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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Étude expérimentale et optimisation fonctionnelle des installations de séparation électrostatique de mélanges de matériaux granulaires / Experimental study and optimization of electrostatic separators for granular materials mixtures

Richard, Gontran 12 April 2018 (has links)
La démarche expérimentale menée dans cette thèse CIFRE a eu comme objectif l’étude de la faisabilité de la séparation électrostatique d’une large gamme de mélanges de matériaux granulaires issus de déchets d’équipements électriques et électroniques (conducteur – isolant, conducteur – conducteur et isolant – isolant). Trois mécanismes physiques de charge électriques ont été mis en oeuvre : l’induction électrostatique, la décharge couronne et l’effet triboélectrique. Un dispositif de charge de laboratoire et deux séparateurs électrostatiques industriels ont été conçus et réalisés. Le dispositif de charge à cylindre(s) tournant(s) permet la charge triboélectrique de matériaux plastiques. Le prototype de séparateur industriel a d’abord été réalisé pour le traitement de mélanges granulaires conducteur – isolant puis a été adapté à la séparation isolant – isolant. Les trois mécanismes de charge peuvent y être utilisés. Ce prototype a permis la fabrication du premier séparateur électrostatique de série de la société CITF dédié à la séparation de déchets de câbles électriques. Des mesures de charge et de masse ainsi que des simulations et visualisations des trajectoires des particules par caméra rapide ont facilité l’analyse des phénomènes. La méthode des plans d’expérience a permis d’identifier les facteurs influents sur les processus de séparation et de définir leur point de fonctionnement optimal. L’influence d’une décharge à barrière diélectrique sur la charge triboélectrique et la séparation électrostatique de mélanges plastiques a été étudiée. Les travaux réalisés dans cette thèse ont confirmé la séparabilité électrostatique de mélanges de matériaux granulaires. / The experimental approach used in this thesis was aimed at the study of the feasibility of the electrostatic separation of a wide range of granular mixtures from waste electric and electronic equipment (conductive – insulator, conductive – conductive, insulator – insulator). Three physical mechanisms of electrical charging have been employed: electrostatic induction, corona discharge and triboelectric effect. A tribocharging device and two industrial electrostatic separators have been designed and engineered. The rotating cylinder tribocharging device allows the triboelectric charging of plastics. The industrial separator prototype was firstly built for processing conducting – insulator granular mixtures and then adapted for insulator – insulator separation. This prototype, which enables the use of all three electrical charging mechanisms, served as model for the CITF company first industrial electrostatic separator for the recycling of metals and plastics from electric cable wastes. Charge and mass measurement, as well as modelling and visualization of particle trajectories by a high-speed camera facilitated the investigations. Design of experiments method was used to define the influential factors and find the optimum operating conditions of the separation processes. Dielectric barrier discharge exposure of granular plastics may enhance the efficiency of the triboelectric charging of these materials and hence facilitate their electrostatic separation. These researches have confirmed the feasibility of the electrostatic separation of a wide variety of granular mixtures.

Etude de la formation de jets issus de la dispersion d'un anneau de particules solides par onde de choc / Study of the formation of jets issuing from the dispersion of a ring of solid particles by shock wave

