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I resterna av Chernobyl : En kvalitativ studie av serien Chernobyl och dess gestaltning av SovjetCurman, Josefin, Thelenius, Ella January 2021 (has links)
This essay is a qualitative study on the tv series Chernobyl and examines how Soviet is portrayed through the character of Boris Shcherbina and the environment in which the series takes place. For many, the series is a first acquaintance with the nuclear accident and Soviet in the 80’s. Due to the fact that Soviet was a relatively closed society, series like this can have a wider effect than usual, since there haven't been many other sources of information available. The study examines material regarding a historical event that had a global influence. The historical context of the cold war and previous stereotypical portrayals of Soviet makes for an interesting backdrop as the study examines what is being communicated about Soviet through the visuals. By conducting a semiotic analysis on selected scenes and thereafter using Robert Entman’s framing theory to analyze the empirical material this study has found that the series portrays Soviet negatively. Soviet is framed as a controlling and somewhat claustrophobic state, where persecution and inspection seem common. It is further portrayed as a state one does not question or go against, and the citizens seem to lack independence in relation to the state. The communist society is depicted as very hierarchical, with highly regarded leaders, such as Shcherbina, and with citizens living in simplicity and facing oppression. The environments in the series are often grey, dark and gloomy, which contributes to the portrayal of Soviet as a somber state.
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Experimentelle Untersuchung des Neuronenverlusts bei fokaler zerebraler Ischämie im Rattenhirn nach Applikation von Gewebeplasminogenaktivator und hyperbarem SauerstoffLaignel, Félix Jean Jan 05 September 2013 (has links)
Die systemische Thrombolyse mit rekombinantem Gewebeplasminogenaktivator (rtPA) stellt das einzige pharmakologisch evidente und kausale Therapiekonzept für die Behandlung der akuten zerebralen Ischämie dar. Dieses Be-handlungskonzept ist nur in einem kurzen therapeutischen Zeitfenster anwendbar und birgt das Risiko unerwünschter zum Teil lebensbedrohlicher Nebenwirkungen. Darüber hinaus ist rtPA potenziell neurotoxisch. In der vorliegenden Arbeit sollten am thrombembolischen Schlaganfallmodell der Ratte die Effekte der hyperbaren Sauerstofftherapie (HBO) nach induzierter fokaler zerebraler Ischämie in Kombination mit rtPA erstmals im Langzeitverlauf von 4 Wochen untersucht werden. Grundlage hierfür waren die in früheren Studien nachgewiesenen potenziell neuroprotektiven Effekte der HBO. In 4 verschiedenen Infarkt-assoziierten Arealen wurden durch Immunperoxidasemarkierung Neuronale Nuklei (NeuN) im Gehirn von Ratten detektiert und durch den Vergleich mit der kontralateralen Hemisphäre der Neuronenverlust erfasst. Mithilfe einer Dreifach-immunfluoreszenzfärbung und konfokaler Laserscanningmikroskopie wurden neben dem Neuronenverlust sowohl Astrogliose als auch Mikrogliaaktivierung, als wesentliche Bestandteile der neurovaskulären Einheit (NVU), qualitativ analysiert. Für die Ischämie-assoziierten Gebiete ergab sich ein über den gesamten Beobachtungszeitraum konstantes und mit dem Penumbramodell korres-pondierendes schalenförmiges Muster des Neuronenverlusts. Die Hypothese einer Neuroprotektion durch HBO in Kombination mit rtPA konnte im Vergleich zu früheren experimentellen Studienergebnissen nicht bestätigt werden.:Bibliografische Beschreibung I
Abkürzungsverzeichnis II
Inhaltsverzeichnis V
1. Einleitung 1
1.1 Sozioökonomische Bedeutung des Schlaganfalls 1
1.2 Pathophysiologische Grundlagen der zerebralen Ischämie 1
1.2.1 Neuronale Zellen und Peri-Infarkt-Depolarisation 2
1.2.2 Oxidativer Stress und Stickstoffmonoxid 4
1.2.3 Nekrose und Apoptose 5
1.2.4 Inflammatorische Prozesse 5
