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United We Stand: Social Justice for All: A Study of Social Justice and Power Through a Bona Fide Group PerspectiveChampion-Shaw, Charmayne 14 June 2011 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / "In an increasingly abrasive and polarized American society, a greater commitment to social justice can play a construcive role in helping people develop a more sophisticated understanding of diversity and social group interaction, more critically evaluate oppressive social patterns and institutions, and work more democratically with diverse others to create just and inclusive practices and social structures." The importance of social justice is to "help people identify and analyze dehumanizing sociopolitical processes, reflect on their own positions in relation to these processes so as to consider the consequences of oppressive socialization intheir loives, and think proactively about alternate actions given this analysis. The goal of social justice education is to enable people to develop critical analytical tools necessary to understand oppression and their own socialization within oppressive systems, and to develop a sense of agency and capacity to interrupt and chnge oppressive patterns and behaviors in themselves and in the institutions and communitites of which they are a part" (Adams, Bell and Griffin, 1997). Utilizing bona fide group perspective during an ethnographic study of a student group, this study examines how an individual's perception of their self-constructed and group identity(ies) are manifested through social justice behavior - as memebers of a group whose purpose is to engage in social justice.
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Invigorate a vital part of the digital world: designing play activities with digital animalsZhou, Heran 10 November 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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The role of cultural differences in group formation in a public organisation’s work environment : A qualitative study based of the cleaning service industry in the public sectorIr, Magdalena January 2023 (has links)
Abstract Background Demographic changes pose a challenge to the labour market as to how to wisely and effectively implement a diversity management policy. As the Statistics Sweden (n.d.) statistics for 2021 show, just over 90 000 people migrated to Sweden. The migration of people from different cultures to Sweden on such a scale brings with it a high demand for work. The new workforce in the labour market is created by many groups of different cultures. Therefore, it is worth increasing the interest in deepening knowledge in the field of the role of cultural differences in group formation. Purpose This research purpose is to explore the role of cultural differences in group formation in a public organisation’s work environment. Method The study is based on a qualitative approach. The study was conducted in the environment of eight managers working in the cleaning industry in the public sector. The qualitative method chosen for this study is face-to-face interviews with respondents. Result The cleaning industry has a high rate of diversity in its work environment. This is related to the clash of cultural differences in the work environment. Cultural differences and language barriers lead to the emergence of conflicts in the work environment. Conclusions Cultural differences in the workplace can lead to misunderstandings and doubts. The consequence of this may be disruptions in communication in the work environment, which in turn may affect the process of group formation. In a well-managed organisation, cultural differences might have a positive impact on the work environment. They enrich the organisational culture and foster understanding and tolerance. So far, the standardisation of behaviour of people from a given culture did not take into account individual factors that may affect individual behaviour despite the same beliefs and habits. This study shows the benefits of developing a cross-cultural management approach with the participation of individuals. Modern solutions for managing cultural differences should take into account diversity, interculturality, and individuality. / Sammanfattning Bakgrund Demografiska förändringar innebär utmaningar för arbetsmarknaden när det gäller hur man implementerar mångfaldshanteringspolitik på ett effektivt sätt. Enligt statistik från Statistiska centralbyrån (n.d.) för 2021 invandrade cirka 90 000 personer till Sverige. Ett så stort antal människor med olika kulturell bakgrund som invandrar till Sverige ger en stor efterfrågan på jobb. Den nya arbetskraften på arbetsmarknaden skapas av många grupper av olika kulturer. Därför är det värt att öka intresset för att fördjupa förståelsen för domänen av kulturskillnadernas roll i gruppbildning. Syfte Syftet med denna studie är att utforska vilken roll kulturella skillnader spelar i gruppbildning i en offentlig organisatoriska arbetsmiljö. Metod Studien bygger på ett kvalitativt förhållningssätt. Studien genomfördes i miljön för åtta chefer som arbetar inom städbranschen i den statliga sektorn. Den kvalitativa metod som valts för denna studie är intervjuer ansikte mot ansikte med respondenter. Resultat Städbranschen har en hög grad av mångfald i sin arbetsmiljö. Detta är relaterat till krocken mellan kulturella skillnader i arbetsmiljön. Kulturella skillnader och språkbarriärer leder till att konflikter uppstår i arbetsmiljön. Slutsatser Kulturella skillnader på arbetsplatsen kan leda till missförstånd och tvivel. Konsekvensen av detta kan bli störningar i kommunikationen i arbetsmiljön, vilket i sin tur kan påverka gruppbildningsprocessen. I en välskött organisation kan kulturella skillnader ha en positiv inverkan på arbetsmiljön. De berikar organisationskulturen och främjar förståelse och tolerans. Hittills har standardiseringen av beteenden hos människor från en given kultur inte tagit hänsyn till individuella faktorer som kan påverka individuella beteenden trots samma övertygelser och vanor. Denna studie visar fördelarna med att utveckla ett tvärkulturellt förvaltningssätt med deltagande av individer. Moderna lösningar för att hantera kulturella skillnader bör ta hänsyn till mångfald, interkulturalitet och individualitet.
