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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Marinheiros contra a ditadura brasileira: AMFNB, prisão, guerrilha - nacionalismo e revolução? / Mariners against Brazilian dictatorship: AMFNB, prison, guerrilla - nationalism and revolution?

Rodrigues, Flávio Luís 29 March 2017 (has links)
Nas páginas desta Tese, procuramos entender o surgimento e a trajetória de um grupo de ex-marinheiros, que participou da diretoria da Associação dos Marinheiros e Fuzileiros Navais do Brasil, AMFNB, entre maio de 1963 e o Golpe de 1964. Suas origens remontam à crise de 1961, quando os ministros militares brasileiros tentaram impedir a posse do vice-presidente João Goulart, após a renúncia de Jânio Quadros. Esse grupo, que denominamos Coletivo, inseriu-se no movimento mais amplo dos militares subalternos das Forças Armadas, que teve seu auge na chamada Revolta dos Sargentos de setembro de 1963. A partir do Golpe de 1964, o Coletivo entrou nas organizações guerrilheiras, passando por uma transição de nacionalistas a revolucionários. Os membros desse Coletivo, algumas vezes, estiveram dispersos, mas voltavam sempre a se reunir como se estivessem ligados a um compromisso surgido nos tempos da AMFNB. O grupo foi preso e encaminhado para a Penitenciária Professor Lemos Brito. Nesse lugar, ocupando pontos estratégicos na Administração Penitenciária, pode executar atividades que melhoraram a vida dos presos comuns, bem como de preparar sua fuga da prisão. Para a execução do plano de fuga, denominado Operação Liberdade, criou-se uma organização guerrilheira clandestina, com o sugestivo nome MAR Movimento de Ação Revolucionária (a sigla se confundia com o substantivo mar), envolvendo várias pessoas de fora da Penitenciária. Sua fuga da prisão não significou afastamento da política. Ingressaram novamente na guerrilha no combate à ditadura civil-militar. Alguns de seus membros foram presos novamente, outros saíram do país e seu líder, Marcos Antônio da Silva Lima, foi morto numa emboscada da polícia, quando militava no PCBR. O caminho percorrido pelo Coletivo, após o Golpe, permite compreender as estratégias e a ideia que tinham as organizações guerrilheiras de revolução. Realizando as entrevistas com membros desse Coletivo, conseguimos acesso a suas avaliações sobre as organizações guerrilheiras pelas quais passaram e sobre aquela jornada histórica. / This thesis tries to understand the emergence and trajectory of a ex-sailors group who attended the board of the Association of Sailors and Marines of Brazil (Associação dos Marinheiros e Fuzileiros Navais do Brasil, AMFNB) from May 1963 to the coup of 1964. Its origins date back to the 1961 crisis, when Brazilian military ministers tried to prevent the vice-president João Goulart possession, after the resign of president Janio Quadros. This group, which we call Collective, was part of the broader movement of the subaltern Armed Forces personnel, which had its heyday in the named Revolt of the Sergeants September 1963. From the 1964 coup, the Collective entered guerrilla organizations, through a transition from the nationalist to revolutionaries. The members of this Collective sometimes been dispersed, but they always returned to meet as if they were connected to a compromise emerged in AMFNB times. The group was arrested and taken to the Penitentiary Teacher Lemos Brito. There, occupying strategic points in Prison Administration, it could perform activities that improved the lives of ordinary prisoners, and to prepare his escape from prison. They created for the implementation of the escape plan, called Freedom Operation, a clandestine guerilla organization, with the suggestive name MAR - Revolutionary Action Movement (the acronym was confused with the noun SEA), involving several people outside the penitentiary. Their prison break did not mean retirement from politics. Once again joined the guerrillas in fighting Brazilian civil-military dictatorship. Some of its members were arrested again, others left the country and its leader, Marcos Antonio da Silva Lima, was killed in a police ambush, when militated in PCBR. The path taken by the Collective after the coup allows us to understand the strategies and the concept of revolution which guerrilla organizations had. We got access to their reviews of the guerrilla organizations through which passed and on that historic journey conducting interviews with members of the Collective.