Rodriguez, Vincent 28 November 2014 (has links)
La dispersion de particules par une onde de souffle ou de choc induit la formation de structures régulières qui prennent la forme de jets de particules. Jusqu'à présent, les expériences n'ont été réalisées qu'en trois dimensions rendant difficile l'exploitation des données. Dans cette étude, une onde de souffle, générée à l'extrémité d'un tube à choc, débouche au centre d'un anneau de particules solides initialement confiné dans une cellule de Hele-Shaw. Pour la première fois, à partir d'une expérience de laboratoire, la formation de jets de particules est observée dans une configuration quasi bi-dimensionnelle et pour de faibles niveaux de pression. Grâce à un système de visualisation ultra-rapide, il a été mis en évidence que la sélection du nombre de jets de particules est un processus instationnaire. Nous avons observé que les jets de particules sont initialement formés à l'intérieur de l'anneau et sont ensuite expulsés à l'extérieur du front de particules en expansion. L'influence de nombreux paramètres, tels que la densité et le diamètre des particules, la surpression générée et la géométrie de l'anneau, ont été étudiées. La synthèse des résultats expérimentaux obtenus a permis d'établir certaines relations empiriques reliant le nombre de jets aux propriétés initiales. De plus, la formation de fines perturbations sur le front externe de la couche de particules a été observée. Ce phénomène est quant à lui indépendant des jets principaux et dépend seulement de la nature des particules. / The dispersion of particles by a blast or a shock wave induces the formation of coherent structures which take the form of particle jets. All the experiments conducted so far have been performed in three-dimensional geometry. In the present study, a blast wave, issuing from the discharge of a planar shock wave at the exit of a conventional shock tube, is generated in the center of a granular medium ring initially confined inside a Hele-Shaw cell. With the present experimental set-up, under impulsive acceleration, a solid particle jet formation is clearly obtained and observed in a quasi-two-dimensional configuration, for the first time. From fast flow visualizations, we highlighted that the selection of the number of jets is unsteady. We noticed, in all instances, that the jets are initially generated inside the particle ring and thereafter expelled outward. This point has not been observed in three-dimensional experiments. The influence of many parameters such as density and diameter of particles, the generated pressure and the geometry of the ring, has been studied. Empirical relationships were deduced from the experimental curves. Moreover, we observed in detail the formation of very thin perturbations created around the external surface of the dispersed particle layer. This phenomenon is independent of the main jet formation and solely depends on the nature of particles.

Rozšíření možností optické diagnostiky spínacího oblouku / Enhancement of optical diagnostics of the switching arc

Samohejl, Matěj January 2016 (has links)
This master´s thesis si focused on determinig methodology of optical diagnostics of the switching arc using the high-speed camera Photron SA-X2. The thesis contains basic rules for proper setup of the measurement system and the rules to adjust the camera exposure. The experiments were performed on the prototype of a parametric switching chambre, while the majority of source materials was derived from the requirements of another study which was aimed on the movement of the electode spots. The process of the first adjustment of the camera, a record edit options for the presentation purposes and the process of the 3D model design of the switching arc in SketchUp software was stated. Paper contains a comparsion of the spectral filter effect and neutral density filter effect on the final record as well. The part of the work outputs are the 3D model of the switching arc and the supporting record editing software. The paper results show a degree of the inaccuracies in a optical diagnostics made from only one direction caused by the lack of the information about third dimension.

Elektromagnetická analýza nadproudové spouště jističe / Electromagnetic analysis of circuit breaker tripping unit

Mlynář, Zdeněk January 2017 (has links)
Using circuit breakers as devices for protecting the circuit, equipment, property, and not least the people is an important part of the generation, transmission and distribution of electricity. This puts high demands on the design of complex devices such as circuit breakers. To ensure proper function is one of many parts and that is the trip unit. Trip unit is used to evaluate the current flowing through the breaker and respond to undesirable overcurrent. For these reasons, this work deals with electromagnetic analysis - specifically thermal magnetic trip unit. The focus will be on improving the actual situation and finding more suitable design solutions.

Dynamics of the free surface of stratified two-phase flows in channels with rectangular cross-sections

Vallée, Christophe 24 April 2012 (has links)
Stratified two-phase flows were investigated at different test facilities with horizontal test sections in order to provide an experimental database for the development and validation of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) codes. These channels were designed with rectangular cross-sections to enable optimal observation conditions for the application of optical measurement techniques. Consequently, the local flow structure was visualised with a high-speed video camera, delivering data with high-resolution in space and time as needed for CFD code validation. Generic investigations were performed at atmospheric pressure and room temperature in two air/water channels made of acrylic glass. Divers preliminary experiments were conducted with various measuring systems in a test section mounted between two separators. The second test facility, the Horizontal Air/Water Channel (HAWAC), is dedicated to co-current flow investigations. The hydraulic jump as the quasi-stationary discontinuous transition between super- and subcritical flow was studied in this closed channel. Moreover, the instable wave growth leading to slug flow was investigated from the test section inlet. For quantitative analysis of the optical measurements, an algorithm was developed to recognise the stratified interface in the camera frames, allowing statistical treatments for comparison with CFD calculation results. The third test apparatus was installed in the pressure chamber of the TOPFLOW test facility in order to be operated at reactor typical conditions under pressure equilibrium with the vessel atmosphere. The test section representing a flat model of the hot leg of the German Konvoi pressurised water reactor (PWR) scaled at 1:3 is equipped with large glass side walls in the region of the elbow and of the steam generator inlet chamber to allow visual observations. The experiments were conducted with air and water at room temperature and maximum pressures of 3 bar as well as with steam and water at boundary conditions of up to 50 bar and 264°C. Four types of experiments were performed, including generic test cases as well as transient validation cases of typical nuclear reactor safety issues. As an example, the co-current flow experiments simulate the two-phase natural circulation in the primary circuit of a PWR. The probability distribution of the water level measured in the reactor pressure vessel simulator was used to characterise the flow in the hot leg. Moreover, the flooding behaviour in this conduit was investigated with dedicated counter-current flow limitation experiments. A comparison of the flooding characteristics with similar experimental data and correlations available in the literature shows that the channel height is the characteristic length to be used in the Wallis parameter for channels with rectangular cross-sections. Furthermore, for the analysis of steam/water experiments, condensation effects had to be taken into account. Finally, the experimental results confirm that the Wallis similarity is appropriate to scale flooding in the hot leg of a PWR over a large range of pressure and temperature conditions. Not least, different examples of comparison between experiment and simulation demonstrate the possibilities offered by the data to support the development and validation of CFD codes. Besides the comparison of qualitative aspects, it is shown exemplarily how to treat the CFD results in order to enable quantitative comparisons with the experiments.

