravité. Dans d'autres travaux, je me suis concentré sur des théories qui quantifient la gravité plus directement, mais qui pourraient avoir moins de succès dans le problème de l'unification des forces en quatre dimensions. Ces théories ont quand-m^eme le potentiel de nous apprendre des aspects communs à toute théorie de gravitation quantique. Par exemple, on a analysé les degrés de liberté responsables de l'entropie d'un trou noir en trois dimensions, et nous avons argumenté sur la difficulté de reconcilier l'invariance modulaire avec l'unitarité en dehors de la théorie de cordes. On a aussi discuté la diffusion de ces trous noirs. D'autres contributions à la théorie de jauge non-commutative, la théorie de jauge supersymétrique, la production de paires dans un espace courbe, et cetera, sont aussi relativement indépendantes du cadre de la théorie de cordes.<br><br> Il me semble qu'il reste intéressant d'étudier des questions difficiles sur la théorie de jauge et la gravitation quantique, dans la cadre de la théorie de cordes, et en dehors de ce cadre, et d'^etre guidé par des problèmes ouverts durs qui doivent mener à un progrès concret par incréments ou par sauts.

Stringed along or caught in a loop? : Philosophical reflections on modern quantum gravity research

Matsubara, Keizo January 2013 (has links)
A number of philosophical questions, all connected to modern research in quantum gravity, are discussed in this dissertation. The goal of research in quantum gravity is to find a quantum theory for gravitation; the other fundamental forces are already understood in terms of quantum physics. Quantum gravity is studied within a number of different research programmes. The most popular are string theory and loop quantum gravity; besides these a number of other approaches are pursued. Due to the lack of empirical support, it is relevant to assess the scientific status of this research. This is done from four different points of view, namely the ones held by: logical positivists, Popper, Kuhn and Lakatos. It is then argued that research in quantum gravity may be considered scientific, conditional on scientists being open with the tentative and speculative nature of their pursuits. Given the lack of empirical progress, in all approaches to quantum gravity, a pluralistic strategy is advised. In string theory there are different theoretical formulations, or dualities, which are physically equivalent. This is relevant for the problem of underdetermination of theories by data, and the debate on scientific realism. Different views on the dualities are possible. It is argued that a more empiricist view on the semantics of theories, than what has been popular lately, ought to be adopted. This is of importance for our understanding of what the theories tell us about space and time. In physics and philosophy, the idea that there are worlds or universes other than our own, has appeared in different contexts. It is discussed how we should understand these different suggestions; how they are similar and how they are different. A discussion on, how and when theoretical multiverse scenarios can be empirically testable, is also given. The reliability of thought experiments in physics in general and in quantum gravity in particular is evaluated. Thought experiments can be important for heuristic purposes, but in the case of quantum gravity, conclusions based on thoght experiments are not very reliable.

Estudando plasmas não-Abelianos fortemente acoplados usando a dualidade gauge/gravity / Understanding strongly coupled non-Abelian plasmas using the gauge/gravity duality

