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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die Praxis der Online-Kooperation

Pentzold, Christian 16 July 2014 (has links) (PDF)
In der Mitte der Dissertation steht die Frage nach den Koordinationsmustern und den institutionellen Bedingungen online-medialen gelingenden, produktiven, also das Generieren informationeller Güter bezweckenden, Zusammenarbeitens. Diese wird exemplarisch und exponiert am Beispiel der freien Gemeingüterproduktion studiert, genauer gesagt am Fall der Online-Enzyklopädie Wikipedia. Die Studie zeigt, wie und in welchen institutionellen Kontexten das Herstellen und Verwalten informationeller Gemeingüter durch online-medial vermitteltes Kooperieren gelingen kann. Dazu wurde eine dreijährige teilnehmende Beobachtung durchgeführt und mit qualitativen Interviews und Dokumentenanalysen methodisch kombiniert. Typologisiert wurden die Beteiligungsweisen, die es Wikipedianern erlauben, an dem Projekt konstruktiv teilzunehmen, konkret die Handlungsmuster, um Beteiligen zu formieren und dabei unbezahltes und zielorientiertes Editieren zu animieren, anzuleiten und vorzulegen, sowie Handlungsmuster des Qualifizierens von Beiträgen und Beiträgern als Beobachten, Auszeichnen und Ausschließen. Das dabei effektive institutionelle Ensemble wurde als Satz an Richtlinien und Codevorgaben sowie normativen Einstellungen in Bezug auf das Arbeitsethos der Wikipedianer, die Form ihrer Vergemeinschaftung, das Teilnehmerkonzept und das enzyklopädische Werkkonzept ermittelt.

Modus operandi van die bankrower : 'n kriminologiese introspeksie

Maree, Alice 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / In die ondersoek na die modus operandi van die bankrower: 'n kriminologiese introspeksie, kan die ondergemelde drie dimensies onderskei word: Die eerste dimensie is 'n kriminologiese introspeksie wat die betekenis wat bankrowers self aan die uitvoer van bankrooftogte heg, behels. Hierdie leefwereld van die subjekte word deur die navorser "betree" en mede-verken. Doelgerigtheid, morele oorwegings, teesin in geweld, charisma, kognitiewe vermoens en 'n materialistiese ingesteldheid is begrippe wat die bankrower as mens belig. Die tweede dimensie word verteenwoordig deur die begrondingsteorie as navorsingsmetode, gebaseer op die werk van Strauss en Corbin {1990), wat toegepas word ten einde sodanige navorsingsdoelstelling te fasiliteer. Tydens die aanvanklike fase van die ondersoek is daar met 28 bankrowers in aanhoud i ng, gefokusde semi -gest ruktureerde ind i epte-onderhoude gevoer. Opvolgonderhoude is met ses van die 28 subjekte gevoer, met die doel om 'n substantiewe begrondingsteorie te ontplooi, verskille op te klaar en die geldigheid van die data te verhoog. Die derde dimensie reflekteer vervolgens die ontplooiing van 'n substantiewe begrondingsteorie wat weerspieel word in proposisies en wat in vier fases van die modus operandi van die bankrower onderskei word, naamlik die beplanning-; uitvoering-; afhandeling-; en heroorwegingsfase. Elk van die ge'identifiseerde fases word gekenmerk deur progressiewe beweging, natuurlike kontinu'iteit, emosionele belewenisse en 'n individualistiese inslag. Twee kernelemente, naamlik besluitneming en rasionaliteit staan prominent binne die kader van die modus operandi van die bankrower. Die substantiewe begrondingsteorie is daarop ingestel om die verskynsel wat bestudeer word, te verklaar. Seide die oorweging van die ondersoek asook ander doelstellings van die navorser word binne die teorie geakkommodeer. Verdere vergelykende studies kan daartoe bydra om die substantiewe begrondingsteorie te verfyn, te falsifiseer, 6f by gebrek daaraan, tot 'n formele teorie uit te bou. Derhalwe word die begrondingsteorie as navorsingsmetode nie slegs as toepaslik beskou vir toekomstige navorsing oor onderwerpe waaroor daar 'n gebrek aan empiriese bevindinge bestaan en waaroor relatief min kennis in kriminologiese literatuur voorkom nie, maar hou dit ook die voordeel van 'n pluriforme navorsingstudie in. / In the investigation into the modus operandi of the bank robber: a criminological introspection, three dimensions can be distinguished. The first dimension is a criminological introspection comprising the meaning attached by bank rob.bers to the execution of bank robberies. This world of the subjects is entered and co-scouted. Sense of purpose, mora 1 considerations, aversion to violence, charisma, cognitive powers and a materialistic disposition are conceptions that elucidate the bank robber as a human. The second dimension is represented by the grounded theory as research method, based on the work of Strauss and Corbin (1990), which are applied to facilitate such research aims. During the initial phase of the investigation, focused, semi-structured, in-depth interviews were held with 28 bank robbers in detention. Subsequent interviews were held with six of the 28 subjects, aimed at expanding a substantive grounded theory, to clear up differences and to increase the validity of the data. The third dimension reflects the development of a substantive grounded theory which is revealed in propositions and signalised in four phases of the bank robber's modus operandi, namely the planning, execution, disposal and reconsideration phases. Each of these identified phases is characterised by progressive movement, natura 1 continuity, emot i ona 1 experiences and an individualistic infusion. The basic elements, namely decision-making and rationalisation, are prominent in the cadre of the bank robber's modus operandi. The substantive grounded theory is aimed at explaining the study phenomenon. Consideration of the investigation as well as other aims of the researcher are accommodated in the theory. Further comparative studies can assist in refining or falsifying the substantive grounded theory or, failing, to expand it to a formal theory. The grounded theory is therefore regarded as appropriate for future research on subjects about which there is a lack of empirical findings and relatively little knowledge in criminological literature. The theory offers, in addition, the advantage of a pluriform research study. / Sociology / D. Litt et Phil. (Kriminologie)

