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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Paul Auster's rhizomatic fictions

Varner, Gary Matthew 07 August 2010 (has links)
This project examines some of the most notable fiction of contemporary American writer Paul Auster through the postmodern lens of Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari’s rhizome. Auster’s novels often feature characters that are also writers, characters that resurface in subsequent novels, and characters that bear a resemblance to Paul Auster himself. This thesis uses the philosophy of Deleuze and Guattari to better understand the significance of these puzzling characters. Ultimately, the model of the rhizome reveals a particular connectivity between Auster’s works underpinned by multiplicities, refrains, and a dislocation of origins.

Becoming Light: Releasing Woolf from the Modernists Through the Theories of Giles Deleuze and Félix Guattari

Landefeld, Ronnelle Rae 24 May 2005 (has links)
Critics of Virginia Woolf's fiction have tended to focus their arguments on one of the following five cruxes: Woolf's personal biography, the role of art, the nature of reality, the structure of her novels, or they focus their arguments on gender-based criticism. Often, when critics attempt to explain Woolf through any of these categories, they succeed in constructing borders around her writing that minimize the multiplicities outside them. Post-structuralist theory helps to open up difference in Woolf's writing, specifically, the theories of Giles Deleuze and Félix Guattari. Their book, A Thousand Plateaus, allows readers of Woolf's novel, To the Lighthouse, outside the confines some past critics have put around it. I apply select Deleuze and Guattarian metaphors to Woolf's To the Lighthouse in order that multiplicities of the novel stand out. The Deleuze and Guattarian metaphors that are most successful in opening up difference in To the Lighthouse are strata; the Body without Organs; becoming; milieu and rhythm; and smooth and striated spaces. / Master of Arts

Por um jornalismo contracultural: linhas de fuga no new journalism / Por um jornalismo contracultural: linhas de fuga no new journalism

Demetrio, Silvio Ricardo 30 March 2007 (has links)
A argumentação da presente tese parte do New Journalism como plataforma para discussões sobre a linguagem jornalística. A Contracultura enquanto fenômeno político serve de enquadramento histórico sobre o qual se trabalha a noção de uma política antidisciplinar como recurso de enfrentamento às inscrições da imprensa sobre o plano da reprodução das ideologias hegemônicas. / The following thesis is an argumentation about the New Journalism as a plataform for the discutions envolving the ordinary journalistic language. The Counterculture is taken as a politic event featuring the historic plan wich is discussed by the anti-disciplinary protest. This notion is taken as a estrategy to resist against the passive hegemonic ideological reproduction.

Utopian thought as an expression of social and political critique / Utopinis mąstymas kaip socialinės ir politinės kritikos išraiška

Sirutis, Lukas 05 June 2013 (has links)
This thesis explores and connects two main elements: the utopian studies and the studies of social and political critique. The big quantity and variety and history of utopian texts raises a simple question: why someone writes utopian texts, why one wishes for a better and different life? And how do these factors operate in the large picture of humanity. It has been observed that utopian literature flourish in the times of human despair. In the times of unhappiness people try to search for decisions inside the dominant order in which they often feel hopeless to change. The utopians might say: “We do not want reforms, we want new forms!”. The main purpose of this thesis is to explore the critical side of utopias. How this critique works and how does it unfolds? What reactions does it create and why? This thesis is also concerned about the ambiguous nature of the concept utopia and its possible connections with human desire. If we agree with Deleuze and Guattari concept of desire as production, we can view utopia totally differently – as a immanent process of becoming, as a direction, not a destination. / Šis magistro darbas apžvelgia ir apjungia du pagrindinius šio darbo elementus: utopijų studijos ir socialinė bei politinė kritika. Didelis kiekis įvairiausių utopinių tekstų kelia klausimą: kodėl žmonės rašo utopinius tekstus ir apskritai kodėl svajoja apie geresnį ir kitokį gyvenimą? Istoriškai pastebime, kad utopijų rašymas intensyviausiai atsiskleidžia per negandų ir nelaimių laikus. Neaiškumo ir nelaimės akivaizdoje žmonės ieško būdų radikaliai pakeisti esamą padėtį, bet dažnai susiduria su valstybinio aparato stagnacija. Utopistas sakytų: „Užteks politinių reformų, mes norime naujų formų!”. Pagrindinis šio darbo tikslas orientuojasi į kritinė utopinio mąstymo pusę. Kaip veikia utopinė kritika? kaip ji išsiskleidžia? Kokias reakcijas sukelia utopinis mąstymas ir kodėl? Šis darbas taip pat gilinasi į sąvokos „utopija“ problematiką. Jei mes sutinkame su Deleuze ir Guattari geismo, kaip nepertraukiamos produkcijos sąvoka, mes galime atsakyti daug klausimų dėl utopinio mąstymo įvairoves, taip pat pažiūrėti į ją iš kito kampo – kaip į imanentišką tapsmo procesą, kuris turį krypti, bet ne galutinę atvykimo vietą.