Stefano Ivo Finazzo 02 March 2015 (has links)
O estudo de teorias de calibre não-Abelianas fortemente acopladas, em especial de aspectos térmicos e fora do equilíbrio, é um problema central para a compreensão da Cromodinâmica Quântica (Quantum Chromodynamics - QCD) - em particular, para entender a evolução do Plasma de Quarks e Glúons (Quark-Gluon Plasma- QGP). A técnica mais promissora, QCD na rede, obteve sucesso ao tratar de fenômenos no vácuo e em equilíbrio térmico, como espectros e termodinâmica, mas enfrenta desafios consideráveis ao lidar com fenômenos fora do equilíbrio. Uma ferramenta adaptada para lidar com problemas envolvendo plasmas fortemente acoplados em tempo real é a dualidade gauge/gravity, que mapeia uma Teoria Quântica de Campos (Quantum Field Theory - QFT) fortemente acoplada em d dimensões em uma teoria de gravitação em d + 1 dimensões, a qual, de modo geral, é mais fácil de ser resolvida. Nesta tese, estudamos diversas aplicações da dualidade gauge/gravity em teorias não-Abelianas fortemente acopladas que modelam qualitativamente o QGP. Nós estudamos o cálculo holográfico do potencial entre um par quark-antiquark pesado (QQ) para dipolos QQ estáticos e se movendo com relação ao plasma, apresentando um formalismo geral para o cálculo da parte real e imaginária para uma grande classe de teorias gravitacionais duais. Um estudo da massa de Debye holográfica, baseado no maior comprimento de correlação de operadores ímpares por transformações de CT, foi empreendido, com aplicações em modelos bottom-up que reproduzem a termodinâmica da teoria de Yang-Mills SU(Nc) pura e da QCD. Para estes modelos, também calculamos vários coeficientes de transporte associados com o transporte de cargas no plasma, como a condutitividade elétrica, a constante de difusão de carga e coeficientes de transporte associados a uma teoria de hidrodinâmica relativística de segunda ordem. / The study of strongly coupled non-Abelian gauge theories, especially concerning their thermal and non-equilibrium aspects, is a central problem for understanding Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) - in particular, to understand the evolution of the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP). The most successful approach, lattice QCD, succeeds in dealing with vacuum and equilibrium phenomena, such as spectra and thermodynamics, but faces a considerable challenge when it comes to with non-equilibrium phenomena. A tool adapted to deal with real time problems in strongly coupled plasmas is the gauge/gravity, which maps a strongly coupled d dimensional Quantum Field Theory (QFT) to a d + 1 dimensional theory of gravity, which, in general, is easier to solve. In this thesis, we study several applications of the gauge/gravity duality to strongly coupled non-Abelian theories which model qualitatively the QGP. We deal with the holographic evaluation of the heavy quark-antiquark (Q Q) potential for static and moving QQ dipoles, presenting a general formalism for the computation of the real and imaginary parts for a large class of dual theories of gravity. A study of the holographic Debye mass, based on the largest screening length of CT-odd operators, is pursued, with applications on bottom-up holographic models that reproduce the thermodynamics of pure SU(Nc) Yang-Mills theory and QCD. For these models, we also compute several transport coefficients associated with charge transport in the plasma, such as the electric conductivity, the charge diffusion constant, and transport coefficients associated with a theory of second order relativistic hydrodynamics.

Empacotamento de fios e teoria do campo conforme em 2D

Silva, Tiago Anselmo da 31 January 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Sandra Maria Neri Santiago (sandra.neri@ufpe.br) on 2016-03-07T19:42:45Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) DISSERTAÇÃO versão finalt.pdf: 2479188 bytes, checksum: 40682d874a9a13182595ec8c40992750 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-07T19:42:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) DISSERTAÇÃO versão finalt.pdf: 2479188 bytes, checksum: 40682d874a9a13182595ec8c40992750 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013 / Neste trabalho resumimos o estudo do empacotamento de fios em uma região bidimensional planar. Abordamos o problema de um ponto de vista teórico, usando técnicas de campo conforme, e propriedades de escala do modelo, no regime de empacotamento-rígido, são derivadas, de sorte que os expoentes críticos para a energia elástica e para o número de laços da conformação são obtidos. Os resultados apresentam razoável concordância com dados advindos de experimentos e simulações. Também esboçamos uma analogia entre esse sistema e gravitação em duas dimensões, via gravitação de Liouville. / In this work we summarize the study of the packaging of wire in a planar two-dimensional region. We approach the problem from a theoretical point of view, using techniques of conformal field, and scaling properties of the model, in the tight-packing configuration, are derived, so that the critical exponents for the elastic energy and the number of loops of the conformation are obtained. The results show reasonable agreement with data coming from experiments and simulations. We also outline an analogy between this system and gravitation in two dimensions, via Liouville gravity.

Sistematização do processamento de dados gravimétricos aplicados a determinação do modelo geoidal / AVL system development with intelligent position update rules that enhance tracks representations