Die Praxis der Online-Kooperation: Praktiken und Institutionen online-medialen Zusammenarbeitens

Pentzold, Christian 16 December 2013 (has links)
In der Mitte der Dissertation steht die Frage nach den Koordinationsmustern und den institutionellen Bedingungen online-medialen gelingenden, produktiven, also das Generieren informationeller Güter bezweckenden, Zusammenarbeitens. Diese wird exemplarisch und exponiert am Beispiel der freien Gemeingüterproduktion studiert, genauer gesagt am Fall der Online-Enzyklopädie Wikipedia. Die Studie zeigt, wie und in welchen institutionellen Kontexten das Herstellen und Verwalten informationeller Gemeingüter durch online-medial vermitteltes Kooperieren gelingen kann. Dazu wurde eine dreijährige teilnehmende Beobachtung durchgeführt und mit qualitativen Interviews und Dokumentenanalysen methodisch kombiniert. Typologisiert wurden die Beteiligungsweisen, die es Wikipedianern erlauben, an dem Projekt konstruktiv teilzunehmen, konkret die Handlungsmuster, um Beteiligen zu formieren und dabei unbezahltes und zielorientiertes Editieren zu animieren, anzuleiten und vorzulegen, sowie Handlungsmuster des Qualifizierens von Beiträgen und Beiträgern als Beobachten, Auszeichnen und Ausschließen. Das dabei effektive institutionelle Ensemble wurde als Satz an Richtlinien und Codevorgaben sowie normativen Einstellungen in Bezug auf das Arbeitsethos der Wikipedianer, die Form ihrer Vergemeinschaftung, das Teilnehmerkonzept und das enzyklopädische Werkkonzept ermittelt.:1 Einleitung: Online-Kooperation in Theorie und Praxis 4 2 Problem: Wie gelingt Kooperation online? 15 2.1 Untersuchungsfeld: Gemeingüterproduktion 15 2.2 Wie ist Gemeingüterproduktion möglich? 31 2.3 Problemkreise 49 3 Theoretischer Rahmen: Online-Kooperation in Aktion 54 3.1 Die Praxis sozialer Ordnung 54 3.2 Online-Kooperation koordinieren 77 3.3 Bilanz und Forschungsfragen: Gemeingüter produzieren 100 4 Methodologie, Methoden und Vorgehen: Online-Kooperieren studieren 108 4.1 Methodologische Herausforderung: Logik der Praxis vs. Logik der Logik? 108 4.2 Methodische Option: Praktiken beobachten, Praktiken vollziehen, Praktiken beschreiben 111 4.3 Konzeption und Fallauswahl 130 4.4 Vorgehen 147 5 Analyse: Gemeingüter produzieren 171 5.1 Einen ausgezeichneten Artikel schreiben oder: Wikipedia macht Arbeit 172 5.2 Beteiligungsweisen: „und eigentlich ist doch alles ganz einfach“ 181 5.3 Wikipedias institutionelles Ensemble: „eine komplizierte Materie“ 205 5.4 Beteiligen formieren: „in die richtige Spur gesetzt“ 286 5.5 Beteiligen qualifizieren: „wir bemühen uns, alles richtig zu machen“ 313 6 Bilanz und Aufgaben: Den ‚Wikiweg’ gehen? 336 7 Anhang 353 Abbildungsverzeichnis 405 Tabellenverzeichnis 406 Primärquellenverzeichnis 407 Sekundärquellenverzeichnis 416