Critique and reconceptualization of the concept of family using Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari's "Anti-Oedipus" / Šeimos sąvokos kritika ir performulavimas remiantis Gilles Deleuze ir Felix Guattari "Anti-Oedipus"

Giedraitis, Edvardas 05 June 2013 (has links)
The Western contemporary notion of the secular family seems to be supported by the following contradictory premises: on the one hand, the nuclear family is supposed to be based on love (between husband and wife; between parents and children) that is expected to last ‘till death do us part'. On the other hand, what ought to last – in the relation between a restricted set of love objects – is also known to be an elusive and uncontrollable affect(ion), that seems to arise 'out of nowhere', and to disappear as quickly. Further, the popular understanding of a loving relation goes hand in hand with a supporting injunction to possess an object of love, which finds its ideological support in the contemporary ethos of Capital's relations of production/reproduction, particularly in the notion of private property. Several consequences ensue from these contradictions. Firstly, love gets compromised by fixing it on an extremely restricted set of chosen members and becomes something one needs to 'work at' (in case it 'fails') instead of a spontaneously arising force. It eventually becomes a 'promise' that is meant always to fail; however, it generates a whole spectrum of industries that successfully cash in on the idea of love, by selling love in what looks to be an unlimited variety of commodity forms (products, service, affective services, etc.). Secondly, the notion of love that is meant to correspond to a possession of its object is a product as well as producer. This notion of... [to full text] / Šiuolaikinė dominuojanti Vakarų šeimos samprata yra grindžiama darant prieštaringas prielaidas. Iš vienos pusės, 'branduolinė šeima' turėtų būti paremta meile grįstais santykiais tarp žmonos ir vyro ir tarp vaikų ir tėvų - iš kurių yra tikimasi kad ji (meilė) turi tęstis iki 'kol mirtis išskirs'. Iš kitos pusės, ko yra reikalaujama ilgalaikio tęstinumo - tarp apribotų santykių su išskirtiniais (leistinais) meilės objektais – yra afekto, kuris pasižymi nenuspėjamumu, praeinamumu ir nepasidavimu racionaliai kontrolei. Ji (meilė) - kaip liaudies išmintis patvirtintų - kaip greitai ir nenuspėjamai 'ateina' taip pat greitai ir nenuspėjamai 'išeina'. Be to, populiarus meilės supratimas yra palaikomas papildoma reakcine geismo forma - pasisavinti, 'privatizuoti' meilės objektą, – atrandanti atgarsį ir palaikimą, šiuolaikinių kapitalistinių santykių, grindžiamų privačia nuosavybę, etose. Šie šeimos koncepto prieštaravimai turi bent kelias svarbias pasekmes. Visų pirmą, meilė yra sukompromituojama nurodant konkrečius ir simboliškai griežtai apribotus šeimos subjektus kuriuos yra leistina 'mylėti' ir tapatintis. Nepatenkinant šio meilės reikalavimo, 'meilės' pora yra skatinama 'dirbti' su savo santykiais , tikintis jog meilė gali būti produkuota, o ne kylanti iš spontaniško afekto. Galiausiai, meilės sąvoka tampa 'pažadu', kuris yra pasmerktas būti pastoviai neįgyvendinamas, bet kuris, tuo pačiu sukuria nišą visam spektrui kapitalistinių industrijų kurti pridėtinę vertę... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]


