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Educational Handheld Video: Examining Shot Composition, Graphic Design, And Their Impact On LearningHutchens, Jason 01 January 2008 (has links)
Formal features of video such as shot composition and graphic design can weigh heavily on the success or failure of educational videos. Many studies have assessed the proper use of these techniques given the psychological expectations that viewers have for video programming (Hawkins et al., 2002; Kenny, 2002; Lang, Zhou, Schwardtz, Bolls, & Potter, 2000; McCain, Chilberg, & Wakshlag, 1977; McCain & Repensky, 1972; Miller, 2005; Morris, 1984; Roe, 1998; Schmitt, Anderson, & Collins, 1999; Sherman & Etling, 1991; Tannenbaum & Fosdick, 1960; Wagner, 1953). This study examined formal features within the context of the newly emerging distribution method of viewing video productions on mobile handheld devices. Shot composition and graphic design were examined in the context of an educational video to measure whether or not they had any influence on user perceptions of learning and learning outcomes. The two formal features were modified for display on 24 inch screens and on 3.5 inch or smaller screens. Participants were shown one of the four modified treatments, then presented with a test to measure whether or not the modified formal features had any impact or influence on learning outcomes from a sample of 132 undergraduate college students. No significant differences were found to occur as a result of manipulation of formal features between the treatment groups.
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Mobile Learning in a Mobile World: Understanding the Views of Parents with Mobile Technology in the Singaporean Elementary ClassroomRiddle, Joseph R. 08 1900 (has links)
Personal handheld mobile technology represents a growing topic of interest for K-12 educators. Devices such as iPads, tablets, and smartphones, in particular, are becoming more ubiquitous in society and prevalent in classrooms of children of all ages. The ease of access, combined with growing functionality and capacity of these devices creates opportunities that were previously unimaginable. Professional educators are beginning to recognize the value such devices offer for enriching and expanding opportunities for learning both inside and outside of the classroom. The views of educators and students regarding mobile technology have been well documented in existing literature. What is less clear is how parents view personal mobile technology when applied to formal and informal learning opportunities. Using quantitative analysis, this study examines the views of parents when mobile technology is utilized in Singaporean third grade classrooms. This study represents a pioneering effort to better understand the evolving role of parents and serves as a foundation for future research to explore the role of parents as partners when personal mobile technology is used for learning. The constructs identified in this study reveal that parents do believe technology skills are important in the modern age of learning and working.
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Application of Raman and fluorescence spectroscopy to detect changes in the chemical profile of water subject to polarization, vegetation under stress, and murine blood componentsNagpal, Supriya 09 August 2019 (has links)
This thesis broadly describes the construction of two kinds of spectroscopic set-ups to analyze properties of various materials. In the first part, construction of a Raman spectrometer and a high-throughput in-vivo detection for early plant abiotic stress responses is described. Following which, the set-up is modified into a microscope employed to study Murine blood components with samples varying in age. Initial Raman set-up is also improvised using a polarizer in order to gain deeper understanding of the vibrational and rotational bonds in water. The second part of the thesis explains the construction of a laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) sensor module. Performance testing and experiments were carried out with the sensor module to monitor stress in vegetation and fruits and also detect toxins found in corn and carcinogenic compounds in gasoline. The module was further mounted to an unmanned aerial vehicle for field surveys and preliminary testing in flight is described.
