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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Writing Community : The sisterbooks of Töss, Oetenbach and St. Katharinental asbearers of community

Puth, Verena January 2020 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker förståelsen och konstruerandet av gemenskap bland senmedeltidanunnor. Studien baseras på så kallade Schwesternbücher (”systerböcker”), av hagiografininspirerade textsamlingar om uppkomsten av och livet i nunnekloster. Källmaterialet utgörs avböckerna från klostren Töss, Oetenbach och St. Katharinental i den dominikanska provinsenTeutonia. Fokus för studien är en samlingshandskrift som innehåller dessa tre böcker ochgjordes för att främja 1400-talets Observansreform. Genom en sympatisk läsning ifrågasättsdominanta antaganden ur tidigare forskning om böckernas funktion och betydelse. Böckernavisas ha en genomtänkt utbildningsfunktion för att stärka individerna och deras gemenskap somuppnås genom skicklig navigering av förväntningar från genre, teologi, och klostrets vardag.Studien öppnar för nya forskningsansatser angående rvidden och betydelsen av nunnors nätverki den senmedeltida tyskspråkiga regionen.

En folkrörelses förändring : Kontinuitet och förändring i Svensk Idrott 1929-1979 / The changes of a People’s movement : Continuity and change in the official organ of the Swedish Sports Movement ‘Svensk sport’ 1929-1979

Strid, Marcus January 2021 (has links)
In this essay I will show the changes and continuity expressed in the official journal for the Swedish sports movement, Svensk Idrott. More precisely, the purpose of this essay is to investigate how the ideals of the Swedish sports movement changed or remained the same during the period 1929-1979. To further enable me to answer this my questions are as follows: What goals does the journal wish to achieve? Which groups and persons do they want to reach? How do they wish to work to achieve this? My material is the official journal for the Swedish sports movement Svensk Sport. It was a journal founded in 1929 with the expressed purpose of showing the work, goals and other aspects of Riksidrottsförbundet as well as to promote the sports movement. It eventually ended in 2013, but I have chosen to end my investigation of it in 1979 due to economic changes that caused the sports world as a whole to drastically change. My results are that due to economical and ideological changes related to commercialisation, amateuristic ideals and a democratic and feministic push within the larger people's movement changed Svensk Sport from a journal propagating amaturistic ideals with the man in focus to a journal propagating a sports for all people with less hostility to sports as a career choice.

Kolonialismens spöke : En undersökning av svensk kolonialism inom svenska arkiv angående samiskt material

Baer, Nils Ándá January 2021 (has links)
Colonialism is a word coated with history of trauma, opression and self-governance, something most people only apply to the past. However, most people do not realize that colonialism is still alive within our modern community and all the different levels of it. This essay is a analysis if colonialism exists within the swedish archival world in the context of the indigenous people of Sweden: the Sámi. The essay shall discuss how colonialism has affected Swedish archival ways of working in regard to Sámi issues and documenation, but also how colonialism affects todays archival work and the discussion around who should manage the historical items and documets that have been stolen from the Sámi people by Sweden. As the Sámi people live in four different countries, it’s needed to point out that this essay will be focusing on the Swedish side of Sápmi, as the situation in Finland, Norway and Russia are entierly different in regard to politics and, archival practices, yet some of the discussion will be around the Norwegian work with Sámi archives and discussing how it might be applicable to Sweden. As I am part of the Sámi and indingenous community this essay will be using a indingenous perspective of colonalism and the process of decolonisation and the affect it has on our communities, not only does it affect Sweden but globally and why indigenous people are working towards de-colonizing it even if it goes against typical archival practices. As i have the knowledge in both perspectives I will discuss why this is such a complex subject and how the process of de-colonization of swedish archives looks from the Swedish and archival perspective and the Sámi indigenous.

Tankar om Montaigne i Sverige 1880–1925 : Tradition eller modernitet? / Thoughts on Montaigne in Sweden 1880-1925 : Tradition or modernity?

Kaneberg, Håkan January 2023 (has links)
The essay examines how parts of the Swedish bourgeois public viewed the French Renaissance writer Michel de Montaigne and his essays that appeared in a Swedish translation in 1923. The essay covers the period 1850–1925, a period marked by rapid technological and economic development as well as an ideological battle between conservative idealist-religious and radical materialist-liberal currents of thoughts. In the essay Jürgen Habermas´ concept of the "bourgeois public" and Franklin L. Baumer's concept of "the new enlightenment" are used in the theoretical platform. The source material consists of articles in the press, private notes of cultural dignitaries and various literary works. The essay shows that Montaigne and his essays influenced two different Enlightenments, first as a precursor to original Enlightenment thinkers such as Voltaire, and later as a source of inspiration for later currents of ideas within the Swedish New Enlightenment during the 19th century. Montaigne was introduced by the radicals of the new enlightenment in a Sweden that started the journey towards modernity, while it was a conservatively oriented intellectual elite that in a significantly modernized Sweden who adopted him in connection with the translations. This implied that the view of Montaigne changed from a progressive Renaissance force to a view of him as a thoughtful Stoic thinker but still with a strong emphasis on his humanism.