Ein Beitrag zum Entladungsverhalten langer Luftfunkenstrecken bei Blitzspannung

Shirvani Boroujeni, Ali 12 December 2014 (has links)
Für die Menschen zählen Gewitter mit Donner und Blitz zu den ältesten bekannten Phänomenen der Natur. Die Tatsache, dass Blitze dennoch bis heute nicht abschließend erforscht sind, liegt in dem äußerst komplexen, schnellen und stochastischen Verhalten der Blitzentladung begründet. Der Autor befasste sich in Rahmen dieser Arbeit u.a. mit der Entwicklung eines modernen Messsystems, durch das die Erfassung von sowohl elektrischen als auch optischen Parametern der im Nanosekundenbereich ablaufenden Prozesse der Entladungen möglich wurde. Es handelt sich um technisch anspruchsvolle Messungen von hohen Stoßspannungen und schwachen Vorentladungsströmen in einem großen Frequenzbereich. Außerdem gelang es durch eine geschickte Synchronisation, die Entladungsprozesse präzise und erstmalig in einer Fotosequenz aufzunehmen. Auf Grundlage der Messergebnisse konnte der Entladungsprozess in mehrere Phasen der Vorentladung unterteilt und beschrieben werden. Vor allem beweisen die Messergebnisse die Existenz einer kanalartigen Vorentladung, die nicht zwingend zu einem Durchschlag führt. Dieser Mechanismus, der bei langsam ansteigenden Spannungen als stabile Leaderentladung benannt und mit Thermoionisation gekennzeichnet ist, war bei Blitzstoßspannungen bisher umstritten. / The breakdown behavior of long air gaps by Lightning Voltages has been investigated and the results of a new measurement system are reported. A series of up to eight photos (made by a high-speed camera) have recorded the expansion of discharge activities during the breakdown process. The pre-discharge current and voltage have been measured as well. The modern measurement techniques have made possible the synchronization of the photos with the current and voltage measurements in nanosecond-ranges. The combination of the measured current, voltage, and photos can precisely explain the breakdown process. The experiments have been carried out with the lightning impulses up to 2.4 MV and the air gaps up to 4 m. Despite of such high voltages, the experimental system has been verified to be appropriate for measuring the pre-discharge current in mA-ranges.

Framtagning av systemuppställning för dynamisk bildtagning med blixtröntgen : Ett arbete i samarbete med Scandiflash AB / Development of a system setup for dynamic imaging with flash x-ray

