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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análise da dinâmica da origem e destino das células trofoblásticas na interface materno-fetal do útero gestante do cobaio na elucidação da organização da placenta vitelina invertida / Analysis of the dynamic of origin and fate of trophoblast cells in the maternal-fetal interface of pregnant guinea pig uterus to elucidate inverted yolk sac organization

Claudia Kanashiro 18 March 2011 (has links)
A implantação embrionária e a placentação em cobaios são caracterizadas pela presença trofoblastos que se destacam da placenta principal, semelhantes ao trofoblasto extra-viloso de humanos. Nestes animais ultrapassam os limites, e podem ser encontrados infiltrados no profundamente no endométrio e no em ambiente externo ultrapassando aos limites da parede uterina. A cobaia desenvolve uma importante estrutura fisiológica de troca materno-embrionária, denominada de placenta vitelina invertida, definidas como membrana fetal destituída parcial ou totalmente do revestimento trofoblástico que permite a exposição do endoderma extra-embrionário em contato direto com o tecido materno. Tais características denotam um mecanismo de controle da resposta imune materna distinta dos paradigmas estabelecidos na reprodução humana e de roedores, assim como ratos e camundongos. Sendo a mais intrigante, a destituição do trofoblasto como célula da interface-materno-fetal que controla a tolerância imune-materna.No presente trabalho, procurou-se estabelecer a organização da placenta vitelina de cobaios a partir da identificação das células que compõe esta membrana extra-embrionária e identificar em que momento ocorre à remoção das células trofoblásticas, e a subseqüente forma de interação das células da placenta vitelina na interface com o tecido materno. Para tanto foram utilizados cobaias fêmeas com idade gestacional conhecida, sacrificadas para coleta de segmentos uterinos nos períodos iniciais da gestação e destinados ao processamento histotógico de embebição em parafina. Na ausência de marcadores celulares específicos conhecidos para cobaios, foram realizados testes prospectivos com reações: citoquímicas de PAS e azul de toluidina (AT; um painel de lectinas biotinadas com afinidade específica para diferentes açúcares; e imunocitoquímica para citoqueratina. As reações realizadas com PAS e AT não identificaram populações celulares com marcação seletiva. Contudo dentre as lectinas tetadas, a Erytrina cristagali lectin (ECL) apresentou reação altamente seletiva para a população de trofoblasto mural (TM) que se origina do trofectoderma, mantendo esta reatividade ao longo da gestação. Esta marcação permitiu avaliar temporal e espacialmente o destino destas células que ao longo da gestação eram mantidas como monocamada de TM revestindo externamente a placenta vitelina e, portanto, não expondo as células do endoderma parietal ou visceral ao ecido materno. Pelo acompanhamento do desenvolvimento embrionário nos cortes seriados, foi constatada no interior do blastocisto a organização de duas massas celulares internas em pólos opostos desde a fase de pré-eclosão. Uma das massas celulares constituída de embrioblastos que dará origem aos os folhetos embrionários nas fases subseqüentes, enquanto a outra formada as células tronco trofoblásticas precursora do cone ectoplacentário (CE). A cavidade da blastocele que separa estas duas massas celulares tem a sua parede revestida pelo endoderma parietal em fase tardia, após a formação da cavidade amniótica. Estes achados demonstram a pecularidade da embriogênese no cobaio, diferente daquelas descritas para humanos e outros roedores, não permitem analogias diretas, o que pode ter contribuído para o equívoco na descrição clássica da organização e constituição da placenta vitelina invertida de constituição córion-amniótica. Isto é, o trofoblasto participa da organização da placenta vitelina inicial e permanece na membrana âmnion-córion-vitelina perfazendo todo o limite do embrião ao longo da gestação. Portanto a hipótese da placenta vitelina parcial ou totalmente invertida baseada na descrição clássica em cobaios é decorrente da interpretação equivocada da embriogênese destes animais. / The guinea pig embryo implantation and placentation is characterized by trophoblast cells detaching from the main placenta in a similar way of human extra-villous trophobasts that deeply intrude inside the endometrium and sometimes also found outside the uterine wall. Furthermore, this animal also develops inverted yolk sac placenta defined as fetal membrane partially or fully devoided of trophoblast sheet that allows extra-embryonic endoderma direct exposition to the maternal environment. These characteristics denote a distinct control mechanism of maternal immune response from the established paradigm for human and rodents (rat and mouse) reproduction, being most intriguing the depriving of trophoblast as cells of maternal-fetal interface regulating the maternal immune tolerance. The present work aimed to establish the organization of guinea pig yolk sac based on identification of cell populations composing this membrane and identification if, or, when the trophoblast cells are removed from and subsequent interaction way of yolk sac cell in interface with maternal tissue. It was used pregnant guinea pig sacrificed on established gestational day to collect uterine fragments on early pregnancy stage and processed by conventional paraffin embedding. Due to absence of known specific cell markers for guinea pig, was performed the prospective evaluation using PAS and toluidine blue (TB) cytochemistry and a screening using a panel of biotinylated lectin specific for different sugars and, anti-cytokeratin. The PAS and TB staining did not identify any specific cell population, however, among the lectins used, Erytrina cristagali lectin (ECL) showed high selective labeling to the trophoblast cells originated from the trophectoderm that was kept through the gestational period. This reaction pattern was useful to evaluate chronologically and topologically the fate of this cell and confirmed the constancy of these cells layering the yolk sac placenta in contact with maternal tissue and therefore, endodermal cells were not exposed to maternal environment. Evaluation of embryo development step by step in the serial sections showed the presence of two inner cell mass in opposite sites inside the pre-hatched blastocyst. One of this, was formed with embryoblast that latter will originate the embryonic sheets and the other formed with trophoblast stem cells (ST) will originate the ectoplacental-cone. The wall of blastocele cavity separate these two inner cell mass was initially covered by a single ECL positive mural trophoblast and only later after the amniotic cavity is formed the extraembyonic endodermal cells migrate from the embryonic sheets to cover internally the blastocele cavity to organize the yolk sac placenta. These findings show the peculiarity of guinea pig embryogenesis, quite different from those described for human and rodents and therefore, does not allow direct analogy and seems to contribute in the misunderstanding of classic description of inverted yolk sac placenta and its cellular organization. It means, the trophoblast cell participates in the early organization of yolk sac placenta and remains in chorioamniotic yolk sac fetal membrane constantly limiting the embryo surface in contact with maternal environment. Therefore, the hypothesis of complete or partially inverted yolk sac placenta seems to be a miss understanding of guinea pig embryogenesis.

