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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die Implementierung eines Kinderpalliativzimmers auf einer Normalstation - Eine qualitative Studie / The implementation of a palliativ room for children on a normal station - A qualitative study

Bardt, Janna 24 July 2017 (has links)
No description available.

La bifurcation des cadres vers l'activité de coach : un processus de subjectivation microémancipatoire. / The turning point of executives turned coach : a microemancipatory subjectivation process

Moreau, Fabien 27 October 2017 (has links)
En difficulté dans un système économique et managérial qui ne leur convient plus, certains cadres choisissent de quitter leur organisation pour devenir coach. Par-delà la normativité des transitions de carrière en sciences de gestion, nous montrons qu’il s’agit d’une bifurcation. Au sein du courant des Critical Management Studies et à partir d’une perspective foucaldienne du pouvoir, nous interprétons la bifurcation comme un processus de saturation lié aux effets de subjectivation de la gouvernementalité managériale. La bifurcation constitue une distanciation critique, notamment chez les jeunes managers et les managers à mi-vie, et amorce une microémancipation vers et par le coaching, via une réappropriation subjective de techniques de souci de soi. Cette recherche est basée sur un protocole de Grounded Theory et sur la méthode des récits de vie. L’attitude analytique mobilise des énoncés phénoménologiques, une thématisation a posteriori et une analyse critique de discours. Notre modèle théorique repose sur une population de 25 cadres devenus coachs et met en évidence un processus générique qui s’exprime différemment selon l’âge lors de la transition, selon le vécu de l’expérience professionnelle, le sexe ou encore le poste avant la transition (manager, consultant). / Some executives, facing an economical and managerial system that doesn’t suit them anymore, chose to leave their position in a structure to become coaches. Beyond the managerial norms of career change, we explain that it is a turning point. This change of career, within the Critical Management Studies movement, and with a Foucauldian power perspective, is interpreted here as them reaching saturation point, due to the effects of subjectivation related to managerial governmentality. Those former executives, especially young and middle-aged managers, find themselves gaining a critical detachment. Furthermore, we notice a phenomenon of microemancipation through being coached … in the training of becoming a coach, by reappropriating the techniques of the care of the self. This research process involves Grounded Theory and life narratives. Firstly, we worked on phenomenological texts, then on an a posteriori coding by themes, and finally on a critical discourse analysis. Our resulting theoretical framework is anchored on a population of 25 former executives who have become coaches. It underlines a generic process with differences related to criteria such as gender, age when the career change happens, previous professional experience and position (manager or consultant).

Preventing ‘Pushing for Privileged Passage’: A study of a charter school working to step back from tracking

Johnston, Tina Louise 07 May 2012 (has links)
One charter school’s path to tracking and pushing for privileged passage is examined. The school as it increased in size began to track students first by grade level and then by ability. Realizing that moving mathematics out of the main school program compromised the teaching ideals of the school and potentially student learning. The school has embarked on a program to create a place-based, integrated curriculum developed around mathematics so that mathematics can be reintroduced to multi-age classrooms. Examining the data in terms of trust, size and the behaviors of administrators, teachers and parents at this school in this process are highlighted.

Palliative Care bei Demenz: Das Verständnis von Palliative Care bei Demenz und die Bedeutung für das Pflegehandeln im Kontext der stationären Langzeitpflege