Lindqvist, Rasmus, Jerresand, David January 2022 (has links)
Inom materialforskning och en stor del av den mekaniska och mekatroniska industrin finns ett intresse av att utnyttja blixtröntgen för att studera dynamiska händelseförlopp i inneslutna system, ej synbara med konventionella kameror. I och med att många rörelser inom de benämna områdena även sker i hyperhastighet så tillåter blixtröntgen statisk bildtagning  av rörelser i flera km/s, med minimal rörelseoskärpa. Detta examensarbete har grundats i att utveckla och utvärdera koncept för en komplett systemuppställning inklusive höghastighetskamera för denna tillämpning.  Syftet med arbetet har således varit att både identifiera och definiera produktens ingående produktkrav, för att spegla den funktion och syftet som önskas uppfyllas, och utifrån detta generera koncept för uppställningen på systemnivå, samt för separata  komponenter. Slutligen har de utvalda koncepten utvärderats genom praktiska prestandatester för att kontrollera dess uppfyllelse av produktkraven. Datainsamlingen för arbetet skedde i form av flertalet praktiska experiment för insamling av kvantitativ data, samt återkommande uppföljningsmöten med involverade medarbetare för insamling av kvalitativ data.  Undersökningen resulterade i ett koncept för en slutprodukt, benämnt funktionsprototyp som motsvarade och uppfyllde de definierade produktkraven vad gäller funktionalitet och prestanda. En diskussion fördes även för den kommande vidareutvecklingen av slutprodukten, inklusive färdigställandet av samtliga koncept och den följande designfasen. / In materials research and a large part of the mechanical and mechatronic industry, there is an interest in using flash X-rays to study dynamic events in enclosed systems, not visible with conventional cameras. Since many movements within the named areas also take place at hyper-speed, flash X-rays allow to capture static images of movements in several km / s, with minimal distortion. This thesis has been based on developing and evaluating concepts for a complete system setup including a high speed camera for this application. The purpose of the work has thus been to both identify and define the product's included product requirements, to reflect the function and purpose that is desired to be fulfilled, and based on this generate concepts for the set-up at system level, as well as for separate components. Finally, the selected concepts have been evaluated through practical performance tests to check its compliance with the product requirements. The data collection for the work took place in the form of two practical experiments for the collection of quantitative data, as well as recurring follow-up meetings with involved employees for the collection of qualitative data. The study resulted in a concept for an end product, called an end concept that corresponded to, and met the defined product requirements in terms of functionality and performance. A discussion was also held for the further development of the end product, including the completion of all concepts and the subsequent design phase.

Acoustic noise emitted from overhead line conductors

Li, Qi January 2013 (has links)
The developments of new types of conductors and increase of voltage level have driven the need to carry out research on evaluating overhead line acoustic noise. The surface potential gradient of a conductor is a critical design parameter for planning overhead lines, as it determines the level of corona loss (CL), radio interference (RI), and audible noise (AN). The majority of existing models for surface gradient calculation are based on analytical methods which restrict their application in simulating complex surface geometries. This thesis proposes a novel method which utilizes both analytical and numerical procedures to predict the surface gradient. Stranding shape, proximity of tower, protrusions and bundle arrangements are considered within this model. One of UK National Grid's transmission line configurations has been selected as an example to compare the results for different methods. The different stranding shapes are a key variable in determining dry surface fields. The dynamic behaviour of water droplets subject to AC electric fields is investigated by experiment and finite element modelling. The motion of a water droplet is considered on the surface of a metallic sphere. To understand the consequences of vibration, the FEA model is introduced to study the dynamics of a single droplet in terms of phase shift between vibration and exciting voltage. Moreover, the evolution of electric field within the whole cycle of vibration is investigated. The profile of the electric field and the characteristics of mechanical vibration are evaluated. Surprisingly the phase shift between these characteristics results in the maximum field occurring when the droplet is in a flattened profile rather than when it is ‘pointed’.Research work on audible noise emitted from overhead line conductors is reviewed, and a unique experimental set up employing a semi-anechoic chamber and corona cage is described. Acoustically, this facility isolates undesirable background noise and provides a free-field test space inside the anechoic chamber. Electrically, the corona cage simulates a 3 m section of 400 kV overhead line conductors by achieving the equivalent surface gradient. UV imaging, acoustic measurements and a partial discharge detection system are employed as instrumentation. The acoustic and electrical performance is demonstrated through a series of experiments. Results are discussed, and the mechanisms for acoustic noise are considered. A strategy for evaluating the noise emission level for overhead line conductors is developed. Comments are made on predicting acoustic noise from overhead lines. The technical achievements of this thesis are summarized in three aspects. First of all, an FEA model is developed to calculate the surface electric field for overhead line conductors and this has been demonstrated as an efficient tool for power utilities in computing surface electric field especially for dry condition. The second achievement is the droplet vibration study which describes the droplets' behaviour under rain conditions, such as the phase shift between the voltage and the vibration magnitude, the ejection phenomena and the electric field enhancement due to the shape change of droplets. The third contribution is the development of a standardized procedure in assessing noise emission level and the characteristics of noise emissions for various types of existing conductors in National Grid.