Justiça de transição na Guiné-Bissau: o papel das operações de manutenção da paz / Transitional justice in Guinea-Bissau: the role of peacekeeping operations

Claudina Augusta Tavares Viegas 04 June 2013 (has links)
A presente dissertação de mestrado analisa o papel da justiça de transição na busca pela paz na Guiné-Bissau, a partir do estudo dos mecanismos de justiça de transição existentes. Estudam-se os mecanismos existentes na busca pela paz e prestação de contas pelo passado de abusos e violações de direitos humanos e a escolha feita pela Guiné-Bissau pela operação de manutenção da paz, UNOGBIS constituída pela Organização das Nações Unidas. Nesses termos é apresentado o referêncial teórico necessário ao entendimento das questões propostas; é realizada a contextualização do país no continente africano e posteriormente é analisado o mecanismo das operações da paz, enquanto atividade de fortalecimento do processo de reconciliação nacional por meio da execução de projetos destinados a recompor as estruturas institucionais, a recuperar a infra-estrutura física e a ajudar na retomada da atividade econômica. / This dissertation examines the role of transitional justice in the search for peace in Guinea-Bissau, from the study of the mechanisms of transitional justice existent. It is studied the existing mechanisms in the search for peace and accountability for past abuses and violations of human rights. And also, the choice made by Guinea-Bissau for the peacekeeping operation, UNOGBIS formed by the United Nations. In these terms the theoretical reference is made to the understanding of the issues proposed; contextualization is held in the country on the African continent and it is later analyzed the mechanism of peace operations, while strengthening the activity of the national reconciliation process through the implementation of projects aimed recompose the institutional structures to regain physical infrastructure and help the recovery of economic activity.

Papel da indução de tolerância oral no remodelamento de vias aéreas e na expressão da óxido nítrico sintase neuronal / Role of oral tolerance induction in airway remodeling and the expression of neuronal nitric oxide synthase.

