Spelling suggestions: "subject:"health cervices accessibility"" "subject:"health cervices ccessibility""
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Patents versus patients : global governance and the role of civil society in South Africa's quest for affordable drugsKarlsbakk, A. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis is an explanatory study into civil society's increased influence in global
governance. More specifically this situation is examined by looking at the generic medicine
debate that came in the wake of the passing of the Medicines and Related Substances Act by
the South African government in 1997. This debate gained worldwide attention and touched
some of the prevailing inequalities between the developed world and the developing world in
our globalised society. The research question that is addressed here is to what extent did civil
society influence the signing of the Doha Declaration of the TRIPS Agreement and Public
Health by the members of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) in 2001? In doing so, this
thesis looks at the role of the US government, the South African government, the
pharmaceutical industry, the WTO's TRIPS Agreement and civil society in the form of nongovernmental
organisations like Treatment Action Campaign (TAC), Oxfam and Medecines
Sans Frontieres (MSF).
The study applies a constructivist approach in order to analyse how civil society used global
advocacy networks to inform and communicate the normative concerns regarding South
Africa and developing countries' lack of access to HIVand AIDS drugs. Moreover, it
examines how civil society's use of moral authority challenged the regulative power of the
The study concludes that civil society played a vital role in influencing the WTO member
states' decision to sign the Doha Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health.
However, it was not only civil society's ability to set the agenda concerning the HIV/AIDS
pandemic, but also the content of the normative concerns themselves that help explain its
success. Consequently, the study further concludes that civil society's success in this specific
case must be seen in light of its growing influence in challenging global governance. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis is 'n verduidelikende studie van die burgerlike samelewing se groeiende invloed
in globale regering. Hierdie situasie word meer spesifiek ondersoek deur te kyk na die
generiese medisyne debat wat gevoer is na die Suid-Afrikaanse Regering die Medisyne en
Verwante Stowwe Wet van 1997 goedgekeur het. Hierdie debat het wêreldwye aandag geniet
en het geraak aan sommige van die bestaande ongelykhede wat daar heers tussen die
ontwikkelde en ontwikkelende wêreld in die geglobaliseerde samelewing.
Die navorsingsvraag wat hier aangespreek word is tot watter mate die burgerlike samelewing
die ondertekening van die Doha Verklaring van die TRIPS Ooreenkoms en Publieke
Gesondheid deur lede van die Wêreld Handelsorganisasie (WHO) in 2001 beïnvloed het.
Deur dit te doen, sal hierdie tesis kyk na die rol van die Amerikaanse regering, die Suid-
Afrikaanse regering, die farmaseutiese bedryf, die WHO se TRIPS Ooreenkoms en die
burgerlike samelewing in die vorm van nie-regerings organisasies soos die Treatment Action
Campaign (TAC), Oxfam en Medecines Sans Frontieres (MSF).
Die studie maak gebruik van 'n konstruktiwistiese benadering om 'n analise te doen van hoe
die burgerlike samelewing globale ondersteunings netwerke gebruik het om die normatiewe
besorgdhede wat heers oor die tekorte in Suid-Afrika en die ontwikkelende lande ten opsigte
van toegang tot MIV en VIGS medisyne, toe te lig en te verkondig. Verder ondersoek die
studie hoe die gebruik deur die burgerlike samelewing van morele gesag die regulerende mag
van die WHO uitgedaag het.
Die studie kom tot die gevolgtrekking dat die bugerlike samelewing 'n uiters belangrike rol
gespeel het in die WHO lidlande se besluit om die Doha Verklaring van die TRIPS
Ooreenkoms en Publieke Gesondheid te onderteken. Dit was egter nie net die burgerlike
samelewing se vermoë om die agenda daar te stel ten opsigte van die MIV/VIGS pandemie
nie, maar ook die inhoud van die normatiewe besorgdhede self wat bygedra het om hierdie
sukses te verduidelik. Gevolglik kom die studie tot die verdere gevolgtrekking dat die
burgerlike samelewing se sukses in hierdie spesifieke geval gesien kan word in die lig van sy
groeiende invloed in die uitdaging van globale mag en gesag.