Berkemer, Esther 18 May 2017 (has links)
Hintergrund: Menschen mit Demenz zählen zu einer wichtigen, aber bislang vernachlässigten Zielgruppe in der palliativen Pflege und Betreuung. Viele dieser Personen haben palliative Versorgungserfordernisse, die in der stationären Langzeitpflege häufig weder wahrgenommen noch angemessen erfüllt werden. Das Versorgungskonzept Palliative Care gewinnt vor diesem Hintergrund zunehmend an Bedeutung für die Begleitung von Menschen mit Demenz. Es existieren normative Vorgaben und theoretische Überlegungen zur palliativen Versorgungspraxis, ohne dass näher konkretisiert wird, wie dies in der pflegerischen Alltagspraxis in Einrichtungen der stationären Al-tenhilfe umgesetzt werden soll. Hinzu kommt, dass die pflegerische Einschätzung zu palli-ativen Bedarfen anspruchsvoller wird, da die Demenzspezifik im fortgeschrittenen Stadium der Erkrankung verbale Kommunikationsräume verringert. Leibliche Kommunikation, Intuition, Erfahrungswissen und die Kontextualisierung im Sinne eines hermeneutischen Fallverstehens (Remmers, 2000) können bei Demenz als Zugang für die Bedürfniserfassung und das spezifische Situationsverstehen bedeutsamer sein als objektiv ermittelte Parameter. Unklar ist bislang, wie sich die hier dargestellten Dimensionen pflegerischer Handlungen in der Begleitung von demenzerkrankten Personen in stationären Pflegeeinrichtungen gestalten und wie Kontextfaktoren die palliative Pflegepraxis beeinflussen. Ziele: Ziel der vorliegenden Studie ist es, einen Beitrag zu einem vertieften Verständnis von Merkmalen, Ausdrucksformen und Wirkungsweisen in der palliativpflegerischen Ver-sorgungspraxis von Menschen mit Demenz im Handlungsfeld der stationären Langzeit-pflege zu leisten. Studiendesign und Methode: Um die subjektiven Vorstellungen von Palliative Care bei Demenz, Kontextfaktoren und Ausdrucksformen alltäglicher pflegerischer Handlungen im Kontext von palliativen Erfor-dernissen bei Demenz zu erfassen und nachzuzeichnen, wurde ein offenes, qualitatives Verfahren gewählt. In Anlehnung an die Grounded-Theory-Methodology (vgl. Corbin & Strauss, 2008) wurden 22 leitfadengestützte Interviews mit professionellen Akteuren aus vier Pflegeheimen durchgeführt und Bedingungsfaktoren und Handlungsorientierungen im Hinblick auf Palliative Care bei Demenz identifiziert. Ergebnisse: Es existiert ein heterogenes Verständnis von Palliative Care bei Demenz und es zeigen sich widersprüchliche Ausdrucksformen pflegerischen Handelns in der palliativen Versorgungspraxis von Menschen mit Demenz in der Langzeitpflege. In der zentralen Kernkategorie „Sich zwischen Gewissheit und Ungewissheit arrangieren“ lassen sich die pflege-spezifischen komplexen Deutungsprozesse und Handlungsorientierungen zur Gestaltung einer palliativen Versorgungspraxis von Menschen mit Demenz abbilden. Die palliativ-pflegerischen Handlungsorientierungen werden von den angewendeten Strategien der Pflegenden maßgeblich beeinflusst. Aufbauend auf dem subjektiven Verständnis von Palliative Care bei Demenz gruppieren sich die Ergebnisse palliativpflegerischer Handlungen um das identifizierte Phänomen. Verschiedene intervenierende Bedingungen (u. a. Charakteristika von Pflegenden, Zuschreibungsprozesse als Sterbende, Arten der Bedürfnisermittlung in der Pflegebeziehung sowie spezifische Versorgungsformen) bilden im Kontext des beruflichen Pflegehandelns die Voraussetzungen und Hindernisse für Palliative Care bei Menschen mit Demenz. Deutlich wurde, dass proaktiv-steuernde Strategien wahrscheinlicher und frühzeitiger zu einem an palliativen Maßstäben orientierten Pflegehandeln führen. Umgekehrt führen passiv-reaktive Verhaltensweisen von Pflegenden tendenziell zu einem verzögerten oder ausbleibenden Übergang hin zu palliativen Versorgungskonzepten. Diskussion und Schlussfolgerungen: Auf Grundlage der Diskussion der Ergebnisse wurden fundierte Handlungsempfehlungen und praxisbezogene Anforderungen an eine demenzspezifische Palliative Care in der stationären Langzeitpflege abgeleitet.

A Multi-Methodology Study of the Historic Impact of Soft Systems Methodology and Its Associated Data Visualization Approach in the Context of Operations and Business Strategy

Warren, Scott Joseph 12 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this three-essay dissertation was to expand knowledge and theory regarding soft systems methodologies (SSMs) and data visualization approaches in business, engineering, and other social sciences. The first essay depicts a bibliometric analysis study of the historic impacts of SSM from 1980-2018 on business, engineering, and other social sciences fields. This study found 285 articles that described or employed SSM for research and included outcomes such as top SSM authors, author citation impacts, common dissemination outlets, time-bound distribution of publications, and other relevant findings. This study provided a picture of who, what, why, when, and where SSM has had the greatest impact on academic thought and practice. The second essay presents research on the academic impact of Systemigrams, an associated data visualization approach, finding examples of conceptual or research development that employed Systemigrams to depict complex problem situations. Recommendations for improvement of designing these data visualizations to increase their field use resulted from this study. The final essay leverages a selection of the articles as use cases to produce a grounded theory study to identify phenomena that arose from the use of SSM for operations and firm strategy research. This study identified two broad themes including (i) scope, structure, and process challenges and (ii) performance and evaluation limitations. These themes were explained by six patterns that emerged from the publications. Each produced change recommendations for SSM process, practice, and reporting to support its continued viability and adoption in business and operations research.