Viviane Christina Ruiz 28 August 2006 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A indução de tolerância oral atenua a resposta inflamatória e a produção de anticorpos anafiláticos secundários presentes em quadros alérgicos pulmonares tanto em humanos quanto em modelos experimentais. Nestas situações, a modulação do remodelamento brônquico e o papel do óxido nítrico não foram previamente estudados. OBJETIVOS: 1. Desenvolver dois modelos de tolerância oral em cobaias com inflamação crônica pulmonar caracterizando: mecânica pulmonar, hiper-responsividade a metacolina, óxido nítrico exalado (NOex), anticorpos IgG1, inflamação brônquica e eosinofilopoiese. 2. Avaliar o remodelamento brônquico e a expressão da enzima óxido nítrico sintase neuronal (nNOS) no epitélio brônquico nestes animais. MÉTODOS: As cobaias receberam inalações de ovoalbumina ou soro fisiológico durante 15 minutos ou até que apresentassem desconforto respiratório (este tempo foi denominado tempo de inalação). O protocolo foi repetido duas vezes por semana durante quatro semanas. Para a indução da tolerância foi administrada ovoalbumina a 2% por via oral e oferecida ad libitum, sendo formados os grupos: 1. TO1 (recebeu ovoalbumina oral a 2% a partir da primeira inalação com ovoalbumina); 2. TO2 (recebeu ovoalbumina oral a 2% a partir da quarta inalação com ovoalbumina); 3. SAL (recebeu água ad libitum e inalações com soro fisiológico); 4. OVA (recebeu água ad libitum e inalações com solução de ovoalbumina). Após os animais serem anestesiados e ventilados, foram avaliados: 1. mecânica pulmonar basal e após inalação com ovoalbumina (30mg/ml) ou soro fisiológico, 2. hiper-responsividade brônquica à metacolina, 3. coletado o NOex. Ao final do experimento, os fragmentos pulmonares foram retirados e corados com hematoxilina e eosina, com a técnica histoquímica cianeto resistente para peroxidase eosinofílica (células EPO+), com a técnica imunoistoquímica para a detecção da óxido nítrico sintase neuronal (nNOS) e com resorcina-fucsina, resorcina-fucsina oxidada e picro-sírius. A medula óssea foi retirada e corada com hematoxilina e eosina. O índice de edema peribrônquico, as células EPO+, os mononucleares e os polimorfonucleares brônquicos e os eosinófilos da medula óssea foram avaliados por morfometria. As células epiteliais brônquicas nNOS+ e as fibras elásticas e colágenas foram avaliadas por densitometria óptica. Os anticorpos IgG1 foram detectados por anafilaxia cutânea passiva. A análise estatística foi feita com o programa SigmaStat e considerado significante um P<0,05. RESULTADOS: Nos grupos TO1 e TO2 houve aumento no tempo de inalação, diminuição na resposta máxima de elastância do sistema respiratório após desafio antigênico e com metacolina, diminuição do edema peribrônquico, dos eosinófilos, dos polimorfonucleares, das fibras elásticas e colágenas, da eosinofilopoiese e dos títulos de IgG1 (P < 0,05). Os mononucleares, a resposta máxima de resistência do sistema respiratório depois do desafio antigênico, e a metacolina diminuíram em TO2 (P < 0,05). O NOex e a percentagem de células epiteliais nNOS+ não foram alterados nos grupos tolerizados. CONCLUSÕES: A indução de tolerância oral concomitante ao início da sensibilização ou depois de estabelecida a resposta alérgica foi capaz de atenuar a inflamação eosinofílica, os títulos de IgG1 e o remodelamento brônquico presentes neste modelo de inflamação crônica pulmonar. A redução dos linfomononucleares e da hiper-responsividade brônquica foi mais efetiva quando a indução de tolerância foi feita em animais previamente sensibilizados. A dissociação entre o controle da inflamação eosinofílica e a avaliação do NOex e da expressão da nNOS no epitélio brônquico sugere um mecanismo novo ativado pela indução de tolerância oral / INTRODUCTION: The oral tolerance induction attenuates the inflammatory response and the production of secondary anaphylactic antibodies present in pulmonary allergy pictures in humans as well as in experimental models. In these situations, the bronchial remodeling modulation and the role of nitric oxide have not been previously studied. OBJECTIVES: 1. To develop two models of oral tolerance in guinea pigs with chronic pulmonary inflammation, characterizing: pulmonary mechanics, hyperreponsiveness to methacholine, exhaled nitric oxide (NOex), IgG1 antibodies, bronchial inflammation and eosinophylopoiesis. 2. To evaluate the bronchial remodeling and the expression of the neuronal nitric oxide synthase enzyme (nNOS) in bronchial epithelium of these animals. METHODS: The guinea pigs were submitted to ovalbumin or saline solution inhalation for 15 minutes or until they presented respiratory stress (this time period was called inhalation time). The protocol was repeated twice a week for 4 weeks. Oral tolerance induction was carried out by the administration of 2% oral ovalbumin, offered ad libitum, and the following groups were formed: 1. OT1 (received 2% oral ovalbumin from the first ovalbumin inhalation; 2. OT2 (received 2% oral ovalbumin from the fourth ovalbumin inhalation; 3. SAL (received water ad libitum and saline solution inhalations; and 4. OVA (received water ad libitum and ovalbumin solution inhalations). After being anesthetized, the animals were ventilated and evaluated regarding: 1. basal pulmonary mechanics and after ovalbumin (30mg/ml) or saline solution inhalation; 2. bronchial hyperresponsiveness to methacholine; and 3. NOex was collected. At the end of the experiment, the pulmonary fragments were removed and stained with hematoxylin-eosin, with the cyanide-resistant eosinophilic peroxidase histochemical technique (EPO+ cells), with the immunohistochemical technique for the detection of neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) and with Resorcin-fuchsin, Resorcin-fuchsin with oxidation and Picrosirius. The bone marrow was removed and stained with hematoxylin-eosin. The index of peribronchial edema, the EPO+ cells, the bronchial mononuclear and polymorphonuclear cells and the eosinophils from the bone marrow were evaluated by morphometry. The epithelial bronchial nNOS+ cells and the elastic and collagen fibers were evaluated by optical densitometry. IgG1 antibodies were detected by Passive Skin Anaphylaxis. Statistical analysis was performed with the SigmaStat software program and a P value < 0.05 was considered significant. RESULTS: The OT1 and OT2 groups showed increased inhalation time, decrease in the maximum elastance response of the respiratory system after the antigenic challenge and with methacholine, decrease of peribronchial edema, eosinophils, polymorphonuclear, elastic and collagen fibers, eosinophylopoiesis, and IgG1 titers (P < 0.05). The mononuclear cells, the maximum resistance response of the respiratory system after the antigenic challenge and methacholine decreased in OT2 (P < 0.05). NOex and the percentage of nNOS+ epithelial cells were not altered in the tolerized groups. CONCLUSIONS: The oral tolerance induction concomitant to the start of sensitization or after the allergic response has been established, was capable of attenuating the eosinophilic inflammation, IgG1 titers and the bronchial remodeling present in this model of chronic pulmonary inflammation. The decrease in lymphomononuclear cells and bronchial hyperresponsiveness was more effective when the tolerance induction was carried out in animals that had been previously sensitized. The dissociation between the eosinophilic inflammation and NOex evaluation and the expression of nNOS in the bronchial epithelium suggests a new mechanism activated by the oral tolerance induction

