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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Úloha střevního mikrobiomu v imunitních onemocněních centrálního nervového systému / The role of the gut microbiome in immune-mediated CNS disorders

Zedníková, Barbora January 2016 (has links)
Charles University in Prague Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Biological and Medical Sciences Candidate: Bc. Barbora Zedníková Supervisor: Doc. MUDr. Josef Herink, DrSc. Title of diploma thesis: The role of the gut microbiome in immune-mediated CNS disorders Human body hosts a large number of microorganisms - i.e. Archea, Eukarya, Bacteria and viruses. These microorganisms form microbiome, the total number of the microorganisms is ten times higher than the number of all human cells. Largest part of the microbiome is located in the intestine. The current development of molecular genetics revealed the close relationship between intestinal microbiome and health. Recent studies the most recent studies have pointed to a connection with the pathogenesis of various diseases. This dissertation is focused on the connection between intestinal microbiome and autoimmune diseases of the central nervous system. Research shows that the key factor are the ongoing changes in the composition of microbiome. These changes lead to increased immune stimulation and thereby to inflammatory proliferation.

Impact of the incorporation of probiotic strains and fruit by-products in fermented synbiotic soy product and on the composition and metabolic activity of the gut microbiota in vitro / Impacto da incorporação de cepas probióticas e de subprodutos de frutas em um produto fermentado de soja simbiótico e sobre a composição e a atividade metabólica da microbiota intestinal humana in vitro

