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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Inner Weavings: Cultural Appropriateness for a Torres Strait Island Woman Artist of Today

Peacock, Janice, n/a January 2006 (has links)
This exegesis examines the context of my studio work submitted for the degree of Doctor of Visual Art at Griffith University in 2004. My art practice reflects my identity, which is complex and many-stranded, but at its core is my identity as a 21st century woman of Torres Strait Islander descent. I also acknowledge multiple heritages and, like many of my contemporaries, I am a descendant of those two thirds of the Torres Strait population who now live on the Australian mainland. Having been born and brought up on the mainland also means that I am connected to, and have been affected by, wider Australian Indigenous issues, particularly those resulting from the alienation and dislocation which stem from colonialism. Therefore, as I draw from both traditional and contemporary modes and theory to explore the appropriateness of my art practice, this exegesis centres on the question: What constitutes culturally appropriate practice for me as a contemporary Torres Strait Island woman?

Potentialités touristiques et patrimoines culturels ches les communautés rurales de Bayanga et de Mbéko en République Centrafricaine : représentations des différents acteurs et enjeux / Tourist potentialities and heritages at the rural communities of Bayanga and Mbeko in Central African Republic : representations of the various actorsand challenges

Ouoko Yangounza, Prisca Peggy 01 December 2017 (has links)
La mise en valeur des ressources naturelles et culturelles est l’une des priorités nationales pouvant concourir à l’éradication de la pauvreté. C’est dans ce cadre que se situe notre proposition de thèse. Après une présentation succincte des contextes géographiques et scientifiques, la méthodologie a été abordée, ainsi que le cadre conceptuel, les hypothèses et la problématique. Deux sous - préfectures nous semblent particulièrement intéressantes: la sous-préfecture de Mbaïki et celle de Bayanga. En effet, elles font partie du massif forestier du Sud - Ouest centrafricain, l’un des plus riches d’Afrique. Aux côtés des potentialités patrimoniales culturelles, ils constituent des potentialités touristiques. La forêt a toujours été une des composantes fondamentales du milieu de vie des populations du fait des produits de cueillette, de chasse et de bois qu’elles y récoltent et des inspirations culturelles qu’elles y puisent. Ces sanctuaires sont devenus des enjeux majeurs. C’est une réflexion que nous avore des retombée, cela n’est pas le cas, par contre il ya trop de plainte, la pauvreté sévie, ce qui entraine le sentiment de rejet du projet APDS. Dans ce sens, des efforts restent à faire au niveau du projet APDS ; le constat disparition progressive des pratiques et des modes de vie traditionnels__le constat de perte d’accès de la communauté rurale à leurs terres, leurs ressources et leurs sites sacrés__l'augmentation de la prévalence des maladies sexuellement transmissibles chez les communautés rurale ;_l’influence des populations locales sur les activités de la conservation. L’ensemble des communautés rurales vivent des problèmes identiques, tels que les restrictions d’accès aux forêts, les conditions de vie médiocres, le bouleversement des systèmes de valeurs, les relations de dominants à dominés avec le projet APDS. re thèse. Un certain nombre d’activités ont été réalisées dans ce sens. Pour mener à terme les investigations, nous avons procédé à 3 démarches méthodologique s’articulant autour de : recherche documentaire, observation sur le terrain et implication des populations locales dans le processus de collecte de données (interview, focus group et questionnaires) nous avons aussi utilisé la Méthode Accélérée de recherche Participative (MARP). Des illustrations (tableaux, planches et figures) et autres statistiques nous ont permis d'en ressortir des Résultats majeurs La localité de Mbéko a aussi ces particularités, la prise de conscience de la communauté rurale de Mbéko doit la protection et la définition d'une nouvelle utilisation de ces ressources naturelles. Pour ce, le développement des activités éco touristiques ont été retenues; la gestion du patrimoine se fait également d'une manière économique et d'un intérêt social. C'est un choix créatif et uni qui est guidé par des directeurs et des valeurs, et également une ambition partagée par la toute la communauté. Afin d'atteindre ce