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Formação de grupos em ambientes cscl utilizando traços de personalidade associados às teorias de aprendizagem colaborativa / Group Formation in CSCL Environment using Personality Traits associated with Collaborative Learning TheoriesReis, Rachel Carlos Duque 26 February 2019 (has links)
A Aprendizagem Colaborativa com Suporte Computacional (CSCL) é uma área de pesquisa que investiga como a tecnologia pode ser usada para apoiar a interação e a colaboração nas atividades realizadas em grupo, promovendo a construção do conhecimento individual e coletivo dos seus participantes. Um dos desafios desse campo de pesquisa refere-se à formação de grupos de aprendizagem efetivos. Esses grupos são caracterizados pela sinergia existente entre os seus membros para que os objetivos do trabalho sejam alcançados de forma plena, assegurando a melhoria dos resultados de aprendizagem de cada um dos envolvidos. Apesar das importantes contribuições, pesquisadores da CSCL apontam problemas relacionados à resistência e desmotivação dos estudantes para o trabalho em grupo, que pode ser influenciada por características pessoais dos alunos, como os traços de personalidade. Nesse sentido, este trabalho de doutorado tem como objetivo verificar a influência dos traços de personalidade na formação de grupos baseados em teorias de aprendizagem colaborativa, e criar mecanismos para automatizar e apoiar a formação dos grupos em ambientes CSCL. Para alcançar esse objetivo, três desafios de pesquisa foram estabelecidos. O primeiro se propõe a investigar a influência dos traços de personalidade na efetividade dos grupos (aprendizado, satisfação, motivação) baseados em teorias de aprendizagem colaborativa. Para isso, foi realizado um estudo experimental, com 156 alunos do ensino fundamental II, que confirmou a influência dos traços de personalidade, rigidez mental e emocionalidade, na aprendizagem e motivação de 78 grupos apoiados pela teoria de aprendizagem colaborativa Peer Tutoring. O segundo desafio de pesquisa consiste no desenvolvimento de um modelo formal para relacionar os traços de personalidade às teorias de aprendizagem colaborativa. Dessa forma, foi desenvolvido um método, composto por quatros passos, para modelagem de novos papéis de aprendizagem, denominados de Papéis Colaborativos Afetivos (PCAs). Com base nesses PCAs é possível criar novos cenários de aprendizagem colaborativa e, além disso, estabelecer estratégias de aprendizagem para lidar com as características dos traços de personalidade que podem influenciar negativamente o comportamento dos estudantes. Dois estudos de caso foram conduzidos para avaliar o modelo formal. O primeiro, realizado com 10 alunos na faixa de idade de 13-16 anos, avaliou o impacto da característica de insociabilidade e impulsividade na formação de grupos baseados na teoria de aprendizagem Anchored Instruction. O segundo foi desenvolvido com 15 alunos, na faixa de idade de 09-10 anos, e investigou a influência da característica de alta e baixa impulsividade na formação de grupos baseados na teoria de aprendizagem Distributed Cognition. Os resultados mostraram que este modelo contribui para o design de cenários colaborativos mais efetivos, visto que ele personaliza a formação de grupos ao propor a criação de novos papéis de aprendizagem que consideram os traços de personalidade associados às teorias de aprendizagem. Finalmente, o último desafio de pesquisa refere-se ao desenvolvimento de um algoritmo que utilize os novos PCAs para a criação de grupos. Como resultado, foi implementado o algoritmo G-FusionPT que, baseado em uma amostra simulada de 300 alunos, mostrou ser mais efetivo quando comparado a dois outros algoritmos de formação de grupos. / Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) is a research area which investigates how technology can support the interaction and collaboration in group activities, while promoting individual and collective learning. One of the