Vieira, Antonio Diogo Silva 10 April 2018 (has links)
The present study aimed to develop a fermented soy beverage containing fruit by-products and probiotics and to evaluate the impact of this product on the composition and metabolic activity of the human intestinal microbiota using an in vitro simulation model of the intestinal conditions (TIM-2). Therefore, the present study was divided into three stages. Stage I was based on obtaining, processing and physical-chemical, microbiological and functional characterization of fruit by-products (acerola, orange, mango, and passion fruit) and soybean (okara), as well as amaranth flour. Additionally, the ability to use these vegetable by-products and amaranth flour by probiotic and non-probiotic strains was evaluated. The results showed that the acerola byproduct presented the highest dietary fibre content (48.46 g/100 g) among the by-products tested, as well as amaranth flour. Orange and passion fruit by-products were the substrates that most promoted the growth of bacterial populations, including strains of Escherichia coli and Clostridium perfringens. On the other hand, the acerola by-product was the substrate that showed the highest selectivity for beneficial bacteria. Also, in this stage, ten probiotic strains (seven lactobacilli and three bifidobacteria) and three starter strains (Streptococcus thermophilus) were tested for their ability to deconjugate bile salts and for proteolytic activity against milk and soy proteins. The results showed that none of the tested strain showed proteolytic ability against milk and soybean proteins. In addition, the probiotic strains Lactobacillus acidophilus LA-5 and Bifidobacterium longum BB-46 deconjugated more types of bile acids tested, and the strains of S. thermophilus tested showed no ability to deconjugate bile salts. Next, the acerola by-product (ABP) and the probiotic strains LA-5 and BB-46 were selected to continue stage II of the study (development of a fermented soy beverage). For this purpose, a 23 factorial design was used, in a total of 8 trials with three replicates of each one, and the effects of the probiotic strains and the acerola by-product on the physical-chemical, microbiological, and sensory characteristics of these fermented soy beverages were evaluated. At the same time, probiotic viability and survival under in vitro gastrointestinal (GI) simulated conditions were evaluated in fermented soy beverage (FSB). The results showed that the presence of BB-46 and ABP affected the sensory acceptability of FSB negatively. ABP also led to significant differences in the texture profile of the FSB (P<0.05). Populations of probiotic strains ranged from 7.0 to 8.2 log CFU equivalent/mL during 28 days of refrigerated storage (4° C) of FBS, and the co-culture (LA-5+BB-46) and the ABP did not affect the viability of both microorganisms significantly (P> 0.05). However, ABP increased the survival of BB-46 under in vitro simulated GI conditions significantly. For stage III, a 22 experimental design was performed. To evaluate the impact of these FBS on the composition and metabolic activity of the intestinal microbiota of lean and obese humans, a validated in vitro model called TIM-2 was used, available at the Maastricht University (Venlo, The Netherlands), which simulates normal conditions of the lumen of the proximal colon, with all parameters controlled by a computer. Samples were collected from TIM-2 to quantify probiotic microorganisms (LA-5 and BB-46), Lactobacillus spp., Bifidobacterium spp., and total bacteria, using the quantitative PCR method (qPCR) and the intestinal microbiota profile was determined using an Illumina Mysec Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) method. Concentrations of shortchain fatty acids and branched-chain fatty acids and lactate produced by the different microbiotas during fermentation in TIM-2 were also determined. The results showed that the lean microbiota presented the high production of acetate and lactate than the microbiota of obese individuals. Significant reductions in Bifidobacterium populations in the lean microbiota were observed at 0 and 48 h of an assay for all experimental meals, except for the meal that had the probiotic combination (LA-5 and BB-46) and the ABP supplementation, which showed an increased total Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus populations throughout the experimental period for both microbiotas tested. The FSB supplemented with ABP presented the best characteristics regarding the modulation of the obese microbiota, with an increase in Bifidobacterium spp. and Lactobacillus spp. Additionally, after 48 hours of intervention in TIM-2, the obese microbiota was apparently similar to the lean microbiota, showing a beneficial modulation of this microbiota. The results suggest that the fermented soy beverage supplemented with the acerola by-product and the probiotic strains may present beneficial health effects. However, clinical studies are required to complement and confirm the results observed in the in vitro assays. / O presente trabalho visou desenvolver uma bebida fermentada de soja adicionada de resíduos de frutas e suplementada com cepas probióticas e avaliar o impacto desse produto sobre a composição e a atividade metabólica da microbiota intestinal humana, utilizando um modelo de simulação in vitro das condições intestinais (TIM-2). Para tanto, o presente trabalho foi dividido em três etapas. A etapa I foi baseada na obtenção, processamento e caracterização físico-química, microbiológica e funcional de subprodutos de frutas (acerola, laranja, manga e maracujá) e soja (okara), bem como da farinha de amaranto. Adicionalmente, a capacidade de utilização desses subprodutos vegetais e da farinha de amaranto por cepas probióticas e não probióticas foi avaliada. Os resultados mostraram que o subproduto de acerola apresentou o maior conteúdo de fibras alimentares totais (48,46 g/100 g) dentre os subprodutos testados, bem como a farinha de amaranto. Os subprodutos de laranja e maracujá foram os substratos que mais promoveram a multiplicação das populações bacterianas, incluindo das cepas de Escherichia coli e Clostridium perfringens. Por outro lado, o subproduto de acerola foi o substrato que apresentou a maior seletividade para bactérias benéficas. Ainda nessa etapa, dez cepas probióticas (sete lactobacilos e três bifidobacterias) e três cepas starter (Streptococcus thermophilus) foram testadas quanto à sua capacidade de desconjugação de sais biliares e atividade proteolítica frente às proteínas do leite e da soja. Os resultados revelaram que nenhuma cepa testada apresentou capacidade de proteólise das proteínas do leite e da soja. Adicionalmente, as cepas probióticas Lactobacillus acidophilus LA-5 e Bifidobacterium longum BB-46 desconjugaram a maior quantidade de ácidos biliares testados e as cepas de S. thermophilus testadas não apresentaram capacidade de desconjugação de sais biliares. Após a análise dos resultados da etapa I, o resíduo de acerola (ABP) e as cepas probióticas LA-5 e BB-46 foram selecionadas para dar continuidade à etapa II do estudo(desenvolvimento de uma bebida fermentada a base de soja). Para esse fim, foi utilizado um delineamento experimental do tipo fatorial 23, totalizando 8 ensaios com três repetições de cada, e foram avaliados os efeitos das cepas probióticas e do subproduto de acerola sobre as características físico-químicas, microbiológicas e sensoriais dessas bebidas fermentadas de soja. Paralelamente, foram realizadas análises da sobrevivência das cepas probióticas frente às condições gastrintestinais simuladas in vitro nas bebidas fermentadas de soja (FSB). Os resultados mostraram que a presença de BB-46 e ABP afetaram negativamente a aceitabilidade sensorial das FSB. O ABP também levou a diferenças significativas no perfil de textura das FSB (P<0,05). As populações das cepas probióticas nas diferentes formulações de FSB variaram de 7,0 a 8,2 log de UFC equivalente/mL durante os 28 dias de armazenamento (4 ºC) e a co-cultura (LA-5+BB-46) e o ABP não afetaram (P>0,05) a viabilidade de ambos os microrganismos. No entanto, ABP aumentou significativamente a sobrevivência de BB-46 frente às condições gastrintestinais sumuladas in vitro. Para a etapa III do presente estudo, um delineamento experimental fatorial 22 foi realizado. Para a avaliação do impacto dessas FSB sobre a composição e atividade metabólica da microbiota intestinal de humanos eutróficos e obesos, foi utilizado um modelo in vitro TIM-2 na Maastricht University (Venlo, Holanda), que simula as condições normais do lúmen do cólon proximal, com todos os parâmetros controlados por um computador. Amostras foram coletadas do TIM-2 para a quantificação dos microrganismos probióticos (LA-5 e BB-46), Lactobacillus spp., Bifidobacterium spp. e bactérias totais, utilizando o método de PCR quantitativo (qPCR), e o perfil da microbiota intestinal foi determinado utilizando Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) Illumina Mysec. A concentração de ácidos graxos de cadeia curta e de cadeia ramificada e lactato produzidos pelas diferentes microbiotas durante a fermentação no TIM-2 também foi determinada. Os resultados mostraram que a microbiota de humanos eutróficos apresentou uma alta produção de acetato e lactato em comparação com a microbiota de obesos. Reduções significativas das populações de Bifidobacterium na microbiota de eutróficos foram observadas entre 0 e 48 h de ensaio para todas as refeições experimentais, exceto para a refeição que apresentou a combinação probiótica (LA-5 e BB-46) e a suplementação com ABP, que apresentou aumento de Bifidobacterium e Lactobacillus totais durante todo o período de análise para ambas as microbiotas testadas. As FSB suplementadas com ABP apresentaram os melhores resultados em relação à modulação da microbiota de humanos obesos, com o aumento Bifidobacterium spp. e Lactobacillus spp. Adicionalmente, após 48 horas de intervenção no TIM-2, a microbiota de obesos foi aparentemente similar à microbiota de eutróficos, mostrando uma modulação benéfica dessa microbiota. Os resultados sugerem que as bebidas fermentadas de soja suplementadas com o subproduto de acerola e cepas probióticas podem apresentar efeitos benéficos à saúde. No entanto, estudos clínicos são necessários para complementar e confirmar os resultados observados nos ensaios in vitro.