Clients' experiences of relational depth within Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

Frzina, Jasmina January 2014 (has links)
Background: Relational depth (RD) is gaining empirical attention as a well-articulated phenomenon within therapeutic relationship literature. Despite this, with the exception of a small number of client-focused studies, research of this issue is relatively sparse and predominantly reflects upon therapeutic work from a person-centred orientation. Aims and Methods: The aim of this research was to explore clients’ experiences of RD within individual Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. Eight clients, who had self-identified at least one helpful relational moment with their therapist, were interviewed about their experience. The interviews were transcribed and analysed employing Grounded Theory methods. Findings and Discussion: Four core categories emerged from the analysis. These were: (1) the experience of the therapist, (2) the experience of self, (3) the experience of the therapy relationship, and (4) the perceived impact/effects of the moment of RD. Each core category and the corresponding subordinate codes are described by illustrative quotes from the participants. Following this, each finding is discussed in relation to RD research and beyond. Conclusions: This research project ultimately demonstrates that clients who have worked with a cognitive behavioural therapist can and do experience RD during their individual therapy. The like-by-like comparison of the findings with previous RD research indicated a high degree of convergence. Nevertheless, when differences are present, clients’ RD experience is influenced and to some extent contained by dissimilarity in experience between therapist and non-therapist clients. This is also manifested through theoretical differences of the given therapeutic approach. No negative impact or effect was described by the clients as a result of their experience of a moment of RD. The implications of the findings are highlighted and future research is suggested.

Att orka bära sitt öde : Hälsofrämjande copingstrategier hos personer som genomgått käkbensrekonstruktionefter komplikation till cancerbehandling / Coping to Carry One’s Fate : Health Promoting Coping Strategies in Reconstructed Patients due to Cancer Treatment Complication

Wallström, Aina January 2012 (has links)
Bakgrund: Osteoradionekros är en komplikation till strålbehandling mot huvud-hals-cancer. Personer som drabbasbehandlasiblandmed käkbensrekonstruktion.Mycket lite är känt om hur dessa personer hanterar sin situation. Syfte: Att öka och fördjupa kunskapen om vilka strategier som personer som genomgått käkbensrekonstruktionefter komplikation till cancerbehandling, använder för att hantera sin situation. Metod: Klassisk grounded theory användes vid analysen av 11 kvalitativa intervjuer, som utfördes medöppna frågorutifrån en temaguide.Konsekutivt och teoretiskt urval användes tills saturation uppnåddes.Syftet med metoden är att förutsäga och förklara det studerade fenomenet. Resultat:I analysen framkom kärnkategorin ”att orka bära sitt öde”.Personer som genomgått en käkbensrekonstruktion p.g.a. osteoradionekros använder huvudsakligen fyra strategier för att hantera sin situation. De tar de chanser de får;börjar om på nytt genom att ta en dag i sänder; skaffar sig ett nytt perspektiv på livet;och söker stöd hos andra i alla tillgängliga sfärer. Konklusion/Implikation:Ett ökat stöd behövs riktat till denna grupp av patienter. Att inom hälso-och sjukvården, lära ut dessa aktiva och hälsofrämjande copingstrategier, skulle kunna öka gruppens livskvalitet och empowermen / Background: Mandibular osteoradionecrosis is a complication of radiotherapy for head and neck cancer. Treatment of this condition sometimes involves mandibular reconstruction. Little is known about howpatients handle their situation after a mandibular reconstruction. Aim:This study aimed to increase and gaina deeper knowledge about coping strategies among mandibular reconstruction patients. Method: Classical grounded theory was used to analyze 11 open qualitative interviews with steoradionecrosis patients. Consecutive and theoretical sampling was performed until saturation. This method seeks to predict and explain the studied phenomena Results: Interview analysis revealeda core category “coping to carry one’s fate”. Patients, treated with mandibular reconstruction due to osteoradionecrosis, used four main active coping strategies. They take the chances they get; start over againtaking one day at a time; gain a new perspective on life; and seek support from other people in all available contexts. Conclusion:Patients with osteoradionecrosis need increased support. To increase quality of life and empowerment, health care settings could teach such patients these active health promoting coping strategies / <p>ISBN 978-91-86739-40-9</p>

