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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Eldre menn som omsorggivere til demente ektefeller. : En kvalitativ studie om menn som omsorgsgivere til ektefeller med diagnosen aldersdemens. / Elderly men as caregivers to wives diagnosed with Dementia. : A qualitative study of the Male Caregiver of Dementias Disease Victims

Knutsen, Håvard January 2006 (has links)
Ny statistikk viser økende forekomst av aldersdemens blant eldre. Menn utgjør en økende gruppe omsorgsgivere. Disse mennene har fått relativt liten forskningsmessig oppmerksomhet, det finnes en begrenset mengde litteratur tilgjengelig om menn som omsorgsgivere for ektefeller med aldersdemens. Der er derfor viktig å gi dette feltet forskningsmessig oppmerksomhet, blant annet for å kunne gi helsepersonell kunnskap om denne gruppen. Med økt innsikt i mennenes opplevelse av sin situasjon vil de kunne gis bedre følelsesmessig og praktisk assistanse i omsorgsarbeidet sitt. Det ble gjennomført en studie med fokus på ektefeller av menn med demente ektefeller ved bruk av Grounded Theory som metode. Studien ble basert på opplevelsene til ni menn, seks av dem hadde omsorg for hjemmeboende ektefelle, de tre andre hadde flerårige erfaringer med å ha dement ektefelle hjemme men hadde nå sine ektefeller i sykehjem og fulgte dem opp der. Data ble samlet gjennom dybdeintervjuer tatt opp på bånd. Intervjuene ble analysert ved bruk av Grounded Theory. Det ble funnet fem hovedkategorier, mestring, ensomhet, lojalitet, sorg og tap av felleskap med ektefelle / Recent statistics reveal a growth in the incident of Alzheimer disease and related dementia amongst elderly. Males make up an increasing group of caregivers, yet little attention has been given to them as that, there is limited literature available on husbands as caregivers for wives with the disease. Therefore, the need to conduct research in the area of male caregivers is essential if nurses and other help personnel are to understand and provide appropriate support and care for male caregivers. A qualitative study which focused on the experience of husbands who are home caregivers of wives diagnosed with dementia was conducted using Grounded Theory as research method. The study was based on the experience of nine husbands, six of them were caregiving for their wives at home at the time of the interview, the others had their wives in an institutional setting after years of home caregiving. Data collected during in-dept tape recorded interviews with the participants was analysed using Grounded Theory. Five major categories themes emerged from the participants stories, coping methods, loneliness, grief, loyalty and loss of fellowship in relationship. / <p>ISBN 91-7997-140-7</p>

Preventing ‘Pushing for Privileged Passage’: A study of a charter school working to step back from tracking

Johnston, Tina Louise 07 May 2012 (has links) (PDF)
One charter school’s path to tracking and pushing for privileged passage is examined. The school as it increased in size began to track students first by grade level and then by ability. Realizing that moving mathematics out of the main school program compromised the teaching ideals of the school and potentially student learning. The school has embarked on a program to create a place-based, integrated curriculum developed around mathematics so that mathematics can be reintroduced to multi-age classrooms. Examining the data in terms of trust, size and the behaviors of administrators, teachers and parents at this school in this process are highlighted.

GT4CCI: uma abordagem baseada em grounded theory para a identifica??o de interesses transversais em documentos de requisitos / GT4CCI: a grounded theory-based approach for the identification of crosscutting concerns in requirements documents