Purificação e caracterização de &#946;-1,3-glucanases de insetos / Purification and characterization of &#946;-1,3-glucanases from insects

Genta, Fernando Ariel 14 April 2004 (has links)
P. americana e T. molitor são capazes de secretar &#946;-1,3-glucanases no tubo digestivo, pelas glândulas salivares e pelo epitélio do ventrículo, respectivamente. As laminarinases majoritárias de P. americana (LIQ1, 42kDa; LAM_P, 45kDa), A. flavolineata (LAM_A, 45kDa) e T. molitor (LAM_T, 50kDa) foram purificadas até a homogeneidade. Essas enzimas têm diferentes especificidades, padrões de ação e resíduos envolvidos em catálise, fazendo parte dos E.C. - endo-&#946;-1,3(4)-glucanase (LIQ1), E.C. - endo-&#946;-1,3-glucanase (LAM_P) ou E.C. - exo-&#946;-1,3-glucanase (LAM_A e LAMT). O papel dessas enzimas é digerir &#946;-glucanas de fungos e de cereais. LAM_P e LAMA são inibidas por laminarina, pela formação de complexos enzima-substrato não-produtivos. LIQ1, LAM_P e LAM_A são enzimas processivas, com diferentes graus de ataque múltiplo e produzem série distintas de oligossacarídeos. LAM_A possui um sítio acessório de ligação para laminarina, o qual pode estar envolvido no mecanismo de processividade. Quitinases digestivas de insetos podem ser diferentes das descritas até o momento. A. flavolineata e T. molitor possuem sistemas celulásicos completos. Os três insetos apresentam proteínas de baixo peso molecular capazes de ligar-se a celulose ou a pachyman. O ancestral dos hexapoda provavelmente possuía &#946;-1,3 e &#946;-1,3(4) glucanases digestivas associadas a um hábito detritívoro. / P. americana salivary glands and T. molitor midgut epithelium actively secrete laminarinases into the midgut. The major laminarinases from P. americana (LIQ1, 42kDa and LAM_P, 45kDa), A. flavolineata (LAM_A, 45kDa) and T molitor (LAM_T, 50kDa) were purified until homogeneity. These enzymes have different specificities, action patterns and activesite catalytic groups, and correspond to E.C.s - endo-&#946;-1,3(4)-glucanase (LIQ1), - endo-&#946;-1,3-glucanase (LAM_P) or -exo-&#946;-1,3-glucanase (LAM_A and LAM_T). Their physiological role is fungai and cereal &#946;-glucan digestion. LAM_P and LAM_A are inhibited by excess substrate (non-productive enzyme-substrate complexes). LIQ1, LAM_P and LAMA have different multiple attack degrees and produce different oligosaccharides. LAM_A has a second substrate binding site, probably involved with processivity. T. molitor digestive chitinase is different from other insect chitinases. A. flavolineata and T. molitor can hydrolyse cristalline cellulose efficiently. The three studied insects have cellulose or pachyman-binding proteins with low molecular weights. Hexapoda ancestors probably had digestive &#946;-1,3 and &#946;-1,3(4)-glucanases and a detritivore habit.

Identificação de microrganismos do trato digestivo de pragas de cana-de-açúcar com atividade enzimática para degradação de substratos lignocelulósicos e potencial para bioconversão de D-xilose em xilitol / Identification of gut microorganisms in sugarcane pests, with enzymatic activity, for degradation of lignocelullosic substrates and bioconversion of D-xylose to xylitol potential