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The right to have access to health care services for survivors of gender-based violenceBannister, Tarryn 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (LLM)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / Includes bibliography / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In South Africa gender-based violence (hereafter “GBV”) has reached extreme levels. This violent manifestation of gender inequality is compounded by the fact that women are disproportionately affected by poverty, the HIV/AIDS epidemic and inadequate health care services. This is in spite of South Africa’s progressive constitutional and legislative framework which appears highly conducive to combating gender inequality and GBV. For example, the Constitution protects the right to equality (section 9), human dignity (section 10), life (section 11), freedom and security of the person (section 12) and the right to have access to health care services, including reproductive health (section 27(1)(a)). Extensive legislation has also been enacted for the protection of women. For example, the preamble to the Domestic Violence Act 116 of 1998 (hereafter “DVA”) recognises domestic violence as a serious social evil. While the DVA is notably silent as to the role of the health care sector, the DVA is progressive in that it contains a broad definition of domestic violence, and recognises a wide range of relationships. The Criminal Law (Sexual Offences and Related Matters) Amendment Act 32 of 2007 also seeks to afford complainants of sexual offences “the maximum and least traumatising protection that the law can provide”. In addition to this, South Africa has international law obligations to address GBV and gender inequality. For example, under the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (1979), States are obliged to address private acts of violence and to remove discrimination against women in all fields, including health. However, despite this progressive framework of rights, some interpretations of these integral rights have been unduly formalistic, in addition to being disengaged from the lived reality of many women. There is also a substantial gap between policy and practice, with the implementation of existing legislation a continuing problem. It is therefore imperative that we analyse the right to have access to health care services through a gender lens so as to transcend a purely legalistic perspective and to interrogate gendered social processes and power relations. This thesis analyses how existing law and policy can be transformed so as to be more responsive to these lived realities and needs of survivors of GBV. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Geslagsgebaseerde geweld (hierna ‘GGG’) in Suid-Afrika het uiterste vlakke bereik. Hierdie gewelddadige manifestasie van geslagsongelykheid word vererger deur die feit dat vroue buite verhouding erg deur armoede, die MIV/vigs-epidemie en ontoereikende gesondheidsorgdienste geraak word. Dit is ondanks Suid-Afrika se vooruitstrewende grondwetlike en wetsraamwerk wat op die oog af hoogs bevorderlik vir die bestryding van geslagsongelykheid en GGG voorkom. Die Grondwet verskans, byvoorbeeld, die reg op gelykheid (artikel 9), menswaardigheid (artikel 10), lewe (artikel 11), vryheid en sekerheid van die persoon (artikel 12) en toegang tot gesondheidsorgdienste, met inbegrip van reproduktiewe gesondheidsorg (artikel 27(1)(a)). Omvattende wetgewing oor vrouebeskerming is ook reeds uitgevaardig. Die aanhef tot die Wet op Gesinsgeweld 116 van 1998 (hierna die ‘WGG’) identifiseer, byvoorbeeld, huishoudelike geweld as ’n ernstige maatskaplike euwel. Hoewel die WGG swyg oor die rol van die gesondheidsorgsektor, is dit nietemin vooruitstrewend aangesien dit ’n uitgebreide omskrywing van huishoudelike geweld bevat en ’n wye verskeidenheid verhoudings erken. Die Wysigingswet op die Strafreg (Seksuele Misdrywe en Verwante Aangeleenthede) 32 van 2007 is ook daarop afgestem om klaagsters van seksuele oortredings “die omvattendste en mins traumatiese beskerming te gee wat die wet kan bied”. Daarbenewens verkeer Suid-Afrika onder internasionale regsverpligtinge om GGG en geslagsongelykheid aan te spreek. Ingevolge die Konvensie vir die Uitwissing van Alle Vorme van Diskriminasie teen Vroue (1979), byvoorbeeld, is state verplig om privaat geweldsdade teen te staan en diskriminasie teen vroue op alle gebiede te verwyder, insluitend gesondheid. Nietemin, benewens hierdie vooruitstrewende menseregteraamwerk is sommige interpretasies van hierdie onafskeidbare regte nie net oormatig formalisties nie, maar ook verwyderd van die daaglikse realiteit van baie vroue. Daar is ook ʼn wesenlike gaping tussen beleidsmaatreëls en die praktyk, terwyl die uitvoering van bestaande wetgewing ʼn voortgesette probleem verteenwoordig. Dit is dus gebiedend om die reg op toegang tot gesondheidsorgdienste deur ʼn geslagslens te analiseer om sodoende ʼn bloot regsgedrewe perspektief te bo te gaan en om maatskaplike prosesse en magsverhoudinge in oënskou te neem. Hierdie tesis analiseer hoe bestaande wetsraamwerke en beleidsmaatreëls getransformeer kan word om beter te reageer op die realiteite en behoeftes van oorlewendes van GGG. / Stellenbosch University Hope Project / Bradlow Foundation
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La télémédecine en radiothérapie : développement d’un modèle et analyse des coûtsLaliberté, Benoît 08 1900 (has links)
But : La radiothérapie (RT) est disponible seulement dans les grandes villes au Québec. Les patients atteints de cancer vivant en zone rurale doivent voyager pour obtenir ces soins. Toute proportion gardée, moins de ces patients accèdent à la RT. L’accessibilité serait améliorée en instaurant de petits centres de RT qui dépendraient de la télémédecine (téléRT). Cette étude tente (1) de décrire un modèle (population visée et technologie) réaliste de téléRT; (2) d’en estimer les coûts, comparativement à la situation actuelle où les patients voyagent (itineRT).