Sobral, Larissa de Alencar 05 February 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:48:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 LarissaAS_DISSERT.pdf: 2513975 bytes, checksum: c4af91c9ccb8a615b65c89426c2338d2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-02-05 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / When crosscutting concerns identification is performed from the beginning of development, on the activities involved in requirements engineering, there are many gains in terms of quality, cost and efficiency throughout the lifecycle of software development. This early identification supports the evolution of requirements, detects possible flaws in the requirements specification, improves traceability among requirements, provides better software modularity and prevents possible rework. However, despite these several advantages, the crosscutting concerns identification over requirements engineering faces several difficulties such as the lack of systematization and tools that support it. Furthermore, it is difficult to justify why some concerns are identified as crosscutting or not, since this identification is, most often, made without any methodology that systematizes and bases it. In this context, this paper proposes an approach based on Grounded Theory, called GT4CCI, for systematizing and basing the process of identifying crosscutting concerns in the initial stages of the software development process in the requirements document. Grounded Theory is a renowned methodology for qualitative analysis of data. Through the use of GT4CCI it is possible to better understand, track and document concerns, adding gains in terms of quality, reliability and modularity of the entire lifecycle of software / Quando a identifica??o de interesses transversais ? feita desde o princ?pio do processo de desenvolvimento de software, ainda nas atividades relacionadas ? Engenharia de Requisitos, muitos s?o os ganhos em termos de qualidade, custo e efici?ncia ao longo do ciclo de vida do software. Esta identifica??o precoce d? suporte ? evolu??o de requisitos, detecta poss?veis falhas na especifica??o de requisitos, melhora a rastreabilidade entre os requisitos, proporciona uma melhor modulariza??o de software e previne poss?veis retrabalhos. Entretanto, apesar de todas estas vantagens, a identifica??o de interesses enfrenta diversas dificuldades, tais como a falta de sistematiza??o e de ferramentas que a ofere?am um bom suporte. Al?m disto, ? dif?cil, muitas vezes, justificar as raz?es pelas quais alguns interesses s?o ou n?o considerados transversais, uma vez que esta identifica??o ?, na maioria das vezes, feita sem qualquer metodologia que a sistematize e a embase. Neste contexto, este trabalho prop?e uma abordagem baseada nos princ?pios da Grounded Theory, chamada GT4CCI, que sistematiza e embasa o processo de identifica??o de interesses transversais nas etapas mais iniciais do processo de desenvolvimento de software, utilizando o documento de requisitos como artefato para a identifica??o. Grounded Theory ? uma renomada metodologia para a an?lise qualitativa de dados. Atrav?s do uso da abordagem GT4CCI ? poss?vel melhor compreender, rastrear e documentar interesses, adicionando assim ganhos em termos de qualidade, confiabilidade e modulariza??o ? todo o ciclo de vida do software

Le management informationnel dans l'action publique d'urbanisation : dispositifs communicationnels des modèles français et d'Afrique francophone / Public informational management in action urbanization : communicational devices of French models and francophone Africa

Rifoe, Patrick Philippe 13 October 2014 (has links)
Le présent projet s'applique à problématiser la question des dispositifs par lesquels les politiques d'urbanisation voient le jour en France et dans les pays d'Afrique francophone.cette porte d'entrée permet d'aborder la production des politiques publiques dans les différents acteurs qui interagissent, mais également pose la question de la participation du citoyen dans un contexte marqué par la montée en généralité de l'impératif délibératif au mitan duquel les politiques publiques se légitiment aujourd'hui. en filigrane de ce questionnements, les mécanismes des différents dispositifs sont passés au cribles de la comparaison,à savoir; l'écologie des acteurs, les forces en présence et les fluctuations auxquelles elles sont soumises dans le déroulé de l'action,les médiations que produisent ces politiques ainsi que celles qui fluidifient les dispositifs énonciatifs,et les lieux à travers objets et interactions prennent place. / This thesis of doctorate is about the communication in the urban projects. She is found on the international diffusion of the project logic as norm to make and to arrange the city. Diffusion that drive us to examine the communicational practice that the project allow. The norm project, today shared, does it imply some similarity in terms of communication? In a multipartenarial context, how does he organize the meeting apparatus? Until what point does to make the city imply him the involvement of the inhabitants? What are the issues of the communication that go with project? Two fields have been mobilized in a comparative perspective; the urban shutter of the Contract Getting out of Debt Contract Development (C2D) of Douala and the Big Urban Project (GPU) of Lille. 33 interviews, non participant observation, working papers and a significant corpus of press served to support a conceptual armature resting on the notions of apparatus and communication activity. The main results show a strong salience of communicational dissimilarity in the studied projects. These differences must be put in perspective with specific institutional contexts. Indeed, the communication in the C2D of Douala is minimal, implemented by internal actors to the Urban Community of Douala, but external to the team of project. In the case of the GPU, the implementation of the communication leans on outside operators to the project team, although the communicational activity is drived by the members of the aforesaid team. The place of the inhabitants deal to see a minimal involvement of the Douala casa whereas. In the Big Urban Project of Lille, we see an active continuum of the simple consultation to the coproduction of some facilities. Finally the accompaniment communication includes a strongsymbolic dimension in Lille whereas in Douala, it limits herself to evenementialisation who deserve of the Government Delegate close to the Douala Urban City Council.