Milano, Heloíze de Souza 29 August 2012 (has links)
A necessidade de economias sustentáveis tem aumentado o interesse no desenvolvimento de plataformas microbianas para novos processos, tanto para a produção de biocombustíveis quanto para a síntese de compostos que demandam alta capacidade energética e processamento químico em sua produção. O isolamento de microrganismos, capazes de degradação materiais lignocelulósicos, resistentes a diferentes inibidores e com rendimento elevado na biossíntese de moléculas específicas faz-se necessário para atender tais propósitos. Neste trabalho, microrganismos cultiváveis isolados do trato digestivo de larvas dos insetos pragas de cana-de-açúcar, besouro da raiz, Migdolus fryanus, bicudo da cana, Sphenophorus levis, broca-gigante da cana, Telchin licus licus e de broca-da-cana, Diatraea saccharalis, foram caracterizados quanto a atividade enzimática em fontes de carbono e identificados por técnicas moleculares. Larvas no terceiro ínstar de M. fryanus e S. levis e quinto ínstar de T. licus licus e D. saccharalis foram coletadas em plantios de cana-de-açúcar no interior de São Paulo. Um total de 341 microrganismos cultiváveis foram avaliados quanto a capacidade de degradação de substratos lignocelulósicos, como única fonte de carbono em meio sólido usando o índice de atividade enzimática (I.E.). Os isolados foram identificados por sequênciamento das regiões do 16S rRNA para bactérias, ITS rDNA para fungos e 26S rDNA para leveduras. Bactérias com atividade enzimática foram relacionadas aos gêneros do filo Firmicutes Bacillus, Enterobacter Serratia e Citrobacter. Os isolados relacionados à B. amyloliquefaciens destacaram-se na degradação da celulose. Entre fungos filamentosos, leveduras e leveduriformes, a atividade enzimática foi destacada para a degradação da hemicelulose. Fungos filamentosos e leveduras pertencem ao filo Ascomycota e os leveduriformes ao filo Chlorophyta. Fungos que apresentaram hidrólise de xilano foram relacionados aos gêneros Pyrenophora, Aspergillus e Penicillium. As leveduras relacionam-se a nove gêneros, majoitariamente aos gêneros Meryerozyma e Candida. Leveduras com capacidade hidrolítica destacada foram relacionadas à Meyerozyma guilliermondii, Cryptococcus laurentti, Candida pseudointermedia, C. parapsilosis, C. solani e Aureobasidium pullulans. Entre as leveduras, 40 isolados apresentam sequências que diferem em mais de 1% das sequências referência, podendo-se inferir a respeito de possíveis novas espécies. No ensaio cinético, realizado para a triagem de leveduras com capacidade de bioconversão da D-xilose em xilitol e etanol, o maior rendimento em xilitol foi demonstrado pelo microrganismo relacionado à Prototheca zopfi var. hydrocarbonea. A capacidade desse organismo de produzir xilitol não havia sido descrita. Os resultados obtidos nesse trabalho, revelaram que o trato digestivo das pragas de cana-de-açúcar como uma fonte de microrganismos que apresentam capacidade de degradação enzimática para celulose e xilano cujo potencial para utilização na biotecnologia industrial ainda precisa ser revelado / The pursuit for sustainable economies has increased the interest in development of microbial-based platforms for new processes, both for biofuel production and for the synthesis of compounds, which demands high energetic capacity and chemical processing in its production. The isolation of microorganisms capable of degradation of lignocellosic materials, resistant to different inhibitors and highly efficient in the biosynthesis of specific molecules is necessary to achieve such purposes. In this research, cultivable microorganisms isolated from the larval gut of sugarcane pests: sugarcane borer root Migdolus fryanus, sugarcane weevil Sphenophorous levis, giant sugarcane borer Telchin licus licus and sugarcane borer Diathrea saccharalis, were characterized according to their extracellular enzymatic activity in carbon sources and molecularly identified. Third-instar larvae of Migdolus fryanus and S. levis and fifth-instar larvae of T. licus licus and D. saccharalis were collected in sugarcane fields in São Paulo, Brazil. A total number of 341 strains were evaluated for their capacity of degradation of lignocelulitic substrates, as single carbon sources in solid medium. The enzymatic activities of the strains were estimated by Enzymatic Activity Index (EAI); further, the strains were molecularly identified by sequencing of the 16S rRNA region for bacterias; ITS rDNA region for filamentous fungi and 26S rDNA region for yeasts. Bacteria strains which presented enzymatic activity were related to Firmiculites genera Bacillus, Enterobacter, Serratia and Citrobacter. Strains related to B. amyloliquefaciens have demonstrated higher levels of cellulosic degradation. Among filamentous fungi, yeasts and yeast-like organisms higher activity was showed to degradation of hemicelluloses. Filamentous fungi and yeasts belong to phylum Ascomycota, and the yeast-like organisms to phylum Chlorophyta. Six filamentous fungi which presented higher hidrolisys of xylan were related to Pyrenophora, Aspergillus and Penicillium genera. Yeasts were related mostly to the Meryerozyma and Candida genera. Yeasts with higher hydrolysis cababilities were reated to Meyerozyma guilliermondii, Cryptococcus laurentti, Candida pseudointermedia, C. parapsilosis, C. solani e Aureobasidium pullulans. Among the yeasts, 40 strains showed sequences that differ by more than 1% from reference sequences, which allows infering about possible new species. In the kinetic assay carried out for screening for yeasts capable of bioconverting D-xylose into xylitol and ethanol, higher yields of xylitol were obtained for the yeast-like organism related to Prototheca zopfi var. hydrocarbonea. This microorganism\'s ability to produce xylitol had not been reported yet. The results obtained in this work have demonstrated the gut of sugarcane pests as source of microorganisms capable of enzymatic degradation of cellulose and xylan, whose potential for use in the industrial biotechnology has yet to be revealed.

Alterações histológicas no epitélio intestinal de juvenis de dourado Salminus brasiliensis alimentados com dietas contendo fontes proteicas vegetais / Histological changes of intestinal epithelium of juveniles dourado Salminus brasiliensis fed diet with vegetables proteins sources alternatives