Xuedong Zhai (8102429) 10 December 2019 (has links)
<div>The mechanical behaviors of different kinds of biological tissues, including muscle tissues, cortical bones, cancellous bones and skulls, were studied under various loading conditions to investigate their strain-rate sensitivities and loading-direction dependencies. Specifically, the compressive mechanical behaviors of porcine muscle were studied at quasi-static (<1/s) and intermediate (1/s─10^2/s) strain rates. Both the compressive and tensile mechanical behaviors of human muscle were investigated at quasi-static and intermediate strain rates. The effect of strain-rate and loading-direction on the compressive mechanical behaviors of human frontal skulls, with its entire sandwich structure intact, were also studied at quasi-static, intermediate and high (10^2/s─10^3/s) strain rates. The fracture behaviors of porcine cortical bone and cancellous bone were investigated at both quasi-static (0.01mm/s) and dynamic (~6.1 m/s) loading rates, with the entire failure process visualized, in real-time, using the phase contrast imaging technique. Research effort was also focused on studying the dynamic fracture behaviors, in terms of fracture initiation toughness and crack-growth resistance curve (R-curve), of porcine cortical bone in three loading directions: in-plane transverse, out-of-plane transverse and in-plane longitudinal. A hydraulic material testing system (MTS) was used to load all the biological tissues at quasi-static and intermediate loading rates. Experiments at high loading rates were performed on regular or modified Kolsky bars. Tomography of bone specimens was also performed to help understand their microstructures and obtain the basic material properties before mechanical characterizations. Experimental results found that both porcine muscle and human muscle exhibited non-linear and strain-rate dependent mechanical behaviors in the range from quasi-static (10^(-2)/s─1/s) to intermediate (1/s─10^2/s) loading rates. The porcine muscle showed no significant difference in the stress-strain curve between the along-fiber and transverse-to-fiber orientation, while it was found the human muscle was stiffer and stronger along fiber direction in tension than transverse-to fiber direction in compression. The human frontal skulls exhibited a highly loading-direction dependent mechanical behavior: higher ultimate strength, with an increasing ratio of 2, and higher elastic modulus, with an increasing ratio of 3, were found in tangential loading direction when compared with those in the radial direction. A transition from quasi-ductile to brittle compressive mechanical behaviors of human frontal skulls was also observed as loading rate increased from quasi-static to dynamic, as the elastic modulus was increased by factors of 4 and 2.5 in the radial and tangential loading directions, respectively. Experimental results also suggested that the strength in the radial direction was mainly depended on the diploë porosity while the diploë layer ratio played the predominant role in the tangential direction. For the fracture behaviors of bones, straight-through crack paths were observed in both the in-plane longitudinal cortical bone specimens and cancellous bone specimens, while the cracks were highly tortuous in the in-plane transverse cortical bone specimens. Although the extent of toughening mechanisms at dynamic loading rate was comparatively diminished, crack deflections and twists at osteon cement lines were still observed in the transversely oriented cortical bone specimens at not only quasi-static loading rate but also dynamic loading rate. The locations of fracture initiations were found statistical independent on the bone type, while the propagation direction of incipient crack was significantly dependent on the loading direction in cortical bone and largely varied among different types of bones (cortical bone and cancellous bone). In addition, the crack propagation velocities were dependent on crack extension over the entire crack path for all the three loading directions while the initial velocity for in-plane direction was lower than the other two directions. Both the cortical bone and cancellous bone exhibited higher fracture initiation toughness and steeper R-curves at the quasi-static loading rate than the dynamic loading rate. For cortical bone at a dynamic loading rate (5.4 m/s), the R-curves were steepest, and the crack surfaces were most tortuous in the in-plane transverse direction while highly smooth crack paths and slowly growing R-curves were found in the in-plane longitudinal direction, suggesting an overall transition from brittle to ductile-like fracture behaviors as the osteon orientation varies from in-plane longitudinal to out-of-plane transverse, and to in-plane transverse eventually.</div>

Untersuchung der Geschosswirkung in der sehr frühen Phase unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Hochgeschwindigkeitsmunition / Study of bullet effects at a very early stage with special consideration of high-speed ammunition

Siegmund, Bernward 13 November 2006 (has links)
No description available.

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