Méthode : (1) À l’aide de données probantes, le modèle de téléRT a été développé selon des critères de : faisabilité, sécurité, absence de transfert des patients et minimisation du personnel. (2) Les coûts ont été estimés du point de vue du payeur unique en utilisant une méthode publiée qui tient compte des coûts en capitaux, de la main d’oeuvre et des frais généraux.
Résultats : (1) Le modèle de téléRT proposé se limiterait aux traitements palliatifs à 250 patients par année. (2) Les coûts sont de 5918$/patient (95% I.C. 4985 à 7095$) pour téléRT comparativement à 4541$/patient (95%I.C. 4351 à 4739$) pour itineRT. Les coûts annuels de téléRT sont de 1,48 M$ (d.s. 0,6 M$), avec une augmentation des coûts nets de seulement 0,54 M$ (d.s. 0,26 M$) comparativement à itineRT. Si on modifiait certaines conditions, le service de téléRT pourrait s’étendre au traitement curatif du cancer de prostate et du sein, à coûts similaires à itineRT.
Conclusion : Ce modèle de téléRT pourrait améliorer l’accessibilité et l’équité aux soins, à des coûts modestes. / Purpose: Radiotherapy (RT) is centralized in urban areas in Quebec. Patients with cancer living in remote areas must travel to receive RT, and the proportion of RT patients is inferior to that of urban patients. Telemedicine could allow a minimally staffed RT unit to operate at reasonable costs in a rural setting. This study aims (1) to outline a feasible structure and target population for a tele-radiotherapy unit (teleRT); and (2) to estimate the costs of teleRT, compared to the current situation based on travel to urban centres (travelRT).
Methods and Materials: (1) We developed an evidence-based teleRT model meeting the criteria of: feasibility & safety, elimination of patient travel, and minimisation of staff migration. (2) Costs were estimated from the public payor perspective using a previously published activity-based costing model for RT. The model included annualized capital costs, labour, and overhead.
Results: (1) In our model, teleRT was restricted to 250 palliative care patients per year. (2) The public payor cost of teleRT was 5918$/patient (95% C.I. 4985 to 7095$) as compared to 4541$/patient (95%C.I. 4351 to 4739$) for travelRT. Yearly costs of the teleRT unit was 1,48 M$ (s.d. 0,6 M$), with a net cost increase to the payor of 0,54 M$ (s.d. 0,26 M$) compared to travelRT. Under less stringent conditions, breast and prostate cancer patients could also benefit from teleRT at similar costs to travelRT.
Conclusion: Establishing a teleRT unit to treat a small rural population of palliative care patients results in a modest net increase in cost to the public payor and could lead to increased accessibility and equity.