1.2.5 Wechselwirkungen zwischen Neuronen, Astroglia und Mikroglia 7
2. Therapiekonzepte bei zerebraler Ischämie 8
2.1 Thrombolyse mit rekombinantem Gewebeplasminogenaktivator 8
2.2 Experimentelle Therapieansätze 10
2.3 Physiologische Grundlagen der hyperbaren Sauerstofftherapie 10
2.4 Nebenwirkungen der hyperbaren Sauerstofftherapie 12
3. Zielstellung 13
4. Material und Methoden 14
4.1 Gewebeproben 14
4.2 Studiendesign 14
4.3 Material 15
4.3.1 Verwendete Chemikalien 15
4.3.2 Verwendete Lösungen 16
4.4 Methoden 17
4.4.1 Operativ induzierte thrombembolische Ischämie 17
4.4.2 Applikation von rtPA und hyperbarem Sauerstoff 19
4.4.3 Gewebeaufbereitung 19
4.4.4 Auswahl der Hirnschnitte 19
4.4.5 Erfassung der Infarktlokalisation im Rattenhirn 20
4.4.6 NeuN-Immunperoxidase Färbung 21
4.4.7 Immunfluoreszenzmarkierung von Neuronen, Astro- und Mikroglia 22
4.4.8 Kontrollfärbungen 24
4.4.9 Mikroskopie und Bildgebung 24
4.4.10 Semiquantitative Auswertung 25
5. Ergebnisse 27
5.1 Lokalisation der fokal zerebralen Ischämie im Rattenhirn 29
5.2 Neuronenverlust in Abhängigkeit von zuvor definierten „Regions of Interests“ 30
5.3 Interventionsabhängiger Verlauf des Neuronenverlusts 31
5.4 Aktivierung von Astro- und Mikroglia in Abhängigkeit vom Neuronenverlust 35
6. Diskussion 41
6.1 Translationale Aspekte 42
6.2 Die Penumbra als potenziell rettbares Hirngewebe 45
6.3 Neuronenverlust in Abhängigkeit von zeitlichen Verlauf und Interventionskonzept 47
6.4 Interaktionen von Neuronen, Astro- und Mikroglia nach fokaler zerebraler Ischämie 51
7. Zusammenfassung 56
8. Literaturverzeichnis 59
Tabellenverzeichnis VII
Abbildungsverzeichnis VIII
Lebenslauf X
Publikationen XI
Erklärung über die eigenständige Abfassung der Arbeit XII
Danksagung XIII
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Funktioner inom Video on Demand-tjänster : En användarstudie inom online streaming / Functions within video ondemand services : A user study within online streamingAndersson, Viktor, Norström, Karolina January 2014 (has links)
Sedan 2013 har allt fler börjat använda sig av streamingtjänster för film och TV på internet (Findahl,2014). I takt med att användningen ökar är det viktigt att tjänsterna är välutvecklade och lättillgängliga för användaren. I denna uppsats undersöker vi funktioner på de tre största Video on Demand-tjänsterna (VoD) i Sverige ur ett användarperspektiv. Med hjälp av befintliga teorier och litteratur diskuterar vi användarbarhet och genomför en områdesanalys av de utvalda VoD-tjänsterna. Utifrån analysen har vi gått vidare med tio funktioner för att avgränsa studien. Uppsatsen innehåller två metoder; fokus grupper och enkätundersökning. Resultatet från dessa metoder presenteras i en rankningslista som ska fungera som rekommendation till operatörerna. Slutsatsen som kan dras från resultatet är att en VoD-tjänst som har flera eller alla av funktioner från rankningslistan tillgängliga, kommer ge användare en betydligt bättre användarupplevelse på webbplatsen. / The development of streaming media services has rapidly evolved since 2013 (Findahl, 2014). As the usage of video on demand (VOD) services increases, it becomes more important that the services are well developed and accessible to its users. In this essay we study the functionality of the three most used VOD-services in Sweden, from a user perspective. Using existing theories and literature, we discussusability and conduct a field evaluation, analysing the three VOD services. Based on the conducted evaluation, we decided to move forward with ten features that, we found, were the most useful from a user perspective. It also helped delimit the study. The essay contains two research methods, a questionnaire survey and focus groups. The results from the study are presented in a ranking-list that will serve as a recommendation to the operators of the VOD services. The conclusion we made from the ranking-list is that a VOD service that take most of these functions into account will make for a better user experience.