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<p> Significant portions of nitrogen (40–60%), phosphorus (80–90%) and potash (30–50%) applied in agricultural fields are not taken up by plants, causing serious issues for farmers and the environment. Fertilizer losses result in greater fertilizer input costs and the cost of fertilizer is projected to increase due to limited ore resources and increasing fossil fuel prices. Moreover, excess fertilizer application can contaminate water and air, resulting in human health problems. Leaching fertilizers also induce eutrophication, acid rain and global climate change. Therefore, developing crops with high nutrient uptake efficiency is important for economic and environmental sustainability of agriculture. Crop improvement depends on efficiency and accuracy of genotyping and phenotyping. Genotyping has improved in recent years and is generally efficient and accurate. In contrast, improvements in phenotyping lag far behind. Lack of high-throughput (efficient, accurate and inexpensive) phenotyping (HTP) methods limit the speed of genetic improvement. As a result, there is an increasing interest in development of HTP for predicting crop nutrient status. My research addresses whether hyperspectral data in the visible-near-infrared range (HS-VNIR) acquired by a handheld device or an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) can be used for predicting maize nutrient status. Proximal and remote sensing data coupled with ground reference measurements of hybrid maize nutrient status were collected in fertilizer strip trials conducted at Purdue Agricultural Centers located throughout Indiana. Statistical models were developed to predict nutrient status based on HS-VNIR with coefficients of determination of cross-validation [R<sup>2</sup> (CV)] used to evaluate the performance of the predictive models. Models with acceptable goodness-of-fit [R<sup>2</sup> (CV) > 0.30] were considered satisfactory. These studies demonstrated that models developed using handheld proximal sensing data performed adequately for predicting N, K, Mg, Ca, P, S, Mn, Zn and B. Similarly, models developed using UAV-based HS-VNIR could be used to predict N, K, Mg, Ca, P, S, Mn, Zn and B. Models that combine proximal and remote sensing data also performed well with predictions of N, K, Mg, Ca, P, S, Mn, Zn and B. In conclusion, handheld or UAV-based hyperspectral imaging can provide corn breeders with HTP data on the status of all macronutrients (N, K, Mg, Ca, P, S) and some micronutrients (Mn, Zn, B). Deployment of this technology may provide a valuable tool to support development of cultivars with improved nutrient uptake efficiencies. </p>
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Agent O - Utvecklingen av ett mobilt lärospelFergusson, Christopher, Karlsson, Daniel, Zuta, Festim January 2006 (has links)
I denna rapport vill vi lyfta fram de möjligheter och begränsningar som finns för att skapa nya engagerande läromiljöer genom att implementera ett mobilt lärospel i ett svenskt skolsammanhang. För att exemplifiera detta har vi i vårt projekt skapat ett mobilt lärospel kallat Agent O, som två högstadieskolor med ungdomar mellan 15-16 år gamla fått testspela. / This essay is a product of our bachelor of science in interactiondesign. Our focus in this project was to evaluate the mobile learning game from MIT and transform it so it would fit into Swedish schools and to redesign the interface from an interactiondesigners perspective and make it more goal-orientated for teenagers at the age of 13 to 16 years old. This resulted in the mobile learning game called Agent O. A learning game with the main purpose to evolve an interaction between the pupils and the pedagogical material through a handheld computer. Taking the learning procedure to a level where the learning part differs as when reading a textbook or solving a mathematic equation. Learning by doing may encourage the teenager to be active in the lecture in a progressive way.In this essay we present the theoretical basis by giving a background and context description of technology where it has been used as an educational complement. We will describe the limitations when designing an interface for mobile games, and look upon the possibilities for this kind of mobile learning game in Swedish schools. We have performed two main usertests at two schools in Malmö and the results of these tests are presented in the report.