Garlet, Francieli Regina 28 March 2014 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Thoughts about teaching were materialized at this research from places which are not only the teacher's activity. This investigation was permeated by poems, photographs, memories and artistic experimentations one of them being the installation andarilhagens (hikerages), produced from these elements. As a researcher I proposed to sweep the teaching figuration so that alternate possibilities to think teaching could be produced. Two years of Master's Degree were dedicated to experiment a hiking way of research, with no fixed living place, where walking produced the stops, and not the contrary. At the experimental hikerages, whether resting or at movement, there was attention to the scintillances which sprung, and from those, on the stops, I collected the ones which gave me velocity and overflowed my thoughts about teaching. These scintillances were not fixed and, by being that way, sometimes they were dressed as opaque, and many of their requested elements permeated the following pages and also left some voids which may be experimented by the readers who venture leaping onto them. Moving terms and concepts as archive, scintillance, diagram and virtual, this research has insinuated itself into that which can overflow, also leaving an invitation so that its written lines and images can be overflown by those who wish so. May the teaching activity I sought to overflow at the following pages continue to overflow at the encounters it may have from now on. / Materializei nesta pesquisa um pensar sobre a docência que se produziu a partir de outros lugares que não somente o de uma atuação docente. Poesias, fotografias, lembranças, experimentações artísticas sendo uma delas a instalação Andarilhagens , produzida a partir destes elementos permearam a investigação. Propus varrer a figuração docente, para que dali pudessem se produzir outras possibilidades de pensar a docência. Experimentei nestes dois anos de mestrado uma maneira de pesquisar andarilha, sem moradia fixa, na qual o andar é que produziu as paradas, e não o contrário. Nas andarilhagens experimentadas, seja em repouso ou em movimento, fiquei atenta às cintilâncias que brotaram, recolhendo, nas paradas que fiz, especialmente aquelas que me faziam ganhar velocidade e transbordar meu pensar sobre a docência. Vários elementos solicitados por estas cintilâncias que não são fixas e que, por assim serem, às vezes se vestem foscas, permearam as páginas que seguem deixando também alguns vazios que podem ser experimentados pelos leitores que se aventurarem a neles saltar. Movimentando termos e conceitos como os de arquivo, cintilância, diagrama e virtual, esta pesquisa se insinuou naquilo que pode transbordar, deixando também o convite para que suas linhas escritas e suas imagens sejam transbordadas por aqueles que assim desejarem. Que a docência que busquei transbordar nas páginas que seguem continue a transbordar nos encontros que ocorrerem daqui para frente.

La problemática de lo ético-político en Mille plateaux / La problemática de lo ético-político en Mille plateaux

Díaz, Luis Omar 10 April 2018 (has links)
The present contribution aims to clarify the ethics involved in the notionof territory, coined by Deleuze and Guattari in Mille plateaux, whose philosophical notes are taken from Spinoza’s and Nietzsche’s works. We will see that this project is sufficiently consistent and united, according to its immanent and materialistic lines. However, this ethics finds its limits, not in its internal constitution but in its tacit iden- tification with politics. Our authors conceive the existential field as crossed by political effects, therefore, all ethical acts would be, by their accounts, a political act too. And these acts will be the more perfect –more ethical and more political– the less they deal with traditional state policy. This involves reducing policy to the political, which we believe is a mistake; because, what applies to the singular-collective existence cannotcount nor compete as a substitute of the collective institutional policy. / El presente artículo da cuenta de la ética asociada a la noción de territorioelaborada por Deleuze y Guattari en Mille plateaux, cuyas notas filosóficas son spino- zistas y nietzscheanas. Veremos que este proyecto es suficientemente consistente y cohesionado, de acuerdo a sus lineamientos inmanentes y materialistas. Sin embargo, esta ética encuentra su límite, no tanto en su constitución interna como en su iden- tificación tácita con la política. Nuestros autores entienden que lo existencial está traspasado por efectos políticos, luego, todo acto ético sería de suyo político, y será tanto más pleno –más ético y más político– cuanto menos tenga que ver con la política estatal tradicional. Esto implica reducir la política a lo político, lo cual creemos que es un error, pues lo que vale muy bien para la existencia singular-colectiva, no puede valer ni competir en sí mismo como substituto de la política institucional colectiva.