Strategic leadership effectiveness in ERP implementation projects : A Qualitative Study using Multi-Grounded Theory Approach

Parrotto, Roberto, Kim, Joel January 2018 (has links)
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is a software solution which offers the opportunity to strengthen the company's effectiveness, integrating the business processes across functional areas. In order to obtain the expected benefit, a successful implementation of the ERP project is crucial.  The aim of this thesis is to understand which different leadership styles can be applied during the ERP implementation phase, how they influence the overall project outcome and what leadership style can lead to the successful overall project outcome. The research covers following questions. To begin we will study ​which different leadership styles are applied in ERP implementation projects and study the leader’s trait &amp; behavior through the project implementation process. ​Afterwards we will study how significant the leadership style is to achieve a successful overall project outcome and which style better suits the general context of an ERP implementation project.  Survey questions were prepared either to project managers with experience in ERP implementation projects within their company or managers working for consultancy service firms. Concepts from multi-grounded theory i.e. open-, axial- and selective coding for empirical grounding are used as a methodological approach in the thesis. After the empirical and theoretical analysis, the conclusion we could draw was that the task structure and demand for the given situation, in which different type of team members are involved, is determining the factors to achieve the leadership effectiveness and consequently it is considered to be the major element determining the leadership style to be applied during the project.

O príncipe digital: estruturas de poder, liderança e hegemonia nas redes sociais / Digital Principe: Structures, leadership and hegemony in social networks

Maíra Carneiro Bittencourt Maia 29 March 2016 (has links)
O conceito de \"Príncipe\" surgiu com Nicolau Maquiavel, no início do século XVI, para descrever o governante das monarquias e repúblicas. Em Antonio Gramsci, na metade do século XX, o lugar do Príncipe passou a ser ocupado pelo partido político, aparecendo assim o conceito de \"Moderno Príncipe\". Mais tarde, no fim do século XX, o pesquisador brasileiro Octavio Ianni revisita as duas obras e propõe o \"Príncipe Eletrônico\". Ele constatou que os meios de comunicação de massa passaram a exercer as funções sociais de Príncipe. Em Octávio Ianni, o rádio e, principalmente, a televisão são os lugares, por excelência, de poder, hegemonia e liderança, não sozinhos, mas com o suporte e apoio dos grandes grupos econômicos e políticos. O objetivo desta tese é levar adiante a teoria criada por Ianni e explorar a hipótese da existência de um novo Príncipe no século XXI, que chamamos de Príncipe Digital. Sem prejuízo do que foi descrito por Ianni, essa nova figura não é necessariamente um intelectual, não nasce das mídias tradicionais de massa (rádio e TV) e não se alinha direta e necessariamente com os grupos, econômicos e políticos, hegemônicos, mas é tão ou mais influente e eficaz. O conceito de Príncipe Digital, como variante da categoria criada por Ianni, ilumina a forma como, na era das redes digitais, estão estruturadas as categorias: poder, hegemonia e liderança, pilares de todos os modelos teóricos de príncipes existentes até então. Essa compreensão pode nos levar a entender melhor os fenômenos deste tempo, como as grandes manifestações sociais e os tipos de relações existente nas redes sociais. Para chegar a esse modelo teórico, este trabalho