Efeito do condicionamento físico aeróbico de moderada intensidade na inflamação pulmonar alérgica crônica e na hiperresponsividade brônquica à metacolina em cobaias sensibilizadas / Effects of aerobic physical training with moderate intensity on chronic airway inflammation and bronchial hyperresponsivity to a methacoline in sensitized guinea pig

Clarice Rosa Olivo 17 August 2009 (has links)
O treinamento físico (TF) melhora a resposta imune de indivíduos saudáveis e traz benefícios para o paciente asmático, mas seu papel na resposta alérgica é desconhecido. Objetivo: Avaliar o papel do TF de moderada intensidade na inflamação pulmonar alérgica crônica. Métodos: 54 cobaias, divididas em 4 grupos: grupo controle (C) (não sensibilizados e não treinados), grupo OVA (sensibilizados à ovalbumina (OVA) e não treinados), grupo treinamento físico (TF) (não sensibilizados e submetidos a um TF), e grupo OVA+TF (sensibilizados à OVA e submetidos a um TF). A sensibilização à OVA teve duração de 8 semanas e o programa de TF de 6 semanas iniciando 15 dias após o início da sensibilização. Cada grupo foi dividido em 2 subgrupos. No primeiro foi avaliada a inflamação pulmonar e os níveis de óxido nítrico exalado (NOex) e no segundo, a hiperresponsividade brônquica à metacolina (Mch). Resultados: A sensibilização à OVA induziu a um aumento da densidade de eosinófilos e linfócitos, expressão de IL(interleucina)-4 e IL-13 e na espessura do músculo liso na via aerea assim como espessura do epitélio comparado aos animais não-sensibilizados (p<0,05). Os animais do grupo OVA+TF apresentaram uma redução da densidade de eosinófilos, linfócitos, IL-4 e IL-13 comparado com o grupo OVA (p<0,05). Nem a sensibilização crônica a OVA ou TF influenciaram a expressão das citocinas Th1 (IL-2 e IFN-) ou a expressão das citocinas regulatórias (IL-10 e IL-1-ra) e nos níveis de NOex. Os grupos que realizaram TF tiveram aumento na espessura do epitélio quando comparados com grupos não-treinados embora não há diferença entre os grupos na avaliação da hiperresponsividade brônquica. Conclusão: Nossos resultados sugerem que o TF reduz a inflamação alérgica sem modificar a hiperresponsividade brônquica e o remodelamento das vias aéreas / Background: Aerobic training (TF) has a positive effects on health subjects and bring benefits on the immune system of asthmatic patients. However, its role on allergic immune response remains poorly understood. Objective: To evaluate the effects of TF in chronic allergic inflammation. Methods: Fiftyfour animals, divided in 4 groups: non-trained and non-sensitized (C), nonsensitized and aerobic exercise (TF), ovalbumin sensitized and non-trained (OVA), and sensitized and aerobic exercise (OVA+TF). OVA or saline sensitization was performed during 8 weeks. TF was performed in a treadmill during 6 weeks beginning in the 3rd week of sensitization. Each group were divided in two groups. In the first one, it was evaluated airway inflammation and levels of exhaleted oxide nitric (NOex), on the second, airway hyperresponsiveness to a methacholine (Mch). Results: OVA sensitization induced an increase in the eosinophils and lymphocytes counting, expression of IL-4 and IL-13 and the amount of airway smooth muscle and epithelium thickness compared to non-sensitized animals (p<0.05). Sensitized animals submitted to TF presented a reduction in the eosinophil and lymphocyte counting, expression of IL-4 and IL-13 compared with OVA group (p<0.05) but not OVA-induced changes in airway remodeling (p>0.05). Neither OVA nor TF induced any difference in the expression of Th1 (IL-2 and IFN-) and regulatory cytokine (IL-10 and IL1-ra) and the levels of NOex. Trained groups presented an increase in epithelium thickness as compared to the nontrained groups however we did not find difference between groups on hyperresponsiveness avaliation. Conclusion: Our results suggest that TF reduces allergic airway inflammation without changes in bronchial hyperresponsiveness and airway remodeling

Estudos genético-moleculares em Panicum maximum = mapeamento genético-molecular e análise de transcriptoma via RNA-seq = Genetic and molecular studies in Panicum maximum: genetic and molecular mapping and transcriptome analysis via RNA-seq / Genetic and molecular studies in Panicum maximum : genetic and molecular mapping and transcriptome analysis via RNA-seq

