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有限体上的排列多項式之判斷準則的各種證明方法 / Various Proofs of PP's Criteria over Finite Fields解創智, Hsieh, Chuang-Chih Unknown Date (has links)
In this paper, we provide a complete survey of the important criteria for permutation polynomials over finite fields, including the classical Hermite-Dickson's Criterion and the recent Wan-Turnwald's Criterion. We review the various proofs of these criteria and give new proofs of them.
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Constantes d’Hermite et théorie de VoronoïMeyer, Bertrand Fabien 28 November 2008 (has links)
Cette thèse s'intéresse aux constantes d'Hermite généralisées associées au groupe linéaire adèlique. A l'image de la théorie de Voronoï classique, on y définit deux propriétés, la perfection et l'eutaxie qui caractérisent les maxima locaux de l'invariant d'Hermite. Des inégalités et liens connus dans le cas classique sont étendus au cas général et fournissent la valeur de la constante dans certains cas. Par une théorie des designs définie pour la variété drapeau et semblable à celle des designs sphériques et grassmaniens, on fournit également de nombreux exemples d'objets atteignant l'extrémum. / This thesis studies generalised Hermite constants associated with the adelic general linear group. Like for the classical Voronoi theory, we define two properties, perfection and eutaxy, which characterise the local maxima of the Hermite invariant. Upper bounds and links known in the classical case are extended to the general case and provide the value of the constant in some cases. Through a theory of designs defined for the flag variety and similar to spherical or grassmanian design, we give also many examples of objects reaching locally the extremum.
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Contractivity-Preserving Explicit 2-Step, 6-Stage, 6-Derivative Hermite-Birkhoff–Obrechkoff Ode Solver of Order 13Alzahrani, Abdulrahman January 2015 (has links)
In this thesis, we construct a new optimal contractivity-preserving (CP) explicit, 2-step, 6-stage, 6-derivative, Hermite--Birkhoff--Obrechkoff method of order 13, denoted by HBO(13) with nonnegative coefficients, for solving nonstiff first-order initial value problems y'=f(t,y), y(t_0)=y_0. This new method is the combination of a CP 2-step, 6-derivative, Hermite--Obrechkoff of order 9, denoted by HO(9), and a 6-stage Runge-Kutta method of order 5, denoted by RK(6,5). The new HBO(13) method has order 13.
We compare this new method, programmed in Matlab, to Adams-Bashforth-Moulton method of order 13 in PECE mode, denoted by ABM(13), by testing them on several frequently used test problems, and show that HBO(13) is more efficient with respect to the CPU time, the global error at the endpoint of integration and the relative energy error. We show that the new HBO(13) method has a larger scaled interval of absolute stability than ABM(13) in PECE mode.
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Asymptotic bounds and values for the norm of the Laplace operator and other partial differential operators on spaces of polynomialsRebs, Christian 09 December 2020 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Dissertation werden endlichdimensionale Räume multivariater Polynome in N Variablen mit der Laguerre-, Hermite- bzw. Legendrenorm versehen.
Dabei sei der Höchstgrad der Polynome oder die Summe der Grade der Variablen durch eine natürliche Zahl n nach oben beschränkt. Wir betrachten auf diesen Räumen den Laplaceoperator und zwei weitere partielle Differentialoperatoren
und interessieren uns für das Verhalten der von den Polynomnormen induzierten Operatornormen dieser Operatoren, wenn n gegen unendlich strebt.
Im Fall der Laguerre- und Legendrenorm werden asymptotische obere und untere Schranken der Operatornormen hergeleitet. Im Fall der Hermitenorm kann sogar eine asymptotische Formel gezeigt werden, wenn man voraussetzt, dass der Höchstgrad der Poynome duch n beschränkt ist.
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Numerical Simulations For The Flow Of Rocket Exhaust Through A Granular MediumKraakmo, Kristina 01 January 2013 (has links)
Physical lab experiments have shown that the pressure caused by an impinging jet on a granular bed has the potential to form craters. This poses a danger to landing success and nearby spacecraft for future rocket missions. Current numerical simulations for this process do not accurately reproduce experimental results. Our goal is to produce improved simulations to more accurately and effi- ciently model the changes in pressure as gas flows through a porous medium. A two-dimensional model in space known as the nonlinear Porous Medium Equation as it is derived from Darcy’s law is used. An Alternating-Direction Implicit (ADI) temporal scheme is presented and implemented which reduces our multidimensional problem into a series of one-dimensional problems. We take advantage of explicit approximations for the nonlinear terms using extrapolation formulas derived from Taylor-series, which increases efficiency when compared to other common methods. We couple our ADI temporal scheme with different spatial discretizations including a second-order Finite Difference (FD) method, a fourth-order Orthogonal Spline Collocation (OSC) method, and an Nth-order Chebyshev Spectral method. Accuracy and runtime are compared among the three methods for comparison in a linear analogue of our problem. We see the best results for accuracy when using an ADI-Spectral method in the linear case, but discuss possibilities for increased effi- ciency using an ADI-OSC scheme. Nonlinear results are presented using the ADI-Spectral method and the ADI-FD method.