Amarante, Rogério Rodrigues, 1972- 11 September 2012 (has links)
Orientador: Jorge Luiz Alves Trabanco / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Civil, Arquitetura e Urbanismo / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-21T16:53:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Amarante_RogerioRodrigues_D.pdf: 8479306 bytes, checksum: c6760b22f8c1f110ad1b61e48c59508b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012 / Resumo: Com o uso de métodos adequados, receptores GNSS podem determinar coordenadas com acurácia suficiente para aplicação em projetos de engenharia. Porém a altitude elipsoidal obtida não utiliza o mesmo sistema de referência da engenharia de transportes. A altitude elipsoidal pode ser transformada em ortométrica com a utilização de modelos geoidais que são gerados a partir de dados gravimétricos. Neste trabalho são apresentados alguns conceitos introdutórios sobre a geração de modelo geoidais. Em seguida mostra o desenvolvimento de uma nova sistematização do tratamento de dados gravimétricos com objetivo de facilitar a detecção de erros, aumentar a produtividade e melhorar a organização de resultados obtidos. Dentro deste desenvolvimento, são revisadas as teorias utilizadas para transformar medições feitas com gravímetros diferenciais em aceleração da gravidade. Apresenta também técnicas de ajustamento de observações com intuito tratar erros aleatórios. A nova abordagem sugerida foi utilizada para o desenvolvimento de um software objetivando validar as idéias propostas, permitir a comparação com outras soluções existentes e também servir como uma contribuição tecnológica. Dados gravimétricos reais foram testados dentro da abordagem proposta tendo sido observados mais organização, ganho de produtividade e principalmente a detecção de erros grosseiros e aleatórios. Com a revisão do cálculo da correção da maré, percebeu-se que programas e equipamentos atualmente em uso não possuem configuração do fator gravimétrico, fato que pode influenciar em até 0; 007mGals no processamento das observações / Abstract: With the use of appropriate methods, GNSS receivers can determine coordinates with sufficient accuracy for use in projects. The ellipsoidal height obtained, however, does not use the same reference system as the one used in transportation engineering. The ellipsoidal height can be transformed to orthometric height using geoid models that are generated from gravimetric data. In this work some introductory concepts on the generation of geoid model are presented. Then it shows the development of a new approach in systematization of gravimetric data processing aiming to facilitate the detection of errors, increase productivity and improve the organization of the results obtained in the gravimetric surveys. Within this development, the theories used to convert measurements of the differences in gravity acceleration are revised. It also features adjustment techniques of observations in order to deal with random errors. The new suggested approach was used to develop software in order to validate the proposed ideas, allow comparison with other existing solutions, and also serves as a technological contribution. Gravimetric data were tested within the suggested approach. It was observed better organization, productivity gains and mainly detection of gross errors and random. With the review of the tide correction calculation, it was realized that programs and equipments now widely used have no gravimetric factor setting, a fact that can influence up to 0; 007mGals in processing the readings / Doutorado / Transportes / Doutor em Engenharia Civil

Určování parametrů temné energie a modifikované gravitace v rámci projektu LSST / Určování parametrů temné energie a modifikované gravitace v rámci projektu LSST

Vraštil, Michal January 2015 (has links)
Temnáenergietvořícípřibližně70%hmotyvesmíruz·stávájednouznejvětšch záhad moderní fyziky. K pochopení její podstaty jsou potřeba přesná kosmolog- ická měření. Jedním z projekt· zkoumající tuto exotickou formu hmoty bude i Large Synoptic Survey Telescope, který pom·že potvrdit či vyvrátit standardní kosmologický model (ΛCDM). Pro úspěch projektu je potřeba prozkoumat r·zné teorie temné energie. Jednou z alternativních teoríí vysvětlujících urychlenou expanzi vesmíru je tzv. chameleoní gravitace. Chameleon je nové skalární pole s hmotou závisející na okolní hustotě. V hustých prostředích jako je například Sluneční soustava získává pole velkou hmotu a propaguje se pouze na malých vzdálenostech díky čemuž m·že uniknout standardním test·m gravitace. V prá- ci mimo jiné studujeme chování chameleoního pole v okolí hvězd a v galaxiích. Ukazujeme také za jakých okolností je toto pole možné detekovat pomocí spek- troskopických měření a slabého čočkování.