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Il creatore nella serialità Tv americana è convenzionalmente considerato l'autore di una serie. L'elaborato si propone di mostrare limiti e pregi di questa affermazione, attraverso l'esame di due casi di studio: le opere di Alan Ball e David Simon in HBO. / In Tv series, the creator is usually understood to be the auteur. This paper will show merits and limits of this conventional statement, through an exam of two case studies: the works of Alan Ball and David Simon in HBO.
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Signaling Components Involved in the Hormone Induced Translocation of ENaC in Cultured Adult Human Fungiform (HBO) Taste CellsHojati, Deanna 01 January 2017 (has links)
The amiloride-sensitive epithelial Na+ channel, ENaC, is the Na+-specific salt taste receptor in rodents. Compared to rodents, human salt taste perception is amiloride-insensitive. In rodents the ENaC is composed of aβg-subunits. Whereas humans express an additional subunit, the d-ENaC subunit. ENaC in human taste cells is composed of aβg-subunits or dβg-subunits, with the latter being amiloride-insensitive. Currently, it is not known if dβg-ENaC expression and trafficking is regulated by hormones and their downstream intracellular signaling effectors. The aim of this study is to investigate if arginine vasopressin (AVP), aldosterone, and cAMP regulate d-ENaC expression and trafficking in cultured fungiform human taste cells (HBO cells). Secondly, we want to demonstrate the expression of downstream signaling effectors involved in the trafficking of d-ENaC in HBO cells. Using molecular and immunocytochemical techniques, our results demonstrate that AVP, cAMP, and aldosterone increase expression of d-ENaC mRNA and protein in HBO cells. Furthermore, AVP, cAMP and aldosterone increased trafficking of the d-ENaC subunit from the cytosolic compartment to the apical pole of the HBO cells. Our results further demonstrate that HBO cells express several components of signaling cascade involved in ENaC translocation from cytosol to apical pole in HBO cells. The components of this signaling cascade include AVPR2, PKA, CREB, SGK-1, Nedd4-2, and GILZ-1. These hormones in mice and rats upregulate ENaC. Currently, we are not sure if these hormones affect ENaC this way in humans. By studying d-ENaC with these hormones, we are able to see how human ENaC is regulated in the tongue.
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Ryssen kommer - Hur västerländsk rysskräck visualiseras och reproduceras i HBO-serien ChernobylStohr, Anna January 2020 (has links)
En kvalitativ studie av HBO-serien Chernobyl från 2019 och hur denna upprätthåller en i västerländsk media producerad för underhållning ofta förekommande stereotyp porträttering av Sovjetunionen och dess invånare. Studiens teoretiska utgångspunkt är centrerad kring filmteori och representationsteori och undersöker huruvida man genom othering i västerländska produktioner upprätthåller en bild av de forna sovjetiska länderna och dess invånare baserad på den uppfattning som lades till grund för i filmer producerade under kalla kriget. Studiens resultat är att serien kan läsas som ett försök att genom adaptionen av en inhemsk sovjetisk skildring av världens största kärnkraftsolycka försöka ge symbolisk upprättelse till katastrofens offer, trots att serien i stor utsträckning bekräftar den stereotypa skildring av sovjetiska medborgare ofta tidigare sedd i västerländsk media. / A qualitative study of the 2019 HBO miniseries Chernobyl and how it perpetuates a stereotype western perception of post Soviet countries and their inhabitants, influenced by the antagonists created during Cold War in film produced by west. The Soviet stereotype is examined through film and representation theory, and seeks to investigate how the practice of othering is carried out by narrative functions throughout pivotal moments of the series. The analysis concludes that the sensitive matter of adapting a domestic Soviet narrative of the worlds greatest nuclear disaster into a Hollywood production can be read as an attempt to grant the real life victims a symbolic kind of solace, yet it also fails to portray Soviet citizens outside of the stereotype conforming depiction often seen in western media.