Toledo-Silva, Guilherme, 1983- 25 August 2018 (has links)
Orientadores: Anete Pereira de Souza, Liana Jank / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Biologia / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-25T03:40:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Toledo-Silva_Guilherme_D.pdf: 25638879 bytes, checksum: 40fca686426836cea01016a242b64c84 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013 / Resumo: No Brasil, a pecuária bovina é baseada principalmente na utilização de pastagens cultivadas para alimentação animal. A espécie Panicum maximum Jacq., popularmente conhecida no Brasil como capim colonião, encontra-se entre as espécies mais utilizadas na alimentação do gado de corte. Grande parte das áreas destinadas a pastagens encontra-se estabelecida com cultivares exóticas e de reprodução clonal. O monocultivo representa sério risco para todos os sistemas de produção baseados no uso de pastagens. Nesse sentido, o melhoramento genético de forrageiras e o lançamento de novas cultivares de P. maximum surgem como alternativa para a diversificação das pastagens. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo principal contribuir para o conhecimento básico sobre a genética e a biologia molecular de P. maximum. Primeiramente, foi realizada a montagem de novo e análise do transcriptoma da espécie utilizando a metodologia de sequenciamento massivo paralelo de cDNA (RNA-seq), resultando em 38.192 unigenes, os quais foram anotados em diferentes bancos de dados. A maioria dos genes relacionados as vias de fixação de carbono C4 e de síntese de lignocelulose foram identificados. Ainda, foram identificados 5.035 marcadores microssatélites (SSR) e 346.456 marcadores do tipo single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) em todo o transcriptoma. Na segunda parte deste trabalho, foram desenvolvidos 131 novos marcadores moleculares do tipo microssatélite para P. maximum. Estes marcadores foram utilizados juntamente a 43 marcadores SSR obtidos da literatura, para construção de mapas genético-moleculares, através da genotipagem dos híbridos F1 resultantes de cruzamento intraespecífico. Os mapas de ligação cobriram 672,2 cM e 802,2 cM dos genomas dos genitores S10 e Mombaça. Estes resultados contribuem para a pesquisa associada a P. maximum e forrageiras tropicais, assim como para os programas de melhoramento genético / Abstract: In Brazil, livestock feeding is mainly based on cultivated pastures. Panicum maximum Jacq., also known as capim-colonião, figures among the most cultivated tropical forage plants in brazilian pastures, which are established with exotic cultivars of clonal reproduction, leading to monoculture, and consequently offering serious risks to associated production systems. One possible solution to monoculture falls on new cultivars releases, throught breeding programs, diversificating livestock pastures in Brazil. The work presented here had an objective of elucidate some basic aspects regarding the genetics and molecular biology of P. maximum. First, we conducted a de novo assembly and analysis of leaf transcriptome, throught massive parallel cDNA sequencing (RNA-seq), resulting in 38.192 unigenes, which were annotated in different databases. Genes related to C4 metabolism and lignocellulose synthesis are valuable resource to breeding programs and were identified among assembled transcripts. Thus, several putative molecular markers were located in unigenes: 5.035 microsatellites (SSR) motifs and 346.456 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) positions. Also, we developed 131 new genomic and expressed SSR markers for P. maximum. These markers were used with 43 published SSR markers to develop a genetic map. A segregating F1 population were used for such, hybrids of S10 (sexual genotype) and Mombaça (apomictic genotype) crossing. Linkage maps covered 672,2 cM and 802,2 cM of parentals genomes respectively, using 88 and 96 markers each. Results presented in this work contributes to P. maximum and tropical grasses related research and breeding programs / Doutorado / Genetica Vegetal e Melhoramento / Doutor em Genetica e Biologia Molecular

Identificação de áreas neurogênicas no sistema nervoso central de cobaias (Cavia porcellus, Linnaeus 1758): cultura, caracterização e diferenciação de precursores neurais / Identification of neurogenic areas in the central nervous system of guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus, Linnaeus 1758): culture, characterization and differentiation of neural precursors