De armas na mão: personagens-guerrilheiros em romances de Antonio Callado, Pepetela e Luandino Vieira / Weapons in hand: guerrillas as characters in Antonio Callados, Pepetelas and Luandino Vieiras novels

Veiga, Luiz Maria 19 June 2015 (has links)
Estudo sobre a representação literária da figura do guerrilheiro em romances do brasileiro Antonio Callado (1917-1997) e dos angolanos Pepetela (1941-) e José Luandino Vieira (1935-). Considerando que os autores recriam ficcionalmente realidades muito diferenciadas, em países e continentes distintos, num momento histórico que só as aproxima pelo contexto da Guerra Fria, mas compartilham personagens envolvidos na contestação armada do poder, queremos examinar como essas figuras são construídas, como se aproximam ou se distanciam, e de que maneira se transformam à medida que os textos produzidos se afastam do momento histórico que lhes serve de tema. Um capítulo inicial descreve o panorama geral das lutas políticas no século XX, o fim dos grandes impérios coloniais, o contexto da Guerra Fria, e traça um paralelo minucioso entre a resistência armada à ditadura brasileira e a luta guerrilheira contra o colonialismo português, situando os autores nesse contexto. Depois há uma discussão sobre a figura do guerrilheiro como motivo literário, exemplificado em Che Guevara, um levantamento de questões teóricas sobre o personagem literário e a apresentação e discussão do corpus: Quarup (1967), Bar Don Juan (1971), Reflexos do baile (1977), Sempreviva (1981), de Callado; As aventuras de Ngunga (1973), Mayombe (1980), A geração da utopia (1992), O planalto e a estepe (2009), de Pepetela; O livro dos rios (2006), O livro dos guerrilheiros (2009), de Luandino Vieira. Seguem-se perfis analíticos-interpretativos, feitos a partir da leitura cerrada, de 28 personagens de Callado, 18 personagens de Pepetela e oito personagens de Luandino Vieira, e as conclusões que essas cinquenta figuras nos sugeriram. / This dissertation presents a study of the literary representation of guerrillas in novels by the Brazilian Antonio Callado (1917-1997) and the Angolans Pepetela (1941-) and José Luandino Vieira (1935-). In their fictional recreations of distinct realities, historically contextualized in different countries and continents in the Cold War, these authors created characters who are directly involved in the armed contestation of power. Our purpose is to examine how these characters are constructed, how they converge or diverge in their characteristics, and the transformations they undergo as the focuses in the texts move away from the historical moment associated to their themes. The first chapter draws an overview of the political struggles in the twentieth century, of the end of the great colonial empires, and of the context of the Cold War, and makes a detailed comparison between the armed resistance to the Brazilian dictatorship, which is the context of Antonio Callado\'s novels, and the guerrilla warfare against Portuguese colonialism, where Pepetela\'s and José Luandino Vieira\'s novels are contextualized. Guerrilla warfare and the figure of guerrillas as literary motifs is the subject of the following chapter. The discussion is illustrated through the analysis of literary approaches of the figure of Che Guevara. This chapter also surveys theoretical questions about literary characters and analyzes the following novels : Quarup (1967), Bar Don Juan (1971), Reflexos do baile (1977), and Sempreviva (1981), by Callado; As aventuras de Ngunga (1973), Mayombe (1980), A geração da utopia (1992), O planalto e a estepe (2009), by Pepetela; O livro dos rios (2006), and O livro dos guerrilheiros (2009), by Luandino Vieira. The lasts chapters outlines analytical and interpretative profiles extracted from the close reading of twenty-eight characters by Callado, eighteen characters by Pepetela and eight characters by Luandino Vieira, and presents the conclusions we drew from the analyses of these fifty four characters.

Marinheiros contra a ditadura brasileira: AMFNB, prisão, guerrilha - nacionalismo e revolução? / Mariners against Brazilian dictatorship: AMFNB, prison, guerrilla - nationalism and revolution?