A criatividade da decisão judicial e a imunização da comunidade: uma investigação a partir da filosofia de Gilles Deleuze

ALMEIDA, Leonardo Monteiro Crespo de 22 December 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Fabio Sobreira Campos da Costa (fabio.sobreira@ufpe.br) on 2017-04-25T13:20:26Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) Tese - Leonardo Almeida.pdf: 2091382 bytes, checksum: 56413e207110ef30fff7bdeeb3c03088 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-25T13:20:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) Tese - Leonardo Almeida.pdf: 2091382 bytes, checksum: 56413e207110ef30fff7bdeeb3c03088 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-12-22 / CAPES / Em raras ocasiões, Deleuze mencionou o Direito como uma área de seu interesse e possível campo de investigação. Em sua obra, no entanto, semelhante ponto permaneceu um caminho não percorrido pelo autor, especialmente em relação à sua reflexão política. Este trabalho toma como ponto de partida dois eixos de investigação que, ao final, verificaremos de que maneira eles tendem a se cruzar: a articulação de uma reflexão jurídica através da filosofia da diferença de Gilles Deleuze e o seu papel no horizonte de sua filosofia política, marcada por uma profunda desconfiança das democracias liberais capitalistas. Para tanto, adotamos como estratégia metodológica um engajamento crítico e seletivo com a filosofia do direito do século vinte em que, apesar das diferentes propostas, convergem para a ideia de decisão judicial como subsunção, conforme um intérprete jurídico de Deleuze, Alexandre Lefebvre. O recurso à filosofia deleuzeana neste ponto, serve para concebermos a decisão judicial para além da subsunção, tendo como amparo a temporalidade e a criação na concepção de Henri Bergson. Por fim, uma vez repensada a decisão judicial, trata-se de apreendê-la no contexto das preocupações e posicionamentos políticos do autor, o que fazemos através de inscrição da filosofia política de Deleuze e Félix Guattari nos estudos recentes sobre biopolítica, exceção e imunização. Pretendemos averiguar se essa concepção de criatividade, que ressalta a plasticidade e a inventividade das categorias jurídicas, não traz consigo também o risco do político e da produção da exceção através das suas operações internas, ou seja, abrindo espaço para o uso de uma força política esvaziada dos constrangimentos jurídicos do Estado de Direito para proteger a comunidade de ameaças externas. / Deleuze in a few occasions mentioned how Law was an object of study that deeply concerned him. However, within his philosophical project, he mostly ignored legal concerns and problems, even in his most political reflections. This work takes as it starting point two lines of investigation, which, in the end, cross each other. The first line consists on an inquiry about judgment and legal adjudication regarding creativity influenced by Gilles Deleuze´s philosophy of difference. The second one is how this inquiry fits within Deleuze´s political philosophy and his mistrust of capitalist liberal democracies. We adopted as our main methodological strategy a critical and selective interpretation of some of the most relevant accounts of legal adjudication in twenty-century legal philosophy that, despite many relevant differences within themselves, concur in conceiving legal adjudication as a subsumptive activity, as Alexandre Lefebvre pointed out in his book, The Image of Law. Overall, regarding this discussion, we approach to Deleuze´s philosophy of difference and Bergson´s concepts of temporality and creation in order to conceive legal adjudication beyond its subsumptive form. Finally, after reformulating legal adjudication, we seek to establish its relevance for Deleuze overall political reflections through developing a theoretical relation between Deleuze and Guattari´s political philosophy and the contemporary studies on exception and immunization within biopolitic studies. We take as our theoretical hypothesis that, once we consider legal adjudication in terms of its intrinsic creativity potential, the plasticity and flexibility of legal concepts could also carries a political risk in terms of opening up spaces of exception through the legal system´s internal operations. One expression of this kind of risk would be the establishing of new legal categories that authorizes and legitimizes political force situated beyond the usual legal constraints of the Rule of Law in order to protect the community from external threats.

Tecendo Saberes, Articulando AlianÃas: Um Estudo sobre a Subjetividade ContemporÃnea a partir das ContribuiÃÃes de Adorno e de Guattari