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Suffering in the midst of technology: the lived experience of an abnormal prenatal ultrasoundUnknown Date (has links)
The purpose of this hermeneutic phenomenological study was to understand the essence of the lived experience of women after having an abnormal prenatal ultrasound. One hundred years ago, health disciplines had limited therapies for prenatal and neonatal disorders. During this period, the eugenics movement influenced leaders to involuntarily sterilize individuals who were sought to be "unfit" to prevent disorders in offspring. ... One of these contemporary reproductive genetic technologies is the use of ultrasound and serum bio-medical markers for detection of congenital, chromosome, and genetic disorders. When ultrasounds reveal abnormal findings, the perceived perfect pregnancy vanishes and gives way to feelings of shock, disbelief, fear, guilt, loss, and threats to self and their unborn baby. Twelve women who had an abnormal ultrasound were interviewed within the context of their cultural values and beliefs. The method of van Manen's hermeneutic phenomenology illuminated the meaning for these women in their life worlds. ... They endured this experience through their own coping mechanisms, but often felt uncertainty and emotional turmoil until the birth. The women also sought comfort through their cultural values, beliefs, and traditions. In coping with the risks found on this abnormal ultrasound, women often selected silence or blocking perceived threats. With these coping methods, they were alone in their suffering. ... Health providers, in not recognizing these women's misunderstandings and emotional fears, abandoned them in their psychosocial and cultural needs. The significance reveals that nurses and health providers need to infuse human caring ways of being, knowing, and doing within advanced technological environments. / by Jeanne Chatham Gottlieb. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2013. / Includes bibliography. / Mode of access: World Wide Web. / System requirements: Adobe Reader.
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Utilização de medicamentos no controle do diabetes mellitus: um estudo de base populacional / Use of medicines in diabetes mellitus control: populationbased studyMonteiro, Camila Nascimento 04 May 2012 (has links)
A utilização do serviço de saúde, que inclui a cobertura do gasto com medicamentos e a vacinação, são fatores importantes no controle do diabetes mellitus. O estudo teve como objetivos estimar a prevalência de diabetes mellitus no município de São Paulo e descrever a utilização de serviços de saúde, incluindo a vacinação, utilização, gasto e cobertura do gasto com medicamentos na população adulta do município de São Paulo em 2003 que refere ser portadora da doença. Os dados foram coletados pelo Inquérito Multicêntrico de Saúde de São Paulo (ISA-Capital), estudo transversal realizado por meio de entrevistas domiciliares de base populacional. Foram estudadas as características sociodemográficas e de condições de vida e saúde, a presença de outras doenças, o controle do diabetes, a utilização dos serviços de saúde, a vacinação pelo serviço público, a utilização, cobertura e gastos com medicamentos na população de ambos os sexos, maior de 20 anos e que refere ser portadora de diabetes. Foram realizadas análises descritivas e também estimativas de prevalências e calculadas as razões de prevalência para diabetes autorreferida por meio da regressão de Poisson. A prevalência de diabetes autorreferida na população foi 5,0%, sendo maior na população com 60 anos ou mais, que exerce atividade remunerada e com avaliação negativa da saúde. Foi estimada alta prevalência de indivíduos que referem hipertensão arterial, depressão e outras doenças crônicas na população estudada. A maioria da população relatou utilizar regularmente o serviço de saúde para controle do diabetes. A utilização de medicamentos, de grande importância no controle da doença, esteve associada a não exercer atividade remunerada. A vacinação foi realizada principalmente por intermédio do serviço público. Na cobertura do gasto com medicamentos essenciais houve participação significativa do setor privado e foi maior na população com avaliação negativa da saúde. Sabendo-se da importância de informações para o delineamento do serviço de saúde, e da necessidade de maior aplicação dos dados epidemiológicos nas políticas públicas, a investigação dos fatores envolvidos na utilização dos serviços de saúde, como foi realizada no presente estudo, pode contribuir para pesquisadores e profissionais na formulação de políticas, visando ao acesso universal ao serviço de saúde, que inclui cobertura vacinal e a equidade no acesso a medicamentos / Health Services Accessibility, Immunization and Access to medicines are important factors in diabetes mellitus control. The aim of this study is to estimate the prevalence of diabetes mellitus in São Paulo city and to describe the use of health services, Immunization and use of medicines in adult population of São Paulo in 2003 who reported diabetes mellitus. Data were collected by the Multicenter Survey of Health of São Paulo (ISACapital), population-based study. We studied sociodemographic characteristics and health conditions, presence of other chronic diseases, diabetes control, use of health services, Immunization, utilization, coverage, and spending with medicines in the population who reported diabetes in both sexes, older than 20 years of age. Descriptive analysis and prevalence estimates and prevalence ratios for diabetes were calculated by Poisson regression. Prevalence of diabetes was 5.0%, higher in the population aged 60 or older, who wasnt working and with negative evaluation of health. High prevalence of individuals with high blood pressure, depression and other chronic diseases was estimated in the study population. The use of medicine, very important in diabetes mellitus control, was associated with individuals above 60 years of age and who werent working. Immunization was mainly provided by public health service. In essential medicines coverage there was a large participation of the private sector and was higher in the population with negative evaluation of health. The information is very important for the design of the health service and the necessary application of epidemiological data on Public Health. The investigation of factors in the use of Health Services, as was done in this study, may contribute to policies aimed at universal access to health services, including immunization coverage and equity in access to medicines