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Kvalitetsundersökning av digital terrängmodellering med handhållen laserskanner i tätbevuxen skog : Granskning av instrumentet ZEB-REVOGottfridsson, Tom, Hedström, Jonatan January 2020 (has links)
Digitala terrängmodeller (DTM:er) används i samhället för många viktigafunktioner och behöver därför hållas uppdaterade när förändringar sker.Sverige har en nationell höjdmodell (NH) som innehåller höjddata över helalandet. Uppdateringen av NH förlitar sig mestadels på flygburen laserskanning(FLS). Den flygburna laserskanningsmetoden har generellt en högremätosäkerhet i tätbevuxen skog. Vid exploateringar eller framtida planeradeförändringar i skogsområden kan en mer exakt modell behövas. En utvärdering har genomförts av den handhållna laserskannern ZEB-REVO med syfte att bestämma vilken mätosäkerhet som kan uppnås i tätbevuxenskog, undersöka hur mätosäkerheten förändras med punktavståndet i denproducerade DTM:en samt vilken mätosäkerhet ZEB-REVO har i jämförelsemed NH i samma område. I studien har två skogstyper inkluderats bestående av granskog och tallskog.Mätosäkerheten har bestämts genom att mäta in terrestra kontrollprofiler medtotalstation. För att kunna genomföra en inmätning av kontrollprofiler har ettbruksnät etablerats genom ett fullständigt anslutet polygontåg viahelsatsmätning. De kända punkterna som polygontåget anslutits mot har mättsin med fri stationsetablering via SmartWorx. Resultatet visar att mätosäkerheten förbättras när punktavståndet reduceras.Mätningarna med ZEB-REVO har potential att uppnå en lägre mätosäkerhetän NH i båda skogstyperna. Resultatet för tallskogen visar att ZEB-REVO kanuppnå en lägesosäkerhet på 4-centimetersnivå och en medelavvikelse i höjd på0,018 m mot inmätta kontrollprofiler. Jämförelsen mot kontrollprofiler förområdet i granskogen visar att en medelavvikelse i höjd på 0,058 m gick attuppnå där. ZEB-REVO har potential att förbättra data i NH och data insamlad med ZEBREVOkan ligga till grund för terrängmodellering för projektering.Instrumentet kan även uppnå den bästa noggrannhetsklassningen, klass 1 i SISTS21144:2016 där en maximal medelavvikelse i höjd inte får överstiga 0,02m. / Digital terrain models (DTMs) are used in society for many importantfunctions and therefore need to be kept up to date when changes occur.Sweden has a national height model (NH) that provides height data across thewhole country. The update of NH mostly relies on airborne laser scanning(ALS). The airborne laser scanning method generally has a highermeasurement uncertainty in dense forests. When exploitation or futureplanned changes in forest areas occur, a more accurate model may need to beproduced. An evaluation has been carried out of the handheld laser scanner ZEB-REVO with the aim of determining the instrument's measurement uncertainty indense forests, evaluating how the measurement uncertainty changes with thepoint distance in the produced DTM and the measurement uncertainty ZEBREVOmay achieve in comparison with NH in the same area. The study included two different types of forest consisting of spruce and pineforest trees, respectively. Measurement uncertainty has been determined bymeasuring terrestrial control profiles with a total station. In order to be ableto carry out the measurement of control profiles, a working control networkhas been established through a fully connected traverse using full rounds ofmeasurement. The known points to which the traverse is connected have beenmeasured as free stations using SmartWorx. The results show that the measurement uncertainty improves when the pointdistance is reduced. The measurements with ZEB-REVO have the potential toachieve a lower measurement uncertainty than NH in both forest types. Theresults for the pine forest show that ZEB-REVO can achieve a 4 centimetrelevel uncertainty and an average deviation of height of 0,018 m against themeasured control profiles. The comparison with control profiles for the areain the spruce forest shows that an average deviation in height of 0,058 m wasachievable. ZEB-REVO has the potential to improve data in NH and data collected withZEB-REVO can form the basis for terrain modelling for projectionwork. Theinstrument can also achieve the best accuracy rating 1, for which themaximum mean deviation in height must not exceed 0.02 m.