O príncipe digital: estruturas de poder, liderança e hegemonia nas redes sociais / Digital Principe: Structures, leadership and hegemony in social networks

Maia, Maíra Carneiro Bittencourt 29 March 2016 (has links)
O conceito de \"Príncipe\" surgiu com Nicolau Maquiavel, no início do século XVI, para descrever o governante das monarquias e repúblicas. Em Antonio Gramsci, na metade do século XX, o lugar do Príncipe passou a ser ocupado pelo partido político, aparecendo assim o conceito de \"Moderno Príncipe\". Mais tarde, no fim do século XX, o pesquisador brasileiro Octavio Ianni revisita as duas obras e propõe o \"Príncipe Eletrônico\". Ele constatou que os meios de comunicação de massa passaram a exercer as funções sociais de Príncipe. Em Octávio Ianni, o rádio e, principalmente, a televisão são os lugares, por excelência, de poder, hegemonia e liderança, não sozinhos, mas com o suporte e apoio dos grandes grupos econômicos e políticos. O objetivo desta tese é levar adiante a teoria criada por Ianni e explorar a hipótese da existência de um novo Príncipe no século XXI, que chamamos de Príncipe Digital. Sem prejuízo do que foi descrito por Ianni, essa nova figura não é necessariamente um intelectual, não nasce das mídias tradicionais de massa (rádio e TV) e não se alinha direta e necessariamente com os grupos, econômicos e políticos, hegemônicos, mas é tão ou mais influente e eficaz. O conceito de Príncipe Digital, como variante da categoria criada por Ianni, ilumina a forma como, na era das redes digitais, estão estruturadas as categorias: poder, hegemonia e liderança, pilares de todos os modelos teóricos de príncipes existentes até então. Essa compreensão pode nos levar a entender melhor os fenômenos deste tempo, como as grandes manifestações sociais e os tipos de relações existente nas redes sociais. Para chegar a esse modelo teórico, este trabalho usou como aporte metodológico a Grounded Theory (GT). A GT possibilita uma perspectiva mais real sobre o fenômeno, pois a própria população envolvida aponta os dados, por meio de pesquisas empíricas de natureza quantitativa e qualitativa. Para essa parte empírica, esta pesquisa contou com análise de 74 manifestações sociais, 601 entrevistados e observações acerca de 354 Líderes de Opinião. Analisamos, teórica e empiricamente, manifestações populares que ocorreram no Brasil entre os anos de 2013 e 2015. Os questionários foram divididos em duas fases de aplicações, a primeira, na qual ficaram disponíveis entre março e junho de 2015 e, a segunda, no mês de agosto de 2015. Os principais autores que dão sustentação à tese são: Maquiavel, Gramsci e Ianni, pelas razões já expostas. Lazarsfeld e Toro, com reflexões sobre a recepção de ideias e a mobilização social; Glaser, Tarozzi e Charmaz, com o suporte metodológico da GT. Hardt, Negri e Castells, com argumentos teóricos sobre multidão, redes sociais, internet e processos de mobilização online. / The concept of \"Prince\" came up with Niccolo Machiavelli, in the early sixteenth century to describe the ruler of monarchies and republics. In Antonio Gramsci, the midtwentieth century, the place of the Prince was occupied by political party, thus appearing the concept of \"Modern Prince\". Later, in the late twentieth century, the Brazilian researcher Octavio Ianni revisits the two works and proposes the \"Electronic Prince.\" He found that the mass media took over the social functions of Prince. In Octavio Ianni, radio and especially television are the places par excellence, power, hegemony and leadership, not alone, but with the support and backing of major economic and political groups. The aim of this thesis is to carry forward the theory created by Ianni and explore the hypothesis of a new Prince in the twenty-first century, we call \"Digital Prince.\" Without prejudice to what has been described by Ianni, this new figure is not necessarily an intellectual, not born through the mass traditional media (radio and TV) and does not line up directly and necessarily to the groups, economic and political hegemony, but it is so or more influential and effective. Digital Prince of concept, as a variant of the category created by Ianni, illuminates the way that, in the era of digital networks, the categories are structured: power, hegemony and leadership, pillars of all existing theoretical models of Princes before. This understanding can lead us to better understand the phenomena of this time, as the major social manifestations and types of existing relationships on Social Networks. To get to that theoretical model, this work used as a methodological contribution to Grounded Theory (GT). The GT enables a more realistic perspective on the phenomenon, for the very people involved point data through empirical research of quantitative and qualitative nature. For this empirical part of this research involved analysis of 74 social demonstrations, 601 respondents and observations about 354 leaders of opinion. We analyze, theoretically and empirically, popular demonstrations that took place in Brazil between 2013 and 2015. The questionnaires were divided into two phases of applications, the first, which became available between March and June 2015 and the second, in august of 2015. The main authors that support the thesis are: Machiavelli, Gramsci and Ianni, the reasons given above. Lazarsfeld and Toro, with reflections on the reception of ideas and social mobilization. Glaser, Tarozzi and Charmaz, with the methodological support of the GT. Hardt, Negri and Castells with theoretical arguments about the crowd, social networking, internet and online mobilization processes.