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Percepção de idosos atendidos em uma unidade de estratégia saúde da família: abordagem etnográfica / Elderly percepton assisted in a Family Health Strategy Unit: ethnographic approachQuintans, Jeane Roza 30 May 2016 (has links)
Introdução: A atual mudança do perfil etário da população brasileira tem afetado a dinâmica dos sistemas de saúde, sociais, econômicos e políticos existentes, indicando a necessidade da articulação entre esses setores e o fortalecimento de políticas que proporcionem situação de independência aos idosos. Assim, a atenção primária vem sendo considerada uma importante estratégia, devendo apresentar acessibilidade e adaptação às necessidades dos idosos. Objetivos: Compreender a percepção de idosos atendidos em uma Unidade de Estratégia de Saúde da Família, do Município de São Paulo, acerca do processo de envelhecimento e conhecer as necessidades de saúde autorreferidas por esse grupo social. Percurso metodológico: Estudo qualitativo de abordagem etnográfica, cujo cenário cultural foi uma Unidade de Estratégia de Saúde da Família (ESF). Os participantes foram dez idosos atendidos na referida ESF. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas e da observação participante, no período de junho de 2015 a janeiro de 2016. Os achados foram apresentados na forma de narrativa e analisados segundo Minayo e à luz do referencial teórico da Resiliência e do Envelhecimento Ativo. Resultados: Das narrativas emergiram cinco categorias culturais, a saber: a percepção do envelhecimento e da velhice; a violência ao idoso; o ostracismo social; o acesso aos serviços de saúde e social: fatores dificultadores; a avaliação da ESF. A percepção do envelhecimento esteve associada à diminuição da capacidade funcional e às limitações físicas e cognitivas. Esse processo remeteu aos idosos a consciência da finitude e do luto antecipado, que afetou a perspectiva de vida desestimulando a realização de ações que proporcionassem bem-estar. Os discursos apresentaram, ainda, a problemática da violência por meio de abuso financeiro e abandono de familiares e dos setores formais, favorecendo o sentimento de solidão e de improdutividade. Esses componentes destacaram os fatores de riscos que interferiram no processo de resiliência, como a falta de acesso aos recursos necessários para o suprimento das necessidades sociais e de saúde, impossibilitando a continuidade de cuidado e a piora do quadro clínico. Considerações finais: O estudo permitiu identificar a percepção e as necessidades sociais e de saúde dos idosos. A falta de acesso aos serviços afetou a dinâmica social e familiar, a saúde e o bem-estar dos participantes. Assim, os serviços de atenção aos idosos precisam atuar diretamente sobre os determinantes que favorecem o Envelhecimento Ativo, por meio de ações que potencializem o bem-estar físico, social e mental ao longo de toda a vida. / Introduction: The change of population age profile in Brazil influences the dynamics of existing systems such as health, social, economic and political, suggesting the need for articulation between services and strengthening of policies that provide independence of the elderly. The primary health care is an important resource and must present accessibility and adaptation to the elder`s needs. Objective: Understanding the perception of aging process, of elderly treated in Family Health Strategy Service of São Paulo city and to know the health needs self-reported by this social group. Methods: Qualitative study using an ethnographic approach, focusing on the cultural scenario of the Family Health Strategy Unit (FHS). The participants in this study were ten elders treated in FHS. The data collection were done from June 2015 to January 2016. Was taken from narratives and analyzed according to Minayo, resilience theory and Active Aging. Findings: The following five cultural categories emerged from the narratives: perception about aging and oldness; the health and social services accessibility: difficulty factors; the elder abuse; the social ostracism; health and social services accessibility; FHS assessment. The perception of aging was associated with decreased functional capacity and physical and cognitive limitations. This process referred the elderly to awareness of finitude and anticipated mourning, which affected the prospect of life discouraging the realization of actions that provided welfare. The narrative presented the problem of violence through financial abuse, family neglect and formal sectors, favoring the feeling of abandonment, of loneliness and lack of productivity. These components highlighted the risk factors that interfere with the resilience process, such as lack of accessibility to the resources needed for the supply of social and health needs, preventing the continuity of care and the worsening of clinical symptoms. Final considerations: This study provided the perception, the social and health needs of the elderly. Lack of accessibility to services affected the social and family dynamics, health and welfare of participants. Care services for the elderly needs to act directly on the determinants that promote Active Aging, through actions that enhance the physical, social and mental well-being throughout life.