Flávio Luís Rodrigues 29 March 2017 (has links)
Nas páginas desta Tese, procuramos entender o surgimento e a trajetória de um grupo de ex-marinheiros, que participou da diretoria da Associação dos Marinheiros e Fuzileiros Navais do Brasil, AMFNB, entre maio de 1963 e o Golpe de 1964. Suas origens remontam à crise de 1961, quando os ministros militares brasileiros tentaram impedir a posse do vice-presidente João Goulart, após a renúncia de Jânio Quadros. Esse grupo, que denominamos Coletivo, inseriu-se no movimento mais amplo dos militares subalternos das Forças Armadas, que teve seu auge na chamada Revolta dos Sargentos de setembro de 1963. A partir do Golpe de 1964, o Coletivo entrou nas organizações guerrilheiras, passando por uma transição de nacionalistas a revolucionários. Os membros desse Coletivo, algumas vezes, estiveram dispersos, mas voltavam sempre a se reunir como se estivessem ligados a um compromisso surgido nos tempos da AMFNB. O grupo foi preso e encaminhado para a Penitenciária Professor Lemos Brito. Nesse lugar, ocupando pontos estratégicos na Administração Penitenciária, pode executar atividades que melhoraram a vida dos presos comuns, bem como de preparar sua fuga da prisão. Para a execução do plano de fuga, denominado Operação Liberdade, criou-se uma organização guerrilheira clandestina, com o sugestivo nome MAR Movimento de Ação Revolucionária (a sigla se confundia com o substantivo mar), envolvendo várias pessoas de fora da Penitenciária. Sua fuga da prisão não significou afastamento da política. Ingressaram novamente na guerrilha no combate à ditadura civil-militar. Alguns de seus membros foram presos novamente, outros saíram do país e seu líder, Marcos Antônio da Silva Lima, foi morto numa emboscada da polícia, quando militava no PCBR. O caminho percorrido pelo Coletivo, após o Golpe, permite compreender as estratégias e a ideia que tinham as organizações guerrilheiras de revolução. Realizando as entrevistas com membros desse Coletivo, conseguimos acesso a suas avaliações sobre as organizações guerrilheiras pelas quais passaram e sobre aquela jornada histórica. / This thesis tries to understand the emergence and trajectory of a ex-sailors group who attended the board of the Association of Sailors and Marines of Brazil (Associação dos Marinheiros e Fuzileiros Navais do Brasil, AMFNB) from May 1963 to the coup of 1964. Its origins date back to the 1961 crisis, when Brazilian military ministers tried to prevent the vice-president João Goulart possession, after the resign of president Janio Quadros. This group, which we call Collective, was part of the broader movement of the subaltern Armed Forces personnel, which had its heyday in the named Revolt of the Sergeants September 1963. From the 1964 coup, the Collective entered guerrilla organizations, through a transition from the nationalist to revolutionaries. The members of this Collective sometimes been dispersed, but they always returned to meet as if they were connected to a compromise emerged in AMFNB times. The group was arrested and taken to the Penitentiary Teacher Lemos Brito. There, occupying strategic points in Prison Administration, it could perform activities that improved the lives of ordinary prisoners, and to prepare his escape from prison. They created for the implementation of the escape plan, called Freedom Operation, a clandestine guerilla organization, with the suggestive name MAR - Revolutionary Action Movement (the acronym was confused with the noun SEA), involving several people outside the penitentiary. Their prison break did not mean retirement from politics. Once again joined the guerrillas in fighting Brazilian civil-military dictatorship. Some of its members were arrested again, others left the country and its leader, Marcos Antonio da Silva Lima, was killed in a police ambush, when militated in PCBR. The path taken by the Collective after the coup allows us to understand the strategies and the concept of revolution which guerrilla organizations had. We got access to their reviews of the guerrilla organizations through which passed and on that historic journey conducting interviews with members of the Collective.

De armas na mão: personagens-guerrilheiros em romances de Antonio Callado, Pepetela e Luandino Vieira / Weapons in hand: guerrillas as characters in Antonio Callados, Pepetelas and Luandino Vieiras novels

