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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

From energy efficiency to integrated sustainable urbanism in residential development in China

Cai, Zhichang January 2010 (has links)
China has adopted Sustainable Development as a national strategy for all industries. In civil construction sector, sustainability is regarded as the development of Green Building in China. Since 2000, China has introduced a series of policies and laws to promote Green Building. Green Building was defined as buildings that are “energy-efficient, land-efficient, water-efficient, and material-efficient” and emit “minimal pollution” in during its entire life cycle, and meets a specified standard for indoor environment at the same time. However, energy efficiency is the central issue of current Green Building development in China, while issues of resources and pollution are neglected, which is partly due to China’s energy structure. Social and economic aspects are also always ignored. The main aim of this thesis is to map pathways towards more comprehensive frameworks for how residential areas in China could be constructed in a more sustainable way in hot –summer and cold-winter area. Case study was the main method used to examine the specifications of Green Residential Building in China. This paper offers a general overview of the current green trend in China and presents a specific analysis on three cases to search for the proper approach for China’s unique situation by three specific cases representing three types of Green Building: Modern Vernacular Architecture, Eco-office and Mass-housing, according to their features in scale, location and function. This paper then presents a specific integrated sustainability analysis of the Landsea Housing Project in Nanjing, a hot-summer/cold-winter zone. Hammarby Sjöstad, a cutting edge project in Stockholm, is also discussed as a reference area from which experiences can be drawn for China. The aim was to improve the framework for construction of residential buildings in China in a more sustainable way, from energy efficiency to integrated sustainability. The paper also discusses the relationship between the economic growth and energy consumption in the fast-growing situation, presents several scenarios depicting energy and comfort and makes suggestions for China. The roles of government, developers and residents are also addressed. The paper argues that an adaptive and holistic approach, which must be expanded from both spatial scale and temporal span, should be established for the Green Residential Building development in China, as an effective way to meet the sustainability goal. / QC 20101013

Hållbara Hemtransporter : Fallstudie för leveranstransporter i täta bostadsområden ur ett socialt hållbarhetsperspektiv.

Kamsvåg, Amadeus January 2023 (has links)
During the last few years, the demand for deliveries in residential areas have increased dramatically due to an increase in online shopping and changed lifestyles where reduced car use among other things have led to people rely on home deliveries to a wider extent. The built environment thus faces a new set of requirements in order to accommodate these deliveries. At the same time, current sustainability-goals dictate that less emphasis is put on the car in the modern city, which is in part done by reducing space for cars in general, emphasizing a need for safe streets and reduced traffic. In order for these aspects to work together, the street and public space must be designed in such a way that deliveries can still reach their destination without inhibiting the social values of the street and public space. This study aims to explore the tools possessed by planners, as well as the designs available to accommodate these competing needs. In order to analyze the accessibility and how modern residential areas accommodate these needs, the study is applied to a physical context where availability of deliveries and social sustainability is tested. / Under de senaste åren har behovet av leveranser i bostadsområden ökat kraftigt till följd av ökad onlinehandel och ändrade livsstilar där bland annat minskad bilanvändning leder till att människor i högre grad behöver leveranserna. Detta sätter ett krav på den byggda miljön att tillgodose dessa behov. Samtidigt kräver rådande hållbarhetsmål att bilanvändningen i städerna minskar, vilket dels görs genom att minska ytan tillägnade motorfordon. Där ett behov av trygga gaturum och minskad trafik är av extra stor vikt. För att dessa aspekter ska kunna samspela krävs det att gaturummet utformas på ett sådant vis som samtidigt ser till att angöring tillgodoses, utan att de sociala aspekterna av gaturummet hämmas av detta.I den här studien undersöks de verktyg som planerare besitter, samt hur ytorna kan utformas för att tillgodose båda dessa behov. För att analysera tillgängligheten och analysera hur moderna bostadsområden hanterar detta appliceras en platsanalys på ett sådant område utifrån social hållbarhet och tillgängligheten av last och leveranser utifrån identifierade lösningar och deras anspråk på trafikrummet

Approaches to energy efficient building development : studying under Chinese contexts