Folk Costume use portrayed in modern Swedish Museums : A study of nationalism, romanticism and bias in modern exhibitions as a consequence of a subject's history.

Gracie Fridberg, Klara January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis has been to investigate the presented usage of folk costumes in three different folk costume exhibitions and what this presented usage may be a consequence of. The essay's issues are: What usage of the folk costume is currently represented within Swedish folk costume exhibits? What implications can be found in this representation? What are the museum's opinions on the representation and its implications? The Swedish folk costume is classified as both immaterial cultural heritage and intangible cultural heritage. This means that it is important to preserve both its immaterial and material qualities, one of these is the costumes use. By equating the modern way of viewing the costume as solely formal and occasion based clothing to festive folk costume and the historical view of the costume as dress to the everyday folk costume we can compare which way of perceiving the costume dominates. The exhibits studied are Dalarnas Museums, Blekinge Museums and Kulturen i Lunds folk costume exhibitions. The folk costume pieces in the exhibition were divided into categories and compared, then interviews were conducted with the museum workers to gain a further understanding of the comparative results. The survey shows that there is a gap in both the exhibitions and collections when it comes to everyday folk costumes. Consequently the modern way of viewing the folk costume is mostly present in the exhibition. Some causes may be collection bias through early collection methods, visitor interest and the museums role and responsibilities to society. Further research may be performing the same survey on a larger scale to further validate the thesis conclusions.

Datorns samhälle eller samhällets dator? : Minnen och narrativ kring datoriseringen av Sverige (1950-1980-talet)

Larsson, Job January 2023 (has links)
Det här är en uppsats som undersöker den tidiga datoriseringen av Sverige (1950- 1980-talet) och mer specifikt hur tiden minns i form av olika narrativ. Undersökningens historiska empiri består i ett antal intervjuer av så kallade ”internetpionjärer” som utfördes mellan 2005 och 2008 i forskningsprojektet Från matematikmaskin till IT. Uppsatsen undersöker hur tekniksynen i dessa intervjuer framkommer och hur dessa fungerar som berättelser om datortekniken och argumenterar för att de förekommande narrativen vilar på en teknikdeterministisk grund. Datoriseringen och datortekniken beskrivs det historiska materialet i samband med idéer om utveckling och en extern, autonom teknik som kopplas ihop med förhoppningar och upplevelser av en effektivisering. Undersökningen visar även på hur dessa förhoppningar och berättelser verkar tillsammans med sammankopplingar av datortekniken med ideal om kunskap och vetenskaplighet. Slutligen visar undersökningen hur idén om en teknologisk utveckling också framkommer i materialet genom att tekniken används som en tidsmarkör. Där datortekniken kom att förknippas med en vision och en förhoppning på framtiden.

Aktiva åtgärder : Amerikansk informationskampanj mot Sovjetisk propaganda och desinformation under 1980-talet

Paulson, Nils January 2022 (has links)
En undersökning av Active Measurs Working Groups arbete under det kalla krigets slutskede, med fokus på en av deras rapporter som handlar om sovjetisk desinformation, propaganda och förfalskningar. Undersökningen innehåller även teorin kring misskreditering och trovärdighet. Även hur trovärdighet kan byggas upp och hur den kan förloras. Trovärdighet är svårt att bygga upp samtidigt som det är också är lätt att förlora. En stor del av uppsatsen ägnas åt Operation INFEKTION, som var en sovjetisk desinformationskampanj om var och hur AIDS uppstod. Enligt kampanjen skapades aids artificiellt i ett amerikanskt laboratorium. Active Measurs Working Group var en grupp vars uppdrag var att avslöja sovjetisk desinformation och att samtidigt förminska trovärdighet hos de aktörerna som spred desinformation och propaganda, som exempelvis Jakob Segal kunde ha, i hans påstådda maktställning inom den vetenskapliga arenan när det gällde aids ursprung. Undersökningen tar också upp hur Sovjetunionen använde sig av båda religiösa grupper samt fredsgrupper för att föra fram sin doktrin i skydd av dessa grupper. Avslutningsvis tas förfalskningar upp där Active Measures Working Group avslöjar cirka fyra förfalskningar, och hur de kom fram till att dessa var just förfalskningar.