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Clinical applications of magnetic resonance spectroscopyAntonia Susnjar (15354502) 26 April 2023 (has links)
<p>Magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) is a non-invasive diagnostic technique that provides unique information about the biochemical composition of the human body. By excluding the overwhelming signals from water and fat, clinically relevant biomarkers such as lactate, N-acetyl aspartate, choline, creatine, glutamate/glutamine (Glx), gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), glutathione, and myoinositol can be reliably quantified. MRS has diverse applications in investigating the metabolic window of a wide range of biochemical processes. </p>
<p>Here, we have utilized MRS to better understand chemical changes associated with neurological disorders and treatment response. We have investigated neurometabolic imbalances in brain regions related to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). MRS was applied to better understand the neurobiological processes of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in military veterans with clinically diagnosed traumatic brain injury and/or PTSD.</p>
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Comparison of Amazon Prime Video and Netflix using HCI PrinciplesKodatala, Madhan Mohan Reddy, Perla, Laxmi Prasanna January 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Att Adaptera Fantasy : En adaptionsstudie av TV-serien Game of Thrones / Adapting Fantasy : An Adaptation Study on the TV-series Game of ThronesWik, Anders January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to study the adaptation process of the TV-show Game of Thrones. This paper focuses mainly on how David Benioff and D.B. Weiss and HBO adapted the TV-show from George R.R. Martins book series A Song of Ice and Fire and what, in the adaptation and in the reception of the TV-show, made it such a global cultural phenomenon. The analysis has been done by analysing interviews and studying behind-the-scenes material that has been available through articles and bonus material provided by the web and on the DVD and Blu-Ray features of the show. Mary H. Snyders Analyzing Literature-to-Film Adaptations provides a ground tool of analysing adaptations where particularly her “A Marriage of Media” theory has significantly helped the study. The paper analyses fantasy as a genre, the book series that the TV-show is based on, and the adaptation process itself and the different components that make up for the TV-show called Game of Thrones. After the adaptation analysis there is a study on how the internet has helped distributing both the show’s popularity and the show itself through the use of illegal downloading. The result is that the adaption is a successful “Marriage between media”, to use Snyders words, where the internet can be seen as product of that metaphorical marriage. The confidence and trust that both the author of the books and the show runners of the TV-series has placed in each other is the binding fundament that made the adaption as successful as it is. HBO as a cable network company also play a significant part where the financial support to the show’s production and the non-existent censorship regarding the adult content otherwise wouldn’t have been provided for, had the show been produced and/or aired by any other network company for example. The previous successes of other fantasy adaptations such as The Lord of the Rings and the Harry Potter-series could also be seen as necessary initiators regarding the industry’s newfound openness towards large scale fantasy projects.
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HBO and the Holocaust: Conspiracy, the historical film, and public history at WannseeJohnson, Nicholas K. 12 1900 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / In 2001, Home Box Office aired Conspiracy, a dramatization of the infamous Wannsee Conference organized by Reinhard Heydrich and Adolf Eichmann. The Conference took place in Berlin on 20 January 1942 and was intended to coordinate the Final Solution by asserting the dominance of Heydrich and the SS over other governmental departments. The surviving Wannsee Protocol stands as one of the most compelling pieces of evidence for the Third Reich’s genocidal intent and emblematic of its shift from mass shootings in the occupied East to industrial-scale murder. Conspiracy, written by Loring Mandel and directed by Frank Pierson, is an unusual historical film because it reenacts the Wannsee Conference in real time, devoid of the usual clichés prevalent throughout Holocaust films. It also engages with historiographical arguments and makes a few of its own. This thesis argues that dramatic film has been relatively ignored by the public history field and uses Conspiracy as a case study for how dramatic film and television can be used to further the goals of public history, especially that of making complex and difficult histories accessible to wide audiences. Grounded in a thorough reading of script drafts, production notes, HBO meeting minutes, and correspondence, this thesis examines Conspiracy from the vantage point of scholarship in public history, film studies, and Holocaust studies. It details the film’s production history, the sources used for the film, the claims it makes, and advocates for dramatic film as a powerful public history outlet. Ultimately, this thesis argues that Conspiracy is exactly the type of historical film that historians should be making themselves.
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