Gu, Zhenhong January 2007 (has links)
This thesis presents a general description of approaches to energy efficient building development under Chinese contexts. The purpose of the work is to discuss how Chinese building development can be approved from an energy saving perspective. Building development is a complicated process that relates to many stakeholders’ interests. The developed countries have studied in this field extensively for several decades. Generally, the approaches to energy saving can be set at three levels: administration, construction industry and architectural design. More new strict codes for energy efficient buildings are being issued for enforcement. At the same time, many research institutes have developed Building Environmental Assessment (BEA) methods, where energy efficiency is an important factor in the models. Various technical solutions for energy efficiency are developed as well. The administrative approaches are not the main objective discussed in the thesis, though the importance of them is undeniable. BEA systems are not only assessment methods, but also market-based stimulating approaches for sustainability of construction market. Technical methods have been developed for a long period. Passive House and Low Exergy (LowEx) Systems are two representative examples in European countries. All of these approaches are relatively unfamiliar to Chinese architects and developers, let alone their effect and applicability. The thesis tries to analyse this situation and their applicability within Chinese context. In China to a certain project, the importance of technical issues is relatively recognized. However, a few successful individual cases in technique can not change the reality that most of new building development has failed in energy efficiency in China. This is a serious situation when China is in an enormous expansion phase in building new houses. The thesis tries to discuss the reasons for this phenomenon. One reason could be that the stakeholders in the developing process are not aware of the importance of collaboration which is the only method to get “Both Win” according to Game theory. The thesis discusses a paradigm to replace two traditional linear paradigms in building developing process. Architects should act as coordinators of different stakeholders rather than technical supporters. The thesis tries to discuss the propositional route of developing energy efficient buildings. Technical approaches are basic research, which presents the concepts that have been proved realizable; BEA encourages developers to develop more energy efficient buildings for economic benefit, which will make good demonstrations for whole market; national laws and policies are final approaches, which ensure that every project will have good performance of energy efficiency. When the old standardization and legislation are finished, a new cycle will begin with more advanced techniques. China government has started the progress to enhance energy efficiency. However, this process will be tough and slow. The thesis discusses Chinese special conditions and the problems that cry out for solution in the future. / QC 20101105

Are residents living in eco-districts environmentally conscious? A case study of environmental attitudes of residents living in the European Green Capital of Stockholm, Sweden / Är invånare i eko-distrikt miljömedvetna? Fallstudie av miljöattityder hos invånare i den Europeiska miljöhuvudstaden Stockholm, Sverige