Monalisa Pontes Xavier 17 April 2009 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeiÃoamento de NÃvel Superior / Essa dissertaÃÃo tem como proposta desenvolver um estudo dos processos de subjetivaÃÃo contemporÃneos a partir da influÃncia que o sistema capitalista exerce sobre eles. Para tal, serà traÃada uma articulaÃÃo teÃrica entre alguns escritos de Theodor W. Adorno â teÃrico frankfurtiano â e de FÃlix Guattari â analista institucional e teÃrico atuante em diversos domÃnios: psiquiatria, antropologia, polÃtica â, pensadores que pautaram seus estudos sobre a subjetividade em momentos distintos do sistema capitalista de produÃÃo e consumo. Nessa articulaÃÃo, tomamos os conceitos de âindividuaÃÃoâ e de âsingularizaÃÃoâ, desenvolvidos por Adorno e por Guattari, respectivamente. Com isso, objetivamos, no contraponto das idÃias dos autores, ampliar a compreensÃo sobre o processo de constituiÃÃo das subjetividades contemporÃneas, bem como perceber a possibilidade de existÃncia de subjetividades âindividuadasâ e/ou âsingularizadasâ. Foi desenvolvida uma pesquisa teÃrica, pautada na revisÃo bibliografia dos escritos dos respectivos autores, bem como de outros interlocutores que possibilitaram o enriquecimento da compreensÃo acerca do objeto de estudo. Para alcanÃar o objetivo proposto, seguimos os seguintes passos: no primeiro capÃtulo expusemos uma possÃvel interseÃÃo entre Adorno e Guattari a partir da corrente filosÃfica da ontologia do presente; no capÃtulo posterior, discutimos a teoria adorniana e o processo de individuaÃÃo; em seguida, passamos para a teoria guattariniana e o movimento de singularizaÃÃo; e, por fim, buscamos estabelecer articulaÃÃes e vislumbrar alianÃas entre os dois teÃricos. Ao final do trabalho, enfatizamos a necessidade de considerar cada uma das teorias segundo a tradiÃÃo teÃrico-filosÃfica a que se encontra filiada. Assim, torna-se impossÃvel uma articulaÃÃo harmÃnica entre o que as duas trazem de importante para a compreensÃo de nosso objeto. No entanto, à a partir da tensÃo e da contradiÃÃo existente entre elas que podemos alcanÃar uma melhor compreensÃo a respeito dos processos de subjetivaÃÃo nos dias atuais, que nÃo à mais aquele sobre o qual se ocupavam as reflexÃes de Adorno e nem o mesmo proclamado por Guattari. / The present work aims at developing a study of the contemporary subjectivation processes, departing from the influence of the capitalist system on them. For so, a theoretical articulation will be drawn among the writings of Theodor W. Adorno â frankfurtian theorist â and FÃlix Guattari- theorist and institutional analyst, who acts in several domains: psychiatry, anthropology and politics. Such thinkers based their studies on subjectivity, distinctive moments of the capitalist system of production and consumption. In such articulation, we take the concepts of âindividualizationâ and âsingularityâ developed by Adorno and Guattari, respectively. Therewith, we aim, by opposing the ideas of the authors, to increase the understanding over the process of constitution of contemporary subjectivity, as well as to perceive the existence of âindividualâ and/or âsingularizedâ existence. It was developed a theoretical research ruled in bibliographical review of the respective authorsâ writings as well as of other speakers who made possible the enrichment of understanding concerning the object of study. To reach the proposed goal, we followed some steps: in the first chapter we exposed a possible intersection between Adorno and Guattari, departing from the philosophical tendency of the ontology of the present; in the following chapter, we discussed Adornoâs theory and the process of individuation; then we went through the Guatarriâs theory and the singularization movement; at last, we looked up articulations and tried to catch a glimpse into alliances between the two theorists. By the end of the research we emphasized the need to consider each of the theories in accordance with the Theoretical-Philosophical tradition to which it is affiliated. Therefore, it is made impossible a logical articulation among what the two of them have as important for the understanding of our object. Nevertheless, it is departing from the tension and contradiction existing among them that we can reach a better understanding concerning the processes of subjectivation in the present days, which is not that about which Adornoâs reflexions would be devoted to neither the same proclaimed by Guattari.

Por um jornalismo contracultural: linhas de fuga no new journalism / Por um jornalismo contracultural: linhas de fuga no new journalism

Silvio Ricardo Demetrio 30 March 2007 (has links)
A argumentação da presente tese parte do New Journalism como plataforma para discussões sobre a linguagem jornalística. A Contracultura enquanto fenômeno político serve de enquadramento histórico sobre o qual se trabalha a noção de uma política antidisciplinar como recurso de enfrentamento às inscrições da imprensa sobre o plano da reprodução das ideologias hegemônicas. / The following thesis is an argumentation about the New Journalism as a plataform for the discutions envolving the ordinary journalistic language. The Counterculture is taken as a politic event featuring the historic plan wich is discussed by the anti-disciplinary protest. This notion is taken as a estrategy to resist against the passive hegemonic ideological reproduction.

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