usou como aporte metodológico a Grounded Theory (GT). A GT possibilita uma perspectiva mais real sobre o fenômeno, pois a própria população envolvida aponta os dados, por meio de pesquisas empíricas de natureza quantitativa e qualitativa. Para essa parte empírica, esta pesquisa contou com análise de 74 manifestações sociais, 601 entrevistados e observações acerca de 354 Líderes de Opinião. Analisamos, teórica e empiricamente, manifestações populares que ocorreram no Brasil entre os anos de 2013 e 2015. Os questionários foram divididos em duas fases de aplicações, a primeira, na qual ficaram disponíveis entre março e junho de 2015 e, a segunda, no mês de agosto de 2015. Os principais autores que dão sustentação à tese são: Maquiavel, Gramsci e Ianni, pelas razões já expostas. Lazarsfeld e Toro, com reflexões sobre a recepção de ideias e a mobilização social; Glaser, Tarozzi e Charmaz, com o suporte metodológico da GT. Hardt, Negri e Castells, com argumentos teóricos sobre multidão, redes sociais, internet e processos de mobilização online. / The concept of \"Prince\" came up with Niccolo Machiavelli, in the early sixteenth century to describe the ruler of monarchies and republics. In Antonio Gramsci, the midtwentieth century, the place of the Prince was occupied by political party, thus appearing the concept of \"Modern Prince\". Later, in the late twentieth century, the Brazilian researcher Octavio Ianni revisits the two works and proposes the \"Electronic Prince.\" He found that the mass media took over the social functions of Prince. In Octavio Ianni, radio and especially television are the places par excellence, power, hegemony and leadership, not alone, but with the support and backing of major economic and political groups. The aim of this thesis is to carry forward the theory created by Ianni and explore the hypothesis of a new Prince in the twenty-first century, we call \"Digital Prince.\" Without prejudice to what has been described by Ianni, this new figure is not necessarily an intellectual, not born through the mass traditional media (radio and TV) and does not line up directly and necessarily to the groups, economic and political hegemony, but it is so or more influential and effective. Digital Prince of concept, as a variant of the category created by Ianni, illuminates the way that, in the era of digital networks, the categories are structured: power, hegemony and leadership, pillars of all existing theoretical models of Princes before. This understanding can lead us to better understand the phenomena of this time, as the major social manifestations and types of existing relationships on Social Networks. To get to that theoretical model, this work used as a methodological contribution to Grounded Theory (GT). The GT enables a more realistic perspective on the phenomenon, for the very people involved point data through empirical research of quantitative and qualitative nature. For this empirical part of this research involved analysis of 74 social demonstrations, 601 respondents and observations about 354 leaders of opinion. We analyze, theoretically and empirically, popular demonstrations that took place in Brazil between 2013 and 2015. The questionnaires were divided into two phases of applications, the first, which became available between March and June 2015 and the second, in august of 2015. The main authors that support the thesis are: Machiavelli, Gramsci and Ianni, the reasons given above. Lazarsfeld and Toro, with reflections on the reception of ideas and social mobilization. Glaser, Tarozzi and Charmaz, with the methodological support of the GT. Hardt, Negri and Castells with theoretical arguments about the crowd, social networking, internet and online mobilization processes.