Laser cooling and manipulation of antimatter in the AEgIS experiment / Manipulation et refroidissement laser de l'antimatière, au sein de l'expérience AEgIS

Yzombard, Pauline 24 November 2016 (has links)
Ma thèse s’est déroulée dans le cadre de la collaboration AEgIS, une des expériences étudiant l’antimatière au CERN. L’objectif final est de mesurer l’effet de la gravité sur un faisceau froid d’antihydrogène (Hbar). AEgIS se propose de créer les Hbar froids par échange de charges entre un atome de Positronium (Ps) excité (état de Rydberg) et un antiproton piégé : 〖Ps〗^*+ pbar → (H^*)⁻ + e⁻. L’étude de la physique du Ps est cruciale pour AEgIS, et demande des systèmes lasers adaptés. Pendant ma thèse, ma première tâche a été de veiller au bon fonctionnement des systèmes lasers de l’expérience. Afin d’exciter le positronium jusqu’à ses états de Rydberg (≃20) en présence d’un fort champ magnétique (1 T), deux lasers pulsés spectralement larges ont été spécialement conçu. Nous avons réalisé la première excitation par laser du Ps dans son niveau n=3, et prouvé une excitation efficace du nuage de Ps vers les niveaux de Rydberg n=16-17. Ces mesures, réalisées dans la chambre à vide de test d’AEgIS, à température ambiance et pour un faible champ magnétique environnant, sont la première étape vers la formation d’antihydrogène. Le prochain objectif est de répéter ces résultats dans l’enceinte du piège à 1 T, où les antihydrogènes seront formés. Pour autant, malgré l’excitation Rydberg des Ps pour accroître la section efficace de collision, la production d’antihydrogène restera faible, et la température des H bar formés sera trop élevée pour toute mesure de gravité. Pendant ma thèse, j’ai installé au CERN un autre système laser prévu pour pratiquer une spectroscopie précise des niveaux de Rydberg du Ps. Ce système excite des transitions optiques qui pourraient convenir à un refroidissement Doppler : la transition n=1 ↔ n=2. J’ai étudié la possibilité d’un tel refroidissement, en procédant à des simulations poussées pour déterminer les caractéristiques d’un système laser adapté La focalisation du nuage de Ps grâce au refroidissement des vitesses transverses devrait accroitre le recouvrement des positroniums avec les antiprotons piégés, et ainsi augmenter grandement la production d’Hbar. Le contrôle du refroidissement et de la compression du plasma d’antiprotons est aussi essentiel pour la formation des antihydrogènes. Pendant les temps de faisceaux d’antiprotons de 2014 et 2015, j’ai contribué à la caractérisation et l’optimisation des procédures pour attraper et manipuler les antiprotons, afin d’atteindre des plasmas très denses, et ce, de façon reproductible. Enfin, j’ai participé activement à l’élaboration d’autre projet à l’étude AEgIS, qui vise aussi à augmenter la production d’antihydrogène : le projet d’un refroidissement sympathique des antiprotons, en utilisant un plasma d’anions refroidis par laser. J’ai étudié la possibilité de refroidir l’ion moléculaire C₂⁻, et les résultats de simulations sont encourageants. Nous sommes actuellement en train de développer au CERN le système expérimental qui nous permettra de faire les premiers tests de refroidissement sur le C₂⁻. Si couronné de succès, ce projet ne sera pas seulement le premier résultat de refroidissement par laser d’anions, mais ouvrira aussi les portes à une production efficace d’antihydrogènes froids. / My Ph.D project took place within the AEgIS collaboration, one of the antimatter experiments at the CERN. The final goal of the experiment is to perform a gravity test on a cold antihydrogen (Hbar) beam. AEgIS proposes to create such a cold Hbar beam based on a charge exchange reaction between excited Rydberg Positronium (Ps) and cold trapped antiprotons: 〖Ps〗^* + pbar → (H^*)⁻ + e⁻. Studying the Ps physics is crucial for the experiment, and requires adapted lasers systems. During this Ph.D, my primary undertaking was the responsibility for the laser systems in AEgIS. To excite Ps atom up to its Rydberg states (≃20) in presence of a high magnetic field (1 T), two broadband pulsed lasers have been developed. We realized the first laser excitation of the Ps into the n=3 level, and demonstrated an efficient optical path to reach the Rydberg state n=16-17. These results, obtained in the vacuum test chamber and in absence of strong magnetic field, reach a milestone toward the formation of antihydrogen in AEgIS, and the immediate next step for us is to excite Ps atoms inside our 1 T trapping apparatus, where the formation of antihydrogen will take place. However, even once this next step will be successful, the production rate of antihydrogen atoms will nevertheless be very low, and their temperature much higher than could be wished. During my Ph.D, I have installed further excitation lasers, foreseen to perform fine spectroscopy on Ps atoms and that excite optical transitions suitable for a possible Doppler cooling. I have carried out theoretical studies and simulations to determine the proper characteristics required for a cooling laser system. The transverse laser cooling of the Ps beam will enhance the overlap between the trapped antiprotons plasma and the Ps beam during the charge-exchange process, and therefore drastically improve the production rate of antihydrogen. The control of the compression and cooling of the antiproton plasma is also crucial for the antihydrogen formation. During the beam-times of 2014 and 2015, I participated in the characterization and optimization our catching and manipulation procedures to reach highly compressed antiproton plasma, in repeatable conditions. Another project in AEgIS I took part aims to improve the formation rate of ultracold antihydrogen, by studying the possibility of a sympathetically cooling of the antiprotons using a laser-cooled anion plasma. I investigated some laser cooling schemes on the C₂⁻ molecular anions, and the simulations are promising. I actively contribute to the commissioning of the test apparatus at CERN to carry on the trials of laser cooling on the C₂⁻ species. If successful, this result will not only be the first cooling of anions by laser, but will open the way to a highly efficient production of ultracold antihydrogen atoms.