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A Hierarchical Spherical Radial Quadrature Algorithm for Multilevel GLMMS, GSMMS, and Gene Pathway AnalysisGagnon, Jacob A. 01 September 2010 (has links)
The first part of my thesis is concerned with estimation for longitudinal data using generalized semi-parametric mixed models and multilevel generalized linear mixed models for a binary response. Likelihood based inferences are hindered by the lack of a closed form representation. Consequently, various integration approaches have been proposed. We propose a spherical radial integration based approach that takes advantage of the hierarchical structure of the data, which we call the 2 SR method. Compared to Pinheiro and Chao's multilevel Adaptive Gaussian quadrature, our proposed method has an improved time complexity with the number of functional evaluations scaling linearly in the number of subjects and in the dimension of random effects per level. Simulation studies show that our approach has similar to better accuracy compared to Gauss Hermite Quadrature (GHQ) and has better accuracy compared to PQL especially in the variance components. The second part of my thesis is concerned with identifying differentially expressed gene pathways/gene sets. We propose a logistic kernel machine to model the gene pathway effect with a binary response. Kernel machines were chosen since they account for gene interactions and clinical covariates. Furthermore, we established a connection between our logistic kernel machine with GLMMs allowing us to use ideas from the GLMM literature. For estimation and testing, we adopted Clarkson's spherical radial approach to perform the high dimensional integrations. For estimation, our performance in simulation studies is comparable to better than Bayesian approaches at a much lower computational cost. As for testing of the genetic pathway effect, our REML likelihood ratio test has increased power compared to a score test for simulated non-linear pathways. Additionally, our approach has three main advantages over previous methodologies: 1) our testing approach is self-contained rather than competitive, 2) our kernel machine approach can model complex pathway effects and gene-gene interactions, and 3) we test for the pathway effect adjusting for clinical covariates. Motivation for our work is the analysis of an Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia data set where we test for the genetic pathway effect and provide confidence intervals for the fixed effects.
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Approximation du problème diffusion en tomographie optique et problème inverseAddam, Mohamed 09 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse porte sur l'approximation des équations aux dérivées partielles, en particulier l'équation de diffusion en tomographie optique. Elle peut se présenter en deux parties essentielles. Dans la première partie on discute le problème direct alors que le problème inverse est abordé dans la seconde partie. Pour le problème direct, on suppose que les paramètres optiques et les fonctions sources sont donnés. On résout alors le problème de diffusion dans un domaine où la densité du flux lumineux est considérée comme une fonction inconnue à approcher numériquement. Le plus souvent, pour reconstruire le signal numérique dans ce genre de problème, une discrétisation dans le temps est nécessaire. Nous avons proposé d'utiliser la transformée de Fourier et son inverse afin d'éviter une telle discrétisation. Les techniques que nous avons utilisées sont la quadrature de Gauss-Hermite ainsi que la méthode de Galerkin basée sur les B-splines ou les B-splines tensorielles ainsi que sur les fonctions radiales. Les B-splines sont utilisées en dimension un alors que les B-splines tensorielles sont utilisées lorsque le domaine est rectangulaire avec un maillage uniforme. Lorsque le domaine n'est plus rectangulaire, nous avons proposé de remplacer la base des B-splines tensorielles par les fonctions à base radiale construites à partir d'un nuage de points dispersés dans le domaine. Du point de vue théorique, nous avons étudié l'existence, l'unicité et la régularité de la solution puis nous avons proposé quelques résultats sur l'estimation de l'erreur dans les espaces de type Sobolev ainsi que sur la convergence de la méthode. Dans la seconde partie de notre travail, nous nous sommes intéressés au problème inverse. Il s'agit d'un problème inverse non-linéaire dont la non-linéarité est liée aux paramètres optiques. On suppose qu'on dispose des mesures du flux lumineux aux bords du domaine étudié et des fonctions sources. On veut alors résoudre le problème inverse de façon à simuler numériquement l'indice de réfraction ainsi que les coefficients de diffusion et d'absorption. Du point de vue théorique, nous avons discuté certains résultats tels que la continuité et la dérivabilité, au sens de Fréchet, de l'opérateur mesurant le flux lumineux reçu aux bords. Nous avons établi les propriétés lipschitzienne de la dérivée de Fréchet en fonction des paramètres optiques. Du point de vue numérique nous nous somme intéressés au problème discret dans la base des B-splines et la base des fonctions radiales. En suite, nous avons abordé la résolution du problème inverse non-linéaire par la méthode de Newton-Gauss.