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Estratégias de aprimoramento do acesso à assistência: estudo de caso em nível municipal / Strategies to improve access to care: a case study on municipal levelGomes, Rodrigo França 03 May 2013 (has links)
A presente dissertação, inserida na área temática da Saúde Pública de Regulação e Fiscalização em Saúde (categoria SP1.011.127), destacou aspectos relacionados à política nacional de regulação em saúde. Com base na revisão da literatura relacionada com o tema, o estudo teve como objetivo principal apresentar e discutir os desdobramentos da realização de intervenção no sistema de regulação do acesso à assistência às especialidades médicas de um município de 250 mil habitantes no período de 2009 a 2011. Teve também, como objetivo secundário, analisar estratégias de desenvolvimento e operacionalização de protocolos de regulação do acesso à assistência ambulatorial em perspectiva municipal. Como referencial metodológico foi adotado o estudo de caso com abordagem descritiva predominantemente qualitativa. O capítulo de introdução versou sobre o cenário relacionado com a regulação do acesso à assistência e as intervenções aplicadas. Como resultados foram apresentadas as ações desenvolvidas no município no campo de infraestrutura e tecnologia da informação, aperfeiçoamento logístico e de processos, educação permanente e o desenvolvimento de protocolos de regulação do acesso. Na discussão, foram analisados os processos desenvolvidos, escolhas e ferramentas adotadas para o aperfeiçoamento do acesso à atenção ambulatorial, suas características e vulnerabilidades, discutindo-se as potencialidades desta implementação e o impacto no acesso aos serviços de saúde municipal / This dissertation, inserted in the thematic area of Health Care Coordination and Monitoring (SP1.011.127 category), emphasized issues related to national policy health regulation in Brazil. Based on a review of literature related to the topic, the study had, as main objective, present and discuss the unfolding of intervention performed in the medical specialties accessibility settled in a city of 250 000 inhabitants in the period from 2009 to 2011. Also sought, as a secondary objective, examine strategies to develop and manage regulatory access protocols in that city. The methodological framework was a case study with predominantly qualitative descriptive approach. The introductory chapter was about the scenario related to the regulation of access to care and interventions applied. Results presented the actions developed in the field of municipal infrastructure and information technology, logistics and process improvement, Public Health Professional Education and the development of regulatory access protocols. In the discussion were analyzed the processes developed, choices and tools used for the improvement of Health Services Accessibility, their characteristics and vulnerabilities, discussing the potential of this implementation and the impact on local health services
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Equidade na atenção à saúde de pessoas com indicativos de transtornos mentais comuns no município de São Paulo / Equity in health care of people with signs of common mental disorders in the city of São PauloRibeiro, Melck Kelly Piastrelli 09 March 2017 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: O conceito de equidade enfatiza a diversidade como condição humana e propõe que a diferença seja tratada como princípio orientador das políticas públicas. O objetivo dessa investigação foi verificar a equidade na atenção à saúde de pessoas com indicativos de transtornos mentais comuns (TMC) na cidade de São Paulo. Foram analisadas a procura e utilização dos serviços de saúde, bem como o gasto com saúde no último mês de pessoas com indicativos de TMC, que referiram morbidade quinze dias precedentes à entrevista domiciliar, segundo características sociodemográficas e de condições de saúde. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado um estudo de corte transversal e utilizados os dados do Inquérito de Saúde no Município de São Paulo (ISA - Capital) de 2008. Foram selecionados sujeitos com 16 anos ou mais e com indicativos de transtornos mentais comuns; estes foram avaliados por meio do instrumento Self Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ-20). Foram analisados a procura e utilização de serviços de saúde, e o gasto com saúde no último mês, correlacionando com aspectos sociodemográficos e de condições de saúde. RESULTADOS: A procura pelo serviço de saúde foi menor entre as mulheres, maior na faixa etária dos 30 aos 44 anos e na faixa etária de 60 anos ou mais. A proporção de pessoas que procuraram pelo serviço e obtiveram atendimento foi elevada, o mesmo ocorreu para aquelas que procuraram por médico e foram atendidas por meio de consulta. A procura pelo SUS foi menor entre as pessoas de cor branca, de renda per capita elevada, com união estável e entre as pessoas