Luiz Maria Veiga 19 June 2015 (has links)
Estudo sobre a representação literária da figura do guerrilheiro em romances do brasileiro Antonio Callado (1917-1997) e dos angolanos Pepetela (1941-) e José Luandino Vieira (1935-). Considerando que os autores recriam ficcionalmente realidades muito diferenciadas, em países e continentes distintos, num momento histórico que só as aproxima pelo contexto da Guerra Fria, mas compartilham personagens envolvidos na contestação armada do poder, queremos examinar como essas figuras são construídas, como se aproximam ou se distanciam, e de que maneira se transformam à medida que os textos produzidos se afastam do momento histórico que lhes serve de tema. Um capítulo inicial descreve o panorama geral das lutas políticas no século XX, o fim dos grandes impérios coloniais, o contexto da Guerra Fria, e traça um paralelo minucioso entre a resistência armada à ditadura brasileira e a luta guerrilheira contra o colonialismo português, situando os autores nesse contexto. Depois há uma discussão sobre a figura do guerrilheiro como motivo literário, exemplificado em Che Guevara, um levantamento de questões teóricas sobre o personagem literário e a apresentação e discussão do corpus: Quarup (1967), Bar Don Juan (1971), Reflexos do baile (1977), Sempreviva (1981), de Callado; As aventuras de Ngunga (1973), Mayombe (1980), A geração da utopia (1992), O planalto e a estepe (2009), de Pepetela; O livro dos rios (2006), O livro dos guerrilheiros (2009), de Luandino Vieira. Seguem-se perfis analíticos-interpretativos, feitos a partir da leitura cerrada, de 28 personagens de Callado, 18 personagens de Pepetela e oito personagens de Luandino Vieira, e as conclusões que essas cinquenta figuras nos sugeriram. / This dissertation presents a study of the literary representation of guerrillas in novels by the Brazilian Antonio Callado (1917-1997) and the Angolans Pepetela (1941-) and José Luandino Vieira (1935-). In their fictional recreations of distinct realities, historically contextualized in different countries and continents in the Cold War, these authors created characters who are directly involved in the armed contestation of power. Our purpose is to examine how these characters are constructed, how they converge or diverge in their characteristics, and the transformations they undergo as the focuses in the texts move away from the historical moment associated to their themes. The first chapter draws an overview of the political struggles in the twentieth century, of the end of the great colonial empires, and of the context of the Cold War, and makes a detailed comparison between the armed resistance to the Brazilian dictatorship, which is the context of Antonio Callado\'s novels, and the guerrilla warfare against Portuguese colonialism, where Pepetela\'s and José Luandino Vieira\'s novels are contextualized. Guerrilla warfare and the figure of guerrillas as literary motifs is the subject of the following chapter. The discussion is illustrated through the analysis of literary approaches of the figure of Che Guevara. This chapter also surveys theoretical questions about literary characters and analyzes the following novels : Quarup (1967), Bar Don Juan (1971), Reflexos do baile (1977), and Sempreviva (1981), by Callado; As aventuras de Ngunga (1973), Mayombe (1980), A geração da utopia (1992), O planalto e a estepe (2009), by Pepetela; O livro dos rios (2006), and O livro dos guerrilheiros (2009), by Luandino Vieira. The lasts chapters outlines analytical and interpretative profiles extracted from the close reading of twenty-eight characters by Callado, eighteen characters by Pepetela and eight characters by Luandino Vieira, and presents the conclusions we drew from the analyses of these fifty four characters.

Hur påverkar Gerillamarknadsföring Generation Y? : En studie av Gerillamarknadsföringens påverkan på Generation Y. / How does Guerrilla marketing affect Generation Y? : A study of Guerrilla marketing's impact on Generation Y.