Suen, Choi Kan January 2017 (has links)
With rapid urbanization, climate change and population growth in the 21st century, the development of eco-cities, especially in those fast-growing populated countries such as China and India, is important to minimize human impact on the planet. Nevertheless,  despite that there is a very well-designed eco-city, if residents living in an eco-city are not environmentally conscious, the eco-city is sustainable only in its tangible part – technologies and infrastructure, but not in its intangible part – environmental attitudes and behavioral patterns of residents. The intangible part is important since HUMANS are the root cause of current climate change (IPCC, 2014). When the policy makers decide to build an eco-city, this thesis thus argues that they should consider not only the tangible part of the city, but also consider the intangible part of eco-city – environmental attitudes and behavioral patterns of residents. This thesis provides a survey of environmental attitudes of 150 Stockholm residents living in three districts: Hammarby Sjöstad, Östermalm and Bromma. It also reports on a well-developed environmental project which is led by residents living in the Stockholm eco-district of Hammarby Sjöstad. The scope of this research is the City of Stockholm (Swedish: Stockholms kommun / Stockholms stad). The objectives of this research are: (1) to find out the environmental attitudes of residents living in three selected districts of Stockholm; (2) to understand the development of Hammarby Sjöstad and find out if residents living in Hammarby Sjöstad are particularly environmentally conscious; (3) to provide suggestions for the policy makers (e.g. Chinese and Indian) of how to take environmental attitudes of residents into consideration when planning and developing projects such as eco-cities. Among the findings of the research are: (1) in the high income, educated, and political conservative Stockholm districts where I conducted my surveys, respondents in general report high levels of environmental concerns and environmentally friendly behavior; (2) however, concerns questions relating to cars (parking restrictions, limiting or banning cars from their districts or Stockholm as a whole), opinions were very divided. There seemed to be much reluctance among many to put severe restrictions on the use of cars; (3) in the eco-district Hammarby Sjöstad, the expression of environmental consciousness did not appear particularly different from the other districts. Many respondents in the district moved into the area for diverse reasons other than environmental ones; (4) however, a well-developed environmental project which is led by residents living in Hammarby Sjöstad has emerged in the eco-district, where comparable projects were not found in the other districts in Stockholm. / I och med den snabba urbaniseringen, klimatförändringen och befolkningstillväxten under 2000-talet, är utvecklingen av eko-städer i de snabbväxande befolkade områdena som Kina och Indien viktig för att minska den mänskliga påverkan på planeten. Emellertid, om en eko-stads invånare inte är miljömedvetna så kommer en väldesignad eko-stad endast vara hållbar på sin materiella del (teknik och infrastruktur) men inte på sin immateriella del (miljöattityder och beteendemönster hos invånare). Den immateriella delen är viktig eftersom MÄNNISKOR är grundorsaken till den nuvarande klimatförändringen (IPCC, 2014). När beslutsfattarna bestämmer sig för att bygga en eko-stad, hävdar den här uppsatsen att de inte bara bör överväga den materiella delen av staden, utan också överväga den immateriella delen av staden - miljöattityder och beteendemönster hos invånare. Den här uppsatsen bygger på en undersökning om miljöattityder hos 150 boende som bor i tre olika områden i Stockholm: Hammarby Sjöstad, Östermalm och Bromma, samt beskriver ett välutvecklat miljöprojekt som leds av invånare i eko-distriktet - Hammarby Sjöstad. Målen för denna forskning är: (1) att ta reda på miljöattityder hos invånare i tre utvalda områden i Stockholm; (2) att förstå utvecklingen av Hammarby Sjöstad samt ta reda på om invånare i Hammarby Sjöstad är särskilt miljömedvetna; (3) att ge förslag till beslutsfattare (t.ex. kinesiska och indiska) om hur man tar hänsyn till miljöattityder hos invånare när de planerar och utvecklar projekt som eko-städer. Bland forskningsresultaten finns följande: (1) i de politiskt konservativa Stockholmsdistrikten med många välutbildade invånare med hög inkomst där jag utförde mina undersökningar rapporterar respondenterna generellt en hög nivå av miljöhänsyn och miljövänligt beteende; (2) när det gäller frågor som rör bilar (parkeringsrestriktioner, begränsning eller förbud mot bilar i deras distrikt eller Stockholm som helhet), var åsikterna emellertid mycket uppdelade. Det föreföll att många svarande inte är villiga att sätta stränga restriktioner på användningen av bilar; (3) invånare i eko-distrikt, Hammarby Sjöstad, verkade inte som om de var särskilt miljömedvetna. Många svarande flyttade in i distriktet på grund av olika orsaker än miljö; (4) ett välutvecklat miljöprojekt som leds av invånare i Hammarby Sjöstad har emellertid uppstått i eko-distriktet. Jämförbara projekt hittades inte i övriga distrikt i Stockholm. / 随着21世纪迅速的城市化,气候变化和人口增长,尤其在中国和印度等拥有庞大人口及急速发展的国家,生态城的建设对于减低人类对地球的影响至为重要。然而,即使生态城的设计完善,如果生态城的居民不具环保意识,生态城的可持续性只能在其有形的部分(技术和基础设施),而不在其无形的部分(居民的环保态度和行为模式)。生态城的无形部份是重要的因为人类是当前气候变化的根本原因(IPCC,2014)。当决策者建设生态城时,本文认为决策者不仅要考虑生态城的有形部分,还要考虑生态城的无形部分 - 居民的环保态度和行为模式。 本文提供了一个瑞典斯德哥尔摩三个地区150位居民的环保态度调查:哈马比生态城(Hammarby Sjöstad),Östermalm和Bromma。本文还探讨了一个具规模并由哈马比生态城居民领导的环保项目。 本研究的目的: (1)了解斯德哥尔摩三个地区居民的环保态度; (2)了解哈马比生态城的发展情况和探讨哈马比生态城的居民是否特别具有环保意识; (3)为决策者(如中国和印度)在规划和开发生态城等项目时如何考虑生态城居民的环保态度提供建议。 研究结果包括: (1)在斯德哥尔摩高收入,高教育和政治保守的地区,受访者总体上显示高水平的环保意识和环保行为; (2)然而,受访者在涉及汽车的问题上(如泊车限制,限制或禁止在区内或斯德哥尔摩内使用汽车)意见是非常分歧的。许多人似乎抗拒限制使用汽车; (3)在哈马比生态城,居民的环保意识显现与其他地区没有什么特别的区别。除了环保因素外,受访者迁入该地区有多种原因; (4)然而,哈马比生态城有一个具规模并由当区居民领导的环保项目。在斯德哥尔摩其他地区并没有发现类似的项目。

