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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Experi?ncias com um grupo de adolescentes: um estudo psicanal?tico / Experiments with a group of teenagers: a psychoanalytic study

Moretto, Cybele Carolina 19 February 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:29:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Cybele Carolina Moretto.pdf: 2574501 bytes, checksum: fd80ff60248cdbb25077e377f7136e2a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-02-19 / This research aims to investigate and describe some psychic formations (intrapsychic and intersubjective) produced in the here and now of a group of adolescents; analyze the structure and operation to perform the psychodiagnostic of psychic reality of the group; and understand if the group constitutes therapeutic device, sensitizing participants to the phenomenon of the group. The study was based on the theoretical and methodological framework of Psychoanalysis applied to Groups. It formed a closed group with eight adolescents of both sexes, between fourteen and sixteen years of age, living in a city in the southwest region of the state of S?o Paulo. Twelve sessions were held, once a week, ninety minutes each, in a Psychosocial Care Center for Children and Adolescents. The group sessions were guided by the concept of Diagnostic Group, using the rule of Free Association, so that the teenagers had free to talk to one another their feelings, thoughts and fantasies produced and reactivated in the group, from reading of mythic narratives that provide adolescents in each of the sessions as resource to facilitate the process associative group. The sessions were recorded later transcription, analysis, interpretation and discussion. The material was analyzed qualitatively, from the technique of Dream interpretation, aiming, which goes beyond the mere description of the explicit content of the speech of teenagers. The results showed that adolescents sensitized to psychic phenomena of group, enabling understanding of the group process and its operation. The study found that the group has been a therapeutic device relevant to the promotion of self-knowledge, providing understanding and emotional relief to its participants. We conclude that the group, object cathexes psychic and social, was a space of confrontation and emotional bonds, depository of images, emotions and conflicts of teenagers; a place for the realization repressed desires and unconscious manifestation of the participants. We conclude, finally, that the mythical narratives constituted as a research tool, facilitated adolescents to identify with the mythical heroes and express their feelings, desires fantasies, triggering the process of transference and intersubjectivity in the group. / Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo investigar e descrever algumas forma??es ps?quicas (intraps?quicas e intersubjetivas) produzidas no aqui-agora de um grupo de adolescentes; analisar a estrutura e o funcionamento para realizar o psicodiagn?stico da realidade ps?quica do grupo; e compreender se o grupo se constitui em dispositivo terap?utico, sensibilizando os participantes aos fen?menos do grupo. O estudo se fundamentou no aporte te?rico-metodol?gico da Psican?lise aplicada aos Grupos. Foi realizado um grupo fechado com oito adolescentes, de ambos os sexos, entre quatorze e dezesseis anos de idade, residentes em uma cidade da regi?o sudoeste do estado de S?o Paulo. Foram realizadas doze sess?es, uma vez por semana, de noventa minutos cada, em um Centro de Aten??o Psicossocial da Inf?ncia e Adolesc?ncia. As sess?es grupais foram orientadas pela concep??o de Grupo de Diagn?stico, sendo utilizada a regra da Associa??o Livre, de modo que os adolescentes tinham a liberdade de falarem entre si seus sentimentos, pensamentos e fantasias produzidas e reativadas no grupo, a partir da leitura de narrativas m?ticas, que disponibilizamos em cada uma das sess?es como um recurso para facilitar o processo associativo grupal. As sess?es foram gravadas para posterior transcri??o, an?lise, interpreta??o e discuss?o. O material foi analisado qualitativamente, a partir da t?cnica da Interpreta??o dos sonhos, visando, assim, ultrapassar a mera descri??o do conte?do expl?cito das falas dos adolescentes. Os resultados mostraram que os adolescentes se sensibilizaram aos fen?menos ps?quicos do grupo, possibilitando a compreens?o do processo de grupo e de seu funcionamento. O estudo comprovou que o grupo se constituiu um dispositivo terap?utico pertinente para a promo??o de autoconhecimento, proporcionando compreens?o e alivio emocional aos seus participantes. Conclu?mos que o grupo, como objeto de catexias ps?quicas e sociais, foi um espa?o de confrontos e de la?os afetivos, deposit?rio de imagens, emo??es e conflitos dos adolescentes; um lugar para a realiza??o dos desejos reprimidos e de manifesta??o do inconsciente dos participantes. Conclu?mos, finalmente, que as narrativas m?ticas se constitu?ram como um instrumento de investiga??o, facilitaram aos adolescentes a se identificar com os her?is m?ticos e a expressar seus sentimentos, desejos e fantasias, desencadeando o processo transferencial e a intersubjetividade no grupo.

Enseignants en souffrance et groupalité psychique : approche psychanalytique de groupes d'enseignants en souffrance professionnelle / Professionally suffering teachers and psychic groupality : a psychoanalytic approach about groups of teachers