challenges in CSCL is the creation of effective learning groups. A key aspect of these groups is the synergy among their members which enables their objectives to be thoroughly fulfilled, ensuring improvements in the learning results of each participant. Despite of important contributions, CSCL researchers have been pointing out problems related to students resistance and demotivation to work in groups, which can be influenced by their personal characteristics, such as personality traits. In this context, this doctoral investigation aims at verifying the influence of personality traits in group formation based on collaborative learning theories, and creating mechanisms to automate and support group formation in CSCL environments. Three research challenges have been established to achieve this goal. The first proposes to investigate personality traits influence in group effectiveness (learning, satisfaction, motivation) based on collaborative learning theories. Thus, we carried out an experimental study, with 156 elementary students, which confirmed the influence of psychoticism and neuroticism personality traits in the learning and motivation of 78 groups supported by Peer Tutoring collaborative learning theory. The second research challenge is the development of a formal model matching personality traits and collaborative learning theories. Thus, we developed a four steps method to model new learning roles, denominated Affective Collaborative Learning (ACL) roles. Those allowed the creation of new collaborative learning scenarios and the establishment of learning strategies to deal with personality traits characteristics that may negatively influence students behavior. Two case studies were performed to evaluate the formal model. The first study, performed with 10 students aged between 13-16, investigated the impact of unsociable and impulsive characteristics in group formation based on Anchored Instruction collaborative learning theory. The second study, performed with 15 students aged between 09-10, investigated the influence of high and low impulsivity characteristics in group formation based on Distributed Cognition collaborative learning theory. The results showed that this model contributes to the design of effective CSCL scenarios, whereas it personalizes the formation of groups using personality traits and ACL roles. Finally, the last research challenge refers to development of an algorithm employing the new ACL roles to creation of groups. As results, we implemented G-FusionPT algorithm and, based on an artificial sample of 300 simulated students, it proved to be more effective than two previous group formation algorithms.
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基於基因演算法發展之最佳化合作學習分組策略:以問題導向學習為例 / Developing a Group Formation Scheme for Collaborative Learning : A Case Study on Problem-Based Learning郭旗雄, Kuo, Chi Hsiung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討基於基因演算法(genetic algorithm)在同時考量先備知識水平及學習角色異質互補,以及社會互動關係同質因素下,發展之最佳化問題導向網路合作學習分組策略,是否有助於提升問題導向網路合作學習之學習成效、互動關係、團體效能與團體凝聚力。
本研究採用準實驗研究法,以新北市某國小六年級三個不同班級合計83名學生為研究對象,並將三個班級學生隨機分派為採用基因演算法最佳化分組策略的實驗組,以及分別採用隨機分組及學生自行選擇分組策略的控制組一與控制組二,三組學習者皆在問題導向學習系統(Problem-based learning system,簡稱PBL)上進行不同分組策略之問題導向網路合作學習活動。藉由學習成效與團體效能與團體凝聚力評量,以及分析三組學習者在問題導向學習系統上的學習歷程與互動關係,最後再輔以半結構式訪談,以驗證三種不同分組策略在學習成效、互動關係、團體效能與團體凝聚力上的差異。
結果顯示本研究所提出之最佳化問題導向網路合作學習分組策略具有提升學習成效之效益;本研究所提出之最佳化分組策略對於促進問題導向網路合作學習之同儕互動具有正面效益;採用不同問題導向網路合作學習分組策略組別學習者在團體效能與團體凝聚力上具有顯著差異;採用最佳化分組策略組別學習者在問題導向網路合作學習的滿意度接近同意的水準。 / This study aims to explore whether the optimized group formation scheme based on genetic algorithm helps students enhance learning performance, interaction, collective efficacy, and group cohesion in collaborative problem-based learning environment. Factors associated with heterogeneous complementation of students’ prior knowledge levels and learning roles and the homogeneity of social interaction relationship were simultaneously considered in the genetic algorithm-based optimized group formation scheme.