Det otänkbaras domän : en komparativ undersökning av Herakleitos och Lars Noréns fragment / The Domain of the Unintelligible : A Comparative Study of the Fragments of Heraclitus and Lars Norén

Eriksson, Morgan January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate modernity as a phenomenon in the history of ideas, and specifically to problematize its strict delimitation between the categories of philosophy and poetry. The foundation of the study consists of a comparative analysis of the fragments of pre-Socratic philosopher Heraclitus and of the Swedish poet Lars Norén, functioning as examples of these respective categories. This is achieved with the help of the theoretical abutments offered by Plato, Sven-Eric Liedman and Iain McGilchrist. The conclusion of the study is that there has been a cultural shift in the Western world since antiquity pertaining to a certain form of philosophizing activity, and that 'the old way' of exploring physics in many ways is the same as 'the new way' of creating poetry.

Strålande tider : När radium var ett säljande argument i hushållsvaror 1900-1930 / Radiant times : When radium was a selling argument in household items 1900-1930

Odhammar, Fredrik January 2022 (has links)
I början av 1900-talet ansågs radium vara ett försäljningsargument för olika hushållsartiklar. Föreliggande studies syfte var att undersöka hur förhållandet till radium i hushållsnära varor såg ut i Sverige under tidsperioden 1900–1930. Syftet var även att undersöka vilka argument, om helbrägdagörande och vetenskapliga, som gavs för att sälja dessa produkter. Ur detta syfte skapades följande frågeställningar. 1. Hur skildrades radiumets olika aspekter i artiklar och annonser? 2. Vilka psykologiska- och medicinska tillstånd beskrevs dessa produkter vara bra för? 3. Vilka anspråk på medicinsk och vetenskaplig kunskap legitimerade användandet av dessa produkter? 4. På vilket sätt framkom det i annonser och artiklar hälsorisker med användandet? Som källmaterial användes artiklar och annonser ur två dagstidningar. Utöver dessa användes ett antal artiklar skrivna av kemisten John Landin. Materialet tolkades ur media- och medicinhistorisk synvinkel. Med tematisk analys skapades fem huvudkategorier: medicinska, skönhets-, psykologiska, vetenskapliga och strukturella argument för att använda radioaktiva hushållsprodukter. Resultatet pekade på att produkterna legitimeras genom bland annat medicinsk och vetenskaplig expertis. Radiumets nyttoaspekter framhölls, då radiumet sades bota allehanda sjukdomar. Inga risker framhölls med användandet. Därefter diskuteras studiens resultat kopplat till ställda frågeställningar och tidigare forskning samt samtidsrelevans. Slutligen diskuteras undersökningens styrkor och svagheter. / At the beginning of the 20th century, radium was considered a selling point for various household items. The purpose of the present study was to investigate how the relationship to radium in household goods looked like in Sweden during the period 1900-1930. The purpose was also to investigate what arguments, about healing and scientific, were given to sell these products. For this purpose, the following questions were created. 1. How is radium described in articles and advertisements? 2. What psychological and medical conditions are these products described to be good for? 3. What claims to medical and scientific knowledge legitimized the use of these products? 4. In what way do advertisements and articles presented any health risks with their use? As source material, articles-, and advertisements from two daily newspapers were used. In addition, several articles written by the chemist John Landin were used. The material was interpreted from media and medical historical point of view. With thematic analysis, five main categories were created: medical, beauty, psychological, scientific, and structural arguments for using radioactive products. The results indicated that the products were legitimized through, among other things, medical and scientific expertise. The usefulness of radium was emphasized when radium was said to cure all kinds of diseases. No risks were emphasized with the use. Then the results of the study are discussed in connection with questions asked and previous research as well as contemporary relevance. Finally, the strengths and weaknesses of the survey are discussed.

Patienter vid Furunäsets Hospital och Asyl : Om diagnostisering och behandling av psykiskt sjuka 1893–1914

Johansson, Liam January 2023 (has links)
This essay explores the diagnosis and treatment of the patients living at Furunäsets Hospitaland Asylum from 1893-1914. This was the biggest mental hospital in the north of Sweden atthe time. By examining patient case books, inspection documents and a textbook aboutpsychiatry of the time, this essay explores what getting a diagnosis meant for the patients ofthe time, as well as what treatments they got after arriving to the hospital. To answer thequestion of how well the treatments went this essay also studies the annual reports from thehospital, with particular interest in staff as well as the number of patients. By studying thereports, it is possible to see how many patients were discharged each year, and for what reason.This will also show how they were classified when discharged, either as dead, unchanged,better, or back to full health. All together this will show that diagnosis and treatment during thetime between 1983-1914 could be very different depending on the symptoms present. Somediagnoses were very similar to each other, and even overlaps. Almost all patients wereencouraged to work while living in the hospital, and it was seen as a part of their treatment.The results show that diagnosis and treatment was seen as a necessity to allow those who werediagnosed to return to “normal” society.Keywords: Hospital, Piteå, psykiatrihistoria, medici

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