Chatard, Yves-Olivier 27 September 2016 (has links)
Cette recherche est le résultat d’une longue expérience des groupes – notamment d’enseignants en formation – et des interrogations que cette expérience et ce public ont fait naître dans les phénomènes transférentiels et contre-transférentiels observables dans ce travail groupal. A partir d’une expérience d’analyse de pratique dans le cadre de formations continues d’enseignants en souffrance professionnelle, ce travail de thèse vise à montrer comment les mouvements psychiques qui habitent ces situations groupales, à la fois indiquent des motions qui appartiennent à toute mise en groupe, et des mouvements ravivés par les situations d’enseignement, dont la classe, prototype essentiel de la fonction, lieu d’exercice de base de la profession enseignante. Il s’agit d’explorer comment ces mouvements se construisent d’abord sur une « corporéité de groupe » proche des formes primaires de symbolisation, sur des alliances autour de mouvements paranoïdes : menaces qui peuvent naître d’idées persécutives, liées aux rapports hiérarchiques, institutionnels et sociaux, mettant aussi en jeu la fonction sociale de l’Ecole. Ces formes de pactes et d’alliances inconscientes évoluent dans le groupe de travail vers une « autorisation collective » à un mouvement dépressif d’où émergent des affects de honte. Le partage de ces affects et leur mise en représentation langagière permettraient leur élaboration groupale d’abord avant d’être introjectées par les individus eux-mêmes. Ces mécanismes sont liés à l’installation d’un transfert de base groupal et d’un contre-transfert dont la « diffraction » semble un phénomène nécessaire à la mise en lien des niveaux intrapsychique, interpsychique et trans-psychique, soit la mise en place de la groupalité comme transitionnalité possible entre les groupes internes et le groupe réel, et enfin de refaire lien avec l’institution et le tissu social. Cette évolution groupale, relativement stable à travers les groupes présentés ici, permet la mise en place d’une évaluation centrée sur ces mouvements psychiques produits par le groupe et son effet sur la « transformation » d’une groupalité psychique individuelle. / This research is the outcome of a long experience of groups- in particular of student teachers- and the questioning emerged from this experience and this public in the transferential phenomena and counter transferential, observable in this groupal work.From an experiment of practical analysis, as part of teachers' continuous training, professionally suffering, this thesis work targets to show how the psychic motions taking part in these groupal situations, show both motions which belong to the group's implementation, and motions strengthened by the teaching situations, whose class, essential pattern of mission and basic place of the teaching function.The question is to explore how these motions first build up on an " existence of the group" close to the primary forms of symbolization, based on alliances of paranoide movements : threats which may appear from persecutive ideas, linked to hierarchical, institutional and social report, facing-off the social function of the school.This forms of unconscious pacts and alliances evolve in the group work towards a "collective permission", to the depressive motion, from which affects of shame emerge.The sharing of these affects and the setting of their language representation would allow first their groupal elaboration before being incorporated by the people themselves.These mecanisms are due to the installation of a transfer of groupal basis and of a counter transfer whose diffraction seems a necessary phenomenon for the linking of intra-psychic, inter-psychic and trans-psychic levels, which means the establishment of teamwork as a possible transitionality between the internal groups and the real group, and at last to make links with the institution and the social fabric.This groupal evolution, relatively stable through the groups presented here, permits the setting up of an evaluation centered on this psychic motions producted by the group and its effect on the "transformation" of an individual psychic groupality.

La politisation des partis à caractère ethnique dans les pays postcommunistes d’Europe Centrale et Orientale : une comparaison des trajectoires de la Bulgarie, la Serbie, le Monténégro et le Kosovo / The politicization of ethnic parties in post-communist countries of Central and Eastern Europe : a comparison of the trajectories of Bulgaria, Serbia, Montenegro and Kosovo

Ba, Oumar 12 December 2013 (has links)
Les révolutions de l’Est ont induit la fragmentation des Etats qui s’est accompagnée, sur le plan interne par une renaissance des partis ethniques ; ce qui ne va pas sans poser de problèmes à la démocratie politique. Les transitions et a fortiori les consolidations démocratiques font émerger un double phénomène d’interaction entre les acteurs et le système, dans la recherche d’un nouvel équilibre. Les partis ethniques se politisent alors que le système s’ouvre à l’acteur ethnique. On assiste donc à un réajustement évolutif du système devant la nouvelle donne. Le système s’ouvre aux nouvelles demandes à caractère ethnique de différentes façons et à différents degrés : entre la légalisation et la tolérance. Côté acteurs, les partis ethniques rentrent progressivement dans le jeu politique ; de différentes façons et à différents degrés. Dans notre champ problématique les relations interactives se déploient entre acteurs multi-niveaux (partis-Etats) et dans les divers champs (politique, sociétal et juridique). Leurs connexions sont croisées entre l’espace étatique et internationale, public et civil, politique et sociétal ; avec les Etats d’accueil ou d’origine, mais aussi, les Etats-tiers. Ils sont à velléités indépendantistes ou simplement des lobbies politiques. Nous avons essayé de mettre en lumière les principaux aspects de la complexité de la question ethnique dans les jeunes démocraties politiques ‘‘en consolidation’’. La problématique ethnique des PECO peut-elle nous aider à compléter en actualisant certaines visions généralistes des sciences politiques ? Les acteurs impliqués sont ainsi invités à éviter les pièges des nationalismes perçus comme ‘‘mesquins’’, voire ‘‘chaotiques’’ tout en servant la cause d’une plus souple intégration politique alias la ‘‘paix démocratique’’. / The revolutions of Eastern induced fragmentation of States were accompanied internally by a revival of ethnic parties, which is not without its problems in political democracy. Transitions and even more democratic consolidation are emerging a double phenomenon of interaction between actors and the system in search of a new equilibrium. Ethnic parties then politicize the system opens the ethnic actor. We are witnessing an evolutionary adjustment of the system to the new situation. The system opens to the new demands ethnic ways and to different degrees: between legalization and tolerance. Side actors, are gradually returning ethnic parties in the political game, in different ways and to different degrees. In our problem the field deploy interactive relationships between multi-level actors (parties-States) and in the various fields (political, societal and legal). Their connections are crossed between the State and international space, public and civil, political and social, with host countries or origin, but also the third States. They are separatist ambitions or simply political lobbies. We tried to highlight the main aspects of the complexity of the ethnic issue in young democracies political '' in consolidation ''. The ethnic problem of CEEC can help us to complete updating some general visions of political science? The actors involved are invited to avoid the pitfalls of nationalism perceived as '' petty '' or '' chaotic '' while serving the cause of a more flexible policy integration to the ‘‘democratic peace’’.

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