but, la communauté emploie tous les leviers existants pour le développement. La communauté a fait ses ressources naturelles et culturelles un héritage que des qualités sont considéré par toute la communauté comme ligne prioritaire de leur action qui est le développement touristique, un nouveau chapeau en termes de proximité et concerner de services la création d'emplois. Des activités de multiplication des espèces floristiques ont été faites, surtout les essences du groupe 1 telles que l’Ayous, Sipo des essences sur lesquelles les communautés ramassent des chenilles. / The development of the natural ressources and cultural is one of the national priorities being able to contribute to the eradication of poverty. It is within this framework that our proposal for a thesis is. After a brief presentation of the geographical and scientific contexts, methodology was approached, as well as the conceptual framework, the assumptions and the problems. Two pennies - prefectures seem to us particularly interesting: sub-prefecture of Mbaïki and that of Bayanga. Indeed, they belong to the main forest of Central African South-west, one of richest of Africa. At the sides of the cultural patrimonial potentialities, they constitute tourist potentialities. The forest was always one of the basic components of the medium of life of the populations because of the products of gathering, hunting and wood that they collect there and of the cultural inspirations that they draw there. These sanctuaries became major stakes. It is a reflection which we approached in our thesis entitled: “Tourist potentialities and heritages at the rural communities of Bayanga and Mbéko in Central African Republic: representations of the various actors and challenges”. The term of tourist potentialities is the whole of the resources whose development could in the future being source of Major Results the protection and the definition of a new use of these natural resources. For this, the development of the tourist éco activities were retained; the management of the heritage is also made economic manner and of a social interest. These is a creative and plain choice which are guided by directors and values, and also an ambition shared by the all community. In order to achieve this goal, the community uses all the existing levers for the development. The community made its natural resources and cultural a heritage that qualities are considered by all the priority community as line of contact their which is the tourist development, a new hat in terms of proximity and to relate to services job creation. Activities of multiplication of the floristic species were made, especially the petrols of group 1 such as Ayous, Sipo of the petrols on which the communities collect caterpillars. On the level of Bayanga, alities and heritages at the rural communities of Bayanga and Mbéko in Central African Republic: representations of the various actors and challenges”. The term of tourist potentialities is the whole of the resources whose development could in the future being source of profit, Recommendations of research To bring amendments to the legislation for a legal recognition of the usual soils of the village community to the level of Bayanga; To initiate a project of management associating eco-tourism and durable forestry holding, and to integrate Sangha - Sangha into the process in order to develop their knowledge and their culture as at Aka. To develop the communication skills near the rural community of Bayaganga. To initiate microphone - projects in order to contribute the whole of the perennating parts in management and effective protection of the cultural heritage and naturalness. To also re-examine the management system on the level ofMbéko, the research of the assistance or the co-operation thus allowing the support of the institutions through the technical assistance within the framework of the resolution of the difficulties of management, and also within the framework of support of the artisanal and agroalimentary activities likely to be to export, especially with commercial goal, that relates to thePFNL. alities and heritages at the rural communities of Bayanga and Mbéko in Central African Republic: representation [...]

Pour une mésoéconomie de l'émergence de la bioéconomie : représentations, patrimoines productifs collectifs et stratégies d'acteurs dans la régulation d'une chimie doublement verte / Toward a mesoeconomic analysis of the emergence of a bioeconomy : collective heritages and actors strategies in the régulation of a doubly green chemistry