Cruz, Thaline Maira Pachelli da 22 January 2018 (has links)
Restrições econômicas e ambientais trazem a necessidade de substituir a farinha de peixe em dietas de organismos aquáticos por matérias-primas menos dispendiosas de origem vegetal. Entretanto, tais fontes proteicas vegetais possuem fatores antinutricionais que podem ter efeitos negativos sobre o sistema digestório dos peixes, alterando a saúde e, em consequência, a produção. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a digestibilidade e alterações na histologia do epitélio intestinal de juvenis do Characiforme carnívoro dourado, Salminus brasiliensis, alimentados com dietas contendo farelo de soja (FSO), farelo de algodão (FAl) e farelo de amendoim (FAM) como principais fontes proteicas. Foram conduzidos dois experimentos: digestibilidade (Ensaio I) e histológico (Ensaio II). O Ensaio I foi conduzido em protocolo padrão utilizando dietas práticas adicionadas do marcador inerte óxido de crômio III (CR2O3) e sistema Guelph modificado para coleta de fezes e consequente cálculo dos coeficientes de digestibilidade. No Ensaio II as mesmas fonte proteicas - FSO, FAL e FAM - foram utilizadas em substituição à proteína da farinha de peixe em uma dieta controle com cinco níveis de inclusão: 0 (controle), 25,0 %; 50%; 75,0% e 100%, em um delineamento inteiramente aleatorizado (n=3). O experimento teve a duração de 40 dias, e as coleta de amostras de tecido foram feitas aos 20 e 40 dias. As amostras do intestino posterior foram analisadas quanto às características histológicas e morfológicas, além de quantificação de células caliciformes e análise histomorfométrica do tecido intestinal. Não foram registradas diferenças para os coeficientes de digestibilidade da proteína e energia no ensaio de digestibilidade. O ensaio de desempenho mostrou que a inclusão de FAM e FAL nas dietas melhora o consumo de alimento comparativamente ao FSO Em relação as variáveis histológicas, os níveis que condicionaram alterações significativas nos parâmetros morfométricos foram FSO50 e FOS75. O FSO50 promoveu uma redução das dobras intestinais aos 20 dias, porém aos 40 dias houve aumento na altura das dobras, no espessamento da lâmina-própria e aumento na densidade das células caliciformes. Considerando a microscopia de varredura, sinais acentuados de enterite foram registrados. A alteração na morfologia e histologia do epitélio intestinal foi reflexo da interação de efeitos dos fatores antinutricionais presentes em cada fonte proteica vegetal. Consequentemente, registrou-se menor ganho de peso, crescimento e diminuição da homeostase intestinal, embora os melhores consumos e CAA fossem registrados para os peixes alimentados com FAL e FP. Conclui-se que o FSO causou enterite nos juvenis de dourado e FAL e FAM podem ser utilizados na alimentação de dourado. / Economic and environment constraints have brought the need to replace fishmeal (FM) in diets of aquatic organisms by less expensive feedstuff, especially dietary protein sources. However, such protein sources generally of plant origin, e.g. soybean meal, have antinutritional factors that can negatively affect digestive system of the fish, impairing health and consequently, production. To identify possible effects of plant protein sources in the diets for carnivore fish, this study evaluated effects of various dietary plant protein sources on digestibility, performance, histology of the intestinal epithelium of the carnivore, Neotropical Characin dourado, Salminus brasiliensis, fed plant protein-based diets. A digestibility trial was carried out in standard protocol using diets with inert marker chromium oxide III (Cr2O3) and modified system Guelph for feces. A performance test evaluated the use of three plant protein sources, soybean meal (SBM), cottonseed meal (CTM) and peanut meal (PTM) as surrogate protein source to fishmeal in a practical diet in five levels inclusion: 0 (control); 25.0%; 50.0%; 75.0% and 100%, in a randomized block design (n=3). Samples of tissue of intestinal tract of fish were collected in the distal segment at 20 and 40 days of the feeding period, and analyzed for histological and morphological characteristics. No differences were recorded for apparent digestibility coefficients (ADC) of feedstuff and energy and protein of feedstuffs. Dietary CM and PM elicited better feed consumption comparatively to the other feedstuff, Fish fed diet diet SBM50 presented reduction of intestinal folds at 20 days, but at 40 days had increased folds height, lamina propria thickening, and increased goblet cell density. Considering a scanning microscopy, evident signs of enteritis were registered. The alteration in the morphology and histology of the intestinal epithelium reflected the interaction of effects of the antinutritional factors present in each vegetable protein source, resulting in lower weight gain, growth and decreased intestinal homeostasis, even though best feed consumption and ADC were registered for fish fed CTM and FM.Concluded that SBM caused enteritis and CTM and PM can be used in feeding dourado.

Bedeutung von Leber und intestinaler Mukosa für die Aktivierung und Funktion von T-Lymphozyten im murinen Infektionsmodell

Jänner, Nathalie 14 May 2007 (has links)
Konventionelle CD8 T-Zellen im intestinalen Epithel unterscheiden sich von T-Zellen gleicher Spezifität in anderen Organen. In dieser Arbeit sollten Mechanismen identifiziert werden, welche die Migration dieser T-Zellen in intestinale Gewebe bestimmen und/oder welche die funktionelle Adaption der T-Zellen an die mukosale Umgebung beeinflussen. Hierfür wurden Mäuse mit einem rekombinanten Listeria monocytogenes Stamm (LmOVA) infiziert, OVA-spezifische CD8 T-Zellen aus der Milz und dem intestinalem Epithel isoliert, und die mRNA-Expressionsprofile dieser Zellen mittels einer Mikroarray-Analyse verglichen. Eine Gruppe von NK-Rezeptoren zeigte auf OVA-spezifischen CD8 T-Zellen aus der intestinalen Mukosa eine geringere Expression. Dieser Unterschied war nach einer oralen Infektion wesentlich stärker ausgeprägt, als nach einer intravenösen Infektion. Die Präsenz der natürlichen Darmflora hatte nur einen sehr geringen Einfluss auf diese organspezifisch unterschiedliche NK-Rezeptor-Expression. Untersuchungen in transgenen CD4dnTGFbetaRII Mäusen wiesen auf TGFbeta als ein entscheidendes Element für die niedrigere NK-Rezeptor-Expression auf T-Zellen in der Darmmukosa hin. Die zweite Fragestellung war die, ob nach einer Lm-Infektion die primäre Aktivierung naiver CD8 T-Zellen und die Re-Aktivierung von Gedächtnis-T-Zellen auch außerhalb sekundärer lymphoider Organe stattfinden kann. Hierfür wurden Mäuse mit der immunmodulatorischen Substanz FTY720 behandelt und splenektomiert. Eine FTY720-Behandlung beeinträchtigte nach iv und nach ig Infektion weder die Ausbreitung der Lm, noch die Fähigkeit der Mäuse zu einer Elimination der Bakterien. Orale Infektionen sowie höher dosierte iv Infektionen führten auch in FTY720-behandelten und zusätzlich splenektomierten Mäusen zu einer T-Zell-Akkumulation und Proliferation in nicht-lymphoiden Organen. Nach einer niedrig dosierten iv Lm-Infektion wurden dagegen in FTY720-behandelten und splenektomierten Mäusen keine OVA-spezifischen T-Zell-Antworten ausgelöst. Insbesondere die Milz schien hier für die T-Zell Aktivierung und Proliferation erforderlich zu sein. Auch für eine Sekundärantwort nach einer iv Infektion mit LmOVA waren lymphoide Gewebe für die Ausbildung einer effektiven T-Zell-Antwort essentiell. / Conventional CD8 T cells in the intestinal epithelium differ from T cells with identical antigen specificity in other organs. One aim of this study was, to identify mechanisms, which determine gut-tropism of these T cells or which influence the functional adaptation of these cells to the mucosal environment. For this purpose, mice were infected with a recombinant Listeria monocytogenes strain (LmOVA). OVA-specific CD8 T cells were isolated from spleen and intestinal epithelium and the mRNA-expression profiles of these cells were compared in a microarray-analysis. One group of NK-receptors were substantially less expressed on Lm-specific CD8 T cells from the intestinal mucosa than on corresponding cells from the spleen. This difference was much more pronounced following oral infection than following iv infection. The presence of the natural gut-flora only slightly influenced the organ-specific NK-receptor expression in CD8 T cells. Experiments with transgenic CD4dnTGFbetaRII mice point to TGFbeta as a decisive factor for the low NK-receptor expression on T cells from the gut mucosa. In the second part of this study it was investigated, whether, following Lm infection, priming of naive CD8 T cells and re-activation of memory T cells could occur outside of secondary lymphoid organs. Mice were treated with the immunomodulatory drug FTY720 and splenectomized. Treatment with FTY720 did neither diminish bacterial dissemination into spleen, liver and MLN, nor impaired the ability of the mice to control the bacteria and to eradicate them from these organs. Oral infection and high dose iv infection led to T cell accumulation and proliferation in nonlymphoid organs of FTY720-treated and additionally splenectomized mice. Following low dose iv infection with LmOVA, no OVA-specific T cell responses were induced in FTY720-treated and additionally splenectomized mice. Especially the spleen seemed to be important for T cell activation and proliferation under these conditions. Also following a secondary iv infection with LmOVA, lymphoid tissues were essential for the generation of an effective T cell response.