Erika Toledo da Fonseca 18 December 2012 (has links)
O presente trabalho relata a identificação de áreas neurogênicas, o cultivo, identificação e caracterização de precursores neurais obtidos do encéfalo de fetos de cobaias. Áreas potencialmente neurogênicas no encéfalo de neonatos foram identificadas por imunohistoquímica para a bromodeoxiuridina (BrdU), após inoculação da droga. A incorporação de BrdU foi detectada principalmente em células das áreas subjacentes ao ventrículo lateral, hipocampo e bulbo olfatório, indicando proliferação celular e sugerindo o potencial neurogênico dessas áreas. A seguir, realizou-se o cultivo de precursores neurais a partir da zona subventricular (SVZ) dos ventrículos laterais. Após aproximadamente uma semana de cultivo, as células da SVZ em multiplicação ativa originaram abundantes massas celulares (neuroesferas, NSFs). Células dissociadas a partir das NSFs primárias foram capazes de gerar novas neuroesferas após alguns dias de cultivo. As NSFs proliferaram em número e em tamanho, podendo ser subcultivadas por até 5-6 passagens, com intervalos de uma semana, permanecendo viáveis por até 60 dias. Nesse período, as NSFs foram congeladas e descongeladas, tendo sido preservadas a sua viabilidade e capacidade proliferativa. Ensaios de viabilidade pelo método colorimétrico de MTT revelaram diferenças de viabilidade entre NSFs cultivadas a partir de SVZs de animais de diferentes idades (fetos, 7, 30 e 180 dias de vida). NSFs dissociadas apresentaram cerca de 2,3% de morte celular por apoptose e cerca de 3,1% de morte por necrose. NSFs íntegras e dissociadas foram submetidas a imunofluorescência (IF), utilizando-se anticorpos para marcadores de células-tronco (nestina), neurônios (Beta-III-tubulina), oligodendrócitos (mGALC) e astrócitos (GFAP). Marcação difusa, de intensidade variável, foi observada no citoplasma de células das NSFs e nas células individualizadas, mas o percentual de células expressando os diferentes marcadores não foi determinado. Quando cultivadas em meio contendo B27, sem fatores de crescimento, as NSFs apresentaram evidências de diferenciação, originando células aderentes a superfície do frasco, com características morfológicas diferentes as das NSFs, indicando diferenciação. Citometria de fluxo de células das NSFs após a diferenciação revelou 13,3% positivas para nestina, aproximadamente 5,5% positivas para beta-III-tubulina, 9% positivas para GFAP e 7,8% positivas para mGalC. Células diferenciadas foram então submetidas a teste de funcionalidade, pela mensuração de influxo de cálcio após estímulo com ácido gama amino butírico (GABA) e glutamato. A adição de GABA e glutamato resultou em estimulação de algumas células diferenciadas, que foi observado por meio do aumento da fluorescência das mesmas. Portanto, células cultivadas e diferenciadas in vitro a partir da SVZ de fetos de cobaias apresentam indicadores funcionais de neurônios. A capacidade das células da SVZ de fetos cobaias originarem células neurais funcionais in vitro é promissora no sentido de aprofundar as pesquisas e viabilizar o uso terapêutico de células-tronco em disordens do sistema nervoso. / The present study concerns the identification of neurogenic areas, culture, identification and characterization of neural precursors obtained from the brain of guinea pigs. Potentially neurogenic areas in the brain of neonates were identified by immunohistochemistry for bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU), following administration of the drug. BrdU incorporation was detected mainly in cells underlying the lateral ventricle, in hippocampus and olfactory bulbs, indicating cell proliferation and suggesting a neurogenic potential for these areas. Subsequently, neural precursors were cultured from cells obtained from the subventricular zone (SVZ) of the lateral ventricles. After approximately one week culture, SVZ cells in active multiplication originated abundant cellular masses (neurospheres, NSFs). Cells dissociated from primary NSFs were capable of originating new NSFs after a few days of culture. NSFs proliferated in number and size, allowing 5-6 weekly subculturings and maintaining growth and viability for up to 60 days. In the meantime, NSFs were frozen and thawed, maintaining the viability and proliferative ability. Viability assays by the colorimetric MTT revealed viability differences among NSFs originated from SVZs from animals of different ages (fetuses, 7, 30 and 180 days of age). Dissociated NSFs underwent approximately 2.3% cell death by apoptosis and 3.1% death by necrosis. Intact and dissociated NSFs were submitted to immunofluorescence (IF), using antibodies for cell markers of stem cells (nestin), neurons (beta-III tubulin), oligodendrocytes (mGalC) and astrocytes (GFAP). A diffuse staining of variable intensity was observed in the cytoplasm of NSFS and dissociated cells, yet the rate of cells expressing each individual marker could not be determined. Upon culture in medium containing B27, without NSFs-specific growth factors, NSFs displayed evidence of neural differentiation, originating cells with morphology distinct from that of NSFs, suggesting differentiation. Flow cytometry analysis of NSFs cells after differentiation revealed approximately 13.3% positive for nestin, around 5.5% positive for beta-III-tubulin, 9% GFAP positive and approximately 7.8% positive for mGalC. Differentiated cells were then submitted to a functional test, by measuring calcium influx upon gamma butiric amino acid (GABA) and glutamate stimuli. GABA and glutamate stimulated some differentiated cells. Thus, cells cultured and differentiated from guinea pig SVZ present physiological indicators of neuronal physiology. Thus, the ability of guinea pig SVZ cells to originate functional neurons in vitro is promising towards further studies and potential therapeutic use of neural stem cells in disorders of the nervous system.

Analyse de la variabilité atmosphérique à l'échelle intrasaisonnière et de sa prévisibilité au dessus de la côte guinéenne et de l'Afrique Centrale / Analysis of the Atmospheric Variability at Intraseasonal scale and his predictability over the Guinean coast and Central Africa

Kamsu Tamo, Pierre Honoré 01 December 2017 (has links)
Cette étude s'inscrit dans le cadre de la documentation de la variabilité intrasaisonnière atmosphérique et l'analyse de la prévisibilité sur les régions Afrique Centrale et Golfe de Guinée. Elle porte sur les saisons de l'année pour lesquelles la ZCIT est au dessus de l'équateur. Des travaux menés distinctement sur les mois de Mars à Juin et de Septembre à Novembre, il ressort que les activités convective et pluvieuse au cours de ces saisons sont régies par trois modes principaux de variabilité assez proches. Au cours de ces deux saisons, les systèmes individuels générateurs de pluie se déplacent d'est en ouest, et leur activité est régulée par des enveloppes convectives se déplaçant vers l'est. Des analyses spécifiques ont mis en lumière la forte empreinte de signaux équatoriaux de type onde de Kelvin se propageant vers l'est et dont les phases régulent l'organisation des systèmes convectifs. L'impact relatif d'ondes équatoriales se propageant vers l'ouest (Rossby en particulier) et celui d'advections de masses d'air méditerranéennes n'est pas à négliger, d'autant plus qu'elles sont susceptibles d'interagir avec les ondes de Kelvin, et donc de moduler les phases de l'activité convective. Les forçages externes ainsi identités constituent des sources potentielles de prévisibilité pour les modes intrasaisonniers mis en évidence. Utilisant les données de la base multi-modèle TIGGE, l'analyse de la prévisibilité de chacun des modes principaux de variabilité est réalisée. Se focalisant sur les phases spécifiques de ces modes, les scores obtenus augurent une prévisibilité au delà de 10 jours surtout pour des prévisions initialisées lorsque les principales sources sont actives. / In this study we document the intraseasonal variability of the tropical convection and its predictability during the rainy season over the Central Africa and the Gulf of Guinea. Here, our study mainly focuses on seasons of the year for which the ITCZ is north of the equator. Based separate studies carried out on March to June and September to November seasons, we are able to identify three main modes of variability that modulate tropical convection and rainfall in West and Central Africa. During these two seasons, while individual rain-producing systems move westward, their activity is highly modulated by eastward propagating subregional and regional scale systems. Results of detailed analysis indicate the coupling between tropical convection and equatorial Kelvin wave in the region. The phases of these eastward propagating signals play an important role by regulating the organization of convective systems. Moreover, the role played by westward propagating signals (Rossby wave in particular) and Mediterranean air intrusion needs to be taken into account. These systems by interacting with Kelvin wave, may modulate the phases of convective activity in the region. Therefore, external forcing associated with these systems can be useful to the predictability of the intraseasonal modes the region. A multi model diagnostic study is performed using data available from the TIGGE project in order to evaluate the predictability of each of the main modes of variability. For a typical phase of these modes, there seems to be a statistically significant skill associated with predictability of beyond 10 days, especially for predictions initiated from active main sources.