A Naturalistic Inquiry into Student Conceptions of Computing Technology and their Role for Learning and Transfer

Rücker, Michael T. 10 March 2020 (has links)
Schüler/innen zu befähigen, die allgegenwärtige Rechentechnik in ihrem Umweld zu erkennen und zu bewerten ist ein international proklamiertes Ziel sekundärer Informatikbildung. Zu diesem Zweck müssen sie von ihrem schulischen Wissen auch tatsächlich im Alltag Gebrauch machen. Ausgehend von Theorien zu Lerntransfer und existierender Forschung zu Schülervorstellungen, untersucht diese Dissertation die Denk- und Lernprozesse von Schüler/innen über konkrete informatische Geräte. Die erste Studie untersucht, welche Arten von Technik Schüler/innen allgemein unterscheiden. Ich stelle eine Grounded Theory zu einer entsprechenden Taxonomie vor. Diese legt nahe, dass Rechentechnik keine vordergründige Kategorie für sie darstellt, was entsprechenden Transfer erschweren würde. Die zweite Studie untersucht, wie Schüler/innen Rechen- von Nicht-Rechentechnik unterscheiden. Ich stelle eine Grounded Theory entsprechender Denkprozesse vor. Diese zeigt, dass etliche Schüler/innen Rechentechnik unsachgemäß anhand inhärenter Fähigkeitsgrenzen unterscheiden, was ebenfalls Transfer behindern würde. Die dritte Studie untersucht daraufhin Lernprozesse im Kontext einer Intervention, die die oben genannten Punkte adressieren soll. Sie zeigt, dass einige Schüler/innen Probleme damit haben, Rechentechnik als gleichzeitig ökonomisch und leistungsfähig zu verstehen, was wiederum seine Verbreitung und Auswirkungen einschränkt. Die Analyse legt zudem erste Richtlinien für das Design entsprechender Interventionen nahe. Die Studien werden anschließend integriert diskutiert. Insbesondere stelle ich Lernziele und Aktivitäten vor, welche eine Teilantwort meiner ursprünglichen Leitfrage bilden: was müssen Schüler/innen lernen, um Rechentechnik im Alltag adäquat zu erkennen und zu bewerten? Ich diskutiere Implikationen für die Praxis sowie potentielle weiterführende Forschung, vor allem im Bezug zu einer Informatikbildung, die sich als Säule moderner Allgemeinbildung versteht. / Enabling students to recognize and evaluate the ubiquitous computing technologies in their lives is an internationally proclaimed goal of a secondary informatics education. To that end, they need to actually engage with their school-learned knowledge in the context of everyday situations. Based on theories of knowledge transfer and prior research on student conceptions, this thesis investigates students' related thinking and learning processes. The first study investigates what kinds of technology students generally distinguish. I propose a grounded theory for a related taxonomy. It suggests that computing technology is, in fact, not a very salient kind of technology for many, which poses a challenge for related transfer. The second study investigates how students even distinguish computing from non-computing technology. I propose a grounded theory of their related reasoning processes. It shows that students may inappropriately distinguish computing devices on the basis of inherent capability limitations, which would also be detrimental to transfer. The third study investigates students' learning processes in the context of an intervention designed to address these issues. It revealed that several students apparently had difficulty to conceive of computing technology as simultaneously economical and powerful, thus limiting its potential ubiquity and impact. The analysis also indicates some initial guidelines for the design of related interventions. The three studies are then integrated and discussed. In particular, I propose a set of learning objectives and activities as a partial answer to my original guiding question: what is it that students need to learn in order to adequately recognize and evaluate computing technologies in their lives? I discuss implications for practice and potential avenues for future research, especially with respect to a general informatics education that regards itself as part of a contemporary general education.

Financial inclusion as a source of organizational learning for banks: Exploratory evidence from India

Geisler, Gregor 21 December 2022 (has links)
This study investigates the role of organizational learning in financial inclusion in India using qualitative research methods. Financial inclusion refers to the appropriate and affordable access to financial products and services and is targeting the part of the population that is unbanked or underbanked. In India, the government has formulated financial sector goals and policies in the last years to alleviate the situation of that part of the population. The study specifically investigates the private banking sector in India as a key protagonist in implementing those policies. The study finds that private banks operate in an overall context that is beneficial towards organizational learning. It identifies the tension between exploration and exploitation as the core of the organizational learning process in financial inclusion. Areas in which organizational learning occurs are related to products and customers, technology, information processing, monitoring and internal/ external training. In those areas, knowledge creation, transfer and retention drive the development of, e.g., new products, internal processes, and guidelines.

