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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mezilidské vztahy mezi mladými lidmi a seniory v regionu České Budějovice / Human Relations between Young People and Senior Citizens in the Region of České Budějovice

BOUŠKOVÁ, Jana January 2009 (has links)
The Master{\crq}s thesis deals with the problems of human relations between young people and seniors. Ageing and senior citizen problems list among burning issues in a society. Seniors meet young people very often in their everyday life. It is mainly mutual interaction with seniors, personal experience and other social and psychological factors that influence the attitudes of young people to seniors. Family as an institution plays a significant role in the creation of relationships among people. The objective of the thesis is to discover the quality of current relations between young people and seniors in the region of České Budějovice. The research focused on collecting information about the attitudes, opinions, experience and feelings of senior citizens and young generation in terms of their interaction in current society. Better understanding of the topic could have a positive impact on inter-generation relations between young people and senior citizens in a society.

Universidade: limites e potencialidades no ambiente educacional de uma instituição pública de educação superior no interior do Estado de São Paulo / University: limits and potentialities in the educational environment of a public institution of higher education in the countryside the state of São Paulo

Luciana Maria de Lima Leme 13 February 2017 (has links)
Esta pesquisa visa contribuir com a análise e compreensão dos limites e potencialidades do ambiente educacional de uma instituição pública de educação superior, a partir do estudo sobre como as relações humanas no ambiente educacional desta instituição podem ser influenciadas por elementos culturais relacionados a poder, dominação, hierarquias e dicotomias. A relevância desse trabalho encontra-se na possibilidade de se constituir diálogos sobre a formação cidadã e a construção de uma cultura de procedimentos democráticos para a universidade no século XXI. Em termos de coleta e análise de dados foi estabelecido um processo metodológico idiossincrático, fundamentado por Becker (1999), entre as perspectivas teóricas da etnografia e da Análise Crítica do Discurso (ACD). As técnicas associadas à etnografia, como a observação participante e as entrevistas semiestruturadas e mais o acréscimo de grupos focais fundamentaram a coleta de dados em campo. A análise dos dados obtidos foi realizada por meio de algumas perspectivas da teoria da Análise Crítica de Discurso (ACD) e mais o processo de triangulação de dados e fontes, sob a dinâmica dos aportes teóricos aqui escolhidos. Entre os participantes estão: os alunos do curso de engenharia agronômica envolvidos diretamente com o núcleo de agroecologia; alunos e professores da licenciatura em Ciências Agrárias; alunos (graduandos e pós-graduandos) articulados em grupos de trabalho, centros acadêmicos ou coletivos, como o feminista e o LGBT. O propósito desta escolha foi: dar voz às pessoas dispostas a lançar um olhar crítico sobre o ambiente educacional e pensar em possíveis desconstruções da cultura atual; buscar pessoas engajadas politicamente para conversar sobre questões antagônicas à tradição da instituição, abrindo diálogo sobre diversidade, sexualidade, pluralidade, gestão estudantil, democracia e saberes do senso comum, como a agricultura de base ecológica. Nesta pesquisa, não há intenção em denunciar falhas, apontar erros ou expor pessoas e a instituição a juízos de valor. Preserva-se, assim, o anonimato da instituição e de seus participantes através de um \"Termo de Esclarecimento e Livre Consentimento\". Foram realizadas quinze entrevistas individuais e três grupos focais, totalizando trinta participantes. Sob a perspectiva do grupo aqui pesquisado há duas limitações relevantes da instituição em foco que precisariam continuar a ser investigadas: há indícios que os docentes, graduados e pós-graduados, nesta instituição tendem a reproduzir a mesma cultura vivida há décadas neste ambiente educacional, propiciando um viés cultural formativo para os discentes; há indícios que o trote ou qualquer outro tipo de relação de poder e hierarquia entre os discentes parece emergir como um sintoma das relações humanas disfuncionais no processo de ensino e aprendizagem, no âmbito interno e externo da sala de aula. / This research aims to contribute to the analysis and understanding of the limits and potentialities of the educational environment of a public institution of higher education, based on the study on how human relations in the educational environment of this institution can be influenced by cultural elements related to power, domination, hierarchies, and dichotomies. The relevance of this work lies in the possibility of forming dialogues about citizen education and building a culture of democratic procedures for the university in the 21st century. In terms of data collection and analysis, an idiosyncratic methodological process was established, based on Becker (1999), between the theoretical perspectives of ethnography and Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA). Techniques associated with ethnography, such as participant observation and semi-structured interviews, plus the addition of focus groups, supported field data collection. The analysis of the data obtained was carried out through some perspectives of the theory of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) and the process of triangulation of data and sources, under the dynamics of the theoretical contributions chosen here. Among the participants are: the students of the agronomic engineering course directly involved with the agroecology core; students and professors of the degree in Agrarian Sciences; students (undergraduates and graduate students) articulated in work groups, academic or collective centers, such as the feminist and LGBT groups. The purpose of this choice was to give voice to people willing to cast a critical eye on the educational environment and think about possible deconstructions of the current culture; to find people politically engaged to talk about antagonistic issues to the tradition of the institution, opening dialogue on diversity, sexuality, plurality, student management, democracy, and common sense knowledge, such as ecologically based agriculture. In this research, there is no intention to report failures, point out errors or expose people and the institution to value judgments. This preserves the anonymity of the institution and its participants by means of a \"Clarification and Free Consent\". Fifteen individual interviews and three focus groups were held, totaling thirty participants. From the perspective of the group studied here, there are two relevant limitations of the institution in focus that would need to be further investigated: there are indications that teachers, graduates and postgraduates in this institution tend to reproduce the same culture lived decades ago in this educational environment, propitiating a formative cultural bias for the students; there is evidence that trotting or any other kind of relationship of power and hierarchy among students seems to emerge as a symptom of dysfunctional human relationships in the teaching and learning process, both within and outside the classroom.