Como os empresários lidam com os dilemas de dignidade na gestão das empresas

Silva, Marco Andre Ferreira da 23 February 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:30:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Marco Andre Ferreira da Silva.pdf: 2126669 bytes, checksum: 77dc16dc11e2f32f85ba70976f12b2b8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-02-23 / Fundo Mackenzie de Pesquisa / The society claims for a kind of organization that does not aim only for revenues without pay attention in costs involved. Ethic is important subject for business and organizations, some authors say that ethic and business could not be related issues,and other authors say that we can not separate ethic from business. This research consider the subjective aspects and focus on businessmen entrepeneur and their interactions with stakeholders, considering the social complexity within business.The research problem is how the businessmen entrepeneur deal with dilemmas of dignity in the organization management. This research utilizes the grounded theory procedures. The data has been collected based on interviews with nine businessmen entrepeneur of established companies and has been analyzed in NVIVO 8. The central category emerged from the data was named Prioritazion of Symbolic Rewards.The businessmen entrepeneur who has presented sensitivity to moral dilemmas, prioritize symbolic rewards, the characteristics are: social prestige,personal satisfaction, personal power, and professional recognition, building a dignity enterprise and strategies to treat dilemmas that affects the stakeholder dignity. The executives that have presented sensitivity to operational dilemmas, Prioritize Financial Rewards, aiming to improve the family way of living, building companies that prioritize revenues based on company operational focus. / A sociedade nos dias de hoje demanda das empresas um comportamento que não esteja exclusivamente voltado para maximização dos lucros a qualquer custo. A ética é um tema que tem permeado as questões dos negócios. Para alguns autores,ética e negócios não se misturam (tese da separação), para outros não existe separação entre ética e negócios. Esta pesquisa considera os aspectos subjetivos e põe foco nos empresários empreendedores e suas interações com stakeholders,considerando a complexidade social em que os negócios se realizam. Neste sentido, consideramos a seguinte questão de pesquisa: como os empresários lidam com dilemas de dignidade na gestão das empresas? O objetivo é compreender como os empresários lidam com dilemas da dignidade na gestão das empresas. A investigação foi conduzida a partir dos procedimentos metodológicos da Teoria Fundamentada nos Dados. Os dados foram coletados baseados em entrevistas com nove empresários considerados empreendedores de empresas estabelecidas analisadas com o apoio do software NVIVO 8. A categoria central que emergiu dos dados foi nomeada como Recompensas do Empreender. Os empresários que apresentaram sensibilidade aos dilemas morais Priorizam Recompensas Simbólicas caracterizadas por prestígio social, satisfação pessoal, exercício do poder pessoal e reconhecimento profissional. Para tal propósito, buscam construir Empresas Dignas e estabelecem estratégias para lidar com dilemas que afetam a dignidade dos stakeholders. Por outro lado, empresários que demonstraram sensibilidade para o dilemas operacionais Priorizam Recompensas Financeiras, buscando com isso a melhoria do padrão de vida familiar e, portanto, construindo empresas lucrativas baseados em ajustes da operação da empresa.