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Analog and Digital Approaches to UWB Narrowband Interference CancellationOmid, Abedi 02 October 2012 (has links)
Ultra wide band (UWB) is an extremely promising wireless technology for researchers and industrials. One of the most interesting is its high data rate and fading robustness due to selective frequency fading. However, beside such advantages, UWB system performance is highly affected by existing narrowband interference (NBI), undesired UWB signals and tone/multi-tone noises. For this reason, research about NBI cancellation is still a challenge to improve the system performance vs. receiver complexity, power consumption, linearity, etc. In this work, the two major receiver sections, i.e., analog (radiofrequency or RF) and digital (digital signal processing or DSP), were considered and new techniques proposed to reduce circuit complexity and power consumption, while improving signal parameters. In the RF section, different multiband UWB low-noise amplifier key design parameters were investigated like circuit configuration, input matching and desired/undesired frequency band filtering, highlighting the most suitable filtering package for efficient UWB NBI cancellation. In the DSP section, due to pulse transmitter signals, different issues like modulation type and level, pulse variety, shape and color noise/tone noise assumptions, were addressed for efficient NBI cancelation. A comparison was performed in terms of bit-error rate, signal-to-interference ratio, signal-to-noise ratio, and channel capacity to highlight the most suitable parameters for efficient DSP design. The optimum number of filters that allows the filter bandwidth to be reduced by following the required low sampling rate and thus improving the system bit error rate was also investigated.
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Sur la répartition des zéros de certaines fonctions méromorphes liées à la fonction zêta de RiemannVelasquez Castanon, Oswaldo 19 September 2008 (has links)
Nous traitons trois problèmes liés à la fonction zêta de Riemann : 1) L'établissement de conditions pour déterminer l'alignement et la simplicité de la quasi-totalité des zéros d'une fonction de la forme f(s)=h(s)±h(2c-s), où h(s) est une fonction méromorphe et c un nombre réel. Cela passe par la généralisation du théorème d'Hermite-Biehler sur la stabilité des fonctions entières. Comme application, nous avons obtenu des résultats sur la répartition des zéros des translatées de la fonction zêta de Riemann et de fonctions L, ainsi que sur certaines intégrales de séries d'Eisenstein. 2) L'étude de la répartition des zéros des sommes partielles de la fonction zêta, et des ses approximations issues de la formule d'Euler-Maclaurin. 3) L'étude du prolongement méromorphe et de la frontière naturelle pour une classe de produits eulériens, qui inclut une série de Dirichlet utilisée dans l'étude de la répartition des valeurs de l'indicatrice d'Euler. / We deal with three problems related to the Riemann zeta function: 1) The establishment of conditions to determine the alignment and simplicity of most of the zeros of a function of the form f(s)=h(s)±h(2c-s), where h(s) is a meromorphic function and c a real number. To this end, we generalise the Hermite-Biehler theorem concerning the stability of entire functions. As an application, we obtain some results about the distribution of zeros of translations of the Riemann Zeta Function and L functions, and about certain integrals of Eisenstein series. 2) The study of the distribution of the zeros of the partial sums of the zeta function, and of some approximations issued from the Euler-Maclaurin formula. 3) The study of the meromorphic continuation and the natural boundary of a class of Euler products, which includes a Dirichlet series used in the study of the distribution of values of the Euler totient.
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Metody výpočtu maximálně věrohodných odhadů v zobecněném lineárním smíšeném modelu / Computational Methods for Maximum Likelihood Estimation in Generalized Linear Mixed ModelsOtava, Martin January 2011 (has links)
of the diploma thesis Title: Computational Methods for Maximum Likelihood Estimation in Generalized Linear Mixed Models Author: Bc. Martin Otava Department: Department of Probability and Mathematical Statistics Supervisor: RNDr. Arnošt Komárek, Ph.D., Department of Probability and Mathematical Statistics Abstract: Using maximum likelihood method for generalized linear mixed models, the analytically unsolvable problem of maximization can occur. As solution, iterative and ap- proximate methods are used. The latter ones are core of the thesis. Detailed and general introducing of the widely used methods is emphasized with algorithms useful in practical cases. Also the case of non-gaussian random effects is discussed. The approximate methods are demonstrated using the real data sets. Conclusions about bias and consistency are supported by the simulation study. Keywords: generalized linear mixed model, penalized quasi-likelihood, adaptive Gauss- Hermite quadrature 1
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