Vad är inspiration och hur fungerar den? : En granskning av amatörskapares relationer till inspiration / What is inspiration and how does it work? : A study of creative amateurs' relations to inspiration

Thorén, Filip, Olsson-Hovstadius, Olof January 2022 (has links)
What does inspiration mean to creative amateurs? Inspiration as a concept has been hard to define in information science terms. Several theories of information-seeking behavior have also been proposed to be applicable to inspiration-seeking, but have not seen empirical testing. While previous researchers on inspiration have mostly focused on artists and designers, this essay has studied amateurs and makers engaged in creative hobbies. Based on a survey distributed to study circles organized under Swedish adult educational associations, the grounded theory analysis indicated that inspiration is important as a feeling of motivation, joy, well-being and productivity, a source of ideas, and a driving force in the creative process. The results of the survey also showed that more passive information-seeking strategies, such as serendipitous encounters, browsing, and social interaction, were more commonly associated with finding inspiration than active strategies, such as systematic searches and question-based seeking, within the group. The responses showed that the respondents’ perceptions of inspiration were somewhat idiosyncratic, and future research based on individual or focus group interviews would be needed to explore the more ambiguous concepts and answers gleaned in this study. This is a two years master's thesis in Library and information science.

Toward Sense Making with Grounded Feedback

Wiese, Eliane 01 September 2015 (has links)
In STEM domains, robust learning includes not only fluency with procedures, but also recognition and application of the conceptual principles that underlie them. Grounded feedback is one instructional approach proposed to help students integrate conceptual knowledge into their learning of procedures. Grounded feedback functions primarily by having students take an action in the target domain (often symbolic) and receiving feedback in a representation that is easier to reason with. This thesis defines grounded feedback and evaluates its effectiveness. I define grounded feedback with four characteristics: (1) The feedback reflects students’ inputs according to rules that are inherent to the topic of study. For example, an inputted equation with two variables may be shown as a graph. (2) The feedback facilitates selfevaluation - by examining the feedback, students can evaluate for themselves if their answers are correct or not. (3) Students do not directly manipulate the feedback representation. Instead, the inputs are in a format that matches the domain learning goals. (4) The feedback conveys information about the nature of errors, not just that a particular action was incorrect. For example, the feedback may indicate the direction or magnitude of the error. Some prior experiments on systems with the four characteristics of grounded feedback found greater learning of target procedures (Nathan 1998) and greater transfer (Mathan & Koedinger 20015), relative to robust controls. Over four studies with 4th and 5th graders, this thesis explores three tutor designs for fraction addition that incorporate visualizations of magnitude, including grounded feedback. Two studies of grounded feedback show effects of robust learning relative to correctness feedback, including greater future learning (in study 2) and transfer (in study 3). Another study found little difference between grounded feedback with and without correctness. In the last study, relative to correctness feedback, two implementations of dynamically linked concrete representations (variations on grounded feedback) showed greater robust learning (pre-test to delayed test). The correctness feedback tutor, used in three of these studies, is a high-bar control, including immediate step-level correctness feedback and adaptive on-demand hints. Indications of more robust learning with the grounded feedback tutor are promising, though not conclusive. Grounded feedback is intended to leverage concrete representations to elicit students’ prior knowledge of relevant concepts. Over two Difficulty Factor Assessments, 5th graders demonstrated difficulty incorporating magnitude information when evaluating fraction addition equations. In particular, students could generally evaluate an equation correctly when it was represented with fraction bars. However, including symbols with the bars interfered with students’ evaluations by triggering incorrect transfer from whole-number addition. Students also did not fully grasp that when two positive fractions are added, the resulting sum is bigger than each addend alone. These findings may help explain why the benefits of grounded feedback are not as strong as proponents of concrete representations might hope. Namely, the target population may not be able to take full advantage of the magnitude visualization because they lack pre-requisite knowledge of how fraction addition involves magnitude.

A mixed-method study using a multimedia intervention to explore sex and relationship education within families

Turnbull, Triece January 2010 (has links)
Sex education in Britain is poorly practised, in schools as well as in the home. British so called ‘Puritanism’ has been seen as one of the reasons. At a time and age when teenage pregnancy, Sexual Transmitted Infections (STIs) and viruses (AIDS/HIV) are on the increase more attention to the education of sexual behaviour is needed. Government initiatives are leading in that direction for schools as well as families, but it is unclear how these are materialised. Especially, how families discuss sexual matters is underresearched and poorly understood. Therefore, the aims of this study were to explore the potential facilitators and barriers of the communication of sexual topics, with and without the use of a Sex and Relationship Education (SRE) multimedia program, and to explore the impact of this program on the knowledge of sexual issues and concerns. A mixed-method design was employed by using Strauss and Corbin’s (1998) modified grounded theory to develop a model reflecting the findings. Knowledge was assessed on data gathered from twenty British families over a ten-month period. Using semi-structured interviews, observational field notes and quantitative measures, it was found that trust, respect, spending (leisure) time together and children’s perception of their parents’ sexual knowledge were facilitators for sexual communications. Older siblings and other family members who were regarded as role models also facilitated the discussion of sexual matters. The barriers for discussing sexual issues openly within families included authoritative parenting, lack of parental sexual knowledge, presence of younger siblings and parents’ direct questioning of children’s personal relationships. In light of this, the multimedia program could be beneficial in many more families when initiating and communicating sexual matters.

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