Sairaanhoidon opiskelijoiden hoitotyön näkemyksen muotoutuminen sairaanhoitajakoulutuksen aikana

Sarajärvi, A. (Anneli) 23 May 2002 (has links)
Abstract The purpose of this longitudinal study is to describe how nursing students' conceptions of nursing are developed during their studies and to explore the related factors. Another purpose is to create a model to describe the formation of the students' conceptions of nursing. The data for the study were collected in the years 1993-1998 from two groups of students (n=35) at an early, mid and advanced stage of their studies. Data collection for the first group (n=18) was started in 1993, and for the second group (n=17) in 1994. At all three stages, the material consisted of essays, written by the students during a practical training period, and of the students' personal interviews. The material of the first stage was analysed by means of the continuous comparison method according to the grounded theory approach. The concept system produced by this analysis was used to form a framework for classification, involving the nursing interventions that described the students' conceptions of nursing. After this, the material of the first stage was classified by deductive content analysis with the help of the framework created. The data of the second and third stage were also classified with the help of the same framework, and analysed by deductive content analysis. Finally, at all three stages, the material was quantified as regards the nursing interventions describing the students' conceptions of nursing. On the basis of what guides the students and what their relationship to nursing is, it is possible to discern three different approaches; these were named as normative, independent, and collaborative. At the early stage of their education, the students' conception of nursing is holistic and starts from the patients' needs. Helping, guiding, supporting and collaborating are equally emphasised. The students are equally guided by the ward rules and norms, the knowledge foundation of nursing, their personal, internal conceptions and the mutual agreement on the nursing aims. With the progress of their education, the ward rules and norms became the most important guidelines and nursing actions are directed towards meeting the patients' basic physical needs. Hierarchical responsibilities and authoritarian decision-making are emphasised. The clinical nurse tutor is the student's role model in nursing. The polytechnic teacher is seen as one who reflects on the theory and practice. The results are useful in the development of nursing didactics and curricula. The knowledge gained helps support the students' learning process and develop co-cooperation between nursing students, educators and practice. / Tiivistelmä Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on kuvata pitkittäistutkimuksena sairaanhoidon opiskelijoiden hoitotyön näkemyksen muotoutumista ja siihen yhteydessä olevia tekijöitä sairaanhoitajakoulutuksen eri vaiheissa. Lisäksi tarkoituksena on tuottaa opiskelijoiden hoitotyön näkemyksen muotoutumista kuvaileva malli. Tutkimusaineisto on kerätty kahdelta sairaanhoidon opiskelijaryhmältä (n=35) vuosina 1993-1998 koulutuksen alkuvaiheessa, koulutuksen puolessavälissä sekä koulutuksen loppuvaiheessa. Ensimmäisen ryhmän (n=18) aineistonkeruu aloitettiin vuonna 1993 ja toisen ryhmän (n=17) aineistonkeruu vuonna 1994. Aineisto koostui kaikissa kolmessa vaiheessa opiskelijoiden käytännön harjoittelujakson aikana kirjoittamista esseistä ja heidän henkilökohtaisista haastatteluistaan. Tutkimuksen ensimmäisen vaiheen aineisto analysoitiin jatkuvan vertailun menetelmällä. Aineiston ensimmäisen vaiheen analyysistä tuotetusta käsitejärjestelmästä muodostettiin luokittelurunko hoitotyön näkemystä kuvaavista auttamismenetelmistä. Tämän jälkeen ensimmäisen vaiheen aineisto luokiteltiin deduktiivisella sisällönanalyysillä käyttäen apuna jatkuvan vertailun analyysimenetelmällä muodostettua luokittelurunkoa. Samaa luokittelurunkoa apuna käyttäen luokiteltiin myös toisen ja kolmannen vaiheen aineisto ja analysoitiin deduktiivisella sisällönanalyysillä. Lisäksi kaikissa kolmessa vaiheessa aineisto kvantifioitiin hoitotyön näkemystä kuvaavien auttamismenetelmien osalta. Tutkimuksen tulosten mukaan hoitotyön näkemys muotoutui hoitotyön auttamismenetelmistä ja niihin yhteydessä olevista tekijöistä.. Hoitotyössä oli tunnistettavissa kolme erilaista hoitotyön toimintamuotoa, sen mukaan, mikä ohjasi opiskelijan toimintaa ja mikä oli opiskelijan suhde hoitotyöhön. Nämä nimettiin normatiiviseksi, itsenäiseksi tai yhteistoiminnalliseksi hoitotyöksi. Koulutuksen alkuvaiheessa opiskelijoiden hoitotyön näkemys perustui potilaan tarpeista lähtevään hoitotyöhön. Auttamista, ohjausta ja tukemista sekä yhteistoimintaa kuvaavia auttamismenetelmiä esiintyi tasapuolisesti. Hoitotyötä ohjasivat tasapuolisesti osaston säännöt ja normit, hoitotyön tietoperusta ja oma sisäinen näkemys hoitotyöstä sekä yhteisymmärrys potilaan hoitotyön tavoitteista. Koulutuksen edetessä opiskelijoiden hoitotyötä ohjasivat pääosin osaston säännöt ja normit ja hoitotyö kohdistui potilaan päivittäisistä fyysisistä tarpeista huolehtimiseen. Hoitotyössä korostui hierarkkinen vastuu ja autoritäärinen päätöksenteko. Tuloksista saatua tietoa voidaan hyödyntää opetussuunnitelmien kehittämiseen, opiskelijoiden oppimisprosessin tukemiseen sekä kehitettäessä yhteistyötä opiskelijoiden, opettajien ja käytännön hoitotyön tekijöiden kanssa opiskelijoiden ohjauksessa ja tukemisessa.