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Dokumentation av en trafikolycka med handhållen laserskanning och UAS-fotogrammetri : En utvärdering av punktmolnens lägesosäkerhet och visuella kvalitetAndersson, Elias January 2021 (has links)
I samband med en trafikolycka är det ofta viktigt att återställa platsen till det normala så snabbt som möjligt. Emellanåt måste olycksplatsen dokumenteras för att orsaken till olyckan ska kunna utredas i ett senare skede. Traditionellt har detta arbete utförts genom att fotografera platsen och mäta olika avstånd. På senare tid har även terrester laserskanning kommit att bli ett tillförlitligt alternativ. Med det sagt är det tänkbart att även fotogrammetri och andra typer av laserskanning skulle kunna användas för att uppnå liknande resultat. Syftet med denna studie är att utforska hur handhållen laserskanning och UAS-fotogrammetri kan användas för att dokumentera en trafikolycka. Detta uppnås genom att utvärdera punktmolnens lägesosäkerhet och visuella kvalitet. Vidare utforskas fördelar och nackdelar med respektive metod, bland annat sett till tidsåtgång och kostnader, för att slutligen komma fram till vilken metod som lämpar sig bäst för att dokumentera en trafikolycka. En trafikolycka med två inblandade bilar iscensattes och laserskannades till en början med den handhållna laserskannern Leica BLK2GO. Därefter samlades bilder in med den obemannade flygfarkosten Leica Aibot följt av att ett referenspunktmoln skapades med den terrestra laserskannern Leica C10. Genom att jämföra koordinater för kontrollpunkter i referenspunktmolnet med koordinaterna för motsvarande kontrollpunkter i de två andra punktmolnen kunde deras lägesosäkerheter bestämmas. Studiens resultat visar att både punktmolnet som framställdes med handhållen laserskanning och UAS-fotogrammetri har en lägesosäkerhet (standardosäkerhet) i 3D på 0,019 m. Båda metoderna är tillämpliga för att dokumentera en trafikolycka, men jämfört med terrester laserskanning är punktmolnen dock bristfälliga på olika sätt. BLK2GO producerar ett förhållandevis mörkt punktmoln och mörka objekt avbildas sämre än ljusare föremål. I punktmolnet som framställdes med Leica Aibot förekom påtagliga håligheter i bilarnas karosser. Handhållen laserskanning är en tidseffektiv metod medan UAS-fotogrammetri kan utföras till en lägre kostnad. Sammanfattningsvis går det inte att dra någon entydig slutsats om vilken metod som lämpar sig bäst för att dokumentera en trafikolycka. Valet beror på vilka omständigheter som råder på olycksplatsen. / In the event of a traffic accident, it is often important to restore the site to its normal condition as fast as possible. Occasionally, the accident scene must be documented so that the cause of the accident can be investigated at a later stage. Traditionally, this work has been performed by taking pictures of the site and measuring different distances. Lately, terrestrial laser scanning has also become a reliable alternative. With that said, it is possible that photogrammetry and other types of laser scanning also could be utilized to achieve similar results. The aim of this study is to investigate how handheld laser scanning and UAS photogrammetry can be used to document a traffic accident. This is achieved by examining the positional uncertainty and visual quality of the point clouds. Moreover, the advantages and disadvantages of each method are explored, for instance in terms of time consumption and costs, in order to finally come to a conclusion of which method is best suited for documenting a traffic accident. A traffic accident with two involved cars was staged and initially laser scanned with the handheld laser scanner Leica BLK2GO. Thereafter, pictures were collected with the unmanned aerial vehicle Leica Aibot followed by the creation of a reference point cloud with the terrestrial laser scanner Leica C10. By comparing the coordinates of control points in the reference point cloud with the coordinates of the corresponding control points in the two other point clouds, their positional uncertainty could be determined. The results of the study show that both the point cloud produced by the handheld laser scanner and UAS photogrammetry have a positional uncertainty (standard uncertainty) of 0.019 m. Both methods are applicable for documenting a traffic accident but compared to terrestrial laser scanning, the point clouds are deficient in different ways. BLK2GO produces a relatively dark point cloud and dark objects are reproduced worse than lighter objects. In the point cloud produced by Leica Aibot, there were noticeable cavities in the bodies of the cars. Handheld laser scanning is a time-efficient method while UAS photogrammetry can be performed at a lower cost. In conclusion, it is not possible to arrive at an unambiguous conclusion with regards to which method that is best suited for documenting a traffic accident. The choice depends on the prevailing circumstances at the accident scene.