Baixa diversidade e sucessão microbiana anormal estão associadas à enterocolite necrosante em recém-nascidos prematuros

Dobbler, Priscila Caroline Thiago 07 April 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Ana Damasceno (ana.damasceno@unipampa.edu.br) on 2017-06-07T18:12:48Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) Baixa diversidade e sucessão microbiana anormal estão associadas à enterocolite necrosante em recém-nascidos prematuros.pdf: 1587508 bytes, checksum: c407e4cf94f25b2272a7d25213f72873 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-07T18:12:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) Baixa diversidade e sucessão microbiana anormal estão associadas à enterocolite necrosante em recém-nascidos prematuros.pdf: 1587508 bytes, checksum: c407e4cf94f25b2272a7d25213f72873 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-04-07 / As múltiplas causas de Enterocolite Necrosante (NEC) e seus indicativos clínicos utilizados para o diagnóstico ainda se mantêm elusivos. Biomarcadores alternativos para o diagnóstico precoce de NEC em recém-nascidos prematuros e um melhor entendimento dos fatores de risco para o desenvolvimento de NEC são desafios emergentes. Em uma tentativa de contribuir para a solução deste problema, neste trabalho nós rastreamos as mudanças no microbioma dos recém-nascidos (diversidade microbiana, abundância e estrutura) com NEC, iniciando com a primeira evacuação (mecônio) e continuando até a liberação, e comparamos essas mudanças com os prematuros sem o diagnóstico de NEC. Um estudo metataxonomico foi conduzido usando 88 amostras fecais, a partir da primeira evacuação até a 5ª semana de vida, obtidas de 25 recém-nascidos prematuros (14 controles e 11 casos de NEC) selecionados de um grupo de 52 prematuros. Nossos dados revelaram que casos de NEC apresentaram baixa diversidade e uma transição anormal da comunidade microbiana até o diagnóstico de NEC. Um microrganismo pertencendo a família Enterobacteriaceae foi consistentemente mais abundante em prematuros com NEC do que nos controles, mesmo nas amostras de mecônio, e foi considerado um constituinte chave da comunidade microbiana correlacionada com a doença. Finalmente, nos também detectamos uma distorção na associação micróbio-micróbio nas amostras de mecônio dos casos de NEC. Portanto, nossos dados sugerem que a detecção precoce de elevada dominância de Enterobacteriaceae, baixa diversidade e associações micróbio-micróbio nos primeiros dias de vida poderiam ser utilizados como indicativo de risco de desenvolvimento de Enterocolite Necrosante nas UTIs neonatais brasileiras. / The multiple causes of Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC) as well as the clinical predictors used for diagnosis have remained elusive to date. Alternative biomarkers for early diagnosis of NEC in premature infants and a better understanding of risk factors for NEC development are emergent challenges. In attempt to contribute to solve this problem, in this work we tracked the changes in the newborn’s microbiome (microbial diversity, abundance and structure) with Necrotizing Enterocolitis beginning with the first stool (meconium) continuing until discharge and compare those changes with preterns without NEC diagnosis. A metataxonomy study was conducted using 88 fecal samples from the first stool (meconium) until the 5th week of life obtained from 25 preterm babies (14 controls and 11 NEC cases) selected from a cohort of 52 premature infants. Our data revealed low microbial diversity in NEC cases and an abnormal transition of the microbial community until NEC diagnosis. A microbial phylotype belonging to the Enterobacteriaceae family were consistently more abundant in NEC than in the controls even in meconium samples and was considered a key constituent of the microbial community that correlated with the disease. Finally, we also detected a disruption of microbial-microbial associations in the meconium samples of NEC cases. Thus, our data suggests that early detection of high dominance of Enterobacteriaceae, low diversity and altered microbial-microbial associations at the first days of life could be used as an indicative of risk of preterm development of Necrotizing Enterocolitis in Brazilian NICU’s.