com ensino superior. A cobertura pelo SUS foi menor para as pessoas das faixas etárias de 45 a 59 anos e de 60 anos ou mais, com renda per capita elevada, com Ensino Médio ou Técnico e Ensino Superior. As pessoas que gastaram mais com a saúde da família foram aquelas com idade igual ou superior a 60 anos, de cor branca, das faixas de renda per capita mais elevadas, com união estável e com Ensino Superior. Em relação à posse de plano de saúde, pessoas de cor branca, com renda per capita elevada e indivíduos com doença crônica apresentaram maiores chances de possuir este serviço. CONCLUSÕES: Foi observado, na população com indicativos de TMC, que não houve desigualdades no acesso e utilização dos serviços entre as pessoas que buscaram por ajuda diante de morbidade. Verificou-se que o SUS atende e cobre os gastos majoritariamente dos mais pobres, denotando uma cobertura desigual que favorece os mais necessitados, porém, considerando o fator idade, ficou explícita uma situação de iniquidade, pois foi constatado que o SUS oferece maior cobertura para a população mais jovem e não contempla as necessidades da população mais idosa. Além disso, verificou-se também uma demanda reprimida de pessoas que não acessaram o serviço, indicando barreiras que antecedem à busca / INTRODUCTION: The equity concept emphasizes diversity as a human condition and proposes this aspect as a guiding principle of the public policy. The objective of this investigation was to verify the equity in health care of people with signs of common mental disorders (CMD) in the city of São Paulo. We analyzed the demand and use of health services and the expenses on health in the last month of people with signs of CMD who reported morbidity 15 days before the home interview, according to socio-demographic characteristics and health conditions. METHODS: We developed a cross-sectional study and used the data from São Paulo\'s health survey (ISA - Capital) of 2008. We selected subjects with 16 years of age or older and with signs of common mental disorders; who were evaluated using the Self Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ-20). We analyzed the demand and the use of health services, and the health expenses in the last month, correlating them with sociodemographic and health condition aspects. RESULTS: The demand for health services was lower among women, higher in the age group from 30 to 44 years old and in the age group of 60 years old or more. The proportion of people who sought the service and were cared for was high, and the same thing happened to those who sought medical attention and had an appointment. The demand for SUS was lower among white people with high per capita income, married and among people with higher education degrees. The coverage of SUS was significantly lower for people aged between 45 and 59 years old and those aged 60 years old or more, with high per capita income, with high school, technical or college degree. The people who spent more on Family health were those with 60 years old or more, white, with high per capita income, married and with college degree. Regarding health care insurance ownership, white people with high per capita income and individuals with chronic diseases presented higher chances of owning a health care insurance. CONCLUSIONS: We observed, among people with signs of CMD, that there were no inequalities in the access and use of health services for those who sought for help faced with morbidity. We verified that SUS serves and covers the expenses mainly of the poorer, denoting an unequal coverage that favours the ones who need it the most, however, taking the age factor into account, a situation of inequity was explicit, since it was verified that SUS offers a wider coverage to the younger population and does not contemplate the needs of the elderly. In addition, there was also a repressed demand of people who could not access the health service, indicating barriers that precede the search
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Rede viva: a realidade da rede de atenção à reabilitação na região do Butantã, São Paulo - SP / Active network: the reality of the network for rehabilitation care in the region of Butantã, São Paulo - SPBerach, Flávia Rupolo 01 March 2019 (has links)