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Design and implementation of a portable omnifont reading aid for the blindAsimopoulos, Nikos 16 September 2005 (has links)
The design and implementation of a handheld scanner that can help sight-impaired or even blind users to manually scan and read text is discussed in this dissertation. A thorough investigation of all the elements involved in such a system is presented and optimal solutions are proposed. A unique velocity compensation technique based solely on optical information obtained by the scanning device is discussed and a real time segmentation technique based on topological properties (Quasi-Topological Codes) of connected segments is presented. A skew detection algorithm is discussed that can trace typed and printed text manual1y scanned with skew up to 15 degrees and can guide blind users to properly scan a document. Real time extraction of quasitopological codes for automatic text recognition and the hardware implementation is also discussed in this work. A hierarchical optical character recognition method is proposed which is based on syntactic and metric analysis of the Quasi-Topological Codes and their position in the scanned image. The proposed method can recognize characters stretched to approximately two times their original width or rotated by a few degrees. Finally, an automated iterative learning process is discussed which includes generalization of the recognition logic and dynamic adaptation of the syntactic and metric recognition rules. / Ph. D.
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Implementation of data flow query language on a handheld deviceEvangelista, Mark A. 03 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited / Handheld devices have evolved significantly from mere simple organizers to more powerful handheld computers that are capable of network connectivity, giving it the ability to send e-mail, browse the World Wide Web, and query remote databases. However, handheld devices, because of its design philosophy, are limited in terms of size, memory, and processing power compared to desktop computers. This thesis investigates the use of Data Flow Query Language (DFQL) in querying local and remote databases from a handheld device. Creating Standard Query Language (SQL) queries can be a complex undertaking; and trying to create one on a handheld device with a small screen only adds to its complexity. However, by using DFQL, the user can submit queries with an easy to use graphical user interface. Although handheld devices are currently more powerful than earlier PCs, they still require applications with a small footprint, which is a limiting factor for software developed. This thesis will also investigate the best division of labor between handheld device and remote servers. / Sergeant, United States Army
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La caméra catalytique : du transfert d’affects du corps-filmant au corps-regardant dans les films de John Cassavetes et de Philippe GrandrieuxCrépeau, Marie-Ève 10 1900 (has links)
Cette étude a pour principal objectif d’examiner l’usage de la caméra à l’épaule dans les films de fiction Faces de John Cassavetes et La Vie nouvelle de Philippe Grandrieux. Loin d’associer la caméra portée à la vision subjective d’un personnage, ces cinéastes semblent plutôt inscrire la caméra et son tremblé comme un tiers autonome qui entre néanmoins dans la zone fictionnelle. Par la position similaire qu’ils attribuent à la caméra et par l’importance qu’ils accordent à l’improvisation au tournage, ces deux cinéastes créent une proximité entre le personnage et la caméra, qui a un impact sur l’esthétique visuelle de leurs films. De par cette esthétique affectée, l’expérience vécue par le spectateur devant le film est intensifiée. En interrogeant le processus de création, l’esthétique de la caméra à l’épaule ainsi que la réception spectatorielle, nous verrons comment un tel transfert d’affect est rendu possible par cette tripartition. Pour faire l’analyse de ce transfert affectif, phénomène causé par ce que nous pourrons appeler la caméra catalytique, nous nous appuierons sur quelques philosophies choisies. / This study has as its main goal the examination of the use of the handheld camera in the films Faces by John Cassavetes and La vie nouvelle by Philippe Grandrieux. Far from associating the handheld camera to a character’s point of view these filmmakers seem to inscribe the camera and its shake as an autonomous third person which is part of the fictional space. By the similar position these filmmakers give to the camera and by the importance they attribute to improvisation during the shoot they create a proximity between the character and the camera which has an impact on the visual aesthetic of their films; this affected aesthetic intensifies the experience felt by the audience. By examining the process of making the film, the handheld aesthetic as well as the audience response, we will see how this transfer of affect is made possible. To analyse this affective transfer, caused by what one would call the catalytic camera, we will rely on a selection of chosen philosophies.
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