A Study of the Effects of Attending a Human Relations Workshop on Teacher Anxiety Scores

Milling, Margaret E. 08 1900 (has links)
The purposes of the study were: (1) to determine whether the experience of attending a human relations workshop produces a change in anxiety levels as measured by two instruments, the Janet Taylor Manifest Anxiety Scale and the Anxiety Scale (Omnibus Personality Inventory); (2) to compare the mean anxiety scores of the experimental treatment group and the control group using the variables of sex, teaching level, and years of experience in public school teaching; and (3) to determine the retention effect on anxiety over an intervening time span of four months for the experimental treatment group. The following are conclusions derived from this study: 1. Whatever effect the experience of attending a human relations workshop had, it cannot be measured by the Anxiety Scale (OPI) or the TMAS. 2. No segment of a school population will experience increased anxiety as a result of attending a Thiokol human relations workshop (1). 3. No significant changes in levels of teacher anxiety can be expected from attending a one-week human relations workshop with the possible exception of individuals with six or more years’ experience who did report lowered anxiety. 4. There is no longitudinal effect on levels of anxiety for teachers as a result of a human relations workshop experience.

Par-delà les sentiments : l'oeuvre de Han Dong 韩 东, une écriture de la Chine contemporaine / Beyond feelings : Han Dong's work, a portrait of contemporary China

Coursault, Sophie 09 February 2018 (has links)
Han Dong est un écrivain incontournable de la littérature chinoise contemporaine. Poète avant-gardiste des années 1980, il est désormais reconnu pour ses talents de romancier, d’essayiste, de scénariste et vient de faire ses premiers pas en tant que réalisateur. Notre thèse a pour objectif de montrer comment, à travers la thématique de l’amour, il est possible de décrypter le regard qu’il porte sur la société dans laquelle il vit et que le recours à ce thème littéraire lui permet en réalité d’aborder des questions qui dépassent largement celles du sentiment amoureux. Ainsi, cette étude a-t-elle en même temps pour but de faire découvrir une œuvre riche et profonde qui propose une analyse à la fois de la société chinoise contemporaine et de l’histoire récente de la Chine. / Han Dong is one of the most prominent authors in Chinese contemporary literature. Avant-gardist poet during the 1980’s, he is nowadays a renowned and respected novelist, essayist and screenwriter who has just finished his first project as director.The purpose at the heart of this thesis is to outline the author’s point of view on the society he lives in through the subject of love throughout his work, as well as to point out how by the means of this topic he can in fact tackle issues that go far beyond mere love and romance. At the same time, this study aims at presenting to the public a rich and complex literary production offering key elements to understand both contemporary Chinese society and China’s modern recent history.

In need of others : An investigation of touch, memory and the need forhuman connection and its relation to my practice.