Befort, Nicolas 25 November 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse analyse, à partir d’une démarche mésoéconomique régulationniste et évolutionniste, l’émergence d’un espace économique. Les acteurs l’ont baptisé « bioéconomie », à partir d’interprétations divergentes du terme. Cet espace se différencie des façons traditionnelles de se représenter la division du travail en secteurs (la chimie, l’agriculture, l’énergie). Les acteurs qui cherchent à constituer cet espace les recomposent dans un champ original et spécifique. Ce champ est fondé sur l’usage de ressources renouvelables végétales, animales et algales. Les acteurs constituant le champ se proposent d’être une « industrie des industries ». Ils fourniraient, non pas des produits finaux, mais des produits intermédiaires, agro-alimentaires ou destinés à la chimie, aux matériaux et à l’énergie. Ce champ ne comprend pas par exemple le photovoltaïque. La bioéconomie recompose les relations entre agriculture et chimie, en (re)faisant de la première un fournisseur de la seconde. Nous mobilisons la notion de régimes de production de connaissances et d’activités économiques pour décrire la diversité des promesses technologiques faites par les acteurs. Nous montrons alors que la bioéconomie ne peut se réduire à la « révolution biotechnologique ». Trois grandes visions de la bioéconomie se confrontent. A un niveau plus fin, on présente trois cas de cette diversité. Les acteurs portent une « économie des promesses » à partir de leurs patrimoines productifs collectifs respectifs qu’ils cherchent à reproduire et projeter dans le futur. Cela donne lieu, de leur part, à un travail de problématisation de l’espace de la bioéconomie, qui détermine leur allocation de ressources. / This thesis analyses the emergence of a new economic space from a mesoeconomic regulationist and evolutionist approach. This space has been called "bioeconomy" by the actors after divergent and conflictual interpretations of this concept. This economic space differs from the traditional ways of representing the division of labour into sectors (chemistry, agriculture, energy). The actors involved in seeking to define this space are reconstructing these sectors into an original and specific field, which is built on the use of biobased plant, animal and algal renewable resources. These actors consider themselves to be becoming the "industry of industries". Thus, instead of providing end products, they produce intermediates for agro- or chemical industries, materials or energy. The field does not cover photovoltaic electricity. Therefore, bioeconomy is a recomposition of the relationships between agriculture and chemistry in which the former becomes the supplier for the latter. We use the concept of the regimes of production of knowledge and of economic activity to describe the diversity of the technological promises made by the actors involved. We show, therefore, that bioeconomy cannot be reduced to the biotechnological revolution. Three broad views of bioeconomy emerge. At a deeper level, we present here three case studies to illustrate this diversity. The actors are weighed down by an "economy of promises" based on their own productive heritages that they are trying to reproduce and project into the future. This leads them to problematize the bioeconomy space in order to determine their resource allocations.

Le "Dinh", patrimoine architectural du vieux quartier de Hanoï et élément structurant du développement urbain / The "Dinh" architectural heritage of the old district of Hanoi and structuring element of urban development