A implantação de políticas e programas para atender as pessoas com incapacidades e deficiências nos diferentes níveis da atenção à saúde continua desafiadora. O acesso a serviços de reabilitação nos equipamentos de saúde é limitado, assim como o uso das ações de cuidado em reabilitação e há dificuldades de articulação entre os equipamentos da Rede de Reabilitação. O objetivo deste estudo foi compreender a gestão do cuidado; identificar e analisar os fluxos relacionados à reabilitação nos equipamentos de saúde. O estudo foi desenvolvido na região do Butantã (São Paulo - SP), com população de 428.217 habitantes e buscou analisar as ações e fluxos relacionados à reabilitação dos equipamentos de saúde através de rodas de discussão com profissionais de seis equipamentos da Atenção Primária à Saúde e de Atenção Especializada, e de três entrevistas com usuários. Participaram das rodas de discussão 57 profissionais de diferentes categorias que elaboraram fluxogramas que posteriormente foram sobrepostos aos que representam as trajetórias dos usuários. Além disso foi realizada a análise do fluxo de encaminhamentos de demandas de reabilitação da Atenção Primária à Saúde para a Atenção Especializada no período de 2012 a 2016. Os relatos fizeram emergir reflexões sobre abordagens coletivas como ferramenta de cuidado em reabilitação; o papel e resolutividade da Atenção Especializada para o cuidado a longo prazo e queixas menos comuns; o olhar ampliado dos profissionais; o acesso às ações de cuidado, tendo em vista os grandes deslocamentos e o tempo de espera para inclusão; as redes informais como facilitadores do acesso a recursos tecnológicos; e as dificuldades de articulação da Rede. A média das idades dos usuários que aguardavam na lista de espera durante o período de 2012 a 2016 foi de 47,1 anos (DP = 22,5) e a mediana de 51 anos (idade mínima = 0 anos; idade máxima = 102 anos). Foram analisados 44.022 encaminhamentos de pessoas que residiam, majoritariamente no município de São Paulo (98,95%). As maiores demandas de encaminhamento para as especialidades encontradas foram para ortopedia (37,92%), fisioterapia (21,47%), pneumologia (13%), neurologia (9,22%), psiquiatria (5,79%) e acupuntura (3,58%). A facilitação do acesso às ações e atividades de reabilitação, bem como a articulação da rede de reabilitação e o reconhecimento de seus fluxos, podem potencializar o processo de reabilitação aumentando a resolutividade do cuidado / The implementation of policies and programs to care of people with disabilities at different levels of health care remains challenging. Access to rehabilitation services in health facilities is limited, as is the use of care actions in rehabilitation and there are difficulties of articulation between the equipment of the Rehabilitation Network. The objective of this study was to understand the management of care; identify and analyze the flows related to rehabilitation in health equipment. The study was carried out in the region of Butantã (SP), with a population of 428,217 inhabitants and sought to analyze the actions and flows related to the rehabilitation of health equipment through discussion wheels with professionals of six Primary Health Care and Ambulatory Care, and three interviews with users. 57 professionals from different categories participated in the discussion, who elaborated flowcharts that later were superimposed on those that represent the users\' trajectories. In addition, the analysis of the flow of referrals of rehabilitation demands from Primary Health Care to Specialized Care in the period from 2012 to 2016 was carried out. The reports have given rise to reflections on collective approaches as a care tool in rehabilitation; the role and resolve of Specialized Care for long-term care and less common complaints; the magnified look of professionals; access to care actions, in view of the large displacements and waiting time for inclusion; informal networks as facilitators of access to technological resources; and the articulation difficulties of Rehabilitation Network. The average age of users waiting in the list during the period from 2012 to 2016 was 47.1 years (SD = 22.5) and the median age was 51 years (minimum age = 0 years, maximum age = 102 years). Were analyzed 44,022 referrals and the highest demands for referrals for the specialties were orthopedics (37.92%), physiotherapy (21.47%), pneumology (13%), neurology (9.22%), psychiatry (5.79%) and acupuncture (3.58%). The facilitation of access to rehabilitation actions and activities, as well as the articulation of the rehabilitation network and the recognition of their flows, can potentiate the rehabilitation process by increasing the resolving of care
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Sources of infant care informational social support for mothers of infants in the Appalachian regionUnknown Date (has links)
The purpose of this study was to describe the sources of infant care informational
support systems that mothers residing in the Western North Carolina Appalachian region use and prefer in the postpartum period. In addition, the study explored the associations of the sources for informational social support on infant care with personal factors (age, socioeconomic status, parity, race, ethnicity, residence, marital status, education, access to Internet, access to cellular phone, prior attendance in childbirth classes, and other adult infant care assistance in the home) of the mothers. / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (M.A.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2015. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection
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