Hansen, Emma January 2020 (has links)
This paper presents an investigation of the human need of being needed and how dependent we are of each other. I am dealing with my fears of temporary relationships, temporary meetings and the Individualized society, it is about the fast-paced  lives we live and how there is no time for stopping and taking care of each other and our surroundings.I use my craft to reconnect, talk about new or old relationships, and the impact relationships has on the development in one another. I discuss the perspective we have on time and where we have our focus in the moment. Connecting it to the slow movement, making time for the moment that we are in, everything happens in the present.

What are the implications in management and human relations when a son/daughter enters a family business?

Van Heerden, Pieter Francois Hugo 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In die navorsingsverslag het ons geleer dat dit belangrik is om kennis te dra van menslike gedrag. As ‘n mens ‘n goeie idee het hoe mense funksioneer en dinge doen, sal dit makliker wees om saam te werk en om mekaar beter te verstaan. Die skrywer het in hoofstuk twee gevind dat konflik ‘n positiewe invloed kan hê op die transformasie van ‘n seun/dogter in ‘n familiebesigheid. In Hoofstuk 2 word die belangrikheid van kommunikasie in enige besigheid, en veral in ‘n familiebesigheid, beklemtoon. Die skrywer het gevind dat daar nie ‘n groot verskil tussen De Villiers (1985) se studie en dié studie is nie. Hier is ‘n paar verskille wat in Hoofstuk 5 uitgelig is. Seuns en vaders weet nie regtig wat die seun se rol in die familiebesigheid is nie. Hierdie probleem kan direk toegeskryf word aan swak kommunikasie. In Hoofstuk 2 kan ons lees hoe belangrik kommunikasie is. Daar is geen strategie hoe die vader die besigheid gaan verlaat nie. Dit is belangrik om so ‘n verlatingsstrategie op papier vas te lê. Die rede vir so ‘n strategie is om ‘n doel te hê om na te streef en om daarna te werk. Dit kan as ‘n plan gesien word om vas te stel wanneer die vader kan aftree en die seun kan begin planne maak vir sy toekoms. Seuns en vaders het verskillende opinies. Marshack (2003) verwys in Hoofstuk 2 dat die jonger generasie deur konflik ‘n merk in die besigheid kan maak, maar dit hang af of hulle met ‘n doeltreffende oplossing vorendag kan kom vir die konflik of die probleem. In Hoofstuk 2 kan meer oor konflik gelees word. Die skrywer van hierdie navorsingsprojek hoop dat die lesers meer duidelikheid sal hê oor die onderwerp en die implikasies in bestuur en mensevehoudings as ‘n seun/dogter die familiebesigheid betree. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In this research report we learned how important it is to have an understanding of human behaviour. If one has a good understanding on how people function and operate, it is easier to work with other people and it is easier to understand one another. The writer learned that there is not a big difference between the results of the study done by De Villiers (1985) and this study. There are a few differences that can be found in Chapter 5. Sons and fathers are often confused on what role the son plays in the family business. This problem is usually a direct consequence of bad communication. In Chapter 2 we can read how important good communication is. There is often no exit strategy for the father in the family business. It is important to have an exit strategy on paper. The reason for an exit strategy is to have a goal to work towards. This is just a plan to see when it will be possible for the father to retire, and for the son to make plans for his future. Sons and fathers usually have different opinions. Marshack (2003) says in Chapter 2 that through conflict the younger generation can make a mark in the business if they come up with a proper and different solution. In Chapter 2 you can read more about resolving conflict. The writer hopes that you will have more answers on the implications in management and human relations when a son/daughter enters a family business after studying this research project.

Ledarskapets inflytande på organisationsförändring : en fallstudie inom lokalvårdsbranschen / Leadership influence on organizational change : a case study in the cleaning industry