Mecanismos reguladores da resposta inflamatória aguda sitêmica produzida pela isquemia e reperfusão intestinal em camundongos geneticamente selecionados para alta ou baixa reatividade inflamatória. / Regulatory mechanisms of systemic acute inflammation produced by intestinal ischemia and reperfusion in mice genetically selected for high or low inflammatory reactivity.

Suppa, Alessandra Paes 19 June 2015 (has links)
Alterações no mecanismo de transporte de oxigênio (O2) frequentes em inflamações, infecções, tumores, transplantes e isquemia, levam a hipóxia tecidual. Espécies reativas do O2 são produzidas e citocinas inflamatórias são liberadas engatilhando uma série de eventos, os quais são amplificados após a restituição do fluxo sanguíneo resultando em inflamação sistêmica. No presente estudo, caracterizamos a regulação da Resposta Inflamatória Aguda (AIR) após indução de isquemia e reperfusão intestinal (I/Ri) e a participação do HIF-1&alpha; neste fenótipo. Camundongos selecionados para alta (AIRmax) e baixa (AIRmin) AIR foram submetidos a I/Ri e avaliados em diferentes períodos de reperfusão (0, 1, 4 e 24h). Nossos resultados demonstraram maior sensibilidade da linhagem AIRmax frente a I/Ri, confirmada por: 1) maior mobilização de neutrófilos para circulação periférica; 2) maior adesão celular e aumento da migração granulocítica no intestino e pulmão; 3) aumento da expressão de genes de citocinas e daqueles expressos em hipóxia (Tnfa, Il1, Il6 e Hif1a); 4) Translocação Bacteriana (TB); 5) maior expressão pulmonar da proteína HIF-1&alpha; e de proteínas envolvidas em processos inflamatórios tais como S100A9, Anexina 1, Profilina 1, Tropomiosina. Por outro lado, a linhagem AIRmin foi considerada pouco responsiva aos efeitos da I/Ri. Diante do exposto, nós concluímos que a sensibilidade dos camundongos AIRmax à injuria após indução de IRi está associada ao agravamento da inflamação sistemica, a qual foi determinada pela indução de HIF-1&alpha; atrelada à expressão de proteínas pró- inflamatórias e TB, indicando o compartilhamento ou a co- segregação entre os genes envolvidos na AIR e na hipóxia. / Changes in oxygen transport mechanism (O2) frequent in inflammation, infection, tumors, transplantation and ischemia, lead to tissue hypoxia. Reactive species of O2 are produced and inflammatory cytokines are released triggering a series of events, which are amplified after blood flow refund resulting in systemic inflammation. In the present study, we characterized the regulation of Acute Inflammatory Response (AIR) after intestinal ischemia and reperfusion (I/Ri) induction and the involvement of HIF-1&alpha; in this phenotype. Mice selected for high (AIRmax) and low (AIRmin) AIR were subjected to I/Ri and evaluated in different periods of reperfusion (0, 1, 4 and 24h). Our results show sensitivity of AIRmax front line I/Ri, confirmed by: 1) higher neutrophils mobilization to peripheral circulation; 2) increase in cell adhesion and granulocyte migration in lung and intestine; 3) higher expression of cytokine genes and those expressed in hypoxia (TNFa, IL-1, IL-6 and HIF1a); 4) Bacterial Translocation (BT), 5) increase in HIF-1&alpha; pulmonary protein expression and those involved in inflammatory processes such as S100A9, Annexin 1, profilin 1 Tropomyosin. On the other hand, the AIRmin line was considered unresponsive to effects of I/Ri. We concluded that the I/Ri sensitivity of the AIRmax mice were associated with worsening of systemic inflammation, which was determined by HIF-1&alpha; induction linked to the expression of pro- inflammatory proteins and TB, indicating the share and/or co-segregation of the genes involved in AIR.

Impact d'un polluant environnemental, le benzo[a]pyrène, sur le microbiote intestinal en modèle murin / Impact of an environmental pollutant, benzo[a]pyrene, on gut microbiota in a mouse model