Tran, Viêt Anh 08 June 2018 (has links)
Hanoi, à travers une longue histoire de plusieurs milliers d'années, dispose de très riche héritage patrimonial, souvenirs de son développement. Ces témoignages historiques sont exprimés par la présence de valeurs culturelles matérielles et immatérielles. L’architecture est considérée comme une représentante complète pour identifier ces traces historiques.Cependant, pour ces vieux centres urbains millénaires comme Hanoi, il existe un phénomène symbiotique. La conservation des valeurs culturelles anciennes dans le contexte de modernisation est la source du risque de négligence ou d’abus pour les patrimoines culturels. Pour les pays en développement, notamment les pays asiatiques comme le Vietnam, l'objectif de développement rapide afin de rattraper et de dépasser les pays développés est un fort désir. Il y a donc un très fort enjeu pour la conservation des valeurs culturelles traditionnelles. Cela conduit souvent à des relations antagonistes entre conservation de l’héritage historique et développement. En effet, pour un développement économique fort, on a besoin parfois d’ignorer les besoins culturels et spirituels, directement liés à la vie communautaire.Les patrimoines architecturaux souffrent de l’«indifférence» et divisent la communauté. Il s’agit dans cette thèse de proposer une approche différente pour nous aider à voir que la cause de ces problèmes est non seulement due à des besoins de développement économique, des aspirations pour enrichir la communauté, mais aussi un manque d'informations sur les valeurs de l'architecture du patrimoine culturel. C’est une lacune dans la gestion des collectivités locales et dans la prise de conscience du peuple. Une telle exigence est de combler cette lacune. De ce fait, je me permets de soumettre mon mémoire sous le thème Préservation et promotion des valeurs de l'architecture des Đình dans le vieux quartier de Hanoi – le patrimoine architectural et urbain du Vietnam. / Hanoi, through a long history of several thousand years, has a very rich heritage heritage, memories of its development. These historical testimonies are expressed by the presence of material and intangible cultural values. Architecture is considered as a complete representative to identify these historical traces.However, for these old millennial urban centers like Hanoi, there is a symbiotic phenomenon. The preservation of ancient cultural values in the context of modernization is the source of the risk of neglect or abuse of cultural heritage. For developing countries, especially Asian countries such as Vietnam, the goal of rapid development to catch up and overtake developed countries is a strong desire. There is therefore a very strong stake for the conservation of traditional cultural values. This often leads to antagonistic relationships between conservation of historical heritage and development. Indeed, for a strong economic development, we sometimes need to ignore cultural and spiritual needs, directly related to community life.The architectural heritages suffer from "indifference" and divide the community. The purpose of this thesis is to propose a different approach to help us see that the cause of these problems is not only due to economic development needs, aspirations to enrich the community, but also a lack of information about values of the cultural heritage architecture. This is a gap in the management of local communities and in the awareness of the people. Such a requirement is to fill this gap. Therefore, I allow myself to submit my thesis under the theme Conservation and promotion of the values of the Đình architecture in the old district of Hanoi - the architectural and urban heritage of Vietnam.


Glowacka-Musial, Monika January 2009 (has links)
Tucson, Arizona is a site of a lively Polish-American community. Initially associated with a political organization ("Solidarity Tucson"), which actively supported the Solidarity Movement throughout the 1980s, the Polish diaspora has gradually transformed into an ethnic community very much focused on maintaining its distinctive heritage. Recent formation of the Polish folkloric dance group Lajkonik was directly stimulated by the local multicultural establishment, which promotes ethnic diversity in the Old Pueblo. Having become an integral part of the Southwestern society, Lajkonik has developed a collection of identity practices, which despite diverse influences continues to reproduce Polish cultural traits. In my ethnographic account, I examine ways, by which members of the Lajkonik group construct their diasporic identities. First, I focus on the core activities of the group, which include the practice of Polish traditions, learning folk dances and songs in a wide cultural context, and negotiating the speaking of Polish. Additional analyses, based on video recordings, of Polish classes and dance rehearsals, which show the actual mechanics of the production processes, as well as the narratives of the teacher and parent of performers, further support the account of the ethnographer. Secondly, I look into the development of Polishness for public consumption, which involves negotiation of multiple images in accordance with specific cultural events, creation of engaging stage programs, and presenting the essence of Polishness to festival audiences in Tucson. Regardless of the particular purpose of identities' productions, either for integrating community or public display, these processes simultaneously involve the quest for authenticity, building ethnic pride, and negotiations of diverse traditions. / Anthropology

Deslocamentos à Zona Sul de Porto Alegre (RS): experiências em turismo agroecológico