Stamos, Harris, Pugin, Nikita January 2016 (has links)
Moderna organisationer har ett högt tryckt på sig att kunna anpassa sig till marknadens rå-dande förväntningar. De kan pressas av olika intressenter som kunder och konkurrens men även av organisationens egna anställda. Upp till 70% av alla förändringsarbeten misslyckas vilket tyder på att anställda inte är en del av stödet för den framgångsrika förändringen. För att kunna avklara omfattande organisatoriska förändringar behövs det en förändringsagent, vilket oftast utgörs av en stark ledare inom företaget. Denna studies syfte är att bidra med en större kunskap om hur ledarskap kan påverka organisationsförändringar utifrån erfarenheter från ett företag inom lokalvårdsbranschen. Vi hoppas att denna fallstudie bidrar till en ökad förståelse för ledarskapets viktiga roll inom organisationsförändringar. Studien har utförts med hjälp av en kvalitativt inriktad metodinsamling samt fyra stycken semikonstruerade intervjuer från företaget Ren Extra AB, där ledare inom företaget har fått förklara hur de sett tre stycken olika förändringar utvecklas. Slutsatsen för denna studie utformade sig i att ledarskap har en väldigt stor påverkan på organisationsförändringar genom ett flertal åtgärder som har lett ett framgångsrikt resultat för företaget Ren Extra. VDn Gregory lägger stort fokus på anställda samt deras motivation och engagemang. Vår analys tyder på att Gregory har ett HR-perspektiv vilket är effektivt för ett vinstdrivande och växande företag som Ren Extra är. Detta betyder att ledaren bör fokusera på personalen för att uppnå ett framgångsrikt resultat. Beslutsamhet är en del av ledarskapet och är ännu en faktor som har påverkat organisationsförändringarna för företaget Ren Extra, genom att ha tydliga riktlinjer och centraliserat beslutsfattande. Dock visar analysen att delegering av ansvaret och därmed beslutsfattande kan vara ett effektivare ledarskap för att positivt påverka förändringsarbeten. Ledaregenskaper som har visat sig vara produktiva under organisationsförändringar i denna studie är drivkraft, problemlösningsförmåga och personlighet. / Modern organizations have a high pressure to be able to adapt to the markets' expectations. They can be pressured by various stakeholders such as customers and competition, but also by the organization's own employees. 70% of all change projects fail suggesting that employees are not part of the support for the successful change. To achieve organizational changes there is need of a change agent, which usually consists of a strong leader within the organization. This study aims to contribute to a greater understanding of how leadership can affect organizational change with the help of the experience of a company in the cleaning industry. We hope that this case study will contribute to a greater understanding of the important role leadership has within organizational changes. The study has been carried out with the help of a qualitative method and four semi-constructed interviews from the company Ren Extra AB, where leaders of the company have been explaining how they saw and understood three dif-ferent organizational changes. The conclusion of this study showed that that leadership has a very large impact on organiza-tional change through a number of measures, which have led a successful outcome for the company Ren Extra. CEO Gregory puts a great emphasis on employees and their motivation and commitment. Our analysis suggests that Gregory has an HR perspective, which is effective for a profitable and growing company that Ren Extra is. This means that the change leader should focus on staff to achieve a successful outcome. Determination is part of the leadership and is another factor that has affected the organizational changes Ren Extra has experienced, through clear guidelines and centralized decision making. However, the analysis of this thesis shows that delegation of responsibility and hence decision making can be an effective leadership to positively affect organizational changes. Leadership characteristics that have proven to be productive during Ren Extras organizational change in this study is the motivation, problem solving ability and personality.

As relações humanas na escola: fundamentos epistemológicos e ontológicos para uma interdisciplinaridade na educação / Human relations in school: epistemological and ontological foundations for interdisciplinarity in education