The many facets of an inter-organisational information system project as perceived by the actors

Hekkala, R. (Riitta) 18 January 2011 (has links)
Abstract This interpretative grounded theory study describes and analyses the actual lived experiences of project members who worked in a three year long inter-organisational information system (IOIS) project. The IOIS project was a Nordic project which spanned four user organisations (Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Delta), two suppliers (Eta and Zeta), two national organisations (Lambda and Kappa), a research organisation (Epsilon) and a Ministry who funded the project. The project was carried out between 2004 and 2006. The data was elicited by means of in-depth interviews (narrative stories), observations of project meetings, diaries, project memoranda and emails sent by project members to each other during these years. Other secondary data (the data from previous projects) was also analysed. Feelings and emotions as a research object are acknowledged to be a very demanding research area. The terms ‘feelings’ and ‘emotions’ are partly used interchangeably in this study, though these concepts are also partly distinguished in this study: feeling is what is felt, and emotion is what is shown; feeling is classified as a subjective experience whereas emotion involves emotional performance where social conventions have a significant role. The Glaserian grounded theory method was used as the technique for theory building. Three core categories were identified: Governance, Power and Emotions. There were also relationships between categories: Governance contributed to issues related to Power which in turn impacted on Emotions and vice versa. The categories not only defined the nature of the core theme but also formed a connection between themselves. The emergent category Emotions demonstrates that emotions influence structure and that emotions are intimately linked to social structures of power, and shows that ‘inequality’ is an essential part of that theme. This study shows that emotions have a remarkable role in the work of an IOIS, and that they have an affect on decisions. The study also finds that feelings and emotions are the basis of action (Power), and that emotions easily trump the intellect. At a higher level of abstraction, the scaling up process produced one core theme: Emotions of Control, and this study builds a substantive theory of Emotions of Control. / Tiivistelmä Tämä tulkitseva grounded teoria tutkimus kuvaa ja analysoi kolmivuotisen, organisaatioiden välisen tietojärjestelmäprojektin jäsenten kokemuksia tietojärjestelmäprojektista. Organisaatioiden välinen tietojärjestelmäprojekti oli Pohjoismainen hanke, joka koostui neljästä käyttäjäorganisaatiosta (Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta), kahdesta toimittajasta (Eta, Zeta), kahdesta kansallisesta organisaatiosta (Lambda, Kappa), tutkimusorganisaatiosta (Epsilon) ja ministeriöstä, joka rahoitti projektin. Projekti toteutui vuosina 2004 – 2006. Aineisto saatiin syvähaastatteluiden (narratiiviset tarinat), projektitapaamisten havainnoimisen, päiväkirjojen, projektimuistioiden ja projektijäsenten toisille lähettämien sähköpostien avulla. Toissijaista aineistoa (aineistoa edellisistä projekteista) analysoitiin myös. Tunnetilat ja emootiot tutkimuskohteena on tunnistettu hyvin vaativaksi tutkimusalueeksi. Englanninkielisiä termejä ’feelings’ ja ’emotions’ on osittain käytetty keskenään vaihtokelpoisina käsitteinä ja osittain toisistaan erotettuina tässä tutkimuksessa. Termi ’feeling’ kuvaa enemmän, mitä tunnetaan, ja termi ’emotion’ puolestaan, mitä näytetään. Termi ’feeling’ on täten enemmän henkilökohtainen kokemus, kun termi ’emotion’ käsittää enemmän tunteiden näyttämistä. Sosiaalisilla sopimuksilla on merkittävä rooli tunteiden näyttämisessä. Glaserilainen grounded teoria menetelmää hyödynnettiin teorian muodostuksen menetelmänä. Tutkimuksessa identifioitiin kolme pääkategoriaa: hallinto, valta ja tunteet. Kategorioiden välillä ilmeni suhteita: hallinto vaikutti valtaan, valta vuorostaan vaikutti tunteisiin ja päinvastoin. Kategoriat eivät ainoastaan määrittäneet ydinteeman luonnetta, vaan muodostivat yhteyden keskenään. Tunnekategoria osoittaa, että tunteet vaikuttivat projektin rakenteeseen, ja että tunteet ovat läheisesti yhteydessä myös vallan sosiaalisiin rakenteisiin. Tutkimus osoittaa, että tunteilla on merkittävä rooli organisaatioiden välisen tietojärjestelmäprojektin työskentelyssä, ja että tunteet vaikuttavat päätöksenteossa. Tutkimus osoittaa myös, että tunteet ovat toiminnan perustana, ja että tunteet vievät helposti voiton järjeltä. Korkeamman tason käsitteellistäminen tuotti yhden pääteeman, kontrollin tunteet, ja tämä tutkimus rakentaa teemasta substantiivisen teorian.

Synnytyksen jälkeinen masennus—salpautunut ilo:naisten lapsivuodeajan kokemusten salutogeeninen tarkastelu