Maladies bactériennes, y compris vectorisées, en Afrique de l'Ouest (Côte d'Ivoire et Guinée-Conakry) / Bacterial diseases, vectorized including in West Africa (Côte d'Ivoire and Guinea-Conakry)

Ehounoud, Hervé Cyrille Bile 06 December 2016 (has links)
Les maladies fébriles y compris les maladies bactériennes sont mal connues en Côte d’Ivoire et en Guinée. Tout d’abord, nous avons recherché par biologie moléculaire des bactéries pathogènes transmises par les tiques en Côte d’Ivoire. Nous avons analysé différentes espèces de tiques prélevées chez des bovins et mis en évidence des bactéries pathogènes responsables de nombreuses maladies infectieuses comme Rickettsia, Borrelia, Anaplasma, Ehrlichia, Coxiella burnetii (fièvre Q) et aussi vingt nouvelles espèces potentielles.Ensuite, notre objectif était de détecter par biologie moléculaire des micro-organismes pathogènes chez l’homme. Concernant l’étude des plaies et des peaux saines en Guinée, la plupart des patients étaient infectés par Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus et plusieurs espèces d'Acinetobacter.Parmi les patients fébriles et les sujets apyrétiques recrutés en Guinée et en Côte d’Ivoire, Plasmodium falciparum reste le micro-organisme le plus fréquent surtout dans les échantillons de sang des patients fébriles bien que plusieurs bactéries aient été aussi identifiées. En Guinée, il s’agissait de Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Salmonella enterica Non Typhi et Non Paratyphi et R. felis. Ces bactéries ont été également identifiées ainsi que Salmonella enterica Typhi, Salmonella enterica Paratyphi, Tropheryma whipplei et une nouvelle espèce potentielle de Wolbachia en Côte d’Ivoire. Nos travaux ont permis d’établir le répertoire des bactéries transmises par les tiques en Côte d’Ivoire, celles impliquées dans les bactériémies en Côte d’Ivoire et en Guinée (Conakry). / Febrile illnesses including bacterial diseases are poorly known in Côte d'Ivoire and Guinea.In the first part of our work, we researched by molecular biology bacteria transmitted by ticks in Côte d’Ivoire. We analyzed different species of ticks collected from cattle and highlighted pathogenic bacteria responsible for many infectious diseases such as Rickettsia, Borrelia, Anaplasma, Ehrlichia, Coxiella burnetii (Q fever) and twenty potential new species. In the second part, our goal was to detect using molecular biology several microorganisms in humans in Guinea (Conakry) and Côte d'Ivoire. As regards the study of wounds and healthy skin in Guinea, most patients were infected with Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, several species of Acinetobacter.Among the febrile patients and healthy controls afebrile recruited in Guinea and Côte d'Ivoire, Plasmodium falciparum is the most common detected microorganism especially in blood samples from febrile patients although several bacteria were also identified. In Guinea, it was Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes, Streptococcus pneumoniae, non-typhoidal Salmonella spp., and R. felis. These bacteria were also identified as well as Salmonella enterica Typhi, Salmonella enterica Paratyphi, Tropheryma whipplei and a potential new species of Wolbachia in Côte d’Ivoire.This work allowed establishing the repertory of bacteria transmitted by ticks in Côte d’Ivoire, as well as those involved in bacteremia in Côte d’Ivoire and Guinea (Conakry).