Rodrigues, Maria Claudia 17 October 2017 (has links)
Submitted by JOSIANE SANTOS DE OLIVEIRA (josianeso) on 2017-12-14T13:53:21Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Maria Claudia Rodrigues_.pdf: 6459197 bytes, checksum: b9507f7dffd8b378de456136a666721f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-12-14T13:53:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Maria Claudia Rodrigues_.pdf: 6459197 bytes, checksum: b9507f7dffd8b378de456136a666721f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-10-17 / Nenhuma / A tese investiga os processos de atribuição de significados e sentidos às propriedades, à natureza e aos produtos vinculadas ao turismo rural de Porto Alegre, capital do estado do Rio Grande do Sul – Brazil, na trajetória de transformação desses bens para uso do turismo. O corpus de análise compõe-se de quatro empreendimentos ligados a projetos de turismo agroecológico na zona sul do município de Porto Alegre: “Sítio Tio Juca”, “Sítio Herdeiros”, “Sítio Capororoca”, “Granja Santantonio”. O critério de escolha desses empreendimentos decorre das relações sociais de vizinhança e parentesco e por que iniciaram o projeto Caminhos Rurais de Porto Alegre como sócios fundadores da associação POARURAL. Trata-se de uma abordagem que se desenvolve na perspectiva metodológica da Análise Situacional, de Van Velsen (1987), e da perspectiva fenomenológica de Alfred Schutz (1979), em que se busca transitar de forma interdisciplinar por diversas áreas do conhecimento articulando diálogos, em particular: Turismo Rural, Patrimônio Cultural, Cidadania. Os resultados se direcionam a ideia de que o processo de produção do projeto Caminhos Rurais gera simultaneidades que produzem referentes de novos projetos e correspondências. Ao se organizarem em grupo na constituição de um produto turístico para Porto Alegre, esses atores acabam negociando identidades e promovendo novas ações de cidadania e passam a assumir diversas identidades. Observou-se a produção de uma “cultura agroecológica”, devido aos sentidos e intercâmbio de significados que ali são produzidos sobre a natureza, a paisagem, a agroecologia, os modos de vida. Na medida em que amplia o conceito de pedagogia pode-se intuir que os sítios produzem “agroecopedagogias”. Ao se posicionarem em uma “cultura agroecológica”, as lideranças avançam e problematizam o espaço em que estão inseridas propondo lógicas coletivas de ação que tratam de outras formas de fazer econômico, político, social e ambiental e possibilitam uma gestão participativa que estimula o debate horizontal fortalecendo a autonomia, a cooperação e os laços de sociabilidade entre associados e colaboradores do projeto. Esses atores se articulam a outros coletivos que empreendem propostas semelhantes e que buscam salvaguardar a paisagem, a natureza, a história e cultura locais em uma tentativa de minimizar os impactos que os programas de políticas públicas habitacionais trazem para a zona sul de Porto Alegre. / The thesis investigate the processes of attribution to the properties, nature and products associated to the rural tourism of Porto Alegre city, capital of Rio Grande do Sul State – Brazil, in the transformation journey of these assets into public patrimony and heritage for tourism purposes. The analysis corpus consists of four initiatives linked to agro-ecological tourism projects in the far south of the city: “Sítio Tio Juca”, “Sítio Herdeiros”, “Sítio Capororoca” and “Granja Santantonio”. The selection criteria of these sites derive from two main aspects: the neighborhood and kinship social relationships and the fact they started the project named Rural Paths of Porto Alegre (“Caminhos Rurais de Porto Alegre”) as founding members of the POARURAL association. It is an approach developed in the methodological perspective of Van Velsen´s Situational Analysis (1987) and in the phenomenological perspective of Alfred Schutz (1979), in which the purpose is to transit through and understand various areas of knowledge in a n interdisciplinary way, coordinating and strengthening dialogues, especially the Rural Tourism, Cultural Heritage and Citizenship. The results point to the idea that the product process of the Rural Paths project generate simultaneities that produce references for new projects and correspondences. By organizing themselves as a group in the constitution of a tourism product for Porto Alegre, these players end up negotiating identities and promoting new citizenship actions and turn to assume several identities. It was observed the formation of a agro-ecological culture due to the meanings and the exchange of these meanings about nature, landscape, agro-ecology and ways of life that are produced there. Extending the concept of pedagogy it is possible to intuit that these sites produce “agro-eco-pedagogies”. By positioning themselves in an "agro-ecological culture", the leaders advance and problematize, enquire the space in which they are inserted proposing collective logics of action that deal with other forms of economic, political, social and environmental making and allow a participative management that stimulates the horizontal debate strengthening the autonomy, cooperation and the bonds of sociability among associates and collaborators of the project. These players or actors articulate themselves with other groups that have similar proposals and seek to preserve the landscape, nature, history and local culture in an attempt to minimize the impacts that public housing programs bring to the southern area of Porto Alegre city.