In this paper, a quasi-experimental research method is employed to assess the effects of three different group formation schemes on the learning performance, interaction, collective efficacy, and group cohesion in collaborative problem-based learning environment. Eighty-three students in three different sixth-grade classes in an elementary school in New Taipei City were invited to participant in the experiment and were randomly divided into three groups: the experimental group, which adopts genetic algorithm-based optimized group formation scheme, and two control groups, one is randomly grouped; while the other allows students group themselves. Learners in these three groups all use collaborative problem-based learning system (CPBL) to perform collaborative problem-based learning activities. Learning performance, interaction, group efficacy and group cohesion evaluation are applied to analyze the learning process and interaction among learners in these three groups. Finally, a semi-structured interview is supplemented to validate the variation of these three different group formation schemes in learning performance, interaction, group efficacy and cohesion.
The result showed that the genetic algorithm-based optimized group formation scheme helps students promote learning performance and provides positive effects on peer interaction in collaborative problem-based learning. Three group learners adopting different group formation schemes for collaborative problem-based learning show significant difference on group effectiveness and group cohesion. The satisfaction of learners adopting genetic algorithm-based optimized group formation scheme for collaborative problem-based learning reached a nearly agreed standard.
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Optimal Air Defense Strategies For A Naval Task GroupKarasakal, Orhan 01 January 2004 (has links) (PDF)
We develop solution methods for the air defense problem of a naval task group in this dissertation. We consider two interdependent problems. The first problem is the optimal allocation of a set of defensive missile systems of a naval task group to a set of attacking air targets. We call this problem the Missile Allocation Problem (MAP). The second problem called the Sector Allocation Problem (SAP) is the determination of a robust air defense formation for a naval task group by locating ships in predefined sectors on the surface. For MAP, we present three different mixed integer programming formulations. MAP by its nature requires real time solution. We propose efficient heuristic solution procedures that satisfy the demanding time requirement of MAP. We also develop mathematical programming models for SAP. Proposed branch and bound solution scheme for SAP yields highly satisfactory solutions. We characterize the interaction between MAP and SAP and develop an integrated solution approach.
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Readers’ Perceptions of Gender, Use of Stereotypes and Identification with Literary Texts : Selected South African High School Students’ Responses on “A Rose for Emily”Österman, Pia January 2018 (has links)
Selected South African high school students’ perceptions of stereotypes in William Faulkner’s “A Rose for Emily” are the center of attention in an attempt to establish or refute the existence of a uniform interpretation in the interpretive community. The textual reader responses were collected by using a questionnaire. The results show that the respondents use stereotypes to understand encounters with literary texts and as tools to connect the content of the text with their own experiences. The stereotypes also provide a framework for the readers to position themselves with or against the text and the depicted characters. Consequently, the female respondents are more inclined to distance themselves from sexist values than the male readers. Next to all the readers condemn racist values and racist language detectable in the text. Overall, the readers distance themselves from negative values and identify themselves with positive values. The results show that readers use a variety of stereotypes as aids to interpret the characters, events, values and structure of society in “A Rose for Emily”.
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Strulputte eller gangster? : En kritisk diskursanalys av hur två artister positioneras i relation till ansvarstagande, droger och kriminalitet i programmet Malou efter tio.Eriksson, Beatrice, Qviberg, Olivia January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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The formation of relationships in a multicultural setting at tertiary levelHarilal, Jodhika Rani Joice 11 1900 (has links)
The increasing cultural and social diversity of South
African society necessitates a study of the formation of harmonious social relationships amongst
students at
multicultural tertiary institutions. Desegregation at
educational institutions is still in its embryonic
stage and the minimal changes at college campuses are
tokenistic. Educators have to make a concerted effort
to review the dynamics and complexities of institutional
change and to deviate from the straitjacket of upholding
only ethnocentric views.