Contribution à l'amélioration de la performance en matière d'imposition sur le revenu en République de Guinée / Contribution to improving the performance of taxation on income in the Republic of Guinea

Monemou, Ouo-Ouo Waïta 21 January 2015 (has links)
L’imposition sur le revenu en République de Guinée héritée du système fiscal français, constitue l’un des éléments importants de la structure fiscale guinéenne. Mais paradoxalement, cette imposition, par rapport à la TVA, reste de nos jours très peu rentable au budget de l’Etat. Or, le potentiel fiscal autant vaste, prenant en compte les revenus provenant des activités commerciales, industrielles, artisanales, agricoles, professionnelles, etc., réalisées par les contribuables y existe ; mais non encore « judicieusement exploité ». En effet, parler d’imposition sur le revenu revient à se pencher aussitôt sur les deux dimensions fondamentales qui sous-tendent cette notion : l’impôt sur le revenu (IR) des particuliers et l’impôt sur le revenu des entreprises ou sociétés dont les enjeux contributifs caractérisant véritablement la problématique de cette imposition s’enchevêtre dans une série de réalités complexes d’ordres politique, socio-économique, environnemental, juridique, etc., différentes d’un pays à un autre et d’une communauté à une autre.Le but ultime visé par cette thèse est de faire un constat diagnostic pertinent afin de retracer les causes et les effets de la faible part de l’imposition sur le revenu dans les recettes fiscales intérieures et de proposer des solutions efficaces en vue d’améliorer la rentabilité de l’IR et de l’impôt sur les bénéfices des sociétés qui impacterait tant soit peu la performance des services du fisc, du budget de l’Etat, de l’économie nationale et du système fiscal en République de Guinée. / Income tax in the Republic of Guinea as inherited from the French fiscal regime is one of the most important elements of the Guinean fiscal structure. But paradoxically, this tax, with regard to the VAT, remains less profitable in terms of state budget revenues. Despite the huge fiscal potential, taking into account all revenues from commercial, industrial, handcraft, agricultural and professional activities undertaken by taxpayers, it is yet not judiciously exploited. Indeed, talking about income tax will lead to focus on the two basic dimensions of the notion: Private Income tax (IT) and companies income tax the contributive challenges of which truly characterizing the problem of this tax to be expressed in variety of complex realities of political, social, economical and environmental natures, varying from a country to another and from a community to another.The goal of this dissertation is to proceed to a relevant diagnosis finding in order to be able to retrace the causes and effects of the low contribution share of the income tax in the internal fiscal revenue and to propose efficient solution with a view to improving the profitability of said tax on companies profits, which will impact the performances of fiscal services, state budget, national economy as well as the fiscal system in the Republic of Guinea.

Etude dynamique des épidémies de choléra en Afrique et en Haïti et application à la mise en place de stratégies d'élimination / Dynamic study of cholera epidemics in Africa and in Haiti and application to the implementation of elimination strategies

Rebaudet, Stanislas 08 December 2014 (has links)
Le choléra est une diarrhée hydrique sévère volontiers épidémique causée par des Vibrio cholerae O1 toxinogènes. Ses déterminants environnementaux ont donné naissance à un paradigme influent sur les stratégies de lutte, qui sont se sont avérées peu efficientes en Afrique comme en Haïti. Elles pourraient être améliorées par une meilleure compréhension de la dynamique des épidémies. La synthèse bibliographique des influences de l'environnement sur les épidémies de choléra en Afrique y montre les limites du paradigme environnemental. L'étude multidisciplinaire des origines de l'épidémie de choléra en Guinée en 2012 suggère fortement qu'elle fut importée par voie humaine depuis la Sierra Leone voisine. Une description spatio-temporelle du choléra au Mozambique démontre l'hétérogénéité de sa transmission et amène à questionner le concept d'endémicité du choléra. Depuis son importation en Haïti en octobre 2010, l'épidémie de choléra présente également une répartition spatiale et temporelle très hétérogène. Son importante rétractation en saison sèche et son absence d'enracinement significatif dans l'environnement laissent espérer la possibilité d'une élimination rapide à condition d'apporter une réponse ciblée à tous les foyers épidémiques du pays. Une stratégie d'élimination basée sur nos recommandations y est actuellement menée par le Ministère de la Santé, l'UNICEF et leurs partenaires. Après des résultats spectaculaires en 2013 et au premier semestre 2014, la situation s'est à nouveau dégradée pendant la saison des pluies. Une élimination du choléra dans saison sèche à venir demeure cependant réaliste si nous parvenons à convaincre et remobiliser les acteurs de terrain. / Cholera is an epidemic acute watery diarrhea caused by toxigenic bacteria Vibrio cholerae O1. Its environment determinants have been at the source of a popular paradigm. Many recent control strategies have shown little efficiency in Africa or in Haiti, but they could be improved by a better comprehension of the epidemics dynamic. The bibliographic synthesis of environment influences on cholera in Africa highlights the limits of the environmental paradigm on this continent. A multidisciplinary study of the origin of cholera epidemic in Guinea in 2012 strongly suggests it was humanly imported from nearby Sierra Leone. A space-time description of cholera in Mozambique demonstrates heterogeneous transmission patterns and challenges the concept of cholera endemicity. Since its importation in Haiti in October 2010, cholera transmission also exhibits a marked spatio-temporal heterogeneity. Cholera important retraction during the dry season and its absence of significant establishment in the Haitian environment suggest it may be possible to rapidly eliminate cholera in the country, provided that every outbreak focus receives a targeted response. An elimination strategy based on our recommendations is currently implemented by Haitian Ministry of Health, UNICEF and their partners. After spectacular results in 2013 and during the first half of 2014, the situation has slowly deteriorated during the rainy season. However, cholera elimination during the coming dry season remains realistic provided that we succeed in persuading and remobilizing the partners present on the field.

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