Ribière, Céline 10 November 2015 (has links)
Le microbiote intestinal joue un rôle primordial dans l’homéostasie du tractus gastro-intestinal, et plus généralement dans celle de son hôte. A ce titre, de nombreuses pathologies humaines sont associées à une dysbiose de ce microbiote intestinal, tels que les cancers colorectaux, les maladies inflammatoires chroniques de l’intestin (MICI), les troubles du métabolisme ou encore les maladies auto-immunes. Ces pathologies ont une étiologie mal connue et multifactorielle dans laquelle l’environnement semble jouer un rôle clé. Des études récentes ont ainsi mis en évidence un lien entre la pollution atmosphérique et des pathologies humaines telles que les MICI. Parmi les différentes substances polluantes répertoriées, le benzo[a]pyrène (BaP), qui fait partie de la famille des hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques, est soumis à une surveillance accrue en raison de ses effets toxiques sur la santé humaine. De par ses propriétés pro-inflammatoires et mutagènes, le BaP pourrait modifier la composition du microbiote intestinal, induisant alors à une réponse inflammatoire et à une altération des fonctions intestinales. Dans le cadre de ce travail de thèse, une surexposition orale et chronique au BaP en modèle murin a conduit à une inflammation modérée principalement au niveau de la muqueuse iléale. L’analyse des amplicons du gène codant l’ARNr 16S a mis en évidence des modifications de la composition et de l’abondance relative des communautés bactériennes fécales et associées à la muqueuse intestinale avec notamment une augmentation et une diminution des taxa pro et anti-inflammatoires respectivement. Ainsi, dans des conditions de susceptibilité génétique et/ou en association avec d’autres facteurs environnementaux, l’exposition à ce polluant pourrait déclencher et/ou accélérer le développement de pathologies inflammatoires. L’identification des potentialités métaboliques des différentes populations bactériennes caractérisées précédemment et impactées par le polluant revêt donc un caractère primordial. La reconstruction de génomes directement à partir de l’écosystème microbien peut permettre d’établir ce lien entre structure et fonction. C’est également dans ce contexte, qu’une approche innovante de capture de gènes en solution a été développée. En effet, cette technique d’enrichissement permet de reconstruire de larges portions génomiques pouvant relier un biomarqueur phylogénétique à des gènes fonctionnels, y compris pour des populations bactériennes présentes en très faible abondance dans l’écosystème. / Gut microbiota plays a primordial role in gastro-intestinal tract and host homeostasis. Numerous pathologies are associated with a gut microbiota dysbioses, such as colorectal cancer, inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), metabolism disorders or autoimmune diseases. The physiopathology of these diseases has multifactorial aetiology in which environmental factors seem to play a crucial role. Recent evidences have highlighted a link between air pollution and human diseases such as IBD. Among the different pollutant listed, benzo[a]pyrene (BaP), which belong to the family of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, is subject to an increase surveillance due to its toxic effects on human health. By its pro-inflammatory and mutagenic proprieties, BaP could lead to modifications of gut microbiota composition, then inducing an inflammatory response and an alteration of intestinal functions. As part of this thesis, BaP subchronic oral exposure in murine model has led to a moderate inflammation mostly in ileal mucosa. The analysis of ARNr 16S amplicons has highlighted composition and abundance alterations of faecal and mucosa-associated microbiota, especially with increase and decrease of pro and anti- inflammatory taxa respectively. Thus, under conditions of genetic susceptibility and/or in association with other environmental factors, exposure to this pollutant could trigger and/or accelerate the development of inflammatory pathologies. Metabolic potential identification of different bacterial populations previously characterized and affected by the pollutant appears therefore primordial. Genome reconstruction directly from microbial ecosystem could allow to establish this link between structure and function. Also in this context, an innovative approach of gene capture in solution was developed. Indeed, this enrichment technique allows to reconstruct large genomic portions that could link phylogenetic biomarker and functional genes, including for bacterial populations present at very low abundance in the ecosystem.

Les lipides polaires laitiers modulent l’absorption lipidique et la lipémie postprandiale : conséquences métaboliques chez la souris / Milk polar lipids modulate lipid absorption and postprandial lipemia : metabolic consequences in mice

Lecomte, Manon 29 January 2016 (has links)
Les maladies métaboliques d’origine nutritionnelle sont caractérisées par un métabolisme des lipides perturbé et une inflammation métabolique. Les lipides polaires (LP) sont des agents émulsifiants utilisés dans l’industrie agroalimentaire. Le but de notre étude a été d’évaluer l’impact de l’utilisation de nouveaux LP issus du lait sur (i) la digestion et le métabolisme postprandial des lipides, et (ii) à plus long terme sur l’adiposité et l’inflammation dans le tissu adipeux (TA), en comparaison avec les LP de soja, actuellement les plus consommés.Chez la souris, les LP laitiers induisent une cinétique de lipémie postprandiale plus précoce en comparaison avec les LP de soja, associée à une augmentation de la lipolyse intestinale in vitro. De plus, les chylomicrons sécrétés durant le pic de lipémie sont plus petits avec les LP laitiers. D’autre part, la substitution d’une partie des lipides d’un régime hyper-lipidique par des LP laitiers ne modifie pas le stockage des lipides dans le foie et le TA contrairement aux LP de soja qui induisent une augmentation des lipides hépatiques, des adipocytes et des marqueurs inflammatoires dans le TA. Par ailleurs, Les LP laitiers induisent une diminution de l’expression génique de marqueurs de l’infiltration macrophagique dans le TA et du nombre de cellules à gobelet dans le côlon, suggérant une barrière intestinale renforcée.Ces travaux démontrent que les LP laitiers, par rapport aux LP de soja, stimulent la digestion des lipides et induisent une cinétique plus rapide de lipémie postprandiale. A long terme ils n’induisent pas les altérations métaboliques du TA observées en présence de LP de soja dans un régime hyper-lipidique / Metabolic diseases are characterized by an altered lipid metabolism and metabolic inflammation. Numerous food products contain polar lipid (PL) emulsifiers that could impact these risk factors. We evaluated the impact of using PL from milk (MPL) (i) acutely on lipid digestion and postprandial lipemia and (ii) in the longer term in addition to a high fat diet on adiposity and adipose tissue inflammation. We compared MPL to soybean PL (SPL) that is currently the main commercial source of PL.In mice, an emulsion stabilized by MPL results in a more rapid postprandial lipemia than an emulsion stabilized by SPL, with an early increase in lipemia and a faster clearance. Differences in lipemia can originate from differential kinetics of lipid hydrolysis in the mouse gut, as an increase intestinal TG hydrolysis is observed in vitro. Moreover, early MPL-derived chylomicrons are smaller than SPL-derived chylomicrons. In the longer term, compared with HF diet, HF-SPL diet increases hepatic lipids, white adipose tissue (WAT) mass, with larger and more numerous adipocytes and increases expression of pro-inflammatory adipokines. This is not observed with HF-MPL diet despite similar dietary intakes. HFP-MPL mice have a lower expression in WAT of marker of macrophage infiltration and more numerous goblet cells in the colon, suggesting an improved gut barrier function with this diet.Postprandial lipemia in mice can be modulated by emulsifying with MPL compared with SPL, partly through differences in chylomicron assembly, and intestinal TG hydrolysis rate. Moreover unlike SPL, MPL in a high fat diet do not induce WAT hypertrophy and inflammation

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