Stockholms vattenburna kollektivtrafik - vision 2020

Lindencrona, Henrik January 2011 (has links)
Varför har vi inte en mer utvecklad vattenburen kollektivtrafik i Stockholm, vad krävs för att en sådan ska bli verklighet och hur kan den komma att se ut. De frågorna är grunden i examensarbetet Stockholms vattenburna kollektivtrafik - Vision 2020.

Franzénskolan : Henriksdal / Franzén school : Henriksdal

Wadensten, Fredrik January 2018 (has links)
Programmet för skolan är baserat kring en enad volym med en sammanhängande form där dagsljusinsläpp mot ett centralt rum gör interiören öppen och luftig. Byggnaden har fyra våningar, inklusive markplan, samt ett källarutrymme för byggnadens teknikrum. På entréplan finns många av skolans servicerum och administration samt träslöjdsal och idrottssal. Första och översta våning inhuser hemvister för årskurs F till 6. Bibliotek, musiksal och bildsal är placerade på byggnadens översta våning. Ambitionen för skolan är att ge elever och personal en skola med en större närvaro i stadsmiljön. Med ett öppet program och en stor trappgång uppmot årskurs F till 6 blir entrén en viktig upplevelse av byggnaden. Exteriören ansluter till den befintliga Anders Franzéns park som färdigställdes 2014. En omläggning och breddning av Kanalvägen tillgodoser parkering och leveransyta för trafik till och från skolan. Interiören menar upphöja entrén i byggnaden med hjäp av en öppen foajé/ allrumsyta och en visuell koppling till skolans övre, tre plan. Skolans huvudtrapp har en funktion som en flak gradäng och menas kunna utnytjas som en plats för elever att mötas i och umgås vid. Ljus släpps in genom stora fasadpartier av glas till klassrum, hemvister och allrum. De centrala korridorerna genom byggnaden har, utöver skenljus, en långsträckt takslits som ger dagljus till centrumrummen och gradängen Hållbarheten i byggnaden kommer ur dess flexibla program. Genom att frångå behov av bärande interiöra väggar är planen i hög grad förändringsbar. Då läroprogrammen är samlade på de två mellersta våningsplanen kan de pedagogiska rummen ändras utan att påverka serviceytor eller övervåningen/atriumet. Byggnaden har en total yta på 5800 kvm vilket har tillgodosett ett större bibliotek, en foaje med allrum, gradängtrappen och en större idrottsal. Framförallt Idrottssalen är en yta som skulle kunna hållas öppen utanför skoltid och användas av både elever samt boende i närområdet. / The school program is based around a single volume with a coherent form where daylight openings towards a central space makes the interior open and airy. The building has four floors, including ground plan, as well as a basement space for servicerooms. On the ground floor lies the school’s service rooms and administration, as well as a carpentryhall and sports hall. First and second floors house homes for year 0 to 6. Library, music hall and artsrooms are located on the top floor of the building. The ambition for the school is to give students and staff a school with a greater presence in the urban environment. With an open programs and a big staircase up to grade 0  to 6 makes the entrance an important experience of the building. The exterior joins the existing Anders Franzéns park which was completed in 2014. A reorganization and broadening of Kanalvägen provides parking and delivery space for traffic to and from school. The interior means raising the entrance to the building with the help of an open foyer/ entrence room and a visual connection to the school’s top three levels. The school’s main staircase has a function as a flak stand and is meant to be used as a place for pupils to meet and hang out. Light is emitted through large facade portions of glass to classrooms, student abode and family rooms. The central corridors through the building has, in addition to lighting, an elongate roof slit that gives daylight to the central space and stand. The durability of the building comes from its flexible program. By depriving the need for bearing interior walls, the plan is largely changeable. As the learning programs are compiled on the two middle floors, the educational rooms can be changed without affecting the service areas or the upstairs/atrium. The building has a total area of 5800 sqm, which has accommodated a larger library, a foyer with entrence room, stand-staircase and a larger sports hall. Especially the sports hall is an area which could be open outside school hours and used by both students and residents in the surrounding area.

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