Die schulwahlbezogene Wettbewerbssituation

Drope, Tilman 21 June 2019 (has links)
Wenn durch Politiken Familien zur ‚freien Schulwahl‘ einer spezifischen Einzelschule aufgefordert werden und Einzelschulen sich dafür als Optionen anzubieten haben, entstehen schulwahlbezogene Wettbewerbssituationen. Diese sind in einer Vielzahl internationaler Kontexte beobachtbar und gewinnen sowohl im Primar- als auch im Sekundarbereich in Deutschland an Bedeutung. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die schulwahlbezogene Wettbewerbssituation in einem von Armut geprägten Berliner Bezirk nach der zum Schuljahr 2010/11 erfolgten Berliner Schulstrukturreform untersucht und im Kontext einschlägiger deutschsprachiger und internationaler Forschung analysiert. Insgesamt lassen vielfältigen Forschungsergebnisse, die mit dem Phänomen schulwahlbezogener Wettbewerbssituationen in Verbindung zu bringen sind, daran zweifeln, dass die mit einer zunehmenden Wettbewerbsorientierung im Bereich schulischer Bildung verbundenen Hoffnungen auf Qualitätssteigerung und verbesserte Chancengleichheit erfüllt werden. Darauf deuten auch die Ergebnisse des in dieser Arbeit dargestellten ethnographischen Forschungsprojektes hin. Die Arbeit erweitert die bisher in Deutschland nur in sehr geringem Umfang vorliegenden qualitativ arbeitenden Fallstudien zu schulwahlbezogenen Wettbewerbssituationen um eine bisher noch fehlende, die Folgen einer aktuellen Schulstrukturreform in den Blick nehmende Studie. Mit dem in dieser Forschungsarbeit entwickelten Konzept der Passungs-Distanz-Konstruktion liegt der Fokus auf der Sozialität der Schulwahl. Das Konzept dient zur Analyse eines zentralen sozialen Mechanismus, der in der untersuchten schulwahlbezogenen Wettbewerbssituation in Berlin erkennbar ist und Anknüpfungspunkte bietet für weitere lokale Fallstudien und Analysen ähnlicher Schwerpunktsetzung. / When choice policies are used to encourage families to choose a specific school and individual schools have to offer themselves as options for this, school choice related competitive situations arise. These can be observed in a variety of international contexts and are now gaining importance in Germany both in primary and secondary education. This thesis examines the competitive situation of school choice in an underprivileged Berlin district following the 2010/11 Berlin school structure reform and analyses it in the context of relevant German language and international research. All in all, the diverse research results that can be associated with the phenomenon of competitive situations related to school choice raise doubts as to whether the educational policy objectives of improvement in quality and equal opportunities associated with an increased competitive orientation in the field of school education will be fulfilled. This is also indicated by the results of the ethnographic research project, the course and results of which were presented in this paper. This work augments the qualitative case studies on school choice related competitive situations that have so far been available in Germany to only a very limited extent, using the example of a Berlin district, to include a study in the most populous German city that has not previously been carried out and that focuses on the consequences of a current school structure reform. With the concept of the fit-distance construction developed on the basis of this example as a central social mechanism recognisable in the school choice related competitive situation under study, it also offers starting points for further local case studies and analysis of similar focal points.