Gimdal, Gabriel, Johnson, Max January 2013 (has links)
Sammanfattning Titel: Hur påverkar Gerillamarknadsföring Generation Y?  Ämne/Kurs:  Företagsekonomi - Kandidatuppsats Handledare:  Lars Haglund Nyckelord: Marknadsföring, Gerillamarknadsföring, Generation Y, Annonsering, Word-of-mouth, Buzz- marknadsföring, varumärkesattityd, varumärkesengagemang, engagemang online, kommunikation. Bakgrund: Marknadsföring handlar om att skapa och utveckla lönsamma kundrelationer. I dagens samhälle så sker marknadsföring runtom omkring oss hela tiden. På grund av detta har Generation Y utvecklat strategier som automatiskt sorterar bort överflödig och onödig information. Genom att använda oss av Gerillamarknadsföring så vill vi studera om det går att skapa en bättre attityd och ett större engagemang hos Generation Y gentemot varumärke. Kunskapen och förståelsen för hur generationens beteende påverkas kan ge möjlighet för företag att utveckla sin marknadsplan och anpassa verksamheten mot den aktuella generationen Y. Problemformulering: Kan den okonventionella Gerillamarknadsföringen visa sig vara mer effektiv och framgångsrik på ungdomar gentemot traditionell annonsering? Syfte: Genom att belysa problemet som dagens marknadsförare har med den reklamkritiska generationen Y så är syftet att undersöka om en modern och udda marknadsföringsmetod kan vara en av lösningarna på problemet. Metod: Uppsatsen är av kvalitativ karaktär och urvalsmetoderna är bekvämlighetsurval och påstana urval. Genomförandet sker till största del enligt en autoetnografisk metod som handlar om att komma till insikt av den sociala verkligheten för att skapa sanningsenliga uttalanden. Primärdata består i huvudsak av tre intervjusituationer med fokusgrupp, Gerillabyrå och på plats vid Gerillaevent. Teorier: I denna uppsats använder vi oss utav teorier inom följande ämnen, Gerillamarknadsföring, Word-of- mouth, Buzz-marknadsföring, Generation Y, Konsumentbeteende inriktat mot attityd och engagemang. Analys: I analysen har vi sökt efter framträdande mönster som uppstår mellan empiri och teori. Vi kan urskilja ett mönster som talar om för oss att vi kan se positiva effekter vid användning av Gerillamarknadsföring mot Generation Y, dock inte som en ensam metod i marknadsföringsmixen. Slutsats: De centrala delarna i uppsatsen visar ett mönster där användning av Gerillamarkandsföring främst påverkar Generation Y utifrån variablerna; attityd och engagemang gentemot varumärke. Vi ser även att Gerillamarknadsföringen har en större funktion som ett externt kompletterande marknadsföringsmedel. / Abstract How does Guerrilla Marketing Affect Generation Y?  Subject/Course: Business Administration – Bachelor Thesis Mentors:  Lars Haglund Keywords: Marketing, Guerrilla Marketing, Generation Y, Advertising, Word-of-mouth, Buzz-marketing, Brand attitude, Brand engagement, commitment online, communication. Background: Marketing is about creating and developing profitable customer relationships. In today's society marketing and advertising is around us all the time. Because of this, Generation Y has developed strategies that automatically sorts out unneeded and unnecessary information. Through the use of Guerilla Marketing, we want to study whether it is possible to create a better attitude and a greater commitment towards the brand. The understanding of how behavior is influencing the Generation can provide the opportunity as a company to develop a better marketing plan and adapt more towards the Generation Y. Problem: Can the unconventional methods of Guerrilla Marketing prove to be more effective and successful at Generation Y towards traditional advertising? Purpose: By highlighting the issue that today's marketers have with the advertising-critical Generation Y, the purpose is to investigate whether a more modern and quirky marketing method can be one of the solutions to the problem.  Method: The thesis is based on a qualitative method and the selection methods are convenience sample and ”on town” selection. The implementation follows an autoethnographic method that is about to come to the knowledge of the social reality, in order to create truthful statements. Primary data consists mainly of three interview situations with focus group, Guerrilla marketing agency, and on-site at the Guerillaevent. Theories: In this report, we use theories from following subjects, Guerrilla Marketing, Word-of-Mouth, Buzz Marketing, Generation Y, Consumer behavior oriented in attitude and commitment. Analysis: In the analysis we looked for distinct patterns that occur between empirical and theoretical framework. We can discern a pattern that tells us that we can see positive effects from the use of Guerrilla marketing to Generation Y, but not as a comprehensive method of the marketing mix. Conclusion:  The central parts of the essay shows a pattern in which the use of Guerrilla marketing is affecting Generation Y based on the variables; attitude and commitment towards the brand. We also see that Guerrilla marketing has a major function as an external additional marketing method.

Fighting for Aid : Foreign Funding and Civil Conflict Intensity

Strandow, Daniel January 2014 (has links)
This dissertation focuses on the sub-national impact of foreign aid on civil conflicts by asking the question: How does foreign aid committed to contested areas affect the intensity of violence in those areas? The main theoretical contribution is to focus on how aid influences warring parties’ decisions to engage in contests over territorial control and how that in turn influences violence intensity. The study introduces two concepts: funding concentration and barriers to exploiting aid. A contested area has greater concentration of funding if warring parties expect a high value of aid to be distributed to only a few locations. Funding is instead diffused if the parties expect aid to be spread over many locations. A low barrier to exploiting aid is present if it is of a type that both state and non-state actors could potentially misuse. There is a high barrier if territorial control is required in order to exploit funding channels. The theory introduces three testable implications: First, greater funding concentration encourages conventional contests over territorial control, which increases military fatalities. The second proposal is that if there is a low barrier to exploiting aid (e.g. humanitarian and food aid) then there will be increased competition between warring parties and civilians, and hence more civilian fatalities. Third, high barrier funding (e.g. education aid) will motivate contests over territorial control and increase military fatalities. This dissertation uses geo-coded aid commitments data and introduces data of warring parties’ battleground control in sub-Saharan Africa, 1989–2008. The research design relies on propensity score matching where pairs of observations are matched based on a range of covariates. The results concerning barriers to exploitation are partially supported. High barrier aid increases military fatalities whereas low barrier aid has little impact on violence. Greater funding concentration increases military fatalities substantially compared to if there is low or no funding concentration. In line with theory, greater funding concentration does not increase civilian fatalities.

Molarization and singularization: social movements, transformation and hegemony.