Ylilehto, H. (Hannele) 12 August 2005 (has links)
Abstract According to the literature, postpartum depression affects 10–15% of all mothers giving birth. The purpose of this study is to examine the time after a child is born in the everyday life of a family from the salutogenic perspective. The target group of the 'Lapsiperhe 1992' survey were the married and cohabiting couples living in the region of the city of Oulu who were expecting their first child and had the due date between 1 February 1992 and 31 January 1993. The study evaluated the mood of the mothers quantitatively using the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) during pregnancy and after childbirth. The relationships of the couples were studied using parts of Spaniers's (1976) Dyadic Adjustment Scale (DAS) and part of Bienvenu's Marital Communication Inventory that were combined to form a relationship questionnaire. Altogether 85% of the mothers (n = 558) participated in the study before giving birth and 74% (n = 487) after childbirth. As many as 472 of those who answered both questionnaires (n = 475) also filled in the EPDS questionnaire. Altogether 10.4% (n = 58) exceeded the cut-off point of 13 points, according to the EPDS, during pregnancy and 8.3% (n = 39) after childbirth. The questionnaire on moods during pregnancy and perception of the relationship were analysed by means of cross-tabulation for those subjects who answered both the questionnaire on moods and the relationship questionnaire (n = 461). In this study, the questionnaire on moods was divided into two categories, EPDS ≤ 12 and EPDS ≥13, similar to the relationship questionnaire &lt; 70 (n = 43, 9.3%) and relationship questionnaire ≥ 70 (n = 418, 90.7%). If the relationship was considered bad (&lt; 70) the risk of developing depression during pregnancy was 4.7 times higher (RR = 4.7, 95% confidence interval 2.8–8), and after childbirth 5.5 times higher (RR = 5.5, 95% confidence interval 3.1–9.6). The qualitative section of the study identifies the resources for recovery used by the subjects. A focused interview was carried out with 29 mothers during their maternity leave, 3–10 months after childbirth. The subjects for the interview were selected on the basis of the EPDS questionnaire and they formed three groups: EPDS ≤ 5 (n = 13), EPDS ≥ 13 (n = 13) and others (n = 3). The method of analysis used was the grounded theory method. Many of those who had exceeded the cut-off point felt they had suffered from passing melancholy or they had problems in their marital relationship. Those who suffered from severe depression also had coping methods. The most important coping methods were seeking social support, taking distance, physical exercise, relaxation by reading, cognitive methods, religion and humour. The support given by one's husband or significant other played an essential role in recovery. It is important to make a difference between depression diagnosed using the EPDS and clinically diagnosed depression, in order to avoid medicalisation. / Tiivistelmä Aikaisemman tutkimuksen mukaan synnytyksen jälkeinen masennus koskettaa 10–15 % kaikista synnyttäjistä. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tutkia salutogeenisestä näkökulmasta lapsen syntymän jälkeistä aikaa perheen arkielämässä. Kohdeväestönä Lapsiperhe 1992 -tutkimuksessa olivat ne avio- ja avoparit Oulun kaupungin alueella, jotka odottivat ensimmäistä lastaan ja joiden laskettu aika oli 1.2.1992–31.1.1993. Tutkimuksessa arvioitiin kvantitatiivisesti äitien mielialaa käyttäen EPDS-kyselyä (Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale) odotusaikana ja synnytyksen jälkeen. Parisuhdetta tutkittiin käyttäen osaa Spanierin (1976) kehittämästä kyselystä (Dyadic Adjustment Scale, DAS) sekä osaa Bienvenun aviopuolisoitten vuorovaikutuskyselystä, joista muodostettiin parisuhdekysely. Tutkimukseen osallistui 85 % äideistä (n = 558 ) ennen synnytystä ja 74 % (n = 487) synnytyksen jälkeen. Molempiin kyselyihin vastanneista (n = 475) EPDS-kysely oli täytetty 472:lla. 10,4 % (n = 58) ylitti katkaisupistemäärän 13 pistettä EPDS-mittarin mukaan raskausaikana, ja 8,3 % (n = 39) synnytyksen jälkeen. Mielialakyselyä odotusaikana ja koettua parisuhdetta on analysoitu ristiintaulukoinnin avulla niiltä vastaajilta, jotka olivat vastanneet sekä mielialakyselyyn että parisuhdekyselyyn (n = 461). Tässä tarkastelussa mielialakysely on jaettu kahteen luokkaan, EPDS ≤ 12 ja EPDS ≥ 13, samoin kuin parisuhdekysely &lt; 70 (n = 43, 9,3 %) ja parisuhdekysely ≥ 70. (n = 418, 90,7 %). Koetun parisuhteen ollessa huono (&lt;  70) riski masentuneisuuden kehittymiselle odotusaikana on 4,7-kertainen (RR = 4,7, 95 %:n luottamusväli 2,8–8), ja synnytyksen jälkeen 5,5-kertainen (RR = 5,5, 95 %:n luottamusväli 3,1–9,6). Laadullisessa osassa kartoitettiin tutkittavien toipumisen resursseja. 29 äidille tehtiin teemahaastattelu äitiysloman aikana 3–10 kuukautta synnytyksen jälkeen. Haastateltavat valittiin EPDS-kyselyn perusteella muodostaen kolme ryhmää: EPDS ≤ 5 (n = 13), EPDS ≥ 13 (n = 13) ja muut (n = 3). Analyysimenetelmänä oli grounded teoria -menetelmä. Monet kynnyspisteen ylittäneet kokivat itse kärsineensä ohimenevästä alakuloisuudesta tai heillä oli parisuhdeongelmia. Myös niillä, jotka kärsivät vakavasta masennustilasta, oli käytössään coping-keinoja. Tärkeimmät coping- keinot olivat sosiaalisen tuen hakeminen, etäisyydenotto, liikuntaharrastus, rentoutuminen lukemalla, kognitiiviset keinot, uskonnollisuus ja huumori. Puolison tuki oli oleellinen tekijä toipumisessa. Medikalisaation välttämiseksi on tärkeää tehdä ero EPDS-mittarilla todetun masentuneisuuden ja kliinisesti todetun depression välillä.

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