Att skapa en psykolog : en studie om psykologers upplevelse av det praktiska tjänstgöringsåret med grundad teori som forskningsstrategi / To create a psychologist : a study about psychologist´s experience of the first year of practice with Grounded theory as research method

Jolsterå, Monica, Peimer, Cecilia January 2012 (has links)
Studien syftade till att undersöka hur psykologer upplever skapandet av sin profession under den praktiska tjänstgöringsperioden. Vi använde oss av grundad teori som kvalitativ metod för datainsamling och databearbetning. Vi intervjuade 14 psykologer och fann ett antal centrala teman som var återkommande i intervjuberättelserna. Dessa handlade om hur sociala interaktioner med omgivningen påverkade den egna processen i att bli psykolog. Datamaterialet genererade en teori som visar hur psykologen under PTP-året är en del i ett möte och interaktion med organisation, erfarenheter, utveckling och den egna individen. Dessutom framkom en processmodell som påvisade fem processer som samverkar under PTP-året. Dessa processer är reflektionsprocess, känsloprocess, yrkesrollprocess, lärandeprocess samt yrkesidentitetsprocess. Slutligen använde vi oss av respondentvalidering för att kvalitetssäkra de upptäckta fynden. / The aim of this study was to investigate how psychologists experience the creation of their profession during the first year of practice. We used “Grounded Theory” as research method. We interviewed 14 psychologists and found some central themes which were frequently described. The material from the interviews let us know that the social interaction with others had an effect on their own processes in becoming a psychologist. The material generated a theory that shows how the psychologist, during the first year of practice, is part in a meeting and an interaction with organization, experiences, professional development and the individual person. We also exposed a process model that revealed five processes that interact during the first year of practice. These processes were a reflection process, an emotional process, a professional role process, a learning process and a professional identity process. Finally, we used the quality assessment method of respondent validation to confirm the findings discovered.

Delaktighet i skolans vardagsarbete / Participation in the daily life in school

Elvstrand, Helene January 2009 (has links)
Avhandlingens syfte är att belysa hur delaktighet kan ta sig uttryck i skolans vardagspraktik med fokus på både social och politisk delaktighet. Utgångspunkt för studien är att delaktighet är något som görs mellan aktörerna, dvs. eleverna och pedagogerna i skolan. Förutom att studera hur delaktighet görs lyfts även elevers erfarenhet av delaktighet fram samt vilka möjligheter och hinder som finns för elevers delaktighet i skolans vardag. Studiens resultat bygger på en etnografisk studie med elever som går i år 4-5 i grundskolan. Datamaterialet består av fältanteckningar, intervjuer, teckningar och skriftliga berättelser från eleverna, vilka analyserats med hjälp av Grounded Theory. Studiens resultat visar att delaktighet görs ständigt i skolans vardagsarbete vilket innefattar processer av att få vara med i en gemenskap men också motverkas genom exempelvis exkludering. Från elevernas perspektiv är social delaktighet betydelsefull och en källa till trivsel och välbefinnande i skolan. Elevers möjlighet till politisk delaktighet är begränsad framförallt i relation till vad elever kan ha inflytande över men även utifrån vilka som är delaktiga. Då formen för politisk delaktighet framförallt sker genom att elever inflytandeförhandlar dvs. på olika individualiserade sätt tar sig inflytande, blir följden att vissa elever upplever stor delaktighet medan andra är utestängda från beslutsfattande. Studien visar också att elevers sociala och politiska delaktighet är sammanlänkade då elever som är delaktiga i en kamratgemenskap också har större möjlighet att göra sin röst hörd i klassrummet och utöva politisk delaktighet.

Tillitsfulle stemmer. : Unges møte med helsestasjonen / Trustful voices. : Youths meeting with health clinics for adolescents.