Gli Ostrogoti. Sopravvivenze sociali e culturali nell'Italia medievale / The Ostrogoths. Social and Cultural Survivals in Middle Age Italy

CAPRI, FABIO 18 March 2008 (has links)
Ridefinizione del tema delle origini dei Goti secondo il recente dibattito e indagine storico-prosopografica basata su fonti narrative, documentarie, archeologiche ed epigrafiche sulla fisionomia identitaria e sociale degli Ostrogoti insediati in Italia e sopravvissuti nel periodo successivo alla Guerra Greco-Gotica (dalla seconda metà del VI sec. d.C..), con particolare attenzione alle aree di dominio bizantino. Il lascito della loro memoria etnica, storica e istituzionale nel Regnum longobardo e in alcune fonti narrative italiane medievali. / Redefinition of the Goths-origins them in the recent debate, and historical -prosopographical research based on narrative, documentary, archaeological and epigraphic sources about the identity and social make-up of living and surviving Ostrogoths in Italy after the Greek-Gothic War (from 2nd half of VIth century), particularly for the areas under Byzantine rule. The heritage of their ethnic, historical, and institutional remembrance in the Lombard kingdom and in some Italian middle-age narrative sources.

Processus de patrimonialisation des sites religieux dans les espaces protégés de montagne : la Grande Chartreuse(Préalpes du Nord) et la vallée de la Qadisha-forêt des Cèdres du Dieu (Nord-Liban) / Granting of heritage status of religious sites in mountain protected areas : The Grande-Chartreuse monastery (French Alps) and the Qadisha valley - forest of Cedars of God (Northern Lebanon)

Pasquier, Justine 09 December 2011 (has links)
La recherche menée dans le cadre de cette thèse a pour objet d'analyser et de comprendre les dynamiques émanant de la relation patrimoine religieux / espaces de montagne protégés (patrimoine naturel) en réinterrogeant la persistante rupture nature-culture et les significations du sacré dans le contexte patrimonial. Il s'agit aussi d'appréhender la nature et la signification des « lieux et bâtiments religieux », ainsi que leur rôle dans les processus de patrimonialisation et de réappropriation des espaces de montagne par les différents acteurs du territoire. Cette thèse de géographie s'inscrit dans la réflexion actuelle de redéfinition des missions des Parcs naturels et dans le mouvement de promotion de la notion de « paysage culturel » par les instances internationales (e.g. UNESCO). Le site du monastère de la Grande-Chartreuse (Parc naturel régional de la Chartreuse), la vallée de la Qadisha et la forêt des Cèdres de Dieu (Nord-Liban) sont apparus comme des terrains riches permettant de mener à bien cette recherche doctorale qui mêle géographie culturelle et espaces montagnards. L'approche qualitative a été privilégiée pour répondre à cette problématique. Cette recherche s'appuie ainsi sur la chronosystémique, l'analyse de la littérature viatique et de données collectées (rapports officiels, législations, cartographie, relevés de terrains, interviews etc.). / The aim of this research is to analyse and understand relationships between religious heritage and mountain protected areas (natural heritage). This research highlights the persistent boundaries between natural and cultural heritage and the meaning of the sacred in the heritage process.The meaning of “religious spaces, places and edifices” and the relationships between heritage / society / mountain areas and granting of heritage status have been studied. Recently, Natural Parks develop new missions and are interested by the “cultural landscape” concept developed by international authorise (e.g. UNESCO). What are the meaning and the significance of cultural and religious heritage in mountain protected areas? The studied areas are the Grande-Chartreuse monastery (French Alps), the Qadisha valley and the Forest of cedars of God (Northern Lebanon). Qualitative methodology has been chosen for this research, such as chronosystemic approach, textual analysis (tourist documents and travel books) and analysis of collected data (legislations, interviews, government reports, fieldwork, maps, etc.).

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