A lack of communication and understanding between the
different racial and ethnic groups on South African
campuses has resulted in conflict and tension. This
study takes an in-depth look at the psychology of
prejudice, issues of ethnicity, racism and
discrimination. A literature study and an empirical
research project are used to gain an overview of the
ramifications of racism on the formation of friendships
in a multicultural milieu.
The results of this study indicate the need to create a
diversified campus environment which will promote
genuine cross-cultural exchange. Working with
culturally different students is a challenge that
requires an acceptance and appreciation of diversity; flexibility, and improved contact and communication.
Structured multicultural models and procedural
frameworks have been designed
implementation at institutions of
specifically for
higher learning to
enhance social cohesion.
are made:
The following recommendations
* Transitions models such as the contact hypothesis and
the co-operative learning models promote the need for
an interracial contact of people with equal status in
co-operative situations.
*Prejudice-Reduction Workshops will enable
participants to learn about prejudice and to develop
a positive mind-set towards all racial groups.
*Specialized Programmes such as intercultural
simulation games are ideal for discussions on culture
shock, ethnocentrism and enculturation.
* Mentoring Programmes ought to be designed to meet the
needs of diverse students by providing wise and
friendly counsel.
* Academic Support Programmes or Affirmative Action
* Strategies are necessary to assist
succeed by providing language and
students to
study skills
programmes, additional tutorials and content-based
instruction for specialized courses.
Special trainiog courses for educators ought to be
initiated to · shape significant aspects of . an
intercultural campus environment.
* Preparatory Programmes which will improve
interpersonal relationships, should be held prior to
college entrance. / Psychology of Education / D.Ed. (Psychology of Education)
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Interetnisk konflikt eller samförstånd : En studie om etnopolitik i Kurdistan/Irak / Inter-ethnic conflict or mutual understanding: A study of ethno-politics in Kurdistan/IraqSofi, Dana January 2009 (has links)
This thesis concerns the differences in how ethinic groups co-exist in two different environments in the same country, with a focus on the ethno-political. My research questions are: Why are ethnic or interpersonal relations characterized differently in different regions? How and why do conflicts or agreements arise in specific environments? The aim is to understand the connection between inter-ethnic relations and environmentally specific factors. I am concerned with those mechanisms and processes which determine the type of ethnic relation – as conflict or mutual understanding - in specific environments. The thesis uses case studies of two contrasting multiethnic cities with different interethnic relations – Erbil and Kirkuk in Kurdistan/Iraq. My explanatory model consists of four main factors: I) historical factors in terms of critical events; II) institutional factors such as institutional efficiency and security; III) structural factors such as group size, territorial base and different tolerance systems; and IV) social relational factors such as the significance of inter-ethnic contacts and social capital. The empirical work demonstrates that the relations between the above mentioned factors in the respective environments determine the outcome of the inter-ethnic relations. The results show that one factor can be more important than another factor, but how the factors impact upon one another and under what circumstances is of significance. The presentation of environmentally specific differences shows that ethnic groups do not have static boundaries and are not necessarily hostile to one another. Conflict is not the given form of relationship between ethnic groups. That is, the result can be read as a critique of those who necessarily see potential conflicts between groups with cultural differences and those who essentialize cultural groups. In this context one can see a chain of interrelated factors; the relevance of which is dependent on the specific situation. Some of the negative factors that can increase the possibility of conflict and decrease the possibility for peaceful co-existence include: Instability in the political climate; insecurity; institutional ineffectiveness; segregation; undefined relations of power; and an ethnic composition maintaining the balance of power. If these factors combined result in a high level of complexity, which makes ethnicity stand out in terms of ethnic competition, the likelihood of ethnic conflict is significant.
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