Jentoft, Greta January 2005 (has links)
Helsestasjon for ungdom er et av flere tiltak innenfor det lokale folkehelsearbeidet hvor det gis enmulighet til å styrke unges mestringsevne og helseatferd i ungdomstiden og senere i voksen alder.Ungdom er framtidens brukere av den generelle helsetjenesten. De erfaringer unge gjør i sine første møter med helsepersonell vil ha betydning for deres nåværende og senere bruk av helsetjenesten. Hensikten med denne studien var å få en bedre forståelse og innsikt i hva ungdom opplever i møtet og relasjonen med helsepersonell og helsestasjonen som system. Undersøkelsen gikk ut på å finne ut hvilke forventninger, erfaringer og opplevelser ungdom hadde til helsestasjonen i forhold til sine helsebehov. Datamaterialet er basert på intervju med ni ungdommer av begge kjønn i aldersgruppen 16-20 år rekruttert fra forskjellige helsestasjoner i Nordland og Troms fylke. Intervjuene i studien varsemistrukturerte slik at informantene hadde muligheter til å fortelle beretninger. Metoden Grounded Theory ble brukt som analytisk tilnærming. Resultatet av studien viste at unge opplever en umiddelbar tillit til personell og institusjonen helsestasjon for ungdom. Når så ungdom møtte helsepersonell med gode kommunikasjonsferdighetersom ivaretok deres behov for konfidensialitet og hadde tro på at unge er i stand til å gjøre gode helsevalg for seg selv, ga dette en sirkeleffektmed en fornyet eller bekreftet tillit til personell og institusjon. Tillit ble det sentrale analytiske fokuset i denne studien. Tillit er en forutsetning for å skape gode prosesser, der ungdom ikke bare ender opp med en mer tillitsfull relasjon tilhelsevesenet, men også med en større tillit til egneholdninger og vurderinger. Tillit inngår således som et sentralt element i en empowerment prosess hvor resultatet etter gode møter kunne blimestring og økt selvfølelse og selvtillit. I motsatt fall ble møter disempowering og førte til tillitssvekkelse og redusert bruk av helsetjenesten. Studien peker også på fenomenet tillitssmitte,hvor den enkelte ungdom bringer med seg erfaringer fra helsestasjonen ut i vennekretsen ogungdomsmiljøet. Ungdom overtar den enes erfaring som igjen blir til den andres forventning. Helsepersonell bør tilbysrelevante etterutdanningsprogram for å sikre en kunnskapsbasert praksis hvor noe av innholdet i slike etterutdanningsprogram bør være å øke kompetansen omkommunikasjonens betydning i møtet med ungdom. Det gjelder for fagpersonell å forstå tillitens ”natur”, hvordan den oppstår, vedlikeholdes, og hvor sårbar den kan være. Uten at denne grunnleggende tillit er til stede, vil en vanskelig kunne lykkes i folkehelsearbeidet. / Health clinics for adolescents are one of several services within the local public health. Such clinics may help adolescent to achieve control over the factors which affect their lives and their healthbehavior now and in the future. Adolescents are the next generation users of the general healthservices. The first experiences in their interactions with health professionals are of significanceregarding later use of health services. The purpose of this study was to increase our understanding of the relations between adolescents, health personnel and the health clinic as a system. The study tried to find out adolescentsexpectations, experiences and perception when theyattended the service. Data was collected from youth of both sexes between 16-20 years who called on adolescent health clinics in two counties in northern Norway. The interviews were semi-structured giving the informants the possibility to do narratives. The interviews were analyzed in the tradition of grounded theory. The results of the study showed that adolescents perceived spontaneous trust in the health clinics andhealth professionals. Effective communication skills, assuring confidentiality and confidence in the youth’s ability to make good decisions regarding their own health, generated renewed trust inprofessionals and the institution. Trust became the analytic focus in this study. Trust is a key elementin the empowerment process which may result in adolescents increased control and self-confidence.If not, it may have dis-empowering effects and thus lead to reduced trust and less use of health services. The study also points out the phenomena of trust as “catching”, as one adolescent brings hisand hers experiences to their group of friends. In this way, the perceptions of trust/mistrust fluctuatebetween and among the youth; one persons experience will be another’s expectation. Health professionals should be given access to relevant postgraduate courses in order to secureevidence based practice where the content of education should increase their attention aboutcommunication when they meet with young people in health services. Professionals have to understand the nature of trust, how it is generated, maintained and how easily it can be diminished. Without trust present, the public health work will suffer. / <p>ISBN 91-7997-098-2</p>

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