Vapor Compression Refrigeration in Microgravity

Leon Philipp Ma Brendel (11801978) 19 December 2021 (has links)
<div>As space exploration continues to accelerate, various cooling applications follow suit. Refrigeration and freezing of biological samples, astronaut food as well as electronics cooling and air-conditioning are necessary and demand increased capacity. In the past, these demands have been met by thermoelectric cooling or cryogenic cycles, which are easily adapted to a microgravity environment but have a relatively low efficiency in the refrigeration and freezing temperature range. A number of studies have investigated the development of higher efficiency vapor compression cycles for spacecraft, which would have the benefit of a smaller mass penalty due to the reduced power consumption. Despite notable research efforts during the 1990s, the number of vapor compression coolers that have operated in microgravity until today is small and their performance was insufficient to provide confidence into the technology for microgravity applications. Related experimental research has decreased since the 2000s.<br></div><div><br></div><div>For this dissertation, all vapor compression cycles (VCC) that have operated in microgravity according to the open literature were reviewed with their applications, compressor types and reported issues. Suggested design tools were summarized with a focus on gravity independence criteria for two-phase flow. For the most effective increase of the technology readiness level, simple but systematic experiments regarding the stability of VCCs against orientation and gravity changes were prioritized in this dissertation. An important goal of the research was the continuous operation and start-up of vapor compression cycles on parabolic flights, experiments that have not been reported in the open literature. Two separate test stands were built and flown on four parabolic flights, totaling 122 parabolas for each experiment.<br></div><div><br></div><div>The parabolic flight experiments were prepared with extensive ground-based testing. Multiple anomalies were encountered during the pursuit of continuous vapor compression cycle operation through a rotation of 360 degrees, including liquid flooding of the compressor. Systematic inclination testing was conducted with two different cycle configurations and a wide range of operating conditions. A strong correlation was found between the relative stability of the heat source heat transfer rate and the refrigerant mass flux for an inclination procedure with angle changes once every 2 minutes.<br></div><div><br></div><div>The parabolic flights exposed the test stand to quickly alternating hyper and microgravity. The evaporation temperature reacted to the different gravity levels with fluctuations that stretched on average 2.2 K from the maximum to minimum temperature measured during one set of parabolas. Changes of the evaporator inlet flow regime as a function of gravity were observed visually and the low-side pressure and mass flow rate sometimes oscillated in microgravity. The cycle responses induced by ground-based inclination testing were typically stronger than changes caused by the parabolic flight maneuvers for relatively low mass flow rates. Overall, the parabolic flight maneuvers were not detrimental to the cycle operation. <br></div><div><br></div><div>The second test stand was dedicated to liquid flooding observations at cycle start-up. Different flow regimes were observed in microgravity during testing with a transparent evaporator but the absence of gravity did not significantly alter the general time-based flooding quantifiers.<br></div><div><br></div><div>Design recommendations are drawn from the research where possible and summarized at the end of the dissertation. Selected data, code, pictures and videos were released together with this dissertation(Brendel, 2021)<br></div>

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