Fernandes, Peterson José Cruz 13 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T14:31:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Peterson Jose Cruz Fernandes.pdf: 933571 bytes, checksum: 4e44593d81dcf61a4eec51b729112cd3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-10-13 / This qualitative research with interdisciplinary intervention through literature review, experiences and dialogues, aimed to study and reflect on the relationship between school and interdisciplinarity, evidencing its base: human relationships based on intersubjectivity, excessively punished today. Based on this discussion, we tried to find grounds for the construction of an interdisciplinary school that critic the mechanisms that make us less people and at the same time, contributes to the development of competent people to a life that is not there, but, coexistence. There was here, the desire to take care of human relationships in school. In this research it was possible to notice that the contemporary, the result of a project that fundamentally shifted the reason for systemic and strategic fields, has presented challenges for humans and a sustainable life on the planet, because, among several consequences, promoted a dichotomy between science and existence. The maximum Cartesian: I think therefore I am, annihilated the know thyself. A reflection of this reality: companies, projects, policies, and especially people, are often forced to forget the being, giving way to other verbs too. Thus, there is the need to build subsidies that would allow a more humane and humanizing new path that would bring back man and science, returning them to their proper places. The school has an important role in this process because it is a fruitful space for reflection and action. The interdisciplinarity, understood in this work from the interdisciplinary practice of Ivani Catarina Arantes Fazenda, presents itself as full horizon of meaning, its epistemological and ontological potential, which understands that it is through and for man and the world that the educational process must exist, and in these instances, their territory more legitimate sense. This interdisciplinarity, inserted in a space that is constantly changing and in construction by five principles - consistency, humbleness, wait, respect and detachment, proposes to overcome the dichotomy between science and existence, and the replacement of truth by the truth of science the man as being in the world and the world, bringing up the context so urgent. It is also possible for the coexistence of reason and feeling; perception and knowledge. It is the reconsideration of a unitary conception of man and multiple world / A presente pesquisa qualitativa com intervenção interdisciplinar por meio de revisão bibliográfica, vivências e interlocuções, objetivou estudar e refletir sobre a relação entre escola e Interdisciplinaridade, evidenciando sua base: as relações humanas pautadas na intersubjetividade, demasiadamente castigadas hoje. A partir dessa reflexão, procurou-se encontrar fundamentos para a construção de uma escola interdisciplinar, que critica mecanismos que nos tornam menos gente e, ao mesmo tempo, colabora com o desenvolvimento de pessoas competentes para uma vida que não é existência, mas sim, coexistência. Houve aqui, o desejo de cuidar das relações humanas na escola. Com esta pesquisa foi possível perceber que a contemporaneidade, fruto de um projeto que deslocou a razão para campos fundamentalmente sistêmicos e estratégicos, tem apresentado desafios para o ser humano e para uma vida sustentável no planeta, porque, dentre várias consequências, promoveu uma dicotomia entre ciência e existência. A máxima cartesiana penso, logo existo aniquilou o conhece-te a ti mesmo. Um reflexo dessa realidade: empresas, projetos, políticas e, principalmente, as pessoas, são obrigadas, muitas vezes, a esquecerem do ser, cedendo espaço demasiado para outros verbos. Assim, há a necessidade de construirmos aportes que possibilitem um caminho novo, mais humano e humanizador, que resgate o homem e a ciência, devolvendo-os para os seus devidos lugares. A escola possui papel relevante nesse processo, pois, é espaço fecundo para reflexão e ação. A Interdisciplinaridade, compreendida nesse trabalho a partir da práxis interdisciplinar de Ivani Catarina Arantes Fazenda, apresenta-se como horizonte repleto de sentido, pelo seu potencial epistemológico e ontológico, que compreende que é por meio de e para o homem e o mundo que o processo educativo deve existir, sendo essas instâncias, seu território de sentido mais legítimo. Essa Interdisciplinaridade, inserida num espaço que é e está em constante transformação e construção por meio de cinco princípios - coerência, humildade, espera, respeito e desapego, propõe a superação da dicotomia entre ciência e existência, e a substituição da verdade da ciência pela verdade do homem enquanto ser no mundo e do mundo, trazendo à tona, a tão urgente contextualização. É também, possibilidade para a coexistência da razão e do sentimento; da percepção e do conhecimento. É reconsideração de uma concepção unitária do homem e múltipla do mundo

Strategies to Minimize Direct Care Worker Shortages

Iloabachie, Eric Ik 01 January 2018 (has links)
There is a worldwide shortage of direct care workers who help older adults in their own homes. The purpose of this multiple case study was to explore strategies that owners of home health care businesses can use to retain adequate direct care workers for their businesses. Five home care agency owners from Wake County, North Carolina, participated. Each owner had successfully implemented strategies to ensure adequate caregivers to sustain the business. Human relations theory was used to address the business problem. Data collection involved interviewing the 5 owners of home care agency businesses in their offices. Through a process of methodological triangulation, observations and documentary evidence supplemented data collected through semistructured interviews. Deductive and inductive coding were used to arrange and identify 3 emergent themes: company reputation, training and career development, and the role of government. The results of this study may contribute to social change because home care agency owners and other business owners can use the findings to improve on their treatment of low income workers which may help eradicate discrimination to ethnic minorities.

Memory meanders : place, home and commemoration in an ex-Rhodesian diaspora community /

Uusihakala, Katja, January 2008 (has links)
Diss. Helsinki : Helsinki Universitet. 2008.

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