Montgomery, Nicholas 06 January 2011 (has links)
This thesis presents a critique of counterhegemony, arguing that imperatives of unity and coherence in social movement theory and practice tend to limit potentials for transformation. I use the 'new social movement theory' of Alberto Melucci and Alain Touraine in order to foreground the problem of intelligibility. Laclau and Mouffe’s conception of articulation is used to develop the problem of intelligibility, and helps to avoid reification. However, I argue that their concept of counterhegemony presents a blackmail where social movements either represent themselves in universal terms, or are cast as merely fragmented and particular. The Deleuzo-Guattarian concepts molarization and molecularization are used to argue that social movements that appear fragmented or vague may in fact be transformative in unexpected ways. The final chapter focuses on a recent guerilla garden at the University of Victoria, and I argue that it is significant in its capacity to foreground problems and suspend commonsense habits, without presenting a coherent and unified programme.

Freeing France the Allies, the Resistance, and the JEDBURGHs.

Jones, Benjamin F. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--University of Kansas, 2008. / Title from title page of PDF document (viewed on: Dec 18, 2009). Includes bibliographical references.

The long war concept using the security cooperation Marine Air Ground Task Force to address irregular threats through shaping and deterrence /

Ziegler, Thomas. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (Master of Military Studies)-Marine Corps Command and Staff College, 2008. / Title from title page of PDF document (viewed on: Feb 2, 2010). Includes bibliographical references.

Maximien Lamarque : un général en politique (1770-1832) / Maximien Lamarque (1770-1832), Napoleonic general and member of the Landes

Espinosa, Gonzague 05 January 2017 (has links)
Immortalisé par Victor Hugo dans Les Misérables, le général Lamarque est surtout connu pour ses funérailles qui ont dégénérées en juin 1832, en une insurrection républicaine réprimée par le pouvoir orléaniste. Pourtant, sa vie ne saurait se résumer à cette image d’Épinal : grâce à des archives souvent inédites ou peu exploitées, le travail de l'historien a permis de dissocier le mythe, qui s'est construit autour du personnage, de la réalité historique pour dresser un portrait inédit de ce Landais engagé dans les affaires de son temps. Issu de la bourgeoisie de robe, il adhère rapidement aux idées d'une Révolution qui lui donne les moyens d'être un acteur des événements : garde national,Jacobin, officier dans un bataillon de volontaires. Instruit et cultivé, il est également pourvu d'un grand courage physique. Sans jamais appartenir aux premiers cercles du pouvoir, il est proche des membres de la famille Bonaparte qui assurent son ascension.Sa carrière militaire sous l'Empire n'est toutefois que de second ordre et c'est à la périphérie de l'Europe qu'il se distingue dans la contre-guérilla. Déçu par la Restauration, il rallie Napoléon lors des Cent-Jours qui l'envoie en Vendée. Cette affectation le compromet durablement aux yeux du pouvoir royaliste qui ne voit plus en lui qu'un général bonapartiste. Exilé, il ne revient en France qu'en 1818 et embrasse une carrière littéraire tout en cherchant à garder son rang dans la société. Au contact de l'opposition libérale, il renoue avec la politique au quotidien. Sa reconversion en politique n'est pourtant pas une évidence. Ce n'est qu'en 1828 qu'il devient député et ce n'est que sous la monarchie de Juillet qu'il devient un héros populaire. / Immortalized by Victor Hugo in « Les Misérables », General Lamarque is mainly known for his funerals in June 1832, which turned into a republican insurrection,suppressed by Orléanist power. However, his life could not be summarized by this stereotyped image : thanks to unexploited or less exploited archives, the historian’swork permitted to dissociate the myth shaped around his character from historical reality, to get an original portrait of this character from the Landes. Coming originally from the bourgeoisie of the robe, he soon stuck to Revolution ideas which gave him the means to be an actor of events : National Guard, Jacobin, officer in a Volunteers Battalion. Educated and cultured, he also came complete with his physical courage. He never was a part of first circles of power, he was close to the House of Bonaparte which provided his rise. His military career under the Empire is yet only second-rate. It is atthe Europe's periphery he stands out in Guerrilla warfare. Disappointed by theRestoration, he rallied to Napoleon during The Hundred Days, who sent him to theVendée. This posting sustainably compromised him to the eyes of royalist power whichonly saw him as a Bonapartist general. Exiled, he only came back to France in 1818 and decided for a literary career as well as he tried to keep his position in society. Through contact with the liberal opposition, he joined politic in everyday life. This change of career was not obvious though. He only became a Member of Parliament in 1828. Hewas only recognized as a popular hero under July Monarchy.

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